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Showing 40,451 through 40,475 of 40,538 results

Mad is the Heart

by Denise Robins

Heiresses twice over, Viola and her young sister traveled to exotic Khartoum to be with their guardian, the sophisticated rock-steady Lionel. But Viola's excitement was spoiled by her sister's obvious infatuation with Lionel -- and the presence of the out-going Ted, Viola's determined suitor. Violently objecting to a marriage between Viola and Ted, Lionel proposed himself -- and Viola, already deeply in love with him, happily accepted. But her chance for happiness was destroyed by the vengeful Ted --who knew of Lionel's financial affairs. Viola could never be sure if Lionel really loved her--or her money.

The Marriage Bond

by Denise Robins

Beautiful, rich and impulsive, Gay Northiam's life is a fun filled whirl of dinners and dances. Captivated by her vivacious charm and exquisite looks, a flock of eligible and handsome suitors leave her with few blank pages in her engagement diary. Dick Morton, a young doctor, is just one of many smitten admirers. But Gay is not yet ready to fall in love not while life is such fun. All this changes, however, when Gay meets Geoffrey Daunt, a respected and successful barrister and confirmed bachelor: For the first time ever Gay knows the pain of unrequited love and, too late, discovers what it is to suffer a broken heart.

Meet Me in Monte Carlo

by Denise Robins

The boulevards of Paris, Cannes, Monte Carlo - perhaps in their glamourSylvia could forget Johnny... forget that he no longer wanted to marryher. But Sylvia didn't know when she left London that she was about tobe plunged into a ring of jewel thieves, that handsome, romantic Henriwas a criminal mastermind, and that Johnny would turn up in Dijon withLucille, who was very stunning and very French.At the centre of the intrigue were stolen emeralds worth half a milliondollars. And when those emeralds surfaced in her handbag, Sylvia beganthe most dangerous adventure of her life - an adventure that would perishall her doubts about Johnny's love.A captivating love story from the 100-million-copy bestselling Queen ofRomance, first published in 1954, and available now for the first timein eBook.

Men are Only Human

by Denise Robins

It seemed that Beechy had everything she could ever want - a lovingfamily, an adoring fiancé, Gil, and a beautiful old Tudor house thatwould soon be her home. But Gil had a secret: a tempestuous infatuationhe had once had in Paris with the attractive and sophisticated Manon.That was in the past, though, and need never concern his future with thewoman he truly loves.As the wedding draws nearer, Beechy and Gil look forward to a lifetogether, and their family and close friends gather for the greatoccasion. Then his previous love-affair casts a shadow of doubt over theblissfuly happy couple...A captivating love story from the 100-million-copy bestselling Queen ofRomance, first published in 1933, and available now for the first timein eBook.

Moment of Love

by Denise Robins

She was just his private secretary - would he ever know how mach sheloved him?Christa might have thought herself lucky. She spent every working daywith Stephen Harrimay - the brilliant young executive - the man sheadored.But Christa was only his private secretary. Each evening he left herbehind for society's most glamorous women - fast, beautiful wealthywomaen - who could challenge his brilliance, and further his career.Christa watched as he led his whirlwind life with the beautiful and therich, knowing that all she could offer was her calm, deep love. Shecould only watch, wait and hope for the moment Stephen would stop, andreally see her for the first time...A captivating love story from the 100-million-copy bestselling Queen ofRomance, first published in 1964, and available now for the first time ineBook.

More Than Love

by Denise Robins

Rosalinda Browne's life was a simple one - a secretarial job with a respected London firm, a plain furnished room, and an occasional evening alone at the opera or the symphony. Then a chance meeting brought her face to face with Richard Corrington-Ashe - rich and dashing, the owner of a prestigious shipping firm. And suddenly Rosalinda's life would never be the same!But he was a married man - though his wife had long ago ceased to love him - and, as Rosalinda's passion soared ever higher, an ominous question grew; would her heart stand the test of sharing her beloved?

Murder in Mayfair

by Denise Robins

There is only one thing in the world that they brilliant young musician, Jacques Clavel, wants; to marry his beautiful English sweetheart Mary Lessington. But his hopes are shattered and his heart broken when, against her will, Mary is forced to marry the wealthy Earl of Ventyre!In his despair Jacques vows to dedicate the rest of his life to music until, after ten long years, it seems that at last his dream may come true. But Jacques has not bargained for Auriol Crannock, a woman of unparalleled greed, jealousy and evil, a woman who is determined to possess Jacques – and keep him away from his beloved Mary – whatever the cost.So, when Auriol is found brutally murdered in her Mayfair flat, the evidence seems conclusive…

My Lady Destiny

by Denise Robins

The lovely, lonely child named Destiny, grows up a drudge in a poor parsonage, until aged fifteen, she discovers that she is the daughter of the Earl of Destermere, and the richest heiress in Queen Anne’s England!Stephen Godwin, the Earl’s secretary, traces her to Bath and carries her off to Richmond where she is caught up in the social whirl.But the Countess, her beautiful and unscrupulous stepmother, resents her coming. She plans to marry Destiny to her own brother, the depraved, sadistic Baron who is out to gain control of Destiny’s fortune.As Destiny rises from kitchen drudge to social beauty, will her fate be love or misery?

My True Love

by Denise Robins

Lovely, orphaned Lyn Taylor feared the fabulous whirl of the sophisticated London social season would pass her by. As secretary to her wealthy, snobbish Aunt Diana, she was the carefully hidden Cinderella as the list of eligible bachelors – men of money, title, position, lined up before her cousin Anthea. Then devastating lawyer Noel Folliott stepped out of his gleaming Bentley and into her enraptured heart.But ruthless Aunt Diana placed Noel high on her list for Anthea, little knowing that Anthea was deep in a passionate clandestine romance with a car mechanic!Could Lyn betray Anthea’s secret … or would social distinction remain an insurmountable barrier to the sweet exaltation of true love?

Never Give All

by Denise Robins

Pat is a lovely girl who learns after the honeymoon that only experience can teach a woman never to give all – to a man.Also that there is a limit to the time a girl can love a faithless and irresponsible husband.The exotic holiday in Torremolinos is very different from life in a London flat – and no job. “Don’t nag…” Tim said. But there comes a time when Pat finds it difficult not to do so. And inevitably another better man turns up.

Never Look Back

by Denise Robins

When Brett Morgan walks out on her, Penny Winn feels her broken heart will never recover. But the Second World War takes her to the Mediterranean where she meets Wing-Commander Timothy Curtis and becomes his wife.Everyone believes Tim Curtis is on his death-bed, but he unexpectedly recovers. Then Penny's old flame Brett Morgan reappears in her life. Isn't that always typical of men?Penny must face her dilemma: stay faithful to her invalid husband, or return to her true love?

Nightingale's Song

by Denise Robins

It all happens so fast... Celia's long lost father appears and announces that he is a millionaire. Now, in his last days, he wants to share his life, and his wealth with his only kin - his daughter.Celia is taken from her drab London flat to her father's fabulous villa in Monte Carlo. There she meets Philippe, the dashingly handsome Frenchman who sweeps her into a confusion of fiery passion. And Geoffrey, the solid good-looking Englishman whose love for her is quiet and dependable.Then, suddenly, her father dies - and Celia is a millionairess. Now the ugly question nags at her heart: does the man she desperately loves want her for herself - or for her money?

The Noble One

by Denise Robins

Growing up in the rugged countryside of the Lake District, Dana loves the animals that roam among the hills, especially the majestic stag she calls The Noble One.When she learns that somebody is trying to kill the stag for the sake of its splendid antlers, she determines to fight for its survival. But the man behind the illegal hunting is also a man who claimed to be in love with her...The struggle is not an easy one – but the arrival of Brett Chalmers, the new Assistant Game Warden, certainly has quite an effect. And not just on the fight for The Noble One…

O Love! O Fire!

by Denise Robins

Candy Kavell loves Rupert as she has never loved before – passionately and completely. But no matter how many times Rupert assures her of his love, Candy knows deep within her heart he doesn’t feel as she does.Rupert is far from ready for the responsibilities of marriage. So how will he react when he discovers Candy is carrying their child?The uncertainty is transforming her ecstasy of love into a nightmare of despair!

Once is Enough

by Denise Robins

Sylvia Penhurst is forced to bear the burden of her unhappy marriage,her ardent temperament subdued by her husband's cold unfeelingbehaviour. Then suddenly to her yearning, caged heart comes love, loveof the kind her husband cannot or will not give.The temptation to surrender to her passionate nature is too much but herhappiness is short lived. For Sylvia has a small daughter and sherealizes too late that in reaching out for a moment's happiness she hasdestroyed a child's world.A captivating love story from the 100-million-copy bestselling Queen ofRomance, first published in 1953, and available now for the first timein eBook.

Only in my Dreams

by Denise Robins

Half drowned and desperate after leaping into a river to escape an assailant, Ming Corally drags herself to the gates of Julian Barrisford's home.Julian takes her in. But his wife seizes on the excuse to file a divorce petition - an action which threatens to destroy both Julian and the innocent girl he has saved.

A Passionate Flame

by Denise Robins

When Peril Grant went to Rhodesia to live with her only remainingrelative, Amy Johnson, a permanent invalid, she had visions of it as agolden land of rolling plains, the finest countryside in the world. Theheart-break, passion and tragedy that followed were nightmares she hadnever dreamed could never happen anywhere on earth. And when she awoke,there was David...A captivating love story from the 100-million-copy bestselling Queen ofRomance, first published in 1928, and available now for the first timein eBook.

The Price of Folly

by Denise Robins

An innocent indiscretion threatens a young girl's chance for happinessand love!Rich, handsome, sophisticated Alan Rivers sweeps Paula off her feet. Hischarming declarations of love, his fervant promises of marriage throwthe pretty, inexperienced girl into a sweet delirium of unreasoninglove. But when she realizes Alan's affection is as false as his promisesand her own feelings are mere infatuation, Paula soon comes to hersenses. But will it be soon enough to salvage a future with a man whoreally matters?A captivating love story from the 100-million-copy bestselling Queen ofRomance, first published in 1968, and available now for the first timein eBook.

A Promise is Forever

by Denise Robins

Fern Barrett is a girl of high principles, and such people are born to be tested. When she and her husband Terry are forced by circumstances to take employment servants in the household of powerful financier Quentin Dorey, a bachelor, her trials begin. Terry becomes increasingly self-centred and feckless, while Fern finds herself more and more attracted by the charm and sympathy of her employer. She also incurs the hatred of Quentin's embittered mother, who has guessed something about the girl's background which Fern is desperate to conceal. What is Fern to do? Because of her, alas, a promise is forever.

Put Back the Clock

by Denise Robins

It's a dream come true. For years Tracy Shaw has kept secret her love for childhood friend Sebastian Lemaire. Tracy was a fine girl and delicate beauty, but she was the village doctor's daughter, and Sebastian was already a very wealth young man, dazzled by fast cars and fast women.Now, incredible as it seems, Sebastian comes home from a whirlwind vacation abroad - and asks Tracy to marry him. But people say he is still intoxicated by a girl named Conseulo, a worldly and sensuous jet-set beauty, who rejected him.Does Sebastian really love Tracy, or he is just on the rebound? How can Tracy be sure of the affections of the man she loves, and make him forget another woman's undeniable glamour?

Restless Heart

by Denise Robins

She was married to a good man, and desperately in love with someone else!The conflict between reason and emotion when restless youth is forced to choose between romantic love and unromantic security.A captivating love story from the 100-million-copy bestselling Queen of Romance,first published in 1938, and available now for the first time in eBook.

The Seagull's Cry

by Denise Robins

Tansy Trehearn was born and bred in the beautiful and little Cornish port of the village St. Ruthyn, where Martin Wyde was opening a small hotel, The Seagull's Cry. Tansy was falling in love with her employer Martin. She had never been so bewildered, she had met the one man she could ever love, and found that she had to fight her own sister in order to get him. And that was when she learned that the cry of the seagull was no more sad and tortured than the cry of her own heart. Because while Martin and Tansy's love softly flowered, several people were plotting to ruin their newfound happiness.

Second Best

by Denise Robins

When Barry Elderton comes back from Ceylon to marry Virginia Brame, itis to find her the wife of the wealthy Sir Ian Kingleigh. So Barry turnsto Virginia's cousin Joan for consolation. But she, loving Barry as muchas he loved Virginia, knows that for him she is only 'second best'. Canshe ever be first in his affections?A captivating love story from the 100-million-copy bestselling Queen ofRomance, first published in 1931, and available now for the first timein eBook.

Second Marriage

by Denise Robins

Katherine Green dreads telling her children of her plans to marry Robert Tracy. But even she never expected that they would respond with such bitterness. They do not realise how lonely she has been, nor do they see the cruelty of their own bitter resentment... Desperate to end her lonely widowhood, can Katherine reconcile her devotion to her children with her newly awakened love for Robert?

The Secret Hour

by Denise Robins

Just a week before her marriage to Gordon Veriland, Evelyn meets andfalls in love with Shane Cargill. But Evelyn is trapped, for Gordon hasthe power to put her father in prison for fraud. She knows that thewedding must take place.But Evelyn's marriage proves a hollow thing and she still hopes that oneday she will be united with Shane.A captivating love story from the 100-million-copy bestselling Queen ofRomance, first published in 1932, and available now for the first timein eBook.

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