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Unbridled: Studying Religion in Performance (Class 200: New Studies in Religion)

by William Robert

A study of religion through the lens of Peter Shaffer’s play Equus. In Unbridled, William Robert uses Equus, Peter Shaffer’s enigmatic play about a boy passionately devoted to horses, to think differently about religion. For several years, Robert has used Equus to introduce students to the study of religion, provoking them to conceive of religion in unfamiliar, even uncomfortable ways. In Unbridled, he is inviting readers to do the same. A play like Equus tangles together text, performance, practice, embodiment, and reception. Studying a play involves us in playing different roles, as ourselves and others, and those roles, as well as the imaginative work they require, are critical to the study of religion. By approaching Equus with the reader, turning the play around and upside-down, Unbridled transforms standard approaches to the study of religion, engaging with themes including ritual, sacrifice, worship, power, desire, violence, and sexuality, as well as thinkers including Judith Butler, Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Jonathan Z. Smith. As Unbridled shows, the way themes and theories play out in Equus challenges us to reimagine the study of religion through open questions, contrasting perspectives, and alternative modes of interpretation and appreciation.

Unbounded Wholeness: Dzogchen, Bon, and the Logic of the Nonconceptual

by Anne Carolyn Klein Geshe Tenzin Wangyal

In this book, Anne Carolyn Klein, an American scholar and teacher of Buddhism, and Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, a rigorously trained Tibetan Lama who was among the first to bring Bon Dzogchen teachings to the West, provide a study and translation of the Authenticity of Open Awareness, a foundational text of the Bon Dzogchen tradition. This is the first time a Bon philosophical text of this scope has been translated into any Western language, and as such it is a significant addition to the study of Tibetan religion and Eastern thought. Klein and Rinpoche provide extensive introductory, explanatory and historical material that situates the text in the context of Tibetan thought and culture, thus making it accessible to nonspecialists, and an essential reference for scholars and practitioners alike.

Unbounded Wholeness: Dzogchen, Bon, and the Logic of the Nonconceptual

by Anne Carolyn Klein Geshe Tenzin Wangyal

In this book, Anne Carolyn Klein, an American scholar and teacher of Buddhism, and Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, a rigorously trained Tibetan Lama who was among the first to bring Bon Dzogchen teachings to the West, provide a study and translation of the Authenticity of Open Awareness, a foundational text of the Bon Dzogchen tradition. This is the first time a Bon philosophical text of this scope has been translated into any Western language, and as such it is a significant addition to the study of Tibetan religion and Eastern thought. Klein and Rinpoche provide extensive introductory, explanatory and historical material that situates the text in the context of Tibetan thought and culture, thus making it accessible to nonspecialists, and an essential reference for scholars and practitioners alike.

Unbemannte Waffen und ihre ethische Legitimierung: Fragen zur Gewalt • Band 5 (Gerechter Frieden)

​Unbemannte Waffensysteme – umgangssprachlich Drohnen – entfachen kontroverse Debatten. Zwei Entwicklungen sind dabei zentral: zum einen die zunehmende Bewaffnung unbemannter Systeme, zum anderen ihre Autonomisierung. Während diese für die einen das „drohende Ende der Menschlichkeit“ bedeuten, gelten sie für andere als Ausdruck einer fortschreitenden Technisierung und „Humanisierung“ der Kriegsführung. Die mit unbemannten Waffensystemen verbundenen Herausforderungen sind vielschichtig. Sie stehen im Fokus dieses Bandes. Seine Autorinnen und Autoren diskutieren Fragen der Veränderung der Kriegsführung und ihrer Legitimität, völkerrechtliche Dimensionen, strategische und sicherheitspolitische Aspekte, Rüstungskontrollfragen und theologische Rekonstruktionen.

Unbelievers: An Emotional History of Doubt

by Alec Ryrie

Long before philosophers started making the case for atheism, powerful, affectively laden cultural currents were sowing doubt in Europe. Alec Ryrie looks to the history of the Reformation and argues that emotions—anger at priestly corruption and anxieties attending the erosion of time-honored certainties—were the handmaidens of atheism.

Unbelievers: An Emotional History Of Doubt

by Alec Ryrie

Why have Western societies that were once overwhelmingly Christian become so secular? Looking to the feelings and faith of ordinary people, the award-winning author of Protestants Alec Ryrie offers a bold new history of atheism.

Unbelievable: Why We Believe and Why We Don't

by Graham Ward

Why believe? What kinds of things do people believe in? How have they come to believe them? And how does what they believe – or disbelieve – shape their lives and the meaning the world has for them? For Graham Ward, who is one of the most innovative writers on contemporary religion, these questions are more than just academic. They go to the heart not only of who but of what we are as human beings. Over the last thirty years, our understandings of mind and consciousness have changed in important ways through exciting new developments in neuroscience. The author addresses this quantum shift by exploring the biology of believing. He offers sustained reflection on perception, cognition, time, emotional intelligence, knowledge and sensation. Though the 'truth' of belief remains under increasing attack, in a thoroughly secularized context, Ward boldly argues that secularity is itself a form of believing. Pointing to the places where prayer and dreams intersect, this book offers a remarkable journey through philosophy, theology and culture, thereby revealing the true nature of the human condition.

Unbedingte Wahrheit und endliche Vernunft: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen menschlicher Erkenntnis (Das Bild vom Menschen und die Ordnung der Gesellschaft)

by Richard Schaeffler

Was ist der Mensch? Immanuel Kant rückte diese Frage in den Mittelpunkt der gesamten Philosophie; er zählte sie zu den vier philosophischen Leitfragen, auf die unsere Vernunft vordringlich eine Antwort sucht. Unsere menschliche Vernunft ist allerdings immer eine endliche Vernunft, sie ist dem geschichtlichen Wandel unterworfen. Doch diese Einsicht in die Endlichkeit unserer Vernunft braucht keinesfalls zum historischen und gnoseologischen Relativismus zu führen. Gerade die endliche Vernunft – so die in diesem Buch entwickelte und entfaltete These – macht ihre eigenen Erfahrungen von der Wahrheit und deren unbedingtem Anspruch – jenseits von szientistischer Anmaßung einerseits und skeptischer Verzweiflung andererseits.Herausgegeben von Christoph Böhr

The Unauthorized Version: Truth and Fiction in the Bible

by Robin Lane Fox

The Bible is moving, inspirational and endlessly fascinating - but is it true? Starting with Genesis and the implicit background to the birth of Christ, Robin Lane Fox sets out to discover how far biblical descriptions of people, places and events are confirmed or contradicted by external written and archaeological evidence. He turns a sharp historian's eye on when and where the individual books were composed, whether the texts as originally written exist, how the canon was assembled, and why the Gospels give varying accounts even of the trial and condemnation of Jesus.

Unapologetic: Why, despite everything, Christianity can still make surprising emotional sense

by Francis Spufford

Unapologetic is a brief, witty, personal, sharp-tongued defence of Christianity, taking on Dawkins' The God Delusion and Christopher Hitchens' God is Not Great.Its argument is that Christianity is recognisable, drawing on the deep and deeply ordinary vocabulary of human feeling, satisfying those who believe by offering a ruthlessly realistic account of the bits of our lives advertising agencies prefer to ignore. It's a book for believers who are fed up with being patronised, for non-believers curious about how faith can possibly work in the twenty-first century, and for anyone who feels there is something indefinably wrong, literalistic, anti-imaginative and intolerant about the way the case for atheism is now being made.Fresh, provoking and unhampered by niceness, this is the long-awaited riposte to the smug emissaries of New Atheism.

Unanswered Prayers (Mills And Boon Vintage Love Inspired Ser.)

by Penny Richards

THE TEST OF A MARRIAGE Eva Carmichael was talented, beautiful…the girl everyone believed most likely to succeed. When she left her hometown for a new life, she never expected to one day find herself alone and pregnant, her world in ashes.

Unamuno's Religious Fictionalism (Palgrave Frontiers in Philosophy of Religion)

by Alberto Oya

This book provides a coherent and systematic analysis of Miguel de Unamuno’s notion of religious faith and the reasoning he offers in defense of it. Unamuno developed a non-cognitivist Christian conception of religious faith, defending it as being something which we are all naturally lead to, given our (alleged) most basic and natural inclination to seek an endless existence. Illuminating the philosophical relevance this conception still has to contemporary philosophy of religion, Oya draws connections with current non-cognitivist notions of religious faith in general, and with contemporary religious fictionalist positions more particularly. The book includes a biographical introduction to Miguel de Unamuno, as well as lucid and clear analyses of his notions of the ‘tragic feeling of life’, his epistemological paradigm, and his naturally founded religious fictionalism. Revealing links to current debates, Oya shows how the works of Unamuno are still relevant and enriching today

Unamuno, Berdyaev, Marcel: A Comparative Study in Christian Existentialism

by C. A. Longhurst

This book seeks to examine the mutual interplay between existentialism and Christian belief as seen through the work of three existentialist thinkers who were also committed Christians - a Spaniard (Miguel de Unamuno), a Russian (Nikolai Berdyaev), and a Frenchman (Gabriel Marcel). They are compared with each other and with leading non-religious existentialists. The major themes studied include reason, freedom, the self, belief, hope, love, suffering, and immortality.

Unafraid: 365 Days Without Fear

by Gracie Malone

A 365-day devotional that will encourage and help readers overcome the fear that consumes, disturbs, and paralyzes them.To live without fear is one of the most challenging goals you can make in your life. Fear lurks in the deep recesses of the human heart and surprises even the most mature Christian. There are over 400 instances in the Bible of God telling His children to not be afraid. If repetition of a matter has anything to do with importance, God decided this was a big one. But rather than being a command or admonition, the tone spoken in turn by God, angels, and disciples is compelling and encouraging, like a parent comforting a fearful child. In Unafraid, Gracie Malone brings light, a touch of humor, stories, quotes, prayers, and encouragement to everyone who is fighting to trust in the only One who can take their fear away.

The Unaccommodated Calvin: Studies in the Foundation of a Theological Tradition (Oxford Studies in Historical Theology)

by Richard A. Muller

This book attempts to understand Calvin in his 16th-century context, with attention to continuities and discontinuities between his thought and that of his predecessors, contemporaries, and successors. Muller pays particular attention to the interplay between theological and philosophical themes common to Calvin and the medieval doctors, and to developments in rhetoric and method associated with humanism.

Un-Veiling Dichotomies: European Secularism and Women’s Veiling (Boundaries of Religious Freedom: Regulating Religion in Diverse Societies)

by Giorgia Baldi

This book analyzes the implication of secular/liberal values in Western and human rights law and its impact on Muslim women. It offers an innovative reading of the tension between the religious and secular spheres. The author does not view the two as binary opposites. Rather, she believes they are twin categories that define specific forms of lives as well as a specific notion of womanhood. This divergence from the usual dichotomy opens the doors for a reinterpretation of secularism in contemporary Europe. This method also helps readers to view the study of religion vs. secularism in a new light. It allows for a better understanding of the challenges that contemporary Europe now faces regarding the accommodation of different religious identities. For instance, one entire section of the book concerns the practice of veiling and explores the contentious headscarf debate. It features case studies from Germany, France, and the UK. In addition, the analysis combines a wide range of disciplines and employs an integrated, comparative, and inter-disciplinary approach. The author successfully brings together arguments from different fields with a comparative legal and political analysis of Western and Islamic law and politics. This innovative study appeals to students and researchers while offering an important contribution to the debate over the role of religion in contemporary secular Europe and its impact on women’s rights and gender equality.

Un Universo comprensibile: Interazione tra Scienza e Teologia (Le Stelle)

by George V. Coyne Michael Heller

"La cosa più incomprensibile del mondo è il fatto che sia comprensibile", ebbe a dire un giorno Albert Einstein. A ben pensarci, non è stupefacente che l’Universo abbia un’intima essenza razionale e matematica, tale da abilitare la mente umana a indagarlo e a conoscerlo? Questo libro tratta dell’evoluzione storica del concetto di razionalità, dal mondo greco classico fino ai nostri giorni, passando attraverso i contributi, spesso sottovalutati o mal compresi, dei Padri della Chiesa e dei teologi medievali. Se non si tengono nel giusto conto i risultati del costruttivo e serrato confronto tra scienza e religione sul tema della comprensibilità del mondo, non si possono cogliere le specificità delle figure di due "giganti" come Galileo e Newton, della scoperta del metodo scientifico e dei conseguenti trionfi della scienza moderna. L’interazione conflittuale tra scienza e teologia attraversa i secoli e rappresenta una delle pagine più entusiasmanti della storia del pensiero umano.

(Un)heimliche Lust: Über den Konsum sexueller Dienstleistungen

by Sabine Grenz

In dieser kulturgeschichtlichen und empirischen Studie wird der Konsum sexueller Dienstleistungen von Männern untersucht. Im Vordergrund steht dabei die Bearbeitung grundlegender Fragen der Prostitutionsdebatte, zum Beispiel darüber, ob Prostitution einen Beitrag zur sexuellen Freiheit leistet.

Un/familiar Theology: Reconceiving Sex, Reproduction and Generativity (Rethinking Theologies: Constructing Alternatives in History and Doctrine)

by Susannah Cornwall

Through engagement with theologies of adoption, pro-natalism, marriage, and queer theology, Susannah Cornwall figures developments in models of marriage and family not as distortions of or divergences from the divinely-ordained blueprint, but as developments already of a piece with these institution's being.Much Christian theological discussion of family, sex and marriage seems to claim that they are (or should be) unchanging and immaculate; that to celebrate their shifting and developing natures is to reject them as good gifts of God. However models of marriage, family, parenting and reproduction have changed and are still, in some cases radically, changing. These changes are not all a raging tide to be turned back, but in continuity with goods deeply embedded in the tradition. Alternative forms of marriage and family stand as signs of the hope of the possibility of change. Changed institutions, such as same-sex marriage, are new beginnings with the potential to be fruitful and generative in their own right. In them, humans create new imaginaries which more fully acknowledge the interactive nature of our relationships with the world and the divine.

Un/familiar Theology: Reconceiving Sex, Reproduction and Generativity (Rethinking Theologies: Constructing Alternatives in History and Doctrine)

by Susannah Cornwall

Through engagement with theologies of adoption, pro-natalism, marriage, and queer theology, Susannah Cornwall figures developments in models of marriage and family not as distortions of or divergences from the divinely-ordained blueprint, but as developments already of a piece with these institution's being.Much Christian theological discussion of family, sex and marriage seems to claim that they are (or should be) unchanging and immaculate; that to celebrate their shifting and developing natures is to reject them as good gifts of God. However models of marriage, family, parenting and reproduction have changed and are still, in some cases radically, changing. These changes are not all a raging tide to be turned back, but in continuity with goods deeply embedded in the tradition. Alternative forms of marriage and family stand as signs of the hope of the possibility of change. Changed institutions, such as same-sex marriage, are new beginnings with the potential to be fruitful and generative in their own right. In them, humans create new imaginaries which more fully acknowledge the interactive nature of our relationships with the world and the divine.

(Un)Believing in Modern Society: Religion, Spirituality, and Religious-Secular Competition

by Jörg Stolz Judith Könemann Mallory Schneuwly Purdie Thomas Englberger Michael Krüggeler

This landmark study in the sociology of religion sheds new light on the question of what has happened to religion and spirituality since the 1960s in modern societies. Exposing several analytical weaknesses of today's sociology of religion, (Un)Believing in Modern Society presents a new theory of religious-secular competition and a new typology of ways of being religious/secular. The authors draw on a specific European society (Switzerland) as their test case, using both quantitative and qualitative methodologies to show how the theory can be applied. Identifying four ways of being religious/secular in a modern society: 'institutional', 'alternative', 'distanced' and 'secular' they show how and why these forms have emerged as a result of religious-secular competition and describe in what ways all four forms are adapted to the current, individualized society.

(Un)Believing in Modern Society: Religion, Spirituality, and Religious-Secular Competition

by Jörg Stolz Judith Könemann Mallory Schneuwly Purdie Thomas Englberger Michael Krüggeler

This landmark study in the sociology of religion sheds new light on the question of what has happened to religion and spirituality since the 1960s in modern societies. Exposing several analytical weaknesses of today's sociology of religion, (Un)Believing in Modern Society presents a new theory of religious-secular competition and a new typology of ways of being religious/secular. The authors draw on a specific European society (Switzerland) as their test case, using both quantitative and qualitative methodologies to show how the theory can be applied. Identifying four ways of being religious/secular in a modern society: 'institutional', 'alternative', 'distanced' and 'secular' they show how and why these forms have emerged as a result of religious-secular competition and describe in what ways all four forms are adapted to the current, individualized society.

Umweltschutz in katholischen Orden: Interpretieren, Bewerten und Verhandeln als Teilprozesse der Glokalisierung (Veröffentlichungen der Sektion Religionssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie)

by Jiska Gojowczyk

Umweltschutzziele wie die Bewahrung der Schöpfung werden selbst in hierarchisch organisierten Gemeinschaften wie katholischen Orden auf unterschiedlichste Weise interpretiert, bewertet und verhandelt. Während manche Mitbrüder der gleichen Kommunität basierend auf einem Ziel ganz verschieden handeln, interpretieren andere es auch über geographische und nationale Grenzen hinweg sehr ähnlich. Mit der vorliegenden ethnographischen Studie werden die Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten erkennbar. Es zeigt sich: Das Ziel einer Gemeinschaft markiert nicht einen Weg, sondern viele. Wer religiösen Umweltschutz untersucht, sollte deswegen mehr als einen Weg bedenken – einschließlich Umleitungen und Kreuzungen.

Umstrittene Säkularität: Religion, Nation und Sexualität in Georgien (Veröffentlichungen der Sektion Religionssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie)

by Barbare Janelidze

Fragen zur Beziehung von Religion und Politik, von Georgischer Orthodoxer Kirche und Nation sowie von Sexualität und LGBTQI*-Rechten werden im heutigen Georgien zu Arenen von Auseinandersetzungen und Konflikten zwischen verschiedenen gesellschaftlichen Gruppen. Einen Brennpunkt solcher Spannungen bildet der 17. Mai 2013, an dem eine von der LGBTQI*-Gemeinschaft organisierte Demonstration durch eine von Anhänger*innen und Klerikalen der Georgischen Orthodoxen Kirche angeführte große Menge von Gegendemonstrant* innen gewaltsam aufgelöst wurde. Das vorliegende Buch erforscht diese Kontroversen und Konflikte und baut dabei auf neueren interdisziplinären Forschungsperspektiven wie den Secular Studies und den Vielfältigen Säkularitäten. Zu diesem Zweck fokussiert die Autorin auf diejenigen Narrative von Nation, Modernität, Sexualität, Religion und Säkularität, die diese Auseinandersetzungen begleiten, und analysiert sie als zusammenhängende Fragen des Warum, Wie und Von-wem der Formationen von Säkularität in Georgien. Die Studie analysiert die wechselwirkende Formierung des Säkularen und des Religiösen auf drei Ebenen: Staat, Öffentlichkeit und das Selbst. Dabei arbeitet sie die gleichzeitige Partikularität und Universalität von Säkularität sowie ihre Verknüpfung mit universalisierten Wissensregimen heraus.

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