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Showing 24,751 through 24,775 of 76,422 results

Pragmatic Inference: Misunderstandings, Accountability, Deniability (Elements in Pragmatics)

by null Chi-Hé Elder

The concept of inference is foundational to the study of pragmatics; however, the way it is theoretically conceptualised and methodologically operationalised is far from uniform. This Element investigates the role that inference plays in pragmatic models of communication, bringing together a range of scholarship that characterises inference in different ways for different purposes. It addresses the nature of 'faulty inferences', promoting the study of misunderstandings as crucial for understanding inferential processes, and looking at sociopragmatic issues such as the role of commitment, accountability and deniability of inferences in interpersonal communication. This Element highlights that the question of where the locus of meaning lies is not only relevant to pragmatic theory but is also of paramount importance for understanding and managing real-life interpersonal communication conflict.

Pragmatic Disorders: A Workbook (Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology #3)

by Louise Cummings

This wide-ranging survey of the state of the art in clinical pragmatics includes an examination of pragmatic disorders in previously neglected populations such as juvenile offenders, children and adults with emotional and behavioural disorders, and adults with non-Alzheimer dementias. This book makes a significant contribution to the discussion of pragmatic disorders by exploring topics which have a fast-rising profile in the field. These topics include disorders in which there are both pragmatic and cognitive components, and studies of the complex impacts of pragmatic disorders such as mental health problems, educational disadvantage and social exclusion. This book also presents a critical evaluation of our current state of knowledge of pragmatic disorders. The author focuses on the lack of integration between theoretical and clinical branches of pragmatics and argues that the work of clinicians is all too often inadequately informed by theoretical frameworks. She attempts to bridge these gaps by pursuing a closer alliance of clinical and theoretical branches of pragmatics. It is claimed that this alliance represents the most promising route for the future development of the field. At once a yardstick measuring progress thus far in clinical pragmatics, and also a roadmap for future research development, this single-author volume defines where we have reached in the field, as well as where we have to go next.​

Pragmatic Aspects of Scalar Modifiers: The Semantics-Pragmatics Interface (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics #69)

by Osamu Sawada

This volume examines the meaning of scalar modifiers - expressions such as more than, a bit, and much - from the standpoint of the interface between semantics and pragmatics. In natural language, scalar expressions such as comparatives, intensifiers, and minimizers are used for measuring an object or event at a semantic level. However, cross-linguistically scalar modifiers can often be used to express a range of subjective feelings or discourse pragmatic information at the level of conventional implicature (CI). For example, in English more than anything can signal the degree of importance of the given utterance, and in Japanese the minimizer chotto 'a bit' can weaken the degree of imposition of the speech act. In this book, Osamu Sawada draws on data from Japanese and a range of other languages to explore the dual-use phenomenon of scalar modifiers: he claims that although semantic scalar meanings and CI scalar meanings are logically different, the relationship between the two makes it crucial to examine them both together. The volume provides a new perspective on the semantic-pragmatics interface, and will be of interest to researchers and students of Japanese linguistics, semantics and pragmatics, and theoretical linguistics more generally.

Prager Moderne: Interkulturelle Perspektiven auf Raum, Identität und Literatur (Interkulturalität. Studien zu Sprache, Literatur und Gesellschaft #13)

by Manfred Weinberg Irina Wutsdorff Stepán Zbytovsky

»Tschechen, Deutsche, Juden« (M. Brod) - in der Darstellung des Zusammenlebens im Prag des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts überwog bisher im Gefolge von Pavel Eisners Diagnose eines »dreifachen Ghettos« die Tendenz zu starken Grenzziehungen. Demgegenüber orientierten sich die Arbeitstreffen des Forschungsverbunds »Prag als Knotenpunkt europäischer Moderne(n)« an neueren Theorien von Interkulturalität sowie zur sozialen und kulturellen Konstruktion von Räumen. Dieser Band dokumentiert, wie dadurch die diskursive Dynamik in den Vordergrund rückt, von der damals kollektive wie individuelle Identitätsbildungsprozesse sowie die Herausbildung literarischer Kommunikationsgemeinschaften geprägt waren.

Prag und sein Narrativ von der Jahrhundertwende bis zur Gegenwart: Mythotopologie einer „magischen“ Stadt

by Lena Scheidig

In diesem Buch widmet sich Lena Scheidig der Darstellung der Stadt Prag in der Literatur des 20. Jahrhunderts. Sie versucht zu ergründen, wie der (literarische) Mythos einer „magischen“ Stadt entstanden ist – ein Mythos, der auch über die Literatur hinaus zu einem feststehenden Charkteristikum Prags geworden ist und auf den bis heute immer wieder referiert wird. Anhand von literarischen Beispielen wird nachvollzogen, woraus sich die „Magie“ der Stadt speist, welche Funktion sie im jeweiligen Text erfüllt und ob sich diese Komponenten im Laufe des 20. Jahrhunderts verändert haben. Die Autorin beleuchtet auch, wie sich die realtopographische Stadt Prag politisch, topologisch und demographisch verändert hat.

Prag in der Zeit der Luxemburger Dynastie: Literatur, Religion und Herrschaftskulturen zwischen Bereicherung und Behauptung (Interkulturalität. Studien zu Sprache, Literatur und Gesellschaft #17)

by Amelie Bendheim Heinz Sieburg

Böhmen im 14. Jahrhundert kann als historischer Modellfall der Durchmischung, Konkurrenz und Bereicherung von Kulturen in einem komplexen Kommunikationsraum gesehen werden, der von Trägerschaften wie dem einheimischen Adel, dem regierenden Haus, dem städtischen Patriziat und der Geistlichkeit bestimmt wurde. Unter literaturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive zeichnet der Band das labile Gleichgewicht der Kräfte beispielhaft nach, welches das mehrsprachige und mehrkulturelle Prag in der Zeit der Luxemburger Dynastie erreichte - und auch bald wieder verlor. Daneben erfolgt ein Brückenschlag zur literarischen, kulturellen und politischen Situation der Neuzeit und Gegenwart.

Practising Theory and Reading Literature: An Introduction

by Raman Selden

Practising Theory and Reading Literature provides an accessible introduction to the study of contemporary literary theories and their applications to a range of literary texts. This is an elementary introduction where the emphasis is on practice, and in this respect it complements A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory.

Practising Theory and Reading Literature: An Introduction

by Raman Selden

Practising Theory and Reading Literature provides an accessible introduction to the study of contemporary literary theories and their applications to a range of literary texts. This is an elementary introduction where the emphasis is on practice, and in this respect it complements A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory.

Practising Spanish Grammar

by Angela Howkins Christopher Pountain Teresa De Carlos

This third edition of PRACTISING SPANISH GRAMMAR offers you a wide variety of exercises that put Spanish grammar into practice so you can understand better how the language is used today. Thoroughly updated, PRACTISING SPANISH GRAMMAR THIRD EDITION includes:a glossary that explains grammatical terms clearly, providing you with a useful reference guide to the tools of the languagelevel indicators with all exercises to help you progress at your own pace translations for key words within the exercises so you can work without having to stop and refer to a dictionaryanswers to all the exercises so you can use this book in class or at homea range of exercise types that cater for different learning strategies to help build your confidence in Spanish.With its broad variety of brand-new and revised exercises designed to stimulate and engage even the most grammar-shy students, this third edition can be used independently or as the ideal companion to the new fifth edition of the widely acclaimed A NEW REFERENCE GRAMMAR OF MODERN SPANISH FIFTH EDITION by John Butt and Carmen Benjamin.

Practising Spanish Grammar

by Angela Howkins Christopher Pountain Teresa De Carlos

This third edition of PRACTISING SPANISH GRAMMAR offers you a wide variety of exercises that put Spanish grammar into practice so you can understand better how the language is used today. Thoroughly updated, PRACTISING SPANISH GRAMMAR THIRD EDITION includes:a glossary that explains grammatical terms clearly, providing you with a useful reference guide to the tools of the languagelevel indicators with all exercises to help you progress at your own pace translations for key words within the exercises so you can work without having to stop and refer to a dictionaryanswers to all the exercises so you can use this book in class or at homea range of exercise types that cater for different learning strategies to help build your confidence in Spanish.With its broad variety of brand-new and revised exercises designed to stimulate and engage even the most grammar-shy students, this third edition can be used independently or as the ideal companion to the new fifth edition of the widely acclaimed A NEW REFERENCE GRAMMAR OF MODERN SPANISH FIFTH EDITION by John Butt and Carmen Benjamin.

Practising Spanish Grammar (Practising Grammar Workbooks)

by Angela Howkins Christopher Pountain Teresa De Carlos

Practising Spanish Grammar can be used independently or as the ideal companion to the sixth edition of the widely acclaimed A New Reference Grammar of Modern Spanish (Butt, Benjamin and Moreira Rodríguez). Thoroughly updated, this fourth edition of the workbook features an improved organization which closely mirrors that of A New Reference Grammar of Modern Spanish, sixth edition. The selection of exercises has been fully revised and expanded with new exercises on a variety of topics including possessives, conditional, future and past tenses, and polite requests. Designed to stimulate and engage even the most grammar-shy students, this is an ideal resource for Spanish learners at CEFR Level B2–C1, ACFTL Intermediate-High to Advanced.

Practising Spanish Grammar (Practising Grammar Workbooks)

by Angela Howkins Christopher Pountain Teresa de Carlos

Practising Spanish Grammar can be used independently or as the ideal companion to the sixth edition of the widely acclaimed A New Reference Grammar of Modern Spanish (Butt, Benjamin and Moreira Rodríguez). Thoroughly updated, this fourth edition of the workbook features an improved organization which closely mirrors that of A New Reference Grammar of Modern Spanish, sixth edition. The selection of exercises has been fully revised and expanded with new exercises on a variety of topics including possessives, conditional, future and past tenses, and polite requests. Designed to stimulate and engage even the most grammar-shy students, this is an ideal resource for Spanish learners at CEFR Level B2–C1, ACFTL Intermediate-High to Advanced.

Practising shame: Female honour in later medieval England (Manchester Medieval Literature and Culture)

by Mary C. Flannery

Practicing shame investigates how the literature of medieval England encouraged women to safeguard their honour by cultivating hypervigilance against the possibility of sexual shame. A combination of inward reflection and outward comportment, this practice of ‘shamefastness’ was believed to reinforce women’s chastity of mind and body, and to communicate that chastity to others by means of conventional gestures. The book uncovers the paradoxes and complications that emerged from these emotional practices, as well as the ways in which they were satirised and reappropriated by male authors. Working at the intersection of literary studies, gender studies and the history of emotions, it transforms our understanding of the ethical construction of femininity in the past and provides a new framework for thinking about honourable womanhood now and in the years to come.

Practising shame: Female honour in later medieval England (Manchester Medieval Literature and Culture)

by Mary C. Flannery

Practicing shame investigates how the literature of medieval England encouraged women to safeguard their honour by cultivating hypervigilance against the possibility of sexual shame. A combination of inward reflection and outward comportment, this practice of ‘shamefastness’ was believed to reinforce women’s chastity of mind and body, and to communicate that chastity to others by means of conventional gestures. The book uncovers the paradoxes and complications that emerged from these emotional practices, as well as the ways in which they were satirised and reappropriated by male authors. Working at the intersection of literary studies, gender studies and the history of emotions, it transforms our understanding of the ethical construction of femininity in the past and provides a new framework for thinking about honourable womanhood now and in the years to come.

Practising Italian Grammar: A Workbook

by Alessia Bianchi Clelia Boscolo Stephen Harrison

Practising Italian Grammar offers a comprehensive set of varied exercises for developing a greater practical awareness of the language. It is designed as a companion volume to A Reference Grammar of Modern Italian by Maiden and Robustelli, but it can also be used on its own by anyone wishing to improve their proficiency in Italian. The workbook includes examples of authentic Italian from journalistic and literary extracts, and from colloquial usage. The exercises are graded in terms of difficulty. Level 1 - revision of essential points, Level 2 - intermediate exercises, Level 3 - advanced exercises.A key to the exercises is provided making this workbook suitable for private study and classroom use.

Practising Italian Grammar: A Workbook

by Alessia Bianchi Clelia Boscolo Stephen Harrison

Practising Italian Grammar offers a comprehensive set of varied exercises for developing a greater practical awareness of the language. It is designed as a companion volume to A Reference Grammar of Modern Italian by Maiden and Robustelli, but it can also be used on its own by anyone wishing to improve their proficiency in Italian. The workbook includes examples of authentic Italian from journalistic and literary extracts, and from colloquial usage. The exercises are graded in terms of difficulty. Level 1 - revision of essential points, Level 2 - intermediate exercises, Level 3 - advanced exercises.A key to the exercises is provided making this workbook suitable for private study and classroom use.

Practising Global Journalism: Exploring reporting issues worldwide

by John Herbert

From this book, you will gain an understanding of the global media marketplace - the technology, the players and the issues. The role of news agencies, sources and networks are explored covering the issues of ethics, global media ownership and control. Find out how journalists are using the web and learn even newer ways to collect and communicate information. Essential reading for today's practising and trainee journalists. John Herbert examines the global environment in which journalists operate and describes the latest technology and its impact on print, broadcast and online journalism practice.Practising Global Journalism is a unique overview of the profession, providing a comparative study of journalism practice worldwide. Case studies are drawn from Europe, Australia, the Asia Pacific, South Asia, China, Africa and the Americas.

Practising Global Journalism: Exploring reporting issues worldwide

by John Herbert

From this book, you will gain an understanding of the global media marketplace - the technology, the players and the issues. The role of news agencies, sources and networks are explored covering the issues of ethics, global media ownership and control. Find out how journalists are using the web and learn even newer ways to collect and communicate information. Essential reading for today's practising and trainee journalists. John Herbert examines the global environment in which journalists operate and describes the latest technology and its impact on print, broadcast and online journalism practice.Practising Global Journalism is a unique overview of the profession, providing a comparative study of journalism practice worldwide. Case studies are drawn from Europe, Australia, the Asia Pacific, South Asia, China, Africa and the Americas.

Practising German Grammar (Practising Grammar Workbooks)

by Martin Durrell Katrin Kohl Claudia Kaiser

This new edition of Practising German Grammar provides you with varied and accessible exercises for developing an in-depth and practical awareness of German as it is spoken and written today. ? Whether used independently or as the ideal companion to the new sixth edition of the widely acclaimed Hammer’s German Grammar and Usage, this fourth edition of Practising German Grammar gives you the right tools to achieve high-level writing competence and comprehension of German. Using lively, authentic texts from a wide range of original sources and offering a variety of new and updated exercises designed to stimulate and to give confidence, Practising German Grammar will help you to master the complexities of the German language. Created especially for the new edition, a companion website at offers a wide range of exercises and quizzes on all the main areas of German, suitable for self-study and to accompany instructed grammar courses.

Practising German Grammar (Practising Grammar Workbooks)

by Martin Durrell Katrin Kohl Claudia Kaiser

This new edition of Practising German Grammar provides you with varied and accessible exercises for developing an in-depth and practical awareness of German as it is spoken and written today. ? Whether used independently or as the ideal companion to the new sixth edition of the widely acclaimed Hammer’s German Grammar and Usage, this fourth edition of Practising German Grammar gives you the right tools to achieve high-level writing competence and comprehension of German. Using lively, authentic texts from a wide range of original sources and offering a variety of new and updated exercises designed to stimulate and to give confidence, Practising German Grammar will help you to master the complexities of the German language. Created especially for the new edition, a companion website at offers a wide range of exercises and quizzes on all the main areas of German, suitable for self-study and to accompany instructed grammar courses.

Practising French Grammar: A Workbook

by Richard Towell Marie-Noelle Lamy Dr Roger Hawkins

This new edition of Practising French Grammar offers a set of varied and accessible exercises for developing a practical awareness of French as it is spoken and written today. The lively examples and authentic texts and cartoons have been updated to reflect current usage. A new companion website provides a wealth of additional interactive exercises to help consolidate challenging grammar points. Practising French Grammar provides concise summaries of key grammatical points at the beginning of each exercise, as well as model answers to the exercises and translations of difficult words, making it ideal for both in-class use and independent study. It can be used alone or as the ideal companion to the fourth edition of French Grammar and Usage.

Practising French Grammar: A Workbook (Practising Grammar Workbooks Ser.)

by Richard Towell Marie-Noelle Lamy Dr Roger Hawkins

This new edition of Practising French Grammar offers a set of varied and accessible exercises for developing a practical awareness of French as it is spoken and written today. The lively examples and authentic texts and cartoons have been updated to reflect current usage. A new companion website provides a wealth of additional interactive exercises to help consolidate challenging grammar points. Practising French Grammar provides concise summaries of key grammatical points at the beginning of each exercise, as well as model answers to the exercises and translations of difficult words, making it ideal for both in-class use and independent study. It can be used alone or as the ideal companion to the fourth edition of French Grammar and Usage.

Practise & Learn: English (Ages 9-10) (PDF)

by David Broadbent Luke Antieul Jo Sharrock Anthony Muller Rebecca Tate

This bright, friendly book has lots of English practice at exactly the right level for 9-10 year olds. The colourful pages start with guidance on the topic, then have loads of writing tasks, fun exercises and brain-teasing activities. There's also a pull-out answers section with helpful tips if your child is struggling with the topic.

Practicing Romance: Narrative Form and Cultural Engagement in Hawthorne's Fiction

by Richard H. Millington

Practicing Romance sets out to re-tell the story of Hawthorne's career, arguing that he is best understood as a cultural analyst of extraordinary acuity, ambitious to reshape--in a sense to cure--the community he addresses. Through readings attentive to narrative strategy and alert to the emerging middle-class culture that was his audience, the book defines and describes Hawthornian Romance in a new way: not, in customary fashion, as the definitive instance of a peculiarly American genre, but as a narrative practice designed to expose and restage the covert drama that affiliates us to our community. Hawthorne's fiction thus recovers for its readers, through the interpretive independence it teaches, a freer, more lucid, more critical relation to the community we inhabit, and the cultural engagement romance enacts in turn rescues Hawthorne from the confining marginality that the writer's career had threatened to confer. From the book's distinctive account of his narrative tactics, especially his deployment of the voices and attitudes--authoritarian or democratic, entrapping or freeing--that give shape to his ideological terrain, Hawthorne emerges as a daring reinventor of the novel's cultural role.Originally published in 1992.The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.

Practicing Oral History with Immigrant Narrators (Practicing Oral History)

by Carol McKirdy

In addition to the problem of language, conducting oral histories with immigrant narrators often requires special considerations: past violence, cultural sensitivity, and lack of trust. Yet, these narrators are often witnesses to, or participants in, important historical events, or can describe otherwise-undocumented social phenomena. The first book to focus specifically on oral history practices with immigrant narrators, it -gives both the novice and experienced oral historian insights into their narrators’ needs;-provides the tools to effectively plan and execute an oral history project in an immigrant community;-includes case studies, additional resources, and templates of important oral history processes.

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