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Showing 62,451 through 62,475 of 62,592 results

The Abandoned Generation: Democracy Beyond the Culture of Fear

by H. Giroux

Henry Giroux continues his critique of American culture and the way it impinges on the lives of our children. This time, Henry goes further, looking at the 'Bush Restoration' years, the attacks of September 11th and the way the world has been transformed for our children and young adults.

Aaron Swartz's The Programmable Web: An Unfinished Work (Synthesis Lectures on Data, Semantics, and Knowledge)

by Aaron Swartz

This short work is the first draft of a book manuscript by Aaron Swartz written for the series "Synthesis Lectures on the Semantic Web" at the invitation of its editor, James Hendler. Unfortunately, the book wasn't completed before Aaron's death in January 2013. As a tribute, the editor and publisher are publishing the work digitally without cost. From the author's introduction: " . . . we will begin by trying to understand the architecture of the Web -- what it got right and, occasionally, what it got wrong, but most importantly why it is the way it is. We will learn how it allows both users and search engines to co-exist peacefully while supporting everything from photo-sharing to financial transactions. We will continue by considering what it means to build a program on top of the Web -- how to write software that both fairly serves its immediate users as well as the developers who want to build on top of it. Too often, an API is bolted on top of an existing application, as an afterthought or a completely separate piece. But, as we'll see, when a web application is designed properly, APIs naturally grow out of it and require little effort to maintain. Then we'll look into what it means for your application to be not just another tool for people and software to use, but part of the ecology -- a section of the programmable web. This means exposing your data to be queried and copied and integrated, even without explicit permission, into the larger software ecosystem, while protecting users' freedom. Finally, we'll close with a discussion of that much-maligned phrase, 'the Semantic Web,' and try to understand what it would really mean."

The Aarhus Convention: Towards Environmental Solidarisation (Environmental Politics and Theory)

by Duncan Weaver

The Aarhus Convention on access to information, public participation in decision-making and access to justice in environmental matters has been celebrated as a pioneering international environmental agreement. Given that a quarter-century has passed since Aarhus was opened for signature, now is an opportune moment to revisit it from a fresh perspective. Marking this anniversary, this book explores Aarhus from the vista of the English School of International Relations, an ethically-minded perspective used to gauge the prevalence of state-oriented and human-oriented progress from the Convention's rationales and realities. It firstly considers Aarhus' propagation, investigating the legal, diplomatic and geopolitical contexts enabling its emergence. It secondly investigates Aarhus' germination, with reference to its trinity of procedural rights. Thirdly, the book examines the Convention's growth, in terms of the development of its organisational infrastructure. The chief finding is that Aarhus demonstrates, in environmental contexts, the feasibility and benefit of fostering 'humankind' solidarist progress, rooted in moral cosmopolitanism, within the existing power arrangements of a sovereignty-based pluralism. Pluralist concerns for diversity and international order are found to be a precondition for more ethically ambitious solidarist endeavours. These observations reinforce the logic of solidarisation, an English School innovation that presents sovereignty as (a) being ethically matured by solidarism whilst (b) delimiting solidarism within the threshold of states' tolerance.

The Aadhaar Effect: Why the World’s Largest Identity Project Matters

by N.S. Ramnath Charles Assisi

Identification vs profiling; state welfare vs state surveillance; privacy vs transparency—Aadhaar has bitterly polarized India since its launch in 2010. No other project has captured the imagination of the people—or inspired such awe and anxiety—in recent memory. Aadhaar began life with a singular mandate: offer an identity to those Indian residents who didn’t have any. Along the way, it evolved into the welfare state’s flagship technology and altered forever how government, business, and society interact. The Aadhaar Effect is the story of the visionaries—bureaucrats, technologists, activists—who created or challenged India’s biggest juggernaut. It is equally the story of humans conflicted about complex choices that may make the world a better place. Polestar award winners N.S. Ramnath and Charles Assisi dive deep into the 12-digit number that has touched 1.2 billion lives and counting—and in the bargain, made the world sit up and take note of India’s ambition.

An A to Z of Critical Thinking

by Beth Black

Critical thinking is becoming increasingly prominent as an academic discipline taught and examined in schools and universities, as well as a crucial skill for everyday life. To be a successful critical thinker it is vital to understand how the different concepts and terms are defined and used. The terminology often presents a stumbling block for the beginner, since much of it is used imprecisely in everyday language. This definitive A to Z guide provides precise definitions for over 130 terms and concepts used in critical thinking. Each entry presents a short definition followed by a more detailed explanation and authoritative clarification. Armed with the tools and knowledge provided in these pages, the reader will be able to distinguish an assertion from an argument, a flaw from a fallacy, a correlation from a cause and a fact from an opinion. The book is an invaluable resource for teachers and students of critical thinking, providing all the tools necessary to effectively analyse, evaluate, question and reason for yourself.

An A to Z of Critical Thinking

by Beth Black

Critical thinking is becoming increasingly prominent as an academic discipline taught and examined in schools and universities, as well as a crucial skill for everyday life. To be a successful critical thinker it is vital to understand how the different concepts and terms are defined and used. The terminology often presents a stumbling block for the beginner, since much of it is used imprecisely in everyday language. This definitive A to Z guide provides precise definitions for over 130 terms and concepts used in critical thinking. Each entry presents a short definition followed by a more detailed explanation and authoritative clarification. Armed with the tools and knowledge provided in these pages, the reader will be able to distinguish an assertion from an argument, a flaw from a fallacy, a correlation from a cause and a fact from an opinion. The book is an invaluable resource for teachers and students of critical thinking, providing all the tools necessary to effectively analyse, evaluate, question and reason for yourself.

A. S. Neill (Bloomsbury Library of Educational Thought)

by Richard Bailey

A. S. Neill was probably the most famous school teacher of the twentieth century. His school, Summerhill, founded in 1921, attracted admiration and criticism from around the world, and became an emblem of radical school reform and child-centred education. Neill claimed that he was a practical man, but this book reveals that Summerhill expresses a comprehensive and distinctive set of ideas. Whether he wanted to be or not, Neill was an important educational thinker with a powerful influence on current educational approaches and philosophy.A. S. Neill is the first book to examine this philosophy of education in detail. It begins by showing how Neill's fascinating life story gives clues to the origin of his ideas, and why they mattered so much to him. It goes on to explore the main themes of his philosophy, showing how they relate to the work of other great educational thinkers, and how they are novel. It also discusses whether there are lessons that could and should be learned by other schools from the original, alternative 'free' school of Summerhill.

A. S. Neill (Bloomsbury Library of Educational Thought)

by Richard Bailey

A. S. Neill was probably the most famous school teacher of the twentieth century. His school, Summerhill, founded in 1921, attracted admiration and criticism from around the world, and became an emblem of radical school reform and child-centred education. Neill claimed that he was a practical man, but this book reveals that Summerhill expresses a comprehensive and distinctive set of ideas. Whether he wanted to be or not, Neill was an important educational thinker with a powerful influence on current educational approaches and philosophy.A. S. Neill is the first book to examine this philosophy of education in detail. It begins by showing how Neill's fascinating life story gives clues to the origin of his ideas, and why they mattered so much to him. It goes on to explore the main themes of his philosophy, showing how they relate to the work of other great educational thinkers, and how they are novel. It also discusses whether there are lessons that could and should be learned by other schools from the original, alternative 'free' school of Summerhill.

The A Priori Method in the Social Sciences: A Multidisciplinary Approach

by Jean-Sylvestre Bergé

This edited volume takes a multidisciplinary look at the philosophical concept of a priori. Placing social sciences at the heart of the discussion, this book establishes a dialogue between various disciplines and the different postulates, presuppositions, prejudices, paradigms, beliefs, commonplaces, biases or emotions that forge their theoretical and practical constructs. The book is divided into three parts. Chapters in Part I lay the foundations of a new antecedent approach that revisits the classical approach to a priori and its relationships with law and philosophy. Chapters in Part II extend the analysis to economics and management, on such key topics as blockchain technology, labor, health insurance and innovation. Finally, chapters in Part III turn to anthropology and sociology, to reconsider the core methods of these different disciplines and to nourish reflection on the basis of new working hypotheses.

A.P. Morse’s Set Theory and Analysis

This volume explores A.P. Morse’s (1911-1984) development of a formal language for writing mathematics, his application of that language in set theory and mathematical analysis, and his unique perspective on mathematics. The editor brings together a variety of Morse’s works in this compilation, including Morse's book A Theory of Sets, Second Edition (1986), in addition to material from another of Morse’s publications, Web Derivatives, and notes for a course on analysis from the early 1950's. Because Morse provided very little in the way of explanation in his written works, the editor’s commentary serves to outline Morse’s goals, give informal explanations of Morse’s formal language, and compare Morse’s often unique approaches to more traditional approaches. Minor corrections to Morse’s previously published works have also been incorporated into the text, including some updated axioms, theorems, and definitions. The editor’s introduction thoroughly details the corrections and changes made and provides readers with valuable insight on Morse’s methods.A.P. Morse’s Set Theory and Analysis will appeal to graduate students and researchers interested in set theory and analysis who also have an interest in logic. Readers with a particular interest in Morse’s unique perspective and in the history of mathematics will also find this book to be of interest.

A.C. Pigou and the 'Marshallian' Thought Style: A Study in the Philosophy and Mathematics Underlying Cambridge Economics (Palgrave Studies in the History of Economic Thought)

by Karen Lovejoy Knight

This book provides a study of the forces underlying the development of economic thought at Cambridge University during the late nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century. The primary lens it uses to do so is an examination of how Arthur Cecil Pigou’s thinking, heavily influenced by his predecessor, Alfred Marshall, evolved.Aspects of Pigou’s context, biography and philosophical grounding are reconstructed and then situated within the framework of Ludwik Fleck’s philosophy of scientific knowledge, most notably by drawing on the notions of ‘thought styles’ and ‘thought collectives’. In this way, Knight provides a novel contribution to the history of Pigou's economic thought.

99 Variations on a Proof

by Philip Ording

An exploration of mathematical style through 99 different proofs of the same theoremThis book offers a multifaceted perspective on mathematics by demonstrating 99 different proofs of the same theorem. Each chapter solves an otherwise unremarkable equation in distinct historical, formal, and imaginative styles that range from Medieval, Topological, and Doggerel to Chromatic, Electrostatic, and Psychedelic. With a rare blend of humor and scholarly aplomb, Philip Ording weaves these variations into an accessible and wide-ranging narrative on the nature and practice of mathematics.Inspired by the experiments of the Paris-based writing group known as the Oulipo—whose members included Raymond Queneau, Italo Calvino, and Marcel Duchamp—Ording explores new ways to examine the aesthetic possibilities of mathematical activity. 99 Variations on a Proof is a mathematical take on Queneau’s Exercises in Style, a collection of 99 retellings of the same story, and it draws unexpected connections to everything from mysticism and technology to architecture and sign language. Through diagrams, found material, and other imagery, Ording illustrates the flexibility and creative potential of mathematics despite its reputation for precision and rigor.Readers will gain not only a bird’s-eye view of the discipline and its major branches but also new insights into its historical, philosophical, and cultural nuances. Readers, no matter their level of expertise, will discover in these proofs and accompanying commentary surprising new aspects of the mathematical landscape.

99 Variations on a Proof

by Philip Ording

An exploration of mathematical style through 99 different proofs of the same theoremThis book offers a multifaceted perspective on mathematics by demonstrating 99 different proofs of the same theorem. Each chapter solves an otherwise unremarkable equation in distinct historical, formal, and imaginative styles that range from Medieval, Topological, and Doggerel to Chromatic, Electrostatic, and Psychedelic. With a rare blend of humor and scholarly aplomb, Philip Ording weaves these variations into an accessible and wide-ranging narrative on the nature and practice of mathematics.Inspired by the experiments of the Paris-based writing group known as the Oulipo—whose members included Raymond Queneau, Italo Calvino, and Marcel Duchamp—Ording explores new ways to examine the aesthetic possibilities of mathematical activity. 99 Variations on a Proof is a mathematical take on Queneau’s Exercises in Style, a collection of 99 retellings of the same story, and it draws unexpected connections to everything from mysticism and technology to architecture and sign language. Through diagrams, found material, and other imagery, Ording illustrates the flexibility and creative potential of mathematics despite its reputation for precision and rigor.Readers will gain not only a bird’s-eye view of the discipline and its major branches but also new insights into its historical, philosophical, and cultural nuances. Readers, no matter their level of expertise, will discover in these proofs and accompanying commentary surprising new aspects of the mathematical landscape.

9/11: The Culture Of Commemoration

by David Simpson

After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, a general sense that the world was different-that nothing would ever be the same-settled upon a grieving nation; the events of that day were received as cataclysmic disruptions of an ordered world. Refuting this claim, David Simpson examines the complex and paradoxical character of American public discourse since that September morning, considering the ways the event has been aestheticized, exploited, and appropriated, while "Ground Zero" remains the contested site of an effort at adequate commemoration. In 9/11, Simpson argues that elements of the conventional culture of mourning and remembrance-grieving the dead, summarizing their lives in obituaries, and erecting monuments in their memory-have been co-opted for political advantage. He also confronts those who labeled the event an "apocalypse," condemning their exploitation of 9/11 for the defense of torture and war. In four elegant chapters-two of which expand on essays originally published in the London Review of Books to great acclaim-Simpson analyzes the response to 9/11: the nationally syndicated "Portraits of Grief" obituaries in the New York Times; the debates over the rebuilding of the World Trade Center towers and the memorial design; the representation of American and Iraqi dead after the invasion of March 2003, along with the worldwide circulation of the Abu Ghraib torture photographs; and the urgent and largely ignored critique of homeland rhetoric from the domain of critical theory. Calling for a sustained cultural and theoretical analysis, 9/11 is the first book of its kind to consider the events of that tragic day with a perspective so firmly grounded in the humanities and so persuasive about the contribution they can make to our understanding of its consequences.

9/11: The Culture Of Commemoration

by David Simpson

After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, a general sense that the world was different-that nothing would ever be the same-settled upon a grieving nation; the events of that day were received as cataclysmic disruptions of an ordered world. Refuting this claim, David Simpson examines the complex and paradoxical character of American public discourse since that September morning, considering the ways the event has been aestheticized, exploited, and appropriated, while "Ground Zero" remains the contested site of an effort at adequate commemoration. In 9/11, Simpson argues that elements of the conventional culture of mourning and remembrance-grieving the dead, summarizing their lives in obituaries, and erecting monuments in their memory-have been co-opted for political advantage. He also confronts those who labeled the event an "apocalypse," condemning their exploitation of 9/11 for the defense of torture and war. In four elegant chapters-two of which expand on essays originally published in the London Review of Books to great acclaim-Simpson analyzes the response to 9/11: the nationally syndicated "Portraits of Grief" obituaries in the New York Times; the debates over the rebuilding of the World Trade Center towers and the memorial design; the representation of American and Iraqi dead after the invasion of March 2003, along with the worldwide circulation of the Abu Ghraib torture photographs; and the urgent and largely ignored critique of homeland rhetoric from the domain of critical theory. Calling for a sustained cultural and theoretical analysis, 9/11 is the first book of its kind to consider the events of that tragic day with a perspective so firmly grounded in the humanities and so persuasive about the contribution they can make to our understanding of its consequences.

7th International Conference on Automated Deduction: Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #170)

by R. E. Shostak

The Seventh International Conference on Automated Deduction was held May 14-16, 19S4, in Napa, California. The conference is the primary forum for reporting research in all aspects of automated deduction, including the design, implementation, and applications of theorem-proving systems, knowledge representation and retrieval, program verification, logic programming, formal specification, program synthesis, and related areas. The presented papers include 27 selected by the program committee, an invited keynote address by Jorg Siekmann, and an invited banquet address by Patrick Suppes. Contributions were presented by authors from Canada, France, Spain, the United Kingdom , the United States, and West Germany. The first conference in this series was held a decade earlier in Argonne, Illinois. Following the Argonne conference were meetings in Oberwolfach, West Germany (1976), Cambridge, Massachusetts (1977), Austin, Texas (1979), Les Arcs, France (19S0), and New York, New York (19S2). Program Committee P. Andrews (CMU) W.W. Bledsoe (U. Texas) past chairman L. Henschen (Northwestern) G. Huet (INRIA) D. Loveland (Duke) past chairman R. Milner (Edinburgh) R. Overbeek (Argonne) T. Pietrzykowski (Acadia) D. Plaisted (U. Illinois) V. Pratt (Stanford) R. Shostak (SRI) chairman J. Siekmann (U. Kaiserslautern) R. Waldinger (SRI) Local Arrangements R. Schwartz (SRI) iv CONTENTS Monday Morning Universal Unification (Keynote Address) Jorg H. Siekmann (FRG) .

70 Jahre Rheinland-Pfalz: Historische Perspektiven und politikwissenschaftliche Analyse

Im Jahr 1947 wurde Rheinland-Pfalz als Land neu gegründet. Dabei war ungewiss, wie sich dieses Gebilde aus ehemals preußischen, hessischen und bayerischen Teilen entwickeln würde. 70 Jahre nach der Landesgründung blickt dieser Band auf die Regierungsperioden sowie wichtige Etappen und Schwerpunkte der Landespolitik zurück. Auch ausgewählte Aspekte des Regierungssystems werden beleuchtet. Mehr als 20 Beiträge verbinden dabei historische und politikwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf zeitgeschichtliche, aber auch aktuelle Entwicklungen.

6th Refinement Workshop: Proceedings of the 6th Refinement Workshop, organised by BCS-FACS, London, 5–7 January 1994 (Workshops in Computing)

by David Till

The Sixth Refinement Workshop took place at City University in London from 5th to 7th January 1994. The present volume includes all of the papers which were submitted and accepted for presentation, together with two papers by invited speakers. The workshops in the series have generally occurred at one year intervals but in this last case a two year period had elapsed. These workshops have established themselves as an important event in the calendar for all those who are interested in progress in the underlying theory of refinement and in the take-up by industry of the methods supported by that theory. One of the proposed themes of the sixth workshop was the reporting of successful adoption in industry of rigorous software development methods. The programme committee was perhaps slightly disappointed by the response from industry to the call in this respect. However, the recent period could be characterised as one of consolidation, when those companies which have made the decision that formal development methods are important to their business have been adopting them where appropriate and finding them to be worthwhile. On the other hand,. the difficult economic climate which exists in most parts of the developed world is perhaps not the context within which companies still dubious about the benefits are goil'\g to opt for making major changes in their working practices.

6000 Jahre Mathematik: Eine kulturgeschichtliche Zeitreise - 1. Von den Anfängen bis Leibniz und Newton (Vom Zählstein zum Computer)

by Hans Wußing

Die Hochkulturen Mesopotamiens und Ägyptens sind die Wiege der Mathematik. Der international angesehene Mathematikhistoriker verfolgt die Geschichte mathematischen Denkens vom 4. Jahrtausend v. Chr. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert. Er schildert die mathematischen Ideen, Methoden und Ergebnisse ebenso wie die Kulturen, in denen sie sich in Wechselwirkung zur Gesellschaft entwickelten. Band 1 umfasst die Zeit von den Ursprüngen bis zum 17. Jahrhundert. Spannende Lektüre für Mathematiker und alle, die sich für Mathematik als Kulturtechnik interessieren.

6000 Jahre Mathematik: Eine kulturgeschichtliche Zeitreise - 2. Von Euler bis zur Gegenwart (Vom Zählstein zum Computer)

by Hans Wußing

Mit dem Namen Euler wird der Beginn der modernen Mathematik verknüpft. Ausgehend von Eulers Leben und seiner wissenschaftlichen Arbeit illustriert der Autor im 2. Teil der mathematisch-kulturhistorischen Zeitreise den Werdegang der heutigen Mathematik. Dabei konzentriert er sich angesichts der hoch komplexen und fragmentierten Entwicklung der Mathematik im ausgehenden 20. Jahrhundert auf wichtige und exemplarische Entwicklungen. Ein spannendes Lesevergnügen für Mathematiker und alle, die sich für die Kulturgeschichte der Mathematik interessieren.

5th Refinement Workshop: Proceedings of the 5th Refinement Workshop, organised by BCS-FACS, London, 8–10 January 1992 (Workshops in Computing)

by Cliff Jones Roger C. Shaw Tim Denvir

Refinement is the term used to describe systematic and formal methods of specifying hard- and software and transforming the specifications into designs and implementations. The value of formal methods in producing reliable hard- and software is widely appreciated by academics and workers in industry, despite the fact that certain research areas, such as the application to industrial-scale problems, are still in their infancy. This volume contains the papers presented at the 5th Refinement Workshop held in London, 8-10 January 1992. Its theme was the theory and practice of software specifications, which is the transformation of formal software specifications into more correct specifications, designs and codes. This has been an important area of research for the last 5 years and the workshop addressed specific issues and problems related to it. Among the topics discussed in this volume are: the role of refinement in software development, parallel designs and implementations, methods and tools for verification of critical properties, refinement and confidentiality, concurrent processes as objects, the compliance of Ada programs with Z specifications and a tactic driven refinement tool. This is the latest refinement workshop proceedings to be published in the Workshops in Computing series (the 3rd and 4th workshops having appeared in 1990 and 1991 respectively). It will be of interest to academic and industrial researchers, postgraduate students and research-oriented developers in the computer industry.

5000 Years of Geometry: Mathematics in History and Culture

by Christoph J. Scriba Peter Schreiber

The present volume provides a fascinating overview of geometrical ideas and perceptions from the earliest cultures to the mathematical and artistic concepts of the 20th century. It is the English translation of the 3rd edition of the well-received German book “5000 Jahre Geometrie,” in which geometry is presented as a chain of developments in cultural history and their interaction with architecture, the visual arts, philosophy, science and engineering.Geometry originated in the ancient cultures along the Indus and Nile Rivers and in Mesopotamia, experiencing its first “Golden Age” in Ancient Greece. Inspired by the Greek mathematics, a new germ of geometry blossomed in the Islamic civilizations. Through the Oriental influence on Spain, this knowledge later spread to Western Europe. Here, as part of the medieval Quadrivium, the understanding of geometry was deepened, leading to a revival during the Renaissance. Together with parallel achievements in India, China, Japan and the ancient American cultures, the European approaches formed the ideas and branches of geometry we know in the modern age: coordinate methods, analytical geometry, descriptive and projective geometry in the 17th an 18th centuries, axiom systems, geometry as a theory with multiple structures and geometry in computer sciences in the 19th and 20th centuries.Each chapter of the book starts with a table of key historical and cultural dates and ends with a summary of essential contents of geometry in the respective era. Compelling examples invite the reader to further explore the problems of geometry in ancient and modern times.The book will appeal to mathematicians interested in Geometry and to all readers with an interest in cultural history.From letters to the authors for the German language editionI hope it gets a translation, as there is no comparable work.Prof. J. Grattan-Guinness (Middlesex University London)"Five Thousand Years of Geometry" - I think it is the most handsome book I have ever seen from Springer and the inclusion of so many color plates really improves its appearance dramatically!Prof. J.W. Dauben (City University of New York)An excellent book in every respect. The authors have successfully combined the history of geometry with the general development of culture and history. …The graphic design is also excellent.Prof. Z. Nádenik (Czech Technical University in Prague)

50 Voices of Disbelief: Why We Are Atheists

by Russell Blackford Udo Sch00FCklenk

50 Voices of Disbelief: Why We Are Atheists presents a collection of original essays drawn from an international group of prominent voices in the fields of academia, science, literature, media and politics who offer carefully considered statements of why they are atheists. Features a truly international cast of contributors, ranging from public intellectuals such as Peter Singer, Susan Blackmore, and A.C. Grayling, novelists, such as Joe Haldeman, and heavyweight philosophers of religion, including Graham Oppy and Michael Tooley Contributions range from rigorous philosophical arguments to highly personal, even whimsical, accounts of how each of these notable thinkers have come to reject religion in their lives Likely to have broad appeal given the current public fascination with religious issues and the reception of such books as The God Delusion and The End of Faith

50 Voices of Disbelief: Why We Are Atheists

by Russell Blackford Udo Schüklenk

50 Voices of Disbelief: Why We Are Atheists presents a collection of original essays drawn from an international group of prominent voices in the fields of academia, science, literature, media and politics who offer carefully considered statements of why they are atheists. Features a truly international cast of contributors, ranging from public intellectuals such as Peter Singer, Susan Blackmore, and A.C. Grayling, novelists, such as Joe Haldeman, and heavyweight philosophers of religion, including Graham Oppy and Michael Tooley Contributions range from rigorous philosophical arguments to highly personal, even whimsical, accounts of how each of these notable thinkers have come to reject religion in their lives Likely to have broad appeal given the current public fascination with religious issues and the reception of such books as The God Delusion and The End of Faith

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