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Perceived Control: Theory, Research, and Practice in the First 50 Years

The concept of the "locus of control" is one of the most influential in all of the psychological sciences. Initially proposed by Julian Rotter in 1966, the year 2016 marks the 50th anniversary of this remarkable breakthrough, subsequently inspiring thousands of research studies in the human sciences--research that has only served to deepen the utility of this amazing concept. Edited by John W. Reich and Frank J. Infurna, Perceived Control: Theory, Research, and Practice in the First 50 Years commemorates this important anniversary by featuring contributions from leading figures of the time--some of whom were there at the very beginning of Rotter's extraordinary breakthrough--to give readers a valuable historical record and measuring stick to illustrate how far we've come. Other contributors to this volume expertly present contemporary and cutting-edge summaries of the current state of our knowledge all while giving us a roadmap for future developments and directions. What have these developments revealed about basic human strengths and capacities? Why has this concept proven so remarkably effective in illuminating our everyday life in sickness and health? Perceived Control is a fascinating work that incorporates research from Rotter's original concept, and addresses many of the leading comparable concepts that have since evolved: self-efficacy, personal mastery, competence, primary and secondary control, and more specific topics such as health locus of control,learned helplessness, and other heuristic concepts discussed in many different fields of psychology and the allied disciplines. As Perceived Control skillfully attests, Rotter's work continues to thrive, leaving little doubt that its infl uence will endure for another half century or more.

Perception and Its Modalities

This volume is about the many ways we perceive. In nineteen new essays, philosophers and cognitive scientists explore the nature of the individual senses, how and what they tell us about the world, and how they interrelate. They consider how the senses extract perceptual content from receptoral information and what kinds of objects we perceive and whether multiple senses ever perceive a single event. Questions pertaining to how many senses we have, what makes one sense distinct from another, and whether and why distinguishing senses may be useful feature prominently. Contributors examine the extent to which the senses act in concert, rather than as discrete modalities, and whether this influence is epistemically pernicious, neutral, or beneficial. Many of the essays engage with the idea that it is unduly restrictive to think of perception as a collation of contents provided by individual sense modalities. Rather, contributors contend that to understand perception properly we need to build into our accounts the idea that the senses work together. In doing so, they aim to develop better paradigms for understanding the senses and thereby to move toward a better understanding of perception.

Performance Management Transformation: Lessons Learned and Next Steps (The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Professional Practice Series)

No other business process has endured such great debate as performance management. Viewed as a critical cornerstone for organizational alignment, it is often met with anxiety and confusion by both managers and employees. For over 50 years, strategies such as cascading goals and employee ranking have tried to add value to performance management with little success. But in recent years, new ideas have transformed the field into a less formal process designed to encourage employee behaviors that actually drive performance. Performance Management Transformation takes a practical approach to the current and future state of performance management across the organizational landscape. Case studies from Toyota, Patagonia, Medtronic, GoGo Inflight, and AbbVie, alongside research and commentary by thought leaders in the field, showcase how organizations are taking control and redesigning their performance management processes to address their specific organizational goals, strategies, needs, and preferences.

Performing Time: Synchrony and Temporal Flow in Music and Dance

Music and dance can change our sense of time. Both rely on synchronizing our attention and actions with sounds and with other people, both involve memory and expectation, and both can give rise to experiences of flow and pleasure. Performing Time explores our experience of time in dance and music, from the perspectives of performers and audiences, and informed by the most recent research in dance science, musicology, neuroscience, and psychology. It includes discussions of tempo and pacing, coordination and synchrony, the performer's experience of time, audiences' temporal expectations, the effect of extreme slowness, and our individual versus collective senses of time. At its core, the book addresses how time and temporality in music and dance relate to current psychological and neuroscientific theories as well as to the aesthetic aims of composers, choreographers and performers. Bringing together new research on rhythm, time and temporality in both music and dance in one volume, the book contains overview chapters on the state of the art from leading researchers on topics ranging from the psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy of musical time to embodied timing in dance. In addition, numerous case studies regarding our temporal experience of music and dance are provided in shorter focus chapters, with their implications for further scientific study and artistic enquiry. Performing Time is an invaluable and comprehensive resource for students, researchers, educators, and artists alike, and for any reader interested in how the performing arts construct and play with time in our minds and bodies. Some chapters in this title are open access and available under the terms of a [CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International] licence.

Pets and People: The Ethics of Our Relationships with Companion Animals

Animal ethics is generating growing interest both within academia and outside it. This book focuses on ethical issues connected to animals who play an extremely important role in human lives: companion animals ("pets"), with a special emphasis on dogs and cats, the animals most often chosen as pets. Companion animals are both vulnerable to and dependent upon us. What responsibilities do we owe to them, especially since we have the power and authority to make literal life-and-death decisions about them? What kinds of relationships should we have with our companion animals? And what might we learn from cats and dogs about the nature and limits of our own morality? The contributors write from a variety of philosophical perspectives, including utilitarianism, care ethics, feminist ethics, phenomenology, and the genealogy of ideas. The eighteen chapters are divided into two sections, to provide a general background to ethical debate about companion animals, followed by a focus on a number of crucial aspects of human relationships to companion animals. The first section discusses the nature of our relationships to companion animals, the foundations of our moral responsibilities to companion animals, what our relationships with companion animals teach us, and whether animals themselves can act ethically. The second part explores some specific ethical issues related to crucial aspects of companion animals' lives--breeding, reproduction, sterilization, cloning, adoption, feeding, training, working, sexual interactions, longevity, dying, and euthanasia.

Phantasie und Wirklichkeit — Fluvoxamin (duphar med communication)

Das letzte wissenschaftliche Symposium in einer Dreierreihe zum Serotoninsystem handelte tiber Fluvoxamin. Fluvoxamin ist das erste Arzneimittel, das sich als Vertreter eines neuen Therapieprinzips, dem der Serotonin-Wiederaufnahmehemmung, bei der Behandlung von Depressionen bewahrt hat. Weil Fluvoxamin eine hohe Selektivitat gegentiber Serotonin­ Rezeptoren besitzt, ist dieses neue Antidepressivum auch zu einer wichtigen "Modellsubstanz" geworden, die es erlaubt, Zusammen­ hange und Wechselbeziehungen zwischen den serotonergen, adrener­ gen und dopaminergen Neurotransmitterveranderungen im Zentral­ nervensystem sowohl im Tierversuch als auch bei der klinischen Anwendung zu untersuchen. Da das Serotonin system verschiedene "Verhaltens-Elemente" beeinfluBt, werden mit Untersuchungen die­ ses Neurotransmittersystems auch Moglichkeiten aufgezeigt, andere psychische Storungen (z. B. Angst, Aggression, Zwang, EBstorungen) neurobiologisch zu erforschen. Mit den Serotonin-Wiederaufnahme­ hemmern eroffnen sich in der Zukunft womoglich auch neue Perspek­ tiven, die Beziehungen zwischen biologischen Dysfunktionen und psychischen StOrungen gezieJt zu untersuchen. Ansatze dieser weiter­ ftihrenden Grundlagenforschung haben das Ziel, neue Therapie­ Ansatze zu erforschen. Am Beispiel der Geschichte der Entwicklung und klinischen Erfor­ schung aller Psychopharmaka lassen sich wechselseitige Verflechtun­ gen und Abhangigkeiten in Forschungsprogrammen skizzieren: Von der Phantasie, der Idee der Forscher im Labor, gelangt man tiber neue Erkenntnisse in der neurobiologischen Forschung zu Ergebnissen und Befunden in der Klinik. Diese konnen dann als Elemente der klini­ schen Wirklichkeit wieder die Grundlagenforschung befruchten.

Philosophical Foundations of Mixed Methods Research: Dialogues between Researchers and Philosophers

Philosophical Foundations of Mixed Methods Research provides a comprehensive examination of the philosophical foundations of mixed methods research. It offers new defences of the seven main approaches to mixed methods (the pragmatist approach, the transformative approach, the indigenous approach, the dialectical approach, the dialectical pluralist approach, the performative approach, and the realist approach) written by leading mixed methods researchers. Each approach is accompanied by critical reflections chapter from philosophers’ point of view. The book shows the value of the use of mixed methods from a philosophical point of view and offers a systematic and critical examination of these positions and approaches from a philosophical point of view. The volume also offers a platform to promote a dialogue between mixed methods researchers and philosophers of science and provides foundations for further research and teaching of this hotly debated topic. This volume is ideal for researchers and advanced students, and anyone who is interested in research methods and the social sciences more generally.

Philosophical issues in psychiatry III: The Nature and Sources of Historical Change (International Perspectives in Philosophy & Psychiatry)

Psychiatry has long struggled with the nature of its diagnoses. The problems raised by questions about the nature of psychiatric illness are particularly fascinating because they sit at the intersection of philosophy, empirical psychiatric/psychological research, measurement theory, historical tradition and policy. In being the only medical specialty that diagnoses and treats mental illness, psychiatry has been subject to major changes in the last 150 years. This book explores the forces that have shaped these changes and especially how substantial "internal" advances in our knowledge of the nature and causes of psychiatric illness have interacted with a plethora of external forces that have impacted on the psychiatric profession. It includes contributions from philosophers of science with an interest in psychiatry, psychiatrists and psychologists with expertise in the history of their field and historians of psychiatry. Each chapter is accompanied by an introduction and a commentary. The result is a dynamic discussion about the nature of psychiatric disorders, and a book that is compelling reading for those in the field of mental health, history of science and medicine, and philosophy.

Philosophical Issues in Psychiatry IV: Psychiatric Nosology (International Perspectives in Philosophy and Psychiatry)

The revisions of both DSM-IV and ICD-10 have again focused the interest of the field of psychiatry and clinical psychology on the issue of nosology. This interest has been further heightened by a series of controversies associated with the development of DSM-5 including the fate of proposed revisions of the personality disorders, bereavement, and the autism spectrum. Major debate arose within the DSM process about the criteria for changing criteria, leading to the creation of first the Scientific Review Committee and then a series of other oversight committees which weighed in on the final debates on the most controversial proposed additions to DSM-5, providing important influences on the final decisions. Contained within these debates were a range of conceptual and philosophical issues. Some of these - such as the definition of mental disorder or the problems of psychiatric “epidemics” - have been with the field for a long time. Others - the concept of epistemic iteration as a framework for the introduction of nosologic change - are quite new. This book reviews issues within psychiatric nosology from clinical, historical and particularly philosophical perspectives. The book brings together a range of distinguished authors - including major psychiatric researchers, clinicians, historians and especially nosologists - including several leaders of the DSM-5 effort and the DSM Steering Committee. It also includes contributions from psychologists with a special interest in psychiatric nosology and philosophers with a wide range of orientations. The book is organized into four major sections: The first explores the nature of psychiatric illness and the way in which it is defined, including clinical and psychometric perspectives. The second section examines problems in the reification of psychiatric diagnostic criteria, the problem of psychiatric epidemics, and the nature and definition of individual symptoms. The third section explores the concept of epistemic iteration as a possible governing conceptual framework for the revision efforts for official psychiatric nosologies such as DSM and ICD and the problems of validation of psychiatric diagnoses. The book ends by exploring how we might move from the descriptive to the etiologic in psychiatric diagnoses, the nature of progress in psychiatric research, and the possible benefits of moving to a living document (or continuous improvement) model for psychiatric nosologic systems. The result is a book that captures the dynamic cross-disciplinary interactions that characterize the best work in the philosophy of psychiatry.

Philosophy After Lacan: Politics, Science, and Art (The Lines of the Symbolic in Psychoanalysis Series)

Philosophy After Lacan: Politics, Science, and Art brings together reflections on contemporary philosophy inspired by and in dialogue with Lacanian theory.Rather than focus on the thinkers who came before Lacan, the editors maintain attention on innovations in contemporary philosophy that owe their emergence to complimentary, critical, direct, or tangential engagement with Lacan. This collection makes one of the first concerted efforts to expand discussions between psychoanalysis and more recent philosophical thinkers while gathering chapters by some of the leading philosophical voices of the present moment. With contributors from around the world, this book has international appeal and is unique in its emphasis on contemporary philosophies inspired or influenced by Lacan.Philosophy After Lacan will not only appeal to psychotherapists and psychoanalysts, but also to students and professors of philosophy, critical theory, psychology, politics, history, and literature.

Philosophy and Psychedelics: Frameworks for Exceptional Experience

What do psychedelics reveal about consciousness? What impact have psychedelics had on philosophy? In this rapidly growing area of study, this is the first volume to explore the philosophy of psychedelic experience, from a range of interdisciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives. In doing so, Philosophy and Psychedelics reveals just why the place of psychedelics in our societies should not be left to medical sciences alone, as psychedelic experience opens up new perspectives on fundamental philosophical questions relating to human experience, ethics, and the metaphysics of mind. Mapping a range of philosophical responses to the surge in studies into psychedelic drugs in the cognitive sciences, this go-to volume examines topics including psychedelics and the role of governance; psychedelics and mysticism; what psychedelics can tell us about dyadic thankfulness; and psychedelics as ways to gain new knowledge. Written by leading international scholars, the essays cover Western and non-Western traditions, from analytic philosophy to Zen Buddhism, and discuss a variety of hallucinogens, such as LSD, MDMA, and Ayahuasca, in order to build a much-needed bridge between the rapidly growing scientific research and the philosophy behind psychedelic experience.

The Philosophy and Science of Predictive Processing

This book explores how predictive processing, which argues that our brains are constantly generating and updating hypotheses about our external conditions, sheds new light on the nature of the mind. It shows how it is similar to and expands other theoretical approaches that emphasize the active role of the mind and its dynamic function. Offering a complete guide to the philosophical and empirical implications of predictive processing, contributors bring perspectives from philosophy, neuroscience, and psychology. Together, they explore the many philosophical applications of predictive processing and its exciting potential across mental health, cognitive science, neuroscience, and robotics. Presenting an extensive and balanced overview of the subject, The Philosophy and Science of Predictive Processing is a landmark volume within philosophy of mind.

The Philosophy of Creativity: New Essays

Creativity pervades human life. It is the mark of individuality, the vehicle of self-expression, and the engine of progress in every human endeavor. It also raises a wealth of neglected and yet evocative philosophical questions: What is the role of consciousness in the creative process? How does the audience for a work for art influence its creation? How can creativity emerge through childhood pretending? Do great works of literature give us insight into human nature? Can a computer program really be creative? How do we define creativity in the first place? Is it a virtue? What is the difference between creativity in science and art? Can creativity be taught? The new essays that comprise The Philosophy of Creativity take up these and other key questions and, in doing so, illustrate the value of interdisciplinary exchange. Written by leading philosophers and psychologists involved in studying creativity, the essays integrate philosophical insights with empirical research.

The Philosophy of Daniel Dennett

Daniel C. Dennett began publishing innovative philosophical research in the late 1960s, and he has continued to do so for the past 45 years. He has addressed questions about the nature of mind and consciousness, the possibility of freedom, and the significance of evolution to addressing questions across the cognitive, biological, and social sciences. The Philosophy of Daniel Dennett explores the intellectual significance of this research project, bringing together the insights of eleven researchers who are currently working on themes that are relevant to Dennett's philosophical worldview. Some of the contributions address interpretive issues within Dennett's corpus, and aim to bring increased clarity to Dennett's project. Others report novel empirical data, at least in part, in the service of fleshing out Dennett's claims. Some of them provide a fresh take on a Dennettian theme, and others extend his views in novel directions. Like Dennett's own work, these papers draw on a wide range of different methodologies, from appeals to intuition pumps and scientific data, to turning the knobs on a theory to see what it can do. But each of them aims to be readable, and approachable. And as a whole, the volume provides a critical and constructive overview of Dennett's stance-based methodology, as well as explorations of his claims about metal representation, consciousness, cultural evolution, and religion.

Placebo Effects in Sport and Exercise

Placebo effects have been recognised by medicine and by science, yet only recently has systematic research begun to fully understand what they are and how they work. Sport and exercise scientists started systematic research to better understand the potential performance-enhancing effects of placebos as well as how a range of treatments are used in sport, from nutritional supplements to psychological interventions to sports medicine treatments. Placebo Effects in Sport and Exercise synthesises this field of research of the influence placebo effects have in sport and exercise. This book brings together many of the world’s leading and emerging placebo effect researchers to help readers gain an understanding of core research findings from within sports and exercise science as well as sport and exercise-related contributions from experts in anthropology, medicine, and neuroscience. Readers will gain an insight of what placebo and nocebo effects are, how they might influence sport and exercise performance and outcomes, and how they might significantly influence the effectiveness of performance and health interventions. The book investigates various practical and ethical implications for the sport and exercise practitioner, student, and researcher to consider. Can a placebo work if the athlete knows it’s a placebo? Should practitioners use placebos to enhance performance? Can the use of placebos reduce doping? Are some sports medicine treatments little more than placebos? With the rapid growth of applied sports medicine, as well as the concept of exercise as a mental health treatment in its own right, Placebo Effects in Sport and Exercise is key reading for students and researchers of sport psychology as well as those out in the field.

Placebo Effects Through the Lens of Translational Research

Placebo Effects Through the Lens of Translational Research is an Open Access book integrating current knowledge on placebo research in healthcare to develop comprehensive and adequate strategies for better symptom management and treatment responses. This edited collection features the work of experts in placebo studies, including women, people of color, and international scholars, helping to diversify the existing scholarship in the field. It presents the latest research findings while also considers theoretical aspects of placebo. Together, the chapters in this volume help bridge the gulf between research and ideas in placebo studies and their day-to-day application in clinical practice in order to improve healthcare and health outcomes. Responses to placebos can be as significant as the observed results of active treatments in Phase II/III randomized clinical trials. These results have led to a stagnant era in new drug development since the effect of these potential therapeutics have similar, measured effects as the placebos used in the same trials. This book sheds light on translational aspects related to placebo and drug treatment methods. It also evaluates the clinical implications of a much-needed integration of pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatments in healthcare. Placebo Effects Through the Lens of Translational Research concludes with a discussion of the most innovative developments in placebo research, which will be of interest to a wide readership, including clinicians, senior scientists, trainees, and patients. In a single volume, Placebo Effects Through the Lens of Translational Research provides readers with an overview of current perspectives on placebo research and translational applications.

Placebo Talks: Modern perspectives on placebos in society

Why do red placebos stimulate whereas blue placebos calm? Why do more placebos work better than few? And why do more expensive placebos work better than cheaper ones? These are some of the key questions that often come to mind when we consider the slippery and counterintuitive field of placebo science. Rather than consider placebos through the narrow narrative of "sugar pills" in clinical trials, this book provides various perspectives on how psychosocial parameters - such as interpersonal rapport, historical and contemporary context, corporate memory, expectation, empathy, hope, conditioning, symbolic thinking, and suggestion - play a role in forming placebo responses and placebo effects. The book provides modern perspectives on placebos in society, including in education, government, industry, media, and current culture. The editors use three different themes to elucidate and elaborate current conceptualizations of placebos and their accoutrements: the Practioner lens, the Cultural lens, and the lens of placebo science, itself. These accounts by some of the best scholars in the field, make for a cogent triangulation of the qualities and virtues of placebos across a wide range of disciplines relevant to human behavior. Placebo Talks invites readers to discover how placebos may speak to their own experiences across health, society, sustenance, and related aspects of contemporary life.

Play Therapy Treatment Planning with Children and Families: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals

Play Therapy Treatment Planning with Children and Families is a comprehensive guide that provides an integrative and prescriptive approach to creating customized treatment plans. It’s an excellent textbook for graduate programs in social work, counseling, and family therapy and an invaluable guide for practicing clinicians in all settings.After exploring and explaining the many modalities for treating children and adolescents, this book provides sample treatment plans using a variety of case vignettes. Chapters also take readers through a road map for case conceptualization, meeting with caregivers, problem identification, goal development, diagnosis determination, determination of interventions and termination, and much more.

Pocket Prescriber Psychiatry (Pocket Prescriber Series)

Pocket Prescriber Psychiatry, 2E is a concise, up-to-date prescribing guide containing all the 'must-have' information that psychiatrists and mental health professionals need to know.This book provides the key essential information for all mental health professionals prescribing drugs and is essential for psychiatrists, mental health nurses, primary care physicians, psychologists, psychotherapists and counsellors and anyone caring for people with mental health issues.

The Politics of Curiosity: Alternatives to the Attention Economy (ISSN)

Through a variety of studies in the emerging field of attentional studies, this book examines and seeks alternatives to the current attention economy. Bringing together the work of leading scholars of ‘critical attention studies’ to reflect on issues such as techno-politics, socio-politics, and the politics of distraction, it offers a new and multi-disciplinary conceptualization of attention that emphasizes the connections between attention and curiosity, distraction, decoloniality and care. Above all, The Politics of Curiosity asks us to consider the nature and ambivalence of the curious forms of politics that might be taking shape in the shadow of our current attention economy.The “attention economy” has become a household name: we all know our attention is being harvested, commodified and packaged to be sold to advertisers by capitalist platforms. We all complain about it; some of us dream of disconnection; others call to fight back. By focusing on attentional deficits, and by reducing attention to being focused, however, the common view may miss wider stakes, and more promising opportunities. This collective volume provides a new frame of analysis based on three displacements. First, it relocates attentional issues within a triangulation that explores a continuum between attention, distraction and curiosity. Second, it invites us to investigate into the mental infrastructures that socially condition our perceptions and understandings of the world. Third, it points towards emancipatory politics of curiosity to provide alternatives to the attention economy. Contributions range from pedagogy to media theory, via digital studies, epistemology, sociology, political philosophy, literary history, aesthetics, film and dance studies. They gather some of the leading scholars who shaped the study of attention, questioned the values of distraction and explored the potentials of curiosity over the recent years. They extend across nine countries, four continents and seven languages, to provide a multicultural approach to these debates. Together, they help us understand how our current mental infrastructures have taken shape, under specific regimes of power and authority, in a world dominated by capital, colonialism and patriarchy. But they also sketch what can be done to redeploy them around imperatives of respect and care – from a better awareness of our mental biases, online behaviors and bodily movements, to our collective capacity to restructure classroom interactions, to launch alternative digital platforms, to build democratic movements.The first platform for discussion of the politics of attention and curiosity – and an essential point of reference for future debate – this book will appeal to scholars of sociology, politics and psychology.

The Politics of Truth in Polarized America

In American politics, the truth is rapidly losing relevance. The public square is teeming with misinformation, conspiracy theories, cynicism, and hubris. Why has this happened? What does it mean? What can we do about it? In this volume, leading scholars offer multiple perspectives on these questions, and many more, to provide the first comprehensive empirical examination of the "politics of truth" -- its context, causes, and potential correctives. With experts in social science weighing in, this volume examines different drivers such as the dynamics of politically motivated fact perceptions. Combining insights from the fields of political science, political theory, communication, and psychology and offering substantial new arguments and evidence, these chapters draw compelling -- if sometimes competing -- conclusions regarding this rising democratic threat.

Polyvagal Power in the Playroom: A Guide for Play Therapists

Polyvagal Power in the Playroom shows therapists how to treat children using play therapy to address the hierarchy of autonomic states. What do children need and how do play therapists purposefully use the principles of play to increase the feeling states of safety and regulation? Step inside the playroom and discover how trained play therapists are addressing treatment using polyvagal theory when working with children and teens.The book is organized into three parts: Interruptions explores developmental derailments brought about by relational betrayals such as domestic violence, child sexual abuse, and attachment ruptures implicated in a myriad of adverse childhood experiences. In these cases, the neuroception of safety scaffolded through "good enough" rhythms of healthy caregiver/child interactions is either compromised through a thousand relational cuts (parental addiction or parental mental illness) or abruptly ended (divorce, death or incarceration of a parent) Happenings explores events that involve an external intrusion, such as natural disasters, wars, and pandemics Expressions of risk and resilience explores mental health symptom clusters such as depression, anxiety, dissociation, and explosive behavior through the lens of dorsal vagal or sympathetic nervous system states, as well as specific play therapy methods for healing the nervous system The therapeutic powers of play are illustrated through case examples and in practical, play-based interventions woven throughout the book.Child and play therapists will come away from Polyvagal Power in the Playroom with the tools they need to help children and their caregivers achieve deeper levels of safety and connection.

Popularizing Scholarly Research: Working with Nonacademic Stakeholders, Teams, and Communities

A scholar's guide for to conducting ethical research with various communities Though the arena of scholarship grows and changes, collaboration and community remain vital aspects of research and public scholarship. Popularizing Scholarly Research: Working with Nonacademic Stakeholders, Teams, and Communities contextualizes research methods and practices for popularizing research involving teams, communities, and nonacademic stakeholders. Patricia Leavy introduces the move toward making scholarship more accessible outside of academic settings. Drawing from the authoritative Oxford Handbook of Methods for Public Scholarship a diversified list of interdisciplinary contributors cover social movements, ethical issues working with vulnerable populations, outsider-insider issues, citizens' juries, community-based research, participatory action research, community art-making, theatre, cross-cultural research, decolonizing methods, team research and disaster research. Further supplemental materials included at the end of the book make this title an important addition to any modern researcher's bookshelf.

Popularizing Scholarly Research: The Academic Landscape, Representation, and Professional Identity in the 21st Century

A roadmap to guide individuals on the ever-changing path of public scholarship The academic landscape is shifting greatly in the 21st century, and modern researchers must be able to navigate this sphere. With increased communication via the Internet and social media, researchers have developed new ways of conducting and representing research. Popularizing Scholarly Research: The Academic Landscape, Representation, and Professional Identity in the 21st Century explains how research has turned from disciplinary to transdisciplinary, the new structures research may take, as well as what a scholar's professional life may look like. An impressive list of contributors cover transdisciplinary research, public intellectuals, audience and voice, creative nonfiction, writing collaboratively, visual images, writing for broad audiences, academic blogs, publicity, funding, and public policy. Additionally, Patricia Leavy includes supplemental resources to augment the information presented by contributors. Taking influence from Oxford Handbook of Methods for Public Scholarship, this book is required for anyone who wants to understand and keep up with modern research practices and build a career in this shifting arena.

Positive Neuroscience

How do we thrive in our behaviors and experiences? Positive neuroscience research illuminates the brain mechanisms that enable human flourishing. Supported by the John Templeton Foundation's Positive Neuroscience Project, which Martin E. P. Seligman established in 2008, Positive Neuroscience provides an intersection between neuroscience and positive psychology. In this edited volume, leading researchers describe the neuroscience of social bonding, altruism, and the capacities for resilience and creativity. Part I (Social Bonds) describes the mechanisms that enable humans to connect with one another. Part II (Altruism) focuses on the neural mechanisms underlying the human ability and willingness to confer costly benefits on others. Part III (Resilience and Creativity) examines the mechanisms by which human brains overcome adversity, create, and discover. Specific topics include: a newly discovered nerve type that appears to be specialized for emotional communication; the effects of parenting on the male brain; how human altruism differs from that of other primates; the neural features of extraordinary altruists who have donated kidneys to strangers; and distinctive patterns of brain wiring that endow some people with exceptional musical abilities. Accessible to a broad academic audience, from advanced undergraduates to senior scholars, these subjects have generated a fascinating and highly convergent set of ideas and results, shaping our understanding of human nature.

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