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Showing 77,251 through 77,275 of 89,203 results

Employment Equity and Affirmative Action: An International Comparison

by Peter Sloane Frank Horwitz Harish C. Jain

The authors of this comparative study of affirmative action compare the employment practices of six countries: the U.S., Canada, Great Britain/Northern Ireland, India, Malaysia, and South Africa. They look at mandatory quota policies; legislated versus voluntary policies; goals and timetables; restrictions and other policies; as well as recruitment, selection, compensation, performance appraisal, promotion, training, and career development. Their findings will prove useful for training managers of companies with global operations.

Employment Equity and Affirmative Action: An International Comparison (Issues In Work And Human Resources Ser.)

by Peter Sloane Frank Horwitz Harish C. Jain

The authors of this comparative study of affirmative action compare the employment practices of six countries: the U.S., Canada, Great Britain/Northern Ireland, India, Malaysia, and South Africa. They look at mandatory quota policies; legislated versus voluntary policies; goals and timetables; restrictions and other policies; as well as recruitment, selection, compensation, performance appraisal, promotion, training, and career development. Their findings will prove useful for training managers of companies with global operations.

The End of Tradition?

by Nezar Alsayyad

Rooted in real world observations, this book questions the concept of tradition - whether contemporary globalization will prove its demise or whether there is a process of simultaneous ending and renewing. In his introduction, Nezar Alsayyad discusses the meaning of the word 'tradition' and the current debates about the 'end of tradition'. Thereafter the book is divided into three parts. The three chapters in part I explore the inextricable link between 'tradition' and 'modern', revealing the geopolitical implications of this link. Part II looks at tradition as a process of invention and here the three chapters are all concerned with the making of landscapes and landscape myths, showing how the spectacle of history can be aestheticized and naturalized. Finally, Part III shows how traditionis a regime, programmed and policed and how it has been deployed, resisted, and reworked through hegemonic struggles that seek to create both built environments and citizen-subjects.

The End of Tradition?

by Nezar AlSayyad

Rooted in real world observations, this book questions the concept of tradition - whether contemporary globalization will prove its demise or whether there is a process of simultaneous ending and renewing. In his introduction, Nezar Alsayyad discusses the meaning of the word 'tradition' and the current debates about the 'end of tradition'. Thereafter the book is divided into three parts. The three chapters in part I explore the inextricable link between 'tradition' and 'modern', revealing the geopolitical implications of this link. Part II looks at tradition as a process of invention and here the three chapters are all concerned with the making of landscapes and landscape myths, showing how the spectacle of history can be aestheticized and naturalized. Finally, Part III shows how traditionis a regime, programmed and policed and how it has been deployed, resisted, and reworked through hegemonic struggles that seek to create both built environments and citizen-subjects.

Engaging Teachers (UK Higher Education OUP Humanities & Social Sciences Education OUP)

by Trevor Gale Kathleen Densmore

“This is a useful, interesting and valuable work. The authors ask the difficult questions and attempt answers which, although complex, are written in an accessible and open manner. It deserves to be widely read.” Educational ReviewEngaging Teachers makes a deliberate attempt to reclaim the education discourse captured by new right politics and connect it with a radical democratic agenda for schooling. On its agenda are education markets, policy, leadership, professionalism, and communities. Engaging with these is conceived on at least two levels. First, as an invitation to teachers to become involved in reconstructing schooling for socially just purposes and in democratic ways. From this perspective, the politics of engagement is not simply a matter of acquiescence or resistance but is informed by a commitment to generate alternatives: teachers, parents and students making things happen rather than having things done to them. Also signalled is an intent to work collectively, exploring and acting on common interests and across uncommon ground. Second, the book also celebrates teachers engaging in these reconstructive efforts in attractive and meaningful ways. The attraction is decisions about schooling made by those they affect as well as decisions that are meaningful because they engage the interests of all.

Engaging Young Children in Mathematics: Standards for Early Childhood Mathematics Education (Studies in Mathematical Thinking and Learning Series)

by Douglas H. Clements Julie Sarama Ann-Marie DiBiase Associate Edito DiBiase

This book consists of conclusions drawn from the expertise shared at the Conference on Standards for Prekindergarten and Kindergarten Mathematics Education. It offers substantive detail regarding young students' understandings of mathematical ideas.

Engaging Young Children in Mathematics: Standards for Early Childhood Mathematics Education (Studies in Mathematical Thinking and Learning Series)

by Douglas H. Clements Julie Sarama Ann-Marie DiBiase

This book consists of conclusions drawn from the expertise shared at the Conference on Standards for Prekindergarten and Kindergarten Mathematics Education. It offers substantive detail regarding young students' understandings of mathematical ideas.

English Teaching and the Moving Image

by Andrew Goodwyn

Andrew Goodwyn's straightforward approach to teaching about the moving image de-mystifies this topic and shows how it can be easily incorporated into classroom practice. The first of its kind, this book builds on teachers' knowledge of teaching about advertising, newspapers and visual adaptations of literary texts, and provides practical advice and guidance on: * Adaptations: not just the film of the book* Teaching film* Teaching television* Practical work* New technologies and the moving audience. This jargon-free book will be a stimulating and useful guide to teachers and student teachers looking to improve their knowledge of the moving image and its recent arrival in secondary school teaching.

English Teaching and the Moving Image

by Andrew Goodwyn

Andrew Goodwyn's straightforward approach to teaching about the moving image de-mystifies this topic and shows how it can be easily incorporated into classroom practice. The first of its kind, this book builds on teachers' knowledge of teaching about advertising, newspapers and visual adaptations of literary texts, and provides practical advice and guidance on: * Adaptations: not just the film of the book* Teaching film* Teaching television* Practical work* New technologies and the moving audience. This jargon-free book will be a stimulating and useful guide to teachers and student teachers looking to improve their knowledge of the moving image and its recent arrival in secondary school teaching.

Enhancing Humanity: The Philosophical Foundations of Humanistic Education (Philosophy and Education #9)

by N. Aloni

In Jean PaulSartre's Nausea, Roquentin feels bound to listen to the sentimental ramblings about humanism and humanity by the Self Taught Man. "Is it my fault," muses Roquentin, "in all he tells me, I recognize the lack of the genuine article? Is it my fault if, as he speaks, I see all the humanists I have known rise up? I have known so many ofthem!" And then he lists the radical humanist, the so called"left" humanist, and Communist Humanist, the Catholic humanist, all claiming a passion for their fellow men. "But there are others, a swarm of others: the humanist philosopher who bends over his brothers like a wise older brother with a sense of his responsibility; the humanist who loves men as they are, the humanist who loves men as they ought to be, the one who wants to save them with their consent, and the one who will save them in spite of themselves. . . . " Quite naturally, the skeptical Roquentin ends by saying how "they all hate each other: as individuals, not as men. " Fully aware of the misuse and false comfort in the use of the term, Professor Aloni proceeds to restore meaning to the word as well as appropriate its educational significance. There is a freshness in this book, a restoration of a lost clarity, a regaining of authentic commitment.

Enhancing Personal, Social and Health Education: Challenging Practice, Changing Worlds (School Concerns Ser.)

by Martin Buck Sally Inman Miles Tandy

Enhancing Personal, Social and Health Education offers an accessible and thought-provoking approach to developing effective practice in PSHE. The book uses case study examples to offer insights and reflections that will support practitioners developing work in their own schools. The authors begin by examining the national PSHE framework and guidelines, outlining the essential ingredients of effective practice. Subsequent chapters provide case study examples of PSHE practice in primary and secondary schools and broader whole school initiatives. The book offers many useful ideas for planning and teaching PSHE, but also raises fundamental questions about policy at national and local levels, and the extent to which current guidance is helpful and supportive. It will be essential reading for all teachers committed to nurturing the personal and social development of their students.

Enhancing Personal, Social and Health Education: Challenging Practice, Changing Worlds

by Martin Buck Sally Inman Miles Tandy

Enhancing Personal, Social and Health Education offers an accessible and thought-provoking approach to developing effective practice in PSHE. The book uses case study examples to offer insights and reflections that will support practitioners developing work in their own schools. The authors begin by examining the national PSHE framework and guidelines, outlining the essential ingredients of effective practice. Subsequent chapters provide case study examples of PSHE practice in primary and secondary schools and broader whole school initiatives. The book offers many useful ideas for planning and teaching PSHE, but also raises fundamental questions about policy at national and local levels, and the extent to which current guidance is helpful and supportive. It will be essential reading for all teachers committed to nurturing the personal and social development of their students.

Enriching Feedback in the Primary Classroom (PDF)

by Shirley Clarke

Shirley Clarke explains how to make full and effective use of oral and written feedback - including marking strategies - to promote children's learning in the primary classroom. Marking and other forms of classroom feedback to pupils can actively boost self-esteem, motivate and actively promote learning - or it can demoralise and alienate. The ways in which pupils can be involved in and told what is expected of them, how well they are doing and what to do next, and how their efforts are appraised, lie at the heart of effective assessment for learning. Drawing on classroom research, and with a focus on practical issues and examples from across the primary curriculum, this book offers clear strategies for purposeful marking and effective feedback.

Entwicklungspsychologie des Jugendalters: Ein Lehrbuch für pädagogische und psychologische Berufe

by Helmut Fend

Was unterscheidet die psychische Gestaltung der Kinder von jener der Jugendlichen? Was sind optimale Umwelten für eine produktive Adoleszenz? Wie können Lehrer, Eltern und Psychologen auf so genannte Risikoentwicklungen eingehen? Diese Fragen bilden den Hintergrund dieses Lehrbuches, in dem der Übergang von der Kindheit in die Adoleszenz in drei Perspektiven beschrieben wird, in der endogenen, der kontextuellen und der handlungstheoretischen. Entwicklung im Jugendalter wird so als Werk der Natur, der Gesellschaft und der Person selber beschrieben und erklärt. Das Lehrbuch bietet eine systematische Darstellung der Forschung zu Entwicklungsprozessen im Jugendalter, um sowohl Psychologen als auch Pädagogen an den modernen Stand des Wissens zur Adoleszenz heranzuführen.

The Epistle of Second Baruch: A Study in Form and Message (The Library of Second Temple Studies #42)

by Mark Whitters

2 Baruch is one of the more important apocalyptic writings among the Jewish Pseudepigrapha (written at the end of the 1st century AD and so contemporary with the New Testament). The "Epistle" is a message to the Jews of the Dispersion. Whitters is arguing that the document was once an authoritative text for a specific community, and gives us clues about the important era between the two Jewish wars of 70 and 132 AD, when Judaism was assuming radical new forms. This Epistle tells Diapora Jews how to live in a world without the Jerusalem Temple.

Equal Rites, Unequal Outcomes: Women in American Research Universities (Innovations in Science Education and Technology #15)

by Lilli S. Hornig

Thirteen years ago, in June 1988, the Radcliffe Classof1953 celebrated its 35th Reunion. Amidst the festivities, we who participated repeatedly asked ourselves the same two questions: Is Harvard as sexist as it was when we were undergraduates? If not, what is the status ofwomen at Harvard today? To find the answers we formed an ad hoc committee and charged the members to report back to the class in five years. The committee interviewed selected senior and junior Harvard faculty, Harvard and Radcliffe administrators, students, and alumni/ae. We identified and studied Harvard and Radcliffe reports on their institu­ tions and on their student organizations. We contributed to and participated in a 1990 Radcliffe Focus Group, "ASurveyofAlumnae and Undergraduate Perceptions. " We found that the University was not as sexist in 1988 as it had been in 1953. Yet the status ofwomen, though improved, remained quite unequal to thatofmen. (Radcliffe College was organizationally separate from Harvard University until 1977, when a "non-merger merger" was implemented. However, Radcliffe had no fac­ ulty of its own and employed Harvard faculty to teach its students, in strictly separate classes until World War II. The merger effort was com­ pleted in 1999 with the complete integration ofthe two institutions and the formation ofthe Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, a "tub on its own bottom" like other Harvard graduate and professional schools. ) In 1993 the Class of'53 voted unanimously to form the Commit­ tee for the EqualityofWomen at Harvard (CEWH).

Errors and Misconceptions in Maths at Key Stage 2: Working Towards Success in SATS

by Mike Spooner

The activities in this book are designed both to help children to learn and to understand math concepts, and also to prepare them for taking SATS papers at KS2. There is plenty of research evidence to suggest that children are helped in their understanding of math problems if teachers focus on common misconceptions, and if children are given opportunities for discussion and explanation of their own understanding. Children can also feel stigmatized by being made to focus on their own errors. Mike Spooner has developed activities that present already completed work which children then assess, correct and discuss - in this way they can analyze mistakes without damage to their own self-esteem. The activities are presented in the same format as the SATS papers, to give children practice in coping with that format. The book also contains writing frames that children can use to structure their discussions of math problems.

Errors and Misconceptions in Maths at Key Stage 2: Working Towards Success in SATS

by Mike Spooner

The activities in this book are designed both to help children to learn and to understand math concepts, and also to prepare them for taking SATS papers at KS2. There is plenty of research evidence to suggest that children are helped in their understanding of math problems if teachers focus on common misconceptions, and if children are given opportunities for discussion and explanation of their own understanding. Children can also feel stigmatized by being made to focus on their own errors. Mike Spooner has developed activities that present already completed work which children then assess, correct and discuss - in this way they can analyze mistakes without damage to their own self-esteem. The activities are presented in the same format as the SATS papers, to give children practice in coping with that format. The book also contains writing frames that children can use to structure their discussions of math problems.

Essential Maths 7F (Essential Maths)

by Michael White Peter Gibson

Essential Tips for Organizing Conferences & Events

by Sally Brown Fiona Campbell Phil Race Alison Robinson

Many conferences and training events are organised by individuals who have little experience of doing so. Some have had the task thrust upon them without being offered adequate training, and have little idea of the time, experience and care needed to plan and manage events effectively. Each conference is different, and each can present a new problem to the unprepared, even to the most experienced conference organiser.This book provides immediate, accessible advice on how to run an effective event, featuring a wealth of practical tips, guidelines, case studies, action checklists, and useful sample material and templates. All areas of organisation are covered, including: managing, planning, contingency planning, targeting, costing and budgeting, housekeeping, administering, assuring the quality of content, evaluating, disseminating and ensuring continuity.

Essential Tips for Organizing Conferences & Events

by Sally Brown Fiona Campbell Phil Race Alison Robinson

Many conferences and training events are organised by individuals who have little experience of doing so. Some have had the task thrust upon them without being offered adequate training, and have little idea of the time, experience and care needed to plan and manage events effectively. Each conference is different, and each can present a new problem to the unprepared, even to the most experienced conference organiser.This book provides immediate, accessible advice on how to run an effective event, featuring a wealth of practical tips, guidelines, case studies, action checklists, and useful sample material and templates. All areas of organisation are covered, including: managing, planning, contingency planning, targeting, costing and budgeting, housekeeping, administering, assuring the quality of content, evaluating, disseminating and ensuring continuity.

The Ethical Dimensions of School Leadership (Studies in Educational Leadership #1)

by Paul T. Begley Olof Johansson

This book about valuation processes in educational administration has a particular focus on the notions community and professionalism. The topic is addressed comprehensively bringing together the work of some of the best-known and most respected philosophers, theorists and researchers working in this field. It will be of interest to university faculty, graduate students and educational administrators.

The Ethical Teacher (UK Higher Education OUP Humanities & Social Sciences Education OUP)

by Elizabeth Campbell

This book presents the concept of ethical knowledge as it is revealed, as it is challenged, and as it may be used in schools. The book combines empirical expressions of teachers' beliefs and practices with a discussion of the connections between the moral dimensions of schooling and applied professional ethics in teaching:Ethical knowledge relies on the teacher's awareness, understanding, and acceptance of the demands of moral agency.Ethical knowledge is compromised by moral dilemmas and complexities that routinely challenge teachers.Moral tensions may be eased by three avenues of renewal based on heightened attention to ethical knowledge: a renewed sense of teacher professionalism, renewed school cultures, and renewed teacher education and professional learning.The Ethical Teacher is for teachers and teacher educators and for those who conduct research about their worlds.

Ethnography for Education (UK Higher Education OUP Humanities & Social Sciences Education OUP)

by Christopher Pole Marlene Morrison

Ethnography is a distinctive approach for educational research. The authors argue that the last decade has seen ethnography come of age, not only as a way of doing research, but also as a way of theorizing and making sense of the world. Their approach is concerned with ethnography as process and ethnography as product. This critical celebration of ethnography explores what it can achieve in educational research. The book features:Thorough discussion of definitions of ethnography and its potential for use within educational researchCritical introductions to the principal approaches to ethnography Discussions of data analysis and representation and of the challenges facing ethnographyUse of educational examples from real research projects throughout.The book offers a distinctive contribution to the literature of ethnography, taking readers beyond a simplistic “how to” approach towards an understanding of the wider contribution ethnography can make to our understanding of educational processes.Ethnography for Education is of value to final-year undergraduates and postgraduates in education and social science disciplines as well as education professionals engaged in practice-based research.Christopher Pole is Senior Lecturer at the Department of Sociology, University of Leicester. His research interests are in the areas of the sociology of education, sociology of childhood and the development of qualitative research methods. Recent publications include Practical Social Investigation: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Social Research and Hidden Hands: International Perspectives on Children’s Work and Labour.Marlene Morrison is Reader in Education Leadership and Director of the Doctorate of Education programme at the University of Lincoln. Her academic background is in the sociology of education and includes research on race equality, health education, perspectives on educational policy and practice, and the ethnography of educational settings. She has researched widely in the education that has included school, further and higher education sectors, and other public services.

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