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Pandemics, Public Health, and the Regulation of Borders: Lessons from COVID-19

This book examines how the COVID-19 pandemic has engendered a new and challenging environment in which borders drawn around people, places, and social structures have hardened and new ones have emerged.Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, borders closed or became unwelcoming at the international, national, sub-national, and local levels. Debate persists as to whether those countries and territories that tightly managed their borders, like New Zealand, Australia, or Hong Kong, got it ‘right’ compared to those that did not. Without doubt, a majority of those who suffered and died throughout the pandemic have been those from vulnerable populations. Yet on the other hand, efforts taken to manage the spread of the disease, such as through border management, have also disproportionately affected those who are most vulnerable. How then is the right balance to be struck, acknowledging, too, the economic and other imperatives that may dissuade governments from taking public health steps? This book considers how international organizations, countries, and institutions within those countries should conceive of, and manage, borders as the world continues to struggle with COVID-19 and prepares for the next pandemic. Engaging a range of international, and sub-national, examples, the book thematizes the main issues at stake in the control and management of borders in the interests of public health.This book will be of considerable interest to academics in the fields of health law, anthropology, economics, history, medicine, public health, and political science, as well as policymakers and public health planners at national and sub-national levels.

Panpsychism: Contemporary Perspectives (Philosophy of Mind Series)

Recent debates in philosophy of mind seemingly have resulted in an impasse. Reductive physicalism cannot account for the phenomenal mind, and nonreductive physicalism cannot safeguard a causal role for the mental as mental. Dualism was formerly considered to be the only viable alternative, but in addition to exacerbating the problem of mental causation, it is hard to square with a naturalist evolutionary framework. By 1979, Thomas Nagel argued that if reductionism and dualism fail, and a non-reductionist form of strong emergence cannot be made intelligible, then panpsychism-the thesis that mental being is a fundamental and ubiquitous feature of the universe-might be a viable alternative. But it was not until David Chalmers' The Conscious Mind in 1996 that debates on panpsychism entered the philosophical mainstream. Since then the field has been growing rapidly, and some leading philosophers of mind as well as scientist have argued in favor of panpsychism. This book features contemporary arguments for panpsychism as a genuine alternative in analytic philosophy of mind in the 21st century. Different varieties of panpsychism are represented and systematically related to each other in the volume's 16 essays, which feature not only proponents of panpsychism but also prominent critics from both the physicalist and non-physicalist camps.

Perception and Its Modalities

This volume is about the many ways we perceive. In nineteen new essays, philosophers and cognitive scientists explore the nature of the individual senses, how and what they tell us about the world, and how they interrelate. They consider how the senses extract perceptual content from receptoral information and what kinds of objects we perceive and whether multiple senses ever perceive a single event. Questions pertaining to how many senses we have, what makes one sense distinct from another, and whether and why distinguishing senses may be useful feature prominently. Contributors examine the extent to which the senses act in concert, rather than as discrete modalities, and whether this influence is epistemically pernicious, neutral, or beneficial. Many of the essays engage with the idea that it is unduly restrictive to think of perception as a collation of contents provided by individual sense modalities. Rather, contributors contend that to understand perception properly we need to build into our accounts the idea that the senses work together. In doing so, they aim to develop better paradigms for understanding the senses and thereby to move toward a better understanding of perception.

Perceptual Ephemera

Most research on perception has focused on the perceptual experience of three-dimensional, solid, bounded, and coherent material objects - items like tables and tomatoes. But as well as having perceptual experience of such objects, we also experience such aspects of the world as, for instance, rainbows and surfaces, shadows and absences: things that are ephemeral by contrast with material objects. This book presents fifteen new essays on the perceptual experience of such ephemera. The editors' introduction provides a detailed guide to the topic as a whole, setting out the thematic background to this emerging area of research in contemporary philosophy of perception. The volume winds a path through the ephemeral, considering such topics as sounds, smells, transparency, reflection, camouflage, solidity, and ambient vision. A general aim of the volume is to make a case that the broad range of ephemera it catalogues is far from marginal, or insubstantial with respect to their philosophical interest and value. Philosophical attention to perceptul ephemera may well suggest novel routes to arriving at a more developed understanding of perceptual experience at large and its characteristic features.

Perceptual Imagination and Perceptual Memory

In Perceptual Imagination and Perceptual Memory a group of distinguished contributors examine how perceptual imagination and memory resemble and differ from each other and from other kinds of sensory experience.They question the role each plays in perception and in the acquisition of knowledge. The collection discusses the epistemic roles that the imagination and memory play in our mental lives. It pushes forward the debates about the nature of perceptual imagination and perceptual memory. This innovative study will encourage future discussions on these interesting topics by students and scholars in the field. This volume presents ten new essays on the nature of perceptual imagination and perceptual memory, framed by an introductory overview of these topics. How do perceptual imagination and memory resemble and differ from each other and from other kinds of sensory experience? And what role does each play in perception and in the acquisition of knowledge? These are the two central questions that the contributors seek to address.

Phenomenal Presence

Many different features of the world figure consciously in our perceptual experiences, in the sense that they make a subjective difference to those experiences. These features are thought to range from colours and shapes, to volumes and backsides, from natural or artefactual kinds, to reasons for perceptual belief, and from the existence and externality of objects, to the relationality and wakeful-ness of our perceptual awareness of them. Phenomenal Presence explores the different ways in which features like these may be phenomenally present in perceptual experience. In particular, it focuses on features that are rarely discussed, and the perceptual presence of which is more controversial or less obvious because they are out of view or otherwise easily overlooked; for example, they are given in a non-sensory manner, or they are categorical in the sense that they feature in all perceptual experiences (such as their justificatory power, their wakefulness, or the externality of their objects). The book divides into four parts, each dealing with a different kind of phenomenal presence. The first addresses the nature of the presence of perceptual constancies and variations, while the second investigates the determinacy and ubiquity of the presence of spatial properties in perception. The third part deals with the presence of hidden or occluded aspects of objects, while part four discusses the presence of categorical aspects of perceptual experience. The contributions provide a thorough examination of which features are phenomenally present in perception, and what it is for them to figure in experience in this way.

Philosophers of Our Times

Eighteen of the world's most eminent philosophers of recent years tackle central questions of philosophy in this collection of the prestigious annual lectures given at the Royal Institute of Philosophy in London. The line-up of authors is stellar: Simon Blackburn, Ned Block, Tyler Burge, David Chalmers, Noam Chomsky, Jerry Fodor, Jürgen Habermas, Anthony Kenny, Christine Korsgaard, John McDowell, Alasdair MacIntyre, Thomas Nagel, Derek Parfit, T. M. Scanlon, John Searle, Sir Peter Strawson, Bernard Williams, and Mary Warnock. There are six pieces on questions to do with mind, perception, and action; four on reason and morality; six range over freedom, identity, religion, and politics; and the last two take a step back to look at philosophy itself and how it works. The best way to learn about philosophy is to read philosophy at its best: that is what this fascinating anthology offers.

Philosophers on Consciousness: Talking about the Mind (Talking about Philosophy)

We know, more intimately than anything else, what it's like to undergo a rich world of experiences: agonizing pains, dizzying pleasures, heady rage and existential doubts. But, despite the incredible advances of physical science, it seems that we're no closer to an explanation of how this inner world of experiences comes about. No matter how detailed our description of the physical brain, perhaps we'll always be left with this same question: how and why does the brain produce consciousness? This book is a short, accessible and engaging guide to the mystery of consciousness. Featuring remastered interviews and original essays from the world's leading thinkers, Philosophers on Consciousness sheds new light on the most promising theories in philosophy and science. Beyond understanding the mind, this is a journey into personal identity, the origin of meaning, the nature of morality and the fundamental structure of reality.

Philosophical Health: Thinking as a Way of Healing (Re-inventing Philosophy as a Way of Life)

Bringing together leading international and interdisciplinary scholars, this ground-breaking volume examines the theory and practice of philosophical health in contemporary contexts of care broadly understood, care for the self, care for the other, and care for the world. But what do we mean by philosophical health? Whilst this book does not seek to provide a normative definition, as it explores disparate perspectives and encourages pluralism in philosophical ways of life, one may envision philosophical health as a state of creative coherence between a person's or a group's way of thinking and their way of acting, such that the possibilities for a good life are increased, and the needs for flourishing satisfied. An idea central to philosophical health is the concept of 'possibility'. Without a sense of self-possibility and openness to the future, health loses meaning, and conversely, pathologies are defined by various kinds of impossibilities. As such, philosophical health reconsiders care as a process of cultivating or pruning the compossible in embodied, psychological, and social terms, of allowing things to re-generate, or in some cases to vanish. Drawing on the history of philosophy, phenomenology, new materialism, post-colonialism but also a wide range of contemporary approaches to philosophical practice, Philosophical Health sheds light on the understudied philosophical dimension of care and the healing dimension of philosophizing. Advocating philosophy as a lived practice, it uncovers the increasing relevance of philosophical health to contemporary debates on well-being, well-belonging, counselling, and development.

Philosophy and Psychedelics: Frameworks for Exceptional Experience

What do psychedelics reveal about consciousness? What impact have psychedelics had on philosophy? In this rapidly growing area of study, this is the first volume to explore the philosophy of psychedelic experience, from a range of interdisciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives. In doing so, Philosophy and Psychedelics reveals just why the place of psychedelics in our societies should not be left to medical sciences alone, as psychedelic experience opens up new perspectives on fundamental philosophical questions relating to human experience, ethics, and the metaphysics of mind. Mapping a range of philosophical responses to the surge in studies into psychedelic drugs in the cognitive sciences, this go-to volume examines topics including psychedelics and the role of governance; psychedelics and mysticism; what psychedelics can tell us about dyadic thankfulness; and psychedelics as ways to gain new knowledge. Written by leading international scholars, the essays cover Western and non-Western traditions, from analytic philosophy to Zen Buddhism, and discuss a variety of hallucinogens, such as LSD, MDMA, and Ayahuasca, in order to build a much-needed bridge between the rapidly growing scientific research and the philosophy behind psychedelic experience.

The Philosophy and Psychology of Delusions: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy)

This book presents new philosophical work on delusions and their impact on everyday human behavior. It explores a cluster of related topics at the intersection of philosophy of mind and psychiatry, while also charting the historical development of work on delusions. Within psychiatry, there are several disputes about the nature and origin of delusions. Whereas some authors see only an abnormal phenomenon that needs to be treated by psychological or pharmacological means, others hold that delusions can be psychologically adaptive and even have epistemic benefits. This book brings together an interdisciplinary group of contributors to build consensus around what delusions are and how they impact the human mind. Part 1 provides readers with an informed historical discussion of delusions and carefully examines the contemporary impact of these historical perspectives. Part 2 analyzes the impact of contemporary views of delusions on the mental and emotional life of human agents. Finally, Part 3 explores the normative frameworks of delusions and analyzes the impact of some of their behavioral consequences on the daily life of subjects and their caregivers. The Philosophy and Psychology of Delusions is essential reading for researchers and graduate students working at the intersection of philosophy, psychiatry, and psychology.

The Philosophy and Science of Predictive Processing

This book explores how predictive processing, which argues that our brains are constantly generating and updating hypotheses about our external conditions, sheds new light on the nature of the mind. It shows how it is similar to and expands other theoretical approaches that emphasize the active role of the mind and its dynamic function. Offering a complete guide to the philosophical and empirical implications of predictive processing, contributors bring perspectives from philosophy, neuroscience, and psychology. Together, they explore the many philosophical applications of predictive processing and its exciting potential across mental health, cognitive science, neuroscience, and robotics. Presenting an extensive and balanced overview of the subject, The Philosophy and Science of Predictive Processing is a landmark volume within philosophy of mind.

The Philosophy of Charles Travis: Language, Thought, and Perception

This volume offers a collective critical engagement with the thought of Charles Travis, a leading contemporary philosopher of language and mind, and a scholar of the history of analytical philosophy. The work of Charles Travis is fundamentally situated in the analytical tradition, yet is also radically at odds with many assumptions characteristic of the tradition, especially as regards the nature of language and perception as representational capacities. Twelve philosophers explore themes in his work, and Travis gives extended responses. The editors provide an introductory chapter which situates Travis's ideas in the context of contemporary philosophy of language and mind. The volume divides into three sections, relating to language, thought, and perception. Topics covered in detail include: the nature of linguistic and perceptual representation; Frege; Wittgenstein; the role of context in fixing speech content; and the structure of thought.

The Philosophy of Daniel Dennett

Daniel C. Dennett began publishing innovative philosophical research in the late 1960s, and he has continued to do so for the past 45 years. He has addressed questions about the nature of mind and consciousness, the possibility of freedom, and the significance of evolution to addressing questions across the cognitive, biological, and social sciences. The Philosophy of Daniel Dennett explores the intellectual significance of this research project, bringing together the insights of eleven researchers who are currently working on themes that are relevant to Dennett's philosophical worldview. Some of the contributions address interpretive issues within Dennett's corpus, and aim to bring increased clarity to Dennett's project. Others report novel empirical data, at least in part, in the service of fleshing out Dennett's claims. Some of them provide a fresh take on a Dennettian theme, and others extend his views in novel directions. Like Dennett's own work, these papers draw on a wide range of different methodologies, from appeals to intuition pumps and scientific data, to turning the knobs on a theory to see what it can do. But each of them aims to be readable, and approachable. And as a whole, the volume provides a critical and constructive overview of Dennett's stance-based methodology, as well as explorations of his claims about metal representation, consciousness, cultural evolution, and religion.

The Philosophy of Imagination: Technology, Art and Ethics

Combining perspectives from both continental and analytic philosophy, this timely volume explores how imagination today both shapes and is shaped by technology, art and ethics. Imagination is one of the most significant and broadly examined concepts in contemporary philosophy and is frequently understood as a basic human faculty that enables complex activities. This book shows, however, that imagination is more than a mere enabler. Whilst imagination shapes our experiences, it is at the same time shaped by our environments. Some of the most creative manifestations of imagination are the result of its two-way interaction with art or technology, or both. In short, imagination co-shapes us. Beyond the traditional perspectives of Kant and Heidegger, The Philosophy of Imagination: Technology, Art and Ethics examines our dynamic relationship with imagination, from contemporary technological advancements such as AI that transform the whole ecosystem to imagination in the context of videogames and literary fiction. Analysing societal imagination, it addresses the relationship between the racial imaginary and white ignorance, as well as the effects that societal mechanisms such as lockdowns can have on our imagination. Taking its cue from the here and now, this volume brings together leading international scholars to investigate how the concept of co-shaping allows us to see imagination and its crucial role in society in new and productive ways.

Post-COVID Tourism and Hospitality Dynamics: Recovery, Revival, and Re-Start (Advances in Hospitality and Tourism)

This new volume takes an in-depth look at the post-COVID tourism and hospitality scenario and how the industry has adapted to the new normal. With chapters from authors from over a dozen countries, the book shares information and experiences on how diverse hospitality and tourism sectors are navigating the post-COVID era. The book offers analyses of post-COVID trends in the travel, tourism, and hospitality sector along with case studies and COVID tourism recovery strategies. It discusses post-COVID safety protocols, sustainable tourism practices, post-COVID-19 public policies for tourism, and more. Specific tourism and hospitality sectors are also considered, including wine tourism, MICE (meetings, incentives, conferences, and exhibitions) tourism, regional tourism, food delivery services, and others. The book also explores innovations and digital solutions for tourism and hospitality in the COVID-19 pandemic.

Post-Disaster and Post-Conflict Tourism, 2nd Edition

This new volume, Post-Disaster and Post-Conflict Tourism, now going into its 2nd edition, takes an in-depth look at how global geopolitical tensions and global threats affect the tourism industry and offers tools and strategies for meeting these challenges. The book is updated with chapters that include new research, studies, and experiences, many of which consider the fall-out from the COVID-19 pandemic on tourism. It also includes five brand new chapters, for over 50 new pages of text. With chapters by well-versed scholars who have worked as experts in post-disaster and post-conflict tourism, the book presents a host of case scenarios along with innovative strategies that can be implemented by postcolonial, post-conflict, and post-disaster destinations to encourage travel and tourism in these areas. Topics include using tourism as a vehicle for economic recovery, educating tourists at the pre-visit stage, developing and employing postcolonial branding and self-branding, using sports tourism and food events as a marketing strategy, the ethics revolving around post-disaster consumption, and much more. The new chapters discuss tourism in the age of the coronavirus pandemic and its dramatic disruptive effect on the tourism industry. The authors delve into post-COVID tourism marketing, health and wellness education and practices, ethical considerations for tourism operators, and more. A chapter also considers the challenges of sustainable supply chain management in tour operations. With contributions from experts in this emerging field, this volume is a rich resource for travel and tourism professionals, policymakers, researchers, and others. It creates a bridge between the conceptual discussions around "dark consumption" (tourism directed to places that are identified with death and suffering) and the urgency to develop empirical models that support destination marketing organizations in a rapidly changing world.

Post-genomic Approaches in Cancer and Nano Medicine

Understanding the molecular mechanisms of cancer is the key for transforming cancer medicine. A substantial proportion of human genes show alternative splicing and mis-regulation of Pre-mRNA splicing is seen in several cancers.This book further investigates these matters. The first few chapters provide an update on the role of genomics in understanding alternative splicing, and targets in cancer pathogenesis. Advances and prospects in applications of nanotechnology for cancer prevention, detection and treatment are a promising field of research. The subsequent chapters provide insights on how nanotechnology-based therapeutics are moving towards revolutionizing cancer and infectious disease treatment by minimizing toxicity and facilitating targeted delivery of drugs. Technical topics discussed in the book include: • Alternative splicing and cancer• Cancer imaging• Nanomaterials in infectious diseases• Nanomedicine in oxidative stress and cancer• Nanoparticle based drug delivery systems

Post-Pandemic Economy, Technology, and Innovation: Global Outlook and Context

Coronavirus has dramatically changed the world as we knew it in many diverse ways. This new volume explores the impact of the pandemic on many aspects of life and work, including the global economy, entrepreneurship and innovation, intellectual property laws, agriculture, healthcare, teaching and education, marketing strategies, banking mechanisms, travel and tourism, and science and technology. The book looks at how virus outbreak has highlighted and emphasized the role of technological innovation as an essential connector as international borders were shuttered, and commercial activity was disturbed at an unprecedented scale. The information shared here will help healthcare providers, business administrators, and policymakers in many fields and occupations to navigate and manage the changes and impacts of the pandemic in their various roles.

Potent Anticancer Medicinal Plants: Secondary Metabolite Profiling, Active Ingredients, and Pharmacological Outcomes

Herbal medicines play a critical role in the prevention and treatment of cancer disorders, which are a foremost cause of human disease and death worldwide. This new volume provides a wealth of valuable information on the most vital plant genera and species that have potent anticancer activities, namely Garcinia indica, Centella asiatica Linn, Nigella sativa, Ocimum sanctum, Boswellia serrata Roxb, Catharanthus roseus, Withania somnifera (Linn.) Dunal, Camptotheca acuminata Decne, Taxus baccata L., Panax ginseng, Tinospora cordifolia (Wild) Miers, Taxus brevifolia, and Glycyrrhiza glabra. These anticancer medicinal plants are bestowed with a novel and essential array of chemotherapeutic complexes, biologically active molecules, and secondary metabolites (such as taxol, vinblastine, vincristine, camptothecin, topotecan, etc.) with promising properties to cure cancer in humans. These plants show a vast potential for new drug discovery in the era of modern medicine to fight against cancer. Key features of the book: Provides knowledge of secondary metabolite profiling, active ingredients, modes of action, and pharmacological outcomes of various anticancer plants Discusses the potential of important anticancer plants at the global level Offers information to promote the discovery of new drugs from anticancer plants This book will be valuable to oncologists, cancer researchers, biotechnologists, medicinal chemists, pharmacists, pharmacologists, phytochemists, members of biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences working in the areas of cancer treatment, and upper-level students and residents in pharmacy and medicine.

The Pragmatist Challenge: Pragmatist Metaphysics for Philosophy of Science

The Pragmatist Challenge lays out a programmatic view for taking a pragmatist approach to topics in philosophy of science and metaphysics. Pragmatism involves a collection of specific views as well as comprising a general approach that can be applied to multiple topics. For topics at the intersection of philosophy of science and metaphysics, pragmatism as explored in this volume is an effective way to take entrenched debates and re-frame them in ways that move past old dichotomies and offer more fruitful paths forward. Each chapter explores a dual vision of pragmatism: specific pragmatist views are developed, demonstrating how to take a distinctively pragmatist approach to some particular issue or subfield; and the general shape of what it means to take a pragmatist approach is elucidated as well. The chapters thus tend to be synoptic in scope. Collectively, they offer a new approach that can be taken up in constructively reframing other discussions, ready to be applied to new specific topics. Pragmatism is an especially potent tool that sits at the interface between methodological and applied questions coming directly from sciences, and the underlying ontological or metaphysical commitments that are implied by or support the methodological discussions. The goal of the volume is to articulate a variety of ways to be a pragmatist without having to commit to a single specific set of -isms in order to make use of it, while highlighting the common themes that manifest across different discussions. The chapters offer a heterogenous yet programmatic approach to pragmatism.

Preventive and Therapeutic Role of Vitamins as Nutraceuticals (AAP Advances in Nutraceuticals)

This new book provides informative coverage of recent breakthroughs in vitamins and their ability to prevent disease, manage health issues, and treat chronic illness. It describes the beneficial effects of vitamins as nutraceuticals in treating cancer, for improving the immunity of patients with HIV and AIDS, for the treatment of tuberculosis, and for the management of infectious diseases, such as viral infections, microbial infections, and COVID-19. The functional activity of vitamins in brain health and obesity management is also explored for the management, prevention, and delay of hypertension and related problems. The volume also covers vitamins that play a role in neurodegenerative diseases as well as those that can be used for weight loss and obesity, blindness and vision issues, baldness, and skincare issues.

Privacy and Medical Confidentiality in Healthcare: A Comparative Analysis (Global Perspectives on Medical Law series)

This seminal book delivers an international examination of the duty of medical confidentiality and a patient’s right to privacy in the face of contemporary developments such as cyber-security, patient autonomy, and the greater reliance on telemedicine post the Covid-19 pandemic. Thierry Vansweevelt and Nicola Glover-Thomas bring together esteemed academics from across the globe to deliver an international perspective on medical confidentiality. Uniquely combining the concerns of patient privacy and data protection law, chapters are separated by global regions and outline a number of theoretical arguments supported by case-specific studies. Contributors assess which healthcare providers are bound by the duty of confidentiality, which information is secret, the exceptions to confidentiality, special cases such as genetics and privacy, and liability in cases of negligence.Privacy and Medical Confidentiality in Healthcare will be of great interest to legal academics, students and researchers working in health law, data protection law and cyber law as well as scholars specialising in medicine and healthcare. The book’s focus on effective healthcare and protecting patient privacy will also benefit legal practitioners and professionals working in healthcare, social care, and data management.

The Problem of Universals in Early Modern Philosophy

The ancient topic of universals was central to scholastic philosophy, which raised the question of whether universals exist as Platonic forms, as instantiated Aristotelian forms, as concepts abstracted from singular things, or as words that have universal signification. It might be thought that this question lost its importance after the decline of scholasticism in the modern period. However, the fourteen contributions contained in The Problem of Univerals in Early Modern Philosophy indicate that the issue of universals retained its vitality in modern philosophy. Modern philosophers in fact were interested in 3 sets of issues concerning universals: (i) issues concerning the ontological status of universals, (ii) issues concerning the psychology of the formation of universal concepts or terms, and (iii) issues concerning the value and use of universal concepts or terms in the acquisition of knowledge. Chapters in this volume consider the various forms of "Platonism," "conceptualism" and "nominalism" (and distinctive combinations thereof) that emerged from the consideration of such issues in the work of modern philosophers. Furthermore, this volume covers not only the canonical modern figures, namely, Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Locke, Berkeley, Hume and Kant, but also more neglected figures such as Pierre Gassendi, Pierre-Sylvain Regis, Nicolas Malebranche, Henry More, Ralph Cudworth and John Norris.

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