Browse Results

Showing 15,326 through 15,350 of 15,448 results
Title Author ISBN Copyright Features Action
The Sea-Gull 584 Anton Chekhov
Ivanoff 3166 Anton Chekhov
The Lady of Lyons 1509 Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Touch and Go 9065 D. H. Lawrence
The Inspector-General 9083 Nicolay Gogol Thomas Seltzer
The Man of Destiny 9092 George Bernard Shaw
Strife 9055 John Galsworthy
Augustus Does His Bit 350 George Bernard Shaw
Socrates 8977 Voltaire Frank J. Morlock
The Alchemist 8682 Ben Johnson
The Lamp and the Bell 8720 Edna St. Vincent Millay
The Master Builder 8699 Edmund Gosse William Archer Henrik Ibsen
Major Barbara 8712 George Bernard Shaw
Androcles and the Lion 8768 George Bernard Shaw
Anna Christie 8774 Eugene O'Neill
Hassan: The Story of Hassan of Baghdad and How He Came to Make the Golden Journey to Samarkand 8511 James Elroy Flecker
Hedda Gabler 8490 Henrik Ibsen Edmund Gosse William Archer
Count Julian 8355 Walter Savage Landor
Every Man in His Humor 8378 Ben Johnson
Candida 8291 George Bernard Shaw
Tamburlaine the Great, Part 1 3278 Christopher Marlowe
Young Goodman Brown 6793 Nathaniel Hawthorne
She Stoops to Conquer 6752 Oliver Goldsmith
King Richard II 4795 William Shakespeare
King Richard 3225 William Shakespeare

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