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Showing 61,901 through 61,925 of 62,318 results

The Democratic Theory of Hans-Georg Gadamer

by Darren Walhof

This book examines the distinctive contribution that the writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer make to democratic theory. Walhof argues that Gadamer’s hermeneutical philosophy enlarges our perspective by shifting our view away from individual citizens to what exists between citizens, thereby allowing us to envision political realities that are otherwise hard to see. These realities include the disclosure of truth in democratic politics; achieving common ground in democratic dialogue, even amidst significant disagreement and diversity; the public and political nature of the religious traditions that make claims on and shape citizens; and the solidarities that connect us to each other and enable democratic action. The author argues that bringing these dimensions to awareness enriches our theories of democracy and is particularly crucial in an era of hyper-partisanship, accelerating inequality, and social conflicts involving racial, sexual, and religious identities.

International Schools, Teaching and Governance: An Autoethnography of a Teacher in Conflict

by Carmen Blyth

This book examines how injustice based on social positioning is performed within the context of international schools. Drawing on the lived experiences of an international school teacher, it proposes and explores the notion that teachers, in being constituted and positioned as subordinate within the hierarchy that is the international school, leads to their being wronged on three counts: epistemically for being wrongfully mistrusted; ethically for being wrongfully excluded; and ontologically for being wrongfully positioned as a lesser human being. The book addresses the dearth of research currently available on conflict in international schools and how conflict between teachers and administrators is dealt with in and by such institutions. It will be valuable reading for students and teachers of education and sociology, and those interested in the workings of international schools.

International Schools, Teaching and Governance: An Autoethnography of a Teacher in Conflict

by Carmen Blyth

This book examines how injustice based on social positioning is performed within the context of international schools. Drawing on the lived experiences of an international school teacher, it proposes and explores the notion that teachers, in being constituted and positioned as subordinate within the hierarchy that is the international school, leads to their being wronged on three counts: epistemically for being wrongfully mistrusted; ethically for being wrongfully excluded; and ontologically for being wrongfully positioned as a lesser human being. The book addresses the dearth of research currently available on conflict in international schools and how conflict between teachers and administrators is dealt with in and by such institutions. It will be valuable reading for students and teachers of education and sociology, and those interested in the workings of international schools.

Ethical Exploration in a Multifaith Society

by Catherine Shelley

This book considers the theory and application of ethics for a multifaith society. Much ethics taught in the UK has been dominated by Christian ethics, their relation to secularism and by the Enlightenment’s reaction against theology as a basis for ethical thought. In contrast to these perspectives this book brings secular and theological ethics into dialogue, considering the degree to which secular ethics has common roots with theological perspectives from various traditions. The book assesses the application of ethical and theological principles in today’s multifaith society. Aiming to enhance ethical understanding and awareness across divergent worldviews, identifying at what points divergence does occur, the author examines topics such as reason and ethics in theology, natural law, utilitarianism and deontology and differences of approach to interpreting religious scriptures. The focus on ethical methods is illustrated through topical concerns in religion and ethics, for example sexuality, marriage and education and religion in relation to global ethics and human rights.

Ethical Exploration in a Multifaith Society

by Catherine Shelley

This book considers the theory and application of ethics for a multifaith society. Much ethics taught in the UK has been dominated by Christian ethics, their relation to secularism and by the Enlightenment’s reaction against theology as a basis for ethical thought. In contrast to these perspectives this book brings secular and theological ethics into dialogue, considering the degree to which secular ethics has common roots with theological perspectives from various traditions. The book assesses the application of ethical and theological principles in today’s multifaith society. Aiming to enhance ethical understanding and awareness across divergent worldviews, identifying at what points divergence does occur, the author examines topics such as reason and ethics in theology, natural law, utilitarianism and deontology and differences of approach to interpreting religious scriptures. The focus on ethical methods is illustrated through topical concerns in religion and ethics, for example sexuality, marriage and education and religion in relation to global ethics and human rights.

Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: Working towards Decolonization, Indigeneity and Interculturalism

by Fatima Pirbhai-Illich Shauneen Pete Fran Martin

This book convincingly argues that effective culturally responsive pedagogies require teachers to firstly undertake a critical deconstruction of Self in relation to and with the Other; and secondly, to take into account how power affects the socio-political, cultural and historical contexts in which the education relation takes place. The contributing authors are from a range of diaspora, indigenous, and white mainstream communities, and are united in their desire to challenge the hegemony of Eurocentric education and to create new educational spaces that are more socially and environmentally just. In this venture, the ideal education process is seen to be inherently critical and intercultural, where mainstream and marginalized, colonized and colonizer, indigenous and settler communities work together to decolonize selves, teacher-student relationships, pedagogies, the curriculum and the education system itself. This book will be of great interest and relevance to policy-makers and researchers in the field of education; teacher educators; and pre- and in-service teachers.

Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: Working towards Decolonization, Indigeneity and Interculturalism

by Fatima Pirbhai-Illich Shauneen Pete Fran Martin

This book convincingly argues that effective culturally responsive pedagogies require teachers to firstly undertake a critical deconstruction of Self in relation to and with the Other; and secondly, to take into account how power affects the socio-political, cultural and historical contexts in which the education relation takes place. The contributing authors are from a range of diaspora, indigenous, and white mainstream communities, and are united in their desire to challenge the hegemony of Eurocentric education and to create new educational spaces that are more socially and environmentally just. In this venture, the ideal education process is seen to be inherently critical and intercultural, where mainstream and marginalized, colonized and colonizer, indigenous and settler communities work together to decolonize selves, teacher-student relationships, pedagogies, the curriculum and the education system itself. This book will be of great interest and relevance to policy-makers and researchers in the field of education; teacher educators; and pre- and in-service teachers.

Transforming Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Towards a Socially Just Pedagogy in a Global Context

by Ruksana Osman David J Hornsby

Universities face the prospect of becoming redundant unless the way teaching and learning takes place changes. This book explores the idea of transformation and pedagogy, In particular, it will highlight how universities are transformed through a set of pedagogical interventions and stances that integrate a sense of moral and ethical purpose to learning. Actively integrating cultural pluralism in developing knowledge and understanding aspires to liberate the learner from existing power structures by fostering a desire to challenge and change the social system in which we live and connects the reality around us and its many problems to the knowledge generation process.

Transforming Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Towards a Socially Just Pedagogy in a Global Context

by Ruksana Osman David J Hornsby

Universities face the prospect of becoming redundant unless the way teaching and learning takes place changes. This book explores the idea of transformation and pedagogy, In particular, it will highlight how universities are transformed through a set of pedagogical interventions and stances that integrate a sense of moral and ethical purpose to learning. Actively integrating cultural pluralism in developing knowledge and understanding aspires to liberate the learner from existing power structures by fostering a desire to challenge and change the social system in which we live and connects the reality around us and its many problems to the knowledge generation process.

Was Ludwig von Mises a Conventionalist?: A New Analysis of the Epistemology of the Austrian School of Economics (PDF)

by Alexander Linsbichler

This book presents a concise introduction to the epistemology and methodology of the Austrian School of economics as defended by Ludwig von Mises. The author provides an innovative interpretation of Mises’ arguments in favour of the a priori truth of praxeology, the received view of which contributed to the academic marginalisation of the Austrian School. The study puts forward a unique argument that Mises – perhaps unintentionally – defends a form of conventionalism. Chapters in the book include detailed discussions of individualism, historicism, epistemological positions, and essentialism. The author goes on to discuss Mises’ justification of the fundamental axiom and proposes a conventionalist interpretation. By presenting praxeology as a conventionalist research programme, the author aims to reinvigorate the interaction between the Austrian School, mainstream economics, and the philosophy of science. This comprehensive reconstruction is suitable for economists interested in the history and philosophy of their discipline, as well as for philosophers of science.

Was Ludwig von Mises a Conventionalist?: A New Analysis of the Epistemology of the Austrian School of Economics

by Alexander Linsbichler

This book presents a concise introduction to the epistemology and methodology of the Austrian School of economics as defended by Ludwig von Mises. The author provides an innovative interpretation of Mises’ arguments in favour of the a priori truth of praxeology, the received view of which contributed to the academic marginalisation of the Austrian School. The study puts forward a unique argument that Mises – perhaps unintentionally – defends a form of conventionalism. Chapters in the book include detailed discussions of individualism, historicism, epistemological positions, and essentialism. The author goes on to discuss Mises’ justification of the fundamental axiom and proposes a conventionalist interpretation. By presenting praxeology as a conventionalist research programme, the author aims to reinvigorate the interaction between the Austrian School, mainstream economics, and the philosophy of science. This comprehensive reconstruction is suitable for economists interested in the history and philosophy of their discipline, as well as for philosophers of science.

Student Engagement and Educational Rapport in Higher Education

by Leonie Rowan Peter Grootenboer

This book outlines a range of innovative methods to gather student feedback, and explores the complex relation between student engagement, student satisfaction, and student success. Drawing on results from a set of numerous case-studies carried out at a school of education, the book reports on a range of theoretically-informed teaching innovations, including focus groups, learning analytics data, collegial conversations and insights from student researchers, that have been designed to create respectful, student-centred, and engaging learning environments. In the current climate of ever-increasing pressure on delivering high student satisfaction rates, these results are invaluable for university students and teachers across the globe.With its unique thematic focus on educational rapport and relationship-centred education, the book is an excellent reference point for staff with a commitment to the scholarship of learning and teaching. It will be of great interest to students, practitioners, teachers and policy makers in higher education.

Student Engagement and Educational Rapport in Higher Education

by Leonie Rowan Peter Grootenboer

This book outlines a range of innovative methods to gather student feedback, and explores the complex relation between student engagement, student satisfaction, and student success. Drawing on results from a set of numerous case-studies carried out at a school of education, the book reports on a range of theoretically-informed teaching innovations, including focus groups, learning analytics data, collegial conversations and insights from student researchers, that have been designed to create respectful, student-centred, and engaging learning environments. In the current climate of ever-increasing pressure on delivering high student satisfaction rates, these results are invaluable for university students and teachers across the globe.With its unique thematic focus on educational rapport and relationship-centred education, the book is an excellent reference point for staff with a commitment to the scholarship of learning and teaching. It will be of great interest to students, practitioners, teachers and policy makers in higher education.

US Foreign Policy in the Middle East: The Case for Continuity

by Bledar Prifti

This book provides a comprehensive historical overview of US foreign policy in the Middle East using the theoretical framework of offensive realism and highlighting the role of geography and regional power distribution in guiding foreign policy. It argues that the US has been pursuing the same geostrategic interests from President Truman’s policy of containment to President Obama’s speak softly and carry a big stick policy, and contends that the US-Iran relationship has been largely characterized by continued cooperation due to shared geostrategic interests. The book highlights the continuity in US foreign policy over the last seven decades and offers a prediction for US foreign policy in reaction to current and future global events. As such, it will serve as a reference guide for not only scholars but also policy analysts and practitioners.

US Foreign Policy in the Middle East: The Case for Continuity

by Bledar Prifti

This book provides a comprehensive historical overview of US foreign policy in the Middle East using the theoretical framework of offensive realism and highlighting the role of geography and regional power distribution in guiding foreign policy. It argues that the US has been pursuing the same geostrategic interests from President Truman’s policy of containment to President Obama’s speak softly and carry a big stick policy, and contends that the US-Iran relationship has been largely characterized by continued cooperation due to shared geostrategic interests. The book highlights the continuity in US foreign policy over the last seven decades and offers a prediction for US foreign policy in reaction to current and future global events. As such, it will serve as a reference guide for not only scholars but also policy analysts and practitioners.

Evaluating Collaboration Networks in Higher Education Research: Drivers of Excellence

by Denise Leite Isabel Pinho

This book identifies key factors that drive the development and improvement of higher education research in emerging and advanced economies. In an increasingly interconnected world, knowledge production supported by strong research is a channel for the development of nations. The authors of this book argue that in order to drive knowledge production, leaders must strive to improve their understanding of how global research networks interact with one another, especially from the perspective of internationalization. This book is a useful resource for higher education researchers interested in knowledge production and dissemination as well as academic leaders and practitioners, students, and leaders interested in public administration policies and management.

Evaluating Collaboration Networks in Higher Education Research: Drivers of Excellence

by Denise Leite Isabel Pinho

This book identifies key factors that drive the development and improvement of higher education research in emerging and advanced economies. In an increasingly interconnected world, knowledge production supported by strong research is a channel for the development of nations. The authors of this book argue that in order to drive knowledge production, leaders must strive to improve their understanding of how global research networks interact with one another, especially from the perspective of internationalization. This book is a useful resource for higher education researchers interested in knowledge production and dissemination as well as academic leaders and practitioners, students, and leaders interested in public administration policies and management.

The Sedated Society: The Causes and Harms of our Psychiatric Drug Epidemic (PDF_)

by James Davies

This edited volume provides an answer to a rising public health concern: what drives the over prescription of psychiatric medication epidemic? Over 15% of the UK public takes a psychiatric medication on any given day, and the numbers are only set to increase. Placing this figure alongside the emerging clinical and scientific data revealing their poor outcomes and the harms these medications often cause, their commercial success cannot be explained by their therapeutic efficacy.Chapters from an interdisciplinary team of global experts in critical psychopharmacology rigorously examine how pharmaceutical sponsorship and marketing, diagnostic inflation, the manipulation and burying of negative clinical trials, lax medication regulation, and neoliberal public health policies have all been implicated in ever-rising psycho-pharmaceutical consumption. This volume will ignite a long-overdue public debate. It will be of interest to professionals in the field of mental health and researchers ranging from sociology of health, to medical anthropology and the political economy of health.

The Sedated Society: The Causes and Harms of our Psychiatric Drug Epidemic

by James Davies

This edited volume provides an answer to a rising public health concern: what drives the over prescription of psychiatric medication epidemic? Over 15% of the UK public takes a psychiatric medication on any given day, and the numbers are only set to increase. Placing this figure alongside the emerging clinical and scientific data revealing their poor outcomes and the harms these medications often cause, their commercial success cannot be explained by their therapeutic efficacy.Chapters from an interdisciplinary team of global experts in critical psychopharmacology rigorously examine how pharmaceutical sponsorship and marketing, diagnostic inflation, the manipulation and burying of negative clinical trials, lax medication regulation, and neoliberal public health policies have all been implicated in ever-rising psycho-pharmaceutical consumption. This volume will ignite a long-overdue public debate. It will be of interest to professionals in the field of mental health and researchers ranging from sociology of health, to medical anthropology and the political economy of health.

Maimonides for Moderns: A Statement of Contemporary Jewish Philosophy

by Ira Bedzow

This book aims to construct a contemporary Jewish philosophy that accounts for virtue ethics or, rather, to give Jewish virtue ethics a contemporary language for its expression. Ira Bedzow draws significantly on the work of Moses Maimonides and his religio-philosophical explanation of Jewish ethics. However, Bedzow moves away from various aspects of Maimonides’s Aristotelian biology, physics, metaphysics, and psychology. The objective of the volume is to integrate the normative principles of the Jewish tradition into everyday life. While the book translates Jewish ethics from a medieval, Aristotelian framework into a contemporary one, it also serves as a means for Judaism to continue as a living tradition.

Maimonides for Moderns: A Statement of Contemporary Jewish Philosophy

by Ira Bedzow

This book aims to construct a contemporary Jewish philosophy that accounts for virtue ethics or, rather, to give Jewish virtue ethics a contemporary language for its expression. Ira Bedzow draws significantly on the work of Moses Maimonides and his religio-philosophical explanation of Jewish ethics. However, Bedzow moves away from various aspects of Maimonides’s Aristotelian biology, physics, metaphysics, and psychology. The objective of the volume is to integrate the normative principles of the Jewish tradition into everyday life. While the book translates Jewish ethics from a medieval, Aristotelian framework into a contemporary one, it also serves as a means for Judaism to continue as a living tradition.

Economic Inequality, Neoliberalism, and the American Community College

by Patrick Sullivan

This book aims to deepen public understanding of the community college and to challenge our longstanding reliance on a deficit model for defining this important, powerful, and transformative institution. Featuring a unique combination of data and research, Sullivan seeks to help redefine, update, and reshape public perception about community colleges. This book gives serious attention to student voices, and includes narratives written by community college students about their experiences attending college at an open admissions institution. Sullivan examines the history of the modern community college and the economic model that is driving much of the current discussion in higher education today. Sullivan argues that the community college has done much to promote social justice and economic equality in America since the founding of the modern community college in 1947 by the Truman Commission.

Economic Inequality, Neoliberalism, and the American Community College

by Patrick Sullivan

This book aims to deepen public understanding of the community college and to challenge our longstanding reliance on a deficit model for defining this important, powerful, and transformative institution. Featuring a unique combination of data and research, Sullivan seeks to help redefine, update, and reshape public perception about community colleges. This book gives serious attention to student voices, and includes narratives written by community college students about their experiences attending college at an open admissions institution. Sullivan examines the history of the modern community college and the economic model that is driving much of the current discussion in higher education today. Sullivan argues that the community college has done much to promote social justice and economic equality in America since the founding of the modern community college in 1947 by the Truman Commission.

France, Britain, and the Struggle for the Revolutionary Western Mediterranean

by Joshua Meeks

This book investigates the conflict over control over the Western Mediterranean in the late eighteenth-century. The Western Mediterranean during the 1790s featured a constant struggle for control over the region. While most histories point to military events such as the Italian Campaign as descriptive of this struggle between the two competing ideological forces of Revolutionary France and the Counter-Revolutionary First Coalition led by Britain, this book takes a different approach. Rather than looking at the struggle between ideologies, this book looks at the struggle within those ideologies, arguing that the Western Mediterranean states were not simply the battlefields or the prizes of the struggle, but were active participants with goals of autonomy or neutrality. The focus stretches beyond conflict between France and Britain, into the adaptation of ideology for different uses in Tuscany, Toulon, Algiers, Spain, and especially Corsica.

France, Britain, and the Struggle for the Revolutionary Western Mediterranean

by Joshua Meeks

This book investigates the conflict over control over the Western Mediterranean in the late eighteenth-century. The Western Mediterranean during the 1790s featured a constant struggle for control over the region. While most histories point to military events such as the Italian Campaign as descriptive of this struggle between the two competing ideological forces of Revolutionary France and the Counter-Revolutionary First Coalition led by Britain, this book takes a different approach. Rather than looking at the struggle between ideologies, this book looks at the struggle within those ideologies, arguing that the Western Mediterranean states were not simply the battlefields or the prizes of the struggle, but were active participants with goals of autonomy or neutrality. The focus stretches beyond conflict between France and Britain, into the adaptation of ideology for different uses in Tuscany, Toulon, Algiers, Spain, and especially Corsica.

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