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Showing 55,726 through 55,750 of 56,062 results

Accounting Fraud: Bilanzmanipulationen praxisorientiert verstehen und mit Datenanalysen frühzeitig erkennen, aufklären und verhindern

by Carola Rinker Patrick Müller Frank Münker

Dieses Buch beschreibt, welche typischen Fälle von Bilanzmanipulationen auch im Alltag von Konzernen und KMUs vorkommen können, durch Mitarbeiter und Dienstleister. Das Bewusstsein für Accounting Fraud ist oft nicht vorhanden. In diesem Buch werden branchentypische Besonderheiten der Bilanz und GuV aufgegriffen. Die Autoren erläutern verschiedene Manipulationsarten und zeigen, wie diese aufgedeckt werden können. Zudem wird erklärt, welche Maßnahmen Unternehmen zur Früherkennung und Prävention ergreifen können, beispielsweise durch den Einsatz forensischer Datenanalyse. Dieses Buch veranschaulicht, wie wichtig es für Praktiker ist, sich dem Thema zu widmen, auch anhand von Praxisbeispielen.

Accounting for the Public Interest: Perspectives on Accountability, Professionalism and Role in Society (Advances in Business Ethics Research #4)

by Steven Mintz

This volume explores the opportunities and challenges facing the accounting profession in an increasingly globalized business and financial reporting environment. It looks back at past experiences of the profession in attempting to meet its public interest obligation. It examines the role and responsibilities of accounting to society including regulatory requirements, increased emphasis on corporate social responsibility, accounting fraud and whistle-blowing implications, internationalization of public interest obligations, and providing the education needed to be successful. The book incorporates an ethical dimension in making these assessments. Its focus is a conceptual, theoretical one drawing on classical philosophy, the sociology of professions, economic theory, and the public interest dimension of accountants as professionals. The authors of papers are long-time contributors to the annual symposium on Research in Accounting Ethics sponsored by the Public Interest Section of the AAA.

Accounting for Sustainability: Asia Pacific Perspectives (Eco-Efficiency in Industry and Science #33)

by Ki-Hoon Lee Stefan Schaltegger

This book advances the understanding of corporate sustainability and challenges and roles of sustainability accounting in the Asia-Pacific region. The Asia-Pacific region has shown fast economic growth for several decades which is expected to continue. In this context, Asia has become the “production engine” of the global economy. At the same time scientific reports reveal that some planetary boundaries are crossed, for example relating to biodiversity and climate change. Companies in the Asia-Pacific region are therefore increasingly challenged to reduce their environmental impacts, to document their social contribution and to contribute to sustainable development. Key approaches to identify sustainability problems and challenges, to support improvement processes and to back up sustainability contributions include accounting and reporting. In contrast to the high relevance of accounting and reporting for corporate sustainability for the Asia-Pacific region, academic research has so far been dominated by Western researchers and pre-dominantly dealt with Western and Japanese cases and approaches. It is thus time to take account of Asian perspectives on accounting and reporting for sustainability in the Asia-Pacific region.

Accounting for Profit for Breach of Contract: Theory and Practice (Hart Studies in Private Law)

by Katy Barnett

This book defends the view that an award of an account of profits (or 'disgorgement damages') for breach of contract will sometimes be justifiable, and fits within the orthodox principles and cases in contract law. However there is some confusion as to when such an award should be made. The moral bases for disgorgement damages are deterrence and punishment, which shape the remedy in important ways. Courts are also concerned with vindication of the claimant's performance interest, and it is pivotal in these cases that the claimant cannot procure a substitute performance via an award of damages or specific relief. The book argues that disgorgement damages should be available in two categories of case: 'second sale' cases, where the defendant breaches his contract with the claimant to make a more profitable contract with a third party; and 'agency problem' cases, where the defendant promises the claimant he will not do a certain thing, and the claimant finds it difficult to supervise the performance. Moreover, disgorgement may be full or partial, and 'reasonable fee damages' for breach of contract are best understood as partial disgorgement rather than 'restitutionary damages'. Equitable bars to relief should also be adopted in relation to disgorgement damages, as should allowances for skill and effort.This book will be of interest to contract and commercial lawyers, and will be especially valuable to anyone with an interest in contract remedies and restitution. It draws on case law in a number of common law jurisdictions, primarily England and Wales, and Australia.

Accounting for Profit for Breach of Contract: Theory and Practice (Hart Studies in Private Law #2)

by Katy Barnett

This book defends the view that an award of an account of profits (or 'disgorgement damages') for breach of contract will sometimes be justifiable, and fits within the orthodox principles and cases in contract law. However there is some confusion as to when such an award should be made. The moral bases for disgorgement damages are deterrence and punishment, which shape the remedy in important ways. Courts are also concerned with vindication of the claimant's performance interest, and it is pivotal in these cases that the claimant cannot procure a substitute performance via an award of damages or specific relief. The book argues that disgorgement damages should be available in two categories of case: 'second sale' cases, where the defendant breaches his contract with the claimant to make a more profitable contract with a third party; and 'agency problem' cases, where the defendant promises the claimant he will not do a certain thing, and the claimant finds it difficult to supervise the performance. Moreover, disgorgement may be full or partial, and 'reasonable fee damages' for breach of contract are best understood as partial disgorgement rather than 'restitutionary damages'. Equitable bars to relief should also be adopted in relation to disgorgement damages, as should allowances for skill and effort.This book will be of interest to contract and commercial lawyers, and will be especially valuable to anyone with an interest in contract remedies and restitution. It draws on case law in a number of common law jurisdictions, primarily England and Wales, and Australia.

Accounting for Hunger: The Right to Food in the Era of Globalisation (Studies in International Law)

by Olivier De Schutter Kaitlin Y Cordes

The challenge of global hunger is now high on the agenda of governments and international policy-makers. This new work contributes to addressing that challenge, by looking at the obstacles which stand in the way of implementing a right to food in the era of globalisation. The book describes the current situation of global hunger; it considers how it relates both to the development of food systems and to the merger of the food and energy markets; and it explains how the right to food contributes to identifying solutions at the domestic and international levels. The right to food, it argues, can only be realised if governance improves at the domestic level, and if the international environment enables governments to adopt appropriate policies, for which they require a certain policy space. The essays in this book demonstrate that the current regimes of trade, investment and food aid, as well as the development of biofuels production – all of which contribute to define the international context in which states implement such reforms – should be reshaped if national efforts are to be successful. The implication is that extraterritorial human rights obligations of states (their obligations to respect the right to food beyond their national territories, for instance in their food aid, investment or trade policies), as well as the strengthening of global governance of food security (as is currently being attempted with the reform of the Committee on World Food Security in Rome), have a key role to fulfill: domestic reforms will not achieve sustainable results unless the international environment is more enabling of the efforts of governments acting individually. In this reform process, accountability both at the domestic and international level is essential if sustainable progress is to be achieved in combating global hunger.

Accounting for Hunger: The Right to Food in the Era of Globalisation (Studies in International Law)

by Olivier De Schutter Kaitlin Y Cordes

The challenge of global hunger is now high on the agenda of governments and international policy-makers. This new work contributes to addressing that challenge, by looking at the obstacles which stand in the way of implementing a right to food in the era of globalisation. The book describes the current situation of global hunger; it considers how it relates both to the development of food systems and to the merger of the food and energy markets; and it explains how the right to food contributes to identifying solutions at the domestic and international levels. The right to food, it argues, can only be realised if governance improves at the domestic level, and if the international environment enables governments to adopt appropriate policies, for which they require a certain policy space. The essays in this book demonstrate that the current regimes of trade, investment and food aid, as well as the development of biofuels production – all of which contribute to define the international context in which states implement such reforms – should be reshaped if national efforts are to be successful. The implication is that extraterritorial human rights obligations of states (their obligations to respect the right to food beyond their national territories, for instance in their food aid, investment or trade policies), as well as the strengthening of global governance of food security (as is currently being attempted with the reform of the Committee on World Food Security in Rome), have a key role to fulfill: domestic reforms will not achieve sustainable results unless the international environment is more enabling of the efforts of governments acting individually. In this reform process, accountability both at the domestic and international level is essential if sustainable progress is to be achieved in combating global hunger.

Accounting for Biological Assets (Routledge Focus on Business and Management)

by Rute Gonçalves Patrícia Teixeira Lopes

This book explores accounting for biological assets under IAS 41 – Agriculture, and explains the recent adjustments introduced by the IASB which allow firms to choose between cost or revaluation models concerning mature bearer plants. Identifying the firm and country-level drivers that inform the disclosure and measurement practices of biological assets, this concise guide examines the value relevance of measuring those assets at fair value. It also analyses how firm and country-level drivers explain the differences in the disclosure level and practices used to measure biological assets under IAS 41. Finally, it evaluates whether there is a difference in the relevance of biological assets among the listed firms with high and low disclosure levels on biological assets. Based on a major international study of a wide selection of firms and country-level drivers, this book is vital for standard setters, stakeholders, students, accountants and auditors who need to understand disclosure and measurement practices of biological assets under IAS 41.

Accounting for Biological Assets (Routledge Focus on Business and Management)

by Rute Gonçalves Patrícia Teixeira Lopes

This book explores accounting for biological assets under IAS 41 – Agriculture, and explains the recent adjustments introduced by the IASB which allow firms to choose between cost or revaluation models concerning mature bearer plants. Identifying the firm and country-level drivers that inform the disclosure and measurement practices of biological assets, this concise guide examines the value relevance of measuring those assets at fair value. It also analyses how firm and country-level drivers explain the differences in the disclosure level and practices used to measure biological assets under IAS 41. Finally, it evaluates whether there is a difference in the relevance of biological assets among the listed firms with high and low disclosure levels on biological assets. Based on a major international study of a wide selection of firms and country-level drivers, this book is vital for standard setters, stakeholders, students, accountants and auditors who need to understand disclosure and measurement practices of biological assets under IAS 41.

Accounting for Biodiversity: Accounting For Biodiversity

by Michael Jones

‘Biodiversity’ at its simplest, refers to the variety of species inhabiting Planet Earth. It is essential to the well-being of the planet. There is now a scientific consensus around the current ongoing crisis in biodiversity arising from both climate change and human activities. Experts believe we are in the middle of a mass extinction of biodiversity with devastating consequences for our planet. Accounting for Biodiversity explores the need for companies to actively protect, conserve and improve biodiversity within their sphere of operation. The 14 chapters written by a selected team of experts investigate the ways in which companies are embracing their responsibility through a variety of biodiversity initiatives and innovative models designed to improve the recording, reporting and valuing of biodiversity. Global case studies look at biodiversity accounting in Africa, Asia, Australasia, Europe and South America. Overall, this book provides a comprehensive set of reflections on accounting for biodiversity and recommendations for the future. This book is essential reading for all those interested in the contribution that accounting can make to the preservation of biodiversity. As we see increasing awareness of the importance of sustainability and ecological responsibility in business activity it is relevant and should prove informative to students, managers, accountants and those in business more generally. It is also important for all those interested in conserving biodiversity.

Accounting for Biodiversity

by Michael Jones

‘Biodiversity’ at its simplest, refers to the variety of species inhabiting Planet Earth. It is essential to the well-being of the planet. There is now a scientific consensus around the current ongoing crisis in biodiversity arising from both climate change and human activities. Experts believe we are in the middle of a mass extinction of biodiversity with devastating consequences for our planet. Accounting for Biodiversity explores the need for companies to actively protect, conserve and improve biodiversity within their sphere of operation. The 14 chapters written by a selected team of experts investigate the ways in which companies are embracing their responsibility through a variety of biodiversity initiatives and innovative models designed to improve the recording, reporting and valuing of biodiversity. Global case studies look at biodiversity accounting in Africa, Asia, Australasia, Europe and South America. Overall, this book provides a comprehensive set of reflections on accounting for biodiversity and recommendations for the future. This book is essential reading for all those interested in the contribution that accounting can make to the preservation of biodiversity. As we see increasing awareness of the importance of sustainability and ecological responsibility in business activity it is relevant and should prove informative to students, managers, accountants and those in business more generally. It is also important for all those interested in conserving biodiversity.

Accounting Ethics Education: Making Ethics Real (Routledge Studies in Accounting)

by Alberto J. Costa; Margarida M. Pinheiro

Accounting education ought to prepare future professionals to enter a principles-based, rules-oriented field of activity wherein technical knowledge of accounting standards (principles, rules and decision procedures) and ethical awareness (the capacity to discern moral issues and resolve ethical dilemmas) are crucial. Accounting education is best performed by the accountant’s adherence to the principles of the accounting profession and by individuals and firms following the appropriate rules, act according to the codes of conduct adopted by their profession, exercise clear judgment whenever they address financial transactions and consider/assess the state of a given business. Accounting Ethics Education: Making Ethics Real gathers a diversity of contributions from invited well-known experts and other specialists. It promotes comprehensive reflection around key trends, discussing and highlighting the most updated research on accounting ethics education, being an essential and useful reference in the field. In the performance of accounting tasks, the accountant should be educated and supported in the skills development and habit formation to solve accounting problems, recognize moral issues and resolve ethical dilemmas that will be encountered in their special tasks. Also, this book provides a moral map for identifying and acting on values when difficult situations arise. Examining multiple perspectives, the book improves the scholarly debate by providing cutting-edge and insightful research vital for all those interested and immersed in these matters. It will be of great value to academics, students, researchers and professionals in the fields of accounting, accounting education and ethics.

Accounting Ethics Education: Making Ethics Real (Routledge Studies in Accounting)

by Alberto J. Costa Margarida M. Pinheiro

Accounting education ought to prepare future professionals to enter a principles-based, rules-oriented field of activity wherein technical knowledge of accounting standards (principles, rules and decision procedures) and ethical awareness (the capacity to discern moral issues and resolve ethical dilemmas) are crucial. Accounting education is best performed by the accountant’s adherence to the principles of the accounting profession and by individuals and firms following the appropriate rules, act according to the codes of conduct adopted by their profession, exercise clear judgment whenever they address financial transactions and consider/assess the state of a given business. Accounting Ethics Education: Making Ethics Real gathers a diversity of contributions from invited well-known experts and other specialists. It promotes comprehensive reflection around key trends, discussing and highlighting the most updated research on accounting ethics education, being an essential and useful reference in the field. In the performance of accounting tasks, the accountant should be educated and supported in the skills development and habit formation to solve accounting problems, recognize moral issues and resolve ethical dilemmas that will be encountered in their special tasks. Also, this book provides a moral map for identifying and acting on values when difficult situations arise. Examining multiple perspectives, the book improves the scholarly debate by providing cutting-edge and insightful research vital for all those interested and immersed in these matters. It will be of great value to academics, students, researchers and professionals in the fields of accounting, accounting education and ethics.

Accounting Ethics (Foundations of Business Ethics #5)

by Brenda Shay Duska Ronald F. Duska Kenneth Wm. Kury

A trusted resource on the complex ethical questions that define the accounting professionAn accountant’s practice depends on making difficult decisions. To achieve the best results, individual accountants and accounting firms need a clear understanding of the ethical duties and decision-making involved in the four major functions of modern accounting—auditing, management accounting, tax accounting, and consulting—as well as a strong sense of ethical conduct to guide the certification and validation of reliable financial records. Now in its third edition, Accounting Ethics is a thorough and engaging exploration of the ethical issues that accountants encounter in their professional lives. Since the publication of the first edition in 2002, Accounting Ethics has become an indispensable resource for accounting courses and certification programs worldwide, known for its focus on real-world application, practical advice, reader-friendly guidance, and its insight into the effects of global change on the profession. Together with coverage of the contemporary regulatory environment—including the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, and the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act—this revised edition features expanded pedagogical resources such as new end-of-chapter case studies and discussion questions, and includes the updated AICPA Code of Conduct. Concise and dependable, Accounting Ethics sustains its reputation as an authoritative resource for practicing accountants, new professionals, students of accounting, and those who are considering the profession.

Accounting Ethics (Foundations of Business Ethics)

by Ronald F. Duska Brenda Shay Duska Julie Anne Ragatz

This new edition of Accounting Ethics has been comprehensively updated to deal with the significant changes within the accounting profession since 2002; the authors systematically explore the new range of ethical issues that have arisen as a result of recent developments, including the financial crisis of 2008. Highlights the debates over the use of fair-value accounting and principles- versus rules-based standards Offers a comprehensive overview of ethics in accounting, as well as an examination of and recommendations for solving the current crisis in this field Investigates the nature and purpose of accounting Uses concrete examples and case studies, including current situations Examines the ethical responsibilities of individual accountants as well as accounting firms

Accounting Ethics (Foundations of Business Ethics #5)

by Ronald F. Duska Brenda Shay Duska Julie Anne Ragatz

This new edition of Accounting Ethics has been comprehensively updated to deal with the significant changes within the accounting profession since 2002; the authors systematically explore the new range of ethical issues that have arisen as a result of recent developments, including the financial crisis of 2008. Highlights the debates over the use of fair-value accounting and principles- versus rules-based standards Offers a comprehensive overview of ethics in accounting, as well as an examination of and recommendations for solving the current crisis in this field Investigates the nature and purpose of accounting Uses concrete examples and case studies, including current situations Examines the ethical responsibilities of individual accountants as well as accounting firms

Accounting Ethics (Foundations of Business Ethics)

by Ronald F. Duska Brenda Shay Duska Kenneth Wm. Kury

A trusted resource on the complex ethical questions that define the accounting professionAn accountant’s practice depends on making difficult decisions. To achieve the best results, individual accountants and accounting firms need a clear understanding of the ethical duties and decision-making involved in the four major functions of modern accounting—auditing, management accounting, tax accounting, and consulting—as well as a strong sense of ethical conduct to guide the certification and validation of reliable financial records. Now in its third edition, Accounting Ethics is a thorough and engaging exploration of the ethical issues that accountants encounter in their professional lives. Since the publication of the first edition in 2002, Accounting Ethics has become an indispensable resource for accounting courses and certification programs worldwide, known for its focus on real-world application, practical advice, reader-friendly guidance, and its insight into the effects of global change on the profession. Together with coverage of the contemporary regulatory environment—including the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, and the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act—this revised edition features expanded pedagogical resources such as new end-of-chapter case studies and discussion questions, and includes the updated AICPA Code of Conduct. Concise and dependable, Accounting Ethics sustains its reputation as an authoritative resource for practicing accountants, new professionals, students of accounting, and those who are considering the profession.

Accounting and Business Ethics: An Introduction

by Ken McPhail Diane Walters

Despite the enormous impact of various accounting scandals on the accounting profession, the general malaise amongst the profession more broadly, and the significant legislative and institutional reforms that have taken place as a result, there are still surprisingly few textbooks on accounting ethics. This concise introductory text takes a broad view of ethics and accounting, taking into account contemporary social trends, such as globalization and terrorism. Rather than delineating codes of professional conduct, this text pushes the reader towards an understanding of the nature of ethical dilemmas and the factors that influence the ways in which accountants frame ethical questions. The book is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on developing thinking about the different kinds of ethical questions that could be posed in relation to accounting. The second part focuses more explicitly on accounting practice, exploring the ethical function of accounting in relation to the market economy, ethics in relation to the accounting profession, and the ethics of the international accounting harmonization project. Accounting and Business Ethics is a compact introduction aimed at both students and practitioners who want to understand more about the ethics of accounting.

Accounting and Business Ethics: An Introduction

by Ken McPhail Diane Walters

Despite the enormous impact of various accounting scandals on the accounting profession, the general malaise amongst the profession more broadly, and the significant legislative and institutional reforms that have taken place as a result, there are still surprisingly few textbooks on accounting ethics. This concise introductory text takes a broad view of ethics and accounting, taking into account contemporary social trends, such as globalization and terrorism. Rather than delineating codes of professional conduct, this text pushes the reader towards an understanding of the nature of ethical dilemmas and the factors that influence the ways in which accountants frame ethical questions. The book is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on developing thinking about the different kinds of ethical questions that could be posed in relation to accounting. The second part focuses more explicitly on accounting practice, exploring the ethical function of accounting in relation to the market economy, ethics in relation to the accounting profession, and the ethics of the international accounting harmonization project. Accounting and Business Ethics is a compact introduction aimed at both students and practitioners who want to understand more about the ethics of accounting.

Accounting and Auditing Standards for Islamic Financial Institutions (Routledge Studies in Accounting)

by Mohd Ma'Sum Billah

While accounting and audit functions are significantly regulated and standardized in conventional financial industries and activities, through the implementation of International Accounting Standards, and International Financial Reporting Standards, as well as other international, regional, and local regulations, this is not the case for Islamic financial organizations. Rather than having their own set of comprehensive accounting or auditing standards or policies, these are based, in some cases, on the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAIOFI), the Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB)’s standards and Shari’ah based local policies. This book is a timely and comprehensive overview of accounting and auditing standards within the doctrine of Shari’ah. It offers a significant contribution to the field and a wealth of technical know-how. It analyzes Islamic accounting and auditing both in theory and practice and from a distinctly international perspective. The chapters are arranged in a systematic and logical way making it easily accessible and engaging. The book evaluates the existing standards and widens the scope of the discourse to include Maqasid al-Shari’ah, Islamic accounting and audit models and standards, as well as, offering practical policy recommendations. The author presents a Shari’ah justified solution to Islamic Accounting and Audit and offers guidance on overcoming the challenges to implementing Islamic Accounting and Auditing Standards. The book is a unique and exhaustive guide and, as such, will be an invaluable resource for academics, researchers, students, policymakers, as well as, practitioners in accounting and auditing firms and financial institutions.

Accounting and Auditing Standards for Islamic Financial Institutions (Routledge Studies in Accounting)

by Mohd Ma'Sum Billah

While accounting and audit functions are significantly regulated and standardized in conventional financial industries and activities, through the implementation of International Accounting Standards, and International Financial Reporting Standards, as well as other international, regional, and local regulations, this is not the case for Islamic financial organizations. Rather than having their own set of comprehensive accounting or auditing standards or policies, these are based, in some cases, on the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAIOFI), the Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB)’s standards and Shari’ah based local policies. This book is a timely and comprehensive overview of accounting and auditing standards within the doctrine of Shari’ah. It offers a significant contribution to the field and a wealth of technical know-how. It analyzes Islamic accounting and auditing both in theory and practice and from a distinctly international perspective. The chapters are arranged in a systematic and logical way making it easily accessible and engaging. The book evaluates the existing standards and widens the scope of the discourse to include Maqasid al-Shari’ah, Islamic accounting and audit models and standards, as well as, offering practical policy recommendations. The author presents a Shari’ah justified solution to Islamic Accounting and Audit and offers guidance on overcoming the challenges to implementing Islamic Accounting and Auditing Standards. The book is a unique and exhaustive guide and, as such, will be an invaluable resource for academics, researchers, students, policymakers, as well as, practitioners in accounting and auditing firms and financial institutions.

Accounting and Auditing Research and Databases: Practitioner's Desk Reference

by Thomas R. Weirich Natalie Tatiana Churyk Thomas C. Pearson

The easy-to-use, do-it-yourself desk accounting and auditing research database FASB's online GAAP Codification system. The convergence of U.S. GAAP and International Financial Reporting Standards. EDGAR filing and research system. RIA Checkpoint and CCH. Accounting professionals and practitioners need to understand these research databases to reach solutions and achieve maximum results for the organization. Highlighting each pertinent database, Accounting and Auditing Research Databases shows you how to conduct research using a host of databases including RIA, CCH, AICPA's Online Library, FASB Codification, GARS, and eIFRS. Highlights each specific database Step-by-step guidance to research resources Explains how to conduct research using databases including AICPA's Online Library, FASB Codification, and eIFRS Enables you to understand accounting and auditing research to reach solutions Accounting and Auditing Research & Databases: A Practitioner's Desk Reference focuses on the practical aspects of professional accounting and auditing research with step-by-step guidance to research resources to provide you with the skills you need to improve within your organization.

Accounting and Auditing Research and Databases: Practitioner's Desk Reference

by Thomas R. Weirich Natalie Tatiana Churyk Thomas C. Pearson

The easy-to-use, do-it-yourself desk accounting and auditing research database FASB's online GAAP Codification system. The convergence of U.S. GAAP and International Financial Reporting Standards. EDGAR filing and research system. RIA Checkpoint and CCH. Accounting professionals and practitioners need to understand these research databases to reach solutions and achieve maximum results for the organization. Highlighting each pertinent database, Accounting and Auditing Research Databases shows you how to conduct research using a host of databases including RIA, CCH, AICPA's Online Library, FASB Codification, GARS, and eIFRS. Highlights each specific database Step-by-step guidance to research resources Explains how to conduct research using databases including AICPA's Online Library, FASB Codification, and eIFRS Enables you to understand accounting and auditing research to reach solutions Accounting and Auditing Research & Databases: A Practitioner's Desk Reference focuses on the practical aspects of professional accounting and auditing research with step-by-step guidance to research resources to provide you with the skills you need to improve within your organization.

Accounting and Auditing in China (Routledge Revivals)

by Z. Jun Lin David C. Yang Liyan Wang

First published in 1998, this book provides an updated introduction to accounting and auditing in China, incorporating the most recent developments up to June 1997. It covers all major aspects of Chinese accounting and auditing, including accounting administrative systems, qualifications and responsibility of Chinese accountants, accounting regulations or standards setting, cost and managerial accounting, financial reporting, statutory audit and public accounting, accounting for governments and non-profit organizations, business financing and taxation systems, EDP application in accounting, accounting education and research etc. Some of the main accounting and auditing legislation and standards are complied in the Appendix. The book will be an informative reference to readers, both business executives and professionals, outside of China. It can also be used as a textbook or teaching supplement for Universities and Colleges.

Accounting and Auditing in China (Routledge Revivals)

by Z. Jun Lin David C. Yang Liyan Wang

First published in 1998, this book provides an updated introduction to accounting and auditing in China, incorporating the most recent developments up to June 1997. It covers all major aspects of Chinese accounting and auditing, including accounting administrative systems, qualifications and responsibility of Chinese accountants, accounting regulations or standards setting, cost and managerial accounting, financial reporting, statutory audit and public accounting, accounting for governments and non-profit organizations, business financing and taxation systems, EDP application in accounting, accounting education and research etc. Some of the main accounting and auditing legislation and standards are complied in the Appendix. The book will be an informative reference to readers, both business executives and professionals, outside of China. It can also be used as a textbook or teaching supplement for Universities and Colleges.

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