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Verhandeln in Konflikten: Grundlagen - Theorie - Praxis

by Frank R. Pfetsch

Verhandeln ist die gewaltfreie Form, um Lösungen für Konflikte zu erreichen, und in eine sich weiter demokratisierenden und globalisierten Welt die einzig angemessene Art des Konfliktaustrags. In diesem Buch werden alle Grundlagen zum Verständnis des Verhandelns umfassend und systematisch analysiert.

Verhandeln als Kommunikationskompetenz: Grundlagen für erfolgreiches Verhandeln in Führung, Betrieb und Alltag (essentials)

by Urs Alter

Dr. Urs Alter gibt einen Überblick zu Kommunikationskompetenzen und macht mit vielen praktischen Hinweisen Mut, durch Verhandeln Lösungen bei unterschiedlichen Standpunkten zu suchen. Verhandlungen sind in der Beziehung zwischen Menschen alltäglich. Da sie jedoch immer konflikthaft sind und ein breites Repertoire an Kommunikationskompetenzen erfordern, vermeiden viele Menschen Verhandlungen. Dieses Essential zeigt, dass erfolgreiches Verhandeln gelernt werden kann und nicht Repräsentanten von Interessengruppen und hochrangigen Akteuren der Gesellschaft vorbehalten ist.

Vergleichende Weltliteraturen / Comparative World Literatures: DFG-Symposion 2018

by Dieter Lamping Galin Tihanov

Das Konzept der Weltliteratur ist über die Komparatistik hinaus zu einem grundlegenden Paradigma für die Erforschung der Literatur avanciert, das sich neben dem lange herrschenden nationalen etabliert hat. Die gerade durch neue literarische Entwicklungen komplexer gewordene Logik des Begriffs ‚Weltliteratur‘ reflektiert die verschiedenen Aspekte literarischer Internationalisierung. Sie verweist auch auf theoretische Differenzen, die zugleich eine historische und kulturelle Signatur haben und die deshalb nur komparativ-differenzierend beschrieben werden können. In diesem Sinn stellt die Pluralität der Weltliteratur als Begriff wie als Sache den Ausgangspunkt der Überlegungen des Symposions dar, die sich als in einem starken Sinn vergleichend verstehen und dabei auch über die europäische Literatur und den europäischen Kontext hinausgehen.

Vergil's Green Thoughts: Plants, Humans, and the Divine

by Rebecca Armstrong

The Eclogues, Georgics, and Aeneid abound with plants, yet much Vergilian criticism underestimates their significance beyond attractive background detail or the occasional symbolic set-piece. This volume joins the growing field of nature-centred studies of literature, looking head-on at Vergil's plants and trees to reveal how fundamental they are to an understanding of the poet's outlook on religion, culture, and mankind's place within the world. Divided into two parts, the first explores the religious and more diffusely numinous aspects of Vergil's plants, from awe-inspiring sacred groves to divinely promoted fields of corn, and shows how both cultivated and uncultivated plants fit within and help to shape the complex landscape of Vergilian (and, more broadly, Roman) religious thought. In the second half of the book, the focus shifts towards human interactions with plants from the perspectives of both cultivation and relaxation, exploring the love-hate relationship with vegetation which sometimes supports and sometimes contests the human self-image as the world's dominant species. Combining a series of close readings of a wide range of passages with the identification of broader patterns of association, Vergil's Green Thoughts appositely reveals and celebrates the complexity and variety of Vergilian flora.

Vergil's Green Thoughts: Plants, Humans, and the Divine

by Rebecca Armstrong

The Eclogues, Georgics, and Aeneid abound with plants, yet much Vergilian criticism underestimates their significance beyond attractive background detail or the occasional symbolic set-piece. This volume joins the growing field of nature-centred studies of literature, looking head-on at Vergil's plants and trees to reveal how fundamental they are to an understanding of the poet's outlook on religion, culture, and mankind's place within the world. Divided into two parts, the first explores the religious and more diffusely numinous aspects of Vergil's plants, from awe-inspiring sacred groves to divinely promoted fields of corn, and shows how both cultivated and uncultivated plants fit within and help to shape the complex landscape of Vergilian (and, more broadly, Roman) religious thought. In the second half of the book, the focus shifts towards human interactions with plants from the perspectives of both cultivation and relaxation, exploring the love-hate relationship with vegetation which sometimes supports and sometimes contests the human self-image as the world's dominant species. Combining a series of close readings of a wide range of passages with the identification of broader patterns of association, Vergil's Green Thoughts appositely reveals and celebrates the complexity and variety of Vergilian flora.

Vergil's Aeneid: Augustan Epic And Political Context (PDF)

by Hans-Peter Stahl

This text contains contributions by international exponents of Vergil's work. It aims to allow both the specialist and the general reader to penetrate and to test many of the leading, and competing, modes of interpretation applied to the "Aeneid". These range from Vergil viewed as endorsing Rome's imperial warfare, to Vergil lending his voice to the victims of Roman imperialism; from the denial of the literary critic that any application of "political context" is feasible, to the discovery of political implications embedded in the dramatic perspectives, characters and locales of the epic. Vergil's poem, a determinant text in the cultural history of the West, is treated by this volume as a focus for intense scholarly controversies: the ideological contribution of the artist to autocracy and war, and the very possibility of verifying political intention in a literary artifact.

Vergil in the Middle Ages

by Domenico Comparetti

From its first complete Italian printing in 1872 up to the present day, Domenico Comparetti's Vergil in the Middle Ages has been acknowledged as a masterpiece, regarded by some critics as "a true and proper history of European consciousness from antiquity to Dante." Treating Vergil's poetry as a foundation of Latin European identity, Comparetti seeks to give a complete history of the medieval conception of the preeminent poet. Scholars of the time had transformed Vergil into a sage and a seer, a type of universal philosopher--even a Christian poet and a guide of a Christian poet. In the mid-twelfth century, there surfaced legends that converted Vergil into a magician, endowing him with supernatural powers. Comparetti explores the ongoing interest in Vergil's poetry as it appeared in popular folklore and legends as well as in medieval classical scholarship. This great synthesizing work, which has been unavailable for over twenty years, is now back in print, based on E.F.M. Benecke's 1895 translation of the Italian second edition. Comparetti begins with the period in which Vergil lived and goes on to evaluate how the later images, particularly the legends, of Vergil coincide with the more scholarly accounts of his life. The result is a grand sweep of literary history from the first century B.C.E. through the end of the Middle Ages, with implications for the nineteenth century and the rise of Italian nationalism.

Vergil in the Middle Ages

by Domenico Comparetti E. F.M. Benecke

From its first complete Italian printing in 1872 up to the present day, Domenico Comparetti's Vergil in the Middle Ages has been acknowledged as a masterpiece, regarded by some critics as "a true and proper history of European consciousness from antiquity to Dante." Treating Vergil's poetry as a foundation of Latin European identity, Comparetti seeks to give a complete history of the medieval conception of the preeminent poet. Scholars of the time had transformed Vergil into a sage and a seer, a type of universal philosopher--even a Christian poet and a guide of a Christian poet. In the mid-twelfth century, there surfaced legends that converted Vergil into a magician, endowing him with supernatural powers. Comparetti explores the ongoing interest in Vergil's poetry as it appeared in popular folklore and legends as well as in medieval classical scholarship. This great synthesizing work, which has been unavailable for over twenty years, is now back in print, based on E.F.M. Benecke's 1895 translation of the Italian second edition. Comparetti begins with the period in which Vergil lived and goes on to evaluate how the later images, particularly the legends, of Vergil coincide with the more scholarly accounts of his life. The result is a grand sweep of literary history from the first century B.C.E. through the end of the Middle Ages, with implications for the nineteenth century and the rise of Italian nationalism.

Vergil: The Poet's Life (Ancient Lives)

by Sarah Ruden

A biography of Vergil, Rome’s greatest poet, by the acclaimed translator of the Aeneid The Aeneid stands as a towering work of Classical Roman literature and a gripping dramatization of the best and worst of human nature. In the process of creating this epic poem, Vergil (70–19 BCE) became the world’s first media celebrity, a living legend. But the real Vergil is a shadowy figure; we know that he was born into a modest rural family, that he led a private and solitary life, and that, in spite of poor health and unusual emotional vulnerabilities, he worked tirelessly to achieve exquisite new effects in verse. Vergil’s most famous work, the Aeneid, was commissioned by the emperor Augustus, who published the epic despite Vergil’s dying wish that it be destroyed. Sarah Ruden, widely praised for her translation of the Aeneid, uses evidence from Roman life and history alongside Vergil’s own writings to make careful deductions to reconstruct his life. Through her intimate knowledge of Vergil’s work, she brings to life a poet who was committed to creating something astonishingly new and memorable, even at great personal cost.

Vergessen? Verschwiegen? Verdrängt?: 10 Jahre "Initiative Nachrichtenaufklärung"

by Tobias Eberwein

Es gibt viele Gründe dafür, warum bestimmte Themen in den Medien zu kurz kommen. Die „Initiative Nachrichtenaufklärung“ (INA) versucht, sie dennoch ins öffentliche Bewusstsein zu heben. Seit 1997 veröffentlicht sie Jahr für Jahr eine Top-Ten-Liste, die auf die blinden Flecken der journalistischen Berichterstattung hinweist. Der Band dokumentiert die Top-Ten-Listen der vergangenen zehn Jahre und gibt Auskunft über Arbeitsweisen, Erfolge und Probleme dieser zivilgesellschaftlichen Initiative. Verschiedene Expertenbeiträge zur investigativen Recherche zeigen, wie Journalisten dem Problem der medialen Vernachlässigung entgegenwirken können.

Vergessen erzählen: Demenzdarstellungen der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur (Gegenwartsliteratur #8)

by Letizia Dieckmann

Demenz gefährdet unmittelbar unser Selbstbild und die Fähigkeiten des Erinnerns und Begreifens. Aufgrund steigender Diagnosezahlen und begrenzter Therapiemöglichkeiten ist das Krankheitsbild gar zum »Menetekel« der alternden Industrienationen geworden. Dabei wohnt Demenz-Erkrankungen ein nahezu skandalöses und (anti-)literarisches Moment inne: Erkrankte laufen Gefahr, nicht mehr selbst erzählen zu können. An dieser Stelle setzen literarische Demenz-Darstellungen an: Fiktionale wie autobiographische Texte - etwa von Max Frisch, Arno Geiger oder Tilman Jens - nehmen die Krankheit zum Ausgang poetologischer, gesellschaftspolitischer und moralischer Reflexionen. Doch wie lässt sich das Vergessen erzählen?

Vergaderen en onderhandelen: In teams en besturen

by Klaas Schermer Marcel Wijn

Vergaderen en onderhandelen biedt een stevige basis aan iedere vergaderaar en onderhandelaar die de eigen vaardigheden wil vergroten. Het geeft inzicht in wat er in overlegsituaties kan gebeuren, met voorbeelden ter verduidelijking van de theorie. Door oefening kan de lezer zich trainen in een aantal vaardigheden, zoals communiceren, argumenteren, onderhandelen, stemmen, voorzitten en notuleren.De auteurs idealiseren overlegvormen niet: in veel gevallen bestaan er inhoudelijke en persoonlijke tegenstellingen tussen de deelnemers. Juist in die situaties zijn goede manieren van vergaderen en onderhandelen onontbeerlijk voor gezamenlijke besluiten. Vergaderen en onderhandelen reikt de lezer die goede manieren aan. In dit boek is een duidelijk onderscheid tussen twee typen vergaderingen gemaakt:de teamvergadering - overlegsituaties waarin werkzaamheden worden gepland en uitgevoerd om concrete doelen te bereiken, zoals in een projectgroep en in werkoverleg; de teamvergadering - overlegsituaties waarin werkzaamheden worden gepland en uitgevoerd om concrete doelen te bereiken, zoals in een projectgroep en in werkoverleg; de bestuursvergadering - allerlei vormen van overleg waarin besluitvorming centraal staat, zoals in vertegenwoordigende lichamen, besturen van stichtingen en verenigingen en ledenvergaderingen.Onderhandelen is een vaardigheid die in tal van situaties nodig is, niet alleen in situaties die ‘onderhandeling’ heten. Het is voor jong en oud een onderdeel van het dagelijks leven, zowel in vergaderingen en organisaties als daarbuiten, tussen individuen en groepen die elkaar nodig hebben om hun eigen doel te bereiken. Dit gedeelte is daarom een belangrijk onderdeel van dit boek.

Verführung - Ein ästhetisches Dispositiv von Lyrik: Ein Ásthetisches Dispositiv Von Lyrik (Lettre)

by Julia Vomhof

Gedichte haben Handlungspotenzial. Sie sind keine passiven Objekte, sondern Akteure im Sinne Bruno Latours. Insbesondere haben sie das Potenzial zu verführen. Julia Vomhof entwickelt eine Theorie der lyrischen Verführung, indem sie ästhetische Dynamiken, Strategien und Phänomene wie die Motivik, die Sprachmaterialität oder das Spiel mit Fiktionalität analysiert. In Weiterentwicklung bisheriger Lyriktheorien werden Gedichte aus prozessontologischer Perspektive untersucht. So entstehen Lektürevorschläge teils kanonischer, teils wenig bekannter Gedichte - u.a. von Hölderlin, Goethe, Rilke und Grünbein - und mit ihnen ein neuartiger Zugang zur Lyrik.

Verfilmte Autorschaft: Auftritte von Schriftsteller*innen in Dokumentationen und Biopics (Lettre)

by Torsten Hoffmann Doren Wohlleben

Das Bild, das sich Lesende privat und professionell von Schriftsteller*innen und deren Poesie und Poetik machen, wird seit dem frühen 20. Jahrhundert ganz erheblich von Filmen geprägt. Dokumentationen und halb-fiktionale Biopics schreiben an der Literaturgeschichte mit - von der literaturwissenschaftlichen Forschung werden sie bisher jedoch nicht zur Kenntnis genommen. Die Beiträger*innen richten daher erstmals den Fokus auf die Theorie und Geschichte dieses intermedialen Genres. Diskutiert werden die Inszenierungstechniken und Narrative verfilmter Autorschaft an zahlreichen Beispielen: vom Stummfilm bis in die Gegenwart, von Friedrich Schiller bis Felicitas Hoppe.

Verbs and Diachronic Syntax: A Comparative History of English and French (Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory #28)

by I.G. Roberts

This book combines several strands of my work, both individually and in collaboration with various people, over the last couple of years. To a very large extent, I have been inspired by the many talks, classes, appointments and other interactions that took place in the exciting intellectual environ­ ment that grew up among the linguists working in Geneva in the period 1989-90. It is impossible to mention by name everyone who influenced the devel­ opment of this material, but I'd particularly like to thank the students in my class 'linguistique diachronique' during that period, who had to suffer through preliminary versions of much of this book, and often seemed to understand what I was getting at better than I did. Luigi Rizzi did more than anyone else to create the unique atmosphere here in the last couple of years, and so he deserves our gratitude for that; he was also my collaborator on the synchronic work on French inversion that inspired much of this book; he also read the whole manuscript in draft form and gave detailed comments; he is also, as anyone working in current comparative syntax knows, a wellspring of knowledge, ideas and inspiration. Maria-Teresa Guasti also read the entire manuscript and gave me invaluable comments. Sten Vikner was a great help, for much more than just Danish data. Special thanks also to Adriana Belletti, Anna Cardinaletti, Liliane Haegeman and Cecilia Poletto.

Verbrechen als „Bild der Zeit“: Kriminalitätsdiskurse der Weimarer Republik in Literatur, Film und Publizistik (Kriminalität in Literatur und Medien #1)

by Christof Hamann Susanne Düwell

Während der Zeit der Weimarer Republik entsteht ein breites Spektrum an Verbrechensdarstellungen und Reflexionen über Kriminalität, das erst zum Teil bzw. in Einzelstudien erforscht ist. Zudem stehen vor allem ausgewählte kanonische kriminalliterarische Texte und Filme im Zentrum des Interesses. Ziel des geplanten Bandes ist es, gerade die Vielfalt und Bandbreite an Darstellungsformen und diskursiven Verhandlungen von Kriminalität zwischen 1918 und 1933 zu diskutieren und dabei literatur-, medien-, diskurs- und wissensgeschichtliche Perspektiven miteinander zu verbinden.

Verbandskommunikation und Kommunikationsmanagement: Eine systemtheoretische Perspektive (essentials)

by Olaf Hoffjann

​In diesem Band wird auf einer systemtheoretischen Grundlage eine Theorie der Verbandskommunikation entwickelt. In Verbänden stellen sich drei zentrale Probleme: das Problem der Legitimation gegenüber dem politisch-administrativen System, das Problem zurückgehender Mitgliederbindungen sowie die Widersprüche, die sich aus der Bearbeitung dieser Probleme ergeben. Zur Lösung dieser drei Probleme haben sich mit der Legitimationskommunikation, der Mitgliederbindungskommunikation und dem integrierten Kommunikationsmanagement drei Disziplinen ausdifferenziert, die der klassischen Verbandskommunikation zugeordnet werden können. Damit wird eine Spezialisierungs- und Integrationsperspektive gleichermaßen eingenommen: Zunächst wird zu untersuchen sein, wie die Probleme fehlender Unterstützung und der Legitimation bearbeitet werden, um anschließend zu fragen, wie die daraus entstehenden Widersprüche bearbeitet werden.

Verbände zwischen Öffentlichkeit, Medien und Politik (essentials)

by Sigrid Koch-Baumgarten

​Der Titel befasst sich mit dem Wandel der politischen Kommunikation von Verbänden in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland unter den Herausforderungen der Politikbeobachtung durch allgegenwärtige Massenmedien. Nach einer Einführung in die Funktionen und Bedeutung von Verbänden und Medien in der Politikvermittlung zwischen Staat und Gesellschaft werden die neuen Verflechtungen von öffentlichen, medialen und nichtöffentlichen, institutionellen Politikarenen in der Mediengesellschaft sowie deren Rückwirkungen auf die verbandliche Interessenpolitik, Organisation und Binnen- wie Außenkommunikation behandelt. Vorgestellt und diskutiert werden unterschiedliche wissenschaftliche Interpretationsansätze zum Verhältnis von Verbänden und Massenmedien.

Verbände und Massenmedien: Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und ihre Resonanz in den Medien

by Rolf Hackenbroch

Der Autor zeigt die wachsende Bedeutung der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit für die Lösung anstehender Probleme und die Relevanz massenmedialer Kommunikation für die Verbandsarbeit auf.

Verbale Interaktion: Studien zur Empirie und Methodologie der Pragmatik

Dieter Flader präsentiert Kommunikationsanalysen, die das systematische Verhältnis der Sprache zu Prozessen der Verständigung und des sozialen Handelns aufdecken und somit unseren Erkenntnisstand über Regularitäten des Sprechens in sozialer Interaktion weiterentwickeln.

Verbal Protocols of Reading: The Nature of Constructively Responsive Reading

by Michael Pressley Peter Afflerbach

Researchers from a variety of disciplines have collected verbal protocols of reading as a window on conscious reading processes. Because such work has occurred in different disciplines, many who have conducted verbal protocol analyses have been unaware of the research of others. This volume brings together the existing literature from the various fields in which verbal protocols of reading have been generated. In so doing, the authors provide an organized catalog of all conscious verbal processes reported in studies to date -- the most complete analysis of conscious reading now available in the literature. When the results of all of the studies are considered, there is clear support for a number of models of reading comprehension including reader response theories, schema perspectives, executive processing models, and bottom-up approaches such as the one proposed by van Dijk and Kintsch. The summary of results also demonstrates that none of the existing models goes far enough. Thus, a new framework -- constructively responsive reading -- is described. This new model encompasses reader response, schematic and executive processing, and induction from word- and phrase-level comprehension to higher-order meaning. The important concept in this new model is that readers respond to bits and pieces of text as they are encountered, all as part of the overarching goal of constructing meaning from text. This volume also includes a critical review of the thinking aloud methodology as it has been used thus far. This examination suggests that it continues to be an immature methodology, and that much work is needed if a complete theory of conscious processing during reading is to be developed via verbal protocol analysis. Finally, after reviewing what has been accomplished to date, the authors provide extensive discussion of the work that remains to be done and the adequacy of the verbal protocol methodology for permitting telling conclusions about text processing.

Verbal Protocols of Reading: The Nature of Constructively Responsive Reading

by Michael Pressley Peter Afflerbach

Researchers from a variety of disciplines have collected verbal protocols of reading as a window on conscious reading processes. Because such work has occurred in different disciplines, many who have conducted verbal protocol analyses have been unaware of the research of others. This volume brings together the existing literature from the various fields in which verbal protocols of reading have been generated. In so doing, the authors provide an organized catalog of all conscious verbal processes reported in studies to date -- the most complete analysis of conscious reading now available in the literature. When the results of all of the studies are considered, there is clear support for a number of models of reading comprehension including reader response theories, schema perspectives, executive processing models, and bottom-up approaches such as the one proposed by van Dijk and Kintsch. The summary of results also demonstrates that none of the existing models goes far enough. Thus, a new framework -- constructively responsive reading -- is described. This new model encompasses reader response, schematic and executive processing, and induction from word- and phrase-level comprehension to higher-order meaning. The important concept in this new model is that readers respond to bits and pieces of text as they are encountered, all as part of the overarching goal of constructing meaning from text. This volume also includes a critical review of the thinking aloud methodology as it has been used thus far. This examination suggests that it continues to be an immature methodology, and that much work is needed if a complete theory of conscious processing during reading is to be developed via verbal protocol analysis. Finally, after reviewing what has been accomplished to date, the authors provide extensive discussion of the work that remains to be done and the adequacy of the verbal protocol methodology for permitting telling conclusions about text processing.

Verbal Protocols in Literacy Research: Nature of Global Reading Development (Routledge Research in Educational Psychology)

by Susan E. Israel

This volume offers an updated analysis of the methodology of reading and reading research since 1995, when the landmark book Verbal Protocols of Reading: The Nature of Constructively Responsive Reading by Michael Pressley and Peter Afflerbach was published. It offers a thorough cross-analysis of the conscious processes experienced during reading, the structure of reading comprehension, and its application to more current initiatives such as Common Core State Standards and Response to Intervention. It also provides a detailed analysis of Constructively Responsive Reading through relevant online self-report studies in reading and reading comprehension behavior. It is a fresh and comprehensive volume that speaks not only to reading researchers, but to literacy teachers at all levels.

Verbal Protocols in Literacy Research: Nature of Global Reading Development (Routledge Research in Educational Psychology #3)

by Susan E. Israel

This volume offers an updated analysis of the methodology of reading and reading research since 1995, when the landmark book Verbal Protocols of Reading: The Nature of Constructively Responsive Reading by Michael Pressley and Peter Afflerbach was published. It offers a thorough cross-analysis of the conscious processes experienced during reading, the structure of reading comprehension, and its application to more current initiatives such as Common Core State Standards and Response to Intervention. It also provides a detailed analysis of Constructively Responsive Reading through relevant online self-report studies in reading and reading comprehension behavior. It is a fresh and comprehensive volume that speaks not only to reading researchers, but to literacy teachers at all levels.

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