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Showing 4,901 through 4,925 of 5,042 results

The Nature of Learning Disabilities: Critical Elements of Diagnosis and Classification

by Kenneth A. Kavale Steven R. Forness

The category of learning disabilities continues to be among the most contentious in special education. Much of the debate and dissent emanates from a lack of understanding about its basic nature. The failure to evolve a comprehensive and unified perspective about the nature of learning disabilities has resulted in the concept being lost. The loss is best illustrated through the failure to answer this seemingly simple question: What is a learning disability? Using historical, empirical, theoretical, conceptual, and philosophical analyses, this volume explores a number of problems and issues facing the field of learning disabilities. The chapters cover historical influences, definitional problems, primary characteristics, assessment practices, theoretical development, major themes, research and measurement models, and long-term outcomes. The goal is to explicate the nature of learning disabilities by analyzing what it was supposed to be, what it has become, and what it might be. A predominant theme running through this text is the necessity for the field of learning disabilities to regain integrity by recapturing its essence.

The Nature of Learning Disabilities: Critical Elements of Diagnosis and Classification

by Kenneth A. Kavale Steven R. Forness

The category of learning disabilities continues to be among the most contentious in special education. Much of the debate and dissent emanates from a lack of understanding about its basic nature. The failure to evolve a comprehensive and unified perspective about the nature of learning disabilities has resulted in the concept being lost. The loss is best illustrated through the failure to answer this seemingly simple question: What is a learning disability? Using historical, empirical, theoretical, conceptual, and philosophical analyses, this volume explores a number of problems and issues facing the field of learning disabilities. The chapters cover historical influences, definitional problems, primary characteristics, assessment practices, theoretical development, major themes, research and measurement models, and long-term outcomes. The goal is to explicate the nature of learning disabilities by analyzing what it was supposed to be, what it has become, and what it might be. A predominant theme running through this text is the necessity for the field of learning disabilities to regain integrity by recapturing its essence.

The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator's Handbook: A Guide for Implementing the Code of Practice

by Gregan Davies Garry Hornby Geoff Taylor

In September 1994, the Code of Practice on the Identification and Assessment of Special Educational Needs came into force, and with it a major increase in the expectations placed on teachers in mainstream schools, in particular on the SEN coordinators. This handbook discusses the implications for schools and gives practical guidance on how to implement the code effectively. Throughout, the book provides: * Further information, expanding upon that given in the Code * Examples * Ideas for dealing with SEN in schools * Checklists * Proformas for photocopying and direct use in schools The book begins by explaining and expanding on the Code of Practice, setting it in the context of recent developments including the Education Reform Act and OFSTED criteria for evaluating policy and provision for children in SEN. It then goes on to provide guidelines for implementing the Code of Practice at each of the five stages which it specifies and discusses issues which are raised by this. Specific chapters cover: * Identifying and assessing SEN within the school * Liaison with outside specialists * Statementing * Annual reviews * Knowledge needed by classroom teachers of children with SEN * Implications and issues at different stages of the education system * Parental involvement * Future challenges The book will be of particular interest to special needs coordinators, but will also be of value to anyone else working with children with SEN, including class teachers, heads, advisers, governors, educational psychologists and education welfare officers.

The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator's Handbook: A Guide for Implementing the Code of Practice

by Gregan Davies Garry Hornby Geoff Taylor

In September 1994, the Code of Practice on the Identification and Assessment of Special Educational Needs came into force, and with it a major increase in the expectations placed on teachers in mainstream schools, in particular on the SEN coordinators. This handbook discusses the implications for schools and gives practical guidance on how to implement the code effectively. Throughout, the book provides: * Further information, expanding upon that given in the Code * Examples * Ideas for dealing with SEN in schools * Checklists * Proformas for photocopying and direct use in schools The book begins by explaining and expanding on the Code of Practice, setting it in the context of recent developments including the Education Reform Act and OFSTED criteria for evaluating policy and provision for children in SEN. It then goes on to provide guidelines for implementing the Code of Practice at each of the five stages which it specifies and discusses issues which are raised by this. Specific chapters cover: * Identifying and assessing SEN within the school * Liaison with outside specialists * Statementing * Annual reviews * Knowledge needed by classroom teachers of children with SEN * Implications and issues at different stages of the education system * Parental involvement * Future challenges The book will be of particular interest to special needs coordinators, but will also be of value to anyone else working with children with SEN, including class teachers, heads, advisers, governors, educational psychologists and education welfare officers.

The Tiger’s Child: The Story Of A Gifted, Troubled Child And The Teacher Who Refused To Give Up On Her

by Torey Hayden

Torey Hayden returns with this deeply-moving sequel to her first book, One Child (the Sunday Times bestseller). After seven years, Torey is reunited with Sheila, the disturbed 6-year-old she tried to rescue.

The Tiger’s Child and Somebody Else’s Kids 2-in-1 Collection

by Torey Hayden

For the first time, bestsellers Somebody Else’s Kids and The Tiger’s Child are combined to show Hayden’s extraordinary attempt to rescue the children that no one else wanted to help.

Understanding Attention Deficit Disorder: A Parent's Guide To Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder In Children

by Dr Christopher Green Dr Kit Chee

In his typically friendly and clear style, the ever-popular Dr Chris Green, with Dr Kit Chee, explains the treatments and causes of Attention Deficit Disorder, a condition that affects the learning and behaviour of up to 1 in 10 children in this country. Aimed at parents, teachers and health professionals, this book dispels the myths about ADHD and gives a clear overview of the condition: the causes, the behaviours and the treatments. Full of well-tried, practical strategies to help with common problems such as inattention, underachievement and impulsiveness, the book covers:- The causes, how to help improve behaviour at home and at school- Making the diagnosis, medication and alternative therapies- Hints to help reading, writing and language- Ways to boost self-esteem- ADHD in adults- The latest research and where to go for further helpUnderstanding ADHD offers invaluable guidance to help parents work with teachers and health professionals to give their child the best possible chance of entering adulthood with self-confidence, life skills and secure family relationships.

The Assessment of Special Educational Needs: Whose Problem?

by David M Galloway Derrick Armstrong Sally Tomlinson

The debate about special needs provision has increased dramatically over the last 15 years, however, despite the widespread concern over both learning and behavioural difficulties, there have been few attempts to analyse in detail the process of assessment by which children are being identified as having special educational needs. Drawing upon research carried out by the authors, this book fills that gap by examining the process in detail. It considers the assessment process itself and how it affects and is affected by other areas of school policy - in some cases causing tension and conflict such as parental participation, the use and allocation of resources and multi-professional decision-making. A feature of the book is its analysis of the impact of the National Curriculum and the local management of schools (LMS) provision for special needs.

The Assessment of Special Educational Needs: Whose Problem?

by David M Galloway Derrick Armstrong Sally Tomlinson

The debate about special needs provision has increased dramatically over the last 15 years, however, despite the widespread concern over both learning and behavioural difficulties, there have been few attempts to analyse in detail the process of assessment by which children are being identified as having special educational needs. Drawing upon research carried out by the authors, this book fills that gap by examining the process in detail. It considers the assessment process itself and how it affects and is affected by other areas of school policy - in some cases causing tension and conflict such as parental participation, the use and allocation of resources and multi-professional decision-making. A feature of the book is its analysis of the impact of the National Curriculum and the local management of schools (LMS) provision for special needs.

Diversion from Custody for Mentally Disordered Offenders

by Catherine Staite Neill Martin Rannoch Daly

The authors aim to provide practical guidance to enable practitioners in the various criminal justice, health and social care agencies to divert mentally disordered offenders from prosecution and custody and to help prevent re-offending.

Diversion from Custody for Mentally Disordered Offenders

by Catherine Staite Neill Martin Rannoch Daly

The authors aim to provide practical guidance to enable practitioners in the various criminal justice, health and social care agencies to divert mentally disordered offenders from prosecution and custody and to help prevent re-offending.

The Visually Impaired

by David T. Etheridge Heather L. Mason

First published in 1994. The chapters that make up this book are not primarily about disability or visual impairment. What they do address is the right of all people to have further education and training made available in ways that meet their needs regardless of gender, race, age and ability. This book examines their entitlement to this education and some of the ways in which it can be made accessible. The issues raised are relevant to all people entering further education and training.

The Visually Impaired (PDF)

by David T. Etheridge Heather L. Mason

First published in 1994. The chapters that make up this book are not primarily about disability or visual impairment. What they do address is the right of all people to have further education and training made available in ways that meet their needs regardless of gender, race, age and ability. This book examines their entitlement to this education and some of the ways in which it can be made accessible. The issues raised are relevant to all people entering further education and training.

You and your sight: Living with a sight problem (PDF)

by Hilary Todd Francesca Wolf

This volume is intended for anyone coming to terms with a serious sight problem. More than one person in 60 in the UK has severe sight loss and research shows that many do not know where to turn for help. This booklet gives practical advice and information on many of the questions that sight loss poses. Written in an easy-to-read question and answer format, issues covered include: understanding your sight problem; money matters; coping day by day; housing; keeping up your reading and other interests; jobs and training; and help for parents, children and young people.

Children With Handicaps: A Review of Behavioral Research

by Gershon Berkson

Psychological research on children with mental and physical handicaps began two hundred years ago. Its major development awaited the maturation of psychology as an empirical science and of social movements for child welfare and education. This book is a record of the research accomplished in the 1980s. While at the end of the 19th century, behavioral research on handicapped children could at best be characterized as pioneering; by the beginning of the 1990s, it had become a vigorous activity with scientists producing hundreds of articles a year. The result has been a level of detail in theory and factual support that was not previously available. This volume is written for those who know something about psychology and education, but who are unfamiliar with research on children with handicaps. This might include parents of children with handicaps, upper-level undergraduate and graduate students looking for research topics, and professionals in developmental psychology and the education of normal children who wish to familiarize themselves with the recent developments in the study of deviations in behavioral development.

Children With Handicaps: A Review of Behavioral Research

by Gershon Berkson

Psychological research on children with mental and physical handicaps began two hundred years ago. Its major development awaited the maturation of psychology as an empirical science and of social movements for child welfare and education. This book is a record of the research accomplished in the 1980s. While at the end of the 19th century, behavioral research on handicapped children could at best be characterized as pioneering; by the beginning of the 1990s, it had become a vigorous activity with scientists producing hundreds of articles a year. The result has been a level of detail in theory and factual support that was not previously available. This volume is written for those who know something about psychology and education, but who are unfamiliar with research on children with handicaps. This might include parents of children with handicaps, upper-level undergraduate and graduate students looking for research topics, and professionals in developmental psychology and the education of normal children who wish to familiarize themselves with the recent developments in the study of deviations in behavioral development.

Current Issues in ASL Phonology: Phonetics and Phonology, Vol. 3

by Geoffrey R. Coulter

Phonetics and Phonology, Volume 3: Current Issues in ASL Phonology deals with theoretical issues in the phonology of ASL (American Sign Language), the signed language of the American Deaf. These issues range from the overall architecture of phonological theory to particular proposals such as the nature of syllables and the reality of underlying "dynamic" or "contour" elements. The seemingly universal preference, CV (consonant-vowel) as opposed to VC (vowel-consonant) syllable structure, is also discussed.Comprised of 14 chapters, this volume begins with some general background on ASL and on the community in which it is used. It then looks at secondary licensing and the nature of constraints on the non-dominant hand in ASL; underspecification in ASL handshape contours; and the nature of ASL and the development of ASL linguistics. The applicability of the notion of "phonology" to a signed language and the sort of questions that can be explored about the parallelisms between signed and spoken linguistic systems are also considered. Later chapters focus on the linearization of phonological tiers in ASL; phonological segmentation in sign and speech; two models of segmentation in ASL; and sonority and syllable structure in ASL. The book also examines phrase-level prosody in ASL before concluding with an analysis of linguistic expression and its relation to modality. This monograph will appeal to phonologists who work on both signed and spoken languages, and to other cognitive scientists interested in the nature of abstract articulatory representations in human language.

Facets of Dyslexia and its Remediation (ISSN #Volume 3)

by R. Groner S. F Wright

Developmental Dyslexia has been a subject of interest to practitioners for more than a century. Despite its long research history, however, dyslexia (the terms specific reading disability, reading disability and learning disability are also used interchangeably in this volume) still provides a challenge for contemporary cognitive psychology, education, neurology and physiology. By bringing together contributions from researchers and scholars working in a wide range of fields and perspectives, it is hoped that this publication will offer a means of considering different facets of dyslexia, and enable a greater understanding of reading disorders and their remediation to emerge.The book is divided into eight major sections, the focus in each section being on a different facet of dyslexia. It is hoped this framework enables the reader to assimilate the wide range of pure and applied research and even give rise to a new perspective for the understanding of dyslexia.

Meadowlark Economies: Work and Leisure in the Ecosystem

by Jim Eggert

First Published in 2017. The author shares their feelings about enjoying and preserving the natural environment, yet this book also reveals a conflict in values that the most committed ecologist must face. Such conflict pits the powerful American values of individual freedom and rights against the values of community necessary for sustaining the environment. In publishing this collection of essays, the author hopes to contribute to more enlightened economic analysis and more relevant and effective policies that are good for both the economy and the global ecology.

Meadowlark Economies: Work and Leisure in the Ecosystem

by Jim Eggert

First Published in 2017. The author shares their feelings about enjoying and preserving the natural environment, yet this book also reveals a conflict in values that the most committed ecologist must face. Such conflict pits the powerful American values of individual freedom and rights against the values of community necessary for sustaining the environment. In publishing this collection of essays, the author hopes to contribute to more enlightened economic analysis and more relevant and effective policies that are good for both the economy and the global ecology.

Meeting Special Needs in Ordinary Schools: An Overview

by Seamus Hegarty

How can ordinary schools cope with pupils with special needs? What must they do to move beyond the rhetoric of the integration to effective practical action? Seamus Hegarty aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the key issues in the UK. The National Curriculum, local management of schools, changes in teacher training, the role of parents - are discussed and related to day-to-day realities.

The ADD Hyperactivity Handbook For Schools

by Harvey C. Parker

First published in 1992. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

The ADD Hyperactivity Handbook For Schools

by Harvey C. Parker

First published in 1992. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Analysis of Arithmetic for Mathematics Teaching

by Gaea Leinhardt Ralph Putnam Rosemary A. Hattrup

This volume emerges from a partnership between the American Federation of Teachers and the Learning Research and Development Center at the University of Pittsburgh. The partnership brought together researchers and expert teachers for intensive dialogue sessions focusing on what each community knows about effective mathematical learning and instruction. The chapters deal with the research on, and conceptual analysis of, specific arithmetic topics (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, decimals, and fractions) or with overarching themes that pervade the early curriculum and constitute the links with the more advanced topics of mathematics (intuition, number sense, and estimation). Serving as a link between the communities of cognitive researchers and mathematics educators, the book capitalizes on the recent research successes of cognitive science and reviews the literature of the math education community as well.

Analysis of Arithmetic for Mathematics Teaching

by Gaea Leinhardt

This volume emerges from a partnership between the American Federation of Teachers and the Learning Research and Development Center at the University of Pittsburgh. The partnership brought together researchers and expert teachers for intensive dialogue sessions focusing on what each community knows about effective mathematical learning and instruction. The chapters deal with the research on, and conceptual analysis of, specific arithmetic topics (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, decimals, and fractions) or with overarching themes that pervade the early curriculum and constitute the links with the more advanced topics of mathematics (intuition, number sense, and estimation). Serving as a link between the communities of cognitive researchers and mathematics educators, the book capitalizes on the recent research successes of cognitive science and reviews the literature of the math education community as well.

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