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AIDS: Virus- or Drug Induced? (Contemporary Issues in Genetics and Evolution #5)

by P. H. Duesberg

Despite enormous efforts, over 100,000 papers and over $22 billion spent by the US taxpayer alone, the HIV-AIDS hypothesis has failed to produce any public health benefits, no vaccine, no effective drug, no prevention, no cure, not a single life saved. Is the science system to be blamed? Has science failed to reveal the truth about AIDS? In AIDS: Virus or Drug Induced?, two dozen scientists, scholars and journalists have investigated the status quo of AIDS research. Most of them have questioned the HIV-AIDS hypothesis before, but have since been censored, and sociologically excluded from AIDS research, politics and journalism. Here they are united for the first time to put on trial the HIV-AIDS hypothesis. There are those who acquit HIV entirely. Others who make a case for HIV as a necessary, but not a sufficient cause of AIDS. And one medical scientist who, together with the huge AIDS literature, defends the hypothesis that HIV is sufficient to cause AIDS. The book convincingly reveals that the scientific method could very well find a solution to AIDS, but only if ideas can be exchanged freely and if the HIV monopoly can be broken. AIDS: Virus or Drug Induced? illustrates that the solution to AIDS could be as close as one of several, very testable and very affordable alternatives to the unproductive HIV-AIDS hypothesis.

AIDS up to the Year 2000: Epidemiological, Sociocultural and Economic Scenario Analysis, Scenario Report Commissioned by the Steering Committee on Future Health Scenarios (Future Health Scenarios)

by Scenario Committee on AIDS E.J. Ruitenberg F.M.L.G. van den Boom J.C. de Jager D.P. Reinkind M.J. Postma C.E.S. Albers

In March 1983 the Secretary of State for Welfare, Health and Cultural Affairs appointed the Steering Committee on Future Health Scenarios (STG). The task of the STG is to advise the Minister on the future of public health and health care in the long term in the Netherlands with a view to increasing the anticipatory capacity of government policy. Since 1983 the STG has set up a number of committees, including the Scenario Committee on AIDS, with a view to mapping out possible scenarios in their particular field of interest. The committees report in the form of scenario reports, which are of relevance not just to the national government but also to others involved in policy development and opinion formation in the field in question. What proportions will the HIV/AIDS epidemic assume and how many new HIV infections can be averted by HIV/AIDS prevention campaigns? How much care and support will people with HIV and AIDS need and what successes can be expected within the care sector? What will be the social consequences of AIDS and how can ostracism and the social isolation of people with HIV and AIDS be avoided? These and other related questions form the subject of this book, which examines the sociocultural and economic impact of AIDS in the Netherlands up to the year 2000. The book presents a study carried out by the Netherlands Institute of Mental Health (NcGv) and the National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection (RIVM), under the direction of the STG Scenario Committee on AIDS. The researchers look back at the epidemiological, sociocultural and economic impact of AIDS in the Netherlands during the first decade of the epidemic and, on the basis of this, use scenario analysis to project the impact of AIDS up to the year 2000. The future projections relate both to the impact of AIDS and the maximization of efforts to combat the disease. In addition to a scenario exploring the impact of AIDS if developments continue unchanged, alternative scenarios are also put forward. These focus on the impact of significant changes in such diverse fields as sexual behaviour, injecting drug use, the effectiveness and organization of HIV/AIDS prevention programmes, and the demand for delivery of care. The book concludes that the impact of AIDS will only become fully apparent in the second decade of the epidemic. The authors consider the implications of this conclusion for HIV/AIDS prevention programmes, research, care and the efforts to counter the socially undesirable impacts of AIDS.

AIDS und Nervensystem

by K. Berger H. Von Briesen H. Budka H. W. Doerr W. Enzensberger S. Falk P. A. Fischer H. Gelderblom I. Grosch-Wörner H. Hacker E. B. Helm K. Hübner J. Kauss B. Krackhardt W. Kreuz R. Kurth J. Löwer W. Merdes K. Mergener H. J. Möbius H. Müller H. Rübsamen-Waigmann W. Schlote H. L. Schmidts H. J. Stutte E. Thomas H. Gräfin Vitzthum U. Woelki

Die durch das menschliche Immundefektvirus HIV verursachte erworbene Immunschwäche AIDS gewinnt aufgrund steigender Erkrankungszahlen zunehmend an praktisch-ärztlicher Bedeutung. Unter den klinischen Manifestationen findet die häufige Beteiligung des Zentralnervensystems steigende Beachtung. Die mit den HIV-Infektionen des Zentralnervensystems verbundenen Probleme können nur durch die gleichzeitige Berücksichtigung von Untersuchungsergebnissen verschiedener Fachgebiete einer Lösung näher gebracht werden. Das vorliegende Buch basiert auf den überarbeiteten und zum Teil erweiterten Referaten einer interdisziplinären Tagung unter dem Thema "AIDS und Nervensystem" und reflektiert den aktuellen Stand dieser speziellen Problematik bei AIDS aus klinischer, virologischer, immunologischer, neuroradiologischer und neuropathologischer Sicht, über die bisher noch keine zusammenfassende Darstellung vorliegt.

AIDS und die Vorstadien: Ein Leitfaden für Praxis und Klinik

by E. B. Helm M. G. Koch

AIDS wird immer deutlicher zum zentralen medizinischen Problem unserer Zeit. HIV-Infizierte entwickeln die verschiedensten Krankheiten. Diese verlaufen ernster und oft anders, als wir gewohnt sind. Nur der Arzt, der die Symptome richtig zu deuten vermag, wird frühzeitig an eine HIV-Infektion denken. Je früher aber diese Infektion erkannt wird, um so erfolgreicher können die opportunistischen Krankheitsbilder behandelt werden, um so aussichtsreicher ist die Gabe von AZT, um so eher kann der Infizierte andere vor Ansteckung schützen. Das didaktische Konzept dieses Werkes setzt einen neuen Standard, indem es die Arbeiten von 29 Autoren - jeder ein exzellenter Fachmann auf seinem Gebiet - integriert und für den praktischen Bedarf eines jeden Arztes verfügbar macht. AIDS und die Vorstadien ist als Loseblattwerk konzipiert. Durch 4 Ergänzungslieferungen im Jahr (etwa 120 Seiten/ Lieferung) bleibt das Werk immer auf dem neuesten Stand.

AIDS und die Vorstadien: Ein Leitfaden für Praxis und Klinik

by L. Nolde

Mit Beiträgen zahlreicher Fachwissenschaftler

AIDS und die Vorstadien: Ein Leitfaden für Praxis und Klinik

by L. Nolde

AIDS und die Vorstadien: Ein Leitfaden für Praxis und Klinik

by H. D. Peters L. Nolde

AIDS ist immer noch eine nicht zu vernachlässigende Erkrankung in Deutschland. Nur der Arzt, der die Symptome richtig zu deuten vermag, wird frühzeitig an eine HIV-Infektion denken. Das vorliegende Werk erläutert aber vor allem aber auch die neuesten Therapieverfahren. Durch regelmäßige Folgelieferungen (etwa 3 pro Jahr) bleiben Sie immer auf dem aktuellsten Stand Forschung und können Ihre Patienten optimal betreuen.

AIDS und die Vorstadien: Ein Leitfaden für Praxis und Klinik

by N. Stiller E. B. Helm M. G. Koch

AIDS ist ein zentrales medizinisches Problem unserer Zeit. HIV-Infizierte entwickeln die verschiedensten Krankheiten. Nur der Arzt, der die Symptome richtig zu deuten vermag, wird frühzeitig an eine HIV-Infektion denken. Aktualität aller relevanten Informationen ist hier das oberste Gebot. Deshalb wurde das Werk als Loseblattsammlung konzipiert. Das didaktische Konzept setzt einen neuen Standard, indem es die Arbeiten von 30 Autoren - jeder ein exzellenter Fachmann auf seinem Gebiet - integriert und für den praktischen Bedarf eines jeden Arztes verfügbar macht. Die zweite Auflage enthält das Grundwerk (1. Auflage) sowie die 1. Nachlieferung. Diese enthält folgende neue Daten: Epidemiologische Daten international und die Situation in Deutschland; ein neues Kapitel über die rechtlichen Grundlagen im Zusammenhang mit der Behandlung HIV-infizierter Patienten; neue Therapieansätze wie z. B. Aciclovir, AL-721, AZT, Interleukin, Pentosan-Polysulfat und was sie in der Therapie zu leisten vermögen.

AIDS und die Vorstadien: Ein Leitfaden für Praxis und Klinik

by N. Stiller H. D. Peters

1. Die Zahl AIDS-erkrankter Drogenabhängiger nimmt ständig zu und wird in den nächsten Jahren auch größenordnungsmäßig noch steigen. Progression der HIV-Infektion und klinische Bilder entsprechen denen 2. anderer betroffener Gruppen. Kaposi-Sarkom kommt allerdings kaum vor. Bei HIV-infizierten Drogenabhängigen ist mit gehäuftem Auftreten von 3. bakteriellen Pneumonien, Sepsis, Endocarditis und Lungentuberkulose vor der eigentlichen AIDS-Manifestation zu rechnen. Sucht ist eine Krankheit mit spezifischen Ausprägungen, die man kennen 4. und berücksichtigen sollte. Prinzipielles Wohlwollen ist gegenüber Dro­ genabhängigen angebracht-aber kein leichtfertiges Vertrauen. 5. Jede drogenfreie Zeit ist für den Abhängigen eine Chance auf dem Weg zu einer »un -abhängigen

AIDS Treatment and Human Rights in Context

by P. Jones

The book poses and explores questions about the roles of antiretroviral treatment and human rights in the global AIDS epidemic. A novel approach is used, which places treatment and human rights in the context of global debates, national struggles, and, especially, a case study of the lived experiences within a local community in South Africa.

Aids to the Examination of the Peripheral Nervous System

by M. D. O'Brien

For more than 80 years this unique short atlas has been the go-to guide to the examination of patients with lesions of the peripheral nerves and nerve roots – appreciated by generations of students and experienced practitioners alike. First published in its original form in 1943 and updated in its sixth edition by highly respected author Michael O’Brien, this book is the perfect companion for all those involved or caring for patients with peripheral nerve injuries and other neuromuscular disorders. It covers mononeuropathies, peripheral nerve lesions, examination techniques and anatomy of the peripheral nervous system, all illustrated with excellent diagrams and high-quality photographs. Illustrated with exceptionally clear photographs, accompanied by simple anatomical diagrams to aid comprehension Useful tables of the innervation of muscles and the muscle and cutaneous distribution of peripheral nerves Updated to reflect latest changes in nomenclature New diagrams and illustrations, including of the spine and spinal nerve roots, male inguinal region and female perineum Summary table of the common compression and entrapment mononeuropathies, with sites now indicated on the nerve diagrams

AIDS Therapy E-Book

by Raphael Dolin Henry Masur Michael S. Saag

AIDS treatments continues to evolve. Now, so does the definitive reference on this complex and challenging subject! "AIDS Therapy, 3rd Edition" not only brings you comprehensive guidance on the latest treatments for HIV/AIDS and the full range of related disorders and syndromes, but also comes with access to updates online—so you can always tap into the most current therapy guidelines. Written by a "who's who" of leading global experts, the new edition of this classic reference is a must for any clinician who manages patients with HIV/AIDS.The most comprehensive coverage available on AIDS treatment equips you to meet any clinical challenge. Contributions from a large cast of noted international authorities put global "best practices" at your fingertips. Advice from some of the most respected experts in the field helps you manage your patients confidently.Available with a companion website allowing you to access the latest treatment guidelines year after year.

AIDS Testing: A Comprehensive Guide to Technical, Medical, Social, Legal, and Management Issues

by W. R. Dowdle Gerald Schochetman J. Richard George

During the two years since the publication of the first edition of this book, the global spread of human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) has continued. HIV was estimated by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1993 to have at least 13 million individuals worldwide, with 1 million infected infected in the United States. HIV/AIDS in the United States has become the leading cause of death among men 25 to 44 years of age and the fifth leading cause of death among women of the same age group. Prevention of HIV infection remains a global challenge. Testing for HIV is the cornerstone for surveillance and prevention programs and for the provision of appropriate medical care for those who are infected. Such testing is equally essential to the search for effective antivirus drugs and vaccines. This second edition of AIDS Testing incorporates the most current thinking on test methodology and interpretation, some of which has changed considerably over the past two years. This edition also has been expanded to include a section consisting of six chapters on test applica­ tions and a section consisting of four chapters on management issues. This edition, like the first, describes in clear terms all the complex ele­ ments of testing, including applications, scientific principles, quality assurance, safety, and medical, ethical, and legal considerations.

AIDS Testing: Methodology and Management Issues

by Gerald Schochetman W. R. Dowdle J. Richard George

Given the continuing high level of concern among health professionals and the general public about issues related to AIDS, this volume on testing for AIDS and related viruses is extremely timely. The book has been written by experts in the area of AIDS testing, many of whom are at the Centers for Disease Control. The book includes several chapters which compare the different laboratory tests available for detecting the AIDS virus (HIV). It also addresses such topics as ethical considerations in AIDS testing, HIV infection in children, testing for other human viruses related to HIV, safety practices in HIV-testing laboratories, and managing occupational exposure to HIV. The book is intended for public health officials involved in HIV testing, hospital administrators and clinical laboratory directors responsible for setting up HIV testing programs, and physicians concerned with testing for AIDS.

AIDS Taschenwörterbuch

by Stephan Dressler Matthias Wienold

Das AIDS-Taschenwörterbuch in der aktuellen 3. Auflage - enthält alle wichtigen Begriffe im Zusammenhang mit HIV und Aids - informiert über Medikamente und Therapieverfahren - berücksichtigt alle Teilgebiete der Medizin - gibt Arzt und Pflegepersonal rasch Auskunft

Aids Sutra: Untold Stories from India

by Negar Akhavi

India is home to almost three million HIV cases. But AIDS is still a disease stigmatized and shrouded in denial. It is stigma that prevents people from openly discussing the facts around HIV, and keeps them from getting treatment. Stigma leads to discrimination against HIV positive people in hospitals, schools and even among families. In this ground-breaking anthology, sixteen of India's well-known writers go on the road to tell the human story behind the epidemic. William Dalrymple meets the devadasis ('temple women'), many of whom have become victims of HIV; Kiran Desai travels to the coast of Andhra where the sex workers are considered the most desirable and Salman Rushdie spends a day with Mumbai's transgenders. These writers travel the country to talk to housewives, vigilantes, homosexuals, police and sex-workers and together they create a complex and gripping picture of AIDS in India: who it is affecting, how and why.Eye-opening, hard-hitting and moving, AIDS Sutra will show you a side to India rarely seen before.This anthology was produced in collaboration with Avahan, the India AIDS Initiative of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Proceeds will be used to support programs for children affected by HIV in India.

Aids, South Africa, And The Politics Of Knowledge (Global Health)

by Jeremy R. Youde

Through an in-depth examination of the interactions between the South African government and the international AIDS control regime, Jeremy Youde examines not only the emergence of an epistemic community but also the development of a counter-epistemic community offering fundamentally different understandings of AIDS and radically different policy prescriptions. In addition, individuals have become influential in the crafting of the South African government's AIDS policies, despite universal condemnation from the international scientific community. This study highlights the relevance and importance of Africa to international affairs. The actions of African states call into question many of our basic assumptions and challenge us to refine our analytical framework. It is ideally suited to scholars interested in African studies, international organizations, global governance and infectious diseases.

Aids, South Africa, And The Politics Of Knowledge (Global Health)

by Jeremy R. Youde

Through an in-depth examination of the interactions between the South African government and the international AIDS control regime, Jeremy Youde examines not only the emergence of an epistemic community but also the development of a counter-epistemic community offering fundamentally different understandings of AIDS and radically different policy prescriptions. In addition, individuals have become influential in the crafting of the South African government's AIDS policies, despite universal condemnation from the international scientific community. This study highlights the relevance and importance of Africa to international affairs. The actions of African states call into question many of our basic assumptions and challenge us to refine our analytical framework. It is ideally suited to scholars interested in African studies, international organizations, global governance and infectious diseases.

AIDS: Social Representations And Social Practices (Social Aspects of AIDS)

by Terence Higgins Terence Higgins Trust

First Published in 1989. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

AIDS Sexuality and Gender in Africa: Collective Strategies and Struggles in Tanzania and Zambia (Social Aspects of AIDS)

by Carolyn Baylies Janet Bujra

While there is a growing list of publications devoted to the AIDS epidemic, Africa, with two-thirds of the world's cases, still receives scant attention. This book may change the way we think about AIDS and how it is being addressed in Africa and the rest of the world.The book draws on first-hand research and in-depth investigations carried out by a team of researchers from Britain, Zambia and Tanzania, and focuses on the gendered aspect of the struggle against AIDS.The authors study the severity of the epidemic and the threat it poses to the population and society in Tanzania and Zambia. They argue that the success of strategies against the spread of AIDS in Africa rests on their recognition of existing gendered power relations and that this success might be enhanced if the strategies are built on existing organisational skills and practices, especially among women. Their conclusions have repercussions for all countries around the world, and especially the rest of Africa.

AIDS Sexuality and Gender in Africa: Collective Strategies and Struggles in Tanzania and Zambia (Social Aspects of AIDS)

by Carolyn Baylies Janet Bujra

While there is a growing list of publications devoted to the AIDS epidemic, Africa, with two-thirds of the world's cases, still receives scant attention. This book may change the way we think about AIDS and how it is being addressed in Africa and the rest of the world.The book draws on first-hand research and in-depth investigations carried out by a team of researchers from Britain, Zambia and Tanzania, and focuses on the gendered aspect of the struggle against AIDS.The authors study the severity of the epidemic and the threat it poses to the population and society in Tanzania and Zambia. They argue that the success of strategies against the spread of AIDS in Africa rests on their recognition of existing gendered power relations and that this success might be enhanced if the strategies are built on existing organisational skills and practices, especially among women. Their conclusions have repercussions for all countries around the world, and especially the rest of Africa.

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