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Showing 76,076 through 76,100 of 76,306 results

Spanische Literaturgeschichte

Spaniens Kultur im Spiegel der Literatur. Welche Einflüsse prägten Teresa de Ávila? Wie wurde Cervantes' 'Don Quijote' im "Siglo de Oro" aufgenommen? Die bekannte Literaturgeschichte dokumentiert den Reichtum der kastilischen Literatur vom maurisch-christlich-jüdischen Zusammenleben bis in die Gegenwart. Die 3. Auflage schreibt die Literaturgeschichte bis heute fort und widmet sich u. a. den letzten Romanen von Semprún, Marías und Muñoz Molina, den Gedichten von Ana Rossetti und José Hierro, aktuellen Film- und Theaterarbeiten wie der 'Trilogía de la juventud' von Fernández und dem Megaseller 'La sombra del viento' von Ruiz Zafón. Für mehr Freude an der spanischen Literatur.

Speaking of Language and Law: Conversations on the Work of Peter Tiersma (Oxford Studies in Language and Law)

Among the most prominent scholars of language and law is Peter Tiersma, a law professor at Loyola Law School with a doctorate in linguistics (co-editor of The Oxford Handbook of Language and Law). Tiersma's significant body of work traverses a variety of legal and linguistic fields. This book offers a selection of twelve of Tiersma's most influential publications, divided into five thematic areas that are critical to both law and linguistics: Language and Law as a Field of Inquiry, Legal Language and its History, Language and Civil Liability, Language and Criminal Justice, and Jury Instructions. Each paper is accompanied by a brief commentary from a leading scholar in the field, offering a substantive conversation about the ramifications of Tiersma's work and the disagreements that have often surrounded it.

Speech Representation in the History of English: Topics and Approaches (Oxford Studies in the History of English)

Representing what someone else has said is an integral part of spoken and written communication. Speech representation occurs in many contexts from news reports and legal trials to everyday conversation. Although commonplace, it requires sophisticated choices regarding what to represent and how to represent it. These choices can highlight a speaker's voice, shape our perception of the reported speech, or support our claims of authority.While speech representation in Present-day English has been studied extensively, this book extends the discussion to historical periods. Speech Representation in the History of English explores speech representation of the past, providing in-depth analyses of how speakers and writers mark, structure, and discuss a previous speech event or fictional speech. Focusing on the Early Modern English and the Late Modern English periods (1500-1900), this volume covers topics such as parentheses as markers of represented speech, the development of like as a reporting expression, the gradual formation of free indirect speech reporting, and the interpersonal functions of represented speech. Chapters draw on a wide range of methodologies, including historical sociolinguistics, pragmatics, and corpus linguistics, and cover many genres from witness depositions, literary texts, and letters, to the spoken language of the recent past. In this comprehensive volume, Peter Grund and Terry Walker bring together a collection of works that use cutting-edge approaches to speech representation. Researchers and students of the history of English, sociolinguistics, and discourse studies alike will find Speech Representation in the History of English to be an invaluable addition to the field.

Sprachsensibler Fachunterricht: Chancen und Herausforderungen aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive (Sprachsensibilität in Bildungsprozessen)

Dieser Sammelband widmet sich dem komplexen Zusammenhang zwischen Sprachhandeln und Fachunterricht aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive: Er bringt fachdidaktische sowie bildungs-, sprach- und kulturwissenschaftliche Ansätze miteinander in den Dialog, fragt nach Voraussetzungen und Effekten von sprachlicher Interaktion in Lehr- und Lernprozessen und identifiziert so unterschiedliche Dimensionen von Sprachsensibilität als Chance und Herausforderung im schulischen Kontext. Er beleuchtet zudem die nicht selten impliziten sprachlichen Anforderungen des Fachunterrichts sowie deren normative Referenzen und spricht sich für eine stärkere Berücksichtigung der Sprachlichkeit von Fachunterricht in der Lehrkräftebildung aus.

Sprachwissenschaft: Grammatik – Interaktion – Kognition

Das Phänomen Sprache und seine aktuelle Erforschung. Sprachwissenschaft umfasst mehr als nur Grundlegendes wie Laute, Wörter und Sätze. Daher greift das Lehrbuch über die grammatischen Disziplinen hinaus zahlreiche Themen auf, die das Interesse für das Fach Linguistik wecken: sprachliche Interaktion, Variation und Wandel, Sprachkontakt und Mehrsprachigkeit, Sprache und Kultur, Ursprung der Sprache u. a. Das große Format und das zweifarbige Layout erleichtern den Überblick. Umfassend und kompakt ideal für BA-Studierende.

A Stage of Emancipation: Change and Progress at the Dublin Gate Theatre

An Open Access edition of this book is available on the Liverpool University Press website and the OAPEN library. As the prominence of the recent #WakingTheFeminists movement illustrates, the Irish theatre world is highly conscious of the ways in which theatre can foster social emancipation. This volume of essays uncovers a wide range of marginalised histories by reflecting on the emancipatory role that the Dublin Gate Theatre (est. 1928) has played in Irish culture and society, both historically and in more recent times. The Gate’s founders, Hilton Edwards and Michéal mac Liammóir, promoted the work of many female playwrights and created an explicitly cosmopolitan stage on which repressive ideas about gender, sexuality, class and language were questioned. During Selina Cartmell’s current tenure as director, cultural diversity and social emancipation have also featured prominently on the Gate’s agenda, with various productions exploring issues of ethnicity in contemporary Ireland. The Gate thus offers a unique model for studying the ways in which cosmopolitan theatres, as cultural institutions, give expression to and engage with the complexities of identity and diversity in changing, globalised societies. CONTRIBUTORS: David Clare, Marguérite Corporaal, Mark Fitzgerald, Barry Houlihan, Radvan Markus, Deirdre McFeely, Justine Nakase, Siobhan O'Gorman, Mary Trotter, Grace Vroomen, Ian R. Walsh, Feargal Whelan

Staging Difficult Pasts: Transnational Memory, Theatres, and Museums

This collection of original essays brings together museum, theatre, and performance case studies with a focus on their distinctive and overlapping modes of producing memory for transnational audiences. Whether this is through narrative, object, embodied encounter or a combination of the three, this volume considers distinctions and interactions between memory and history specifically through the lenses of theatre and performance studies, visual culture, and museum and curator studies. This book is underpinned by three areas of research enquiry: How are contemporary theatre makers and museum curators staging historical narratives of difficult pasts? How might comparisons between theatre and museum practices offer new insights into the role objects play in generating and representing difficult pasts? What points of overlap, comparison, and contrast among these constructions of history and memory of authoritarianism, slavery, colonialism, genocide, armed conflict, fascism, and communism might offer an expanded understanding of difficult pasts in these transnational cultural contexts? This collection is designed for any scholar of its central disciplines, as well as for those interested in cultural geography, memory studies, and postcolonial theory. The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives (CC-BY-ND) 4.0 license.

Statistische Datenanalyse im Journalismus: Fallstudien und wissenschaftliche Anforderungen zum Einsatz fortgeschrittener statistischer Methoden

Dieses Buch zeigt anhand von journalistischen Fallbeispielen, warum und wie fortgeschrittene statistische Analysemethoden eingesetzt werden können, um aussagekräftige journalistische Informationen aus Daten zu extrahieren. Gleichzeitig setzt das Buch einen Anforderungsrahmen für die datenjournalistische Arbeit bezüglich Datenkompetenz und -visualisierung, dem Einsatz von Algorithmen sowie daten-ethischen Anforderungen und der Überprüfung externer Studien. Ziel ist es, die Qualität und Aussagekraft datenjournalistischer Arbeiten zu verbessern, welche, neben der angemessenen Erfassung und Aufbereitung von Daten, wesentlich von einer adäquaten Datenanalyse abhängen. Aber wie statistisch arbeiten Datenjournalist:innen heute eigentlich? Und wie statistisch können oder sollten sie arbeiten, um den Ansprüchen ihrer Leserschaft in Sachen Verständlichkeit gerecht zu werden, auch mit Blick auf deren unterschiedliches mathematisch-statisches Vorwissen? Das Buch zielt darauf ab, diese Fragen zu beantworten, indem es weiterführende statistische Methoden anhand von Fallstudien untersucht. Es verdeutlicht, warum diese Methoden auch im journalistischen Kontext oftmals problemangemessener sind und tiefer gehende Erkenntnisse liefern als vereinfachte Analysen und Basismethoden. Die Fallstudien decken dabei die wichtigsten statistischen Methoden ab: Verteilungen und Tests, Klassifikation, Regression, Zeitreihenanalyse, Clusteranalyse, Analyse von sequentiellen Daten ohne direkten Zeitbezug, Verwendung von Vorwissen und geplante Studien.

The Structure of Words at the Interfaces (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics #68)

This volume takes a variety of approaches to the question 'what is a word?', with particular emphasis on where in the grammar wordhood is determined. Chapters in the book all start from the assumption that structures at, above, and below the 'word' are built in the same derivational system: there is no lexicalist grammatical subsystem dedicated to word-building. This type of framework foregrounds the difficulty in defining wordhood. Questions such as whether there are restrictions on the size of structures that distinguish words from phrases, or whether there are combinatory operations that are specific to one or the other, are central to the debate. In this respect, chapters in the volume do not all agree. Some propose wordhood to be limited to entities defined by syntactic heads, while others propose that phrasal structure can be found within words. Some propose that head-movement and adjunction (and Morphological Merger, as its mirror image) are the manner in which words are built, while others propose that phrasal movements are crucial to determining the order of morphemes word-internally. All chapters point to the conclusion that the phonological domains that we call words are read off of the morphosyntactic structure in particular ways. It is the study of this interface, between the syntactic and phonological modules of Universal Grammar, that underpins the discussion in this volume.

Stuart Succession Literature: Moments and Transformations

Moments of royal succession, which punctuate the Stuart era (1603-1714), occasioned outpourings of literature. Writers, including most of the major figures of the seventeenth century from Jonson, Daniel, and Donne to Marvell, Dryden, and Behn, seized upon these occasions: to mark the transition of power; to reflect upon the political structures and values of their nation; and to present themselves as authors worthy of patronage and recognition. This volume of essays explores this important category of early modern writing. It contends that succession literature warrants attention as a distinct category: appreciated by contemporaries, acknowledged by a number of scholars, but never investigated in a coherent and methodical manner, it helped to shape political reputations and values across the period. Benefitting from the unique database of such writing generated by the AHRC-funded Stuart Successions Project, the volume brings together a distinguished group of authors to address a subject which is of wide and growing interest to students both of history and of literature. It illuminates the relation between literature and politics in this pivotal century of English political and cultural history. Interdisciplinary in scope, the volume will be indispensable to scholars of early modern British literature and history as well as undergraduates and postgraduates in both fields.

Study Abroad and the Second Language Learner: Expectations, Experiences and Development

Situated at the interface between study abroad and second language acquisition research, this book adopts a threefold thematic focus to study abroad and the language learner, investigating learner beliefs about study abroad, learner experiences of study abroad in relation to a range of individual, cultural and social factors, and the nature of learner development while abroad at an intercultural, personal and linguistic level. Chapters present studies of learners in different geographical contexts, with different first and second language combinations. The studies draw on different methodologies, incorporating quantitative, qualitative and mixed-method approaches. Presenting findings with implications for learner preparation, expectations and support during study abroad, and highlighting developmental issues within second language acquisition, Study Abroad and the Second Language Learner will be of interest to all study abroad and second language acquisition researchers, as well as programme organisers, language instructors and other stake holders.

Subject Inversion in Romance and the Theory of Universal Grammar (Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax)

The Romance Languages document remarkable variations in subject word order in different constructions, and have various restrictions in their occurrence. No consensus has emerged on what the paramaters are for such variations. This volume does not attempt to create a consensus, but tries to represent and bring into dialogue the different sides of the debate.

Sublime Cosmos in Graeco-Roman Literature and its Reception: Intersections of Myth, Science and History

The essays collected in this volume examine manifestations of our sublime cosmos in ancient literature and its reception. Individual themes include religious mystery; calendrical and cyclical thinking as ordering principles of human experience; divine birth and the manifold nature of divinity (both awesome and terrifying); contemplation of the sky and meteorological (ir)regularity; fears associated with overpowering natural and anthropogenic events; and the aspirations and limitations of human expression. In texts ranging from Homer to Keats, the volume's chapters apply diverse critical methods and approaches that engage with sublimity in various aesthetic, agential and metaphysical aspects. The ancient texts – epic, dramatic, historiographic and lyric – treated here are rooted in a remote world where, within a framework of (perceived) celestial order, literature, myth and science still communicated profoundly, a tradition that continued in literary receptions of these ancient works. This volume honours the intellectual legacy of Thomas D. Worthen, a scholar whose expertise and insights cut across multiple disciplines, and who influenced and inspired students and colleagues at the University of Arizona, USA, for over three decades. Beyond clarifying temporally and culturally distant contemplations of the human universe, these essays aim to inform the continuing sense of wonder and horror at the sublime heights and depths of our ever-changing cosmos.

Subversion and Conformity of Literary Collage: Between Cut and Glue (Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature)

Subversion and Conformity of Literary Collage: Between Cut and Glue fills a gap in the current scholarship on literary collage, by addressing how different the interpretations of the concept are, depending on the author who uses the concept and the material and writers surveyed. The book studies writers who employed literary collage during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, some whose works have been intensely analyzed from this perspective (William S. Burroughs and Walter Benjamin), but also some whose collage-writing style has recently been investigated by writers, being usually placed under the umbrella term of artist books (Stelio Maria Martini).

Successful Salon Management: Psychology in Hairdressing

Syntactic Features and the Limits of Syntactic Change (Oxford Studies in Diachronic and Historical Linguistics #43)

This volume brings together the latest diachronic research on syntactic features and their role in restricting syntactic change. The chapters address a central theoretical issue in diachronic syntax: whether syntactic variation can always be attributed to differences in the features of items in the lexicon, as the Borer-Chomsky conjecture proposes. In answering this question, all the chapters develop analyses of syntactic change couched within a formalist framework in which rich hierarchical structures and abstract features of various kinds play an important role. The first three parts of the volume explore the different domains of the clause, namely the C-domain, the T-domain and the ?P/VP-domain respectively, while chapters in the final part are concerned with establishing methodology in diachronic syntax and modelling linguistic correspondences. The contributors draw on extensive data from a large number of languages and dialects, including several that have received little attention in the literature on diachronic syntax, such as Romeyka, a Greek variety spoken in Turkey, and Middle Low German, previously spoken in northern Germany. Other languages are explored from a fresh theoretical perspective, including Hungarian, Icelandic, and Austronesian languages. The volume sheds light not only on specific syntactic changes from a cross-linguistic perspective but also on broader issues in language change and linguistic theory.

The Syntactic Variation of Spanish Dialects (Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax)

This book offers a comprehensive overview of the syntactic variation of the dialects of Spanish. More precisely, it covers Spanish theoretical syntax that takes as its data source non-standard grammatical phenomena. Approaching the syntactic variation of Spanish dialects opens a door not only to the intricacies of the language, but also to a set of challenges of linguistic theory itself, including language variation, language contact, bilingualism, and diglossia. The volume is divided into two main sections, the first focusing on Iberian Spanish and the second on Latin American Spanish. Chapters cover a wide range of syntactic constructions and phenomena, such as clitics, agreement, subordination, differential object marking, expletives, predication, doubling, word order, and subjects. This volume constitutes a milestone in the study of syntactic variation, setting the stage for future work not only in vernacular Spanish, but all languages.

The Syntax of Old Romanian (Oxford Studies in Diachronic and Historical Linguistics #19)

This book provides the first comprehensive overview of the syntax of old Romanian written in English and targeted at a non-Romanian readership. It draws on an extensive new corpus analysis of the period between the beginning of the sixteenth century, the date of the earliest attested Romanian texts, and the end of the eighteenth century, generally considered to mark the start of the modernization of Romanian. Gabriela Pană Dindelegan and her co-authors adopt both a synchronic and diachronic approach by providing a detailed corpus analysis in a given period, while also comparing old and modern Romanian. They examine the evolution of a variety of syntactic phenomena, including the elimination or diminishing of certain facts or generalization of others, the total or partial grammaticalization of phenomena, competition between structures, and cases of syntactic variation. The book takes a typological and comparative perspective, focusing on those phenomena that are considered specific to Romanian (either on the Romance or in the Balkan area), and adopts a modern framework while still remaining accessible to readers from any background.

The Syntax of Roots and the Roots of Syntax (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics #51)

This book investigates the nature and properties of roots, the core elements of word meaning. In particular, chapters examine the interaction of roots with syntactic structure, and the role of their semantic and morpho-phonological properties in that interaction. Issues addressed in the book include the semantics and phonology of roots in isolation and in context; the categorial specification of roots; and the role of phases in word formation. Internationally recognized scholars approach these topics from a variety of theoretical backgrounds, drawing on data from languages including German, Hebrew, and Modern Greek. The book will be of interest to linguistics students and researchers of all theoretical persuasions from graduate level upwards.

Syntax over Time: Lexical, Morphological, and Information-Structural Interactions (Oxford Studies in Diachronic and Historical Linguistics #15)

This book provides a critical investigation of syntactic change and the factors that influence it. Converging empirical and theoretical considerations have suggested that apparent instances of syntactic change may be attributable to factors outside syntax proper, such as morphology or information structure. Some even go so far as to propose that there is no such thing as syntactic change, and that all such change in fact takes place in the lexicon or in the phonological component. In this volume, international scholars examine these proposals, drawing on detailed case studies from Germanic, Romance, Chinese, Egyptian, Finnic, Hungarian, and Sámi. They aim to answer such questions as: Can syntactic change arise without an external impetus? How can we tell whether a given change is caused by information-structural or morphological factors? What can 'microsyntactic' investigations of changes in individual lexical items tell us about the bigger picture? How universal are the clausal and nominal templates ('cartography'), and to what extent is syntactic structure more generally subject to universal constraints? The book will be of interest to all linguists working on syntactic variation and change, and especially those who believe that historical linguistics and linguistic theory can, and should, inform one another.

Systemic Functional Language Description: Making Meaning Matter (Routledge Studies in Linguistics)

This volume showcases previously unpublished research on theoretical, descriptive, and methodological innovations for understanding language patterns grounded in a Systemic Functional Linguistic perspective. Featuring contributions from an international range of scholars, the book demonstrates how advances in SFL have developed to reflect the breadth of variation in language and how descriptive methodologies for language have evolved in turn. Taken together, the volume offers a comprehensive account of Systemic Functional Language description, providing a foundation for practice and further research for students and scholars in descriptive linguistics, SFL, and theoretical linguistics.

Systemic Functional Linguistics and Translation Studies (Bloomsbury Advances in Translation)

The field of translation studies has grown rapidly over recent decades, with critical questions being investigated across the globe. Drawing together this scattered research, Systemic Functional Linguistics and Translation Studies consolidates important propositions by drawing on systemic functional linguistics (SFL).Using the SFL dimensions of stratification, rank, axis and delicacy to show how languages are more similar or more different, this book provides a state-of-the-art critical assessment of the interaction between SFL and translation studies. Highlighting the major contribution SFL can make in developing translation theories, a team of world-leading experts investigate how intricate and wide-ranging translation questions, such as re-instantiation and multimodality, can be most efficiently explored through a detailed meaning- and function-oriented linguistic theory. Examining the theoretical concepts and practical applications of SFL in the translation of a range of languages, including Arabic, Chinese and Brazilian Portuguese, Systemic Functional Linguistics and Translation Studies provides a stimulus for new work spanning the two fields and suggests new directions for future research.

The T. S. Eliot Studies Annual: Volume 2 (Clemson University Press)

The T. S. Eliot Studies Annual strives to be the leading venue for the critical reassessment of Eliot’s life and work in light of the ongoing publication of his letters, critical volumes of his complete prose, the new edition of his complete poems, and the forthcoming critical edition of his plays. All critical approaches are welcome, as are essays pertaining to any aspect of Eliot’s work as a poet, critic, playwright, editor, or foremost exemplar of literary modernism. John D. Morgenstern, General Editor Editorial Advisory Board: Ronald Bush, University of Oxford David E. Chinitz, Loyola University Chicago Anthony Cuda, University of North Carolina–Greensboro Robert Crawford, University of St Andrews Frances Dickey, University of Missouri John Haffenden, University of Sheffield Benjamin G. Lockerd, Grand Valley State University Gail McDonald, Goldsmiths, University of London Gabrielle McIntire, Queen’s University Jahan Ramazani, University of Virginia Christopher Ricks, Boston University Ronald Schuchard, Emory University Vincent Sherry, Washington University at St. Louis

Tabu und Tabubruch: Literarische und sprachliche Strategien im 20. Jahrhundert. Ein deutsch-polnisches Symposium

Die Moderne hat den Tabubruch zum ästhetischen Mittel erhoben; seine Ritualisierung als Legitimation der Autonomie von Kunst macht ihn - wiederum - in liberalen Gesellschaften obsolet. Bei der Auseinandersetzung deutscher und polnischer Germanisten mit diesem Phänomen zeigten sich überraschende Differenzen wissenschaftlicher Wertsetzungen: Im Blick auf deutsche und polnische Gedächtnisarchäologie (Holocaust, Vertreibung, Unterdrückung) suchen polnische Germanisten vorrangig politische Tabuzonen auf, während ihre deutschen Kollegen das Thema überwiegend mit Poetologien der Leiblichkeit (Sexualität, körperliche Gewalt) besetzen, sowie den ästhetischen Strategien der Moderne (Metapher/Metonymie, Verfremdung/Schock) nachspüren.

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