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Showing 2,726 through 2,750 of 40,434 results

Umstrittene Säkularität: Religion, Nation und Sexualität in Georgien (Veröffentlichungen der Sektion Religionssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie)

by Barbare Janelidze

Fragen zur Beziehung von Religion und Politik, von Georgischer Orthodoxer Kirche und Nation sowie von Sexualität und LGBTQI*-Rechten werden im heutigen Georgien zu Arenen von Auseinandersetzungen und Konflikten zwischen verschiedenen gesellschaftlichen Gruppen. Einen Brennpunkt solcher Spannungen bildet der 17. Mai 2013, an dem eine von der LGBTQI*-Gemeinschaft organisierte Demonstration durch eine von Anhänger*innen und Klerikalen der Georgischen Orthodoxen Kirche angeführte große Menge von Gegendemonstrant* innen gewaltsam aufgelöst wurde. Das vorliegende Buch erforscht diese Kontroversen und Konflikte und baut dabei auf neueren interdisziplinären Forschungsperspektiven wie den Secular Studies und den Vielfältigen Säkularitäten. Zu diesem Zweck fokussiert die Autorin auf diejenigen Narrative von Nation, Modernität, Sexualität, Religion und Säkularität, die diese Auseinandersetzungen begleiten, und analysiert sie als zusammenhängende Fragen des Warum, Wie und Von-wem der Formationen von Säkularität in Georgien. Die Studie analysiert die wechselwirkende Formierung des Säkularen und des Religiösen auf drei Ebenen: Staat, Öffentlichkeit und das Selbst. Dabei arbeitet sie die gleichzeitige Partikularität und Universalität von Säkularität sowie ihre Verknüpfung mit universalisierten Wissensregimen heraus.

Umstrittene Moderne: Soziologische Diskurse und Gesellschaftskritik

by Lothar Peter

Der Band versammelt zentrale spätere Beiträge von Lothar Peter zur soziologischen Theorie, zum Marxismus, zur Kritischen Theorie und über Intellektuelle. Die Beiträge sondieren den gesellschaftskritischen Gehalt marxistischer Diskurse, lebensphilosophischer Reflexionen, des Feminismus, der Soziologie Max Webers und Durkheims sowie des Kommunitarismus. Sie beschäftigen sich auch mit Problemen und Aufgaben der Intellektuellen (Bourdieu, Habermas, Beck, Giddens) sowie den Perspektiven einer gesellschaftskritischen Soziologie heute.

Umrisse einer zeitgemäßen philosophischen Theologie im Islam: Die Verfeinerung des Charakters

by Ufuk Topkara

Ufuk Topkara bringt das erste große moraltheologische bzw. moralphilosophische System der islamischen Welt mit dem existenzphilosophischen Denken von Albert Camus zusammen. Gemeinsamer Bezugspunkt ist dabei die griechische, insbesondere aristotelische Philosophie, die in beiden Werken rezipiert wird. Ziel ist es, aus der Methodik des Umgangs Miskawayhs mit dem griechischen Erbe eine islamisch-theologische Hermeneutik für den Umgang mit den spezifischen philosophischen Herausforderungen der Moderne zu gewinnen.

Ummah Yet Proletariat: Islam, Marxism, and the Making of the Indonesian Republic (RELIGION AND GLOBAL POLITICS SERIES)

by Lin Hongxuan

From 1965 to 1966, at least 500,000 Indonesians were killed in military-directed violence that targeted suspected Communists. Muslim politicians justified the killings, arguing that Marxism posed an existential threat to all religions. Since then, the demonization of Marxism, as well as the presumed irreconcilability of Islam and Marxism, has permeated Indonesian society. Today, the Indonesian military and Islamic political parties regularly invoke the spectre of Marxism as an enduring threat that would destroy the republic if left unchecked. In Ummah Yet Proletariat, Lin Hongxuan explores the relationship between Islam and Marxism in the Netherlands East Indies (NEI) and Indonesia from the publication of the first Communist periodical in 1915 to the beginning of the 1965-66 massacres. Lin demonstrates how, in contrast to state-driven narratives, Muslim identity and Marxist analytical frameworks coexisted in Indonesian minds, as well as how individuals' Islamic faith shaped their openness to Marxist ideas. Examining Indonesian-language print culture, including newspapers, books, pamphlets, memoirs, letters, novels, plays, and poetry, Lin shows how deeply embedded confluences of Islam and Marxism were in the Indonesian nationalist project. He argues that these confluences were the result of Indonesian participation in networks of intellectual exchange across Asia, Europe, and the Middle East, of Indonesians "translating" the world to Indonesia in an ambitious project of creative adaptation.

Ummah Yet Proletariat: Islam, Marxism, and the Making of the Indonesian Republic (RELIGION AND GLOBAL POLITICS SERIES)

by Lin Hongxuan

From 1965 to 1966, at least 500,000 Indonesians were killed in military-directed violence that targeted suspected Communists. Muslim politicians justified the killings, arguing that Marxism posed an existential threat to all religions. Since then, the demonization of Marxism, as well as the presumed irreconcilability of Islam and Marxism, has permeated Indonesian society. Today, the Indonesian military and Islamic political parties regularly invoke the spectre of Marxism as an enduring threat that would destroy the republic if left unchecked. In Ummah Yet Proletariat, Lin Hongxuan explores the relationship between Islam and Marxism in the Netherlands East Indies (NEI) and Indonesia from the publication of the first Communist periodical in 1915 to the beginning of the 1965-66 massacres. Lin demonstrates how, in contrast to state-driven narratives, Muslim identity and Marxist analytical frameworks coexisted in Indonesian minds, as well as how individuals' Islamic faith shaped their openness to Marxist ideas. Examining Indonesian-language print culture, including newspapers, books, pamphlets, memoirs, letters, novels, plays, and poetry, Lin shows how deeply embedded confluences of Islam and Marxism were in the Indonesian nationalist project. He argues that these confluences were the result of Indonesian participation in networks of intellectual exchange across Asia, Europe, and the Middle East, of Indonesians "translating" the world to Indonesia in an ambitious project of creative adaptation.

The Umma and the Dawla: The Nation-State and the Arab Middle East

by Tamim Al-Barghouti

This book argues that the Arab states in the Middle East have failed to provide security for their citizens or define themselves along the lines of traditional nation states. Due to continuous war, they have been unable to foster development and prosperity.The author argues that these failures have led to the development of an Islamic political theory which is based around the non-territorial concepts of the Umma and Dawla. Each concept is explored in detail and the author explains how crucial they are in explaining the difference between Western policy and the priorities and the identity of the Arab world.This unique book should be required reading for students of Middle East international relations and Islamic political theory.This book argues that nationalisms in the Arab Middle East were colonial constructs to legitimize the colonially created nation states. Such states were structured in a manner that guaranteed their behavior as colonies after their independence. There dependence was in fact the condition for their formal independence. The book contrasts these colonially introduced national identities to the pre colonial Islamic identity the revolved around the concepts of Umma and Dawla. Both concepts have not yet been adequately dealt with in English and have usually been mistranslated into „nation‰ and „state‰ respectively. The Book provides a thorough explanation of these concepts by studying canonical Sunni and Shiite Islamic texts of political theory and jurisprudence. The Book also shows that understanding such concepts might explain how public opinion is formed in the Middle East and how Arab governments gain and loose legitimacy. Finally the book traces the local elites‚ failed attempts to reconcile the colonially introduced identity that revolves around the colonially created nation state and the native culture that sets political allegiance in the whole Muslim community. Such a failure allowed the Dawla, a non-territorial, non-sovereign form of organization whose allegiance lies with the whole Muslim Umma, to reemerge as a means of social, political in sometimes military, form of organization, thus the variety of non state Islamic actors throughout the region. This unique book should be required reading for students of Middle East international relations and Islamic political theory.

The Ultimate Three Minutes: The Story of Two Great Human Watersheds - Their Preparation and Their Coinciding

by The Very Revd William Cummings

The Ultimate Three Minutes is a statement of Christian theology in terms of "Salvation History", introducing the functions of Abraham, Moses, Second Isaiah and the Psalms; and placing in historical context the life, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ his uniqueness, the formation of the Gospels, and the Eucharist as the identifying thread which binds the redemptive or salvation process into a coherent whole and vivifies the Christian hope. This presentation of basic Christian Gospel theology is carried within a simplistic account of the history of the Ancient World, written in the style of a continuous narrative, with digressions into special topics such as the Psalms, Augustus and Providence, the Sixth Chapter of St John's Gospel, and the Northern Frontier. It also features a parable drawn from modern science. The title of the book borrows from two distinguished scientists. In The First Three Minutes Steven Weinberg describes the developments of the first three minutes of the universe, following the explosion of the "Big Bang" 13.8 billion years ago. In The Last Three Minutes Paul Davies describes the final subsidence of the universe into entropy and heat death. The Ultimate Three Minutes: The Story of Two Great Human Watersheds Their Preparation and Their Coinciding provides a humanitarian parallel. The title embodies a value judgement, namely the need of the human race for redemption, and the achievement of that redemption by Jesus Christ, the Anointed Saviour, on his Cross. The "Ultimate Three Minutes" is the final three minutes before Jesus Christ expelled his final breath, when the suffering and the cost of the redemption of mankind was at its most heavy and precarious.

The Ultimate Leadership Book: Inspire Others; Make Smart Decisions; Make a Difference

by Martin Manser Clive Steeper Sue Stockdale Carol O'Connor

If you want to be the best, you have to have the right skillset. From decision making and motivating people to vision and inspiration, THE ULTIMATE LEADERSHIP BOOK is a dynamic collection of tools, techniques, and strategies for success. Discover the main themes and key ideas, and bring it all together with practical exercises.This is your complete course in leadership. ABOUT THE SERIESULTIMATE books are for managers, leaders, and business executives who want to succeed at work. From marketing and sales to management and finance, each title gives comprehensive coverage of the essential business skills you need to get ahead in your career. Written in straightforward English, each book is designed to help you quickly master the subject, with fun quizzes embedded so that you can check how you're doing.

Ultimate Journey: Death and Dying in the World's Major Religions (Non-ser.)

by Steven Rosen

Like taxes, death is inevitable. Everyone experiences it sooner or later. This book offers perspectives on death and dying from all major religions, written by experts in each of those religions. Focusing on the major world traditions, it offers important information about what death and dying means to those practicing these faiths. The second part of the book adds a necessary and truly unique perspective - a personal look at how people actually die in the various world religions, as told by a hospital chaplain, with anecdotes and experiences that bring the death process to life, so to speak.Each chapter engages the theology of each religion, giving quotes from the literature of their respective scriptural traditions, to explain the process of dying, death, and the afterlife. In doing so, each author draws on the history of his respective tradition and looks at real-life figures, exemplars of the tradition, showing how practitioners view death and hope to one day engage the death process themselves.

The Ultimate Happiness Prescription: 7 Keys to Joy and Enlightenment

by Dr Deepak Chopra

In The Ultimate Happiness Prescription, bestselling author Deepak Chopra shows how to be happy in spite of living in difficult or trying times.By looking through the lens of our contemporary understanding of consciousness, combined with Eastern philosophy, he has created a set of principles for living with ease. The result is an inspiring and instructive journey that leads to a prescription for living life mindfully, with a light heart and with effortless spontaneity - a prescription only Dr Deepak Chopra could write.With words like 'depression' and 'recession' in the air, he underlines the importance of keeping an eye on the positive aspects of life and finding ways to experience joy no matter what is happening to you. This remarkably clear and helpful book explains how to maintain an optimistic outlook and experience the benefits of having a happy heart and soul, no matter what the circumstances.

Ultimate Devotion: The Historical Impact and Archaeological Expression of Intense Religious Movements (Approaches to Anthropological Archaeology)

by Yoav Arbel

From the first Jewish revolt against Rome in the first century CE to contemporary Islamic fanaticism, faith in the hands of religious zealots has been a powerful and often catastrophic means of enacting radical change. 'Ultimate Devotion' examines a range of religious movements across history to reveal the striking similarities in the way they emerged, the characters of their leaders and followers, and their often tragic conclusions. A rich variety of archaeological materials intersect with textual evidence and anthropological theory to develop a model of mass action inspired by intense religion. In its exploration of religious rebellion in history, 'Ultimate Devotion' illuminates religious fanaticism today.

Ultimate Devotion: The Historical Impact and Archaeological Expression of Intense Religious Movements (Approaches to Anthropological Archaeology)

by Yoav Arbel

From the first Jewish revolt against Rome in the first century CE to contemporary Islamic fanaticism, faith in the hands of religious zealots has been a powerful and often catastrophic means of enacting radical change. 'Ultimate Devotion' examines a range of religious movements across history to reveal the striking similarities in the way they emerged, the characters of their leaders and followers, and their often tragic conclusions. A rich variety of archaeological materials intersect with textual evidence and anthropological theory to develop a model of mass action inspired by intense religion. In its exploration of religious rebellion in history, 'Ultimate Devotion' illuminates religious fanaticism today.

The Ultimate Comeback: How to Turn a Bad Night Into a Good Day

by Tommy Tenney

Using biblical examples of how focusing on the wrong direction leads only to heartbreak, Tommy Tenney reveals that obedience alone brings true restoration of the soul, and then he explains how to make right choices.

The Ultimate Christmas Cracker

by John Julius Norwich

In 1969, John Julius Norwich, the legendary popular historian, gathered together the favourite things he'd come across in the last 365 days into one short charming pamphlet. Initially just a treat for his friends, it rapidly turned into a huge word-of-mouth success. And soon the arrival of John Julius Norwich's latest 'Christmas Cracker' became as essential a part of the English Christmas experience as holly and mistletoe. Norwich had a brilliant eye for a story and telling detail, and his Crackers are full of jokes, warmth and wit. Here in one bumper book is his final and 50th Christmas Cracker, alongside all the very best bits as picked out by his daughter Artemis Cooper. This is the perfect Christmas gift.

The Ultimate Book of Spells

by Nigel Cawthorne Pamela Ball

The Ultimate Book of Spells is essential reference for anyone wishing to take control of their lives and become confident in the art of spell making.The book includes over 250 spells and techniques, covering every aspect of life and spiritual development. Whether it is creating opportunities for love, doubling your money or protecting your teenage daughter, there is a spell for everyone.With sections on the folkloric history of magic, astrology, divination and mysticism, The Ultimate Book of Spells provides the reader with a complete background to the art of magic. The complex social and cultural influence of spells is revealed, as well as their power to enrich and transform modern lives

The Ultimate Bible Fact and Quiz Book

by Martin Manser

The Ultimate Bible Fact & Quiz Book is a new and exciting way to discover the Bible. It can be used in community and church groups, Sunday School classes, family games and devotions, or simply for entertaining reading.What's unique about this collection of quizzes and facts is its variety. Topics covered included include Jesus Christ, important Bible characters, significant events, geography, music, food, love, war, money, gardening, animals, crime, punishment, miracles, angels, dreams... the list is virtually endless! The quizzes are designed to challenge every age and ability. Some questions may seem easy, such as, 'In which town was Jesus born?' or 'Who was said to be the wisest King in the Bible?' Others may be a bit more challenging, like, 'How old was Joash when he began to reign in Judah?' or 'What was the name of King David's third son?' With over 4,500 facts and questions, this book will be sure to test your knowledge and make learning about the Bible fun.

Ulster Presbyterians and the Scots Irish Diaspora, 1750-1764 (Christianities in the Trans-Atlantic World)

by B. Bankhurst

Bankhurst examines how news regarding the violent struggle to control the borderlands of British North America between 1740 and 1760 resonated among communities in Ireland with familial links to the colonies. This work considers how intense Irish press coverage and American fundraising drives in Ireland produced empathy among Ulster Presbyterians.

The Ulama in Contemporary Islam: Custodians of Change

by Muhammad Qasim Zaman

From the cleric-led Iranian revolution to the rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan, many people have been surprised by what they see as the modern reemergence of an antimodern phenomenon. This book helps account for the increasingly visible public role of traditionally educated Muslim religious scholars (the `ulama) across contemporary Muslim societies. Muhammad Qasim Zaman describes the transformations the centuries-old culture and tradition of the `ulama have undergone in the modern era--transformations that underlie the new religious and political activism of these scholars. In doing so, it provides a new foundation for the comparative study of Islam, politics, and religious change in the contemporary world. While focusing primarily on Pakistan, Zaman takes a broad approach that considers the Taliban and the `ulama of Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, India, and the southern Philippines. He shows how their religious and political discourses have evolved in often unexpected but mutually reinforcing ways to redefine and enlarge the roles the `ulama play in society. Their discourses are informed by a longstanding religious tradition, of which they see themselves as the custodians. But these discourses are equally shaped by--and contribute in significant ways to--contemporary debates in the Muslim public sphere. This book offers the first sustained comparative perspective on the `ulama and their increasingly crucial religious and political activism. It shows how issues of religious authority are debated in contemporary Islam, how Islamic law and tradition are continuously negotiated in a rapidly changing world, and how the `ulama both react to and shape larger Islamic social trends. Introducing previously unexamined facets of religious and political thought in modern Islam, it clarifies the complex processes of religious change unfolding in the contemporary Muslim world and goes a long way toward explaining their vast social and political ramifications.

The Ulama in Contemporary Islam: Custodians of Change (Princeton Studies in Muslim Politics #38)

by Muhammad Qasim Zaman

From the cleric-led Iranian revolution to the rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan, many people have been surprised by what they see as the modern reemergence of an antimodern phenomenon. This book helps account for the increasingly visible public role of traditionally educated Muslim religious scholars (the `ulama) across contemporary Muslim societies. Muhammad Qasim Zaman describes the transformations the centuries-old culture and tradition of the `ulama have undergone in the modern era--transformations that underlie the new religious and political activism of these scholars. In doing so, it provides a new foundation for the comparative study of Islam, politics, and religious change in the contemporary world. While focusing primarily on Pakistan, Zaman takes a broad approach that considers the Taliban and the `ulama of Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, India, and the southern Philippines. He shows how their religious and political discourses have evolved in often unexpected but mutually reinforcing ways to redefine and enlarge the roles the `ulama play in society. Their discourses are informed by a longstanding religious tradition, of which they see themselves as the custodians. But these discourses are equally shaped by--and contribute in significant ways to--contemporary debates in the Muslim public sphere. This book offers the first sustained comparative perspective on the `ulama and their increasingly crucial religious and political activism. It shows how issues of religious authority are debated in contemporary Islam, how Islamic law and tradition are continuously negotiated in a rapidly changing world, and how the `ulama both react to and shape larger Islamic social trends. Introducing previously unexamined facets of religious and political thought in modern Islam, it clarifies the complex processes of religious change unfolding in the contemporary Muslim world and goes a long way toward explaining their vast social and political ramifications.

The Ulama in Contemporary Islam: Custodians of Change (Princeton Studies in Muslim Politics #38)

by Muhammad Qasim Zaman

From the cleric-led Iranian revolution to the rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan, many people have been surprised by what they see as the modern reemergence of an antimodern phenomenon. This book helps account for the increasingly visible public role of traditionally educated Muslim religious scholars (the `ulama) across contemporary Muslim societies. Muhammad Qasim Zaman describes the transformations the centuries-old culture and tradition of the `ulama have undergone in the modern era--transformations that underlie the new religious and political activism of these scholars. In doing so, it provides a new foundation for the comparative study of Islam, politics, and religious change in the contemporary world. While focusing primarily on Pakistan, Zaman takes a broad approach that considers the Taliban and the `ulama of Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, India, and the southern Philippines. He shows how their religious and political discourses have evolved in often unexpected but mutually reinforcing ways to redefine and enlarge the roles the `ulama play in society. Their discourses are informed by a longstanding religious tradition, of which they see themselves as the custodians. But these discourses are equally shaped by--and contribute in significant ways to--contemporary debates in the Muslim public sphere. This book offers the first sustained comparative perspective on the `ulama and their increasingly crucial religious and political activism. It shows how issues of religious authority are debated in contemporary Islam, how Islamic law and tradition are continuously negotiated in a rapidly changing world, and how the `ulama both react to and shape larger Islamic social trends. Introducing previously unexamined facets of religious and political thought in modern Islam, it clarifies the complex processes of religious change unfolding in the contemporary Muslim world and goes a long way toward explaining their vast social and political ramifications.

UFOs, Conspiracy Theories and the New Age: Millennial Conspiracism (Bloomsbury Advances in Religious Studies)

by David G. Robertson

How-and why- were UFOs so prevalent in both conspiracy theories and the New Age milieu in the post-Cold War period? In this ground-breaking book, David G. Robertson argues that UFOs symbolized an uncertainty about the boundaries between scientific knowledge and other ways of validating knowledge, and thus became part of a shared vocabulary. Through historical and ethnographic case studies of three prominent figures-novelist and abductee Whitley Strieber; environmentalist and reptilian proponent David Icke; and David Wilcock, alleged reincarnation of Edgar Cayce-the investigation reveals that millennial conspiracism offers an explanation as to why the prophesied New Age failed to arrive-it was prevented from arriving by malevolent, hidden others. Yet millennial conspiracism constructs a counter-elite, a gnostic third party defined by their special knowledge.An overview of the development of UFO subcultures from the perspective of religious studies, UFOs, Conspiracy Theories and the New Age is an innovative application of discourse analysis to the study of present day alternative religion.

UFOs, Conspiracy Theories and the New Age: Millennial Conspiracism (Bloomsbury Advances in Religious Studies)

by David G. Robertson

How-and why- were UFOs so prevalent in both conspiracy theories and the New Age milieu in the post-Cold War period? In this ground-breaking book, David G. Robertson argues that UFOs symbolized an uncertainty about the boundaries between scientific knowledge and other ways of validating knowledge, and thus became part of a shared vocabulary. Through historical and ethnographic case studies of three prominent figures-novelist and abductee Whitley Strieber; environmentalist and reptilian proponent David Icke; and David Wilcock, alleged reincarnation of Edgar Cayce-the investigation reveals that millennial conspiracism offers an explanation as to why the prophesied New Age failed to arrive-it was prevented from arriving by malevolent, hidden others. Yet millennial conspiracism constructs a counter-elite, a gnostic third party defined by their special knowledge.An overview of the development of UFO subcultures from the perspective of religious studies, UFOs, Conspiracy Theories and the New Age is an innovative application of discourse analysis to the study of present day alternative religion.


by Rupert Matthews

Is Earth undergoing an alien invasion?In this thrilling examination of the UFO phenomenon, author Rupert Matthews assesses the growing threat of alien reconnaissance on Earth. From the earliest recorded sightings to the most recent encounters and abductions, the book sifts through the evidence and asks the crucial question: why do they come? Among the cases discussed in depth: Caught on radar - the Rendlesham sighting The crucial case - Roswell Visitors in the night - the Men in Black Antonio Boas - intimate contact with ufonautsWhether you are a firm believer in extra-terrestrial visitors to earth or a confirmed sceptic this book provides a balanced view of events to date. One thing no-one can deny: UFOs are out there.

UFO Religions

by Christopher Partridge

The spectre of the UFO, as popularized by shows such as The X-Files, has brought an astonishing slant to the face of modern religious practice. But what motivates the fantastical and sometimes sinister beliefs of UFO worshippers? UFO Religions critically examines some of the fascinating issues surrounding UFO worship - abduction narratives, UFO-based interpretations of other religions, the growth of pseudo-sciences purporting to explain UFOs, and the responses of the core scientific community to such claims. Focusing on contemporary global UFO groups including the Raelian Movement, Heaven's Gate, Unarius and the Ansaaru Allah Community, it gives a clear profile of modern UFO controversies and beliefs.

UFO Religions

by Christopher Partridge

The spectre of the UFO, as popularized by shows such as The X-Files, has brought an astonishing slant to the face of modern religious practice. But what motivates the fantastical and sometimes sinister beliefs of UFO worshippers? UFO Religions critically examines some of the fascinating issues surrounding UFO worship - abduction narratives, UFO-based interpretations of other religions, the growth of pseudo-sciences purporting to explain UFOs, and the responses of the core scientific community to such claims. Focusing on contemporary global UFO groups including the Raelian Movement, Heaven's Gate, Unarius and the Ansaaru Allah Community, it gives a clear profile of modern UFO controversies and beliefs.

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