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Showing 75,351 through 75,375 of 76,228 results

The Media and Communications in Australia

At a time when the traditional media have been reshaped by digital technologies and audiences have fragmented, people are using mediated forms of communication to manage all aspects of their daily lives as well as for news and entertainment. The Media and Communications in Australia offers a systematic introduction to this dynamic field. Fully updated and expanded, this fifth edition outlines the key media industries – from print, sound and television to film, gaming and public relations – and explains how communications technologies have changed the ways in which they now operate. It offers an overview of the key approaches to the field, including a consideration of Indigenous communication, and features a ‘hot topics’ section with contributions on issues including diversity, misinformation, algorithms, COVID-19, web series and national security. With chapters from Australia’s leading researchers and teachers in the field, The Media and Communications in Australia remains the most comprehensive and reliable introduction to media and communications from an Australian perspective. It is an ideal student text and a key resource for teachers, lecturers, media practitioners and anyone interested in understanding these influential industries.

Media Ecologies of Literature

This book explores the media ecologies of literature – the ways in which a literary text is interwoven in its material, technical, performative, praxeological, affective, and discursive network and which determine how it is experienced and interpreted. Through novel approaches to the complex, contingent and interdependent environments of literature, this volume demonstrates how questions about the mediality of literature – particularly in the wake of digitization – shed a new light on our understanding of textuality, reading, platforms and reception processes. By drawing on recent developments in advanced media theory, Media Ecologies of Literature emphasizes the productivity of innovative re-conceptualizations of literature as a medium in its own right. In an intentionally wide historical scope, the essays engage with literary texts from the Romantic to the contemporary period, from Charlotte Smith and Oscar Wilde to A. L. Kennedy and Mark Z. Danielewski, from the traditionally printed novel to audiobooks and reading apps.

Media Literacy and Media Education Research Methods: A Handbook (Routledge Research in Media Literacy and Education)

This handbook interrogates the foundations of media literacy and media education research from a methodological standpoint. It provides a detailed, illustrated overview of key methods used in the study of media literacy and media education. Further, it reveals the diversity of this research field and organizes this diversity by using three categories of investigation: media practices, educational initiatives, and prescriptive discourses. The book offers valuable reference points and tools for exploring the range of research methods used to study media literacy and media education and how these methods connect to epistemological stances, theoretical frameworks, and research questions. It serves as a guide for researchers who wish to position themselves, reflect on the methods they use or are considering using, and compare and contrast them against alternative or complementary approaches. After reading this book, readers will be better able to identify and define the objects of study in media literacy and media education research, the preferred ways of conducting investigations, the phenomena, issues, and dimensions that these are likely to bring to light, and the knowledge that they generate. This comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the field of media literacy education research methods will be of great interest to scholars and students of education studies, media studies, media literacy, cognitive science, and communication studies. Chapter 2 of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF at under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 International license.

Media Messages and Public Health: A Decisions Approach to Content Analysis

Media Messages and Public Health addresses the full range of methodological and conceptual issues involved in content analysis research, specifically focused on public health-related messages and behaviors. Uniquely tailored to the challenges faced by content researchers interested in the study of public health topics, coverage includes: Conceptual and methodological foundations involved in the practice of content analysis research used to examine public health issues. Measurement challenges posed by the broad range of media. Use of content analysis across multiple media types. The potential for individual differences in audience interpretation of message content. Case studies that examine public health issues in the media to illustration the decisions that are made when developing content analysis studies. The volume concludes with a set of guidelines for optimal content analysis research, and suggests ways in which the field can accommodate new technologies and new ways of using media. Developed for researchers in communication, media, and public health, this unique resource demonstrates how the variety of decisions researchers make along the way allows the exploration of traditions, assumptions and implications for each varying alternative and ultimately advances the science of content analysis research.

Media on the Move: Global Flow and Contra-Flow (Communication and Society)

Media on the Move provides a critical analysis of the dynamics of the international flow of images and ideas. This comes at a time when the political, economic and technological contexts within which media organisations operate are becoming increasingly global. The surge in transnational traffic in media products has primarily benefited the major corporations such as Disney, AOL, Time Warner and News Corporation. However, as this book argues, new networks have emerged which buck this trend: Brazilian TV is watched in China, Indian films have a huge following in the Arab world and Al Jazeera has become a household name in the West. Combining a theoretical perspective on contra-flow of media with grounded case studies into one up-to-date and accessible volume, Media on the Move provides a much-needed guide to the globalization of media, going beyond the standard Anglo-American view of this evolving phenomenon.

Mediale Störungen: Krisenkommunikation in Sondersendungen des deutschen Fernsehens

Sondersendungen des öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehens sind eine zentrale Institution der politischen Medienöffentlichkeit in Deutschland. Sie werden unter hohem Zeitdruck und mit Aufbietung geballter journalistischer Kompetenz produziert. Die Medienakteure sehen sie voller Stolz als imagebildende ‚Premiumprodukte‘ an. Für das Publikum markieren die Formate relevante Störungen gesellschaftlicher Normalität. Sie bieten zudem Einordnungen, Lösungsperspektiven sowie Vergemeinschaftung und Trost. Für politische Akteure sind die Sendungen eine relevante Bühne politischer Krisenkommunikation.

MedienAlltag: Domestizierungsprozesse alter und neuer Medien

Ausgehend vom in den britischen Cultural Studies entwickelten Domestizierungskonzept nimmt der Band einerseits aktuelle Prozesse der Verbreitung digitaler Medien und ihre Folgen für Alltag, Zusammenleben und Medienfunktionen in den Blick (Internet, Mobiltelefon). Er verbindet dies andererseits mit einem historischen Rückblick auf Domestizierungsprozesse ‚alter' Medien wie Radio, Fernsehen, Telefon. Im Zentrum steht vor allem der häusliche Kontext als Ort der Medienaneignung, aber auch die Interaktion mit mobiler Kommunikation und anderen sozialen Räumen.

Medienwandel kompakt 2017-2019: Schlaglichter der Veränderung in Kommunikation, Medienwirtschaft, Medienpolitik und Medienrecht - Ausgewählte Netzveröffentlichungen

Der letzte Band der Reihe greift den Medienwandel aus medienökonomischer Perspektive der vergangenen drei Jahre auf. Dazu werden ausgewählte Beiträge aus Netzveröffentlichungen herangezogen. Die Leserschaft erhält ein redaktionell gefiltertes, kompaktes Werk zu den Umbrüchen der Medienlandschaft durch das Aufkommen des hybriden Kommunikationsraumes Internet.

Medieval Paradigms: Essays in Honor of Jeremy duQuesnay Adams (The New Middle Ages)

This collection of essays in two volumes explores patterns of medieval society and culture, spanning from the close of the late antique period to the beginnings of the Renaissance. Volume 2 analyzes of forms of devotion, both popular movements and those practices and ceremonies limited to elite groups. The exploration of medieval paradigms comes to a close with a group of essays which follow the medieval patterns well past the Middle Ages, even into the present.

Medium und Maske: Die Literatur Hubert Fichtes zwischen den Kulturen

Mein Jahrhundertbuch: 51 namhafte Autoren stellen ihr Lieblingswerk des 20. Jahrhunderts vorEin ZEIT - Buch

Schriftsteller und Gelehrte aus der ganzen Welt stellen »ihr« Jahrhundertbuch vor. Ein internationaler, sehr persönlicher Führer durch die Literatur des 20. Jahrhunderts, unsere Zeit im Spiegel einer Bibliothek und eine Bibliothek im Spiegel unserer Zeit.

The Melodramatic Moment: Music and Theatrical Culture, 1790–1820

We seem to see melodrama everywhere we look—from the soliloquies of devastation in a Dickens novel to the abject monstrosity of Frankenstein’s creation, and from Louise Brooks’s exaggerated acting in Pandora’s Box to the vicissitudes endlessly reshaping the life of a brooding Don Draper. This anthology proposes to address the sometimes bewilderingly broad understandings of melodrama by insisting on the historical specificity of its genesis on the stage in late-eighteenth-century Europe. Melodrama emerged during this time in the metropolitan centers of London, Paris, Vienna, and Berlin through stage adaptations of classical subjects and gothic novels, and they became famous for their use of passionate expression and spectacular scenery. Yet, as contributors to this volume emphasize, early melodramas also placed sound at center stage, through their distinctive—and often disconcerting—alternations between speech and music. This book draws out the melo of melodrama, showing the crucial dimensions of sound and music for a genre that permeates our dramatic, literary, and cinematic sensibilities today. A richly interdisciplinary anthology, The Melodramatic Moment will open up new dialogues between musicology and literary and theater studies.

Memory: A History (Oxford Philosophical Concepts)

In recent decades, memory has become one of the major concepts and a dominant topic in philosophy, sociology, politics, history, science, cultural studies, literary theory, and the discussions of trauma and the Holocaust. In contemporary debates, the concept of memory is often used rather broadly and thus not always unambiguously. For this reason, the clarification of the range of the historical meaning of the concept of memory is a very important and urgent task. This volume shows how the concept of memory has been used and appropriated in different historical circumstances and how it has changed throughout the history of philosophy. In ancient philosophy, memory was considered a repository of sensible and mental impressions and was complemented by recollection-the process of recovering the content of past thoughts and perceptions. Such an understanding of memory led to the development both of mnemotechnics and the attempts to locate memory within the structure of cognitive faculties. In contemporary philosophical and historical debates, memory frequently substitutes for reason by becoming a predominant capacity to which one refers when one wants to explain not only the personal identity but also a historical, political, or social phenomenon. In contemporary interpretation, it is memory, and not reason, that acts in and through human actions and history, which is a critical reaction to the overly rationalized and simplified concept of reason in the Enlightenment. Moreover, in modernity memory has taken on one of the most distinctive features of reason: it is thought of as capable not only of recollecting past events and meanings, but also itself. In this respect, the volume can be also taken as a reflective philosophical attempt by memory to recall itself, its functioning and transformations throughout its own history.

Memory and Identity: Ghosts of the Past in the English-speaking World (Memory Studies: Global Constellations)

This book examines the ways in which ghosts haunt and shape cultural identities and memory, considering the manner in which the fluctuations of such identities sometimes imply the rethinking or rewriting of the past. Drawing on case studies in historical, political, literary and linguistic studies, it explores the narratives that produce imagined communities and identities and the places in which cultural identities are constructed through memory, asking how far these identities and memories disinherit or exclude otherness, and how far ghosts disturb orderly narratives, inviting multiple readings of the past. Thematically organized to consider the persistence of ghosts within present memory and identity, the creation of new identities through intertwining narratives of the past, and the reclamation of identities in postcolonial contexts, Memory and Identity: Ghosts of the past in the English-speaking world offers a multi-disciplinary examination of the concept of haunting. Memory and Identity will appeal to scholars of sociology, anthropology, cultural studies and history with interests in memory and identity.

Metaphor in Language and Culture across World Englishes (Bloomsbury Advances in World Englishes)

This book advances and broadens the scope of research on conceptual metaphor at the nexus of language and culture by exploring metaphor and figurative language as a characteristic of the many Englishes that have developed in a wide range of geographic, socio-historical and cultural settings around the world.In line with the interdisciplinary breadth of this endeavour, the contributions are grounded in Cognitive (Socio)Linguistics, Conceptual Metaphor Theory, and Cultural Linguistics. Drawing on different research methodologies, including corpus linguistics, elicitation techniques, and interviews, chapters analyse a variety of naturalistic data and text types, such as online language, narratives, political speeches and literary works. Examining both the cultural conceptualisations underlying the use of figurative language and the linguistic-cultural specificity of metaphor and its variation, the studies are presented in contexts of both language contact and second language usage. Adding to the debate on the interplay of universal and culture-specific grounding of conceptual metaphor, Metaphor in Language and Culture across World Englishes advances research in a previously neglected sphere of study in the field of World Englishes.

The Metaphor of the Monster: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Understanding the Monstrous Other in Literature

The Metaphor of the Monster offers fresh perspectives and a variety of disciplinary approaches to the ever-broadening field of monster studies. The eclectic group of contributors to this volume represents areas of study not generally considered under the purview of monster studies, including world literature, classical studies, philosophy, ecocriticism, animal ethics, and gender studies. Combining historical overviews with contemporary and global outlooks, this volume recontextualizes the monstrous entities that have always haunted the human imagination in the age of the Anthropocene. It also invites reflection on new forms of monstrosity in an era epitomized by an unprecedented deluge of (mis)information. Uniting researchers from varied academic backgrounds in a common effort to challenge the monstrous labels that have historically been imposed upon "the Other," this book endeavors above all to bring the monster out of the shadows and into the light of moral consideration.

Metaphysical Poets

The aim of the series from which this book is taken is to delineate various critical approaches to specific literary texts. This is a study of the work of the Metaphysical poets through an analysis of style that is both formalist and historical.

Methoden der literatur- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Textanalyse: Ansätze – Grundlagen – Modellanalysen

Wie werden Texte wissenschaftlich interpretiert? Kompakt und übersichtlich stellt das Lehrbuch die gängigen literaturtheoretischen Ansätze vor darunter z. B. Strukturalismus, Dekonstruktion, Diskursanalyse und Systemtheorie. Der Schwerpunkt des übersichtlich gestalteten Bandes liegt auf der Anwendung: Ausführliche Beispielanalysen zeigen, wie mit den verschiedenen Theorien und den daraus abzuleitenden Methoden Texte und auch Filme analysiert werden. Unerlässliches Handwerkszeug für das literaturwissenschaftliche Studium.

#MeToo and Literary Studies: Reading, Writing, and Teaching about Sexual Violence and Rape Culture

Literature has always recorded a history of patriarchy, sexual violence, and resistance. Academics have been using literature to expose and critique this violence and domination for half a century. But the continued potency of #MeToo after its 2017 explosion adds new urgency and wider awareness about these issues, while revealing new ways in which rape culture shapes our everyday lives. This intersectional guide helps readers, students, teachers, and scholars face and challenge our culture of sexual violence by confronting it through the study of literature. #MeToo and Literary Studies gathers essays on literature from Ovid to Carmen Maria Machado, by academics working across the United States and around the world, who offer clear ways of using our reading, teaching, and critical practices to address rape culture and sexual violence. It also examines the promise and limitations of the #MeToo movement itself, speaking to the productive use of social media as well as to the voices that the movement has so far muted. In uniting diverse voices to enable the #MeToo movement to reshape literary studies, this book is also committed to the idea that the way we read and write about literature can make real change in the world.

#MeToo and Modernism

#MeToo and Modernism offers a blend of cultural, historical, literary, and pedagogical responses applied to the themes behind today’s ongoing #MeToo Movement. This volume is organized into four sections: a three-part chronological response in which scholars analyze literary understandings of how ripples of the #MeToo Movement began to emerge in Modernist literature, followed by a pedagogical section on how to incorporate such teachings in university classrooms. Editors Robin E. Field and Jerrica Jordan foreword the collection with an introduction answering the question of why such a volume is necessary in today’s educational landscape. The introduction summarizes the current scholarship regarding #MeToo and Modernism, while also uncovering the omissions, particularly in approaching nonbinary or queer writers, as well as writers of color, that still exist; as a response, many of these essays attempt to approach these gaps. Furthermore, the introduction shows how more traditional Modernist writers--including Woolf, Forster, Wells, and Joyce--served as forerunners of early glimmers of the #MeToo Movement in Modernist Literature.

Metzler Autoren Lexikon: Deutschsprachige Dichter und Schriftsteller vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart

Das "Metzler Autoren Lexikon" umfasst 440 Artikel über deutschsprachige Autorinnen und Autoren der Literaturgeschichte und der Gegenwartsliteratur - begeisternd erzählt, sachlich dargestellt - eine kompetente Fundgrube für alle Literaturliebhaber - jetzt als ungekürzte Sonderausgabe nach der zweiten, wesentlich erweiterten Auflage.

Metzler Autoren Lexikon: Deutschsprachige Dichter und Schriftsteller vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart.

440 Biographien deutschsprachiger Autorinnen und Autoren vom Mittelalter bis heute - lebendig und anschaulich werden die zentralen Gestalten der deutschen Literaturgeschichte in ihren Lebensschicksalen, den Zeitumständen und durch ihr Werk vorgestellt.

Metzler Autoren Lexikon: Deutschsprachige Dichter und Schriftsteller vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart

Wer war eigentlich Hartmann von Aue? Welche Werke machten Bettine von Arnim berühmt? Zu welchem literarischen Zirkel gehörte Ingeborg Bachmann? Und wofür erhielt Günter Grass den Nobelpreis? Die Essays geben tiefe Einblicke in Leben, Werk und Wirken der wichtigsten deutschsprachigen Autoren. In der 3. Auflage um rund 100 Artikel u.a. zu Therese Huber, E.A.F. Klingemann, Durs Grünbein, Wolfgang Hilbig, Ruth Klüger, Brigitte Kronauer, Robert Menasse, Christoph Ransmayr, Raoul Schrott und Arnold Stadler erweitert - ausführlich und anschaulich.

Metzler Autorinnen Lexikon

Von der Mystik bis zum postmodernen Experiment, von der Staatsdichterin bis zur inhaftierten Regimegegnerin, von Korea bis Kanada und von Skandinavien bis Peru - dieses Lexikon zeigt die Vielfalt weiblichen Schreibens von den Anfängen bis zur unmittelbaren Gegenwart. Orientiert am erfolgreichen Muster des Metzler Autoren Lexikons bietet dieses Nachschlagewerk Porträts von etwa 400 Autorinnen aus der ganzen Welt.

Metzler Goethe Lexikon: Personen – Sachen – Begriffe

Goethe lebt! Über ihn ist fast alles geschrieben. Nur wo? Gut gebündelt und solide recherchiert informiert das Lexikon über Skurriles wie Tiefgründiges. Was für ein Mineral ist der 'Goethit'? Was dachte der Dichter über das Publikum oder die Farben? Wer waren seine Vertrauten? Das frisch überarbeitete Nachschlagewerk klärt über Goethes Schaffen auf, berichtet über die Forschung und weist den Weg zu Denkmälern. Ein Muss für die "literarische Hausapotheke".

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