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Showing 776 through 800 of 14,210 results

Victorian Revolutionaries: Speculations on Some Heroes of a Culture Crisis

by Arthur Asa Berger

The Victorian era is rightly associated with the industrial revolution in Britain and the ascendancy of a materialist, commercially-oriented middle class. The threat to spiritual values was felt strongly in the realm of religion but also in the secular realm of the arts and literature. This volume analyzes the drive toward cultural transcendence in the lives and works of such eminent Victorians as Tennyson, Carlyle, Browning, the aesthetics of the Pre-Raphaelites, and the romantic origins of anthropology. The various modes of escape from the Victorian era helps illuminate present concerns about culture and society.First published in 1970, Victorian Revolutionaries represents a major effort in the intellectual rehabilitation of Victorian art and thought. Peckham's readings of In Memoriam and Idylls of the King show Tennyson at odds with Christianity except with the notion of the immortality of the soul. The terror of meaninglessness that he discerns here is echoed in the chapter on Carlyle who views human life as issuing from mystery and proceeding in chaos, protected only by self-deception. For Browning, the perceived lack of meaning or purpose results in an existential poetics of the world as theater and the individual as actor. Peckham's chapter on the Pre-Raphaelites anticipates their later rehabilitation by arguing that their work properly understood constitutes a challenge to the institutional modernism of the late twentieth century just as they had, in turn, challenged the academic values of the Royal Academy.The West is once more living in a culturally critical period today. Any help we can get in understanding how to deal with it is bound to be of value. Not the particular strategies of these men, but the general pattern of their search in social and anthropological theory is probably the most useful thing they have to offer.

Victorian Revolutionaries: Speculations on Some Heroes of a Culture Crisis

by Arthur Asa Berger

The Victorian era is rightly associated with the industrial revolution in Britain and the ascendancy of a materialist, commercially-oriented middle class. The threat to spiritual values was felt strongly in the realm of religion but also in the secular realm of the arts and literature. This volume analyzes the drive toward cultural transcendence in the lives and works of such eminent Victorians as Tennyson, Carlyle, Browning, the aesthetics of the Pre-Raphaelites, and the romantic origins of anthropology. The various modes of escape from the Victorian era helps illuminate present concerns about culture and society.First published in 1970, Victorian Revolutionaries represents a major effort in the intellectual rehabilitation of Victorian art and thought. Peckham's readings of In Memoriam and Idylls of the King show Tennyson at odds with Christianity except with the notion of the immortality of the soul. The terror of meaninglessness that he discerns here is echoed in the chapter on Carlyle who views human life as issuing from mystery and proceeding in chaos, protected only by self-deception. For Browning, the perceived lack of meaning or purpose results in an existential poetics of the world as theater and the individual as actor. Peckham's chapter on the Pre-Raphaelites anticipates their later rehabilitation by arguing that their work properly understood constitutes a challenge to the institutional modernism of the late twentieth century just as they had, in turn, challenged the academic values of the Royal Academy.The West is once more living in a culturally critical period today. Any help we can get in understanding how to deal with it is bound to be of value. Not the particular strategies of these men, but the general pattern of their search in social and anthropological theory is probably the most useful thing they have to offer.

Victor Dudman's Grammar and Semantics

by J. Curthoys V. Dudman

Victor Dudman's revolutionary English Grammar brings grammar and logic together by conceiving grammar as 'the necessary preliminary to logic'. The focus, for logicians, is the discussion of 'conditionals'; for grammarians it is the concise and accurate explanation of the infamous English modals.

Victims' Rights: A Documentary and Reference Guide (Documentary and Reference Guides)

by Douglas E. Beloof

This invaluable one-stop reference source supplies students and general readers with historical and current information on the victims' rights revolution in the United States, providing analysis on everything from human rights reports to Supreme Court cases that allows the reader to fully understand these documents.Victims' rights represent the greatest change in the criminal justice system within the last 30 years. Victims' Rights: A Documentary and Reference Guide traces the origins, evolution, and results of the victims' rights movement. It puts victims' rights in a legal, historical, and contemporary context, and comprehensively collects important victims' rights documents in a single volume—perfect for students as well as general readers.Bringing together dozens of varied documents such as presidential task force reports and recommendations, Supreme Court cases, state constitutions, human rights reports, critical articles, and political documents, this book is an indispensable resource for those seeking to understand the origins and modern consequences of American victims' rights policy. The author's accompanying commentary and analysis helps the reader to gain a complete comprehension of the significance of these documents, while numerous bibliographic sources provide additional resources for interested readers.

Victims' Rights: A Documentary and Reference Guide (Documentary and Reference Guides)

by Douglas E. Beloof

This invaluable one-stop reference source supplies students and general readers with historical and current information on the victims' rights revolution in the United States, providing analysis on everything from human rights reports to Supreme Court cases that allows the reader to fully understand these documents.Victims' rights represent the greatest change in the criminal justice system within the last 30 years. Victims' Rights: A Documentary and Reference Guide traces the origins, evolution, and results of the victims' rights movement. It puts victims' rights in a legal, historical, and contemporary context, and comprehensively collects important victims' rights documents in a single volume—perfect for students as well as general readers.Bringing together dozens of varied documents such as presidential task force reports and recommendations, Supreme Court cases, state constitutions, human rights reports, critical articles, and political documents, this book is an indispensable resource for those seeking to understand the origins and modern consequences of American victims' rights policy. The author's accompanying commentary and analysis helps the reader to gain a complete comprehension of the significance of these documents, while numerous bibliographic sources provide additional resources for interested readers.

Vickery's Folk Flora: An A-Z of the Folklore and Uses of British and Irish Plants

by Roy Vickery

This book is a dictionary of British (native, naturalised and cultivated) plants and the folklore associated with them. Unlike many plant-lore publications Vickery's Folk Flora tells us what people currently do and believe, rather than what Victorians did and believed. The result is a vivid demonstration that plant folklore in the British Isles is not only surviving but flourishing; adapting and evolving as time goes by, even in urban areas.Each entry includes:- The plant's English and scientific (Latin) name, as well as significant local names.- A brief description of the plant and its distribution, and, in the case of cultivated plants, a history of their introduction to the British Isles- Information on the folklore and traditional uses of the plant, arranged where possible in a sequence starting with general folk beliefs (superstitions), use in traditional customs, use in folk medicine, other uses, and legends concerning individual representatives of the plant.In addition to the major entries there are a number of minor entries for feast days, diseases and other subjects which direct readers to relevant major entries, e.g. St. George's Day, on which red roses are worn; dandelions are gathered; and runner beans are planted.

Very British Wit: Quips and Quotes to Suit All Manner of Occasions

by Richard Benson

With quips, quotes and insults from classic favourites William Shakespeare and Jane Austen to modern humorists Stephen Fry and Billy Connolly, this delightful book will ensure you’re never at a loss for the perfect witticism.

The Very British Problems Quiz Book

by Rob Temple

What does 'custard and jelly' mean in cockney rhyming slang?Which biscuit has half of its name on top of the cooker and the other half on the door?And 25 million of what drink are served by British Airways each year?We Brits can't get enough of a quiz. Stumped for office party chit-chat? Quiz. Midweek visit to the pub? Quiz. Stuck inside in pyjamas on a rainy night and in the mood to cause a big family argument? You got it - quiz.This book is correspondingly filled with questions on all things wonderfully and unequivocally British - you'll find all sorts of tickly teasers, complex conundrums, worrisome word searches and much more on topics ranging from our iconic weather to types of cake. Best enjoyed with a cup of tea and your favourite biscuit(s).***ANSWERS: Telly, Hobnob, buy the book and find out!***Praise for Very British Problems'Had us guffawing into our Earl Grey tea' Bella'My favourite twitter account at the moment is Very British Problems (@soverybritish) . . . it makes me laugh out loud' Tom Hiddleston'Hilarious' Daily Express'Temple pays affectionate and comic homage to the sheer quirkiness of being British' Good Book Guide

A Very British Christmas: Twelve Days Of Discomfort And Joy

by Rhodri Marsden

‘Funny, touching and ludicrously British.’ India Knight ‘Makes Christmas slightly less awful’ Al Murray

Verse Writing in Schools: The Commonwealth and International Library: Pergamon Oxford English Series

by Eric J. Bolton

Verse Writing in Schools presents methods in creative writing that can be used in English classes in the same way as a grammar textbook. The book focuses on the teaching and appreciation of poems to children new to poetry writing. The book is organized into 3 chapters discussing the intricacies of teaching poetry writing to children. The first chapter deals with problems facing the teacher when dealing with children who does not have any background in verse writing and poetry. It then discusses, in Chapter 2, what should be done once the children become accustomed to writing poetry, to prevent them from writing lifeless verses. The last chapter explores the qualities, themes, social, and psychological predisposition of children as reflected in their works. Educators, teachers, and students studying English language education courses will find this book an interesting reference.

Verified: How to Think Straight, Get Duped Less, and Make Better Decisions about What to Believe Online

by Mike Caulfield Sam Wineburg

An indispensable guide for telling fact from fiction on the internet—often in less than 30 seconds. The internet brings information to our fingertips almost instantly. The result is that we often jump to thinking too fast, without taking a few moments to verify the source before engaging with a claim or viral piece of media. Information literacy expert Mike Caulfield and educational researcher Sam Wineburg are here to enable us to take a moment for due diligence with this informative, approachable guide to the internet. With this illustrated tool kit, you will learn to identify red flags, get quick context, and make better use of common websites like Google and Wikipedia that can help and hinder in equal measure. This how-to guide will teach you how to use the web to verify the web, quickly and efficiently, including how to • Verify news stories and other events in as little as thirty seconds (seriously) • Determine if the article you’re citing is by a reputable scholar or a quack • Detect the slippery tactics scammers use to make their sites look credible • Decide in a minute if that shocking video is truly shocking • Deduce who’s behind a site—even when its ownership is cleverly disguised • Uncover if that feature story is actually a piece planted by a foreign government • Use Wikipedia wisely to gain a foothold on new topics and leads for digging deeper And so much more. Building on techniques like SIFT and lateral reading, Verified will help students and anyone else looking to get a handle on the internet’s endless flood of information through quick, practical, and accessible steps.

Verified: How to Think Straight, Get Duped Less, and Make Better Decisions about What to Believe Online

by Mike Caulfield Sam Wineburg

An indispensable guide for telling fact from fiction on the internet—often in less than 30 seconds. The internet brings information to our fingertips almost instantly. The result is that we often jump to thinking too fast, without taking a few moments to verify the source before engaging with a claim or viral piece of media. Information literacy expert Mike Caulfield and educational researcher Sam Wineburg are here to enable us to take a moment for due diligence with this informative, approachable guide to the internet. With this illustrated tool kit, you will learn to identify red flags, get quick context, and make better use of common websites like Google and Wikipedia that can help and hinder in equal measure. This how-to guide will teach you how to use the web to verify the web, quickly and efficiently, including how to • Verify news stories and other events in as little as thirty seconds (seriously) • Determine if the article you’re citing is by a reputable scholar or a quack • Detect the slippery tactics scammers use to make their sites look credible • Decide in a minute if that shocking video is truly shocking • Deduce who’s behind a site—even when its ownership is cleverly disguised • Uncover if that feature story is actually a piece planted by a foreign government • Use Wikipedia wisely to gain a foothold on new topics and leads for digging deeper And so much more. Building on techniques like SIFT and lateral reading, Verified will help students and anyone else looking to get a handle on the internet’s endless flood of information through quick, practical, and accessible steps.

Verhaltenssteuerung, Recht und Privatautonomie

by Clemens Latzel

Dieses Buch überträgt psychologische und verhaltensökonomische Erkenntnisse über die menschliche Entscheidungsfindung und ihre Steuerbarkeit (vor allem durch Anreize, Überzeugung und äußere Umstände, also Nudging) in die Rechtswissenschaft und zeigt, wie das Recht mit diesem Wissen optimiert werden kann. Während der Homo oeconomicus als Standardmodell der Wirtschaftswissenschaften bereits durch einen empirisch fundierten Modellpluralismus abgelöst wurde, harrt das zivilrechtliche Selbstbestimmungsdogma noch einer empirischen Erdung. Außerdem erklärt dieses Buch – insoweit auch für die Sozialwissenschaften interessant – die Funktionsweisen des Rechts und seiner spezifischen Steuerungsinstrumente und zeigt deren Rahmenbedingungen auf. Aus traditioneller zivilrechtlicher Sicht ist hierbei zu rechtfertigen, warum Recht überhaupt das Verhalten von Menschen steuern darf und ausgerechnet die Privatautonomie als Hort des Liberalismus ihre Indienstnahme für politische Zwecke (Materialisierung) ertragen muss.

Verantwortung von Ingenieurinnen und Ingenieuren

by Lutz Hieber Hans-Ullrich Kammeyer

Der Verantwortung von Ingenieurinnen und Ingenieuren kommt gesellschaftlich sicher ebenso große Bedeutung zu wie der Verantwortung von Ärzten. Doch das technische Denken ist nicht in derselben Weise mit Wertorientierungen durchflochten wie medizinisches Denken und ärztliche Praxis. Im medizinischen Feld steht das Naturwissenschaftliche im Zentrum und in vielen Zusammenhängen wird Verantwortung angesprochen – dieses Thema ist in der Berufspraxis durchgehend präsent. Für Ingenieure liegen die Verhältnisse anders, und zwar aufgrund der bislang vorherrschenden Fachkultur. Ähnlich wie die Mediziner sind auch Ingenieure immer wieder dem Druck der Verantwortlichkeit ausgesetzt. Da ihr Denken jedoch durch einen allgemeinen Objektivitätsanspruch imprägniert scheint, schwebt dieses Thema oft gleichsam unverbunden neben dem fachlichen Diskurs. Deshalb wird in diesem Band der Versuch unternommen, das vermeintlich Fachfremde mit dem fachlichen Diskurs zu verbinden. Die Beiträge eignen sich für den Gebrauch in Lehrveranstaltungen.

The Vegetarian Pocket Bible: Everything You Need To Know About Vegetarianism (Pocket Bible Ser.)

by Carys Matthews

Whether you are a life-long vegetarian or a new convert this essential guide gives you practical information on how to live a healthy vegetarian lifestyle; Dip in and out for delicious vegetarian recipes and vegetarian cooking advice; Dazzle your friends with a home-made vegetarian lasagne or treat your other half to a meat free casserole; Take a look at the practical tips for eating out meat-free if you don't fancy doing the dishes tonight.The Vegetarian Pocket Bible makes sure you have the right nutritional information at your fingertips. Get your five-a-day using interesting and creative meal ideas. The Vegetarian Pocket Bibleis robust enough to be used in the kitchen as you cook; Guides you to healthy substitutes so you eat meat-free with all the nutritional benefit. A must-have guide for meat-free cooking, The Vegetarian Pocket Bible includes; Essential tips for vegetarians in the kitchen; Varied ways and alternatives to eating meat-free and enjoying vegetarian cooking; The differences between types of vegetarianism, from pescatarian to lacto-vegetarian; A quick guide for vegan eating - all you need to know; Advice for the whole family, from children, to the elderly; A vegetable glossary - discover the nutritional and health fighting benefits; The advantages of beans and pulses to the different meat-free options covering tofu and quorn.The Vegetarian Pocket Bible unearths the facts, essential tips, insightful trivia and quirky know-how for vegetarians of all ages, answering those all important questions: why do carrots make us see in the dark? And why is a potato a vegetable? Full of tips and trivia this handy guide will lead you to a healthier happier vegetarian lifestyle.Pocket Bibles are a series of best-selling pocket-sized gift books packed with practical advice. Whatever your interest, there's a Pocket Bible for you: whether you're a football fanatic, an avid gardener or a keen cat lover, these beautiful books enlighten and entertain at every page. Also in the Pocket Bibles series: The Baking Pocket Bible, The Cook's Pocket Bible, The Gardener's Pocket Bible, The Jane Austen Pocket Bible, The Knitting Pocket Bible, The Mum's Pocket Bible, and The Wine Pocket Bible.

Vegan Life: Cruelty-Free Food, Fashion, Beauty and Home

by Jo Peters

There’s more to being vegan than eating your greens…A plant-based diet is the foundation of a vegan lifestyle, but you can do so much more to incorporate a cruelty-free approach into everyday life. Vegan Life highlights the simple, achievable ways you can show kindness to animals – and to the environment – not just with your choice of food but with the household products, clothing and cosmetics you buy too. With tips on how to reliably spot vegan goods when shopping, DIY ideas for making your own organic cosmetic and cleaning products and, of course, essential recipes for delicious vegan food, this book makes it easy to live more ethically.

Veg: The V Word (The Palgrave Macmillan Animal Ethics Series)

by Cristina Hanganu-Bresch Kristin Kondrlik

This collection explores the arguments related to veg(etari)anism as they play out in the public sphere and across media, historical eras, and geographical areas. As vegan and vegetarian practices have gradually become part of mainstream culture, stemming from multiple shifts in the socio-political, cultural, and economic landscape, discursive attempts to both legitimize and delegitimize them have amplified. With 12 original chapters, this collection analyses a diverse array of these legitimating strategies, addressing the practice of veg(etari)anism through analytical methods used in rhetorical criticism and adjacent fields. Part I focuses on specific geo-cultural contexts, from early 20th century Italy, Serbia and Israel, to Islam and foundational Yoga Sutras. In Part II, the authors explore embodied experiences and legitimation strategies, in particular the political identities and ontological consequences coming from consumption of, or abstention from, meat. Part III looks at the motives, purposes and implication of veg(etari)anism as a transformative practice, from ego to eco, that should revolutionise our value hierarchies, and by extension, our futures. Offering a unique focus on the arguments at the core of the veg(etari)an debate, this collection provides an invaluable resource to scholars across a multitude of disciplines.

The Vattimo Dictionary (Philosophical Dictionaries)

by Simonetta Moro

A guide to the philosophy of Gianni Vattimo and the controversies surrounding his thought Offers the first research tool of this kind for Vattimo’s philosophy Opens with an overall introduction to Vattimo’s oeuvre and its key developments Includes cross-references among so that readers can see how the systemic links operate in Vattimo’s thought Provides clear definitions for readers new to Vattimo’s work, while also offering sophisticated avenues for further specialist research. A-Z entries provide coverage of more than 100 of Vattimo’s most important concepts and themes, as well as entries for other thinkers he cites. Key criticisms of Vattimo’s work are included by prominent authors in the field, from Eduardo Mendieta, Franca D’Agostini, Santiago Zabala, Silvia Mazzini, Carmelo Dotolo, Federico Vercellone to Robert Valgenti.

The Vattimo Dictionary (Philosophical Dictionaries)

by Simonetta Moro

A guide to the philosophy of Gianni Vattimo and the controversies surrounding his thought Offers the first research tool of this kind for Vattimo’s philosophy Opens with an overall introduction to Vattimo’s oeuvre and its key developments Includes cross-references among so that readers can see how the systemic links operate in Vattimo’s thought Provides clear definitions for readers new to Vattimo’s work, while also offering sophisticated avenues for further specialist research. A-Z entries provide coverage of more than 100 of Vattimo’s most important concepts and themes, as well as entries for other thinkers he cites. Key criticisms of Vattimo’s work are included by prominent authors in the field, from Eduardo Mendieta, Franca D’Agostini, Santiago Zabala, Silvia Mazzini, Carmelo Dotolo, Federico Vercellone to Robert Valgenti.

Varieties of Tone: Frege, Dummett and the Shades of Meaning

by R. Kortum

In clear and lively prose that avoids jargon, the author carefully and systematically examines the many kinds of subtly nuanced words or word-pairs of everyday discourse such as 'and'-'but', 'before'-'ere', 'Chinese'-'Chink', and 'sweat'-'perspiration', that have proven resistant to truth-conditional explanations of meaning.

Varieties of European Economic Law and Regulation: Liber Amicorum for Hans Micklitz (Studies in European Economic Law and Regulation #3)

by Kai Purnhagen Peter Rott

This is the first book to comprehensively analyze the work of Hans Micklitz, one of the leading scholars in the field of EU economic law. It brings together analysts, academic friends and critics of Hans Micklitz and results in a unique collection of essays that evaluate his work on European Economic Law and Regulation. The contributions discuss a wide range of Micklitz’ work: from his theoretical work on private law beyond party autonomy, with a special focus on its regulatory function, to the illustration of how his work has built the basis for current solutions such as used in solving the financial crisis. The book is divided into sections covering foundations of private law, regulatory law, competition and intellectual property law, product safety law, consumer contract law and the enforcement of law. This book clearly shows the enormous impact of Hans Micklitz' work on the EU legal system in both scholarship and practice.

Vargic’s Curious Cosmic Compendium: Space, the Universe and Everything Within It

by Martin Vargic

Explore the wonders of the universe like you've never seen before with this incredible new book from bestselling author Martin Vargic, which will fascinate both young and old alike.Vargic's beautifully innovative designs will help to explain all of the weird and wonderful aspects of the cosmos; from the history of the universe to what makes up our solar system and even how human life fits into the wider picture.Be taken on a journey through space with chapters on: - Exploring the Cosmos- The Night Sky - Maps of the Inner Solar System- Timeline of the Universe- Cosmologies throughout History- Journey Into Outer Space- Scale of the UniverseIt's a book which celebrates the scale and spectacle of the universe on every page, and one which you'll treasure forever. 'Packs in so much of our astronomical knowledge, so many tidbits about the history of astronomy and space exploration that I felt wonderfully enriched by it all. It is visually striking and beautifully illustrated' Dr. Alfredo Carpineti, writer for @IFLScience

Vampires Today: The Truth about Modern Vampirism

by Joseph P. Laycock

This book, about real vampires and the communities they have formed, explores the modern world of vampirism in all its amazing variety.Long before Dracula, people were fascinated by vampires. The interest has continued in more recent times with Anne Rice's Lestat novels, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the HBO series True Blood, and the immensely popular Twilight. But vampires are not just the stuff of folklore and fiction. Based upon extensive interviews with members of the Atlanta Vampire Alliance and others within vampire communities throughout the United States, this fascinating book looks at the details of real vampire life and the many expressions of vampirism as it now exists.In Vampires Today: The Truth about Modern Vampirism, Joseph Laycock argues that today's vampires are best understood as an identity group, and that vampirism has caused a profound change in how individuals choose to define themselves. As vampires come "out of the coffin," as followers of a "religion" or "lifestyle" or as people biologically distinct from other humans, their confrontation with mainstream society will raise questions, as it does here, about how we define "normal" and what it means to be human.

Vampires Today: The Truth about Modern Vampirism

by Joseph P. Laycock

This book, about real vampires and the communities they have formed, explores the modern world of vampirism in all its amazing variety.Long before Dracula, people were fascinated by vampires. The interest has continued in more recent times with Anne Rice's Lestat novels, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the HBO series True Blood, and the immensely popular Twilight. But vampires are not just the stuff of folklore and fiction. Based upon extensive interviews with members of the Atlanta Vampire Alliance and others within vampire communities throughout the United States, this fascinating book looks at the details of real vampire life and the many expressions of vampirism as it now exists.In Vampires Today: The Truth about Modern Vampirism, Joseph Laycock argues that today's vampires are best understood as an identity group, and that vampirism has caused a profound change in how individuals choose to define themselves. As vampires come "out of the coffin," as followers of a "religion" or "lifestyle" or as people biologically distinct from other humans, their confrontation with mainstream society will raise questions, as it does here, about how we define "normal" and what it means to be human.

Vampire Movies (Close-Ups #2)

by Charles Bramesco Little White Lies

The indispensable, illustrated pocket guide to the world of vampire movies, from Nosferatu to A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night. ALSO AVAILABLE: Close-Ups: Wes Anderson Close-Ups: New York Movies

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