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Use litter bin symbol (Large Print)

by Rnib

This famous pictogram shows a person throwing litter into a litterbin. It is an international copyright-free logo called the Tidyman. It was designed in the early 1970s and used as part of the Keep Britain Tidy campaign. A new copyright pay-per-use version has been designed as part of the 2010 Love Where You Live campaign. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. The black and white pictogram is in the middle of the page. On the left of the image is a mesh litterbin and to the right of this is the stylised image of a person dropping paper into the bin. The person is seen from the side and facing to the left with an arm held out to the left. The hand and feet of the person are not shown. The arm and legs end in points.

DOT symbols: women's toilets, men's toilets (Large Print)

by Rnib

On this page there are two US Department of Transport (DOT) pictograms used for signage and travel information: a nursery pictogram and a drinking fountain pictogram. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. The nursery pictogram is in the top left of the page. It is a stylised image of a baby seen from above lying on its back with its arms to either side. It is wearing a nappy (diaper). The nappy is shown as a blank space between the top of the baby's legs and its waist. This is a visual illusion that suggests the nappy's shape. The drinking fountain pictogram is at the bottom right of the page. It shows a stylised image of a person seen from the side facing to the right with only one arm and leg visible. They are bending over the water fountain on the right to drink. The water is represented by an arc of dots.

DOT symbols: women's toilets, men's toilets (UEB Uncontracted)

by Rnib

On this page there are two US Department of Transport (DOT) pictograms used for signage and travel information: a nursery pictogram and a drinking fountain pictogram. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. The nursery pictogram is in the top left of the page. It is a stylised image of a baby seen from above lying on its back with its arms to either side. It is wearing a nappy (diaper). The nappy is shown as a blank space between the top of the baby's legs and its waist. This is a visual illusion that suggests the nappy's shape. The drinking fountain pictogram is at the bottom right of the page. It shows a stylised image of a person seen from the side facing to the right with only one arm and leg visible. They are bending over the water fountain on the right to drink. The water is represented by an arc of dots.

DOT symbols: women's toilets, men's toilets (UEB Contracted)

by Rnib

On this page there are two US Department of Transport (DOT) pictograms used for signage and travel information: a nursery pictogram and a drinking fountain pictogram. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. The nursery pictogram is in the top left of the page. It is a stylised image of a baby seen from above lying on its back with its arms to either side. It is wearing a nappy (diaper). The nappy is shown as a blank space between the top of the baby's legs and its waist. This is a visual illusion that suggests the nappy's shape. The drinking fountain pictogram is at the bottom right of the page. It shows a stylised image of a person seen from the side facing to the right with only one arm and leg visible. They are bending over the water fountain on the right to drink. The water is represented by an arc of dots.

DOT symbols: waiting room, information (UEB Uncontracted)

by Rnib

On this page there are two US Department of Transport (DOT) pictograms used for signage and travel information: a waiting room pictogram and an information symbol. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. The waiting room pictogram is at the top left of the page. At the left is a stylised image of a person seen from the side facing to the right sitting in a chair. Only one of their legs is visible. To the right is an analogue clock. Its hands are pointing to two o'clock (or ten past twelve). The information symbol is at the bottom right of the page. It consists of a print question mark in a circle.

DOT symbols: waiting room, information (UEB Contracted)

by Rnib

On this page there are two US Department of Transport (DOT) pictograms used for signage and travel information: a waiting room pictogram and an information symbol. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. The waiting room pictogram is at the top left of the page. At the left is a stylised image of a person seen from the side facing to the right sitting in a chair. Only one of their legs is visible. To the right is an analogue clock. Its hands are pointing to two o'clock (or ten past twelve). The information symbol is at the bottom right of the page. It consists of a print question mark in a circle.

DOT symbols: waiting room, information (Large Print)

by Rnib

On this page there are two US Department of Transport (DOT) pictograms used for signage and travel information: a waiting room pictogram and an information symbol. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. The waiting room pictogram is at the top left of the page. At the left is a stylised image of a person seen from the side facing to the right sitting in a chair. Only one of their legs is visible. To the right is an analogue clock. Its hands are pointing to two o'clock (or ten past twelve). The information symbol is at the bottom right of the page. It consists of a print question mark in a circle.

WRAP recycle logo (UEB Uncontracted)

by Rnib

This is the Recycle Now logo of WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme). WRAP works in the UK to help people and organisations reduce waste, design sustainable products and use resources efficiently. The logo is available to download from the Recycle Now Partners website. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. The logo consists of a circular arrow with a heart-shaped head to the right pointing in a clockwise direction and the word recycle in lower case print letters to the right of this. Different versions of the logo with appropriate strap lines and local identity are available.

WRAP recycle logo (UEB Contracted)

by Rnib

This is the Recycle Now logo of WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme). WRAP works in the UK to help people and organisations reduce waste, design sustainable products and use resources efficiently. The logo is available to download from the Recycle Now Partners website. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. The logo consists of a circular arrow with a heart-shaped head to the right pointing in a clockwise direction and the word recycle in lower case print letters to the right of this. Different versions of the logo with appropriate strap lines and local identity are available.

DOT symbols: ticket purchase, baggage check-in (UEB Uncontracted)

by Rnib

On this page there are two US Department of Transport (DOT) pictograms used for signage and travel information: a ticket purchase pictogram and a baggage check-in pictogram. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. The ticket purchase pictogram is at the top of the page. It consists of the stylised images of two people standing at a ticket purchase counter. On the left of the image is a person holding up a ticket with their hand to the right. They are facing to the front and can only be seen from the waist up as their legs are hidden by the counter, which stretches across the centre of the image. The person to the right is seen from behind and both their legs and arms can be found. They are holding out their hand to the left to take the ticket. The baggage check-in pictogram is at the bottom of the page. It is a stylised image of a suitcase seen from the side. The handle is at the top of the image and there is a strap going from top to bottom on each side.

DOT symbols: ticket purchase, baggage check-in (Large Print)

by Rnib

On this page there are two US Department of Transport (DOT) pictograms used for signage and travel information: a ticket purchase pictogram and a baggage check-in pictogram. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. The ticket purchase pictogram is at the top of the page. It consists of the stylised images of two people standing at a ticket purchase counter. On the left of the image is a person holding up a ticket with their hand to the right. They are facing to the front and can only be seen from the waist up as their legs are hidden by the counter, which stretches across the centre of the image. The person to the right is seen from behind and both their legs and arms can be found. They are holding out their hand to the left to take the ticket. The baggage check-in pictogram is at the bottom of the page. It is a stylised image of a suitcase seen from the side. The handle is at the top of the image and there is a strap going from top to bottom on each side.

DOT symbols: ticket purchase, baggage check-in (UEB Contracted)

by Rnib

On this page there are two US Department of Transport (DOT) pictograms used for signage and travel information: a ticket purchase pictogram and a baggage check-in pictogram. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. The ticket purchase pictogram is at the top of the page. It consists of the stylised images of two people standing at a ticket purchase counter. On the left of the image is a person holding up a ticket with their hand to the right. They are facing to the front and can only be seen from the waist up as their legs are hidden by the counter, which stretches across the centre of the image. The person to the right is seen from behind and both their legs and arms can be found. They are holding out their hand to the left to take the ticket. The baggage check-in pictogram is at the bottom of the page. It is a stylised image of a suitcase seen from the side. The handle is at the top of the image and there is a strap going from top to bottom on each side.

WRAP recycle logo (Large Print)

by Rnib

This is the Recycle Now logo of WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme). WRAP works in the UK to help people and organisations reduce waste, design sustainable products and use resources efficiently. The logo is available to download from the Recycle Now Partners website. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. The logo consists of a circular arrow with a heart-shaped head to the right pointing in a clockwise direction and the word recycle in lower case print letters to the right of this. Different versions of the logo with appropriate strap lines and local identity are available.

DOT symbols: telephone, mail (Large Print)

by Rnib

On this page there are two US Department of Transport (DOT) pictograms used for signage and travel information: a telephone and a mail symbol. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. The telephone is at the top of the page. It shows a stylised image of the handset of a telephone with the earpiece at the top and the microphone at the bottom. They are facing to the right. The mail pictogram is at the bottom of the page. It is a stylised image of the back of an envelope with the flap at the top of the image.

DOT symbols: telephone, mail (UEB Uncontracted)

by Rnib

On this page there are two US Department of Transport (DOT) pictograms used for signage and travel information: a telephone and a mail symbol. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. The telephone is at the top of the page. It shows a stylised image of the handset of a telephone with the earpiece at the top and the microphone at the bottom. They are facing to the right. The mail pictogram is at the bottom of the page. It is a stylised image of the back of an envelope with the flap at the top of the image.

DOT symbols: stairs up, stairs down (UEB Uncontracted)

by Rnib

On this page there are two US Department of Transport (DOT) pictograms used for signage and travel information: an escalator up and an escalator down symbol. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. The escalator up symbol is at the top of the page. It is a stylised image of a person on an escalator seen from the side. Below it is an arrow pointing diagonally up and right showing the escalators direction of travel. The escalator down symbol is at the bottom of the page. It is a stylised image of a person on an escalator seen from the side. Below it is an arrow pointing diagonally down and left showing the escalators direction of travel.

DOT symbols: telephone, mail (UEB Contracted)

by Rnib

On this page there are two US Department of Transport (DOT) pictograms used for signage and travel information: a telephone and a mail symbol. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. The telephone is at the top of the page. It shows a stylised image of the handset of a telephone with the earpiece at the top and the microphone at the bottom. They are facing to the right. The mail pictogram is at the bottom of the page. It is a stylised image of the back of an envelope with the flap at the top of the image.

DOT symbols: stairs up, stairs down (UEB Contracted)

by Rnib

On this page there are two US Department of Transport (DOT) pictograms used for signage and travel information: an escalator up and an escalator down symbol. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. The escalator up symbol is at the top of the page. It is a stylised image of a person on an escalator seen from the side. Below it is an arrow pointing diagonally up and right showing the escalators direction of travel. The escalator down symbol is at the bottom of the page. It is a stylised image of a person on an escalator seen from the side. Below it is an arrow pointing diagonally down and left showing the escalators direction of travel.

DOT symbols: stairs up, stairs down (Large Print)

by Rnib

On this page there are two US Department of Transport (DOT) pictograms used for signage and travel information: an escalator up and an escalator down symbol. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. The escalator up symbol is at the top of the page. It is a stylised image of a person on an escalator seen from the side. Below it is an arrow pointing diagonally up and right showing the escalators direction of travel. The escalator down symbol is at the bottom of the page. It is a stylised image of a person on an escalator seen from the side. Below it is an arrow pointing diagonally down and left showing the escalators direction of travel.

DOT symbols: shops, barbersshop/beauty salon (UEB Uncontracted)

by Rnib

On this page there are two US Department of Transport (DOT) pictograms used for signage and travel information: a shops pictogram and a barber shop/beauty salon pictogram. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. The shops pictogram is at the top of the page. It comprises of three stylised images: a smoking pipe at the top left, a partly open book below this and a wrapped present with a bow on top to the right. The barber shop/beauty salon pictogram is at the bottom of the page. It shows stylised images of a pair of hairdressing scissors and a comb. The scissors are at the left of the image. They are closed and their handles are at the bottom of the page. The comb is to the right with its teeth at the top and pointing left. Its handle is at the bottom of the page.

DOT symbols: shops, barbersshop/beauty salon (UEB Contracted)

by Rnib

On this page there are two US Department of Transport (DOT) pictograms used for signage and travel information: a shops pictogram and a barber shop/beauty salon pictogram. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. The shops pictogram is at the top of the page. It comprises of three stylised images: a smoking pipe at the top left, a partly open book below this and a wrapped present with a bow on top to the right. The barber shop/beauty salon pictogram is at the bottom of the page. It shows stylised images of a pair of hairdressing scissors and a comb. The scissors are at the left of the image. They are closed and their handles are at the bottom of the page. The comb is to the right with its teeth at the top and pointing left. Its handle is at the bottom of the page.

DOT symbols: shops, barbersshop/beauty salon (Large Print)

by Rnib

On this page there are two US Department of Transport (DOT) pictograms used for signage and travel information: a shops pictogram and a barber shop/beauty salon pictogram. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. The shops pictogram is at the top of the page. It comprises of three stylised images: a smoking pipe at the top left, a partly open book below this and a wrapped present with a bow on top to the right. The barber shop/beauty salon pictogram is at the bottom of the page. It shows stylised images of a pair of hairdressing scissors and a comb. The scissors are at the left of the image. They are closed and their handles are at the bottom of the page. The comb is to the right with its teeth at the top and pointing left. Its handle is at the bottom of the page.

DOT symbols: rail transportation, water transportation (UEB Contracted)

by Rnib

On this page there are two US Department of Transport (DOT) pictograms used for signage and travel information: a pictogram for rail transportation and a pictogram to represent water transportation. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. The rail transportation pictogram is at the top left of the page. It is a stylised image of rail locomotive seen from the front. At the top of the image are two small circles representing horns and further down the page are the destination window, the windscreen, two larger headlights and the two rails seen in perspective. The water transportation pictogram is in the bottom right of the page. It shows a stylised image of a passenger ship seen from the front. At the top of the image is one of the ships funnels. Down from here are the bridge, the ships prow and at the bottom two thick wavy lines representing water.

DOT symbols: rail transportation, water transportation (UEB Uncontracted)

by Rnib

On this page there are two US Department of Transport (DOT) pictograms used for signage and travel information: a pictogram for rail transportation and a pictogram to represent water transportation. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. The rail transportation pictogram is at the top left of the page. It is a stylised image of rail locomotive seen from the front. At the top of the image are two small circles representing horns and further down the page are the destination window, the windscreen, two larger headlights and the two rails seen in perspective. The water transportation pictogram is in the bottom right of the page. It shows a stylised image of a passenger ship seen from the front. At the top of the image is one of the ships funnels. Down from here are the bridge, the ships prow and at the bottom two thick wavy lines representing water.

DOT symbols: rail transportation, water transportation (Large Print)

by Rnib

On this page there are two US Department of Transport (DOT) pictograms used for signage and travel information: a pictogram for rail transportation and a pictogram to represent water transportation. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. The rail transportation pictogram is at the top left of the page. It is a stylised image of rail locomotive seen from the front. At the top of the image are two small circles representing horns and further down the page are the destination window, the windscreen, two larger headlights and the two rails seen in perspective. The water transportation pictogram is in the bottom right of the page. It shows a stylised image of a passenger ship seen from the front. At the top of the image is one of the ships funnels. Down from here are the bridge, the ships prow and at the bottom two thick wavy lines representing water.

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