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Versuch über den Sinn des Lebens

by Richard Raatzsch

Die Frage nach dem Sinn des Lebens sieht aus wie eine ganz normale Frage, nur ihr Gegenstand scheint von besonderer Wichtigkeit zu sein. Die Wichtigkeit scheint so groß zu sein, die Bedeutung der Frage so tief, dass sie leicht als die eigentliche Frage erscheint. Diese Auffassung ist extrem, und sie trifft sich deshalb mit der Vermutung, dass die Frage nach dem Sinn des Lebens vielleicht gar keine Frage ist. Nur dass es, wenn etwas mit der Frage als solcher nicht stimmt, dann wiederum so aussieht, als ginge mit ihrer Natur als Frage auch das Wichtige an ihr verloren. – Die vorliegende Betrachtung versucht, ausgehend von der Wichtigkeit dessen, worum es in der Frage zu gehen scheint, näher zu bestimmen, in welchem Sinn es sich hier wirklich um eine Frage handelt, und damit auch, in welchem Sinn es hier gerade nicht um eine Frage geht. Die nähere Bestimmung der Natur der Frage entfaltet sich dabei entlang einer Betrachtung verschiedener Antworten, oder eben vermeintlicher Antworten, auf die Frage nach dem Sinn des Lebens. Wenn diese Betrachtung die Natur der Frage tatsächlich erfasst, dann liegt der Nutzen einer Suche nach einer Antwort weder in der Antwort selber, noch in der Suche nach ihr, sondern in der Klarheit, die sich im Verlauf der Suche einstellt.

Versions of Academic Freedom: From Professionalism to Revolution (The Rice University Campbell Lectures)

by Stanley Fish

Through his columns in the New York Times and his numerous best-selling books, Stanley Fish has established himself as our foremost public analyst of the fraught intersection of academia and politics. Here Fish for the first time turns his full attention to one of the core concepts of the contemporary academy: academic freedom. Depending on who’s talking, academic freedom is an essential bulwark of democracy, an absurd fig leaf disguising liberal agendas, or, most often, some in-between muddle that both exaggerates its own importance and misunderstands its actual value to scholarship. Fish enters the fray with his typical clear-eyed, no-nonsense analysis. The crucial question, he says, is located in the phrase “academic freedom” itself: Do you emphasize “academic” or “freedom”? The former, he shows, suggests a limited, professional freedom, while the conception of freedom implied by the latter could expand almost infinitely. Guided by that distinction, Fish analyzes various arguments for the value of academic freedom: Is academic freedom a contribution to society's common good? Does it authorize professors to critique the status quo, both inside and outside the university? Does it license and even require the overturning of all received ideas and policies? Is it an engine of revolution? Are academics inherently different from other professionals? Or is academia just a job, and academic freedom merely a tool for doing that job? No reader of Fish will be surprised by the deftness with which he dismantles weak arguments, corrects misconceptions, and clarifies muddy arguments. And while his conclusion—that academic freedom is simply a tool, an essential one, for doing a job—may surprise, it is unquestionably bracing. Stripping away the mystifications that obscure academic freedom allows its beneficiaries to concentrate on what they should be doing: following their intellectual interests and furthering scholarship.

Versions of Academic Freedom: From Professionalism to Revolution (The Rice University Campbell Lectures)

by Stanley Fish

Through his columns in the New York Times and his numerous best-selling books, Stanley Fish has established himself as our foremost public analyst of the fraught intersection of academia and politics. Here Fish for the first time turns his full attention to one of the core concepts of the contemporary academy: academic freedom. Depending on who’s talking, academic freedom is an essential bulwark of democracy, an absurd fig leaf disguising liberal agendas, or, most often, some in-between muddle that both exaggerates its own importance and misunderstands its actual value to scholarship. Fish enters the fray with his typical clear-eyed, no-nonsense analysis. The crucial question, he says, is located in the phrase “academic freedom” itself: Do you emphasize “academic” or “freedom”? The former, he shows, suggests a limited, professional freedom, while the conception of freedom implied by the latter could expand almost infinitely. Guided by that distinction, Fish analyzes various arguments for the value of academic freedom: Is academic freedom a contribution to society's common good? Does it authorize professors to critique the status quo, both inside and outside the university? Does it license and even require the overturning of all received ideas and policies? Is it an engine of revolution? Are academics inherently different from other professionals? Or is academia just a job, and academic freedom merely a tool for doing that job? No reader of Fish will be surprised by the deftness with which he dismantles weak arguments, corrects misconceptions, and clarifies muddy arguments. And while his conclusion—that academic freedom is simply a tool, an essential one, for doing a job—may surprise, it is unquestionably bracing. Stripping away the mystifications that obscure academic freedom allows its beneficiaries to concentrate on what they should be doing: following their intellectual interests and furthering scholarship.

Versions of Academic Freedom: From Professionalism to Revolution (The Rice University Campbell Lectures)

by Stanley Fish

Through his columns in the New York Times and his numerous best-selling books, Stanley Fish has established himself as our foremost public analyst of the fraught intersection of academia and politics. Here Fish for the first time turns his full attention to one of the core concepts of the contemporary academy: academic freedom. Depending on who’s talking, academic freedom is an essential bulwark of democracy, an absurd fig leaf disguising liberal agendas, or, most often, some in-between muddle that both exaggerates its own importance and misunderstands its actual value to scholarship. Fish enters the fray with his typical clear-eyed, no-nonsense analysis. The crucial question, he says, is located in the phrase “academic freedom” itself: Do you emphasize “academic” or “freedom”? The former, he shows, suggests a limited, professional freedom, while the conception of freedom implied by the latter could expand almost infinitely. Guided by that distinction, Fish analyzes various arguments for the value of academic freedom: Is academic freedom a contribution to society's common good? Does it authorize professors to critique the status quo, both inside and outside the university? Does it license and even require the overturning of all received ideas and policies? Is it an engine of revolution? Are academics inherently different from other professionals? Or is academia just a job, and academic freedom merely a tool for doing that job? No reader of Fish will be surprised by the deftness with which he dismantles weak arguments, corrects misconceptions, and clarifies muddy arguments. And while his conclusion—that academic freedom is simply a tool, an essential one, for doing a job—may surprise, it is unquestionably bracing. Stripping away the mystifications that obscure academic freedom allows its beneficiaries to concentrate on what they should be doing: following their intellectual interests and furthering scholarship.

Versions of Academic Freedom: From Professionalism to Revolution (The Rice University Campbell Lectures)

by Stanley Fish

Through his columns in the New York Times and his numerous best-selling books, Stanley Fish has established himself as our foremost public analyst of the fraught intersection of academia and politics. Here Fish for the first time turns his full attention to one of the core concepts of the contemporary academy: academic freedom. Depending on who’s talking, academic freedom is an essential bulwark of democracy, an absurd fig leaf disguising liberal agendas, or, most often, some in-between muddle that both exaggerates its own importance and misunderstands its actual value to scholarship. Fish enters the fray with his typical clear-eyed, no-nonsense analysis. The crucial question, he says, is located in the phrase “academic freedom” itself: Do you emphasize “academic” or “freedom”? The former, he shows, suggests a limited, professional freedom, while the conception of freedom implied by the latter could expand almost infinitely. Guided by that distinction, Fish analyzes various arguments for the value of academic freedom: Is academic freedom a contribution to society's common good? Does it authorize professors to critique the status quo, both inside and outside the university? Does it license and even require the overturning of all received ideas and policies? Is it an engine of revolution? Are academics inherently different from other professionals? Or is academia just a job, and academic freedom merely a tool for doing that job? No reader of Fish will be surprised by the deftness with which he dismantles weak arguments, corrects misconceptions, and clarifies muddy arguments. And while his conclusion—that academic freedom is simply a tool, an essential one, for doing a job—may surprise, it is unquestionably bracing. Stripping away the mystifications that obscure academic freedom allows its beneficiaries to concentrate on what they should be doing: following their intellectual interests and furthering scholarship.

Verschwörungstheorien: Eine philosophische Kritik der Unvernunft (Edition Moderne Postmoderne)

by Karl Hepfer

Ob Mondlandung, Illuminati und 9/11, ob Bielefeld-Verschwörung oder Kennedy-Attentat - wie funktionieren Verschwörungstheorien? Karl Hepfer legt mit seiner Analyse die Strukturmerkmale des Verschwörungsdenkens frei. Mit den Mitteln der Erkenntnistheorie und anhand zahlreicher Beispiele erhellt er, was Verschwörungstheorien von unseren »normalen« Theorien unterscheidet und wie es ihnen oft meisterhaft gelingt, alle unsere Filter für unsinnige Erklärungen zu umgehen. Die Neuauflage wurde um eine Analyse der Corona-Verschwörung erweitert und zeigt, warum Verschwörungstheorien insgesamt gerade im Kontext der Covid-19-Pandemie hoch im Kurs stehen. Sie schärft zugleich den Blick für Argumentationsformen, die uns im Alltag auch an vielen anderen Stellen begegnen.

The Versailles Settlement: Peacemaking after the First World War, 1919-1923 (The Making of the Twentieth Century)

by Alan Sharp

The third edition of this acclaimed textbook on peace-making after the First World War advances that the responsibility for the outbreak of a new, even more ruinous, war in 1939 cannot be ascribed entirely to the planet’s most powerful men and their meeting in Paris in January 1919 to reassemble a shattered world. Giving a concise overview of the problems and pressures these key figures were facing, Alan Sharp provides a coherent introduction to a highly complex and multi-dimensional topic. This is an ideal resource for undergraduate and postgraduate students taking modules on the Versailles Settlement, European and International History, Modern History, Interwar Europe, The Great War, Twentieth Century Europe, German History, or Diplomatic History, on either History courses or International Relations/Politics courses.

The Versailles Settlement: Peacemaking after the First World War, 1919-1923 (The Making of the Twentieth Century)

by Alan Sharp

The third edition of this acclaimed textbook on peace-making after the First World War advances that the responsibility for the outbreak of a new, even more ruinous, war in 1939 cannot be ascribed entirely to the planet's most powerful men and their meeting in Paris in January 1919 to reassemble a shattered world. Giving a concise overview of the problems and pressures these key figures were facing, Alan Sharp provides a coherent introduction to a highly complex and multi-dimensional topic.This is an ideal resource for undergraduate and postgraduate students taking modules on the Versailles Settlement, European and International History, Modern History, Interwar Europe, The Great War, 20th Century Europe, German History, or Diplomatic History, on either history courses or international relations/politics courses.

Veronica Mars and Philosophy: Investigating the Mysteries of Life (Which is a Bitch Until You Die) (The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series)

by William Irwin

Veronica Mars is a kick-ass private investigator, smart and street-wise. But what can her character tell us about larger life issues, such as knowledge and skepticism, trust and friendship, revenge, race, gender, and feminism? What makes her tick? And why is Logan such a sarcastic bad boy, anyway? Veronica Mars and Philosophy features a thought-provoking collection of essays centered on philosophical issues brought forth in Veronica Mars, the critically acclaimed neo-noir detective series set in the fictional town of Neptune, California. Fans and newcomers alike will gain unique insights into the philosophical make-up of a hit show that tackled both crime and some of the larger mysteries of life. Introduces significant philosophical concepts that arise in the cult TV show, Veronica Mars Tackles topics relevant to contemporary youth culture, including trust and friendship, revenge, knowledge and skepticism, race, class, gender, and feminism Offers insights into darker themes explored in the series, which is noted for the complexity and intricate plotting of its storylines Delves deeply into the psychology of Veronica Mars during her transition from high school to college Written for fans of the television show, philosophy students or readers interested in popular culture Timed for release with the highly anticipated Veronica Mars feature film

Veronica Mars and Philosophy: Investigating the Mysteries of Life (Which is a Bitch Until You Die) (The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series)

by William Irwin

Veronica Mars is a kick-ass private investigator, smart and street-wise. But what can her character tell us about larger life issues, such as knowledge and skepticism, trust and friendship, revenge, race, gender, and feminism? What makes her tick? And why is Logan such a sarcastic bad boy, anyway? Veronica Mars and Philosophy features a thought-provoking collection of essays centered on philosophical issues brought forth in Veronica Mars, the critically acclaimed neo-noir detective series set in the fictional town of Neptune, California. Fans and newcomers alike will gain unique insights into the philosophical make-up of a hit show that tackled both crime and some of the larger mysteries of life. Introduces significant philosophical concepts that arise in the cult TV show, Veronica Mars Tackles topics relevant to contemporary youth culture, including trust and friendship, revenge, knowledge and skepticism, race, class, gender, and feminism Offers insights into darker themes explored in the series, which is noted for the complexity and intricate plotting of its storylines Delves deeply into the psychology of Veronica Mars during her transition from high school to college Written for fans of the television show, philosophy students or readers interested in popular culture Timed for release with the highly anticipated Veronica Mars feature film

Vernunft, Wissen, Glaube: Wege zu einem neuen Verständnis Immanuel Kants (Colloquium Metaphysicum)

by Norbert Hinske

Für das Verständnis der Philosophie Immanuel Kants eröffnen sich neue Einsichten, wenn man neben den Druckschriften auch Kants Vorlesungen beizieht. Im vorliegenden Band werden unter dieser Maßgabe zentrale Aspekte der Kantischen Philosophie – Metaphysik, Logik, Anthropologie sowie Moral-, Rechts- und Religionsphilosophie – beleuchtet und neu gedeutet. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die Frage nach den Grenzen des Wissens, wie Kant sie in seiner Transzendentalphilosophie beschrieben hat, und dem durch diese Grenzbestimmung eröffneten Freiraum des Glaubens. Diese Einhegung der theoretischen Philosophie hat weitreichende Folgen für die Anthropologie. Der Mensch ist frei, die obersten Maximen seines Handelns – seine Gesinnung – zu bestimmen. Dafür trägt er Verantwortung. Welche Wirkung eine Entscheidung zeitigt, bleibt ihm verborgen. Kants Beharren auf der Unerkennbarkeit der ‚Dinge an sich‘ gewinnt hier seinen vollen anthropologischen Ernst.

Vernon Lee: Decadence, Ethics, Aesthetics (Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture)

by Patricia Pulham Catherine Maxwell

This, the first collection of essays on the aesthete and intellectual Vernon Lee, offers a wide range of critical writings by scholars. Key works are examined including Euphorion, Hauntings: Fantastic Stories and Music and Its Lovers . New light is shed on Lee's relationships with contemporaries such as Lee-Hamilton, Pater and Wilde.

Vernaculars in the Classroom: Paradoxes, Pedagogy, Possibilities (Routledge Research in Education)

by Shondel Nero Dohra Ahmad

This book draws on applied linguistics and literary studies to offer concrete means of engaging with vernacular language and literature in secondary and college classrooms. The authors embrace a language-as-resource orientation, countering the popular narrative of vernaculars as problems in schools. The book is divided into two parts, with the first half of the book providing linguistic and pedagogical background, and the second half offering literary case studies for teaching. Part I examines the historical and continued devaluing of vernaculars in schools, incorporating clear, usable explanations of relevant theories. This section also outlines the central myths and paradoxes surrounding vernacular languages and literatures, includes productive ways for teachers to address those myths and paradoxes, and explores challenges and possibilities for vernacular language pedagogy. In Part II, the authors provide pedagogical case studies using literary texts written in vernacular Englishes from around the world. Each chapter examines a vernacular-related topic, and concludes with discussion questions and writing assignments; an appendix contains the poems and short stories discussed, and other teaching resources. The book provides a model of interdisciplinary inquiry that can be beneficial to scholars and practitioners in composition, literature, and applied linguistics, as well as students of all linguistic backgrounds.

Vernaculars in the Classroom: Paradoxes, Pedagogy, Possibilities (Routledge Research in Education)

by Shondel Nero Dohra Ahmad

This book draws on applied linguistics and literary studies to offer concrete means of engaging with vernacular language and literature in secondary and college classrooms. The authors embrace a language-as-resource orientation, countering the popular narrative of vernaculars as problems in schools. The book is divided into two parts, with the first half of the book providing linguistic and pedagogical background, and the second half offering literary case studies for teaching. Part I examines the historical and continued devaluing of vernaculars in schools, incorporating clear, usable explanations of relevant theories. This section also outlines the central myths and paradoxes surrounding vernacular languages and literatures, includes productive ways for teachers to address those myths and paradoxes, and explores challenges and possibilities for vernacular language pedagogy. In Part II, the authors provide pedagogical case studies using literary texts written in vernacular Englishes from around the world. Each chapter examines a vernacular-related topic, and concludes with discussion questions and writing assignments; an appendix contains the poems and short stories discussed, and other teaching resources. The book provides a model of interdisciplinary inquiry that can be beneficial to scholars and practitioners in composition, literature, and applied linguistics, as well as students of all linguistic backgrounds.

Vermögen und Möglichkeit: Die Lehre des Aristoteles und die Debatte in der analytischen Philosophie

by Ursula Wolf

Während die griechische Philosophie lange auf das Notwendige als Basis sicherer Erkenntnis fokussiert war, spielen in der Metaphysik des Aristoteles der Begriff des Vermögens und der Möglichkeit eine zentrale Rolle. Der erste Teil des Buchs erläutert die Hintergründe dieser Neuerung und das Zusammenspiel der Begriffe von Vermögen, Möglichkeit und Notwendigkeit bei Aristoteles. Heute hat die Thematik sich weit verzweigt. So gibt es Untersuchungen über epistemische, logische, kausale Möglichkeit und Notwendigkeit sowie über Dispositionen, Fähigkeiten und das Kann der Handlungsfreiheit, wobei diese Forschungen unverbunden nebeneinander stehen. Vor dem Hintergrund der komplexen aristotelischen Theorie wird daher im zweiten Teil des Buchs versucht, die wichtigsten Teilbedeutungen nicht nur als solche zu klären, sondern auch einen systematischen Zusammenhang zwischen ihnen herauszuarbeiten.

Vermin, Victims and Disease: British Debates over Bovine Tuberculosis and Badgers

by Angela Cassidy

This open access book provides the first critical history of the controversy over whether to cull wild badgers to control the spread of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) in British cattle. This question has plagued several professional generations of politicians, policymakers, experts and campaigners since the early 1970s. Questions of what is known, who knows, who cares, who to trust and what to do about this complex problem have been the source of scientific, policy, and increasingly vociferous public debate ever since. This book integrates contemporary history, science and technology studies, human-animal relations, and policy research to conduct a cross-cutting analysis. It explores the worldviews of those involved with animal health, disease ecology and badger protection between the 1970s and 1990s, before reintegrating them to investigate the recent public polarisation of the controversy. Finally it asks how we might move beyond the current impasse.

Vermessen des beruflichen Wissens: Welches Wissen ist das Fundament des beruflichen Könnens?

by Felix Rauner Martin Ahrens

Wir zeigen in diesem Buch die Ablösung der am wissenschaftlichen Wissen orientierten fachsystematisch strukturierten akademischen und beruflichen Bildung durch das berufliche Handlungswissen. Dieses Arbeitsprozesswissen ist die Grundlage für die Aneignung der in der Arbeitswelt an Bedeutung zunehmenden Gestaltungskompetenz beruflicher Fachkräfte.Es wird ein modernes, berufspädagogisch begründetes Wissenskonzept entfaltet und dokumentiert. Im ersten Teil des Buches wird das Konzept des beruflichen Wissens entfaltet, im zweiten Teil werden empirische Ergebnisse aus COMET-Projekten dokumentiert, an denen das in unterschiedlichen Berufen vermittelte berufliche Wissen abgelesen werden kann.Es gibt seit Jahrzehnten eine verwirrende Diskussion über das berufliche Wissen. Die KMK hat 1991 mit der Leitidee der beruflichen Gestaltungskompetenz ein neues Konzept für die berufliche Bildung vereinbart. Offen blieb, auf welchem beruflichen Wissen diese neue Leitidee basieren solle. Es fehlte bisher eine originäre berufspädagogische Begründung für das der beruflichen Gestaltungskompetenz zugrunde liegende berufliche Wissen.

Verlorene Wirklichkeiten: Über die ungewollte Erosion unseres Denkraumes durch Naturwissenschaft und Technik

by Gerhard Fasching

Im naturwissenschaftlichen Sinn zu wissen heißt immer, mit einer bestimmten Methode Phänomene sichtbar zu machen. Methoden sind aber nichts absolut Vorgegebenes: Andere Methoden greifen anderes auf, und das ursprüngliche Bild wandelt sich. Das Buch rührt also an ein Tabu: an das Selbstverständnis von Naturwissenschaft und Technik. Man hält das Bild, das die Naturwissenschaft zeichnet, gerne für die absolut richtige Sicht und merkt gar nicht, dass es bloß eine verabsolutierte Sicht ist.

Verkörperungen: (Post-)Phänomenologische Untersuchungen zwischen erziehungswissenschaftlicher Theorie und leiblichen Praxen in pädagogischen Feldern (Phänomenologische Erziehungswissenschaft #9)

by Malte Brinkmann

In dem Buch werden praxeologische, poststrukturalistische, hermeneutische, ethnographische und videographische Erkundungen im (post-)phänomenologischen Feld der Pädagogik vorgestellt. Aus sozial-, allgemein-, früh-, heil- und grundschulpädagogischer Perspektive werden Studien zu individuellen, gemeinschaftlichen, habituellen, kommunikativen und stimmungsbezogenen Momenten der Verkörperung präsentiert.

Verknüpfte Welten: Notizen aus 235 Ländern und Territorien – Band 1 (1960-1999)

by Ludger Kühnhardt

Die Aufzeichnungen, die Ludger Kühnhardt in 235 Ländern und Territorien der Erde verfasst hat, lassen ein faszinierendes Panorama entstehen, gespiegelt in persönlichen Eindrücken, Begegnungen und Erfahrungen eines in aller Welt tätigen Politikwissenschaftlers und Publizisten. Das Buch rekonstruiert die Verknüpfungen zwischen den Transformationen Europas und dem entstehenden globalen Zeitalter während sechs Jahrzehnten ab 1960 bis zur Schwelle der post-Corona-Welt 2020.

Verknüpfte Welten: Notizen aus 235 Ländern und Territorien – Band 2 (2000-2020)

by Ludger Kühnhardt

Die Aufzeichnungen, die Ludger Kühnhardt in 235 Ländern und Territorien der Erde verfasst hat, lassen ein faszinierendes Panorama entstehen, gespiegelt in persönlichen Eindrücken, Begegnungen und Erfahrungen eines in aller Welt tätigen Politikwissenschaftlers und Publizisten. Das Buch rekonstruiert die Verknüpfungen zwischen den Transformationen Europas und dem entstehenden globalen Zeitalter während sechs Jahrzehnten ab 1960 bis zur Schwelle der post-Corona-Welt 2020.

Verified Software. Theories, Tools, and Experiments: 8th International Conference, VSTTE 2016, Toronto, ON, Canada, July 17–18, 2016, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #9971)

by Sandrine Blazy Marsha Chechik

This volume constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Verified Software: Theories, Tools and Experiments, VSTTE 2016, held in July 2016 in Toronto, ON, Canada. The 8 full papers together with 4 short papers and 5 invited papers presented were carefully revised and selected 21 submissions. The goal of the VSTTE conference is to advance thestate of the art through the interaction of theory development, tool evolution, and experimental validation.

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