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Showing 201 through 225 of 89,243 results

Teaching Hacks: Fixing Everyday Classroom Issues with Metacognition

This book is a practical guide offering new ways to fix many typical day-to-day issues in schools using metacognition to offer effective and efficient solutions. Discover new ways to enhance your own teaching with metacognition and how to apply it to many common aspects of teaching and learning. Every chapter is written by a different education expert and takes a solution-focused approach exploring metacognitive strategies and ideas for the classroom. Key topics include: Smart revision strategies Nuanced and effective feedback The power of modelling answers Student motivation and resilience Supporting struggling writers Integrating metacognition across the curriculum And much more!

It′s Never Just About The Behaviour: A holistic approach to classroom behaviour management

by Claire English

What do teachers really need to know (and do) to confidently mitigate, address, and resolve the sheer volume and complexity of challenging classroom behaviours they face? In It’s Never Just About the Behaviour: A holistic approach to classroom behaviour management, educator Claire English answers this very question. Behaviour isn′t ever just about the behaviour itself and effective behaviour management isn’t about simply responding to a behaviour. It is about thinking through: *the ′why′ behind the behaviour, *the ′what′ is going on in the body and the brain, and *the ′how′ you can proactively craft your pedagogy and practice to support the wellbeing, development and educational experience of all students. This book explores behaviour and classroom management through a holistic and best practice approach. It is driven by engaging and relatable narratives, grounded in research and delivers essential, actionable, and highly relevant professional learning on behaviour management. Claire empowers you to take the action you can take when you walk into your classroom. To feel supported, confident and equipped to turn your own space into an island of safety and support for each one of your students. To know that, when challenging behaviours inevitably pop up, you’ll be able to respond to them effectively and calmly. Allowing you to do the job that you got into the profession to do, and do it damn well. To teach.

It′s Never Just About The Behaviour: A holistic approach to classroom behaviour management

by Claire English

What do teachers really need to know (and do) to confidently mitigate, address, and resolve the sheer volume and complexity of challenging classroom behaviours they face? In It’s Never Just About the Behaviour: A holistic approach to classroom behaviour management, educator Claire English answers this very question. Behaviour isn′t ever just about the behaviour itself and effective behaviour management isn’t about simply responding to a behaviour. It is about thinking through: *the ′why′ behind the behaviour, *the ′what′ is going on in the body and the brain, and *the ′how′ you can proactively craft your pedagogy and practice to support the wellbeing, development and educational experience of all students. This book explores behaviour and classroom management through a holistic and best practice approach. It is driven by engaging and relatable narratives, grounded in research and delivers essential, actionable, and highly relevant professional learning on behaviour management. Claire empowers you to take the action you can take when you walk into your classroom. To feel supported, confident and equipped to turn your own space into an island of safety and support for each one of your students. To know that, when challenging behaviours inevitably pop up, you’ll be able to respond to them effectively and calmly. Allowing you to do the job that you got into the profession to do, and do it damn well. To teach.

It′s Never Just About The Behaviour: A holistic approach to classroom behaviour management

by Claire English

What do teachers really need to know (and do) to confidently mitigate, address, and resolve the sheer volume and complexity of challenging classroom behaviours they face? In It’s Never Just About the Behaviour: A holistic approach to classroom behaviour management, educator Claire English answers this very question. Behaviour isn′t ever just about the behaviour itself and effective behaviour management isn’t about simply responding to a behaviour. It is about thinking through: *the ′why′ behind the behaviour, *the ′what′ is going on in the body and the brain, and *the ′how′ you can proactively craft your pedagogy and practice to support the wellbeing, development and educational experience of all students. This book explores behaviour and classroom management through a holistic and best practice approach. It is driven by engaging and relatable narratives, grounded in research and delivers essential, actionable, and highly relevant professional learning on behaviour management. Claire empowers you to take the action you can take when you walk into your classroom. To feel supported, confident and equipped to turn your own space into an island of safety and support for each one of your students. To know that, when challenging behaviours inevitably pop up, you’ll be able to respond to them effectively and calmly. Allowing you to do the job that you got into the profession to do, and do it damn well. To teach.

Stoizismus für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Tom Morris Gregory Bassham

Die Kunst der stoischen Ruhe In einer hektischen Welt geprägt von Reizüberflutung und endlosen To-Do-Listen gibt es ein jahrhundertealtes Gegenmittel: Stoizismus. Entdecken Sie eine zeitlose Philosophie, die Ihnen einen Weg zur inneren Ruhe und mehr Gelassenheit aufzeigt. Spannendes Hintergrundwissen und zahlreiche Lebensweisheiten helfen Ihnen, mit den Herausforderungen des Alltags gelassener umzugehen. Mit Gelassenheit und „stoischer Ruhe“ lassen sich Hürden, aber auch Sinnfragen viel besser bewältigen. Lernen Sie mit Stoizismus für Dummies wertvolle Weisheiten kennen, die sich schon jahrhundertelang bewährt haben und Ihnen einen Leitfaden für ein erfülltes und glückliches Leben bieten. Sie erfahren Wie Ihnen Stoizismus durch den Dschungel des Lebens helfen kann Wie Sie stoische Prinzipien einfach und effektiv anwenden Warum Stoizismus aktueller denn je ist

Own Your Career: Break the Corporate Blueprint and Build Your Own Ladder

by Michela Allocca

Imbue your career with purpose and meaning In Own Your Career: Break the Corporate Blueprint and Build Your Own Ladder, popular financial analyst and entrepreneur Michela Allocca delivers an exciting new discussion of how to break the corporate blueprint and forge your own path to a fulfilling and rewarding career. You'll learn to find happiness and purpose at work, whether you're interested in climbing the corporate ladder or embarking on a different path. The book offers a collection of tactical strategies you can apply immediately within your career to start getting more out of your day job and redefine what success means to you. You'll find: Effective tactics for positioning yourself in your resume, articulating your skills in interviews, and negotiating your compensation to ensure you are not only landing the job, but that it's as lucrative as possible. Practical strategies to navigate career changes and make intentional career decisions with confidence. Systems to maximize your earning potential and build a successful side hustle you can take to the next level A can't-miss guide for young professionals, the newly graduated, and aspiring entrepreneurs, Own Your Career offers realistic advice to excel at work and take your professional power back, both inside and outside of the office.

Own Your Career: Break the Corporate Blueprint and Build Your Own Ladder

by Michela Allocca

Imbue your career with purpose and meaning In Own Your Career: Break the Corporate Blueprint and Build Your Own Ladder, popular financial analyst and entrepreneur Michela Allocca delivers an exciting new discussion of how to break the corporate blueprint and forge your own path to a fulfilling and rewarding career. You'll learn to find happiness and purpose at work, whether you're interested in climbing the corporate ladder or embarking on a different path. The book offers a collection of tactical strategies you can apply immediately within your career to start getting more out of your day job and redefine what success means to you. You'll find: Effective tactics for positioning yourself in your resume, articulating your skills in interviews, and negotiating your compensation to ensure you are not only landing the job, but that it's as lucrative as possible. Practical strategies to navigate career changes and make intentional career decisions with confidence. Systems to maximize your earning potential and build a successful side hustle you can take to the next level A can't-miss guide for young professionals, the newly graduated, and aspiring entrepreneurs, Own Your Career offers realistic advice to excel at work and take your professional power back, both inside and outside of the office.

Ecological Principles for Sustainable Education: Challenging Root Metaphors and the Industrial Schooling System (Routledge Research in Educational Leadership)

by Liza Ireland

This book explores how the education sector can transition to being truly sustainable and why necessary innovations for educational change are being subverted and undermined when mapped onto the existing industrial educational system.Based on PhD case study research with schools that are modelling and teaching sustainability, action research, and the author’s 40 years of working in the K-12 system, this volume examines how education continues to perpetuate the status quo, and why education innovations are thus undermined. It shows the importance of redesigning education based on the principles of sustainable living systems and explores how this can be achieved across all levels of the educational system. The first part of the book establishes a new vision of sustainable education, whilst the second brings to light the industrial mechanistic root metaphors in current practice across leadership and administration, buildings and grounds, curriculum design, teaching, and learning that are subverting innovative efforts. From understanding the foundational, influential, problematic root metaphors of our "Industrial" educational system, it moves to explore how the ecological principles of sustainability can be used to rethink and redesign an educational system, from its administration, leadership, and policy, to curriculum, buildings, grounds and resources, through to teaching and learning, that will support sustainability, innovation, and creativity, developing systems thinking and sustainability as a frame of mind.Exploring how the education sector can transition to being truly sustainable and find new ways to traverse the problematic "Industrial" world view at this pivotal moment, will appeal to administrators, post-secondary educators, policymakers, and researchers and scholars of sustainability education, educational leadership, curriculum design, and educational philosophy.

Tischtennis – Das Praxisbuch für Studium, Training und Freizeitsport (Sportpraxis)

by Timo Klein-Soetebier Axel Binnenbruck

Dieses Lehrbuch verknüpft erstmals wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zu der Sportart Tischtennis mit praktischen Handlungsempfehlungen für Training und Wettkampf. Es wurde in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Deutschen Tischtennis-Bund (DTTB) konzipiert und richtet sich insbesondere an Sport-Studierende mit Praxismodulen sowie an trainingswissenschaftlich- und pädagogisch-interessierte Trainer*innen und Übungsleiter*innen im Breiten- und Freizeitsport. Mithilfe der Buchinhalte können Sie die technischen und taktischen Elemente der Sportart Tischtennis erlernen und Ihre Spielfähigkeit unter verschiedenen Wettkampfbedingungen – z. B. Doppel und Einzel – weiterentwickeln. Darüber hinaus lernen Sie als Trainer*in praxisnahe didaktisch-methodische Ansätze kennen, um unterschiedliche Schwerpunkte zu setzen und ein angepasstes Tischtennistraining für nahezu jede Zielgruppe planen und durchführen zu können. Abrufbare Videos, beispielsweise zum Aufschlagtraining oder zur Beinarbeitstechnik, veranschaulichen Trainingsinhalte und ermöglichen einen einfachen Praxistransfer. Zusätzlich erhalten Sie einen vertiefenden Einblick in die Besonderheiten, Alleinstellungsmerkmale und aktuellen Entwicklungen im Tischtennis. Insgesamt bietet dieses Lehrbuch die optimale Basis sowohl für Ihre eigene persönliche Entwicklung im Tischtennis als auch für die Wissensvermittlung an zukünftige Instrukteure dieser Sportart.

Schöne Momente pflegender Angehöriger in der Pflege und Begleitung von Menschen mit Demenz: Eine Tagebuchstudie

by Anna Kiefer

In diesem Open Access-Buch wird gezeigt, wie pflegende Angehörige mit Hilfe einer Tagebuchvorlage auf die Wahrnehmung schöner Momente in der Begleitung ihrer an Demenz erkrankten Familienmitglieder sensibilisiert werden können. Tagebücher sind eine beliebte Möglichkeit zur Verarbeitung und Bewältigung von Krisensituationen und können dabei der Selbstreflexion und Belastungsverarbeitung dienen. Insbesondere positives Schreiben kann durch das Erinnern und Reflektieren schöner Momente und Emotionen nachweislich zu einem höheren Wohlbefinden und zur Steigerung der Selbstwirksamkeit führen. Die Begleitung eines Menschen mit Demenz geht für pflegende Angehörige häufig mit einer Vielzahl an Belastungen und Herausforderungen einher, weshalb diese häufig aus der Belastungsperspektive erlebt wird. Schöne Momente innerhalb der Sorgebeziehung zwischen pflegenden Angehörigen und Menschen mit Demenz werden dabei seltener bewusst wahrgenommen. Die Ergebnisse der Tagebuchstudie zeigen individuelle Auswirkungen der Wahrnehmung und Sensibilisierung schöner Momente.

Serious Games und Gamification in der schulischen Bildung

by Wolfgang Becker Maren Metz

Der Sammelband gibt einen breiten Überblick über Serious Games und gamifizierte Lernelemente in der schulischen Bildung sowie über die Erfahrungen und den nachhaltigen Lernerfolg dieser Formate. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt auf der Verknüpfung von theoretischen, methodischen und praktischen Aspekten des Einsatzes von Serious Games und Gamification. Dabei werden auch die Anforderungen und Herausforderungen solcher digitalen Tools für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer aufgezeigt.

Aufgabenstellungen für sprachlich heterogene Gruppen: Perspektive auf DaZ- und Regelunterricht (Edition Fachdidaktiken)

by Lena Bien-Miller Magdalena Michalak

Im Fokus des Sammelbands steht die Frage, wie Aufgabenstellungen im Deutsch-, DaZ- und Fachunterricht sprachbewusst ausgestaltetet werden können, um auf Seiten der Lernenden die schnelle Verfügbarkeit und den Einsatz angemessener sprachlicher Mittel bei anspruchsvolleren kognitiven Aktivitäten zu sichern und zugleich ihre mehrsprachigen und plurikulturellen Ressourcen zu nutzen. Damit spiegelt der Band die aktuelle Debatte zum Einsatz von sprachbildenden Aufgabenstellungen und zu Praktiken des Übens in der Didaktik des Deutschen als Erst- und Zweitsprache an der Schnittstelle zu anderen Fachdidaktiken und mit Blick auf die Heterogenität der Lernenden wider.

Sweet Valley Twins The Graphic Novel: Best friends (Sweet Valley Twins)

by Francine Pascal

Full of friendship, family and fun, Francine Pascal's iconic Sweet Valley twin sisters come to life in a brand-new graphic novel series that is perfect for fans of Jacqueline Wilson and Rollergirl.Twins, Jessica and Elizabeth Wakefield, have always been inseparable, but starting a new school means a chance for new beginnings . . .Elizabeth is excited to write for the school newspaper, but Jessica is more interested in joining the exclusive Unicorn Club.What will happen when the twins realize they might not be as alike as they thought?The much-beloved world of Sweet Valley returns for readers aged 9 and up, adapted by Nicole Andelfinger and with artwork by Claudia Aguirre.

The Pedagogies of Re-Use: The International School of Re-Construction

by Graeme Brooker Duncan Baker-Brown

The Pedagogies of Re-Use captures the amazing digital gathering of students, academics, practitioners, and activists that happened at the International School of Re-Construction. Involving over 100 people, from countries as far apart as Brazil, Canada, Ireland, UK, Spain, Germany, Greece, UAE, and China, the participants spent two weeks working in eleven teams to consider architectural propositions responding to the current climate and ecological emergency. This book documents the work of the eleven teams, considering the themes they pursued, the student projects proposed, and the final design ideas developed by each group. Supplemented with images of the work, the book also includes leading academics and professionals who supported the school and contribute their voices to these crucial issues of deconstruction, re-use, and adaptation. It is ideal reading for students and academics looking at the issues created by the climate emergency to which architecture must respond.The Pedagogies of Re-Use is part of an EU ERDF £4.33 million Interreg NWE project entitled ‘Facilitating the Circulation of Reclaimed Building Elements’ (FCRBE), Interreg NWE 739, October 2018– December 2023. Online publication: June 2024, London.The FCRBE project aims to increase the amount of reclaimed building elements in circulation within its territory by +50% (in mass) by 2032.

The Pedagogies of Re-Use: The International School of Re-Construction

by Graeme Brooker Duncan Baker-Brown

The Pedagogies of Re-Use captures the amazing digital gathering of students, academics, practitioners, and activists that happened at the International School of Re-Construction. Involving over 100 people, from countries as far apart as Brazil, Canada, Ireland, UK, Spain, Germany, Greece, UAE, and China, the participants spent two weeks working in eleven teams to consider architectural propositions responding to the current climate and ecological emergency. This book documents the work of the eleven teams, considering the themes they pursued, the student projects proposed, and the final design ideas developed by each group. Supplemented with images of the work, the book also includes leading academics and professionals who supported the school and contribute their voices to these crucial issues of deconstruction, re-use, and adaptation. It is ideal reading for students and academics looking at the issues created by the climate emergency to which architecture must respond.The Pedagogies of Re-Use is part of an EU ERDF £4.33 million Interreg NWE project entitled ‘Facilitating the Circulation of Reclaimed Building Elements’ (FCRBE), Interreg NWE 739, October 2018– December 2023. Online publication: June 2024, London.The FCRBE project aims to increase the amount of reclaimed building elements in circulation within its territory by +50% (in mass) by 2032.

The Routledge International Handbook of Life and Values Education in Asia (Routledge International Handbooks of Education)

by John Chi-Kin Lee Kerry J Kennedy

This Handbook provides a comprehensive look at the educational scope of life and values that characterize 21st-century Asia, as well as those values shared across cultures.Some values are deeply resonant with the region’s past while others reflect modernity and the new contexts in which Asian societies find themselves. Exploring these values of different types and the way they are constructed in Eastern and Western contexts, the contributors delve into the diversity of religious, moral and social education to promote greater understanding across cultures. While a range of values is identified here, there is no single set of values that can be applied to all people in all contexts. The time has long gone, even for single societies, when values can be imposed. Yet this Handbook emphasizes both the extent and importance of values to individuals and their societies—how they respond to these values may provide the key to better and more caring societies and to better lives for all.Academics and teachers will find this Handbook resourceful because it raises important theoretical issues related to social values and their formation in distinctive contexts and provides novel insights into the diverse educational landscape in Asia. Policymakers and educators will also find this text helpful in learning to think about new ways to improve the quality of people’s lives.

The Routledge International Handbook of Life and Values Education in Asia (Routledge International Handbooks of Education)

by Kerry J. Kennedy John Chi-Kin Lee

This Handbook provides a comprehensive look at the educational scope of life and values that characterize 21st-century Asia, as well as those values shared across cultures.Some values are deeply resonant with the region’s past while others reflect modernity and the new contexts in which Asian societies find themselves. Exploring these values of different types and the way they are constructed in Eastern and Western contexts, the contributors delve into the diversity of religious, moral and social education to promote greater understanding across cultures. While a range of values is identified here, there is no single set of values that can be applied to all people in all contexts. The time has long gone, even for single societies, when values can be imposed. Yet this Handbook emphasizes both the extent and importance of values to individuals and their societies—how they respond to these values may provide the key to better and more caring societies and to better lives for all.Academics and teachers will find this Handbook resourceful because it raises important theoretical issues related to social values and their formation in distinctive contexts and provides novel insights into the diverse educational landscape in Asia. Policymakers and educators will also find this text helpful in learning to think about new ways to improve the quality of people’s lives.

Biblical Narratives and Human Flourishing: Knowledge Through Narrative (Routledge Studies in Analytic and Systematic Theology)

by Eleonore Stump Judith Wolfe

Biblical narratives include some of the most important and influential narratives in human history, shaping human understanding of the most basic questions of human life as lived individually or in social association with others. These narratives have lasted for so many centuries because they offer deep insights into the nature of the human condition and human flourishing. This volume includes chapters by accomplished philosophers and theologians who bring their expertise to bear on biblical narratives to show the way in which each narrative contributes something distinctive to our understanding of human flourishing. They broaden the ongoing work in analytic theology with a new focus on narrative and the knowledge of persons in philosophical-theological biblical exegesis. They also illustrate the narrative cognition that this methodology can provide. The book will be of interest to scholars of philosophy, theology, and biblical studies.

Biblical Narratives and Human Flourishing: Knowledge Through Narrative (Routledge Studies in Analytic and Systematic Theology)

Biblical narratives include some of the most important and influential narratives in human history, shaping human understanding of the most basic questions of human life as lived individually or in social association with others. These narratives have lasted for so many centuries because they offer deep insights into the nature of the human condition and human flourishing. This volume includes chapters by accomplished philosophers and theologians who bring their expertise to bear on biblical narratives to show the way in which each narrative contributes something distinctive to our understanding of human flourishing. They broaden the ongoing work in analytic theology with a new focus on narrative and the knowledge of persons in philosophical-theological biblical exegesis. They also illustrate the narrative cognition that this methodology can provide. The book will be of interest to scholars of philosophy, theology, and biblical studies.

Knowledge, Authority, and Islamic Education in the West: Reconfiguring Tradition (Routledge Studies in Religion)

by Zainab Kabba

Drawing on immersive fieldwork in the United States, Canada, and Turkey, this ethnographic exploration illuminates the transformative experiences of emerging adult Muslims on their quest for religious knowledge. This book unravels the significance of four residential learning settings, revealing their role as catalysts for reshaping Islamic tradition. Delving into the interplay between technology’s pervasive influence and the decentralized nature of Islamic interpretation, Zainab Kabba unveils a vibrant tapestry of knowledge producers vying to shape religious understanding and practice among Western Muslims. At the heart of this narrative lies the delicate balance between teachers and students, continuously communicating and recalibrating components that bring religious authority to life. Kabba dissects this relationship, highlighting the emergence of a complex landscape that she terms the ‘Muslim Education Industrial Complex’, where religious knowledge has become a commodity. This study offers profound insights into the challenges of intra-Muslim dialogue and the adaptive resilience of American Sunni-Muslim communities. Amidst a digital age and the complexities of global geopolitics surrounding Islam, it showcases how these communities reinterpret classical Islamic narratives, navigating tradition to steer their path forward. This book invites readers to ponder the evolution of Islamic learning, the dynamics of authority, and the enduring quest for knowledge amidst the currents of a rapidly changing world.

Knowledge, Authority, and Islamic Education in the West: Reconfiguring Tradition (Routledge Studies in Religion)

by Zainab Kabba

Drawing on immersive fieldwork in the United States, Canada, and Turkey, this ethnographic exploration illuminates the transformative experiences of emerging adult Muslims on their quest for religious knowledge. This book unravels the significance of four residential learning settings, revealing their role as catalysts for reshaping Islamic tradition. Delving into the interplay between technology’s pervasive influence and the decentralized nature of Islamic interpretation, Zainab Kabba unveils a vibrant tapestry of knowledge producers vying to shape religious understanding and practice among Western Muslims. At the heart of this narrative lies the delicate balance between teachers and students, continuously communicating and recalibrating components that bring religious authority to life. Kabba dissects this relationship, highlighting the emergence of a complex landscape that she terms the ‘Muslim Education Industrial Complex’, where religious knowledge has become a commodity. This study offers profound insights into the challenges of intra-Muslim dialogue and the adaptive resilience of American Sunni-Muslim communities. Amidst a digital age and the complexities of global geopolitics surrounding Islam, it showcases how these communities reinterpret classical Islamic narratives, navigating tradition to steer their path forward. This book invites readers to ponder the evolution of Islamic learning, the dynamics of authority, and the enduring quest for knowledge amidst the currents of a rapidly changing world.

Neurodiversity and the Twice-Exceptional Student: A Comprehensive Resource for Teachers

by Rhonda Filmer

Written for busy teachers, this practical manual defines terms, shares examples and provides evidence-based information and strategies to support the teaching of twice-exceptional students. Providing a comprehensive blueprint in an easy-to-use format, this book explains classroom techniques for differentiation with tips and advice based on research and teacher experience. The topics covered include learning disabilities, gifted and high potential education, talent development and general classroom pedagogy involving curriculum differentiation and individualised programming. It also explains, in more depth, the varying presentations of neurodiversity in the form of specific learning disabilities, autism and attention deficits in the gifted/high potential student to enable teachers to acquire more knowledge of the nuances evident in each twice-exceptional student. Case studies capture the perspectives of twice-exceptional young people who have thrived, and the book provides weblinks to a very comprehensive list of helpful, freely-available resources.This essential, practical resource will serve teachers and educators in both primary and secondary schooling, as well as pre-service educators. It will also be of interest to parents and carers.

Neurodiversity and the Twice-Exceptional Student: A Comprehensive Resource for Teachers

by Rhonda Filmer

Written for busy teachers, this practical manual defines terms, shares examples and provides evidence-based information and strategies to support the teaching of twice-exceptional students. Providing a comprehensive blueprint in an easy-to-use format, this book explains classroom techniques for differentiation with tips and advice based on research and teacher experience. The topics covered include learning disabilities, gifted and high potential education, talent development and general classroom pedagogy involving curriculum differentiation and individualised programming. It also explains, in more depth, the varying presentations of neurodiversity in the form of specific learning disabilities, autism and attention deficits in the gifted/high potential student to enable teachers to acquire more knowledge of the nuances evident in each twice-exceptional student. Case studies capture the perspectives of twice-exceptional young people who have thrived, and the book provides weblinks to a very comprehensive list of helpful, freely-available resources.This essential, practical resource will serve teachers and educators in both primary and secondary schooling, as well as pre-service educators. It will also be of interest to parents and carers.

Academic Leadership in Higher Education in India: Needs, Issues, and Challenges

by Lokanath Mishra

This volume focuses on the need to establish good leadership in academic settings and higher education institutions in India. It provides an understanding of the higher education system, knowledge, skills, and experience required for better leadership and management of academic institutions. The book highlights the importance of practising data-driven decision making for leaders of dynamic organizations within a complex social, political, and economic environment. It explores how a systematic leadership programme needs to be developed to ensure academic leadership effectiveness. While discussing federal and state systems of higher education, policies and regulations, key leadership strategies for improved institutional performance and better institutional governance, the volume outlines how effective academic leadership helps in building teams, nurturing staff, strengthening alliances, developing research capacity and strategic planning, and renewing academic programmes.This volume will be of interest to teachers, students, and researchers of education, higher education, management education, and political economy. It will also be useful for academicians, policy makers, management leaders, and academic leaders.

Building Disciplinary Literacies in Content and Language Integrated Learning (Routledge Series in Language and Content Integrated Teaching & Plurilingual Education)

by Julia Hüttner Christiane Dalton-Puffer

Hüttner and Dalton present research demonstrating the tangible benefits of the long-term sustainability of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) on participants’ educational outcomes.The chapters outline the argument that the main benefit of CLIL lies in the fact that learners acquire specific literacy practices linked to the curricular subjects they study via the CLIL language and that these go beyond what is commonly learned and studied within a foreign language curriculum. The book provides an orientation as to how such disciplinary literacy or literacies can be conceptualised and understood, and introduces several models that have served to make disciplinary literacies graspable and visible. The various chapters showcase research and development projects from different geographical and educational contexts and therefore elaborate ideas around disciplinary literacies from different vantage points.This book aims at a wide and varied readership, including graduate students studying applied linguistics, foreign language education, and/or teaching methodology; language teachers; content subject teachers with an interest in the linguistic side of their subject; and teacher trainers.

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