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Showing 40,501 through 40,525 of 40,552 results

Yet Again

by Max Beerbohm

Pyaar Plus: Our Bodies Are Magnificent and Need to Be Flaunted in All Their Glory

by Zahra Gabuji Zara Ismail

Pyaar Plus is a digital toolkit about pyaar and all the pluses – from attraction to abuse – for young women and people of other marginalised genders with disabilities and for the people around them.

We Two

by Edna Lyall

Love Stories That Touched My Heart - Novel

by Ravinder Singh

From the author of That’s the Way We Met! and Few Things Left Unsaid, this true modern love story will sweep you off the feet. ‘It Started With a Friend Request’ is a heart-warming story that will pull all the right strings of your emotions. Love silently steps in our lives and puts us amidst whirlwind rising emotions. Single, young and conservative Akash prefers girls, who are smart and sensible than those in miniskirts. One lucky day, he meets Aleesha, a free-spirited girl and a Mass Media student in a local discotheque. Aleesha being the only child of her parents is a spoiled brat. The meeting ends up with getting to know each other's interests and exchanging their BlackBerry pins. They start chatting regularly and slowly fall in love. As the duo plans to take their relationship ahead, fate that has already been writing a different plot, starts stirring things up. Will Akash and Aleesha give in to fate or build their own? How far will the couple go to save their relationship? See love from a completely different angle with It Started with a Friend Request.

The Rescue

by Joseph Conrad


by Victoria Cross

El arte de amar

by Ovid

Ovidio nació en el año 43 a. C. en Sulmo, no muy lejos de Roma, y murió desterrado en una remota aldea del Ponto, Tomis. El arte de amar y El remedio del amor, entre otros motivos, ocasionaron su destierro, que le fue impuesto por Augusto, quien permaneció siempre implacable a los ruegos del poeta para que le permitiese regresar a Roma. Escritos con refinamiento poético, con talante lúdico y un tanto irónico, muy atentos a las escenas amorosas y a las peripecias eróticas, utilizando con desenfado los antiguos mitos clásicos, estos libros son tratados con ligereza, e incluso con "levedad", que es lo que confiere a su autor una modernidad indiscutible. Están inspirados por una misteriosa mujer, Corina, que no sabemos si corresponde a una figura real, pero que Los amores hicieron tan famosa como la Lesbia de Catulo, o la Cintia de Propercio.

The Blue Lagoon

by H. de Vere Stacpoole

The Blue Lagoon is the story of two cousins, Dicky and Emmeline Lestrange, stranded on a remote island with a beautiful lagoon. As children, they are cared for by Paddy Button, a portly sailor who drinks himself to death after only two and a half years in paradise. Frightened and confused by the man's gruesome corpse, the children flee to another part of Palm Tree Island. Over a period of five years, they grow up and eventually fall in love. Sex and birth are as mysterious to them as death, but they manage to copulate instinctively and conceive a child. The birth is especially remarkable: fifteen-year-old Emmeline, alone in the jungle, loses consciousness and awakes to find a baby boy on the ground near her. Naming the boy Hannah (an example of Stacpoole's penchant for gender reversals), the Lestranges live in familial bliss until they are unexpectedly expelled from their tropical Eden.

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