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Showing 126 through 150 of 100,000 results

Quantum Theory for Chemical Applications: From Basic Concepts to Advanced Topics

by Jochen Autschbach

Quantum theory and computational chemistry have become integral to the fields of chemistry, chemical engineering, and materials chemistry. Concepts of chemical bonding, band structure, material properties, and interactions between light and matter at the molecular scale tend to be expressed in the framework of orbital theory, even when numerical calculations go beyond simple orbital models. Yet, the connections between these theoretical models and experimental observations are often unclear. It is important--now more than ever--that students master quantum theory if they are going to apply chemical concepts. In this book, Jochen Autschbach connects the abstract with the concrete in an elegant way, creating a guiding text for scholars and students alike. Quantum Theory for Chemical Applications covers the quantum theory of atoms, molecules, and extended periodic systems. Autschbach goes beyond standard textbooks by connecting the molecular and band structure perspectives, covering response theory, and more. The book is broken into four parts: Basic Theoretical Concepts; Atomic, Molecular, and Crystal Orbitals; Further Basic Concepts of Quantum Theory; and Advanced Topics, such as relativistic quantum chemistry and molecule-light interactions. The foresight Autschbach provides is immense, and he sets up a solid theoretical background for nearly every quantum chemistry method used in contemporary research. Because quantum theory tells us what the electrons do in atoms, molecules, and extended systems, the pages in this book are full of answers to questions both long-held and never-before considered.

America's Scientific Treasures: A Travel Companion

by Brenda H. Cohen Stephen M. Cohen

Whether you are planning a road trip or looking to engage with history from the comfort of your couch, the second edition of America's Scientific Treasures is sure to satisfy your craving for scientific and technologic history. Stephen M. Cohen and Brenda H. Cohen, a mother-son pair, take readers through countless museums, arboretums, zoos, national parks, planetariums, natural and technological sites, and the homes of a few scientists in this exciting volume. The two combine their expertise in chemistry and history, making this an educational travel guide for science and technology enthusiasts. The book is split into nine geographic regions and organized by state, and it includes how to get to each place, whom to contact, whether it is handicapped-accessible, and even where you can grab a bite to eat nearby. Cohen and Cohen provide the history and significance of each location, plus they offer images for notable locations like the African Savanna at the San Francisco Zoo & Gardens and the Smithsonian Arctic Studies Center in the Anchorage Museum. The resulting book is a navigable travel guide perfect for any science or technology enthusiast. So, what are you waiting for? Let's take a journey through the history of American sciences and engineering.

Abraham's Dice: Chance and Providence in the Monotheistic Traditions

by Karl W. Giberson

Most of us believe everything happens for a reason. Whether it is "God's will","karma", or "fate," we want to believe that nothing in the world, especially disasters and tragedies, is a random, meaningless event. But now, as never before, confident scientific assertions that the world embodies a profound contingency are challenging theological claims that God acts providentially in the world. The random and meandering path of evolution is widely used as an argument that God did not create life. Abraham's Dice explores the interplay between chance and providence in the monotheistic religious traditions, looking at how their interaction has been conceptualized as our understanding of the workings of nature has changed. This lively historical conversation has generated intense ongoing theological debates, and provocative responses from science: what are we to make of the history of our universe, where chance and law have played out in complex ways? Or the evolution of life, where random mutations have challenged attempts to find purpose within evolution and convinced many that human beings are but a "glorious accident"? The enduring belief that everything happens for a reason is examined through a conversation with major scholars, among them holders of prestigious chairs at Oxford and Cambridge Universities and the University of Basel, as well as several Gifford lecturers, and two Templeton prize winners. Organized historically, Abraham's Dice provides a wide-ranging scientific, theological, and biblical foundation to address the question of providence and divine action in a world shot through with contingency.

The Biology and Conservation of Animal Populations

by John A. Vucetich

Addysgu Cemeg yn yr Uwchradd (Teaching Secondary Chemistry 3rd Edition Welsh Language edition)

by The Association Education

Enhance your teaching with expert advice and support for Key Stages 3 and 4 Chemistry from the Teaching Secondary series - the trusted teacher's guide for NQTs, non-specialists and experienced teachers.Written in association with ASE, this updated edition provides best practice teaching strategies from academic experts and practising teachers.- Refresh your subject knowledge, whatever your level of expertise- Gain strategies for delivering the big ideas of science using suggested teaching sequences- Engage students and develop their understanding with practical activities for each topic- Enrich your lessons and extend knowledge beyond the curriculum with enhancement ideas- Improve key skills with opportunities to introduce mathematics and scientific literacy highlighted throughout- Support the use of technology with ideas for online tasks, video suggestions and guidance on using cutting-edge software- Place science in context; this book highlights where you can apply science theory to real-life scenarios, as well as how the content can be used to introduce different STEM careersAlso available: Teaching Secondary Biology, Teaching Secondary Physics

Addysgu Bioleg yn yr Uwchradd (Teaching Secondary Biology 3rd Edition Welsh Language edition)

by The Association Education

Enhance your teaching with expert advice and support for Key Stages 3 and 4 Biology from the Teaching Secondary series - the trusted teacher's guide for NQTs, non-specialists and experienced teachers.Written in association with ASE, this updated edition provides best practice teaching strategies from academic experts and practising teachers.- Refresh your subject knowledge, whatever your level of expertise- Gain strategies for delivering the big ideas of science using suggested teaching sequences- Engage students and develop their understanding with practical activities for each topic- Enrich your lessons and extend knowledge beyond the curriculum with enhancement ideas- Improve key skills with opportunities to introduce mathematics and scientific literacy highlighted throughout- Support the use of technology with ideas for online tasks, video suggestions and guidance on using cutting-edge software- Place science in context; this book highlights where you can apply science theory to real-life scenarios, as well as how the content can be used to introduce different STEM careersAlso available: Teaching Secondary Chemistry, Teaching Secondary Physics

Concepts in Thermal Physics

by Stephen Blundell Katherine M. Blundell

An understanding of thermal physics is crucial to much of modern physics, chemistry and engineering. This book provides a modern introduction to the main principles that are foundational to thermal physics, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. The key concepts are carefully presented in a clear way, and new ideas are illustrated with copious worked examples as well as a description of the historical background to their discovery. Applications are presented to subjects as diverse as stellar astrophysics, information and communication theory, condensed matter physics and climate change. Each chapter concludes with detailed exercises. The second edition of this popular textbook maintains the structure and lively style of the first edition but extends its coverage of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics to include several new topics, including osmosis, diffusion problems, Bayes theorem, radiative transfer, the Ising model and Monte Carlo methods. New examples and exercises have been added throughout.

Biodiversität, Ökosystemfunktionen und Naturschutz

by Werner Härdtle

Der weltweite Verlust an biologischer Vielfalt, verursacht durch eine nicht nachhaltige Nutzung von Ökosystemen, birgt schwerwiegende gesamtgesellschaftliche Risiken, welche jenen des Klimawandels vergleichbar sind. Doch erst seit wenigen Jahren verstehen wir genauer, warum biologische Vielfalt eine Grundvoraussetzung für die Stabilität und das Funktionieren von Ökosystemen und damit auch für gesellschaftlichen Wohlstand ist. Das vorliegende Buch stellt in anschaulicher und allgemeinverständlicher Form das heute verfügbare Wissen über die „funktionelle Bedeutung“ der globalen biologischen Vielfalt vor und erläutert anhand von faszinierenden und vielen wissenschaftlich neuen Beispielen, warum wir den Schutz der biologischen Vielfalt als dringende, gesamtgesellschaftliche Aufgabe begreifen müssen. Es erklärt, wie Pflanzen- und Tierarten miteinander zusammenleben und wie gerade ihre Wechselbeziehungen verschiedenste Ökosysteme – einem Uhrwerk vergleichbar – zum „funktionieren“ bringen oder diese gar gegenüber Störungen oder globalen Veränderungen stabilisieren. Anhand gut verständlicher und fesselnder Fallbeispiele zeigt das Buch, wie Artenvielfalt und diverse Lebensgemeinschaften unabdingbar sind für intakte Ökosysteme, und dass wir eine ungestörte Artenvielfalt schon deshalb benötigen, weil ohne sie die von uns Menschen zum Überleben notwendigen Serviceleistungen der Ökosysteme gar nicht zustande kämen.

Electromagnetic Processes of Nuclear Excitation: From Direct Photoabsorption to Free Electron and Muon Capture (Springer Theses)

by Simone Gargiulo

For decades, scientists have envisioned the possibility of storing energy in the form of nuclear excitations, resulting in specific nuclear configurations known as isomers. These unique metastable states have the ability to maintain their excited state for periods that range from several years to time spans exceeding the age of the Universe. However, despite numerous research efforts, achieving effective and practical control over isomer activation or depletion continues to be an unresolved challenge. This book delves into the world of isomers, beginning with an accessible overview of their essential properties and significance as long-duration energy storage solutions. Across the chapters, the book delves into diverse electromagnetic mechanisms responsible for nuclear excitation. It presents the ongoing debate surrounding the Nuclear Excitation by Electron Capture (NEEC) process, offering a comprehensivehistorical background that ranges from its early proposal to the latest tools employed for its investigation. The subsequent chapter explores the possibilities of using muons, introducing a novel process called Nuclear Excitation by Free Muon Capture (NEμC). The primary aim of these sections is to identify methods that could either increase the likelihood of these nuclear processes or provide real-time external manipulation over them. In the last chapter, the book revisits the process of nuclear photoabsorption in optical laser-generated plasma through experimental efforts, offering a fresh interpretation of existing literature results. Overall, the book delivers a clear and comprehensive overview, aiming to assist newcomers and established scientists in quickly grasping the core aspects of the subjects, possibly guiding their research endeavors. Hopefully, this resource will act as a catalyst for sparking new ideas while providing insights into the intricacies and opportunitiespresented by nuclear excitations within the realm of nuclear physics.

How to Build a Human Brain

by Lynne Barker

How to Build a Human Brain takes a developmental approach to understanding brain structure and function. It guides readers through the evolution of the human brain, from its cellular building blocks, up to hind brain structures and functions, and through to neocortex and associated functions. In doing so, it enables students to develop a comprehensive knowledge of the relationship between brain networks and functions, neural underpinnings of functional problems seen after neuropathology, and neuroanatomy.Written in an engaging style, each chapter follows a blueprint format with subsections on issues like 'damage and repair' and 'faulty wiring' as the brain is ‘built’ across the course of the book. The author includes illustrative case studies and entertaining fast fact boxes to highlight the real-word relevance of each brain structure being examined. This textbook offers an accessible reference for students of neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience, neuropsychology,and biological psychology.

Contest for Citizenship and Collective Violence During China’s Cultural Revolution (IPP Studies in the Frontiers of China’s Public Policy)

by Yang Lijun

This book has been groundbreaking for scholars of the Cultural Revolution, but hitherto was only available in Japanese and Chinese. This edition allows English-language readers to access the work for the first time. The author explains how political struggles within the state, competing sectarian interests, and other complex factors intertwined to produce various forms of collective violence that had a major impact on the political, economic, and social order of the time.

Evolutionäre Verhaltensökologie und Psychopathie

by Janko Međedović

Dieses Buch beleuchtet das Forschungsgebiet der Psychopathie anhand eines verhaltensökologischen Rahmens. Es besteht aus zwei Teilen. Der erste Teil vermittelt wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse der menschlichen Verhaltensökologie, einschließlich:Grundlegende Konzepte der EvolutionsbiologieEvolutionäre VerhaltenswissenschaftenEvolutionsökologie der FamilieEvolutionäre KompromisseTheorie der LebensgeschichteVerhaltensökologie der PersönlichkeitPsychopathie und ihre aktuelle Entwicklung.Der zweite Teil des Buches beschreibt die empirische Forschung zur Psychopathie in einem evolutionsökologischen Kontext, der darauf abzielt, Kompromisse zwischen Fruchtbarkeit und Lebenserwartung bei Psychopathie, interagierende Phänotypen bei Psychopathie und elterliche Effekte im Zusammenhang mit Psychopathie zu untersuchen. Dieser Teil enthält die Diskussion der Ergebnisse der Studie, die auf mehreren theoretischen Konzepten basiert, die im ersten Teil beschrieben wurden.Dieser Band ist ideal für alle Wissenschaftler, die sich mit dem Thema Psychopathie beschäftigen und eine neue und zukunftsorientierte Brücke zwischen den Natur- und Sozialwissenschaften bauen wollen.Die Übersetzung wurde mit Hilfe von künstlicher Intelligenz durchgeführt. Eine anschließende menschliche Überarbeitung erfolgte vor allem in Bezug auf den Inhalt.

Modeling Calcium Signaling: A Fractional Perspective (SpringerBriefs in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)

by Sunil Dutt Purohit Ritu Agarwal Kritika

This book features chapters written by renowned scientists from various parts of the world, providing an up-to-date survey of submanifold theory, spanning diverse topics and applications. The book covers a wide range of topics such as Chen–Ricci inequalities in differential geometry, optimal inequalities for Casorati curvatures in quaternion geometry, conformal η-Ricci–Yamabe solitons, submersion on statistical metallic structure, solitons in f(R, T)-gravity, metric-affine geometry, generalized Wintgen inequalities, tangent bundles, and Lagrangian submanifolds. Moreover, the book showcases the latest findings on Pythagorean submanifolds and submanifolds of four-dimensional f-manifolds. The chapters in this book delve into numerous problems and conjectures on submanifolds, providing valuable insights for scientists, educators, and graduate students looking to stay updated with the latest developments in the field. With its comprehensive coverage and detailed explanations, this book is an essential resource for anyone interested in submanifold theory.

Decarbonisation: From Industrial to Personal Uses (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Thierry Lucidarme

This book is an insightful introduction to the pressing issues surrounding the climate emergency. The book proposes a set of principles of action, which prioritize technological solutions classified in descending order of carbon density. The book highlights the urgent need to decarbonize industrial sites, as they are the primary sources of carbon emissions. It presents a rational approach to limiting emissions by improving the operational efficiency of industrial processes, electrification, and substitution of fossil fuels with carbon-free energy vectors such as hydrogen or ammonia. The book also describes processes for carbon capture, sequestration in the subsoil, and recovery through industrial products. To demonstrate the application of these principles in difficult-to-decarbonize industrial segments, the book uses the industrial transport industry as an example. It also addresses the decarbonization of individual uses, such as electric cars for individual transport and heat pumps for individual heating. The book concludes by discussing the capture of carbon directly from the atmosphere. It presents a comprehensive view of decarbonization technology, providing readers with a clear understanding of the technological basis required to develop any decarbonization roadmap. The book takes a scientific and engineering approach, trying to avoid any ideological or apocalyptic stance sometimes associated with the topic. The reader is left with a logical and realistic perspective of decarbonization, taking into account scientific and economic logic and orders of magnitude.

The Psychology and Neuroscience of Hugging: A Multidisciplinary Perspective (essentials)

by Sebastian Ocklenburg

This Springer essential aims to present the various research branches on the topic of hugging and to unite them in a multidisciplinary perspective. Hugs are an important part of close social relationships and, according to current research, can positively contribute to mental and physical health. The research interest in the scientific exploration of hugging has increased significantly in various disciplines in recent years.

Nanoelectrocatalysts for Energy and Water Treatment (Environmental Chemistry for a Sustainable World #74)

by Eric Lichtfouse Kumar Raju Katlego Makgopa Kwena D. Modibane

Nanomaterials have recently garnered significant attention and practical importance for heterogeneous electrocatalysis. This book presents recent developments in the design, synthesis, and characterisation of nanostructured electrocatalytic materials, with a focus on applications to energy and wastewater treatment. Electrocatalytic nanomaterials can enhance process efficiency and sustainability, thus providing innovative solutions for a wide array of areas such as sustainable energy production, conversion, and wastewater treatment. Readers will gain insights into the latest breakthroughs in electrocatalysis and the activity of nanomaterials in energy conversion applications, e.g., fuel cells, hydrogen production, water splitting, and electro/photocatalytic water splitting, as well as for wastewater treatment. The book explores the development of advanced electrocatalysts, particularly hybrid materials.

Playing with Reality: How Games Shape Our World

by Kelly Clancy

‘A book to get the neurons firing. As a passionate game player I loved reading a neuroscientist’s perspective on the role games have played in humanity’s attempts to navigate the game of life. A dopamine hit on every page’ Marcus du SautoyA sweeping intellectual history of games and their importance to human progress.We play games to learn about the world, to understand our minds and the minds of others, and to practice making predictions about the future. Games are thought to be older than written language, and have now become the dominant cultural media—bigger than movies, TV, music, and literature combined. They are also fun. But as neuroscientist and physicist Kelly Clancy argues, it’s time we started taking them more seriously. In Playing With Reality, she chronicles the riveting and hidden history of games since the Enlightenment, weaving an unexpected path through military theory, biology, artificial intelligence, neuroscience, cognitive psychology, and the future of democracy. Games, Clancy shows us, have been deeply intertwined with the arc of history. War games shaped the outcomes of real wars in nineteenth and twentieth century Europe. Game theory warped our understanding of human behaviour and brought us to the brink of annihilation—yet still underlies basic assumptions in economics, politics, and technology. We used games to teach computers how to learn for themselves, and now we are designing games that will determine the shape of society and future of democracy. Games also inform the basic systems that govern our daily lives: the social media and technology that can warp our preferences, polarise us, and manufacture our desires. Lucid, thought-provoking, and masterfully told, Playing With Reality makes the bold argument that the human fascination with games is the key to understanding our nature.

Gauge Theories in Particle Physics, 40th Anniversary Edition: Non-Abelian Gauge Theories: QCD and The Electroweak Theory, Fifth Edition

by Anthony J.G. Hey Ian J Aitchison

The fifth edition of this well-established, highly regarded two-volume set continues to provide a fundamental introduction to advanced particle physics while incorporating substantial new experimental results, especially in the areas of Higgs and top sector physics, as well as CP violation and neutrino oscillations. It offers an accessible and practical introduction to the three gauge theories comprising the Standard Model of particle physics: quantum electrodynamics (QED), quantum chromodynamics (QCD), and the Glashow-Salam-Weinberg (GSW) electroweak theory.Volume 2 of this updated edition covers the two non-Abelian gauge theories of QCD and the GSW theory. A distinctive feature is the extended treatment of two crucial theoretical tools: spontaneous symmetry breaking and the renormalization group. The underlying physics of these is elucidated by parallel discussions of examples from condensed matter systems: superfluidity and superconductivity, and critical phenomena. This new edition includes updates to jet algorithms, lattice field theory, CP violation and the CKM matrix, and neutrino physics.New to the fifth edition:· Tests of the Standard Model in the Higgs and top quark sectors· The naturalness problem and responses to it going beyond the Standard Model· The Standard Model as an effective field theoryEach volume should serve as a valuable handbook for students and researchers in advanced particle physics looking for an accessible introduction to the Standard Model of particle physics.Ian J.R. Aitchison is Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of Oxford. He has previously held research positions at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Saclay, and the University of Cambridge. He was a visiting professor at the University of Rochester and the University of Washington, and a scientific associate at CERN and SLAC. Dr. Aitchison has published over 90 scientific papers mainly on hadronic physics and quantum field theory. He is the author of two books and joint editor of further two.Anthony J.G. Hey is now Honorary Senior Data Scientist at the UK’s National Laboratory at Harwell. He began his career with a doctorate in particle physics from the University of Oxford. After a career in particle physics that included a professorship at the University of Southampton and research positions at Caltech, MIT and CERN, he moved to Computer Science and founded a parallel computing research group. The group were one of the pioneers of distributed memory message-passing computers and helped establish the ‘MPI’ message passing standard. After leaving Southampton in 2001 he was director of the UK’s ‘eScience’ initiative before becoming a Vice-President in Microsoft Research. He returned to the UK in 2015 as Chief Data Scientist at the U.K.’s Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. He then founded a new ‘Scientific Machine Learning’ group to apply AI technologies to the ‘Big Scientific Data’ generated by the Diamond Synchrotron, the ISIS neutron source, and the Central Laser Facility that are located on the Harwell campus. He is the author of over 100 scientific papers on physics and computing and editor of ‘The Feynman Lectures on Computation’.

Gauge Theories in Particle Physics, 40th Anniversary Edition: Non-Abelian Gauge Theories: QCD and The Electroweak Theory, Fifth Edition

by Anthony J.G. Hey Ian J Aitchison

The fifth edition of this well-established, highly regarded two-volume set continues to provide a fundamental introduction to advanced particle physics while incorporating substantial new experimental results, especially in the areas of Higgs and top sector physics, as well as CP violation and neutrino oscillations. It offers an accessible and practical introduction to the three gauge theories comprising the Standard Model of particle physics: quantum electrodynamics (QED), quantum chromodynamics (QCD), and the Glashow-Salam-Weinberg (GSW) electroweak theory.Volume 2 of this updated edition covers the two non-Abelian gauge theories of QCD and the GSW theory. A distinctive feature is the extended treatment of two crucial theoretical tools: spontaneous symmetry breaking and the renormalization group. The underlying physics of these is elucidated by parallel discussions of examples from condensed matter systems: superfluidity and superconductivity, and critical phenomena. This new edition includes updates to jet algorithms, lattice field theory, CP violation and the CKM matrix, and neutrino physics.New to the fifth edition:· Tests of the Standard Model in the Higgs and top quark sectors· The naturalness problem and responses to it going beyond the Standard Model· The Standard Model as an effective field theoryEach volume should serve as a valuable handbook for students and researchers in advanced particle physics looking for an accessible introduction to the Standard Model of particle physics.Ian J.R. Aitchison is Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of Oxford. He has previously held research positions at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Saclay, and the University of Cambridge. He was a visiting professor at the University of Rochester and the University of Washington, and a scientific associate at CERN and SLAC. Dr. Aitchison has published over 90 scientific papers mainly on hadronic physics and quantum field theory. He is the author of two books and joint editor of further two.Anthony J.G. Hey is now Honorary Senior Data Scientist at the UK’s National Laboratory at Harwell. He began his career with a doctorate in particle physics from the University of Oxford. After a career in particle physics that included a professorship at the University of Southampton and research positions at Caltech, MIT and CERN, he moved to Computer Science and founded a parallel computing research group. The group were one of the pioneers of distributed memory message-passing computers and helped establish the ‘MPI’ message passing standard. After leaving Southampton in 2001 he was director of the UK’s ‘eScience’ initiative before becoming a Vice-President in Microsoft Research. He returned to the UK in 2015 as Chief Data Scientist at the U.K.’s Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. He then founded a new ‘Scientific Machine Learning’ group to apply AI technologies to the ‘Big Scientific Data’ generated by the Diamond Synchrotron, the ISIS neutron source, and the Central Laser Facility that are located on the Harwell campus. He is the author of over 100 scientific papers on physics and computing and editor of ‘The Feynman Lectures on Computation’.

Gauge Theories in Particle Physics, 40th Anniversary Edition: From Relativistic Quantum Mechanics to QED, Fifth Edition

by Anthony J.G. Hey Ian J Aitchison

The fifth edition of this well-established, highly regarded two-volume set continues to provide a fundamental introduction to advanced particle physics while incorporating substantial new experimental results, especially in the areas of Higgs and top sector physics, as well as CP violation and neutrino oscillations. It offers an accessible and practical introduction to the three gauge theories comprising the Standard Model of particle physics: quantum electrodynamics (QED), quantum chromodynamics (QCD), and the Glashow-Salam-Weinberg (GSW) electroweak theory.Volume 1 of this updated edition provides a broad introduction to the first of these theories, QED. The book begins with self-contained presentations of relativistic quantum mechanics and electromagnetism as a gauge theory. Lorentz transformations, discrete symmetries, and Majorana fermions are covered. A unique feature is the elementary introduction to quantum field theory, leading in easy stages to covariant perturbation theory and Feynman graphs, thereby establishing a firm foundation for the formal and conceptual framework upon which the subsequent development of the three quantum gauge field theories of the Standard Model is based. Detailed tree-level calculations of physical processes in QED are presented, followed by an elementary treatment of one-loop renormalization of a model scalar field theory, and then by the realistic case of QED. The text includes updates on nucleon structure functions and the status of QED, in particular the precision tests provided by the anomalous magnetic moments of the electron and muon.The authors discuss the main conceptual points of the theory, detail many practical calculations of physical quantities from first principles, and compare these quantitative predictions with experimental results, helping readers improve both their calculation skills and physical insight.Each volume should serve as a valuable handbook for students and researchers in advanced particle physics looking for an introduction to the Standard Model of particle physics.Ian J.R. Aitchison is Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of Oxford. He has previously held research positions at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Saclay, and the University of Cambridge. He was a visiting professor at the University of Rochester and the University of Washington, and a scientific associate at CERN and SLAC. Dr. Aitchison has published over 90 scientific papers mainly on hadronic physics and quantum field theory. He is the author of two books and joint editor of further two.Anthony J.G. Hey is now Honorary Senior Data Scientist at the UK’s National Laboratory at Harwell. He began his career with a doctorate in particle physics from the University of Oxford. After a career in particle physics that included a professorship at the University of Southampton and research positions at Caltech, MIT and CERN, he moved to Computer Science and founded a parallel computing research group. The group were one of the pioneers of distributed memory message-passing computers and helped establish the ‘MPI’ message passing standard. After leaving Southampton in 2001 he was director of the UK’s ‘eScience’ initiative before becoming a Vice-President in Microsoft Research. He returned to the UK in 2015 as Chief Data Scientist at the U.K.’s Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. He then founded a new ‘Scientific Machine Learning’ group to apply AI technologies to the ‘Big Scientific Data’ generated by the Diamond Synchrotron, the ISIS neutron source, and the Central Laser Facility that are located on the Harwell campus. He is the author of over 100 scientific papers on physics and computing and editor of ‘The Feynman Lectures on Computation’.

Gauge Theories in Particle Physics, 40th Anniversary Edition: From Relativistic Quantum Mechanics to QED, Fifth Edition

by Anthony J.G. Hey Ian J Aitchison

The fifth edition of this well-established, highly regarded two-volume set continues to provide a fundamental introduction to advanced particle physics while incorporating substantial new experimental results, especially in the areas of Higgs and top sector physics, as well as CP violation and neutrino oscillations. It offers an accessible and practical introduction to the three gauge theories comprising the Standard Model of particle physics: quantum electrodynamics (QED), quantum chromodynamics (QCD), and the Glashow-Salam-Weinberg (GSW) electroweak theory.Volume 1 of this updated edition provides a broad introduction to the first of these theories, QED. The book begins with self-contained presentations of relativistic quantum mechanics and electromagnetism as a gauge theory. Lorentz transformations, discrete symmetries, and Majorana fermions are covered. A unique feature is the elementary introduction to quantum field theory, leading in easy stages to covariant perturbation theory and Feynman graphs, thereby establishing a firm foundation for the formal and conceptual framework upon which the subsequent development of the three quantum gauge field theories of the Standard Model is based. Detailed tree-level calculations of physical processes in QED are presented, followed by an elementary treatment of one-loop renormalization of a model scalar field theory, and then by the realistic case of QED. The text includes updates on nucleon structure functions and the status of QED, in particular the precision tests provided by the anomalous magnetic moments of the electron and muon.The authors discuss the main conceptual points of the theory, detail many practical calculations of physical quantities from first principles, and compare these quantitative predictions with experimental results, helping readers improve both their calculation skills and physical insight.Each volume should serve as a valuable handbook for students and researchers in advanced particle physics looking for an introduction to the Standard Model of particle physics.Ian J.R. Aitchison is Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of Oxford. He has previously held research positions at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Saclay, and the University of Cambridge. He was a visiting professor at the University of Rochester and the University of Washington, and a scientific associate at CERN and SLAC. Dr. Aitchison has published over 90 scientific papers mainly on hadronic physics and quantum field theory. He is the author of two books and joint editor of further two.Anthony J.G. Hey is now Honorary Senior Data Scientist at the UK’s National Laboratory at Harwell. He began his career with a doctorate in particle physics from the University of Oxford. After a career in particle physics that included a professorship at the University of Southampton and research positions at Caltech, MIT and CERN, he moved to Computer Science and founded a parallel computing research group. The group were one of the pioneers of distributed memory message-passing computers and helped establish the ‘MPI’ message passing standard. After leaving Southampton in 2001 he was director of the UK’s ‘eScience’ initiative before becoming a Vice-President in Microsoft Research. He returned to the UK in 2015 as Chief Data Scientist at the U.K.’s Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. He then founded a new ‘Scientific Machine Learning’ group to apply AI technologies to the ‘Big Scientific Data’ generated by the Diamond Synchrotron, the ISIS neutron source, and the Central Laser Facility that are located on the Harwell campus. He is the author of over 100 scientific papers on physics and computing and editor of ‘The Feynman Lectures on Computation’.

Sustainable Finance in Europe: Corporate Governance, Financial Stability and Financial Markets (EBI Studies in Banking and Capital Markets Law)

by Guido Ferrarini Danny Busch Seraina Grünewald

This second edition brings together the views of expert academics and practitioners on the latest regulatory developments in sustainable finance in Europe and includes 5 new chapters on sustainable remuneration, reporting, lending, green monetary policy and ESG. The volume includes a wide range of cutting-edge issues, which relate to three main themes along which the volume is structured: (1) corporate governance; (2) monetary policy and financial stability ; and (3) financial markets. With individual contributions deploying different methods of analysis, including theoretical contributions on the status quo of macro-financial research as well as law and economics approaches, the collection encourages interdisciplinary readership and will appeal to those researching capital markets law, European financial law, and sustainable finance, as well as practitioners within the finance industry.

Agribusiness Innovation and Contextual Evolution, Volume II: Technological, Societal and Channel Advancements (Palgrave Intersections of Business and the Sciences, in association with Gnosis Mediterranean Institute for Management Science)

by Demetris Vrontis Alkis Thrassou Antonino Galati Mariantonietta Fiore

Agriculture is the oldest and most traditional of economic sectors, and its business has seen major leaps in innovation over the past century. Contemporary agribusiness is being influenced and reshaped by technological developments, geopolitical developments, and globalisation, as well as transport and logistics innovations, changes in consumer behaviour.Reflecting on these changes and providing a deep dive into this sector, this two-volume work defines, refines, analyses, and prescribes the evolution of agribusiness in the present and future. Taken together, the books offer a comprehensive conceptualisation of the multifactorial macro, micro and organisational elements of agribusiness, including strategic, managerial, marketing, technological and geo-socio-political forces.Volume II focuses on the wider, macro-environmental forces acting upon agribusinesses, exploring the contextual evolutions that impact the sector, and the means, practices and avenues for its development.It includes topics such as digital technologies adoption, supply chain sustainability, big data analytics, women’s agricultural entrepreneurship, and simulation model decision making.

Agribusiness Innovation and Contextual Evolution, Volume I: Strategic, Managerial and Marketing Advancements (Palgrave Intersections of Business and the Sciences, in association with Gnosis Mediterranean Institute for Management Science)

by Demetris Vrontis Alkis Thrassou Antonino Galati Mariantonietta Fiore

Agriculture is the oldest and most traditional of economic sectors, and its business has seen major evolutionary leaps over the past century. Contemporary agribusiness is being influenced and reshaped by technological advancements, geopolitical developments, globalisation, transport and logistics innovations, as well as changes in industry structure and consumer behaviour. Reflecting on these changes and providing a deep dive into this sector, this two-volume scientific works’ collection defines, refines, analyses, and prescribes the evolution of agribusiness in the present and future. Taken together, the books offer a comprehensive conceptualisation of the multifactorial macro, micro and organisational elements of agribusiness, including strategic, managerial, marketing, technological and geo-socio-political forces. Volume I explores the strategic, managerial and marketing aspects of contemporary agribusiness, and descriptively and prescriptively investigates the organisational and immediate industry practices and sectoral forces. Topics covered include circular business models, CSR communication practices, digital marketing, organisational sustainability and contemporary farming systems, to name a few..

Tipler Physik: für Studierende der Naturwissenschaften und Technik

by Paul A. Tipler Gene Mosca

Tipler Physik dient bereits Generationen von Studierenden der Natur- und Ingenieurwissen­schaften als Lern-, Lehr- und Nachschlagewerk. Angehende oder sich bereits im Studium befind­liche Bachelorstudierende mit Physik, Ingenieurwissenschaften oder verwandter Gebiete, egal ob im Haupt- oder Nebenfach profitieren von ausführlichen und leicht nachvollziehbaren Erklä­rungen. Schritt für Schritt werden Beispiele vorgerechnet, zusätzlich oft auch mithilfe der Soft­ware MATLAB®. Zudem werden die physikalischen Inhalte mit wertvollen Tipps und Tricks ver­vollständigt. Alle Gebiete der Physik werden behandelt und zwar genau richtig – nicht zu viel um einen guten Einstieg zu ermöglichen und nicht zu wenig, um einen soliden Überblick zu erhalten. Damit ist Tipler Physik ein treuer Begleiter durch das Studium und auch danach. Gleichzeitig trägt das Buch neuen Entwicklungen Rechnung. Digitale Karteikarten, die in dieser Auflage neu hin­zugekommen sind, ermöglichen das flexible Lernen und Vertiefen überall. Am Ende jedes Kapi­tels findet ein Ein- und Ausblick in die aktuelle Forschung statt.Wer im Studium, Schule oder Beruf sich mit physikalischen Fragestellungen befasst, dem sollte Tipler Physik in Bücherregal nicht fehlen: · didaktisch wertvoll aufbereitet und dargestellt· zahlreiche Beispiel- und Übungsaufgaben mit Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitungen bzw. Lösungen· digitale Karteikarten in Form der SN Flashcards· Einführung in MATLAB® anhand konkreter Aufgabenstellungen· bewährte Tipps und Tricks, um nicht in die Fehlerfalle zu geraten· wichtigste Gesetze und Formeln kurz zusammengefasst· übersichtliche und anschauliche Abbildungen· aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge, die in den Kontext zu ihrem Fachgebiet gestellt werden.

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