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100 Ways to Take Better Nature & Wildlife Photographs

by Guy Edwardes

This guide is suitable for all levels of photographers. 100 Ways to Take Better Nature and Wildlife Photographs features 100 practical and inspiring tips on every aspect of the genre. Guy Edwardes' breath-taking pictures accompany his eas-to-follow advice on a wide range of subjects from capturing the actions of large mammals to snapping wild birds and flowers in the garden.With tips on everything from technique to composition, coping with extreme field conditions to Photoshop software manipulation, this is an invaluable guide for anyone with a passion for photography of the natural world.

100 Plants to Feed the Monarch: Create a Healthy Habitat to Sustain North America's Most Beloved Butterfly

by The Xerces Society

This practical, inspiring guide shows how individuals can help support the endangered North American monarch butterfly, with information on creating monarch-friendly landscapes using plants that feed and sustain the butterfly through the different stages of its life.

100 Plants to Feed the Bees: Provide a Healthy Habitat to Help Pollinators Thrive

by The Xerces Society

In an at-a-glance, photo-driven format, 100 Plants to Feed the Bees presents 100 nectar- and pollen-rich plants that home gardeners can cultivate to create a more bee-friendly world.

100 Plants That Won't Die in Your Garden

by Geoff Tibballs

Stocking a garden with plants can be an expensive business, so there are few things more frustrating than when the prized specimen for which you have paid a king's ransom either online or at a garden centre shrivels up and dies within a year or so of purchase. If you can prove that the plant was half-dead when it arrived, you may able to obtain a refund from some online retailers, but for the most part you have to put it down to experience and make a firm mental note not to buy fussy plants in future.The problem is that many websites and catalogues claim that everything they stock is easy to grow. Herbaceous perennials are a particular minefield. Too often you are told that a certain plant 'will come back year after year' without fail when in reality it is either so tender that the only chance of it surviving an average British winter is in a greenhouse or it is a short-lived perennial that is unlikely to flourish beyond two years anyway - and even then only if the local slugs and snails are on a diet. This book cuts through the horticultural sales pitches by listing 100 plants which, for little care beyond the essential watering at planting time, can reliably be expected to thrive in just about any garden. These plants are all but indestructible - pests give them a wide berth, they will prosper in any reasonable garden soil and will withstand anything that the UK climate throws at them. Divided into sections for shrubs, conifers, climbers, perennials, grasses, annuals, alpines and bulbs and with each entry having a Value For Money (VFM) rating out of 10, this easy-to-use guide will prove invaluable not only for the new gardener but also for old hands who are fed up with wasting time and money on plants that all too rapidly lose the will to live. With these suggestions, you can be assured of year-round colour and interest in your garden for the minimum of effort.

100 Nature Walks

by National Trust National Trust Books

A glorious celebration of nature and the simple pleasures of walking.

100 Key Concepts in Environmental Psychology

by Dorothée Marchand

This accessible book defines 100 key concepts, ideas and processes in Environmental Psychology to provide an introductory reference work that brings together research and theory in a bite-size format. With contributions from leading figures within Environmental Psychology, each concept is clearly defined and explained within the context of issues around the environment, sustainability, climate change, nature and architecture. This book considers the involvement of psychological, physiological and social processes to understand the mechanisms that explain and contribute to the evolution of behavior and attitudes that relate to our relationship with the environment. Concepts covered include biodiversity, eco-anxiety, place identity, sustainable behaviour, climate justice and environmental attitudes. By integrating ideas from different disciplinary orientations in the field of Environmental Psychology, this book allows for a better understanding of the processes related to the individual-environment relationship, as well as the applications that they allow for in various fields of intervention. This is essential reading for students and researchers in Environmental Psychology, Sustainability Studies, Architecture and Built Environment Studies and related fields.

100 Key Concepts in Environmental Psychology

This accessible book defines 100 key concepts, ideas and processes in Environmental Psychology to provide an introductory reference work that brings together research and theory in a bite-size format. With contributions from leading figures within Environmental Psychology, each concept is clearly defined and explained within the context of issues around the environment, sustainability, climate change, nature and architecture. This book considers the involvement of psychological, physiological and social processes to understand the mechanisms that explain and contribute to the evolution of behavior and attitudes that relate to our relationship with the environment. Concepts covered include biodiversity, eco-anxiety, place identity, sustainable behaviour, climate justice and environmental attitudes. By integrating ideas from different disciplinary orientations in the field of Environmental Psychology, this book allows for a better understanding of the processes related to the individual-environment relationship, as well as the applications that they allow for in various fields of intervention. This is essential reading for students and researchers in Environmental Psychology, Sustainability Studies, Architecture and Built Environment Studies and related fields.

The 100 Greatest Climbing and Mountaineering Books

by Jon Barton

Here is a list. It contains 100 climbing and mountaineering books. Some are brilliant; some are not. Some have won awards; some of them should have. Some of them are only a year or two old; some were written over 100 years ago. One of these books might make your top five; one of them might be the worst climbing book you’ve ever read – if you even finished it. Most of the big names are here – Harrer, Simpson, McDonald, Roberts, Krakauer, Bonatti, Kirkpatrick, Moffat (and Moffatt) – and some not-so-big names. Have a read, see what you think. And remember: it’s just a list.

100 Great Walks with Kids: Fantastic stomps around Great Britain

by Jen Benson Sim Benson

This book features 100 wonderful walks right across Britain suitable for families with children from 0 upwards, including carrier- and buggy-friendly routes and themes such as mini mountains, walks with paddles, beaches, woodland, wildlife, circumnavigations of lakes, and walks from child-friendly cafes. Starting with a useful and informative introduction with advice on making walks with kids successful and enjoyable (best clothing and equipment, food and drink, the countryside code, and a light-hearted troubleshooting guide for commonly-encountered problems), the book divides the walks themselves by geographical area: - England: south-west, south-east, central north-west, north-east- Wales: south, central, north- Scotland: borders and south,central, north and islands Symbols will indicate easy parking, toilets, child-friendly cafes, baby changing, dog-friendliness and buggy suitability. QR codes by each walk will link to free online OS maps for those routes, so readers can read the walk description and get the map up on their phone, then choose to bring the book with them or not. Each route is graded according to its relative difficulty but all will be short to moderate in length, and very achievable for anyone with a good level of fitness. As well as being themed, each walk will include other points of interest along the way to keep the children engaged and encourage the idea that spending time outdoors is enjoyable and fun. Illustrated throughout with the authors' photography showcasing the beauty of Britain, this will be an attractive and inspiring guidebook for all families wanting to make the most of the great outdoors.

100 Great Walks with Kids: Fantastic stomps around Great Britain

by Jen Benson Sim Benson

This book features 100 wonderful walks right across Britain suitable for families with children from 0 upwards, including carrier- and buggy-friendly routes and themes such as mini mountains, walks with paddles, beaches, woodland, wildlife, circumnavigations of lakes, and walks from child-friendly cafes. Starting with a useful and informative introduction with advice on making walks with kids successful and enjoyable (best clothing and equipment, food and drink, the countryside code, and a light-hearted troubleshooting guide for commonly-encountered problems), the book divides the walks themselves by geographical area: - England: south-west, south-east, central north-west, north-east- Wales: south, central, north- Scotland: borders and south,central, north and islandsEach route is graded according to its relative difficulty but all will be short to moderate in length, and very achievable for anyone with a good level of fitness and symbols will indicate hazards, refreshments, toilets, dog-friendliness and buggy suitability. As well as being themed, each walk will include other points of interest along the way to keep the children engaged and encourage the idea that spending time outdoors is enjoyable and fun. Illustrated throughout with the authors' photography showcasing the beauty of Britain, this will be an attractive and inspiring guidebook for all families wanting to make the most of the great outdoors.

100 Classic Coastal Walks in Scotland

by Andrew Dempster

Scotland and its islands encompass more than 10,000 miles of breathtaking coastline. The 100 routes outlined by Andrew Dempster take in the quaint fishing ports, long sun-bleached strands and vast golf links of the east coast; the grand Gothic cliffs, natural arches and storm-tossed seastacks that comprise much of the fractured edge of the Atlantic; the kaleidoscopic wildflower carpet of the Western Isles machair; the romantic castles and Clearance settlements of Skye; and myriad idyllic secluded beaches and breathtaking clifftop vantage points.This unique guide covers the whole spectrum, from short hour-long beach strolls to serious full-day hikes that require mountain gear and total commitment.Compiled in a user-friendly format and containing maps and illustrations throughout, 100 Classic Coastal Walks in Scotland provides a wealth of walking possibilities for anyone with an interest in outdoor pursuits, with many of the walks also suitable for children.

100 Birds and How They Got Their Names

by Diana Wells

How did cranes come to symbolize matrimonial happiness? Why were magpies the only creatures that would not go inside Noah's Ark? Birds and bird imagery are integral parts of our language and culture. With her remarkable ability to dig up curious and captivating facts, Diana Wells hatches a treat for active birders and armchair enthusiasts alike. Meet the intrepid adventurers and naturalists who risked their lives to describe and name new birds. Learn the mythical stories of the gods and goddess associated with bird names. Explore the avian emblems used by our greatest writers--from Coleridge's albatross in "The Ancient Mariner" to Poe's raven. A sampling of the bird lore you'll find inside: Benjamin Franklin didn't want the bald eagle on our National Seal because of its "bad moral character," (it steals from other birds); he lobbied for the turkey instead. Chaffinches, whose Latin name means "unmarried," are called "bachelor birds" because they congregate in flocks of one gender. Since mockingbirds mimic speech, some Native American tribes fed mockingbird hearts to their children, believing it helped them learn language. A group of starlings is called a murmuration because they chatter so when they roost in the thousands. Organized alphabetically, each of these bird tales is accompanied by a two-color line drawing. Dip into 100 Birds and you'll never look at a sparrow, an ostrich, or a wren in quite the same way.

10 Short Lessons in Renewable Energy

by Stephen Peake

'[An] impressively comprehensive, concise introduction to the biggest challenge facing us all – how to get our act together to keep our only planet habitable, for ourselves, our descendants and the living nature we depend on.' Walt Patterson____________‘"Energy" might be a short word, but it's a very big subject, and indeed one of the most important facing our world today. Understanding the ins and outs of how we make the transition to clean energy is a vital modern competence. Stephen Peake provides a top briefing. Informative, accessible and comprehensive, it is a must read for anyone interested in the future of our planet.’ Tony Juniper CBE____________‘The author says it all in his introduction: "Renewable energy powered our lives long before fossil fuels and will do so long after." As successive nations and corporations commit to net zero, the idea of getting our useful work done using clean non-depleting resources is of paramount importance. This witty, wide-ranging yet succinct guide provides a whistle-stop tour of the principal renewable energy technologies and places them elegantly in the contemporary economic, social and political context.’ Jonathan Scurlock, Chief Adviser, Renewable Energy and Climate Change at the National Farmers’ Union–––––––––––––Professor Stephen Peake takes us on a guided tour of the ten most essential aspects of this timely and fast-moving science, examining the transition from fossil fuels to clean energy that lies at the heart of a brighter climate future.Renewable energy is central to managing climate change and our transition to a sustainable energy supply for the 10 billion of us who will populate the earth by 2050. But how will we cope without fossil fuels to heat, cool and light our buildings, power our industry and run our transport systems? And are some renewables better than others? 10 Short Lessons in Renewable Energy distils the key issues of this timely subject, examining how we can harness the power of a range of groundbreaking energy technologies most effectively to achieve a sustainable energy future.About the series: The Pocket Einstein series is a collection of essential pocket-sized guides for anyone looking to understand a little more about some of the most important and fascinating areas of science in the twenty-first century. Broken down into ten simple lessons and written by leading experts in their field, discover the ten most important takeaways from those areas of science you’ve always wanted to know more about.

عمدة الطبيب في معرفة النبات

by يحيى مراد

دراسة التراث وتاريخ العلوم عند العرب والمسلمين، أمر لابدّ منه في مرحلة التحوّل التي تمر بها الأمة العربية. ذلك لأن اطلاع أبنائها على المنجزات العلمية التي حققها الأجداد في الماضي، لابدّ أن يكون باعثاً على الثقة في النفوس، وحافزاً لحث الخطى في طريق التقدم العلمي والتقني الذي نسعى لتحقيقه.‏ ومن واجب التراث علينا أن نتصدى بأنفسنا لكشف مكنوناته، ونشر روائعه، وإلقاء الضوء على مدى مساهمته في إغناء المعرفة والعلم خلال قرون عديدة، بعد أن ظل هذا العمل مقتصراً على المستشرقين الذين ينتمون إلى أمم مختلفة.‏ وفي مكتباتنا العربية العامة والخاصة كثير من المخطوطات القيّمة، والكتب النافعة التي لم تدرس حتى الآن، ولاسيّما في موضوع الطب والصيدلة وعلم النبات والتي كان لها سماتها، فأدت دوراً كبيراً في إثراء العلوم وبث روح الحياة. حيث كان يلتقي النبات والدواء في مسيرة واحدة لتأمين الغذاء النافع والدواء الناجع.‏ لقد توافرت للعرب ثروة معرفيّة ولغويّة هائلة حين انصرفوا إلى الطبيعة، كغيرهم من الأمم التي سبقتهم، فوجدوا أن الأرض تزخر بالخيرات، من شجر وعشب وبقل وتابل وغذاء، فانصرفوا إلى "علم الفلاحة" ودراسة النباتات. وألّفوا في ذلك كتباً كثيرة لها أهميتها في ميادين علوم النبات والصيدلة والطب وغيرها.‏ وكانت عنايتهم بأصناف النبات نابعة من حاجتهم إلى الغذاء والدواء معاً. وإلى التطيب بالعطور، وصناعة الصباغة والدباغة، وتركيب المواد الصيدلانية من جذور وقشور وثمار وبذور وأعشاب نباتات مختلفة.‏ وهكذا أصبحت المعاجم العربية، والمؤلفات العلمية، غنية بكم وافر من الأسماء والمصطلحات النباتية، وضمَّت معارف العرب المسلمين القدماء في علمي الطب والنبات. فكانت مصدراً لمن ألف وكتب في المفردات النباتية والغذائية والدوائية. وهي كثيرة العدد نذكر منها: "كتاب النبات" لأبي حنيفة الدينوري(1) ت 282هـ-895م)، وكان من أكثر المعاجم جمعاً للمادة، وأعظمها أثراً في معاجم النبات التي ألفت فيما بعد.‏

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