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Standards and Ethics for Counselling in Action

by Tim Bond

Get 24 months FREE access to an interactive eBook* when you buy the paperback! (Print paperback version only, ISBN9781473913974) To find out more visit: Textbook with free access to counselling videos and other digital resources! The fourth edition of this classic text includes FREE access to an interactive eBook edition, which gives you on-the-go access to a wealth of digital resources supporting the print edition. It includes: · 16 counselling scenario videos · 16 author discussion videos · an interactive glossary · journal articles · interactive multiple choice questions · live links to useful websites, including ethical codes and frameworks relevant to the UK and internationally. The 16 counselling scenario videos illustrate key ethical topics, issues and dilemmas arising in counselling practice, including: contracting, confidentiality, working with a client with suicidal intent, counselling in a digital age, counsellor self-care - and much more. In the 16 author discussion videos, leading expert Tim Bond gives his reflections on each counselling scenario, to support you in your ethical practice. Other updates to the new edition include three new chapters on Working with Social Diversity, Counselling in a Digital Age and Being Accountable: Evidence-based Practice and Monitoring and new content on reflective practice to encourage ethical mindfulness. This is the ultimate guide to standards and ethics in the psychological therapies and a must read for all trainees and practitioners. Tim Bond is an Emeritus Professor of the University of Bristol and Visiting Professor to the University of Malta. We are putting the finishing touches on all of the carefully crafted tools and resources that will soon be available to you on the interactive ebook. Please check back soon to see what the interactive ebook has to offer! *interactivity only available through Vitalsource eBook 9781473913974

Starving For Salvation: The Spiritual Dimensions Of Eating Problems Among American Girls And Women

by Michelle Mary Lelwica

In recent years, eating disorders among American girls and women have become a subject of national concern. Conventional explanations of eating problems are usually framed in the language of psychology, medicine, feminism, or sociology. Although they differ in theory and approach, these interpretations are linked by one common assumption--that female preoccupation with food and body is an essentially secular phenomenon. InStarving for Salvation, Michelle Lelwica challenges traditional theories by introducing and exploring the spiritual dimensions of anorexia, bulimia, and related problems. Drawing on a range of sources that include previously published interviews with sufferers of eating disorders, Lelwica claims that girls and women starve, binge, and purge their bodies as a means of coping with the pain and injustice of their daily lives. She provides an incisive analysis of contemporary American culture, arguing that our dominant social values and religious legacies produce feelings of emptiness and dissatisfaction in girls and women. Trapped in a society that ignores and denies their spiritual needs, girls and women construct a network of symbols, beliefs, and rituals around food and their bodies. Lelwica draws a parallel between the patriarchal legacy of Christianity, which associates women with sin and bodily cravings, and the cultural preference for a thin female body. According to Lelwica, these complimentary forces form a popular salvation myth that encourages girls and women to fixate on their bodies and engage in disordered eating patterns. While this myth provides a sense of meaning and purpose in the face of uncertainty and injustice, Lelwica demonstrates that such rigid and unhealthy devotion to the body only deepens the spiritual void that women long to fill. Although Lelwica presents many disturbing facts about the origins of eating disorders, she also suggests positive ways that our society can nourish the creative and spiritual needs of girls and women. The first step, however, is to acknowledge that female preoccupation with thinness and food signifies a strong desire for fulfillment. Until we recognize and contest the religious legacies and cultural values that perpetuate eating disorders, many women will continue to turn to the most accessible symbolic and ritual resources available to them--food and their bodies--in an attempt to satiate their profound spiritual hunger.

Stretching The Imagination: Representation And Transformation In Mental Imagery

by Daniel Reisberg Cesare Cornoldi Robert H. Logie Maria A. Brandimonte Geir Kaufmann

This is the first volume in theCounterpointsSeries, which explores the issues being debated in psychology, child development, linguistics, and neuroscience. Each volume consists of the presentation of three or four extensive chapters by researchers representing key points of view on the issue. This text examines one of the liveliest areas of debate in psychology today, the relationship between perception and mental imagery. A variety of recent studies have pointed to the existence of a strong relationship between memory and mental representation, while others have shown that images are open to reinterpretation and manipulation, and are therefore not merely static impressions or mental representations of memories. Three core chapters by researchers in the midst of this debate--Maria Brandimonte, Geir Kaufmann, and Dan Reisberg--make up the central portion of this text. The first chapter is a historical overview of the problem as well as a review of the research in psychology and the argument as it has developed in related fields, such as philosophy and artificial intelligence. The last chapter pulls together all of the positions and points to new areas of research which may help uncover an explanation for the apparent contradictions in the research. Students and researchers in psychology and cognitive psychology will benefit from this comprehensive look at this heated debate.

The Structural Approach in Psychological Testing: Pergamon General Psychology Series

by Marvin L. Kaplan Nick J. Colarelli Ruth Brill Gross

The Structural Approach in Psychological Testing covers the basic concepts for various types of personality or for the specific relationships of treatment possibilities to personality disturbances. The book describes the structural approach in psychological evaluation and its relation to developments in psychology in general and clinical psychology; the psychoanalytic foundations of the structural theory; and structural concepts in test analysis and personality description. The text also discusses the structural concepts to schizophrenia in developing the theoretical framework of schizophrenia as faulty ego synthesis, as well as the structural approach using case materials. The vacillation between reality and psychosis and the system of warding off confusion are also encompassed.

Suicide Across Cultures: Understanding the variation and complexity of the suicidal process across ethnicities and cultures (Oxford Cultural Psychiatry)

Over 700,000 people globally take their own lives every year, which equates to one death by suicide every 40 seconds. Among teenagers and young adults, suicide is the second most common cause of death after road traffic accidents. Overall, almost three times as many men than women die by suicide. There are, however, significant variations in the patterns of suicide across cultures, gender, age, geographic locations, and personal history, due to the complex relationship of how these factors converge. One thing that remains consistent, is that every death is a tragedy for family, friends, and all colleagues. Traditions of suicidal behaviour are deeply rooted in any given culture, and so examining the cultural influences can be of paramount importance in the understanding and assessment of a suicidal crisis. Suicide Across Cultures offers the opportunity to expand knowledge beyond majority groups and to look further than the dominant paradigm in suicide research, treatment, and prevention. With the majority of global suicides taking place in non-Western societies, minority groups are an essential area in suicide research. Written by experts from around the world, this fascinating textbook includes topics and regions that are not usually covered in texts on suicide and self-harm. It provides a unique, and important insight for academics and students in psychiatry, as well as anyone from the wider public with an interest in the psychiatry of suicide across cultures.

Tall Tales about the Mind and Brain: Separating fact from fiction

Does listening to Mozart make us more intelligent? Is there such a thing as a gay gene? Does the size of the brain matter? Does the moon influence our behaviour? Can we communicate with the dead? Can graphology tell us anything about a person's character? Is the human brain clonable? What role do dreams have in cognition? Can mind conquer matter and diseases? Are out-of-body experiences possible? Can we trust our intuitions? To some, the answer to all these questions might well be a resounding 'no', but to many people these represent serious beliefs about the mind and brain - beliefs that drive their everyday behaviour, beliefs that cost them huge amounts of money. Whole industries have developed founded on these dubious claims about the mind and brain. Even major corporations have dabbled with assessment methods such as those advocated by graphology, accepting and rejecting candidates on the basic of their handwriting. Expectant parents buy books and tapes by the dozen showing them how to improve the intelligence of their child by playing them classical music. People subscribe to expensive therapies founded on beliefs rather than science, or risk their health buying books that tell them how they can conquer illness through positive thinking, perhaps at the expense of more scientifically proven treatments. Tall Tales about the Mind and Brain presents a sweeping survey of common myths about the mind and brain. In a lighthearted and accessible style, it exposes the truth behind these beliefs, how they are perpetuated, why people believe them, and why they might even exist in the first place.

The Teacher Toolkit Guide to Questioning (Teacher Toolkit Guides)

by Ross Morrison McGill

The Teacher Toolkit Guides turn the theory of education into practical ideas for your classroom. From Ross Morrison McGill, bestselling author of Mark. Plan. Teach. and Teacher Toolkit, this book highlights the importance of questioning in challenging pupils, checking for understanding, identifying gaps in knowledge, improving recall and ultimately encouraging learners to analyse, evaluate and actively engage in learning.Each book in the Teacher Toolkit Guides series explores a key principle of teaching and learning, and offers research-based techniques to transform classroom practice. The guides each include scaffolded ideas with ready-to-use templates and worked examples. Supported by infographics, charts and diagrams, these guides are a must-have for any teacher, in any school, and at any level. By simplifying the theory and offering original ideas proven to have an impact in the classroom, The Teacher Toolkit Guide to Questioning provides teachers with an invaluable resource to refine this key element of their practice.

Teaching Social Psychology (Elgar Guides to Teaching)

This thought-provoking book consolidates insights, theories and practical recommendations for best practice when teaching social psychology. Bringing together a wealth of experts in the field, editors Catherine A. Sanderson and Rebecca R. Totton encourage educators to emphasize the direct connection between social psychology course material and everyday life. Teaching Social Psychology begins by exploring different teaching philosophies including both team-based learning and PERMA theory, providing instructors with a range of strategies to engage students. Contributing authors then propose practical solutions when integrating diverse perspectives in their teaching, prompting educators to consider the accessibility, inclusivity, and equity of their classroom. The book concludes by presenting assessment and assignment options that focus on exceptional pedagogy. Chapters are designed to be used either in isolation or conjunction, allowing teachers a flexibility and adaptability of approach.Providing theoretical and practical guidance at all levels, this incisive and accessible book is a key resource for instructors of social psychology. Its recommendations for best pedagogical practice are also beneficial to students, academics and researchers in the field.

Theater Of Disorder: Patients, Doctors, And The Construction Of Illness

by Brant Wenegrat

There are certain phenomena, such as hypnosis, hysteria, multiple personality disorder, recovered memory syndrome, claims of satanic ritual abuse, alien abduction syndrome, and culture-specific disorders that, although common, are difficult to explain completely. The purpose of this volume is to apply a model of social relations to these phenomena in order to provide a different explanation for them. Wenegrat argues that they are socially constructed illness roles or purposive behavior patterns into which patients fall while receiving either unintentional or intentional cues during interactions with caretakers and authority figures. The application of the social-relations model raises some important, yet previously overlooked, questions about these phenomena. It also illustrates some important aspects of human nature and consciousness, places illness behaviors in their larger, cultural context, and shows the way to a new and different view of mental life.

Theoretische und empirische Beiträge zur Verwahrlosungsforschung (Monographien aus dem Gesamtgebiete der Psychiatrie #1)

by K. Hartmann

Zwei Bemerkungen seien dieser Arbeit vorausgeschickt. Die erste Vorbemerkung ist eine Erläuterung: Es soll gesagt werden, welchen Tei­ len der Monographie das besondere Interesse des Autors gilt. Wie ihr Titel zum Aus­ druck bringt, enthält die Arbeit theoretische und empirische Kapitel. Die empirischen Beiträge sind das Kapitel "Methodologie", das sich mit der Erhebung, Messung und Voraussage der Verwahrlosung befaßt, sowie das Kapitel "Untersuchungsergebnisse" , welches über eine Untersuchung von 1000 verwahrlosten männlichen Minderjährigen berichtet. Von diesen beiden empirischen Beiträgen ist dem Autor besonders an dem methodischen Teil gelegen, zumal die Untersuchungsresultate nur für eine bestimmte Population gelten, aber die Untersuchungsmethoden auch bei anderen Populationen angewandt werden können. Als theoretische Beiträge verstehen sich die Kapitel "Phänomenologie", "A. tiologie" und "Terminologie". Bei diesen drei Kapiteln liegt dem Autor besonders an dem terminologischen Exkurs, da in der Fachliteratur in bezug auf die Verwahrlosung erhebliche Zuordnungsschwierigkeiten bestehen - unter anderem vermutlich auch deshalb, weil sich keine Wissenschaft mit diesem Forschungs­ bereich so recht identifizieren will: Die körperlich begründbaren Geistes-und Gemüts­ leiden sind bisher die einzigen von der Psychiatrie als Krankheiten akzeptierten Seelenstörungen; der neurotischen Affektionen hat sich die Psychoanalyse angenom­ men; die Verwahrlosungsentwicklungen werden von der Psychiatrie im allgemeinen nicht als Krankheiten und von der Psychoanalyse in der Regel nicht als Neurosen anerkannt.

Therapeutic Ways With Words

by Kathleen W. Ferrara

Therapeutic Ways with Wordsprovides a unique glimpse into language use in psychotherapy, an important speech event which has previously been shrouded in mystery. This important book shows how both clients and therapists accomplish their aims through language, which, paradoxically, is both the method of diagnosis and the medium of treatment in this cultural practice. With a discourse analysis of tape recordings and transcripts of actual psychotherapy sessions enhanced by a variety of ethnographic observations, Kathleen Warden Ferrara explores the skillful and creative uses of language in the complicated speech event of psychotherapy. Shedding light on discourse practices such as retellings of personal experience narrative, jointly constructed sentences and metaphorical extensions, and strategic uses of repetition, the study emphasizes the interactive nature of all discourse and shows how language is mutually constructed as people interweave pieces of their own and others' sentences, metaphors, and narratives.

This Book Could Help: The Men's Head Space Manual – Techniques and Exercises for Living

by MIND Rotimi Akinsete

'Incredibly helpful - every man should have a copy' —Colin Jackson, former olympic athlete'This book will save lives.' —Elis & John, Radio X'An essential read' —Levison Wood, author and explorer___________________Your body needs maintaining to keep it healthy. So does your mind.Sounds simple, but tired and outdated ideas that tell men how they ought to be, mean the message gets lost. And the results speak for themselves: suicide is the biggest killer of men under fifty. There’s no more room for debate – taking care of your head space should be as normal as eating your five-a-day or going to the gym. Many books make impossible promises about how they will fix all your problems and stresses with some miraculous ten-step programme. This one doesn’t. What it does do is provide practical help, when times are tough and also when they’re not. And just like with your physical health, it doesn’t always have to take much to make a difference.Developed in partnership with Mind, the mental health charity, This Book Could Help is filled with straightforward expert advice and simple techniques to help you shake off what other people say you ought to be, prioritize yourself, meet challenges and develop new strengths, in areas such as dealing with stress, motivation, work and life goals. We all deserve to live fully and respect our struggles, so start here and back yourself every day.Because head space is not a luxury, it’s essential.

Thoughts on Man

by William Godwin


Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex

by Sigmund Freud A. A. Brill

Landmark study examines sexual aberrations, infantile sexuality and the transformations of puberty. A unique work, according to translator A. A. Brill, it is "unlike other works on sex...of interest not only to the student of abnormal manifestations [but also] indispensable to the psychologist, the anthropologist, sociologist, the jurist, and above all the teacher."

Translation and Interpreting as Social Interaction: Affect, Behavior and Cognition (Bloomsbury Advances in Translation)

Adopting the tripartite theory of social psychology as its theoretical framework, this book advocates that the three components of social interaction – affect, behaviour, and cognition – underpin the daily activities of translators and interpreters. In particular, it argues that the affect or emotion of translators and interpreters should not be overlooked or treated as a separate entity, but as a crucial link between their mental process (cognition) and physical process (behaviour). This central theme of the intertwining nature of the affect, behaviour and cognition of translators and interpreters is examined theoretically, empirically, and methodologically with contributions from around the world, featuring literary translation, translator training, and interpreters' practice. It is a timely contribution to the field of Translation Process Research where affect is increasingly recognised as playing a key role in translation and interpreting phenomena.

Transparency and Reflection: A Study of Self-Knowledge and the Nature of Mind

by Matthew Boyle

The topic of self-knowledge has been central to philosophy since antiquity--but if self-knowledge deserves to be not just a goal that each of us should privately pursue, but a topic that philosophers should investigate in general terms, on what basis does it claim our attention? Much contemporary work in philosophy and cognitive science treats human cognition and perception as processes of representation manipulation, unaffected by our capacity for self-awareness. In Transparency and Reflection Matthew Boyle challenges this paradigm by urging a reconsideration of the classical idea that the capacity for reflective self-knowledge is an essential feature of human mindedness. Boyle argues that our ability for reflective self-knowledge is a byproduct of the "first person perspective" on our own lives that all human beings possess, as rational animals, and he seeks to defend this perspective against influential forms of skepticism about its soundness. Once we appreciate the connection between having a first person perspective on our own minds and having the capacity for self-knowledge, Boyle suggests, we can see a link between debates about how we know our own minds and the dark but intriguing idea that Jean-Paul Sartre expressed in his remark that, for a human being, "to exist is always to assume its being" in a way that implies "an understanding of human reality by itself."

Traumatic Pasts in Asia: History, Psychiatry, and Trauma from the 1930s to the Present

by Mark S. Micale Hans Pols

In the early twenty-first century, trauma is seemingly everywhere, whether as experience, diagnosis, concept, or buzzword. Yet even as many scholars consider trauma to be constitutive of psychological modernity or the post-Enlightenment human condition, historical research on the topic has overwhelmingly focused on cases, such as World War I or the Holocaust, in which Western experiences and actors are foregrounded. There remains an urgent need to incorporate the methods and insights of recent historical trauma research into a truly global perspective. The chapters in Traumatic Pasts in Asia make just such an intervention, extending Euro-American paradigms of traumatic experience to new sites of world-historical suffering and, in the process, exploring how these new domains of research inform and enrich earlier scholarship.

Traumatic Pasts in Asia: History, Psychiatry, and Trauma from the 1930s to the Present

by Mark S. Micale Hans Pols

In the early twenty-first century, trauma is seemingly everywhere, whether as experience, diagnosis, concept, or buzzword. Yet even as many scholars consider trauma to be constitutive of psychological modernity or the post-Enlightenment human condition, historical research on the topic has overwhelmingly focused on cases, such as World War I or the Holocaust, in which Western experiences and actors are foregrounded. There remains an urgent need to incorporate the methods and insights of recent historical trauma research into a truly global perspective. The chapters in Traumatic Pasts in Asia make just such an intervention, extending Euro-American paradigms of traumatic experience to new sites of world-historical suffering and, in the process, exploring how these new domains of research inform and enrich earlier scholarship.

Trust: How Citizens View Political Institutions

by Dr Ben Seyd

We seem to be living in an age of citizen distrust of social and political elites. Distrust is also seen to have numerous negative consequences for our civic and democratic life. Yet are western democracies really facing a crisis of trust? This book provides an extensive and up-to-date review of one of the most important topics in contemporary political life. It explores the nature and condition of trust today by exploring three key issues. What do we mean by trust? How far are levels of trust in decline? How damaging are the consequences of low trust for effective democratic governance? Seyd also considers how trust arises, and which factors might explain the declines in trust witnessed recently in many countries. Providing evidence from many countries, Trust: How Citizens View Political Institutions pays particular attention to Britain, which has seen a marked decline in public regard for political elites, making the country a vital case for identifying the causes and effects of low trust. Combining conceptual and empirical analysis, the book provides a timely analysis of a central issue in contemporary political debate.

Truth in the Late Foucault: Antiquity, Sexuality, and Psychoanalysis (Bloomsbury Studies in Classical Reception)

The first full treatment of truth as a core philosophical concept in the late Foucault, this volume examines his work on the ancient world and the early church. Each essay features a deep examination as to how the topics of truth and sexuality intersect with and focus on Foucault's engagement with ancient philosophy and thought. Truth in the Late Foucault offers readings on Plato, Artemidorus, Cicero, Sophocles and the Stoics, and pays close attention to Cassian, Paulinus of Nola, and early Christian practices of confession. With the publication of the long-awaited volume 4 of the History of Sexuality: Confessions of the Flesh, the shape of the final Foucault is now brought into stark relief. As well as looking at ancient thought, the contributors explore Foucault's work in relation to philosophers such as Gadamer, Heidegger, Derrida and Descartes. Foucault's long-running and often contentious dialogue with psychoanalysis, on the relation between truth and the subject, is also examined. Each essay not only makes an important statement, but also is part of an interconnected arc of topics and understanding, covering both the ancient and modern periods. This book reveals that Foucault's concern with antiquity raises questions deeply pertinent to the present moment.

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