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Showing 56,051 through 56,075 of 56,152 results

50 Studies Every Global Health Provider Should Know (Fifty Studies Every Doctor Should Know)

by Michel E. Hochman

50 Studies Every Global Health Provider Should Know presents a diverse series of studies that illustrate key issues in health systems and delivery, policy, ethics, bias, and social determinants of health. Selected not only for their content using a rigorous methodology, these studies were specifically chosen to represent research conducted in low- and middle-income countries by a global array of authors. For each study, a concise summary is presented with an emphasis on the results and limitations of the study, other relevant studies and information, and the implications for practice. This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to learn more about the complexity of the burden of disease and healthcare delivery in low-resource areas.

50 Policies and Plans for Outpatient Services

by Carole Guinane Joseph Venturelli

Since more and more surgeries and procedures are being performed in outpatient settings, the policies, plans, and procedures for these services are of increasing importance. 50 Policies and Plans for Outpatient Services details commonly used policies and plans in free-standing ambulatory care centers. Included are plans and policies concentrating o

50 Jahre Verfassung des Landes Hessen: Eine Festschrift

by Hans Eichel

des Hessischen Ministerpräsidenten Das Land Hessen begeht die Gedenktage seiner Verfassung in einer Tradition der Zurückhaltung. 30 Jahre mußten vergehen, bis es der Landesregierung wie dem Hessischen Landtag vertretbar erschien, den Stand der Verfassungs-und Ver­ waltungsentwicklung in einer der Landesverfassung gewidmeten Festschrift doku­ mentieren zu lassen. Erwin Stein, deren Herausgeber und einer der großen Ver­ fassungsväter, rechtfertigte dieses Unternehmen als Möglichkeit einer immerhin vorläufigen Bilanz - und das, obgleich die Verfassung doch schon damals einer ganzen Generation als Grundlage für die politische Gestaltung ihres Gemeinwesens gedient hatte. Diese Zurückhaltung mögen die aus der Katastrophe unseres Jahr­ hunderts erwachsenen Zweifel genährt haben, ob die rechts- und sozialstaatliche Demokratie der Hessischen Verfassung von den Bürgerinnen und Bürgern nicht nur als Staatsform akzeptiert, sondern - wie Georg August Zinn sich dies immer gewünscht hatte - zugleich als Lebensform verstanden und angenommen worden seI. Heute ist diese älteste Nachkriegsverfassung eines deutschen Landes 50 Jahre in Kraft. Keine demokratische Verfassung in Deutschland kann auf ein längeres Bestehen zurückblicken. Der Zeitablauf hat jene frühere Skepsis nicht nur als grundlos erwiesen - mehr noch: ohne den Zweifel der Vorläufigkeit, aber mit dem Wissen um die Begrenztheit des Urteils läßt sich sagen, daß sich die Hessische Verfassung bewährt hat. Sie ist nicht nur verläßliche Rahmenordnung, funktio­ nierendes "instrument of government", leistungsfähiges Organisationsstatut des staatlich-politischen Lebens, sondern die von der Bürgerschaft anerkannte Grund­ lage der demokratischen politischen Kultur unseres Landes.

50 Ethics Ideas You Really Need to Know (50 Ideas You Really Need to Know series)

by Ben Dupre

Questions of ethics - about how we should act, our responsibilities to one another, the difference between right and wrong - have long been debated by philosophers the world over and form the foundations of government, culture and religion. Here, in concise, easy-to-read chapters, Ben Dupré explains the fundamentals of this discipline and how it is relevant to our lives today. Covering essential ethical concepts, including relativism, the golden rule and utilitarianism, as well as high-profile issues such as terrorism, censorship and the death penalty, 50 Ethics Ideas You Really Need to Know will lead you through the moral maze - and rattle your conscience in the process.

450 Keywords Digitalisierung

by Oliver Bendel

Von „Big Data“ über die „Künstliche Intelligenz“ bis hin zur „Sozialen Robotik“: Im Kontext der Digitalisierung gibt es unzählige Fachtermini. Das vorliegende Nachschlagewerk ist für alle geeignet, die einen schnellen Einstieg in das Gebiet der Digitalisierung suchen und sich für Fragen der Ethik interessieren. In 350 übersichtlichen Beiträgen werden die Grundlagen und Entwicklungen leicht verständlich erläutert.

400 Keywords Informationsethik: Grundwissen aus Computer-, Netz- und Neue-Medien-Ethik sowie Maschinenethik

by Oliver Bendel

Vom „Altruismus“ über die „Filter Bubble“ bis hin zum „Whistleblowing“: Die Sprache der Informationsethik zeichnet sich durch unzählige Fachtermini und Anglizismen aus. Das vorliegende Nachschlagewerk eignet sich für den ersten schnellen Überblick. In 400 übersichtlichen Beiträgen werden die Grundlagen erläutert. Die Erklärungen sind verständlich formuliert und bieten Basiswissen für alle, die einen schnellen Einstieg in die Grundfragen der Informationsgesellschaft suchen und sich für Informationsethik interessieren.

The 4 Day Week Handbook: Your Guide to Happy Staff, Smarter Working and a Productivity Miracle

by Joe Ryle

A practical guide to reaping the benefits of a four-day working week Reveals both the challenges and advantages of smarter working Features productivity tips, real-life case studies and resources Expert author who runs the UK's 4-Day Week Campaign

The 4 Day Week: How the Flexible Work Revolution Can Increase Productivity, Profitability and Well-being, and Create a Sustainable Future

by Andrew Barnes

In The 4 Day Week, entrepreneur and business innovator Andrew Barnes makes the case for the four-day week as the answer to many of the ills of the 21st-century global economy. Barnes conducted an experiment in his own business, the New Zealand trust company Perpetual Guardian, and asked his staff to design a four-day week that would permit them to meet their existing productivity requirements on the same salary but with a 20% cut in work hours. The outcomes of this trial, which no business leader had previously attempted on these terms, were stunning. People were happier and healthier, more engaged in their personal lives, and more focused and productive in the office. The world of work has seen a dramatic shift in recent times: the former security and benefits associated with permanent employment are being displaced by the less stable gig economy. Barnes explains the dangers of a focus on flexibility at the expense of hard-won worker protections, and argues that with the four-day week, we can have the best of all worlds: optimal productivity, work-life balance, worker benefits and, at long last, a solution to pervasive economic inequities such as the gender pay gap and lack of diversity in business and governance. The 4 Day Week is a practical, how-to guide for business leaders and employees alike that is applicable to nearly every industry. Using qualitative and quantitative data from research gathered through the Perpetual Guardian trial and other sources by the University of Auckland and Auckland University of Technology, the book presents a step-by-step approach to preparing businesses for productivity-focused flexibility, from the necessary cultural conditions to the often complex legislative considerations. The story of Perpetual Guardian's unprecedented work experiment has made headlines around the world and stormed social media, reaching a global audience in more than seventy countries. A mix of trenchant analysis, personal observation and actionable advice, The 4 Day Week is an essential guide for leaders and workers seeking to make a change for the better in their work world.

3D Printing, Intellectual Property and Innovation

by Rosa Maria Ballardini, Marcus Norrgård, Jouni Partanen

3D printing (or, more correctly, additive manufacturing) is the general term for those software-driven technologies that create physical objects by successive layering of materials. Due to recent advances in the quality of objects produced and to lower processing costs, the increasing dispersion and availability of these technologies have major implications not only for manufacturers and distributors but also for users and consumers, raising unprecedented challenges for intellectual property protection and enforcement. This is the first and only book to discuss 3D printing technology from a multidisciplinary perspective that encompasses law, economics, engineering, technology, and policy. Originating in a collaborative study spearheaded by the Hanken School of Economics, the Aalto University and the University of Helsinki in Finland and engaging an international consortium of legal, design and production engineering experts, with substantial contributions from industrial partners, the book fully exposes and examines the fundamental questions related to the nexus of intellectual property law, emerging technologies, 3D printing, business innovation, and policy issues. Twenty-five legal, technical, and business experts contribute sixteen peer-reviewed chapters, each focusing on a specific area, that collectively evaluate the tensions created by 3D printing technology in the context of the global economy. The topics covered include: • current and future business models for 3D printing applications; • intellectual property rights in 3D printing; • essential patents and technical standards in additive manufacturing; • patent and bioprinting; • private use and 3D printing; • copyright licences on the user-generated content (UGC) in 3D printing; • copyright implications of 3D scanning; and • non-traditional trademark infringement in the 3D printing context. Specific industrial applications – including aeronautics, automotive industries, construction equipment, toy and jewellery making, medical devices, tissue engineering, and regenerative medicine – are all touched upon in the course of analyses. In a legal context, the central focus is on the technology’s implications for US and European intellectual property law, anchored in a comparison of relevant laws and cases in several legal systems. This work is a matchless resource for patent, copyright, and trademark attorneys and other corporate counsel, innovation economists, industrial designers and engineers, and academics and policymakers concerned with this complex topic.

3D Printing and Beyond: Intellectual Property and Regulation

by Dinusha Mendis Mark Lemley Matthew Rimmer

This ground-breaking and timely contribution in the field of intellectual property law explores the implications of 3D printing and additive manufacturing in three core jurisdictions: the UK, USA and Australia. Providing in-depth analysis of the current state of affairs, as well as outlining future issues and developments, 3D Printing and Beyond addresses both the challenges and opportunities created by 3D printing. Combining expertise from academia and practice, the original contributions to this book consider the regulation of new, emerging and future technologies and their implications for the legal landscape. The book goes beyond 3D printing and its relationship with intellectual property to the realms of ethics, contracts, socio-legal aspects and economics. Intellectual property academics will greatly benefit from reading this book, as it not only explores the myriad ways in which 3D printing has altered the horizon of intellectual property law, but also offers ideas for areas of future research. Practitioners and policy makers will also benefit from the useful examples and cases used in this book.

3D Printing: Legal, Philosophical and Economic Dimensions (Information Technology and Law Series #26)

by Bibi van den Berg Simone van der Hof Eleni Kosta

The book in front of you is the first international academic volume on the legal, philosophical and economic aspects of the rise of 3D printing.In recent years 3D printing has become a hot topic. Some claim that it will revolutionize production and mass consumption, enabling consumers to print anything from clothing, automobile parts and guns to various foods, medication and spare parts for their home appliances. This may significantly reduce our environmental footprint, but also offers potential for innovation and creativity.At the same time 3D printing raises social, ethical, regulatory and legal questions. If individuals can print anything they want, how does this affect existing systems of intellectual property rights? What are the societal consequences of the various types of products one can print with a 3D printer, for example weapons? Should all aspects of 3D printing be regulated, and if so, how and to what ends? How will businesses (have to) change their way of working and their revenue model in light of the shift to printing-on-demand? How will the role of product designers change in a world where everyone has the potential to design their own products? These and other questions are addressed in high quality and in-depth contributions by academics and experts, bringing together a wide variety of academic discussions on 3D printing from different disciplines as well as presenting new views, broadening the discussion beyond the merely technical dimension of 3D printing.Bibi van den Berg is Associate Professor at eLaw, the Center for Law and Digital Technologies at Leiden University, The Netherlands. Simone van der Hof is Full Professor at eLaw in Leiden and Eleni Kosta is Associate Professor at TILT, the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology and Society at Tilburg University, The Netherlands.

3D Imaging in Medicine, Second Edition

by Jayaram K. Udupa

This book provides a quick and systematic presentation of the principles of biomedical visualization and three-dimensional (3D) imaging. Topics discussed include basic principles and algorithms, surgical planning, neurosurgery, orthopedics, prosthesis design, brain imaging, cardio-pulmonary structure analysis and the assessment of clinical efficacy. Students, scientists, researchers, and radiologists will find 3D Imaging in Medicine a valuable source of information for a variety of actual and potential clinical applications for 3-D imaging.

3D Imaging in Medicine, Second Edition

by Jayaram K. Udupa Gabor T. Herman

This book provides a quick and systematic presentation of the principles of biomedical visualization and three-dimensional (3D) imaging. Topics discussed include basic principles and algorithms, surgical planning, neurosurgery, orthopedics, prosthesis design, brain imaging, cardio-pulmonary structure analysis and the assessment of clinical efficacy. Students, scientists, researchers, and radiologists will find 3D Imaging in Medicine a valuable source of information for a variety of actual and potential clinical applications for 3-D imaging.

3D Data Acquisition for Bioarchaeology, Forensic Anthropology, and Archaeology

by Noriko Seguchi Beatrix Dudzik

3D Data Acquisition for Bioarchaeology, Forensic Anthropology, and Archaeology serves as a handbook for the collection and processing of 3-D scanned data and as a tool for scholars interested in pursuing research projects with 3-D models. The book's chapters enhance the reader’s understanding of the technology by covering virtual model processing protocols, alignment methods, actual data acquisition techniques, basic technological protocols, and considerations of variation in research design associated with biological anthropology and archaeology.Thoroughly guides the reader through the “how-to" on different stages of 3D-data-related researchProvides statistical analysis options for 3D image dataCovers protocols, methods and techniques as associated with biological anthropology and archaeology

365 Ways to be More Stoic: A day-by-day guide to practical stoicism

by Tim Lebon

HAPPINESS, SERENITY AND FULFIMENT ARE ALL WITHIN YOUR CONTROL365 WAYS TO BE MORE STOIC is a full year's worth of daily inspiration, tools, stories, actions, and rituals that will guide you to a meaningful life, filled with happiness. It is a simple, list-driven, practical guide that will allow you to immediately begin putting Stoic wisdom into practice in your daily life. Each short chapter makes Stoicism fun to read about and easily digestible, presenting ideas in engaging, bite-size chunks.Immerse yourself in stoicism right from the first chapter, through prompts, concepts, challenges, inspiration, quotes, examples, quizzes and case-studies. You'll learn to navigate through the controllable and inevitable. You'll develop constructive ways to handle frustration, adversity and even your own mortality. You'll learn habit-forming strategies, pick up helpful concepts, and uncover tips for lasting change. This fun and engaging manual will help you live like a Stoic in the modern world. 365 WAYS TO BE MORE STOIC focuses on the small stuff you can do every day to live a happier and wiser life. Because when you get the little things right, the big things follow.

365 Daily Advocacy Tips

by Leslie Cuthbert

“This book is a good idea…What I like is there will be one idea every day – and only one. Your mind will not get jumbled. Think on what you read…. Some ideas you will like. Others may not work for you. With advocacy, this is always the way. But the point is to try things out – one day at a time.”Iain Morley QC, author of The Devil's Advocate, from the Foreword to 365 Daily Advocacy Tips365 Daily Advocacy Tips is packed with pithy, serious, amusing, and thought-provoking tips for each day of the year, from a refreshingly diverse range of sources. Providing a fascinating insight into the principles of good advocacy, it also contains essential knowledge of related topics such as how people make decisions, indicators of credibility and the 'rules' of argument and rhetoric.Unlike most texts on advocacy 365 Daily Advocacy Tips provides an insight to psychology and how to break down the rules of argument and rhetoric. It also covers acronyms to help remember techniques, useful quotes from history and literature that can be used in cases and references to other texts both legal and non-legal.Lengthy and studious volumes of advocacy have their place, but sometimes just one morsel of advice is needed to change an entire day's work. This calendar of tips and tales from the world of advocacy will prove an able companion for every advocate serious about continuous and incremental improvement in their knowledge, skill and practice.

350 Keywords Digitalisierung

by Oliver Bendel

Von „Big Data“ über die „Künstliche Intelligenz“ bis hin zur „Sozialen Robotik“: Im Kontext der Digitalisierung gibt es unzählige Fachtermini. Das vorliegende Nachschlagewerk ist für alle geeignet, die einen schnellen Einstieg in das Gebiet der Digitalisierung suchen und sich für Fragen der Ethik interessieren. In 350 übersichtlichen Beiträgen werden die Grundlagen und Entwicklungen leicht verständlich erläutert.

333 Keywords Arbeitsrecht: Grundwissen für Fach- und Führungskräfte

by Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden

Von der Abfindung über Direktionsrecht, Jobsharing, Mankohaftung und Pflichtquote bis zur Zulage: Die Sprache des Arbeitsrechts zeichnet sich durch unzählige Fachbegriffe aus. Einen ersten schnellen Überblick verschafft das vorliegende Nachschlagewerk. Anhand von 333 übersichtlichen Schlüsselbegriffen werden die Grundkonzepte des Arbeitsrechts erläutert. Die Erklärungen sind kompakt und verständlich formuliert und bieten somit Basiswissen für alle, die einen schnellen Einstieg in die Thematik suchen, sich für arbeitsrechtliche Fragen interessieren oder ihr vorhandenes Wissen auffrischen möchten.

33 Meditations on Death: Notes from the Wrong End of Medicine

by David Jarrett

_________________“Brilliant - a grimly humorous yet humane account of the realities of growing old in the modern age. Everybody over the age of 60 should read it and ponder their probable future.” - Henry MarshWhat is a good death? How would you choose to live your last few months? How do we best care for the rising tide of very elderly? This unusual and important book is a series of reflections on death in all its forms: the science of it, the medicine, the tragedy and the comedy. Dr David Jarrett draws on family stories and case histories from his thirty years of treating the old, demented and frail to try to find his own understanding of the end. And he writes about all the conversations that we, our parents, our children, the medical community, our government and society as a whole should be having.Profound, provocative, strangely funny and astonishingly compelling, it is an impassioned plea that we start talking frankly and openly about death. And it is a call to arms for us to make radical changes to our perspective on ‘the seventh age of man’.

311 Pelican Court: 16 Lighthouse Road; 204 Rosewood Lane; 311 Pelican Court; 44 Cranberry Point; 50 Harbor Street; 6 Rainier Drive (A Cedar Cove Novel #3)

by Debbie Macomber

Perfect for fans of Maeve Binchy' - Candis Welcome to Cedar Cove – a small town with a big heart!

31 Bond Street: A Novel

by Ellen Horan

Based on a true story, mystery and intrigue in pre-Civil War New York

300 Keywords Soziale Robotik: Soziale Roboter aus technischer, wirtschaftlicher und ethischer Perspektive

by Oliver Bendel

Das vorliegende Nachschlagewerk sammelt und erläutert Begriffe rund um Soziale Robotik und Automatisierung. Es ist für alle geeignet, die einen schnellen Einstieg in das Gebiet suchen und sich besonders für Fragen des Zusammenspiels von Mensch und Maschine sowie Fragen der Ethik in diesem Bereich interessieren. In über 300 übersichtlichen Beiträgen werden die Grundlagen und Entwicklungen leicht verständlich erläutert.

300 Keywords Informationsethik: Grundwissen aus Computer-, Netz- und Neue-Medien-Ethik sowie Maschinenethik

by Oliver Bendel

Vom „Altruismus“ über die „Filter Bubble“ bis hin zum „Whistleblowing“: Die Sprache der Informationsethik zeichnet sich durch unzählige Fachtermini und Anglizismen aus. Das vorliegende Nachschlagewerk eignet sich für den ersten schnellen Überblick. In 300 übersichtlichen Beiträgen werden die Grundlagen erläutert. Die Erklärungen sind verständlich formuliert und bieten Basiswissen für alle, die einen schnellen Einstieg in die Grundfragen der Informationsgesellschaft suchen und sich für Informationsethik interessieren.

30 Gedanken zum Tod: Die Methode der Framework Analysis (Palliative Care und Forschung)

by Martin W. Schnell Christian Schulz-Quach Christine Dunger

Die Autoren stellen das Projekt „30 Gedanken zum Tod“ vor, das die Todesvorstellungen von erwachsenen Menschen untersucht, die beruflich oder im Leben mit dem Tod und dem guten wie dem misslungenen Sterben zu tun haben. Es handelt sich um die Vorstellungen von Personen, die als Experten den Tod in unserer Gesellschaft definieren (Juristen, Politiker, Philosophen u.a.), die den Tod anderer Menschen hautnah miterleben (Ärzte, Feuerwehr, Polizei u.a.) und die mit dem eigenen Tod konfrontiert sind (Patienten, alte Menschen u.a.). Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung sind mit der Methode der Framework Analysis ermittelt worden.

The 3 Regional Human Rights Courts in Context: Justice That Cannot Be Taken for Granted


At specific moments in the history of Africa, Europe, and Latin America, each region decided to create supranational jurisdictions to protect human rights. These are, in chronological order, the European Court of Human Rights, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights. While each has been the subject of important, dedicated monographs, no major study has analysed both the institutional and jurisprudential issues of all three regional systems. The 3 Regional Human Rights Courts in Context: Justice That Cannot Be Taken for Granted is the first book to offer a comprehensive comparison of the three systems. Rather than merely juxtaposing analogous features, the book considers how the three courts operate as parts of a greater, integrated whole. Similarities and differences between the courts are illuminated alongside historical, political, and sociological insights, in addition to the book's primary legal focus. Close analysis of the processes by which the courts came into being makes it clear that, regardless of distinct political, cultural, or other variances, states on each of the three continents have chafed against international supervision. The book also debunks the common belief that, after the Second World War, the thrust of human rights initiatives was so powerful that states no longer need to discuss them. Justice cannot be taken for granted—a position further supported by the book's analysis of how each court has evolved and how their rulings have been implemented. Laurence Burgorgue-Larsen's dynamism and multidisciplinary approach makes it possible to truly understand the stakes behind the institutional and jurisprudential developments of the three regional human rights courts. This is a book that will interest not only legal practitioners but also specialists in international relations, human rights, and countless other fields.

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Showing 56,051 through 56,075 of 56,152 results