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Teaching Environmental Justice: Practices to Engage Students and Build Community (Elgar Guides to Teaching)

This ground-breaking book presents interdisciplinary educators with classroom tools and strategies to integrate environmental justice into their courses. Providing accessible, flexible, and evidence-based pedagogical approaches designed by a multidisciplinary team of scholars, it centers equity and justice in student learning and course design. It further presents a model for community-based faculty development that can communicate those pedagogical approaches across disciplines.Key Features:Reflection on how to teach inclusively across disciplines, with a focus on community-based faculty development.Presentation of a blend of insights from diverse disciplines, including art, astronomy, ecology, economics, history, political science, and online education.A focus on how to stimulate student engagement to improve students’ empirical and conceptual understanding of environmental politics.Detailed instructions for both introductory and more advanced active learning assignments and classroom activities, including guidance on how to manage common challenges and adapt activities to specific learning environments, particularly online formatsProviding detailed instructions and reflections on teaching effectively and inclusively, Teaching Environmental Justice will be an invaluable resource for faculty and graduate students teaching modules in environmental justice in courses across disciplines. It will also be essential reading for researchers of teaching and learning seeking insight into cutting-edge classroom practices that center equity and justice in student learning.

Teaching Sports Economics and Using Sports to Teach Economics (Elgar Guides to Teaching)

There is a dire need for a comprehensive pedagogical resource both on diverse approaches to teaching sports economics and the use of sports to teach broader principles of economic concepts. This book does exactly that. The contributions from leading scholars and teachers in both fields will help all instructors looking to raise their teaching game.The pedagogy in this book covers a wide array of active and engaged teaching techniques to demonstrate interesting ways to engage students and to get them excited about sports economics and economic concepts in general. Chapters cover topics such as legal case studies that impact North American leagues, discrimination and gender bias in sports economics and best practices for supervising undergraduate student research. The innovative approaches and methods presented are applicable to both small and large class sizes. Practical advice for designing field trip-, guest speaker-, and case-study-based classes, and techniques for using data-driven exercises, film and straightforward classroom experiments are included.This book will appeal to two primary audiences: undergraduate economics instructors and sports economics/management instructors. The teaching methods may be easily adapted to most economic classes, and the breadth of material provides instructors with assistance in creating course syllabi, outlining teaching plans, generating student interest, and increasing the efficacy of their pedagogy.

Tourismus und Klimawandel

Diese Open-Access-Publikation beleuchtet die komplexen Beziehungen zwischen Tourismus und Klimawandel für die Tourismusdestination Österreich und basiert auf einer umfassenden Erhebung, Zusammenfassung und Bewertung des aktuellen Standes der Forschung zu diesem Thema. Für diesen Bericht haben 40 Wissenschaftler*innen führender Forschungseinrichtungen, unterstützt durch ein internationales Team an Begutachter*innen, mehr als zwei Jahre intensiv zusammengearbeitet.Die dargestellten Forschungsarbeiten zum Einfluss des Klimawandels auf den Tourismus gehen davon aus, dass sich die in den nächsten Jahrzehnten zu erwartenden Veränderungen des Klimas sehr stark auf die österreichische Tourismusbranche auswirken werden. Allerdings fällt dem Sektor auch eine nicht unerhebliche Rolle als Mitverursacher des Klimawandels zu. Aktuellen Untersuchungen zufolge verursacht der Tourismus rund 8% aller globalen CO2-Emissionen. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden für die verschiedenen Teilaspekte des touristischen Angebots geeignete Minderungs- und Anpassungsmaßnahmen vorgestellt und diskutiert.Der Bericht verdeutlicht insbesondere die spezifische Betroffenheit der touristischen Outdoor-Aktivitäten vom Wintersport bis zum Golftourismus, beschreibt die neuen Herausforderungen für den Städtetourismus und die Organisation von Events und beleuchtet ausführlich, wie Anpassungsmöglichkeiten, insbesondere im Bereich der Mobilität, der Beherbergung, touristischer Indoor-Angebote, sowie der Gastronomie und Kulinarik, ausgestaltet und umgesetzt werden können. Dabei werden die Verantwortung und die Möglichkeiten des Reisenden ebenso dargestellt, wie die Handlungsoptionen von Betrieben, Destinationen und der rahmensetzenden nationalen Politik. Das Buch macht deutlich, dass, um die Pariser Klimaziele erreichen zu können, ein veränderter Lebensstil und rasche Umsetzungsschritte notwendig sind. Wie dieser „Paris-Lifestyle“ erreicht werden könnte und welche Herausforderungen auf diesem Weg bewältigt werden müssen, verdeutlichen die zusammenfassenden Schlusskapitel.Die vorliegende differenzierte Aufbereitung des Themas für alle Reisenden, die Tourismusbranche und die Politik war nur durch eine gezielte Förderung aus Mitteln des Klima- und Energiefonds im Rahmen des Programms „Austrian Climate Research Programme – ACRP“ möglich.

Tourismus und Klimawandel in Mitteleuropa: Wissenschaft trifft Praxis - Ergebnisse der Potsdamer Konferenz 2014

Der Konferenzband stellt den aktuellen Stand des Wissens und praktische Erfahrungen von Unternehmen und Regionen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Tourismus und Klimawandel in Mitteleuropa dar. Die Autoren diskutieren die daraus resultierenden Implikationen und Handlungserfordernisse für Klimaanpassung und Klimaschutz im Tourismus. Die Erderwärmung stellt die Branche in den kommenden Jahrzehnten vor neue Herausforderungen. Kaum ein anderer Wirtschaftszweig ist so von klimatischen Gegebenheiten abhängig wie der Tourismus. Daraus können sich neben Risiken auch Chancen ergeben.

Towards a Competitive, Sustainable Modern City

This original book examines the experiences cities and urban areas have had with two principal concerns that confront them today: sustainability and competitiveness. Focusing on major cities in East Asia, North America, and Western Europe, Towards a Competitive, Sustainable Modern City illuminates the ways in which cities differ not only in their course and stages of development, but in the nature of their economies and their administrative structures. Featuring a wide-ranging set of contributions from top researchers, this book discusses and analyzes the issues that different cities face, such as social cohesion, tolerance and cultural diversity, and how this will determine their developmental trajectories through the coming decade. These issues are explored in relation to contemporary topics including the growing economy of robotics, the rising importance and use of artificial intelligence and the information and communications economy. Towards a Competitive, Sustainable Modern City will be an invaluable read for scholars and professors in urban economics and urban studies more broadly, particularly those who are focusing on the importance of sustainability in both areas. Its stimulating, yet accessible, approach to the topic and key case studies will also greatly benefit urban planners and economic policy makers looking to improve contemporary cities.

Towards Sustainable Futures: The Role of Evaluation (Comparative Policy Evaluation)

Towards Sustainable Futures serves as a guide to better understand what roles evaluation can play in sustainability. Rather than proposing a single definition of sustainability or methodological approach, this book gives us the tools to improve the quality and relevance of evaluation of sustainability. Divided into two parts, the first part introduces the reader to key debates and challenges related to evaluation of sustainability. Part Two provides examples of methods and applications. By combining a stellar line up of specialists, theorists, and practitioners in the field of development evaluation with expert, accessible and engaged analysis of key issues, Towards Sustainable Futures is a must-read source for re-tooling and re-focussing evaluation towards the green transition imperative. It should be essential reading for scholars and practitioners of evaluation.Chapters 1, 4, 6 and 15 of this book are freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF at under a Creative Commons [Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND)] 4.0 license.

Towards Sustainable Welfare States in Europe: Social Policy and Climate Change

This seminal book addresses the critical and urgent question of ‘what makes welfare states sustainable?’ in the era of climate change. Expert authors challenge traditional perspectives on questions of sustainability which have focused on population ageing, global economic turbulence and on containing current and future public social spending.The chapters present new empirical evidence in the form of in-depth comparative country studies from across Europe, offering an insight into how political actors, social partners and civil society organisations in countries associated with different welfare models address questions of sustainability and the extent to which they balance social, ecological and economic considerations. The editors conclude by mapping out ways in which welfare states can address these increasingly urgent and complex issues and facilitate an eco-social transition towards true sustainability.This book will be an invaluable resource for scholars and students of comparative social policy, environmental politics and policy and climate change. Highlighting the political and structural challenges European societies face in the transition to low carbon economies, this book will also be beneficial for policymakers and practitioners in these areas.

Transcultural Ecocriticism: Global, Romantic and Decolonial Perspectives

Bringing together decolonial, Romantic and global literature perspectives, Transcultural Ecocriticism explores innovative new directions for the field of environmental literary studies. By examining these literatures across a range of geographical locations and historical periods – from Romantic period travel writing to Chinese science fiction and Aboriginal Australian poetry – the book makes a compelling case for the need for ecocriticism to competently translate between Indigenous and non-Indigenous, planetary and local, and contemporary and pre-modern perspectives. Leading scholars from Australasia and North America explore links between Indigenous knowledges, Romanticism, globalisation, avant-garde poetics and critical theory in order to chart tensions as well as affinities between these discourses in a variety of genres of environmental representation, including science fiction, poetry, colonial natural history and oral narrative.

The Transformation of Environmental Law and Governance: Risk, Innovation and Resilience (The IUCN Academy of Environmental Law series)

This cutting-edge book considers the functional inseparability of risk and innovation within the context of environmental law and governance. Analysing both ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ innovation, the book argues that approaches to socio-ecological risk require innovation in order for society and the environment to become more resilient.In addition to risk and innovation, this book also highlights the need for resilience thinking in environmental law and governance, questioning whether these three factors are mutually supportive. Featuring wide geographical coverage of environmental law issues in both developing and developed nations, contributions posit that environmental law and governance is in a constant state of transformation. Throughout the book, discrete topics such as oceans, climate change and biodiversity are considered alongside intersecting themes such as human rights and litigation.Featuring up to date analysis of cutting edge topics by leading scholars in the field, The Transformation of Environmental Law and Governance will be a key resource for academics and students in the fields of environmental law, governance and regulation and environmental politics and policy. The valuable insights offered will also be beneficial for practitioners and lawmakers involved in the development of environmental law.

Umweltprobenbank: Bericht und Bewertung der Pilotphase

Schon Anfang der 70er Jahre, als in den Industriestaaten die Umweltpolitik eigenständige nationale und internationale politische Aufgabe wurde, ist dies­ seits und jenseits des Atlantiks die Idee geäußert worden, biologische Proben als Referenzmaterial für den Nachweis der Umweltbelastung früherer Zeiten zu nutzen. Die Väter der Idee, darunter vor allem Frederick Coulston, Albany Medical College, Albany NY, und Friedhelm Korte, Gesellschaft für Strahlen- und Umweltforschung, München, erkannten bald, daß ein Rückgriff auf naturkund­ liche Sammlungen von Gräsern, Schmetterlingen, Vogeleiern oder Fischen keine gültigen Rückschlüsse auf frühere Belastungen zulassen, da weder Kon­ servierungs- noch Lagerungsmethoden auf das Ziel einer rückschauenden Unter­ suchung angelegt waren. In der Bundesrepublik ergriff der Bundesminister für Forschung und Techno­ logie 1975 die Initiative und förderte das "Pilotprojekt Umweltprobenbank" . Die in der Bank aufbewahrten Proben sollen sowohl Auskunft über Konzentrationen von Umweltchemikalien in der Vergangenheit als auch auf Grund dann möglicher Trendaussagen Auskunft über künftige Belastungen geben. Das Pilotprojekt war so erfolgreich, daß die Bundesregierung im Jahre 1985 die Umweltprobenbank als permanente Einrichtung unter Leitung des Umweltbundesamtes geschaffen hat. Die Durchführung des Pilotprojektes war eine multidisziplinäre Aufgabe, an der Biologen, Chemiker, Mediziner, Bodenkundler sowie Tiefkühlungs- und EDV -Spezialisten zusammenwirkten. Dem Bundesminister für Forschung und Technologie, dem Bundesminister für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit und allen am Pilotprojekt beteiligten Gruppen und Gutachtern sei für ihren Einsatz gedankt.

Understanding Marine Changes: Environmental Knowledge and Methods of Research

Studying environmental changes to the seas and oceans through a variety of perspectives and disciplines, this pioneering book outlines the challenges of researching marine environmental issues.With no linear cause-and-effect relationship between marine environmental changes and the often human-induced stressors which produce them, the changes to our seas and oceans are complex and uncertain, arising from multiple and interconnected issues. Bringing together academic expertise from different fields of study, this innovative book engages with stakeholders and branches of local ecological knowledge to address marine changes, outlining how they must be studied from multiple perspectives rather than a single academic discipline to reach effective solutions. Discussing marine interdisciplinarity in action, the book features international case studies from diverse fields across the ocean sciences, humanities and social sciences that explore art and science collaborations in practice.Showcasing the practical challenges and opportunities of such research, this will prove an invigorating read for students and scholars across such subject areas as environmental governance and regulation, marine and ocean sciences, sustainability studies and climate change. Its findings will also be of use to policymakers and practitioners concerned with marine changes across the world.

Understories: Plants and Culture in the American Tropics (American Tropics: Towards a Literary Geography #9)

Understories: Plants and Culture in the American Tropics establishes the central importance of plants to the histories and cultures of the extended tropical region stretching from the U.S. South to Argentina. Through close examination of a number of significant plants – cacao, mate, agave, the hevea brasilensis, kudzu, the breadfruit, soy, and the ceiba pentandra, among others – this volume shows that vegetal life has played a fundamental role in shaping societies and in formulating cultural and environmental imaginaries in and beyond the region. Drawing on a wide range of cultural traditions and forms across literature, popular music, art, and film, the essays included in this volume transcend regional and linguistic boundaries to bring together multiple plant-centred histories or ‘understories’ – narratives that until now have been marginalized or gone unnoticed. Attending not only to the significant influence of humans on plants, but also of plants on humans, this book offers new understandings of how colonization, globalization, and power were, and continue to be, imbricated with nature in the American tropics.

University Engagement with Farming Communities in Africa: Community Action Research Platforms (Earthscan Food and Agriculture)

This book explains and explores how collaborations can be built and strengthened between African universities and farming communities to address real-world contemporary challenges. The book focuses on Community Action Research Platforms, an approach that has successfully enabled African universities to break free of the ivory tower and prove their relevance to society through deep collaborative engagements in targeted agricultural value chains. Developed in a pan-African network of universities (RUFORUM) focused on capacity building in agriculture, the approach has been tested in diverse settings over the last 15 years. The book draws on the experiences and lessons from 21 different projects initiated by RUFORUM member universities in Benin, Botswana, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe. It highlights a critical yet underutilised role for African universities as collaborators and catalysts for multisector solutions. These are solutions that increase productivity and address climate change. They develop livelihoods and resilience in rural communities, as well as promote farmers’ access to markets, innovation and trade while safeguarding biodiversity and enhancing food and nutrition security. The book makes a case for repositioning African universities as fulcrums of development in society. It shares the rich experiences, learnings and scientific findings of diverse researchers, practitioners and students who have been working towards achieving this reality on the ground. This multidisciplinary book holds appeal for university leaders, higher education, agrifood and development specialists, researchers and practitioners, policymakers and development agencies engaged in African agriculture and rural development, higher education and sustainable growth.

Urban Climate Resilience: The Role of Law (Elgar Studies in Climate Law)

This significant book addresses the most important legal issues that cities face when attempting to adapt to the changing climate. This includes how to become more resilient against the impacts of climate change such as sea level rise, increases in the intensity and frequency of storms, floods, droughts, and extreme temperatures.A range of expert contributors are brought together to assess the current state of climate change law and policy at the city level, featuring analysis of key legal instruments that can help urban societies adapt to, and cope with, the changing climate. Chapters contain comparative assessments of urban climate change policies in cities across the world, in both developed and developing countries, including Ghana, South Africa, Indonesia, the Netherlands and the US. Additionally, the book analyses legal approaches, relying on planning law and other legal instruments in the hands of city governments, which can aid in combating specific problems such as the urban heat island effect.Providing an up-to-date analysis of climate change adaptation and mitigation law at the level of cities, Urban Climate Resilience will be a key resource for academics and students of environmental law, public international law, urban planning and sustainability. The lessons for future policies and laws to create more climate resilient cities will also be useful for local policymakers, regulators and city government officials working on climate change at the local level.

Urban Environmental Education Review (Cornell Series in Environmental Education)

Urban Environmental Education Review explores how environmental education can contribute to urban sustainability. Urban environmental education includes any practices that create learning opportunities to foster individual and community well-being and environmental quality in cities. It fosters novel educational approaches and helps debunk common assumptions that cities are ecologically barren and that city people don't care for, or need, urban nature or a healthy environment.Topics in Urban Environmental Education Review range from the urban context to theoretical underpinnings, educational settings, participants, and educational approaches in urban environmental education. Chapters integrate research and practice to help aspiring and practicing environmental educators, urban planners, and other environmental leaders achieve their goals in terms of education, youth and community development, and environmental quality in cities.The ten-essay series Urban EE Essays, excerpted from Urban Environmental Education Review, may be found here: These essays explore various perspectives on urban environmental education and may be reprinted/reproduced only with permission from Cornell University Press.

Urban Natures: Living the More-than-Human City (Urban Anthropology Unbound #1)

Efforts to create greener urban spaces have historically taken many forms, often disorganized and undisciplined. Recently, however, the push towards greener cities has evolved into a more cohesive movement. Drawing from multidisciplinary case studies, Urban Natures examines the possibilities of an ethical lively multi-species city with the understanding that humanity’s relationship to nature is politically constructed. Covering a wide range of sectors, cities, and urban spaces, as well as topics ranging from edible cities to issues of power, and more-than-human methodologies, this volume pushes our imagination of a green urban future.

Valuing the Environment: Six case studies

The 'Pearce Report', Blueprint for a Green Economy, puts the role which monetary evaluation of environmental costs and benefit. can play firmly into the public eye. This book goes further and looks at six countries where such evaluation techniques are applied and at the obstacles to their further use. The case studies, written by leading experts in each nation, show how these methods are being taken up in the UK, Norway and Italy and the ways in which they are already extensively in use in the USA, Germany and the Netherlands. The authors also describe the obstacles to their use, the lack of knowledge of environmental economics at government level; the competition from other government priorities; the failure of environmental groups to grasp the importance of financial evaluation to their cause. But, as this book makes clear, significant advances are being made, both in the implementation of these economic techniques and, above all, in striking and yet further developments in economic thinking.

The Violence of Conservation in Africa: State, Militarization and Alternatives

Offering insights on violence in conservation in Africa, this timely book demonstrates how and why the state pursues conservation objectives to the detriment of its citizens. It focuses on how the dehumanization of black people and indigenous groups, the insertion of global green agendas onto the continent, a lack of resource sovereignty, and neoliberal conservation account for why violence is a permanent feature of conservation in Africa. Chapters uncover various forms of violence experienced on the continent, revealing the local and global conditions that enable them, and propose pathways towards non-violent conservation. The book concludes that the ideology of conservation is also an ideology about people. Crucially, it highlights the implications of increasing investment in violent instruments and the institutionalization of militarized approaches for conservation, the state, and ordinary people. Scholars and students of political ecology and environmental policy and planning will greatly benefit from this book’s drawing together of perspectives encompassing green violence and the militarization of conservation. It will also be an invigorating read for African studies researchers looking at coloniality and the re-evaluation of the African state, particularly through the lens of nature conservation.

Waste and Discards in the Asia Pacific Region: Social and Cultural Perspectives (Routledge Studies in Sustainability)

This book uncovers, explores and analyses the cultural and social factors and values that lie behind waste making, recycling and disposal in the Asia Pacific region, where impressive economic growth has led to significant increases in production, consumption and concomitant waste production. This volume demonstrates the immense scope of waste as a multi-sectoral phenomenon, covering discussions on food, menstrual products, sewage, electronics, scrap, nuclear waste, plastics, and even entire villages as they are submerged underwater by dam building, considered expendable in favour of economic growth. It discusses the wide range of approaches and contexts through which people interact with waste, including socio-economic analysis, participatory observation, laboratory science, art, video, installations, literature and photography. Case studies focusing on India, China and Japan, in addition to other regional examples, demonstrate the ubiquity of waste, materially and geographically. It examines the duality of waste management, fostering community building while simultaneously excluding marginalised groups; how it can be linked to efforts creating circular economies, to then reappear in oceanic garbage patches; or technical waste repurposed for high-tech laboratory research before being discarded once again. This timely and wide-ranging collection of essays will be an important read for scholars, researchers and students in sustainability, development studies, discard studies, and social and cultural history, particularly focusing on countries in the Asia-Pacific.

Water for the Americas: Challenges and Opportunities (Contributions from the Rosenberg International Forum on Water Policy)

The chapters in this volume are peer reviewed editions of the papers presented at the 7th meeting of the Rosenberg International Forum on Water Policy which was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina on November 15-17, 2010. The theme for Forum VII was Water for the Americas: Challenges and Opportunities. This Forum was unique in examining the water problems of the Americas and identifying water management experience gleaned in other parts of the world that might be useful in addressing the problems of the Americas. The sessions illustrated how the water problems of the Americas are common problems, differing only in degree from basin to basin. There was unanimity among the participants about the need for all inhabitants of the Americas to work together to ensure that everyone has access to adequate quantities of healthy water supplies and to appropriate sanitation services. This volume’s approach is to identify different responses and policies that address common issues and learn from contrasts and experiences. The value and potential that this approach affords is that it provides critical judgments about what has worked well and what needs to be done to gain a better future for the Americas’ water resources and society. Some issues covered in the volume are so pressing and urgent, chief among them is serving the unserved, that any delays putting out new facilities in many a rural areas of Central America may cost lives and reduce the outlook for children. Additionally, the volume makes clear that the outlook for the poorest and the future of hundreds of growing cities are threatened by climate change. This book looks into the future by analyzing present and relevant data and gains insight from the different developmental stages of the hemisphere.

Water Markets: A Global Assessment

Exploring water scarcity issues in light of the growing crisis in global water management, this book examines the applicability of water markets. It provides an overview and understanding of the presence of water markets across the globe, analysing the ways in which different countries and regions are grappling with water scarcity. This timely book offers an insight into the benefits of water markets, and their identified market failures. A water market framework is applied to key case studies, highlighting that the majority of regions have not had sufficient water reforms to allow for the introduction of water markets without negative social consequences. The book addresses existing hydrological and institutional capacity across countries and areas where water reform is needed, and lessons are provided for future water markets, taking into account these limitations. The case studies of different countries tackling water scarcity issues and reform will make this an essential read for scholars of environmental studies, water economics, sustainability management and environmental policies. It will also be an invigorating book for water policy-makers interested in lessons for change, and in how to better implement reforms for water markets to help address both water scarcity and improve productivity.

What Kind of Ancestor Do You Want to Be?

As we face an ever-more-fragmented world, What Kind of Ancestor Do You Want to Be? demands a return to the force of lineage—to spiritual, social, and ecological connections across time. It sparks a myriad of ageless-yet-urgent questions: How will I be remembered? What traditions do I want to continue? What cycles do I want to break? What new systems do I want to initiate for those yet-to-be-born? How do we endure? Published in association with the Center for Humans and Nature and interweaving essays, interviews, and poetry, this book brings together a thoughtful community of Indigenous and other voices—including Linda Hogan, Wendell Berry, Winona LaDuke, Vandana Shiva, Robin Kimmerer, and Wes Jackson—to explore what we want to give to our descendants. It is an offering to teachers who have come before and to those who will follow, a tool for healing our relationships with ourselves, with each other, and with our most powerful ancestors—the lands and waters that give and sustain all life.

When Birds Are Near: Dispatches from Contemporary Writers

In this dazzling literary collection, writers explore and celebrate their lives with and love for birds—detailing experiences from Alaska to Bermuda, South Dakota to Panama. In When Birds Are Near, fresh new voices as well as seasoned authors offer tales of adventure, perseverance, and fun, whether taking us on a journey down Highway 1 to see a rare California Condor, fighting the destruction of our grasslands, or simply watching the feeder from a kitchen window.But these essays are more than just field notes. The authors reflect on love, loss, and family, engaging a broad array of emotions, from wonder to amusement. As Rob Nixon writes, "Sometimes the best bird experiences are defined less by a rare sighting than by a quality of presence, some sense of overall occasion that sets in motion memories of a particular landscape, a particular light, a particular choral effect, a particular hiking partner." Or, as the poet Elizabeth Bradfield remarks, "We resonate with certain animals, I believe, because they are a physical embodiment of an answer we are seeking. A sense of ourselves in the world that is nearly inexpressible." When Birds Are Near gives us the chance to walk alongside these avid appreciators of birds and reflect on our own interactions with our winged companions.Contributors: Christina Baal, Thomas Bancroft, K. Bannerman, R. A. Behrstock, Richard Bohannon, Elizabeth Bradfield, Christine Byl, Susan Cerulean, Sara Crosby, Jenn Dean, Rachel Dickinson, Katie Fallon, Jonathan Franzen, Andrew Furman, Tim Gallagher, David Gessner, Renata Golden, Ursula Murray Husted, Eli J. Knapp, Donald Kroodsma, J. Drew Lanham, John R. Nelson, Rob Nixon, Jonathan Rosen, Alison Townsend, Alison Világ

When Fracking Comes to Town: Governance, Planning, and Economic Impacts of the US Shale Boom

When Fracking Comes to Town traces the response of local communities to the shale gas revolution. Rather than cast communities as powerless to respond to oil and gas companies and their landmen, it shows that communities have adapted their local rules and regulations to meet the novel challenges accompanying unconventional gas extraction through fracking. The multidisciplinary perspectives of this volume's essays tie together insights from planners, legal scholars, political scientists, and economists. What emerges is a more nuanced perspective of shale gas development and its impacts on municipalities and residents. Unlike many political debates that cast fracking in black-and-white terms, this book's contributors embrace the complexity of local responses to fracking. States adapted legal institutions to meet the new challenges posed by this energy extraction process while under-resourced municipal officials and local planning offices found creative ways to alleviate pressure on local infrastructure and reduce harmful effects of fracking on the environment. The essays in When Fracking Comes to Town tell a story of community resilience with the rise and decline of shale gas production. Contributors: Ennio Piano, Ann M. Eisenberg, Pamela A. Mischen, Joseph T. Palka, Jr., Adelyn Hall, Carla Chifos, Teresa Córdova, Rebecca Matsco, Anna C. Osland, Carolyn G. Loh, Gavin Roberts, Sandeep Kumar Rangaraju, Frederick Tannery, Larry McCarthy, Erik R. Pages, Mark C. White, Martin Romitti, Nicholas G. McClure, Ion Simonides, Jeremy G. Weber, Max Harleman, Heidi Gorovitz Robertson

Wild: Aesthetics of the Dangerous and Endangered

In this interdisciplinary work, philosophers from different specialisms connect with the notion of the wild today and interrogate how it is mediated through the culture of the Anthropocene. They make use of empirical material like specific artworks, films and other cultural works related to the term 'wild' to consider the aesthetic experience of nature, focusing on the untamed, the boundless, the unwieldy, or the unpredictable; in other words, aspects of nature that are mediated by culture. This book maps out the wide range of ways in which we experience the wildness of nature aesthetically, relating both to immediate experience as well as to experience mediated through cultural expression. A variety of subjects are relevant in this context, including aesthetics, art history, theology, human geography, film studies, and architecture. A theme that is pursued throughout the book is the wild in connection with ecology and its experience of nature as both a constructive and destructive force.

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