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Showing 14,051 through 14,075 of 14,243 results

Einstein and Aquinas: A Rapprochement

by J.F. Kiley

Now how would things be intelligible if they did not proceed from an intelligence? In the last analy­ sis a Primal Intelligence must exist, which is itself Intellection and Intelligibility in pure act, and which is the first principle of intelligibility and essences of things, and causes order to exist in them, as well as an infinitely complex network of regular relationships, whose fundamental mysterious unity our reason dreams of rediscovering in its own way. Such an approach to God's existence is a variant of Thomas Aquinas' fifth way. Its impact was secretly present in Einstein's famous saying: "God does not play dice," which, no doubt, used the word God in a merely figurative sense, and meant only: "nature does not result from a throw of the dice," yet the very fact implicitly postulated the existence of the divine Intellect. Jacques Maritain God's creation is the insistence on the dependence of "epistemology" on ontology; man's acknow­ ledgement of creation is an insistence on the episte­ mological recovery of ontology.

How to Find Out About Banking and Investment: The Commonwealth and International Library: Libraries and Technical Information Division

by Norman Burgess

How to Find Out About Banking and Investment focuses on the sources of information on banking and investment. The publication first ponders on careers, dictionaries and encyclopedias, and libraries and guides to libraries. Discussions focus on guides to the resources of libraries, Banking Information Service, Bank Education Service, education and examinations in America, sources of information on careers, finance houses, joint stock banking, foreign and merchant banks, and the London Stock Exchange. The text then takes a look at bibliographies and literature guides, periodical literature, financial economics, banks and banking, and central banking classification. Topics include library catalogues, guides to reference works, periodicals concerned with banking and finance, money and banking in the United States, financial institutions and economic development, banking in Europe, European Economic Community, and banking in the United States. The book takes a look at interest and discount, credit and instruments of credit, foreign and overseas investment, and merchant and investment banking.The publication is a dependable source of information for researchers and bankers wanting to explore banking and investment.

A Laboratory Introduction to Psychology

by James Allison John W. Ost William B. Vance

A Laboratory Introduction to Psychology was written to acquaint the student with the concepts and methods of laboratory science as they apply to psychology. It is assumed that the laboratory course will follow or accompany a comprehensive course in introductory psychology which emphasizes scientific topics. The experiments have been related to journal articles and to sections of several popular textbooks so that students and instructors will have ready access to introductory material. This manual is limited to standard topics of experimental psychology, but includes some experiments that are relatively new. The topics discussed are grouped into in three main categories: Animal Behavior, Sensory Processes, and Human Behavior. Within each of these sections, the experiments are somewhat connected in shorter series. The Animal Behavior studies include one series consisting of conditioning, extinction, discrimination, and secondary reinforcement, and a second series on schedules of reinforcement and motivation. The experiments on Sensory Processes include some threshold measurements, and also a series of studies on perceived magnitude, adaptation level, and illusions. The experiments on Human Behavior include a series on learning and transfer, on short-term memory, and on two-person interactions.

The Logic of Explanation in Psychoanalysis

by Michael Sherwood

The Logic of Explanation in Psychoanalysis is this is the first full-length study of a single case history written by a practicing psychiatrist from the standpoint of the philosophy of science. This book is a contribution to the growing dialogue between philosophers of science and psychiatrists. It ranges in scope from highly technical linguistic issues to problems concerning Freud's early theory of psychosexual development. The study's primary appeal will be, on the one hand, to those philosophers interested in logical problems in the behavioral sciences and, on the other, to those psychiatrists and psychoanalysts who are not content simply to worry about the very real difficulties of psychotherapy, but who also feel obliged to concern themselves with the scientific status of a psychodynamically oriented theory of human behavior. However, the importance and contemporary relevance of such an interdisciplinary approach will be apparent to a far wider audience. Therefore, an attempt has been made to present the material in a manner both appealing and comprehensible to readers who may lack the specialized knowledge required of either the philosopher or the psychiatrist. In so doing it is hoped that an even wider based dialogue can be established.

Scientific and Technological Communication

by Sidney Passman

Scientific and Technological Communication deals with the fundamental aspects of the elements and media of scientific and technological communication, with emphasis on the critical issues involving them as well as the opportunities and techniques for exploiting them. Topics covered include informal information exchange; specialized information and analysis centers; mechanization and information handling; and international aspects of scientific and technical communication. This book is comprised of nine chapters and begins with an overview of the scientific communication process, its evolution, and its elements, as well as the importance of the scientific literature to the integrity, correctness, and viability of this process. The following chapters explore the social role of the scientific literature in establishing priority of effort with respect to the research and engineering process; primary and secondary literature on scientific and technological communication, including scientific journals, monographs, and technical reports; informal information exchange; and specialized information and analysis centers. The final chapter is devoted to the international aspects of scientific and technical communication. This monograph will be a useful resource for scientific and technical practitioners, as well as users, generators, and managers of communication systems in private and government sectors.

Society, Schools and Progress in Eastern Europe: The Commonwealth and International Library: Education and Educational Research

by Nigel Grant

Society, Schools and Progress in Eastern Europe presents a comprehensive survey of a whole culture, showing the interpretation of its government, technology, religion, social relationships, and arts. This book describes the school system, administration, family influences, and background social forces.Organized into two parts encompassing eight chapters, this book begins with an overview of the influence of Soviet educational policies and the communist education in the schools of Hungary, Romania, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia. This text then examines the factor that raises a number of educational problems in rural areas in Eastern Europe. Other chapters consider the significant role of agriculture in many of the Eastern European countries that affects education in other ways too. This book discusses as well the educational implications of industrial development. The final chapter deals with the educational system in Albania.This book is a valuable resource for students of sociology, government and politics, as well as education.

Society, Schools and Progress in Israel: The Commonwealth and International Library: Education and Educational Research

by Aharon F. Kleinberger

Society, Schools and Progress in Israel is a part of a series of books that cross-reference each other to form a comparative study about the society, education, and progress of various countries. This particular volume is concerned with Israel. The text first details the historical background of Israel, and then proceeds to discussing society, polity, and economy. Next, the selection covers the legislation and politics of education. The next series of chapters deals with educational concerns. The last chapter of the text discusses the problems in equality, minority, and identity in Israel. The book will be of great use to political scientists, sociologists, economists, and psychologists.


by Clifford Leech

Professor Leech considers the significance of the term ‘Tragedy’ as it has been used from classical times to the present day. He gives examples of tragic writing from a wide variety of dramatic literatures and relates theoretical writings on tragedy and the tragedies that have been contemporaneous with them. Free reference is made to critics from Aristotle to these of the present. Special stress is laid on the tragedies of the Greeks, of Renaissance writers and of our immediate contemporaries, notably Harold Pinter and Tom Stoppard. There is also discussion of tragic writing in the modern novel.

Tragedy (The\critical Idiom Reissued Ser. #1)

by Clifford Leech

Professor Leech considers the significance of the term ‘Tragedy’ as it has been used from classical times to the present day. He gives examples of tragic writing from a wide variety of dramatic literatures and relates theoretical writings on tragedy and the tragedies that have been contemporaneous with them. Free reference is made to critics from Aristotle to these of the present. Special stress is laid on the tragedies of the Greeks, of Renaissance writers and of our immediate contemporaries, notably Harold Pinter and Tom Stoppard. There is also discussion of tragic writing in the modern novel.

Words and Objections: Essays on the Work of W.V. Quine (Synthese Library #21)

by Donald Davidson and Jaakko Hintikka

It is gratifying to see that philosophers' continued interest in Words and Objections has been so strong as to motivate a paperback edition. This is gratifying because it vindicates the editors' belief in the permanent im­ portance of Quine's philosophy and in the value of the papers com­ menting on it which were collected in our volume. Apart from a couple of small corrections, only one change has been made. The list of Professor Quine's writings has been brought up to date. The editors cannot claim any credit for this improvement, however. We have not tried to imitate the Library of Living Philosophers volumes and to include Professor Quine's autobiography in this volume, but we are fortunate to publish here his brand-new auto bibliography. 1975 THE EDITORS TABLE OF CONTENTS V PREFACE 1 EDITORIAL INTRODUCTION 1. 1. C. SMAR T / Quine's Philosophy of Science 3 GILBERT HARMAN / An Introduction to 'Translation and Meaning', Chapter Two of Word and Object 14 ERIK STENIUS / Beginning with Ordinary Things 27 NOAM CHOMSKY / Quine's Empirical Assumptions 53 1AAKKO HINTIKKA / Behavioral Criteria of Radical Translation 69 BARRY STROUD / Conventionalism and the Indeterminacy of Translation 82 P. F. STRA WSON / Singular Terms and Predication 97 118 H. P. GRICE / Vacuous Names P. T.

How to Find Out About Literature

by G. Chandler

How to Find Out About Literature aims to provide a general survey of literatures and a general indication of the dates of these literatures. The book first elaborates on how to study and appreciate literature and how to trace literary works, including exercises and universal and national bibliographies. The text then examines how to trace poetry, drama, novels, and prose, foreign and subject bibliographies, library and sale catalogues, and guides to libraries, and literary information on general reference books and encyclopedias. The manuscript discusses how to trace literary information in handbooks and concordances to poetry and drama, handbooks and reference books on novelists and prose writers, dictionaries and guides to the English language and specialized subjects, essays, theses, and periodical articles. The text ponders on how to trace periodical articles and literary abstracts. The book is a valuable reference for students and researchers in their studies.

How to Find Out in Philosophy and Psychology: The Commonwealth and International Library: Library and Technical Information Division

by D. H. Borchardt

How to Find Out in Philosophy and Psychology is a guidebook for accessing various philosophical and psychological literatures. The coverage of the text includes dictionaries, journals, encyclopedias, and handbooks. The selection also covers various kinds of bibliographies, such as national, general retrospective, and bibliographies of specialized fields. The last chapter tackles various philosophical and psychological organizations. The book will be of great use to students who needs to have access to various philosophical and psychological materials.

Philosophic Foundations of Genetic Psychology and Gestalt Psychology: A Comparative Study of the Empirical Basis, Theoretical Structure, and Epistemological Groundwork of European Biological Psychology

by Ash Gobar

XVI Psychologists have, however, shown that what we are primarily aware of is not a succession of sense-data but figures-ground phenomena: Wittgenstein's ambiguous duck-rabbit is merely one such example. They have also drawn our attention to the existence of tertiary qualities in perception, such as 'symmetry' and 'elegance' which are just as directly given as are the perceived colours red, green or yellow. It is interesting to note that Merleau-Ponty has made considerable use of Gestalt ideas in his Phenomenology of Perception. One of the commonest reasons given by linguistic philosophers for not making direct use of the results of psychological research (although philosophers are usually willing to accept the first-hand results of physical science) is that philosophical accounts of perception and thinking are concerned with analysing the language in which these reports are made; that is to say, they are second-order enquiries. Often this approach is still more restricted and ordinary linguistic usage is taken as the yardstick against which questions relating to thought and perception are to be measured. The task of the philosopher is then con­ fined to the analysis of ordinary language. If he is more adventurous, as some writers on philosophical psychology are, he might go on to show how far the language used by psychological researchers falls short of the paradigms of common sense.

Recent Publications in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: The ABS Guide 1968 Supplement

by Unknown Author

Recent Publications in the Social and Behavioral Sciences presents a guide to books, articles, some government reports, and a few pamphlets and unbound items about the theory; methodology; the principal areas of investigation and areas of investigation of potential reward; and about the role of the social sciences in contemporary society. The book provides a list of cited periodicals, bibliography, and title and subject indices. The text also covers a bibliography of special issues of The Americal Behavioral Scientist. The book will be useful to behavioral scientists, psychologists, and psychiatrists.

Soccer Hooliganism: A Preliminary Report

by Denis Howell J. A. Harrington

Soccer Hooliganism: A Preliminary Report focuses on the study of the intrusion of hooliganism into sports, especially football.This book begins with a description of the methods of inquiry that surveys and evaluates existing opinions regarding the problem of football hooliganism, followed by a discussion of its extent and seriousness. The nature of football hooliganism, which includes rowdysim, horseplay and threatening behavior, foul support, soccermania, football riots, and vandalism are also reviewed in detail. Injuries resulting from hooliganism are also elaborated. Other topics include the characteristics of convicted hooligans, causes and epidemiology of hooliganism, and ethological study of football crowds. This text concludes with a deliberation of the control and prevention of hooliganism, including a summary of the main findings and recommendations of the problem.This publication is suitable for specialists and medical practitioners concerned with the psychiatric studies of convicted hooligans or misbehavior among spectators.

Society, Schools and Progress in China: The Commonwealth and International Library: Education and Educational Research

by Chiu-Sam Tsang

Society, Schools and Progress in China is a comprehensive survey of the technology, government, social relationships, religion, geography, and arts of China. The book presents a wide range of information about China such as its history and geography; an outline of the country’s political and administrative structure; formative institutions in Chinese society; some of the prevalent assumptions in the recasting of a new social order in China; and the country’s problems and crises. Students and teachers of history and sociology will find the book a good reference material.

When The Shooting Stops ... The Cutting Begins: A Film Editor's Story

by Ralph Rosenblum Robert Karen

The story of one of the most important and least-understood jobs in moviemaking-film editing-is here told by one of the wizards, Ralph Rosenblum, whose credentials include six Woody Allen films, as well as The Pawnbroker, The Producers, and Goodbye, Columbus. Rosenblum and journalist Robert Karen have written both a history of the profession and a personal account, a highly entertaining, instructive, and revelatory book that will make any reader a more aware movie-viewer.

A Biological and Psychological Background to Education

by Alice F. Laing C. G. Hussell

A Biological and Psychological Background to Education focuses on man's physical and psychological characteristics which influence education.The publication first underscores the importance of man's biological background, the biological nature of man, and the nature of the vital processes. Discussions focus on respiration, nutrition, object of vital activities, characteristics of man as an animal, primate characteristics, diversity of man, public education, and human biology in the schools. The book then examines the control of vital processes, reproduction and sex education, genetic factors in the life of man, evolution and man, and development and growth. The manuscript takes a look at movement, posture, and exercise, health and the teacher's responsibility, social heritage of man, higher mental processes, and structure of personality. Topics include social factors in personality, remembering and forgetting, intelligence, perception, contemporary pressures in society, prevention of disease, and the significance of levers in the body.The publication is designed for students at colleges of education and colleges of physical education.

Dialogues on Fundamental Questions of Science and Philosophy: The Commonwealth and International Library: Dialogues on Fundamental Questions of Science and Philosophy

by A. Pfeiffer

Dialogues on Fundamental Questions of Science and Philosophy presents a compilation of dialogues concerning the basic questions of science and philosophy. This book discusses the relationship between philosophy and science.Organized into two parts encompassing 10 chapters, this book begins with an argument that reality can be recognized objectively, but not that there is a conflict between science and faith. This text then examines the invalidity of the causality principle in the microworld of the elementary particle and by the lack of individual identity of the particles. Other chapters consider the argument that philosophy should also make use of scientific methods. This book discusses as well the extended version of the biogenetical law of Haeckel, which is also valid for the progress of the human perceptive faculty. The final chapter deals with the argument that the idea of good as a tenet for practical actions is religious in character.This book is a valuable resource for readers who are interested in the fields of science and philosophy.

The Economics of Israel: The Commonwealth and International Library: Social Administration, Training, Economics, and Production Division

by David Horowitz

The Economics of Israel provides information pertinent to the important features in Israel's economic development, which is the outcome of large-scale capital import. This book discusses the various economic issues that the people of the State of Israel are confronted with, including difficult problems of controlling inflation, diversity of socio-economic structure, and geopolitical isolation.Organized into eight chapters, this book begins with an overview of Israel's geographical characteristics and natural resources. This text then examines the international economic relations of Israel. Other chapters consider the financial development in Israel since the establishment of the State. This book discusses as well the different elements of economic growth and the dynamic reaction of the economic structure of the immigration country to the process of migration. The final chapter deals with the unusual diversity of the social structure of the economy of Israel.This book is a valuable resource for readers who are interested in the economics of Israel.

Education and Social Work: The Commonwealth and International Library:Pergamon Educational Guides

by F. H. Pedley

Education and Social Work focuses on the relationship between those who are engaged in the operation of the educational system and those who are concerned mainly with individual work. This book discusses the relevance of the link between home and school. Organized into six chapters, this book begins with an overview of the various principles on which the two disciplines are based and explains the motivating factors in social work and education. This text then explains the need for a more pervasive approach to the problems presented by lack of coordination. Other chapters consider the establishment of a socio-educational organization that will actively promote the interfunctioning of schools with homes as well as with the local community. This book discusses as well the education of the individual child in the wider setting. The final chapter outlines the functions of the various social workers. Teachers and social workers will find this book useful.

Latin Biography (Routledge Revivals)

by T. A. Dorey

First published in 1967, Latin Biography contains chapters on Nepos, Plutarch and Suetonius, the three best-known Classical biographers. There are also accounts of the less-familiar works of Q. Curtius Rufus and the author – or authors – of the Historia Augusta, and three chapters deal with the development of Latin biography in the Middle Ages. The Middle Ages were indebted to Suetonius, Shakespeare to Plutarch, Gibbon to the Historia Augusta. Since the Renaissance their methods have gradually been superseded by a more critical and scientific approach, but the ancient biographers can always claim the credit for having established biography as a major form of literature. This book will be of interest to students of literature and classical studies.

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