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The War on the Uyghurs: China's campaign against Xinjiang's Muslims (Princeton Studies In Muslim Politics Ser. #78)

by Sean R. Roberts

The first account of one of the world’s most pressing humanitarian catastrophes. This eye-opening book reveals how China has used the US-led Global War on Terror as cover for its increasingly brutal suppression of the Uyghur people. China’s actions, it argues, have emboldened states around the globe to persecute ethnic minorities and severely repress domestic opposition in the name of combatting terrorism. Within weeks of the September 11 attacks on New York and Washington, the Chinese government announced that it faced a serious terrorist threat from its largely Muslim Uyghur ethnic minority. Nearly two decades later, of the 11 million Uyghurs living in China today, more than 1 million have been detained in so-called re-education camps, victims of what has become the largest program of mass incarceration and surveillance in the world. Drawing on extensive interviews with Uyghurs in Xinjiang, as well as refugee communities and exiles, Sean Roberts tells a story that is not just about state policies, but about Uyghur responses to these devastating government programs. Providing a lucid and far-reaching analysis of China’s cultural genocide, The War on the Uyghurs allows the voices of those caught up in the human tragedy to be heard for the first time.

The War on the Uyghurs: China's campaign against Xinjiang's Muslims

by Sean R. Roberts

The first account of one of the world’s most pressing humanitarian catastrophes. This eye-opening book reveals how China has used the US-led Global War on Terror as cover for its increasingly brutal suppression of the Uyghur people. China’s actions, it argues, have emboldened states around the globe to persecute ethnic minorities and severely repress domestic opposition in the name of combatting terrorism. Within weeks of the September 11 attacks on New York and Washington, the Chinese government announced that it faced a serious terrorist threat from its largely Muslim Uyghur ethnic minority. Nearly two decades later, of the 11 million Uyghurs living in China today, more than 1 million have been detained in so-called re-education camps, victims of what has become the largest program of mass incarceration and surveillance in the world. Drawing on extensive interviews with Uyghurs in Xinjiang, as well as refugee communities and exiles, Sean Roberts tells a story that is not just about state policies, but about Uyghur responses to these devastating government programs. Providing a lucid and far-reaching analysis of China’s cultural genocide, The War on the Uyghurs allows the voices of those caught up in the human tragedy to be heard for the first time.

The War On Heresy (pdf)

by R. I. Moore

Between 1000 and 1250, the Catholic Church confronted the threat of heresy with increasing force. Some of the most portentous events in medieval history-the Cathar crusade, the persecution and mass burnings of heretics, the papal inquisition established to identify and suppress beliefs that departed from the true religion-date from this period. Fear of heresy molded European society for the rest of the Middle Ages and beyond, and violent persecutions of the accused left an indelible mark. Yet, as R. I. Moore suggests, the version of these events that has come down to us may be more propaganda than historical reality. Popular accounts of heretical events, most notably the Cathar crusade, are derived from thirteenth-century inquisitors who saw organized heretical movements as a threat to society. Skeptical of the reliability of their reports, Moore reaches back to earlier contemporaneous sources, where he learns a startling truth: no coherent opposition to Catholicism, outside the Church itself, existed. The Cathars turn out to be a mythical construction, and religious difference does not explain the origins of battles against heretic practices and beliefs. A truer explanation lies in conflicts among elites-both secular and religious-who used the specter of heresy to extend their political and cultural authority and silence opposition. By focusing on the motives, anxieties, and interests of those who waged war on heresy, Moore's narrative reveals that early heretics may have died for their faith, but it was not because of their faith that they were put to death.

A War Of Witches: A Journey Into The Underworld Of The Contemporary Aztecs

by Timothy J. Knab

This book presents a tale with a complete, concise, compelling narrative that conveys some of the essence of the discovery, adventure, and learning of twenty years of field work of the author about the ancient religion of the Aztecs in Mexico. .

A War Of Witches: A Journey Into The Underworld Of The Contemporary Aztecs

by Timothy J. Knab

This book presents a tale with a complete, concise, compelling narrative that conveys some of the essence of the discovery, adventure, and learning of twenty years of field work of the author about the ancient religion of the Aztecs in Mexico. .

The War of Jenkins' Ear

by Michael Morpurgo

A spellbinding children’s story from from War Horse author and former Children's Laureate, Michael Morpurgo – now with a brand new cover look.

War Magic: Religion, Sorcery, and Performance

by D. S. Farrer

This compelling volume explores how war magic and warrior religion unleash the power of the gods, demons, ghosts, and the dead. Documenting war magic and warrior religion as they are performed in diverse cultures and across historical time periods, this volume foregrounds embodiment, practice, and performance in anthropological approaches to magic, sorcery, shamanism, and religion. The authors go beyond what magic ‘represents’ to consider what magic does. From Chinese exorcists, Javanese spirit siblings, and black magic in Sumatra to Tamil Tiger suicide bombers, Chamorro spiritual re-enchantment, tantric Buddhist war magic, and Yanomami dark shamans, religion and magic are re-evaluated not just from the practitioner’s perspective but through the victim’s lived experience. These original investigations reveal a nuanced approach to understanding social action, innovation, and the revitalization of tradition in colonial and post-colonial societies undergoing rapid social transformation.

War in the Hebrew Bible: A Study in the Ethics of Violence

by Susan Niditch

Texts about war pervade the Hebrew Bible, raising challenging questions in religious and political ethics. The war passages that readers find most disquieting are those in which God demands the total annihilation of the enemy without regard to gender, age, or military status. The ideology of the "ban," however, is only one among a range of attitudes towards war preserved in the ancient Israelite literary tradition. Applying insights from anthropology, comparative literature, and feminist studies, Niditch considers a wide spectrum of war ideologies in the Hebrew Bible, seeking in each case to discover why and how these views might have made sense to biblical writers, who themselves can be seen to wrestle with the ethics of violence. The study of war thus also illuminates the social and cultural history of Israel, as war texts are found to map the world views of biblical writers from various periods and settings. Reviewing ways in which modern scholars have interpreted this controversial material, Niditch sheds further light on the normative assumptions that shape our understanding of ancient Israel. More widely, this work explores how human beings attempt to justify killing and violence while concentrating on the tones, textures, meanings, and messages of a particular corpus in the Hebrew Scriptures.

War in Heaven/Heaven on Earth: Theories of the Apocalyptic (Millennialism and Society)

by Stephen D. O'Leary Geln S. McGhee

The apocalypse is a motif that lies behind many religious beliefs and practices. 'War in Heaven/Heaven on Earth' theorizes the apocalyptic as it has arisen in a variety of religious traditions, from Native American religion to Islam in Northern Nigeria and new terrorist movements. Millennial theory and history are explored from the perspective of social psychology, sociology and post-modern philosophy. The volume is unique in applying an analysis of millennial themes to a comparative study of religion.

War in Heaven/Heaven on Earth: Theories of the Apocalyptic (Millennialism and Society)

by Stephen D. O'Leary Geln S. McGhee

The apocalypse is a motif that lies behind many religious beliefs and practices. 'War in Heaven/Heaven on Earth' theorizes the apocalyptic as it has arisen in a variety of religious traditions, from Native American religion to Islam in Northern Nigeria and new terrorist movements. Millennial theory and history are explored from the perspective of social psychology, sociology and post-modern philosophy. The volume is unique in applying an analysis of millennial themes to a comparative study of religion.

War in Chronicles: Temple Faithfulness and Israel's Place in the Land (The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies #627)

by Troy D. Cudworth

Taking on the established view of Chronicles, which uses retribution theology - the view that the author of Chronicles re-worked the texts in Samuel-Kings to demonstrate that Yahweh rewards the good and punishes the wicked - Troy Cudworth argues that this cause-effect relationship is maintained primarily through the treatment of the themes of war and temple-faithfulness. Cudworth identifies a division of kings into categories, with the immediate exception of David, who belongs in his own category as he pioneered the two most foundational elements of the temple cult. For this reason, he also won many battles to secure Israel's place in the land. The next two groups of kings can be dichotomised in the following way: those who show faithfulness to the temple cult and its practices, and those who neglect it.Based on their attitude to the temple, the Chronicler illustrates how the kings either prosper in the land through military victory or suffer attack. Although many kings begin as faithful in supporting orthodox temple practices, and thus prosper on the battlefield, none of these kings are consistent and persevere in their faithfulness and so their success either stops immediately, or they suffer attack. Conversely, other kings are illustrated who, despite committing some of the worst sins in Israel's history, repent immediately after their swift punishment. Across all of these cases, it is shown how temple faithfulness always ultimately guarantees peace and security for Israel.

The War Between the Two Beasts and the Two Witnesses: A Chiastic Reading of Revelation 11:1-14:5 (The Library of New Testament Studies #283)

by Tony Siew

Siew seeks to examine the events that will unfold within the three and a half years before the dawn of the kingdom of God on earth. He argues that John composed the textual unit of Rev 11:1--14:5 as a coherent and unified literary unit structured in a macro-chiasm. He pays special attention to the fusion of form and content and seeks to elucidate how the concentric and chiastic pattern informs the meaning of the literary units within 11:1--14:5, and proposes that the text of 11:1--14:5 is best analyzed using Hebraic literary conventions, devices, and compositional techniques such as chiasm, parallelism, parataxis, and structural parallelism. The macro-chiastic pattern provides the literary-structural framework for John to portray that the events of the last three and a half years unfold on earth as a result of what transpires in heaven. Specifically, the war in heaven between Michael and the dragon has earthly ramifications. The outcome of the heavenly war where Satan is defeated and thrown out of heaven to earth results in the war on earth between the two beasts of Rev 13 and the two witnesses of Rev 11. The narrative of the war in heaven (12:7-12) is seen as the pivot of the macro-chiastic structure. Siew pays close attention to the time-period of the three-and-a-half years as a temporal and structural marker which functions to unite the various units in 11:1--14:5 into a coherent and integral whole. The events of the last days will be centred in Jerusalem.

War and Religion [3 volumes]: An Encyclopedia of Faith and Conflict [3 volumes]

by Jeffrey M. Shaw and Timothy J. Demy Editors

This three-volume reference provides a complete guide for readers investigating the crucial interplay between war and religion from ancient times until today, enabling a deeper understanding of the role of religious wars across cultures.Containing some 500 entries covering the interaction between war and religion from ancient times, the three-volume War and Religion: An Encyclopedia of Faith and Conflict provides students with an invaluable reference source for examining two of the most important phenomena impacting society today. This all-inclusive reference work will serve readers researching specific religious traditions, historical eras, wars, battles, or influential individuals across all time periods.The A–Z entries document ancient events and movements such as the First Crusade that began at the end of the 10th century as well as modern-day developments like ISIS and Al Qaeda. Subtopics throughout the encyclopedia include religious and military leaders or other key people, ideas, and weapons, and comprehensive examinations of each of the major religious traditions' views on war and violence are presented. The work also includes dozens of primary source documents—each introduced by a headnote—that enable readers to go directly to the source of information and better grasp its historical significance. The in-depth content of this set benefits high school and college students as well as scholars and general readers.

War and Religion [3 volumes]: An Encyclopedia of Faith and Conflict [3 volumes]

This three-volume reference provides a complete guide for readers investigating the crucial interplay between war and religion from ancient times until today, enabling a deeper understanding of the role of religious wars across cultures.Containing some 500 entries covering the interaction between war and religion from ancient times, the three-volume War and Religion: An Encyclopedia of Faith and Conflict provides students with an invaluable reference source for examining two of the most important phenomena impacting society today. This all-inclusive reference work will serve readers researching specific religious traditions, historical eras, wars, battles, or influential individuals across all time periods.The A–Z entries document ancient events and movements such as the First Crusade that began at the end of the 10th century as well as modern-day developments like ISIS and Al Qaeda. Subtopics throughout the encyclopedia include religious and military leaders or other key people, ideas, and weapons, and comprehensive examinations of each of the major religious traditions' views on war and violence are presented. The work also includes dozens of primary source documents—each introduced by a headnote—that enable readers to go directly to the source of information and better grasp its historical significance. The in-depth content of this set benefits high school and college students as well as scholars and general readers.

War and Peace (Problems in Theology)

by Jeff Astley David Brown Ann Loades

A selection of key writings on the problem of war and peace. Introduces students to general issues in ethics and moral theology. Key contributors from around the world.This reader samples a wide range of modern moral and religious discussions on the subject of war and peace. In addition to providing material on pacifism, the just war debate, the nuclear option, genocide, and the concept of a holy war, it introduces students to general issues in ethics and moral theology, using the morality of war as a powerful and pertinent worked example.Contributors include Elizabeth Anscombe, George Bell, Charles Curran, Y. Harkabi, Richard Harries, Stanley Hauerwas, Paul Ramsey, W. Montgomery Watt, Rowan Williams.

Waqf Development and Innovation: Socio-Economic and Legal Perspectives

by Syed Nazim Ali

Waqf is one of the most potent socio-economic tools for reducing public sector deficit and breaking the chain of intergenerational poverty. Providing a high-level discussion on waqf development and innovation within the context of modern socio-economic and legal developments, this book examines the importance and potentials of waqf and the issues relating to its legal and regulatory framework. The research delivers future directions for countries that plan to explore this socio-economic institution. Readers and policymakers will be able to replicate successful experiments and learn from some failed initiatives to seek alternative funding platforms to support the fiscal policies of developing countries. The volume discusses the relevance and novel application of waqf in the modern economic system and social development, it reviews applicable laws and regulations pertaining to waqf and trust laws and examines critical, cross-country case studies and experiences. Setting an agenda for further researchers in the field of waqf, this comprehensive high-level analysis, with case studies from leading jurisdictions across the world, is a key resource for researchers, policymakers and institutions interested in charitable endowments, Islamic finance, and social finance.

Waqf Development and Innovation: Socio-Economic and Legal Perspectives

by Syed Nazim Ali Umar A. Oseni

Waqf is one of the most potent socio-economic tools for reducing public sector deficit and breaking the chain of intergenerational poverty. Providing a high-level discussion on waqf development and innovation within the context of modern socio-economic and legal developments, this book examines the importance and potentials of waqf and the issues relating to its legal and regulatory framework. The research delivers future directions for countries that plan to explore this socio-economic institution. Readers and policymakers will be able to replicate successful experiments and learn from some failed initiatives to seek alternative funding platforms to support the fiscal policies of developing countries. The volume discusses the relevance and novel application of waqf in the modern economic system and social development, it reviews applicable laws and regulations pertaining to waqf and trust laws and examines critical, cross-country case studies and experiences. Setting an agenda for further researchers in the field of waqf, this comprehensive high-level analysis, with case studies from leading jurisdictions across the world, is a key resource for researchers, policymakers and institutions interested in charitable endowments, Islamic finance, and social finance.

Want Ad Wedding (Cowboy Creek #1)

by Cheryl St.John

Second Chance Bride

Wang Fuzhi’s Reconstruction of Confucianism: Crisis and Reflection

by Mingran Tan

Wang Fuzhi (1619-1692), a Ming loyalist, was forced to find solutions for both cultural and political crises of his time. In this book Mingran Tan provides a comprehensive review of Wang Fuzhi’s understanding of historical events and his interpretation of the Confucian classics. Tan explains what kind of Confucian system Wang Fuzhi was trying to construct according to his motto, “The Six Classics require me to create something new”. He sought a basis for Confucian values such as filial piety, humanity and ritual propriety from political, moral and cosmological perspectives, arguing that they could cultivate a noble personality, beatify political governance, and improve social and cosmological harmony. This inspired Wang Fuzhi’s attempt to establish a syncretic blend of the three branches of Neo-Confucianism, i.e., Zhu Xi’s (1130-1200) philosophy of principle , Wang Yangming’s (1472-1529) philosophy of mind and Zhang Zai’s (1020-1077) philosophy of qi (material force). The most thorough work on Wang Fuzhi available in English, this study corrects some general misunderstanding of the nature of Wang Fuzhi’s philosophy and helps readers to understand Wang Fuzhi from an organic perspective. Building upon previous scholars’ research on Wang Fuzhi’s notion of moral cultivation, Tan gives a comprehensive understanding of how Wang Fuzhi improves social and cosmological harmony through compliance with Confucian rituals.

Wandern und Wissen in der Frühen Neuzeit: Fortbewegung und Wissensvermittlung bei Martin Opitz und Johann T. Hermes

by Simone Oechslen

Leserschaft und Kritik der Frühen Neuzeit betrachteten das Reiseschrifttum als zentrale Möglichkeit, den eigenen, begrenzten Lebensraum zu erweitern. Literarische Texte hingegen wurden aufgrund ihrer erfundenen Inhalte kaum als adäquates Bildungsmittel betrachtet. Am Beispiel von Martin Opitz‘ ‚Schäfferey von der Nimfen Hercinie‘ (1630) und Johann Timotheus Hermes‘ ‚Sophiens Reise von Memel nach Sachsen‘ (1778) zeigt die Arbeit, inwiefern sich Autoren bewusst Strategien der Reiseberichterstattung aneigneten, um ihre Leserschaft auszubilden. Auf der Grundlage intensiver Quellenstudien – darunter eine Handschrift Hermes’ – werden präzise die Wissensbereiche herausgearbeitet, die über die literarischen Texte vermittelt werden. Zugleich wird erstmals eine geschlossene Analyse von Hermes‘ Roman vorgelegt.

Wandering Nowhere: A Personal Journal for Everyday Inspiration

by Alan Watts

'A spiritual polymath, the first and possibly greatest' Deepak ChopraThe spiritual is not to be separated from the material, nor the wonderful from the ordinaryOffering reflections on living for the present moment, the pleasures of listening to music, and finding the playfulness of day-to-day life, this beautiful guided meditation journal will help readers engage in the mindful practice of journaling.Pioneering Zen scholar Alan Watts combines insightful and pithy wisdom with charming line illustrations in this collection of journalling prompts and mindfulness observations. The text is full of Watt's warm encouragement and humour which accompany some of his most salient philosophical observations, from seeing through arbitrary separations prescribed by language and society to leaving behind assumptions to see things as they truly are: fleeting, yet everlasting - simple, but wondrous.

Wandering Jew: The Search for Joseph Roth

by Dennis Marks

Joseph Roth, whose many novels included The Radetsky March, was one of the most enigmatic writers of the twentieth century. He was a perpetual traveller, a prophet, and a compulsive liar. Dennis Marks makes a journey through the eastern borderlands of Europe to uncover the truth about Roth's lost world.

Wanderer am Himmel: Die Welt der Planeten in Astronomie und Mythologie

by Caryad Thomas Römer Vera Zingsem

Wir können sie mit bloßem Auge oder mit Teleskopen über den Himmel wandern sehen - aber kennen wir unsere kosmische Nachbarschaft wirklich? Wie viel wissen wir von den gewaltigen Vulkanen, den Klüften in ewiger Finsternis, den rasenden Stürmen und eisigen Ozeanen? Und wer weiß zu sagen, wer eigentlich der Gott Mars war, der dem roten Planeten seinen Namen lieh? Welche Mythen erzählt man sich von Venus und Merkur - und wer sind eigentlich Sedna und Makemake?Durch dieses Buch werden Sie die Planeten des Sonnensystems mit neuen Augen sehen. Von der Venus über den ringgeschmückten Saturn und bis hinaus zu den einsamen Zwergplaneten jenseits der Neptunbahn begeben sich die Autoren auf eine spannende Reise. In übersichtlichen Kapiteln entsteht so ein eindrucksvoller, packender und klar verständlicher Einstieg in die Astronomie und den aktuellen Stand der Planetenforschung. Jedem astronomischen Kapitel folgt ein Kapitel zu den Mythen der Göttergestalten, die den Himmelskörpern ihre Namen geben. Von Mesopotamien und Ägypten über die griechisch-römische Antike bis zu nordischen und weltweiten Mythen begibt sich der Leser dabei auf eine spannende Reise in die Vergangenheit.Die besondere Stärke von 'Wanderer am Himmel' liegt in der Begeisterung der Autoren für Ihr Gebiet, die sich in den unzähligen liebevoll zusammengetragenen Details, klugen Erläuterungen und mitreißenden Beschreibungen wiederfindet. Die Krönung des Buches sind nicht zuletzt die einzigartigen und speziell für dieses Buch angefertigten Zeichnungen der bekannten und beliebten Illustratorin Caryad. In der erfolgreichen Reihe, in der bereits 'Universum für alle' und 'Faszinierende Physik' erschienen sind, ist mit 'Wanderer am Himmel' erneut ein Lesebuch entstanden, das zum Blättern und Entdecken einlädt, zum Lesen und Träumen – ein gemütliches, aber auch kluges Sachbuch, fürs Bett, für den Couchtisch, zum Genießen, Verlieben und Verschenken."Auf gekonnte Art - unterstützt durch beeindruckende Bilder, interessante Fakten und unterhaltsame Anekdoten - werden dem Leser zwei spannende Welten nahegelegt: Die Planeten unseres Sonnensystems und die Mythologie, die sich hinter ihren Namen verbirgt. Definitiv lesenswert!"Boris Lemmer, Deutscher Meister im Science SlamDie AutorenThomas Römer hat Physik und Astronomie studiert und ist Redakteur für Phantastische Medien sowie erfolgreicher Entwickler von Fantasy-Rollenspielen. Seine kreative Begeisterung hat er in diesem Buch zur Entfaltung gebracht. Vera Zingsem studierte Theologie, befasste sich aber später mit dem Gebiet der Spiritualität im umfassenderen Sinn, wobei sie ein besonderes Augenmerk auf die weiblichen Aspekte legt. Sie hat mittlerweile mehrere erfolgreiche Bücher zu mythologischen Themen verfasst. Caryad ist eine weithin bekannte Illustratorin. Mit Ihren einzigartigen Handzeichnungen gibt sie den mythologischen Figuren eine unvergessliche Eigenart.

Wander Canyon Courtship (Matrimony Valley #3)

by Allie Pleiter

They can't let this wedding happen But Matrimony Valley only has happy endings

Walāya in the Formative Period of Shi'ism and Sufism: A Comparative Analysis (Routledge Sufi Series)

by Shayesteh Ghofrani

Focused on Shi’ism and Sufism in the formative period of Islam, this book examines the development of the concept of walāya, a complex term that has, over time, acquired a wide range of relationships with other theological ideas, chiefly in relation to the notion of authority. The book offers a textual and comparative analysis of walāya based on primary sources in the ninth and tenth centuries, from both Shi’i and Sufi circles. The starting point is one of the oldest surviving Shi’i sources, Kitāb Sulaym. Alongside this, the author analyses al-Īḍāḥ of Faḍl Shādhān al-Nishābūrī, Kitāb al-Maḥāsin of al-Barqī and Kitāb al-Kāfī of al-Kulaynī. Three major texts in Sufism are considered: Kitāb al-Ṣidq by Abū Saʿīd al-Kharrāz, Tafsīr al-Qurʾan al-ʿAẓīm by Sahl al-Tustarī, and Al-Tirmidhī’s Kitāb Sīrat al-Awliyāʾ. Together, these sources highlight the doctrinal aspects of walāya, exploring the identity, function, appointment, and description of those considered 'walī'. The author ultimately argues that walāya is a cluster of rich, deep-rooted responses to the question of authority, developed within both Shi’ism and Sufism after the death of the Prophet. The book is much-needed reading for students and scholars interested in Shi’i and Sufi studies and Islamic philosophy.

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