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Von der Aufruhrsteuer bis zum Zehnten: Fiskalische Raffinessen aus 5000 Jahren

by Reiner Sahm

Auf unterhaltsame Weise liefert dieses Buch historisch belegte Fakten zu ungewöhnlichen Maßnahmen aus der langen Leidensgeschichte der Steuern, die Schlaglichter auch auf heutige Absurditäten der Steuergesetzgebung werfen. Die kurzen, schnell lesbaren Texte und ihr unterhaltsamer Charakter eignen sich perfekt, um als kleine Geschichten im Büro, in Reden oder in persönlichen Gesprächen weitererzählt zu werden. Ein übersichtliches, alphabetisch sortiertes und mit vielen Illustrationen angereichertes Layout sorgt für eine kurzweilige Lektüre. In der sonst so trockenen Bücherwelt der Steuertexte ist dies eine willkommene Abwechslung und ein wunderbares, handliches Geschenk für alle, die sich beruflich mit Steuern beschäftigen, sowie auch für die Vielzahl der kritischen Steuerzahler.

Von CA bis CAS online: Datenbanken in der Chemie

by Hedda Schulz Ursula Georgy

Vom „Theater des Schreckens“ zum „peinlichen Rechte nach der Vernunft“: Literatur und Strafrecht im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert (Literatur und Recht #5)

by Eric Achermann Gideon Stiening

Das Strafrecht der frühen Neuzeit erfährt zwischen dem beginnenden 17. und dem späten 18. Jahrhundert in Theorie und Praxis grundstürzende Veränderungen. Vor allem im Zuge der Aufklärung wird es entschärft, rationalisiert und teilweise humanisiert. Diese Prozesse werden von der europäischen Literatur kritisch reflektiert und kommentiert, womit es ihr häufig gelingt, in die Strafpraxis einzugreifen. Der Band klärt die moralphilosophischen Grundlagen dieser Entwicklung und untersucht das Wechselverhältnis von Literatur und Recht in Einzelstudien zu bedeutenden Werken der Zeit.

Vom Staatenbund zum Bundesstaat?: Die Europäische Union im Vergleich mit den USA, Deutschland und der Schweiz (Europainstitut Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien Schriftenreihe Europainstitut Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien Publication Series #27)

by Hans Kristoferitsch

Häufig wird behauptet, die europäische Integration sei ein historisch einzigartiger Prozess und mit den traditionellen Begriffen der Staatslehre nicht mehr zu beschreiben; die EU sei weder ein Staatenbund noch ein Bundesstaat, sondern ein Gebilde sui generis. Das vorliegende Buch unterzieht diese These anhand eines historischen Vergleichs der europäischen Integration mit der Verfassungsentwicklung der USA, Deutschlands und der Schweiz einer kritischen Überprüfung. Der Vergleich zeigt, dass im institutionellen Bereich Parallelen zwischen der EU und diesen bundesstaatlichen Integrationsprozessen bestehen. Aber auch auf den Gebieten der rechtlichen, politischen, wirtschaftlichen und kulturellen Integration sind ähnliche Entwicklungen zu beobachten. Ohne damit Stellung in der Debatte zur Finalität der europäischen Integration zu beziehen, hält die Arbeit fest, dass die EU kein Gebilde sui generis ist, sondern mit den traditionellen Begriffen der Staatslehre beschrieben werden kann.

Vom Staat zum Markt: Privatisierung aus politikwissenschaftlicher Perspektive (Grundwissen Politik)

by Detlef Sack

Privatisierung ist keine wirtschaftliche Notwendigkeit, sondern das Ergebnis von Politik. Das Lehrbuch führt in die politikwissenschaftliche Privatisierungsforschung im internationalen Vergleich ein. Es stellt grundlegende Definitionen, Konzepte und Theorien vor, mit denen Entstaatlichung im öffentlichen Sektor untersucht wird. Insgesamt thematisiert der Band die (machtpolitischen) Gründe für Privatisierung wie die Effekte der Entstaatlichung, die begleitende Regulierung und die Konsequenzen für demokratische Politik. Der Band skizziert die zukünftigen Aufgaben und Möglichkeiten der politikwissenschaftlichen Privatisierungsforschung.

Vom passiven zum aktiven Sozialplan: Vergleich zwischen dem gesetzlichen Förderungsinstrument der §§ 254 Ff. SGB III und dem Transfer-Sozialplan-Konzept der BAVC e.V. (Forum Arbeits- und Sozialrecht #18)

by Nina Kowalski

Das Buch beschreibt die Umgestaltung von Sozialplänen, die ausschließlich Ausgleichsleitungen und Abfindungszahlungen vorsehen, zu Sozialplänen mit beschäftigungsfördernder Wirkung. Die Autorin beschäftigt sich mit dem Nebeneinander des gesetzlichen Förderungsinstruments der §§ 254 ff. SGB III und dem vom Arbeitgeberverband der Chemieindustrie (BAVC e.V.) entwickelten Transfer-Sozialplan-Konzept. Dabei geht es vor allem um die Frage, inwiefern sich beide Konzeptionen bedingen, ob sie aufeinander aufbauen oder unabhängig voneinander gestaltet worden sind.

Volunteering and Social Inclusion: Interrelations between Unemployment and Civic Engagement in Germany and Great Britain (Life Course Research)

by Susanne Strauß

By comparing the institutional settings in Germany and Great Britain, the study reveals differences in labour market regulations as the most important influence on the interrelation between unemployment and volunteering. In addition, Susanne Strauß identifies differences regarding gender, education and the type of volunteering organisation

Volunteer Police, Choosing to Serve: Exploring, Comparing, and Assessing Volunteer Policing in the United States and the United Kingdom

by Ross Wolf Carol Borland Jones

Volunteer Police, Choosing to Serve provides an in-depth comparison between volunteer policing in the United States and in the United Kingdom, and explores the shared past and similar—yet sometimes divergent—evolution of special constables, auxiliaries, and reserves. It discusses the history of volunteer policing, contemporary authority, functions, and training. The book also examines part-time, auxiliary, and special constable policing roles around the globe. The text contains original research comparing British and American volunteer police, and concludes with a discussion of the future of volunteer policing in the UK and US contexts.

Volunteer Police, Choosing to Serve: Exploring, Comparing, and Assessing Volunteer Policing in the United States and the United Kingdom

by Ross Wolf Carol Borland Jones

Volunteer Police, Choosing to Serve provides an in-depth comparison between volunteer policing in the United States and in the United Kingdom, and explores the shared past and similar—yet sometimes divergent—evolution of special constables, auxiliaries, and reserves. It discusses the history of volunteer policing, contemporary authority, functions, and training. The book also examines part-time, auxiliary, and special constable policing roles around the globe. The text contains original research comparing British and American volunteer police, and concludes with a discussion of the future of volunteer policing in the UK and US contexts.

Voluntary to Mandatory ESG Reporting: Responsible Business to Accountable Business (Standalone Book - International Corporate & Commercial Law)

by Peter Yeoh

Focusing on the impacts of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) matters, companies, financial institutions, and regulators are continually seeking sustainability-driven models and standards on ESG themes in the sourcing, design, and provision of products and services. This welcome and thoroughly researched book, by a well-known authority in corporate and financial services law, engages with developments in ESG soft and hard law as business responsibility shades into business accountability. The author offers a sweeping, in-depth consideration of the current and future role of ESG reporting and compliance, encompassing such issues and topics as the following: purpose and forms of regulation for non-financial reporting; mandatory ESG reporting implementation issues; role of the company board; recognition of threats posed by ‘greenwashing’ and similar tactics; clean energy versus sustainable supply chains; limits and weaknesses of ESG reporting; help from AI and other software solutions; and progress in the global quest for a universal ESG reporting standard. Although some companies retain their social and political licences to operate and thwart ESG, robust data and persuasive contentions worldwide show that deliberations on how best to promote global sustainability in the long term have become standard business practice. Accordingly, this book clearly demonstrates how including ESG in business decisions ultimately contributes to stable and predictable markets. Its insights and guidance will be greatly appreciated by all those needing to engage with ESG reporting, whether lawyers, investors, regulators, business stakeholders, or academics.

Voluntary Standard Systems: A Contribution to Sustainable Development (Natural Resource Management in Transition #1)

by David M. Smyth

Emerging to the forefront of sustainable production and consumption are a promising and rapidly evolving concept known as Voluntary Standard Systems (VSS). They encompass the three pillars of sustainability – social, environmental and economic aspects and consequently they can be considered as a tool, which makes sustainable development visible. Currently, they are becoming a significant element in international trade and in the promotion of sustainable development strategies, especially in the context of globalised markets and supply chains.This volume provides a comprehensive overview of the current VSS concepts: from their nature and functioning, to the future outlook for their development. It places VSS in the broader context of global development issues and challenges, including development policy and international sustainability commitments, progress towards achieving ‘green economy’ and meeting climate protection targets. The volume contains also a representative selection of case studies which demonstrate their wide range of application in different sectors of the economy.

The Voluntary Sector, the State and the Law

by Alison Dunn

Over the last two decades the development of the 'third sector' has been underpinned by principles of independence and autonomy,regulation and accountability and patronage through partnership. The essays in this collection expose the resulting tensions in the relationship between voluntary sector and the state.As the government role has switched from that of provider to enabler and regulator, many charities and voluntary organisations have been forced by financial pressures to offer services and engage in trading activities, performing a wide range of sometimes –conflicting functions which an threaten their relationships with service-users and funds. The contributions to this volume address the pressing legal questions about governance, openness, accountability and regulation raised by the shifting boundary between state and voluntary sector responsibilities.Specific areas discussed include the legal structure and governance of voluntary bodies, accountability to government and to service-users, regulation and privatisation, partnership with central and local government, taxation of trading activities, volunteer behaviour and regulation, political independence and control, and conflicts of interest.

Voluntary Environmental Management: The Inevitable Future

by John Morelli

A shift from government oversight to private sector self-regulation appears to be the future of environmental management. This will be a complex and complicated transition, as individual companies attempt to balance their needs against that of the surrounding communities - and world.Voluntary Environmental Management: The Inevitable Future explores how business and industry are preparing for this dramatic shift in responsibility and accountability.John Morelli pinpoints companies that have already adopted environmental auditing and management tools; examines the deficiencies of government-imposed environmental regulations; and shows how businesses can become more proactive in monitoring and managing their environmentally affective activities.The role of global marketplace forces receives substantial emphasis in Voluntary Environmental Management: The Inevitable Future, especially in light of the widespread international acceptance of new ISO 14000 standards.

Voluntary Environmental Management: The Inevitable Future

by John Morelli

A shift from government oversight to private sector self-regulation appears to be the future of environmental management. This will be a complex and complicated transition, as individual companies attempt to balance their needs against that of the surrounding communities - and world.Voluntary Environmental Management: The Inevitable Future explores how business and industry are preparing for this dramatic shift in responsibility and accountability.John Morelli pinpoints companies that have already adopted environmental auditing and management tools; examines the deficiencies of government-imposed environmental regulations; and shows how businesses can become more proactive in monitoring and managing their environmentally affective activities.The role of global marketplace forces receives substantial emphasis in Voluntary Environmental Management: The Inevitable Future, especially in light of the widespread international acceptance of new ISO 14000 standards.

Voluntary Environmental Agreements: Process, Practice and Future Use

by Patrick Ten Brink

Voluntary environmental agreements (VEAs) – generally agreements between government and business – have been regarded by many as a key new instrument for meeting environmental objectives in a flexible manner. Their performance to date has, however, also led to considerable criticism, with several parties arguing that they are methods for avoiding real action that goes beyond "business-as-usual". Is either of these positions justified? The aim of this book is to highlight and learn the lessons from existing experience, looking not just at results but also at specific elements of agreements and also at the process of the agreement itself. Lessons are drawn from experience from across the world, covering the full range of environmental challenges, and from the perspective of key stakeholder groups. Importantly, the book also presents tools for assessing and improving existing agreements and includes recommendations and guidelines for future agreements in key areas such as climate change. It also deals at length with the problem of how such agreements might be used in developing and transitional economies. The overall view of the book is that there is a real potential for the future use of VEAs as part of the policy mix and as a tool for sharing the responsibility for meeting environmental objectives. For the agreements to play this role, however, significant steps are needed to ensure that they are effective, efficient, equitable and appropriately linked to a portfolio of other instruments. The book is divided into four sections. First, existing agreements, their development and efficacy are considered; second, the prospects for voluntary agreements in developing and transitional economies are discussed; third, a range of authors examine the role of VEAs as part of the policy mix to combat climate change; and, finally, the book concludes with an examination of how new tools for evaluating and improving VEAs could be utilized in the future. Voluntary Environmental Agreements will be of interest not only to academics, governments and businesses wishing to understand this specific instrument, but also to those already implementing or considering applying VEAs to meet their environmental objectives.

Voluntary Consent: Theory and Practice (Routledge Annals of Bioethics)

by Maximilian Kiener

Voluntariness is a necessary condition of valid consent. But determining whether a person consented voluntarily can be difficult, especially when people are subjected to coercion or manipulation, placed in a situation with no acceptable alternative other than to consent to something, or find themselves in an abusive relationship. This book presents a novel view on the voluntariness of consent, especially medical consent, which the author calls Interpersonal Consenter-Consentee Justification (ICCJ). According to this view, consent is voluntary if and only if the process by which it has been obtained aligns with specific principles of interpersonal justification. ICCJ is distinctive because it explains voluntary consent neither as a ‘psychological’ concept indicative of the inner states of a person’s mind (e.g. willingness or reluctance) nor as a ‘circumstantial’ concept indicative of a person’s set of options. Rather, ICCJ explains the voluntariness of consent as an ‘interpersonal’ concept requiring the absence of illegitimate control within the interaction between the person giving consent and the person receiving it. In so doing, ICCJ further develops the notion of interpersonal justification, known from contractualist theories in moral philosophy, and introduces it to the debate on consent. The author employs a top-down approach, defending ICCJ’s key characteristics on the basis of general theoretical arguments, as well as a bottom-up approach, supporting ICCJ in its application to clinical challenges such as nudging and manipulation, living organ donation, and clinical trials. Voluntary Consent will appeal to researchers and advanced students in normative ethics, bioethics, philosophy of law, behavioural psychology, and medicine.

Voluntary Consent: Theory and Practice (Routledge Annals of Bioethics)

by Maximilian Kiener

Voluntariness is a necessary condition of valid consent. But determining whether a person consented voluntarily can be difficult, especially when people are subjected to coercion or manipulation, placed in a situation with no acceptable alternative other than to consent to something, or find themselves in an abusive relationship. This book presents a novel view on the voluntariness of consent, especially medical consent, which the author calls Interpersonal Consenter-Consentee Justification (ICCJ). According to this view, consent is voluntary if and only if the process by which it has been obtained aligns with specific principles of interpersonal justification. ICCJ is distinctive because it explains voluntary consent neither as a ‘psychological’ concept indicative of the inner states of a person’s mind (e.g. willingness or reluctance) nor as a ‘circumstantial’ concept indicative of a person’s set of options. Rather, ICCJ explains the voluntariness of consent as an ‘interpersonal’ concept requiring the absence of illegitimate control within the interaction between the person giving consent and the person receiving it. In so doing, ICCJ further develops the notion of interpersonal justification, known from contractualist theories in moral philosophy, and introduces it to the debate on consent. The author employs a top-down approach, defending ICCJ’s key characteristics on the basis of general theoretical arguments, as well as a bottom-up approach, supporting ICCJ in its application to clinical challenges such as nudging and manipulation, living organ donation, and clinical trials. Voluntary Consent will appeal to researchers and advanced students in normative ethics, bioethics, philosophy of law, behavioural psychology, and medicine.

Voluntary Approaches in Environmental Policy (Economics, Energy and Environment #14)

by Carlo Carraro François Lévêque

In recent years, voluntary approaches to emission reductions have increasingly been adopted by major companies all over the world and have increasingly been supported by regulatory bodies and public administrations. Despite this world-wide effort to achieve a better environmental performance through voluntary approaches, economic analysis has somehow neglected the importance of voluntary approaches as an environmental policy instrument. This book is a first attempt to fill this gap by gathering together all major experts in the fields and by providing a detailed analysis of all main aspects characterising the design and implementation of voluntary approaches in environmental policy. The book, which is the outcome of cooperation between the École des Mines of Paris and the Fondazione ENI E. Mattei, within the EU Concerted Action on Market Based Policy Instruments for Environmental Protection, contains both theoretical analyses and case studies. The chapters of this book therefore provide a useful assessment of the main features and of the potential implementation problems of a new, important and promising environmental policy instrument.

Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking: A Compassionate, Widely-Available Option for Hastening Death

by Timothy E. Quill, MD, Paul T. Menzel, PHD, Thaddeus M. Pope, JD, PHD and Judith K. Schwarz, PHD, RN

In the 21st century, people in the developed world are living longer. They hope they will have a healthy longer life and then die relatively quickly and peacefully. But frequently that does not happen. While people are living healthy a little longer, they tend to live sick for a lot longer. And at the end of being sick before dying, they and their families are frequently faced with daunting decisions about whether to continue life prolonging medical treatments or whether to find meaningful and forthright ways to die more easily and quickly. In this context, some people are searching for more and better options to hasten death. They may be experiencing unacceptable suffering in the present or may fear it in the near future. But they do not know the full range of options legally available to them. Voluntary stopping eating and drinking (VSED), though relatively unknown and poorly understood, is a widely available option for hastening death. VSED is legally permitted in places where medical assistance in dying (MAID) is not. And unlike U.S. jurisdictions where MAID is legally permitted, VSED is not limited to terminal illness or to those with current decision-making capacity. VSED is a compassionate option that respects patient choice. Despite its strongly misleading image of starvation, death by VSED is typically peaceful and meaningful when accompanied by adequate clinician and/or caregiver support. Moreover, the practice is not limited to avoiding unbearable suffering, but may also be used by those who are determined to avoid living with unacceptable deterioration such as severe dementia. But VSED is "not for everyone." This volume provides a realistic, appropriately critical, yet supportive assessment of the practice. Eight illustrative, previously unpublished real cases are included, receiving pragmatic analysis in each chapter. The volume's integrated, multi-professional, multi-disciplinary character makes it useful for a wide range of readers: patients considering present or future end-of-life options and their families, clinicians of all kinds, ethicists, lawyers, and institutional administrators. Appendices include recommended elements of an advance directive for stopping eating and drinking in one's future if and when decision making capacity is lost, and what to record as cause of death on the death certificates of those who hasten death by VSED.

Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking: A Compassionate, Widely-Available Option for Hastening Death

In the 21st century, people in the developed world are living longer. They hope they will have a healthy longer life and then die relatively quickly and peacefully. But frequently that does not happen. While people are living healthy a little longer, they tend to live sick for a lot longer. And at the end of being sick before dying, they and their families are frequently faced with daunting decisions about whether to continue life prolonging medical treatments or whether to find meaningful and forthright ways to die more easily and quickly. In this context, some people are searching for more and better options to hasten death. They may be experiencing unacceptable suffering in the present or may fear it in the near future. But they do not know the full range of options legally available to them. Voluntary stopping eating and drinking (VSED), though relatively unknown and poorly understood, is a widely available option for hastening death. VSED is legally permitted in places where medical assistance in dying (MAID) is not. And unlike U.S. jurisdictions where MAID is legally permitted, VSED is not limited to terminal illness or to those with current decision-making capacity. VSED is a compassionate option that respects patient choice. Despite its strongly misleading image of starvation, death by VSED is typically peaceful and meaningful when accompanied by adequate clinician and/or caregiver support. Moreover, the practice is not limited to avoiding unbearable suffering, but may also be used by those who are determined to avoid living with unacceptable deterioration such as severe dementia. But VSED is "not for everyone." This volume provides a realistic, appropriately critical, yet supportive assessment of the practice. Eight illustrative, previously unpublished real cases are included, receiving pragmatic analysis in each chapter. The volume's integrated, multi-professional, multi-disciplinary character makes it useful for a wide range of readers: patients considering present or future end-of-life options and their families, clinicians of all kinds, ethicists, lawyers, and institutional administrators. Appendices include recommended elements of an advance directive for stopping eating and drinking in one's future if and when decision making capacity is lost, and what to record as cause of death on the death certificates of those who hasten death by VSED.

Volume III — Europe: Constitutions of Nations

by Amos J. Peaslee

INTERNATIONAL STATUS Albania is a member of the United Nations (December 14, 1955). It is a member of other international organizations. It was a member of the League of Nations. Albania became independent on November 28, 1912, after centuries of Ottoman domination. Its existence was recognized internationally after the First Balkan War on July 28, 1913, and an international control commission drew up a constitution in 1914, providing for a monarchy with a National Assembly most of whose members were elected by the people. 4 Albania Although a neutral state, Albania became involved in the First World War, after which, in January 1920, the Albanian chiefs drew up a new constitution providing for a monarchy. In 1925, Albania was proclaimed a republic and a new constitution, based on the United States constitution, was promulgated. In 1928, the President became King and a new consti­ tution followed. On April 7, 1939, Italy occupied Albania and imposed a constitution providing that Albania was a monarchy under the House of Savoy. On April6, 1941, martial law was proclaimed throughout the country. After the Italian capitulation in 1943, Albania was occupied by Germany. The Albanian Communist Party was founded in November 1941, and the bases of the communist regime were laid at the second national confer­ ence in July 1943 of the Movement for National Liberation, created by the Party to unite and control all the forces opposing foreign occupation. This conference created Councils of National Liberation.

Volume 18, Tome VI: Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, and Swedish (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources)

by Jon Stewart

In recent years interest in the thought of Kierkegaard has grown dramatically, and with it the body of secondary literature has expanded so quickly that it has become impossible for even the most conscientious scholar to keep pace. The problem of the explosion of secondary literature is made more acute by the fact that much of what is written about Kierkegaard appears in languages that most Kierkegaard scholars do not know. Kierkegaard has become a global phenomenon, and new research traditions have emerged in different languages, countries, and regions. The present volume is dedicated to trying to help to resolve these two problems in Kierkegaard studies. Its purpose is, first, to provide book reviews of some of the leading monographic studies in the Kierkegaard secondary literature so as to assist the community of scholars to become familiar with the works that they have not read for themselves. The aim is thus to offer students and scholars of Kierkegaard a comprehensive survey of works that have played a more or less significant role in the research. Second, the present volume also tries to make accessible many works in the Kierkegaard secondary literature that are written in different languages and thus to give a glimpse into various and lesser-known research traditions. The six tomes of the present volume present reviews of works written in Catalan, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, and Swedish.

Volume 18, Tome VI: Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, and Swedish (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources)

by Jon Stewart

In recent years interest in the thought of Kierkegaard has grown dramatically, and with it the body of secondary literature has expanded so quickly that it has become impossible for even the most conscientious scholar to keep pace. The problem of the explosion of secondary literature is made more acute by the fact that much of what is written about Kierkegaard appears in languages that most Kierkegaard scholars do not know. Kierkegaard has become a global phenomenon, and new research traditions have emerged in different languages, countries, and regions. The present volume is dedicated to trying to help to resolve these two problems in Kierkegaard studies. Its purpose is, first, to provide book reviews of some of the leading monographic studies in the Kierkegaard secondary literature so as to assist the community of scholars to become familiar with the works that they have not read for themselves. The aim is thus to offer students and scholars of Kierkegaard a comprehensive survey of works that have played a more or less significant role in the research. Second, the present volume also tries to make accessible many works in the Kierkegaard secondary literature that are written in different languages and thus to give a glimpse into various and lesser-known research traditions. The six tomes of the present volume present reviews of works written in Catalan, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, and Swedish.

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