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Collins Scottish Words: A Wee Guide To The Scottish Language

by John Abernethy

This guide to Scots is a perfect buy for anyone who is intrigued by the expressive Scots language. Besides explaining the meaning of Scottish words and phrases, it also contains features about aspects of Scottish culture from the bagpipes to William Wallace.

Collins Concise Spanish Dictionary (Eigth Edition) (PDF)

by HarperCollins

The ideal Spanish dictionary for intermediate to advanced learners. Revised and updated to cover all the latest words and meanings in both languages. Designed for students and professionals using Spanish in the course of their work or study. It draws on Collins’ unique databases of Spanish and English to ensure that the user has the most complete and accurate picture of real language available today.

Collins Easy Learning Spanish — EASY LEARNING SPANISH VERBS (PDF)

by Collins

Designed to accompany and complement the dictionary and grammar in the widely acclaimed Collins Easy Learning range, and now including a free verb wheel, Collins Easy Learning Spanish Verbs offers beginners a clear and easy-to-understand guide to Spanish verbs. The main section of the book consists of 120 fully conjugated verbs, regular and irregular. Each is self-contained in a full-page spread showing all the major tenses, clearly set out with pronouns. The introduction gives a detailed explanation of each of the three main tenses. It also deals with compound tenses and the use of the passive. Finally, an alphabetical index lists almost 3000 widely used verbs, each one cross-refers the user to its basic model in the main verb tables. * Collins Easy Learning Spanish Verbs shows all the major tenses of the most important verbs in Spanish in full. * Hundreds of examples of real Spanish show exactly how each verb is actually used. * FREE verb wheel - new with this edition, the handy verb wheel covers the most common tenses for 28 essential Spanish verbs and is the perfect tool for checking verb patterns wherever you are. * Clear, colour layout ensures that you find the information you need quickly and easily. Other titles available in the Collins Easy Learning Spanish range are: Collins Easy Learning Spanish Dictionary, Collins Easy Learning Spanish Grammar, Collins Easy Learning Spanish Words and Collins Easy Learning Spanish Conversation.

Easy Learning French Verbs (PDF)

by Collins Uk

Designed to accompany and complement the dictionary and grammar in the widely acclaimed Collins Easy Learning range, and now including a free verb wheel, Collins Easy Learning French Verbs offers beginners a clear and easy-to-understand guide to French verbs.

Collins German School Dictionary (PDF)

by Collins Dictionaries

This new, fully revised edition of the Collins German School Dictionary is ideal for secondary school students looking for a dictionary that is clear, easy to use and in a handy format.

Ad Infinitum: a Biography of Latin and the World it Created (PDF)

by Nicholas Ostler

An in-depth biography of the Latin language from its very beginnings to the present day from the widely acclaimed author of 'Empires of the Word'. In 'Ad Infinitum', Nicholas Ostler examines the reasons why Latin made such a long-lasting impact on language, and how it managed to stay alive for two millennia despite the cultural superiority of Greek. He will look at how Latin's sturdy roots remained untouched while empires rose and fell, the influence of religion, war and the ways it has progressed through medieval times right up until the present day.

Collins Robert French Dictionary (Collins Complete and Unabridged) (PDF)

by Collins Dictionaries

The world's leading French/English dictionary, revised and updated to cover all the latest vocabulary in both languages. The perfect dictionary for advanced learners of French.

Collins Pocket Irish Dictionary (PDF)

by Collins

This dictionary includes over 40,000 references and 60,000 translations. It offers extensive coverage of contemporary Irish and English, special treatment of basic vocabulary items, quick reference grammar tables, and a guide to Irish pronunciation.

Collins Pocket German Dictionary (Collins Pocket) (PDF)

by Collins

Features include: All the latest words in both languages, such as antivirus, carbon footprint in English, and herunterladbar, Kamerahandy in German Full GCSE coverage An in-depth and up-to-date supplement with information about Germany, its people and its language to help you take your learning to the next level Help with German verbs Clear, colour layout, useful examples, language and cultural notes COLLINS POCKET GERMAN DICTIONARYhas been designed to give travellers, business people and the general user alike all the information they need in a portable, hard-wearing format. It includes all the latest words reflecting changes in modern lifestyle, as well as all the features you would expect from a Collins dictionary: an easy-to-read colour layout, special treatment of key words such as can, that, gut, lassen, notes about life in German-speaking countries and warnings on commonly confused words. An in-depth and up-to-date supplement helps you to develop your knowledge of German and your confidence in the language, with a section on common translation difficulties to guide you. There is information on pronunciation and improving your fluency, as well as the words and phrases you will need in different situations, like sending email or making a phone call. The supplement also gives you an insight into Germany, its people and other German-speaking countries. Verb tables show all verb forms for the most common German verbs and give examples of how these are used. Also available in the Collins German dictionary range are Collins German School Dictionary, Collins Easy Learning German Dictionary, Collins German Dictionary & Grammar and Collins German Phrasebooks for mobile phone and iPod

Collins Pocket — COLLINS POCKET FRENCH DICTIONARY [6th edition] (PDF)

by Collins

Features include: All the latest words in both languages, such as downloadable, Wi-Fi in English, and empreinte écologique, podcaster in French Full GCSE coverage An in-depth and up-to-date supplement with information about France, its people and its language to help you take your learning to the next level Help with French verbs Clear, colour layout, useful examples, language and cultural notes COLLINS POCKET FRENCH DICTIONARYhas been designed to give travellers, business people and the general user alike all the information they need in a portable, hard-wearing format. It includes all the latest words reflecting changes in modern lifestyle, as well as all the features you would expect from a Collins dictionary: an easy-to-read colour layout, special treatment of key words such as can, that, mettre, que, notes about life in French-speaking countries and warnings on commonly confused words. An in-depth and up-to-date supplement helps you to develop your knowledge of French and your confidence in the language, with a section on common translation difficulties to guide you. There is information on pronunciation and improving your fluency, as well as the words and phrases you will need in different situations, like sending email or making a phone call. The supplement also gives you an insight into France its people and other French-speaking countries. Verb tables show all verb forms for the most common French verbs and give examples of how these are used. Also available in the Collins French dictionary range are Collins French School Dictionary, Collins Easy Learning French Dictionary, Collins French Dictionary & Grammar and Collins French Phrasebooks for mobile phone and iPod

سيرة الظاهر بيبرس المجلد الثاني

by مجهول

(قال الراوي) فقال الملك سامحك الله بما فعلت من ذلك ولكن لا بد من التحقيق بينكما وما يكون الرأي في ذلك الركبة فقال يا مولاي اعلم أن الأعجام واثقين مني ولكن أنت رجعت إلى العرض وأنا رجعت إليهم وأقبل الليل بالاعتكار أرسل إلى أخواتي الفداوية وأنا أكون معاونًا لهم على كبس الركبة ونهب الأعادي فقال الملك هذا هو الصواب والأمر الذي لا يعاب ثم رجع إلى مكانه بعد أن تودع السلطان منه وعاد بيبرس وقد اجتمع برشيد الدولة وأعاد عليه سرًا بينه وبينه ففرح رشيد بذلك الخبر وتهلل وجهه واستبشر ثم أخذه ودخل على القان هلاون وقال له اعلم أن بيبرس العجمي قد تحارب مع قان عرب وكان مراده أسره فلم أمكنه ذلك ولكن لا بد أن يأسره غدًا إن شاءت النار فقال اللمين قوم بلاه ثم إنهم صبروا إلى الليل وقد نامت الأعاجم وهم آمنين من حوادث الزمان وما خبئ لهم عند مدبر الأكوان حتى توسط الليل فبينما هم في ألذ ما يكون من المنام وإذا بالصياح قد أخذهم من سائر الأقطار ووقع فيهم القتل السيف البتار فلا أحد قدر أن يثور من مكانه حتى طارت رأسه عن أبدانه وربما كان الرجل منهم إذا أخذ سلاحه قتل به أخاه وأعدمه الحياة ومنهم من كان متجرد بغير حسام وصارت المجوس شنيارها معكوس وجيشها مكبوس وعمل فيهم السيف والدبوس ولمعت السيوف في غياهب الملموس وزهقت النفوس وجرى الدما من الرجال مثل ذبح النيوس وعاد صباحهم معكوس وعمل فيهم البتار وقد اشتعلت نار الحرب إشعال وتحندل الأفيال وجرى الدما وسال فلا كنت تسمع للسيوف إلا الرنين ولا للمجاريح إلا الأنين وأخذهم السيف من الشمال واليمين وضاق عليهم البر الفسيح وتعاووا مثل عي الذبيح وضاق الخناق وشربوا من الموت أمر مذاق ووقف الحرب على قدم وساق وتعلقت الفرسان الفرسان والشجعان وطارت الرؤوس من الأبدان وزهقت النفوس من شدة الولهان وشيب الشجاع المصان وولى الجبان المهان وصار الدم ينزل والسيف يعمل ونار الحرب يشعل وكانت هذه الواقعة لا يعرف لها أول من آخر (يا سادة) وكان السبب في ذلك سبب عجيب وهو أنه لما رجع الملك من الميدان أخبر الوزير بما دار بينه وبين بيبرس من الكلام.

أول الخلفاء الراشدين أبو بكر الصديق

by محمد رضا

قد كنت شديد الرغبة في تأليف سيرة رسول اللّه صلى اللّه عليه وسلم لنشرها على العالم الإسلامي فقضيت الأيام والليالي الطوال في الإطلاع والبحث في كتب السير فجمعت شتاتها وشرحت الغامض منها وحققت الروايات وأثبت تواريخ الوقائع ورددت على الاعتراضات والترهات ردوداً مدعَّمة بالبراهين الساطعة والحجج القاطعة، فجاء الكتاب وافياً بغرضي من حيث إيصال المعلومات الصحيحة إلى العالم الإسلامي.  ولما فرغ طبعه، تلقاه الناس بالقبول والاستسحان وأقبلوا على مطالعته بشوق وشغف، ونال بحمد اللّه وفضله رضا العامة والخاصة وتواردت عليّ رسائل التفريط والتشجيع من الكبراء والعلماء والأدباء حتى عجزت عن شكرهم على ثقتهم بشخصي العاجز الضعيف، وشعرت بقوة تدفعني إلى مواصلة البحث والتأليف بالرغم من كثرة المشاغل الدنيوية.  وقد سألني كثير من الأصدقاء الأعزاء أن أتبع سيرة رسول اللّه بسير الخلفاء بنفس الطريقة التي انتهجتها فسرتني فكرتهم ولم يسعني إلا إجابة طلبهم واستخرت اللّه تعالى أن أكتب سيرة أبي بكر الصديق رضي اللّه عنه فإنه أول الخلفاء الذين أمرنا رسول اللّه بالاقتداء بهم والاهتداء بهديهم. لما توفي النبي صلى اللّه عليه وسلم ارتجت العرب واختلف المسلمون ولا سيما الأنصار والمهاجرون في الخلافة فتدارك الأمر أبو بكر بحكمته وسرعة بديهته وتمت له البيعة بالإجماع.  وقد برهن رضي اللّه عنه أنه أكفأ رجل وأنه رجل الساعة وقتئذ لأن العرب عندما سمعوا بوفاة رسول اللّه ارتد كثير منهم واستفحل أمر المرتدين في جزيرة العرب، وظهر المتنبئون وجمعوا جيوشهم وثاروا على المسلمين.

Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal Graad 2

by Siyavula

A South African textbook.

Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal Graad 9

by Siyavula

A South African textbook.

Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal Graad 7

by Siyavula

A South African textbook.

Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal Graad 5

by Siyavula

A South African textbook.

The Zincali

by George Borrow

English First Additional Language Grade 3

by Siyavula

An open source textbook for South Africa.

English First Additional Language Grade 2

by Siyavula

An open source textbook for South Africa.

English First Additional Language Grade 1

by Siyavula

An open source textbook for South Africa.

English First Additional Language Grade 9

by Siyavula

An open source textbook for South Africa.

English First Additional Language Grade 8

by Siyavula

An open source textbook for South Africa.

English First Additional Language Grade 7

by Siyavula

An open source textbook for South Africa.

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