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Men, Masculinities, Travel and Tourism (Genders and Sexualities in the Social Sciences)

by Thomas Thurnell-Read Mark Casey

Men, Masculinities, Travel and Tourism draws together established and emerging academics that have a key interest in men, masculinity, travel and tourism. Through the chapters collected in this volume the reader will be exposed to cutting edge research and writing that offer global and local perspectives within these fields.

Drinking Dilemmas: Space, culture and identity (Sociological Futures)

by Thomas Thurnell-Read

Drinking and drunkenness have become a focal point for political and media debates to contest notions of responsibility, discipline and risk; yet, at the same time, academic studies have highlighted the positive aspects of drinking in relation to sociability, belonging and identity. These issues are at the heart of this volume, which brings together the work of academics and researchers exploring social and cultural aspects of contemporary drinking practices. These drinking practices are enormously varied and are spatially and culturally defined. The contributions to the volume draw on research settings from across the UK and beyond to demonstrate both the complexity and diversity of drinking subjectivities and practices. Across these examples tensions relating to gender, social class, age and the life course are particularly prominent. Rather than align to now long-established moral discourses about what constitutes ‘good’ and ‘bad’ drinking, sociological approaches to alcohol foreground the vivid, lived, nature of alcohol consumption and the associated experiences of drunkenness and intoxication. In doing so, the volume illuminates the controversial yet important social and cultural roles played by drink for individuals and groups across a range of social contexts.

Drinking Dilemmas: Space, culture and identity (Sociological Futures)

by Thomas Thurnell-Read

Drinking and drunkenness have become a focal point for political and media debates to contest notions of responsibility, discipline and risk; yet, at the same time, academic studies have highlighted the positive aspects of drinking in relation to sociability, belonging and identity. These issues are at the heart of this volume, which brings together the work of academics and researchers exploring social and cultural aspects of contemporary drinking practices. These drinking practices are enormously varied and are spatially and culturally defined. The contributions to the volume draw on research settings from across the UK and beyond to demonstrate both the complexity and diversity of drinking subjectivities and practices. Across these examples tensions relating to gender, social class, age and the life course are particularly prominent. Rather than align to now long-established moral discourses about what constitutes ‘good’ and ‘bad’ drinking, sociological approaches to alcohol foreground the vivid, lived, nature of alcohol consumption and the associated experiences of drunkenness and intoxication. In doing so, the volume illuminates the controversial yet important social and cultural roles played by drink for individuals and groups across a range of social contexts.

Die internationale Reglung der Funktelegraphie und -telephonie: Weltfunkvertrag Washington, 1927

by NA Thurn

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Kinderschutz im Kontext der Kindertagesbetreuung: Eine Untersuchung zu Herausforderungen und Chancen im Umgang mit dem Schutzauftrag (Forschung und Entwicklung in der Erziehungswissenschaft)

by Leonore Thurn

Leonore Thurn zeigt auf, welchen Herausforderungen sich Fachkräfte in der Kindertagesbetreuung beim Umgang mit dem Schutzauftrag gegenüber sehen. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei eine Untersuchung zur Wahrnehmung von Anhaltspunkten für mögliche Kindeswohlgefährdungen durch Fachkräfte in Kindertageseinrichtungen. Die Fragestellung richtet sich eng an den Anforderungen und Verfahrenswegen aus, die über § 8a SGB VIII an Erzieherinnen und Erzieher in Kindertageseinrichtungen gestellt werden. Neben der Annäherung an die Anzahl belasteter Kinder und Familien war es das Ziel, bestehende Möglichkeiten und Grenzen sowie praktizierte Umgangsweisen, die über einen professionell ausgerichteten Kinderschutz in der Praxis entstehen, zu erforschen und dabei den beteiligten Fachkräften selbst eine Stimme zu geben.

Künstler in der Gesellschaft: Ergebnisse einer Befragung unter Bildenden Künstlern in Düsseldorf und Umgebung

by HansPeter Thurn

Der vorliegende Band enthält in narrativer Darstellung die Ergebnisse einer Befragung, die im Jahre 1980 unter Bildenden Künstlern in Düsseldorf und Umgebung durchgeführt wurde. Im Verlauf dieser Untersuchung, deren fi­ nanzielle Ermöglichung dem Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen zu danken ist, legte eine Studiengruppe der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf 33 Künstlerinnen und 77 Künstlern in (einschließ­ lich des Vortests) 110 Einzelinterviews je 170 Fragen vor. Diese 110 Gesprächs­ partner hatten sich unter 251 angeschriebenen Personen bereitgefunden, an der Befragung teilzunehmen. Sie taten dies, jeder auf seine Weise, mit ebenso zeitlichem wie geistigem und seelischem Engagement. Wo Kritik an Einzel­ heiten der Aktion vorgebracht wurde, geschah auch dies zumeist in dem Wunsch, zum Gelingen der Untersuchung beizutragen. So gebührt vor allem diesen Künstlerinnen und Künstlern Dank, die durch ihre Mitwirkung halfen, das Wissen um die kulturelle, wirtschaftliche und soziale Situation der im Be­ rufsfeld "Kunst" Tätigen zu vermehren. Der den Interviews zugrundegelegte Fragebogen wurde sowohl in Kennt­ nis des fragmentarischen Forschungsstandes der Künstler-Soziologie als auch im Wissen um die besonderen Eigenarten des Berufsfeldes "Bildende Kunst" entwickelt. Die spezifische Inhaltlichkeit dieses Berufsfeldes sowie die damit verbundenen Interessen, Motive, Einstellungen, Handlungsweisen, Lebensfor­ men etc. der zu befragenden Künstlerinnen und Künstler ließen (wie sich im Pretest abermals zeigte) die Verwendung völlig "geschlossener" Frageformen als wenig ratsam erscheinen. Diese wurden daher nur dort eingesetzt, wo un­ zweifelhaft . klassifizierbare Aussagen zu erwarten waren (wie z. B. bei den Angaben zur Person, zur Berufsausbildung, Wohnsituation etc. ).

Bildmacht und Sozialanspruch: Studien zur Kunstsoziologie

by Hans Peter Thurn

Die naturalistische Ästhetik in Frankreich und ihre Auflösung: Ein Beitrag zur systemwissenschaftlichen Betrachtung der Künstlerästhetik (René König Schriften. Ausgabe letzter Hand #1)

by Hans Peter Thurn

Die Dissertation, mit der René König 1930 bei Max Dessoir an der Universität Berlin promovierte, wurde erstmals ein Jahr später in Leipzig veröffentlicht. Trotz dieser Buchpublikation blieb sie das am wenigsten bekannte Werk des Autors, das gleichwohl einen festen Platz in literaturwissenschaftlichen Bibliographien zum Naturalismus errungen hat. König rekonstruiert hier das Wirklichkeitsverständnis der naturalistischen Ästhetik, die in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts von Frankreich aus weite Teile der europäischen Literaturdebatten beeinflußte. Leitende Begriffe dieses Konzepts - wie Milieu, Gesellschaft u.a. - werden einer kritischen Prüfung unterzogen und der sozialwissenschaftlichen Diskussion der Epoche konfrontiert. Neben dieser Analyse besticht Königs Werk durch seine nachhaltige Durchleuchtung von Wirklichkeitssphären, die auch den späteren Soziologen immer wieder in ihren Bann zogen. Das Buch zeigt den jungen Autor unterwegs zu einem Teil seiner Lebensthemen: Probleme der Beobachtung, von Familie, Beruf und städtischer Gemeinde klingen an.

Kultur im Widerspruch: Analysen und Perspektiven

by Hans Peter Thurn

"Kultur" ist ins Gespräch geraten - nicht nur infolge sich leerender öffentlicher Kassen, sondern auch im Hinblick darauf, was sie den Menschen bedeutet, wieviel Orientierung sie ihrem Denken, Fühlen und Handeln bietet, welche Konflikte sie beschert. Diesen Fragen spüren die Studien des Buches geistesgeschichtlich und mit zeitgenössischem Interesse nach. Dabei machen sie die trotz allen Wandels wiederkehrenden Konstellationen menschlicher Kultur erkennbar: Ihr Schwanken im Widerspruch von Aufbau und Zerstörung, zwischen Konstruktivität und Destrugenität. Durch den Übergang der Lebensverhältnisse vom früheren Biotop zum heutigen und morgigen Technotop hat sich diese Problematik indes akut verschärft. Um sie zu meistern und ihr Dasein ausgleichend gestalten zu können, bedürfen die Menschen - so das Fazit des Buches - neuer kommunikativer, instrumenteller und sinnhafter Kompetenzen.

Vom Wesen der deutschen Universität (René König Schriften. Ausgabe letzter Hand #2)

by Hans Peter Thurn

René Königs Buch "Vom Wesen der deutschen Universität" schildert beredt die hochschulpolitischen Anschauungen klassischer deutscher Denker. Fichte und Schelling, Schleiermacher und Humboldt werden daraufhin befragt, inwieweit ihre Überlegungen über den aktuellen Anlass hinaus Geltung für spätere Epochen beanspruchen dürfen.

Histamine in Inflammation (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology #709)

by Robin Thurmond

The year 2010 marks the centennial for the identification of histamine and the first glimpse of its many physiological functions. From these initial findings a rich tapestry of research has uncovered roles for histamine in almost every physiological process with new findings emerging every year. These diverse roles of histamine have made for fertile ground for the discovery of novel therapeutics, and these drugs have been so successful that the term “antihistamine” has entered the common lexicon. This volume is an attempt to give a snapshot in time as to the current understanding of the role of histamine in just one important therapeutic area—inflammation. The first three chapters provide some background context for the rest of the book starting out with a historical perspective by Figueroa and Shankley. Bongers et al provide an overview of the pharmacology of the four histamine receptors and the chapter by Hiroshi Ohtsu describes how histamine is synthesized as well as the insights derived from mice where this synthesis is disrupted. The next several chapters discuss disease areas where histamine is known to be involved. Chapter 4 by Thomas Taylor-Clark outlines the role of histamine in allergic rhinitis, an area were antihistamines are commonly used. This is also true for ocular allergy as discussed by Ohbayashi et al. Both of these chapters highlight aspects of these conditions that are still not well-controlled and suggest the utility of new antihistamines targeting other histamine receptors.

6-Day Body Makeover: Drop One Whole Dress or Pant Size in Just 6 Days--and Keep It Off

by Michael Thurmond

Want to look great for that special date on Saturday? Wish you could firm up for that looming reunion? Want to wow them at the wedding next weekend? Now you don't have to starve yourself to do it! With this groundbreaking guide, television's fitness and makeover specialist Michael Thurmond delivers the proven program that allows you to eat more, exercise less, and shed as much as 10 pounds-a whole dress or pant size-in just six days! Through his 25 years of experience and as a diet and fitness expert on television's Extreme Makeover, Michael Thurmond has helped thousands of people from every walk of life take off pounds quickly. Now, in 6-Day Body Makeover, he shares his secrets of accelerated weight loss and reveals his easy-to-follow, proven program to help you shed pounds quickly and keep them off! Because no two bodies lose weight in the exact same way, Michael has developed an exclusive "body type blueprinting system" that allows you to customize a diet regimen that's effective for you. Just fill out the simple questionnaire, pinpoint which of the five types best describes your body, and follow the targeted meal plan designed to maximize weight loss for your body type. Together with Michael's exclusive, fat-burning, low-intensity exercises, you'll have a scientifically balanced regimen that can help you quickly lose as much as 10 pounds-and keep it off. Complete with menus, recipes, foolproof tips, and a maintenance schedule for the seventh day and beyond, 6-Day Body Makeover shows you how to: * Identify the Right foods to spark weight loss * Exercise Less while increasing the amount of fat you burn * Break through plateaus when the scale won't budge * Maintain your weight loss without deprivation or unhealthy gimmicks * Quickly take off pounds gained during vacations or holiday time. After just six days you'll look and feel so fabulous, you'll have the confidence to continue losing until you reach your total weight-loss goal.

Fremdheiten und Freundschaften: Essays (Gender Studies)

by Christina Thürmer-Rohr

Die Welt liegt in Scherben, so heißt es. Und sich mit einer Welt anzufreunden, die sich der Anfreundung entzieht, scheint paradox. Christina Thürmer-Rohr kreist in ihren Essays zu Feminismus, Pluralität, Dialog, Außenseitertum, Vergänglichkeit und zum politischen Denken Hannah Arendts um den Widerstreit zwischen dem Heimatlichen und dem Unheimlichen - und um die Fiktionen vom »heilen« Geschlecht. Sie widerspricht dabei der Annahme, Fremdheit sei das Andere der Freundschaft, Freundschaft das Andere der Fremdheit. So entsteht eine Karte, auf der man sich hin- und herbewegen kann, denn die Nachbarschaft der einzelnen Texte eröffnet Türen zu Lesarten, die nicht in den gewohnten Spuren bleiben, und führt zu unerledigten Fragen, die keine Ruhe lassen.

Radio as Art: Concepts, Spaces, Practices (Schriftenreihe für Künstlerpublikationen #8)

by Anne Thurmann-Jajes Ursula Frohne Jee-Hae Kim Maria Peters Franziska Rauh Sarah Schönewald

Acoustic signals, voice, sound, articulation, music and spatial networking are dispositifs of radiophonic transmission which have brought forth a great number of artistic practices. Up to and into the digital present radio has been and is employed and explored as an apparatus-based structure as well as an expanded model for performance and perception. This volume investigates a broad range of aesthetic experiments with the broadcasting technology of radio, and the use of radio as a means of disseminating artistic concepts. With exemplary case studies, its contributions link conceptual, recipient-response-related, and sociocultural issues to matters of relevance to radio art's mediation.

Communicating Effectively With People With a Learning Disability (PDF)

by Sue Thurman

If you are working within the learning disability sector and studying for the QCF Diploma in Health and Social Care, you will find this book invaluable in helping you to achieve the unit on Communicating effectively. It explains how communication affects all aspects of your work, including relationships, and provides guidance on how to overcome barriers to good communication. The book is easy to navigate, with each chapter covering one of the learning outcomes within the unit. Each chapter begins with an example taken from real people's stories and lots of activities, photographs and other illustrations are included throughout.

Applied Cognitive Research in K-3 Classrooms

by S. Kenneth Thurman Catherine A. Fiorello

This volume summarizes research on important topics in cognitive research and discusses what must be done to apply this research in early elementary classrooms. Purposefully, it focuses on areas of cognitive research that have only recently begun to be studied in early elementary classrooms or that, based on educational and psychological theory, appear to have the greatest implications for early classroom learning Part 1, "Cognitive Applications in Early Elementary Classrooms," examines topics germane to the cognitive functioning of young children: working memory, executive functioning, theory of mind, phonemic awareness, and neuropsychological processing in the context of early elementary classrooms. Part 2, "Considerations for Further Research: Methods, Policy, and Issues," looks at practical and methodological issues of which applied cognitive researchers must remain cognizant: methodology, research designs, the gap between science and policy and means by which this gap can be diminished, and the need to consider how issues like ecological validity, individual differences, treatment integrity, and the relation between assessment and intervention are integral to designing applied cognitive research studies. The current emphasis on empirically supported treatments and research-based teaching and intervention in the schools, and legislation such as No Child Left Behind and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act, have focused attention on the scientific basis of educational practice. However, applying research to the environment of the schools is not an automatic process. Bridging the gap has several prerequisites: researchers must attend to the ecological validity of their studies, universities must incorporate the results of research into their pre-professional training programs, and schools must support their inservice staff in developing new knowledge and skills. Applied Cognitive Research in K-3 Classrooms contributes strongly to these goals, not only by providing researchers, professionals, and graduate students in the fields of cognitive psychology, school psychology, educational psychology, educational research, and early elementary-level education with current understanding but also helping to set an agenda for further research that applies cognitive psychology in early elementary classrooms.

Applied Cognitive Research in K-3 Classrooms

by S. Kenneth Thurman Catherine A. Fiorello

This volume summarizes research on important topics in cognitive research and discusses what must be done to apply this research in early elementary classrooms. Purposefully, it focuses on areas of cognitive research that have only recently begun to be studied in early elementary classrooms or that, based on educational and psychological theory, appear to have the greatest implications for early classroom learning Part 1, "Cognitive Applications in Early Elementary Classrooms," examines topics germane to the cognitive functioning of young children: working memory, executive functioning, theory of mind, phonemic awareness, and neuropsychological processing in the context of early elementary classrooms. Part 2, "Considerations for Further Research: Methods, Policy, and Issues," looks at practical and methodological issues of which applied cognitive researchers must remain cognizant: methodology, research designs, the gap between science and policy and means by which this gap can be diminished, and the need to consider how issues like ecological validity, individual differences, treatment integrity, and the relation between assessment and intervention are integral to designing applied cognitive research studies. The current emphasis on empirically supported treatments and research-based teaching and intervention in the schools, and legislation such as No Child Left Behind and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act, have focused attention on the scientific basis of educational practice. However, applying research to the environment of the schools is not an automatic process. Bridging the gap has several prerequisites: researchers must attend to the ecological validity of their studies, universities must incorporate the results of research into their pre-professional training programs, and schools must support their inservice staff in developing new knowledge and skills. Applied Cognitive Research in K-3 Classrooms contributes strongly to these goals, not only by providing researchers, professionals, and graduate students in the fields of cognitive psychology, school psychology, educational psychology, educational research, and early elementary-level education with current understanding but also helping to set an agenda for further research that applies cognitive psychology in early elementary classrooms.

The Central Philosophy of Tibet: A Study and Translation of Jey Tsong Khapa's Essence of True Eloquence (Princeton Library of Asian Translations #46)

by Robert A.F. Thurman

This is the paperback edition of the first full study, translation, and critical annotation of the Essence of True Eloquence by Jey Tsong Khapa (1357-1419), universally acknowledged as the greatest Tibetan philosopher. Robert Thurman's translation and introduction present a strain of Indian Buddhist thought emphasizing the need for both critical reason and contemplative realization in the attainment of enlightenment. This book was originally published under the title Tsong Khapa's Speech of Gold in the "Essence of True Eloquence." ? "I am very happy that Tsong Khapa's masterpiece of Tibetan Buddhist philosophy has been translated into English, and can now be studied by Western philosophers and practitioners of Buddhism. It has long been one of my favorite works, and I hope that others will appreciate its deep thought and lucid insights as we have for centuries in Tibet."--From the foreword by the Dalai Lama

Community Policing in a Rural Setting

by Quint Thurman Edmund F. McGarrell

The authors provide stepping stones for rural and small-town agencies to make the organizational changes needed for community policing to take hold. The book introduces the concept of community policing and its many benefits to the agencies and communities that adopt it. Important issues discussed include the challenge of organizational change, as well as examples of community policing obstacles and successes, and the future of community policing in the 21st century.

Community Policing in a Rural Setting

by Quint Thurman Edmund F. McGarrell

The authors provide stepping stones for rural and small-town agencies to make the organizational changes needed for community policing to take hold. The book introduces the concept of community policing and its many benefits to the agencies and communities that adopt it. Important issues discussed include the challenge of organizational change, as well as examples of community policing obstacles and successes, and the future of community policing in the 21st century.

Police Problem Solving: Controversies, Challenges, And Solutions - An Anthology (Controversies In Crime And Justice Ser.)

by Quint Thurman J. D. Jamieson

Offering a balanced approach to problem-solving issues in a complex and changing world, this book focuses specifically on the subject of problem solving in policing. Featured selections include chapters on domestic security, disorderly youth, auto theft, prostitution, gang delinquency and crime in public housing. Other notable selections discuss the role of supervising police personnel engaged in problem solving, advances in using this approach in criminal investigations, solving serial crimes, preparing for terrorism, and developing patrol officers as effective first responders to active violence.

Police Problem Solving

by Quint Thurman J. D. Jamieson

Offering a balanced approach to problem-solving issues in a complex and changing world, this book focuses specifically on the subject of problem solving in policing. Featured selections include chapters on domestic security, disorderly youth, auto theft, prostitution, gang delinquency and crime in public housing. Other notable selections discuss the role of supervising police personnel engaged in problem solving, advances in using this approach in criminal investigations, solving serial crimes, preparing for terrorism, and developing patrol officers as effective first responders to active violence.

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