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Thrombose: Ihre Grundlagen und ihre Bedeutung (Pathologie und Klink in Einzeldarstellungen #4)

by Albert Dietrich

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Thrombopoiesis and Thrombopoietins: Molecular, Cellular, Preclinical, and Clinical Biology

by David Kuter Pamela Hunt William P. Sheridan Dorothea Zucker-Franklin

David Kuter and a host of leading international researchers summarize in one volume all the knowledge of thrombopoietins (TPO) available today. The distinguished experts review the history of the search to discover TPO, describe the molecular and biological characteristics of this new molecule, and present the results of the preclinical animal experiments that will guide clinical use of this new hormone. Along the way they provide the most recent and comprehensive guide to the biology of megakaryocytes and platelets.

Thromboplastin Calibration and Oral Anticoagulant Control (Developments in Hematology and Immunology #8)

by S. M. Lewis H. R. Gralnick A. M. H. P. Besselaar

This volume contains all relevant information discussed in a Workshop on thromboplastin calibration held in Leiden, The Netherlands on July 1, 1983. The Workshop was an initiative of the Dutch foundation for a Reference Laboratory for Anticoagulant Control (RELAC) and it was organized by the Boerhaave Committee for postgraduate teaching of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Leiden. The Workshop was held under the auspices of five organizations i. e. the European Community Bureau of Refer­ ence (BCR) , the European Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (ECCLS), the International Association of Biological Standardization (lABS), the International Committee for Standar­ dization in Haematology (ICSH), ·and the International Committee on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ICTH). The aim of the Workshop was to discuss and develop a method for calibration of reagents, i. e. thromboplastins and/or plasmas used for the prothrombin time. During the Workshop three recent thromboplastin calibration studies were discussed, the results of which are presented in chapters 4, 7 and 9. These studies were carried out on the basis of a new calibration model developed by experts working with BCR and WHO. The usefulness of this model and the standardization system based on it is the leading thread running through this volume. Statisticians and clinicians discuss the results from a scientific point of view. Thromboplastin manufacturers, for whom especially the use of the model and the system is intended, discuss the matter also from an economic and legal point of view.

Thrombolytische Therapie des akuten Herzinfarkts

Die fibrinolytische Therapie akuter venöser thrombolytischer Verschlüsse und der Lungenarterienembolie mit konventionellen Thrombolytika wie Streptokinase und Urokinase gilt als etabliertes Therapieverfahren. Vom pathophysiolgischen Verständnis ausgehend erlebten andere Indikationsgebiete, insbesondere die thrombolytische Therapie des Myokardinfarktes und arterieller Verschlußkrankheiten in den letzten Jahren eine Renaissance. Die Vielzahl der Kontraindikationen und die Angst des Therapeuten vor Blutungskomplikationen regten die Suche nach Medikamenten mit hoher Wirksamkeit am Ort des thrombotischen Verschlusses bei gleichzeitig geringem Einfluß auf das Gerinnungssystem an. Nachdem mit der Entdeckung humaner Enzyme mit thrombolytischer Wirksamkeit und hoher Affinität zu Fibrin die wissenschaftliche Basis erarbeitet war, gelang es zunächst, diese Proteine aus Organextrakten und später aus Zellkulturen in kleinem Maßstab herzustellen. Den entscheidenden Fortschritt brachten gentechnologische Verfahren, die die großtechnische Produktion und die Herstellung ausreichender Mengen reiner biologisch wirksamer Proteine erlaubten. Das Buch enthält die Beiträge zahlreicher Wissenschaftler auf dem Gebiet der Fibrinolyse, die in einem Erfahrungsaustausch über den Einsatz von Medikamenten berichten und die Ergebnisse der bisher durchgeführten experimentellen und klinischen Studien kritisch diskutieren und bewerten.

Thrombolytic Therapy in Acute Ischemic Stroke III

by Takenori Yamaguchi, Etsuro Mori, Kazuo Minematsu and Gregory J. Zoppo

On the threshold of an exciting new era for acute stroke diagnosis and treatment, the Third International Symposium on Thrombolytic Therapy in Acute Ischemic Stroke was held in Nara, Japan, in April 1994. The symposium brought together some 200 basic and clinical scientists for presentations and discussions of issues vital to the understanding of thrombolytic therapy. This volume compiles the major presentations of the symposium, with attention to applications of new diagnostic measures such as diffusion and perfusion MRI, contrast-enhanced transcranial Doppler and angioscopy. Other presentations examine the mechanisms of ischemia/reperfusion injury, hemorrhagic transformation, and reocclusion, with reviews of recent developments in thrombolytic agents. The proceedings of the symposium will be of special interest to researchers, physicians, and students in the fields of neurology, neurosurgery, and nuclear medicine, as well as those in pharmacology, critical care medicine, and related fields.

Thrombolytic Therapy in Acute Ischemic Stroke II

by Werner Hacke, Etsuro Mori, Gregory J. Zoppo

Over the last decade, interest in treatment of ischemic stroke has increased significantly. Perhaps the single most important feature of attempts to improve the outcome of stroke patients has been that the interventions be applied within the very early hours of stroke symptoms. This has spawned efforts to understand the vascular and neuronal responses to cerebral artery reperfusion experimentally. Important prospective clinical studies of thrombolysis in acute ischemic stroke have been completed, and large placebo-controlled, symptom-based studies are now underway worldwide. Here, we consider the central features of those studies, their experimental basis, and the future importance of adjunctive therapies to recanalization in focal brain ischemia acutely. Risks and benefits are discussed. This collection benefits from the opinions of experts and workers in this rapidly evolving and exciting field.

Thrombolytic Therapy in Acute Ischemic Stroke

by MatthiasHirschberg Gregory J. Zoppo WernerHacke

During the last decade scientists in both basic and clinical research have renew­ ed their interest in the potential role of thrombolytic therapy in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke. The reevaluation of this approach was kindled by our growing knowledge of the pathogenesis of thrombotic and embolic stroke and by the development of new thrombolytic agents. With no proven therapy for acute ischemic stroke available, the potential value of early pharmacologic recanalization of occluded vessels in the management of acute stroke patients - an approach that has been supported by animal experiments and a limited number of uncontrolled clinical pilot studies - is again under scrutiny. A sym­ posium on "Thrombolysis in Acute Cerebral Ischemia" was held in Heidel­ berg, Germany, in May 1990 to summarize and discuss the pathophysiological background for thrombolysis in acute ischemic stroke and the recent ex­ perimental and clinical experience with the new generation of thrombolytic agents. The editors are fortunate to be able to include authoritative manuscripts from almost all the speakers at the symposium. These include reports of work by the most active investigators in this challenging field. The editors wish to express their gratitude to all the contributors for the additional work they have undertaken. Additionally, we would like to thank Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, for its generous assistance in the preparation and rapid publication of this volume. Heidelberg, August 1990 WERNER HACKE GREGORY J. DEL ZopPO MATTHIAS HIRSCHBERG Contents I.

Thrombolytic Therapy for Stroke

by Patrick D. Lyden

Thrombolytic Therapy for Stroke is intended for physicians who will be treating patients in the first few hours after stroke: neurologists, neurosurgeons, emergency medicine physicians, internists, and radiologists. In some areas, fam­ ily medicine general practice physicians may provide the majority of acute stroke care. We will provide the reader with all the data necessary to understand the utility and limitations of thrombolytic therapy. By reading the protocols, and working through the case tutorials, the reader will become sufficiently familiar with the indications and contraindications of thrombolytic therapy to begin evalu­ ating potential patients. Although nothing can replace direct instruction by more experienced physicians, we hope that by imparting our accumulated knowledge we may guide those physicians who cannot attend a "hands-on" workshop, or who, having heard the appropriate lectures, feel the need for further guidance. We will review the scientific rationale for thrombolysis: first, most ischemic stroke is caused by thrombo-emboli; second, a portion of brain, the penumbra, remains salvageable for a few hours after vascular occlusion; and third, promptly delivered thrombolysis can remove the offending occlusion and restore cerebral blood flow to the penumbra in time to salvage brain and neurologic function. Then we will review the preclinical development of thrombolytics for stroke pa­ tients and the early pilot trials. Next, we will present the pivotal clinical trials that demonstrated the efficacy and safety of thrombolysis.

Thrombolytic Therapy for Acute Stroke (Current Clinical Neurology)

by Patrick D. Lyden

Thrombolytic therapy is finally starting to reach patients in a variety of settings all over the world. Formerly in the domain of sub-specialists, thrombolytic therapy now rests in the realm of Emergency Medicine, Intensive Care, Vascular, and Neuro hospital Medicine physicians. Increasingly, non-neurologists use thrombolytic therapy. This is a significant advancement since the 2nd edition to Thrombolytic Therapy for Acute Stroke published, creating a significant need for a 3rd edition. Thrombolytic Therapy for Acute Stroke, 3rd edition will be a practical and thorough reference to all those caring for acute stroke patients. Extensively updated from previous editions, new data and cases will provide guidance to this most effective stroke treatment. This text will be of great interest to physicians, residents and advanced practice nurses who treat acute stroke patients.

Thrombolytic Therapy for Acute Stroke (Current Clinical Neurology)

by Patrick D. Lyden

It often takes time for a new therapeutic modality to mature into an accepted treatment option. After initial approval, new drugs, devices, and procedures all go through this process until they become “vetted” by the scientific community as well as the medical community at large. Thrombolysis for treatment of stroke is no exception. Thrombolytic Therapy for Acute Stroke, Second Edition comes four years after the first edition and provides a very comprehensive, updated perspective on the use of intravenous rt-TPA in acute stroke. The authors provide longer term follow-up on the pivotal clinical trials that led to Food and Drug Administration approval, data concerning phase 4 trials in larger numbers of patients, and, most importantly, the community experience that has accumulated since its release. They add to this the latest promising information concerning intra-arterial thrombolysis, which is still under investigation and more speculative sections concerning possible new avenues of clinical research such as combining intravenous thr- bolysis with neuroprotective therapies or intra-arterial thrombolysis. A wealth of factual information is supplemented by chapters containing sage opinion from Drs. Lyden and Caplan concerning the logistical, economic, and procedural issues that have been generated since the advent of this technology. Importantly, diagnosis does not take a back seat to therapeutics as illustrated by sections devoted to eva- ation of the stroke patient, very useful illustrative cases and clinical comments, and chapters on the latest in imaging as applied to this field.

Thrombolysis in Pulmonary Embolism

by Carlos Jerjes-Sánchez

This book provides an up-to-date review of the use of thrombolytic therapy in the treatment of acute pulmonary embolism. It discusses the mechanisms of thrombosis; pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the most commonly used fibrinolytics; evidence-based results from multicenter control trials in which thrombolytic treatment was administered; criteria by which pulmonary embolism patients requiring thrombolysis are identified; and the use of thrombolytic therapy in special situations such as in in-transit thrombus and pregnancy. Focusing on peripheral intravenous thrombolysis, which can performed safely and effectively in emergency departments, hospital wards, and intensive critical care units in tertiary and community hospitals, Thrombolysis in Pulmonary Embolism is a valuable resource for cardiologists, pulmonologists, and internists.

Thromboembolism in Orthopedic Surgery

by Juan V. Llau

This book reviews the main topics in thromboprophylaxis around orthopedic surgery, from a general scope of the problems with the disease highlighting them in orthopedics to the new specific protocols involving, for example, new oral anticoagulants. The prevalence of the venous thromboembolism in each procedure (from “easy” to “hard” surgeries, with different rates of related thrombosis) and the risk factors to bear in mind in each one (related and non-related with the orthopedic procedure) are also revised. A chapter focus on the diagnosis and treatment of venous thromboembolism, which is commonly “forgotten” in many books addressed to orthopedic surgeons and anaesthesiologists. The methods for thromboprophylaxis have three specific chapters: the most common drugs used and recommended when pharmacological prophylaxis is needed, new drugs which are arising day by day and which management will be of main importance in a close near future, and mechanical methods, recommended both as additional when possible and for sole indications when the risk of bleeding could move us to minimize the real risk of thrombosis. Anaesthetic implications for thromboprophylaxis and, also, main implications of the application of antithrombotic protocols in the anaesthetic practice are covered by another chapter. In our opinion it was very important to divide the orthopedic procedures according to their own thrombotic risk, so having their own protocols for thromboprophylaxis: high risk, day surgery procedures and “special” surgical procedures are included in three different chapters, from three different authors with complementary views. Finally, in a last chapter, we review the problems involving the perioperatory management of antiaggregated and anticoagulated patients, with a special part in hip fracture surgery.

Thromboembolie-Prophylaxe in der Inneren und operativen Medizin

by Viola Hach-Wunderle Sylvia Haas

Die medikamentöse Thromboembolie-Prophylaxe ist ein fester Bestandteil der operativen und konservativen Medizin. Neue pharmakologische Maßnahmen, am individuellen Risikoprofil des Patienten orientiert, optimieren die Therapie. Dieser praktische Ratgeber für Ihre Weiterbildung beantwortet kompetent alle Fragen aus Ihrem Therapiealltag. So bleiben Sie zuverlässig auf dem aktuellen Stand! Concise text: Ein praktischer Ratgeber, der Sie gezielt über die aktuellen Fragestellungen der individuellen Thromboembolie-Prophylaxe, die Durchführung der Therapie und die juristischen Aspekte informiert.

Thrombin: Physiology and Disease (Lecture Notes In Control And Information Sciences #Vol. 19)

by Nikos E. Tsopanoglou Michael E. Maragoudakis

In addition to its central role in blood coagulation, it has become increasingly apparent that thrombin and thrombin receptors are involved in many other physiological processes and can contribute to a variety of disease states such as tumor progression and metastasis, inflammation, neurological disorders and cardiovascular complications. This book is a collection of reviews of up-to-date information on the above topics by leaders in these fields. This book will be of value to researchers and academic professionals both in basic and clinical science who are interested in the fields of biochemistry, biophysics, cell biology, pharmacology, cancer, inflammation, angiogenesis, cardiovascular system and neuronal system. These areas of research are prime target areas for drug development by many pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies.

Thriving with Kidney Disease: A Practical Guide to Taking Care of Your Kidneys and Yourself (A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book)

by Walter A. Hunt

A complete guide to caring for your kidneys and maximizing your health.Kidney disease occurs when your kidneys are damaged and no longer function as well as they should. In the past, it was fatal, but thanks to new treatments, including dialysis and transplantation, people can live long and healthy lives. This book provides everything you need to know to help you cope with your kidney disease and maximize your health. Walter A. Hunt, a medical researcher who had kidney disease and received a kidney transplant, walks you through what science says about how you can take care of your kidneys, including what foods to avoid and what treatment options may be best for you. Also included are recommendations to help you sleep and feel better along with overall health advice. In this latest edition, Hunt adds new sections on emerging subjects, including• coping skills for caregivers• kidney disease in children• environmental causes of chronic kidney failure• conservative care for those who wish to decline treatment• related conditions like gout, depression, and sleep disturbances• diet after transplantation• how best to work with your care team• insurance issues• potential new treatmentsA useful guide for the healthcare professionals who work with individuals with kidney problems.

Thriving in the Healthcare Market: Strategies from an Industry-Insider for Selling Your Product (HIMSS Book Series)

by Glenn E. Pearson

Interesting, engaging and informative with good examples. As Chief Medical Officer of a biotech startup that has to sell into the C-suite, I will be buying copies for our entire sales team. Bob Lubitz, MD, MPH, FACHE, MACP Chief Medical Officer, 3Oe Scientific, Inc. At 18% of GDP, healthcare represents a hugely attractive market for suppliers and vendors. Any sector this enormous requires support from dozens of entities: legal services organizations, design and construction companies, pharmaceutical suppliers, utilities companies, information technology vendors, food services suppliers, consulting firms, medical equipment manufacturers, and many others. Although many of the standard business dynamics apply to healthcare, numerous quirks make this field unlike any other. Every company offering products to hospitals, physicians or any other healthcare organization will greatly benefit from understanding the industry’s "psychological climate." Just having a great product or service does not guarantee market success. The seller must know how to position its products and demonstrate genuine value. Industry outsiders selling to healthcare often get sidelined if they don’t know the sector’s unique communication protocols, clinical requirements, financial dynamics, and operating procedures. Even seasoned veterans sometimes stumble over an unexpected speedbump. This book identifies 84 pitfalls vendors often encounter and provides nearly 200 specific, immediate, and actionable recommendations for minimizing them or even avoiding them altogether. Although this advice will help anyone selling to healthcare organizations, it is especially relevant for companies introducing emerging, disruptive, and transformational technologies.

Thriving in the Healthcare Market: Strategies from an Industry-Insider for Selling Your Product (HIMSS Book Series)

by Glenn E. Pearson

Interesting, engaging and informative with good examples. As Chief Medical Officer of a biotech startup that has to sell into the C-suite, I will be buying copies for our entire sales team. Bob Lubitz, MD, MPH, FACHE, MACP Chief Medical Officer, 3Oe Scientific, Inc. At 18% of GDP, healthcare represents a hugely attractive market for suppliers and vendors. Any sector this enormous requires support from dozens of entities: legal services organizations, design and construction companies, pharmaceutical suppliers, utilities companies, information technology vendors, food services suppliers, consulting firms, medical equipment manufacturers, and many others. Although many of the standard business dynamics apply to healthcare, numerous quirks make this field unlike any other. Every company offering products to hospitals, physicians or any other healthcare organization will greatly benefit from understanding the industry’s "psychological climate." Just having a great product or service does not guarantee market success. The seller must know how to position its products and demonstrate genuine value. Industry outsiders selling to healthcare often get sidelined if they don’t know the sector’s unique communication protocols, clinical requirements, financial dynamics, and operating procedures. Even seasoned veterans sometimes stumble over an unexpected speedbump. This book identifies 84 pitfalls vendors often encounter and provides nearly 200 specific, immediate, and actionable recommendations for minimizing them or even avoiding them altogether. Although this advice will help anyone selling to healthcare organizations, it is especially relevant for companies introducing emerging, disruptive, and transformational technologies.

Thrive in Immunology (Thrive In Bioscience Revision Guides)

by Anne C. Cunningham

The Thrive in Bioscience revision guides are written to help students achieve exam success in all core areas of bioscience. Each title encourages the reader to follow four steps to maximise their learning, with features to support this process. Step one: Review the facts The revision guides are designed to help learning be quick and effective: · Information is set out in bullet points, making it easy to digest · Clear, uncluttered illustrations illuminate what is said in the text · Key concept panels summarise the essential learning points Step two: Check your understanding Readers are encouraged to: · Complete the questions at the end of chapters and online multiple-choice questions to reinforce their learning · Use the online flashcard glossary to master the essential terms and phrases Step three: Take note of extra advice Revision tips, and hints for getting those precious extra marks in exams, are presented throughout. Step four: Go the extra mile Readers can explore the suggestions for further reading to take their understanding one step further. Each title in the series is tailored to maximise understanding and achievement, to ensure that the reader really can thrive in their studies. They are the perfect course companions for any bioscience degree. Online Resource Centre Each title is supplemented by an Online Resource Centre which includes a flashcard glossary to enable students to test their understanding of key terminology, and a bank of interactive MCQs to give students the opportunity to check they have fully understood the facts and concepts presented in the texts.

Thrive: How Better Mental Health Care Transforms Lives and Saves Money

by Richard Layard David M. Clark Daniel Kahneman

Mental illness is a leading cause of suffering in the modern world. In sheer numbers, it afflicts at least 20 percent of people in developed countries. It reduces life expectancy as much as smoking does, accounts for nearly half of all disability claims, is behind half of all worker sick days, and affects educational achievement and income. There are effective tools for alleviating mental illness, but most sufferers remain untreated or undertreated. What should be done to change this? In Thrive, Richard Layard and David Clark argue for fresh policy approaches to how we think about and deal with mental illness, and they explore effective solutions to its miseries and injustices.Layard and Clark show that modern psychological therapies are highly effective and could potentially turn around the lives of millions of people at little or no cost. This is because treating psychological problems generates huge savings on physical health care, as well as massive economic savings through more people working. So psychological therapies would effectively pay for themselves, generating potential savings for nations the world over. Layard and Clark describe how various successful psychological treatments have been developed and explain what works best for whom. They also discuss how mental illness can be prevented through better schools and a better society, and the urgency of doing so.Illustrating why we cannot afford to ignore the issue of mental illness, Thrive opens the door to new options and possibilities for one of the most serious problems facing us today.

Thrive: How Better Mental Health Care Transforms Lives and Saves Money

by Richard Layard David M. Clark Daniel Kahneman

Mental illness is a leading cause of suffering in the modern world. In sheer numbers, it afflicts at least 20 percent of people in developed countries. It reduces life expectancy as much as smoking does, accounts for nearly half of all disability claims, is behind half of all worker sick days, and affects educational achievement and income. There are effective tools for alleviating mental illness, but most sufferers remain untreated or undertreated. What should be done to change this? In Thrive, Richard Layard and David Clark argue for fresh policy approaches to how we think about and deal with mental illness, and they explore effective solutions to its miseries and injustices.Layard and Clark show that modern psychological therapies are highly effective and could potentially turn around the lives of millions of people at little or no cost. This is because treating psychological problems generates huge savings on physical health care, as well as massive economic savings through more people working. So psychological therapies would effectively pay for themselves, generating potential savings for nations the world over. Layard and Clark describe how various successful psychological treatments have been developed and explain what works best for whom. They also discuss how mental illness can be prevented through better schools and a better society, and the urgency of doing so.Illustrating why we cannot afford to ignore the issue of mental illness, Thrive opens the door to new options and possibilities for one of the most serious problems facing us today.

Threshold Decision-making in Clinical Medicine: With Practical Application to Hematology and Oncology (Cancer Treatment and Research #189)

by Benjamin Djulbegovic Iztok Hozo

This book aims to provide threshold models to help physicians to make optimal diagnostic, therapeutic and predictive decisions. Readers will not only find theoretical information but also practical examples illustrating how these decisions should be made.Poor decision-making is considered a leading cause of death in contemporary medicine. Decisions, however, have to be made - at a given threshold of risk and unfortunately physicians are not trained on how to make decisions. This book provides help to all those who want to improve their decision-making for a better patient outcome. With its examples from hematology and oncology the book will not only benefit haematologists and oncologists but physicians from all disciplines, hence the threshold model is applicable to all fields in medicine. This book will be useful to experienced physicians as well as trainees alike.

Threshold: Emergency Responders On The Us-mexico Border (pdf) (California Series In Public Anthropology Ser. #41)

by Ieva Jusionyte

"Jusionyte explores the sister towns bisected by the border from many angles in this illuminating and poignant exploration of a place and situation that are little discussed yet have significant implications for larger political discourse."—Publishers Weekly, STARRED Review Emergency responders on the US-Mexico border operate at the edges of two states. They rush patients to hospitals across country lines, tend to the broken bones of migrants who jump over the wall, and put out fires that know no national boundaries. Paramedics and firefighters on both sides of the border are tasked with saving lives and preventing disasters in the harsh terrain at the center of divisive national debates. Ieva Jusionyte’s firsthand experience as an emergency responder provides the background for her gripping examination of the politics of injury and rescue in the militarized region surrounding the US-Mexico border. Operating in this area, firefighters and paramedics are torn between their mandate as frontline state actors and their responsibility as professional rescuers, between the limits of law and pull of ethics. From this vantage they witness what unfolds when territorial sovereignty, tactical infrastructure, and the natural environment collide. Jusionyte reveals the binational brotherhood that forms in this crucible to stand in the way of catastrophe. Through beautiful ethnography and a uniquely personal perspective, Threshold provides a new way to understand politicized issues ranging from border security and undocumented migration to public access to healthcare today.

Three Weeks to Say Goodbye: From The Winner Of 2009's Edgar Award For Best Novel

by C.J. Box

A powerful thriller from New York Times bestseller C.J. Box, the award-winning author of the Joe Pickett and Cassie Dewell series, both now major TV shows. They're so sorry... They've made a terrible mistake... There's nothing they can do... They have to take your daughter away. You have three weeks to say goodbye. After years of trying for a child, Jack and Melissa McGuane adopted a beautiful baby girl. Nine months later, a call from the adoption agency plunges them into every parent's worst nightmare: the father never signed away his parental rights, and now he wants his daughter back. The biological father is a sullen eighteen-year-old with gangland connections, and, even worse, is the son of a well-connected federal judge who is prepared to use the full weight of his influence to get what he wants. Together they wage a harrowing campaign of intimidation and harassment aimed at destroying the McGuanes before they can fight back. Jack and Melissa know that the boy has no love for his daughter, but what they don't know is why he and the judge want the girl so badly. With three weeks until they must legally hand over their baby, just how far outside the law are they prepared to go to find out?Reviews for Three Weeks to Say Goodbye'Full of suspense and menace.' Daily Mirror'One terrifying little tale... Box doesn't miss a trick in this suspense-filled thriller.' Toronto Globe and Mail

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