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Showing 151 through 175 of 16,414 results

Teaching Empathy and Conflict Resolution to People with Dementia: A Guide for Person-Centered Practice

by Cameron Camp Linda Camp

This guide demonstrates how to employ empathy and respect when caring for older people with dementia. By addressing these virtues in the care model, the authors show how people with dementia can develop positive conflict resolution skills and the ability to self-initiate in matters concerning their own care for greater independence and wellbeing.

Calculating the BaZi: The GanZhi/Chinese Astrology Workbook

by Karin Taylor Taylor Wu

Understand how to recognise the various influences on BaZi (Chinese Astrology) and learn how to devise personalised astrological charts with this beautifully illustrated guide. Dr Karin Taylor Wu explains how to interpret detailed charts for better understanding of our histories and present and future selves.

Yoga Therapy for Digestive Health

by Charlotte Watts

Yoga is an increasingly popular way of treating the digestive issues which have become common in the western world, and now affect one in five people in the UK. By combining scientific evidence with traditional yogic practices, Charlotte Watts reveals how yoga can be used to alleviate digestive problems such as IBS, IBD and more.

A Pocket Guide to Understanding Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias, Second Edition

by James Warner Nori Graham

Including key information on different types of dementia, this concise pocket-sized book lets you know about the symptoms to look out for, guides you through the diagnosis process and explains the treatments available. Like having a GP in your pocket, it also offers expert advice for living day-to-day with dementia, and where to go to get support.

Yoga Therapy as a Creative Response to Pain: Yoga Therapy As A Creative Response

by Matthew J. Taylor

A guide that supports yoga therapists in creating a programme of care for those living with chronic pain, through bringing pain science, creativity and yoga together for the first time. It provides the skills and knowledge to create an environment that restores hope and meaning as well as practical guidance.

Yoga for Mental Health

by Heather Mason Kelly Birch

Yoga is a comprehensive mind-body practice that is particularly effective for self-regulation, mood management, fostering resilience, and promotion of wellbeing. Inherently, yoga is a system for improving mental health and alleviating suffering at the deepest levels. Consequently, yoga's potential as a key component of integrative and complementary mental health is now being recognized internationally. This book serves as a reference, but also as a bridge between yoga therapy and healthcare, helping to add to the process of growing integration. It provides a professional resource for mental health professionals interested in the potential for yoga interventions that facilitate the therapeutic process, and who want to learn ways in which yoga can catalyze and deepen this process across a broad spectrum of mental health approaches. Similarly for yoga professionals with a focus on mental health and wellbeing who want to expand their understanding of how yoga relates to mental health approaches and their knowledge of best practices.The format is designed for consistency and ease of reading. Chapter 1 introduces the reader to the yogic viewpoint of mental health and wellbeing, and the psychological and neurological rationale for yoga's usage in mental health conditions. Each subsequent chapter is organized into a clinical overview of mental health conditions, followed by sections on current research and the rationale for incorporating yoga into the treatment of the condition, recommended yoga practices, and future directions.

Looking Up, Looking Down: Guide to Classical Feng Shui

by Reni Aleksandra Hagen

An easy-to-use guide to adapting feng shui in your home to improve your energy levels, your surroundings and your world view. Explaining basic consultation, from how to treat each room, and how to achieve balance, this excellent advice from classically trained feng shui consultant Reni Hagen will bring ancient Eastern wisdom into your living room.

Seeking Symmetry: Finding Patterns in Human Health

by Niall Galloway

Seeking Symmetry: Finding patterns in human health offers a guide through the overwhelming mass of data generated by contemporary science. Starved for the knowledge that would best help us stay healthy, we are simultaneously glutted with an overload of information about the human body. Amidst ubiquitous talk that patient-centred care and lifestyle changes are the keys to personal health, self-neglect and medical overtreatment nevertheless prevail.The body is rich with symmetries, many of them unknown to us who live in these bodies. Symmetry-seeking reveals certain patterns for understanding the information we have about the body, patterns whose roots lie in embryonic development and in evolution.The book's exploration will guide readers through the parts of their own bodies and introduce tangible, visible examples of symmetry, not only right and left but up and down, male and female, inside and out, as well as symmetries between humans and other species.It presents the symmetries of the body's internal structures that, despite their complexity, are nevertheless simple to understand when viewed with an eye for pattern.Through both words and images, this book will illustrate the most foundational of the principles, structures, and processes that decide how bodies function.A core purpose of the book is to present this knowledge through a lens that makes the information meaningful, by modelling the habit of symmetry-seeking.

Can I Tell You About Compassion?: A Helpful Introduction for Everyone (Can I tell you about...?)

by Sue Webb

What's the difference between being kind and being compassionate? How can we become more compassionate? And why can being compassionate be so difficult? Join Sam as he learns answers to these, and many more, questions about this important character virtue.

Teen Yoga For Yoga Therapists: A Guide to Development, Mental Health and Working with Common Teen Issues

by Charlotta Martinus

Including yogic and mindfulness exercises that have lasting positive impact well beyond the mat, this book shows how to use yogic techniques in the optimum way when working with teens. It includes advice on dealing with anxiety, depression, addiction and bullying, with examples of asana, pranayama, meditation and much more.

Mobilizing the Myofascial System: A clinical guide to assessment and treatment of myofascial dysfunctions

by Doreen Killens

Fascia has become the new buzzword in the field of rehabilitation and movement re-education. Until recently its contribution to musculoskeletal dysfunction had been underestimated. We know now that fascia plays an important role in health, wellbeing and mobility. It transmits the power of the muscles, communicates with the nervous system and serves as a sense organ. Many different groups of professionals are now exploring the world of fascia, as evidenced by the explosion of research in this field. However, many physical therapists are still unfamiliar with fascia and continue to think of it as the 'dead packing material' that is pushed aside during dissections in order to visualize the 'important stuff' like muscles and nerves. Physical therapists with their varied skill-set in manual therapy techniques are well-placed to take on this important tissue. Mobilization of the Myofascial System aims to help them to do that.Mobilization of the Myofascial System (MMS), the technique described in this book, has its origins in manual physical therapy for the articular, muscular and neural systems. Tom Myers' book Anatomy Trains, which examines the myofascial meridians for manual and movement therapists, has been the framework and inspiration for the development of MMS. In this book the author outlines the theory and pathophysiology of fascial dysfunctions. A full description of the MMS assessment and treatment approach is given as well as guidance on ways in which it may be integrated into the other methods normally used by manual therapists. Subsequent chapters offer full descriptions and color photos of the MMS techniques. The chapters are organized into various anatomical regions simply to facilitate learning. These divisions are, of course, artificial, as fascia is a continuum, from the top of the head, down to the toes.Mobilization of the Myofascial System is primarily intended for physical therapists who have been trained in manual therapy, but it will also be valuable for osteopaths, chiropractors, massage therapists, structural integrators and other body workers who are seeking an alternative way to work with this important and fascinating tissue.

Embody the Skeleton: A Guide for Conscious Movement

by Mark Taylor

Somatic Movement Education allows efficient movement patterns to replace inefficient ones, resulting in ease of movement, more functional postural alignment, and the creation of space for the healing response of cellular and tissue reorganization. This book provides clear experiential guidance for embodiment of the skeletal system, through movement facilitation, hands-on facilitation, and movement meditations, supported by essential anatomical information and illustrations. Intended as a guide for movement practitioners, educators, and therapists in many disciplines and by anyone interested in mindful movement, the book addresses the healthy embodiment of each bone and joint in the body as well as techniques for bringing awareness to the skeletal system as a whole. The book is accompanied by a series of recorded movement meditations guided by the author.

The Accidental Business Owner - A Friendly Guide to Success for Health and Wellness Practitioners: A Friendly Guide To Success For Health And Wellness Practitioners

by Kelly Bowers

A practical and easily accessible guide for bodyworkers and movement teachers, including massage therapists and all other complementary therapists, to the setting up and running of a private practice in order to make it into a successful business.This book is for people who wish they didn't need this book; for people who wish that their passion for their work was all they need to run a business but have learned that it is not. This book provides guidance to give the reader a head for business while maintaining their heart for their work.Filled with practical real-world explanations of basic business skills, it is written with warmth, humor, and an appreciation for the heart-led work of everyone in the health and wellness world. From bookkeeping to financing, business plans to contracts, the reader will find answers to the most basic questions: where do I start and how do I do that?When you love your healing work and need to learn how to run your business this book is the friend you need.

Yoga Therapy for Arthritis: A Whole-Person Approach to Movement and Lifestyle

by Erin Byron Dr Steffany Moonaz

Yoga therapy is commonly used for the management of arthritis, but often focusses exclusively on adaptation of the physical poses and on structural solutions. This book moves beyond the traditional routines to present yoga as a lifestyle designed to improve quality of life and overall well-being for individuals living with arthritis and rheumatic conditions. By incorporating the ancient practices of yoga as both physical and mental exercises involving a model of 5-koshas or sheaths (physical, energetic, mental/emotional, wisdom, and spiritual), the yoga therapy practice presented here will help reduce pain and shift the perspective of the individual living with arthritis. This therapy uses a whole-person approach that employs a broad range of tools to address the biopsychosocial effects of arthritis through the application of yoga practices and philosophy. Useful as a guide for people living with arthritis, this book is full of inspiration for self care along with instructions for yoga teachers and medical professionals to guide their clients using this whole-person perspective.

Dear Alzheimer's: A Diary of Living with Dementia

by Keith Oliver

Keith Oliver was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 2010, and has since become a leading activist for dementia care, and an international speaker. Telling his story through a diary format, this book gives an unparalleled insight into what day-to-day life with dementia is like, and how he continued to live a full life after diagnosis.

Yoga Therapy for Insomnia and Sleep Recovery: An Integrated Approach to Supporting Healthy Sleep and Sustaining Energy All Day

by Lisa Sanfilippo

Examining the ways that the body, trauma and emotional issues, and lifestyle can impact sleep, this book shows how to apply yoga holistically to tackle insomnia. Learn how to reset the delicate body-mind balance by moving through the koshas. This approach will put clients on the path to good quality sleep, with increasing effect over time.

Yoga Biomechanics: Stretching Redefined

by Jules Mitchell

Yoga Biomechanics: Stretching Redefined provides a unique evidence-based exploration into the complexities of human movement and what a safe, effective yoga practice entails. The emphasis is taken off flexibility and centered around a narrative of body tissue adaptation. Conventional approaches to modern yoga are examined through a biomechanist's lens, highlighting emerging perspectives in both the rehabilitation and sport science literature. Artfully woven throughout the book is a sub-text that improves the reader's research literacy while making an impassioned plea for the role of research in the evolution of how teachers teach, and how practitioners practice. Yoga teachers and yoga practitioners alike will discern yoga asana for its role in one's musculoskeletal health. Yoga therapists and other allied healthcare providers can apply principles discussed to their respective professions. All readers will understand pose modifications in the context of load management, reducing fears of injury and discovering the robustness and resilience of the human body.Coverage includes -Biomechanics Basics; Force, Applied/Modified Loads, and Stress; Progressive Overload and Specificity; Conventional Stretching; Stretching and Performance; Eccentrics; Mechanical Properties of Connective Tissue; Tissue Behavior, Structure, and Composition; Tissue Adaptation, Capacity, and Tension; Exploration into Soft Tissue Injuries; Alignment and PostureFeatures include - Highlights meaningful, evidence-based applications and examples of yoga and/or stretching.Provides guidelines for non-researcher's critical interpretation of research, helping them to avoid making poor choices based in well-worn beliefs and hackneyed assumption.Pushes teachers to a deeper understanding of biomechanics, beyond simply memorizing anatomy, empowering them to make smart choices for instructing a variety of populations in both private and group class settings.Encourages variety in popular modern-day asana, using props and a keen eye, given our understanding of how the body's tissues adapt to applied loads.Educates yoga teachers to think beyond the scripted yoga education they received, stretching their minds to further understand and redefine stretching of the human body.

Teen Substance Use, Mental Health and Body Image: Practical Strategies for Support

by Ian Macdonald

This practical resource looks at the relationship between mental illness and substance use disorders in young people. While studies show the link between the two, drug use is often mistakenly viewed as 'deviant' behaviour rather than as a coping mechanism for unmet needs. This book offers schools and youth settings a different approach to both supporting young people and implementing preventative measures. The concept of risk taking in young people is explored, as well as how stress, low self-esteem and body image issues can lead to substance use, including performance enhancing drugs and high caffeine drinks. Examples of how to address these issues through PSHE are addressed in each chapter, as well as tips for supporting individual pupils from expert practitioners and researchers in the field.

A Clinician's Guide to Non-Pharmacological Dementia Therapies

by Dr Daniel Nightingale

The book outlines a range of non-pharmacological therapies clinicians can adopt in their daily practice and sets out information and advice on each therapy and how to implement them in practice, illustrated with case studies and practical examples and drawing on the author's own clinical work. Many different therapies are discussed including Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and farm and ranch therapy. Each has been chosen for its own particular benefits, including early stage dementia and rarer forms, while others can be applied more generally. Tying each therapy together are six key clinical approaches and models of intervention. The core of this is the Nightingale Psycho-Social Model of Support for Someone Living with Dementia. This person-centred approach focuses on the maintenance of meaningful occupation, platonic and intimate relationships, community involvement and maintaining life within normal patterns of behaviour. The new go-to book for clinicians, it is an invaluable tool for anyone looking for a wide variety of dementia therapies.

Dementia-Friendly Worship: A Multifaith Handbook for Chaplains, Clergy, and Faith Communities

by Lynda Everman and Don Wendorf

A multi-faith practical guide on how different faith leaders can support individuals with dementia. Explaining the cognitive, communicative and physical abilities that people with dementia can have, it shows how chaplains, clergy and lay persons can engage with them through worship.

Yoga and Science in Pain Care: Treating the Person in Pain

by Michael Lee Matthew J. Taylor Dr Steffany Moonaz Staffan Elgelid Joletta Belton Lori Rubenstein Fazzio Matt Erb Antonio Sausys Tracey Meyers

The book takes an integrated approach to pain rehabilitation and combines pain science, rehabilitation and yoga with evidence-based approaches from respected contributors. They demonstrate how to integrate the concepts, philosophies and practices of yoga and pain science in working with people in pain. An essential and often overlooked part of pain rehabilitation is listening to, working with, learning from, and validating the person in pain's lived experience. The book expounds on the movement to a more patient-valued, partnership-based biopsychosocial-spiritual model of healthcare where the patient is an active and empowered participant, as opposed to a model where the healthcare provider is 'fixing' the passive patient. It also explains how practitioners can address the entire human being in pain, and how to include the person as an expert for more effective and self-empowered care.

Taiji As Moving Meditation: Fundamental Principles and Practices

by Paul Fendos

A clear introduction to Taiji, a slow and rhythmical martial art, this visual guide shows how it can be used as a 'moving meditation' that bestows strength, vigour and longevity.The book focuses on helping people apply the principles of the Taiji practice by offering a short introduction to its history and philosophy, as well as a primer on its general practices as established by the International Wushu Federation. Divided into five chapters, it includes an easy-to-learn warm-up, stances, hand techniques, steps, breathing, basic moves and the four Forms that are usually learned to receive a black belt in the art.With a growing focus on alternative ways of improving general health and well-being, Taiji as Moving Meditation is the perfect guide for those wanting to enhance focus and peace of mind.

The Guided Meditation Handbook: Advice, Meditation Scripts and Hasta Mudra for Yoga Teachers

by Georgia Keal

For yoga teachers who want to add a meditation element to their classes, this collection of guided meditations is the perfect resource. It also includes tips on setting the scene for a truly relaxed environment, alongside advice for on how to create your own meditations that can be tailored to the needs of yoga students.

Yoga as Self-Care for Healthcare Practitioners: Cultivating Resilience, Compassion, and Empathy

by Aggie Stewart

An introduction for healthcare practitioners on using yoga to help manage stress and reach one's full potential. The importance of self-care to prevent burnout and stress is increasingly recognised within healthcare professions, and is being incorporated into education and training programs. This book gives students and practitioners across healthcare disciplines the tools they need to face various challenges on a multitude of interrelated fronts and help process the stress that these bring.It covers the foundations of yoga practice, and how the different building blocks can be combined to develop resilience, compassion and empathy.

CLEAR Dementia Care©: A Model to Assess and Address Unmet Needs

by Dr MF Duffy

Behaviour that challenges is often a sign of distress experienced by a person with dementia as they try to cope with the daily stresses of living with their condition. This book shows how to understand challenging behaviour in the context of unmet needs, with effective assessment tools for personalised interventions and enhanced dementia care.

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