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Showing 99,826 through 99,850 of 100,000 results

Investigations and Applications of Severe Plastic Deformation (NATO Science Partnership Subseries: 3 #80)

by Terry C. Lowe Ruslan Z. Valiev

Material processing techniques that employ severe plastic deformation have evolved over the past decade, producing metals, alloys and composites having extraordinary properties. Variants of SPD methods are now capable of creating monolithic materials with submicron and nanocrystalline grain sizes. The resulting novel properties of these materials has led to a growing scientific and commercial interest in them. They offer the promise of bulk nanocrystalline materials for structural; applications, including nanocomposites of lightweight alloys with unprecedented strength. These materials may also enable the use of alternative metal shaping processes, such as high strain rate superplastic forming. Prospective applications for medical, automotive, aerospace and other industries are already under development.

Ion Channels and Disease

by Frances M. Ashcroft

Ion channels are membrane proteins that act as gated pathways for the movement of ions across cell membranes. They play essential roles in the physiology of all cells. In recent years, an ever-increasing number of human and animal diseases have been found to result from defects in ion channel function. Most of these diseases arise from mutations in the genes encoding ion channel proteins, and they are now referred to as the channelopathies. Ion Channels and Disease provides an informative and up-to-date account of our present understanding of ion channels and the molecular basis of ion channel diseases. It includes a basic introduction to the relevant aspects of molecular biology and biophysics and a brief description of the principal methods used to study channelopathies. For each channel, the relationship between its molecular structure and its functional properties is discussed and ways in which genetic mutations produce the disease phenotype are considered. This book is intended for research workers and clinicians, as well as graduates and advanced undergraduates. The text is clear and lively and assumes little knowledge, yet it takes the reader to frontiers of what is currently known about this most exciting and medically important area of physiology.Introduces the relevant aspects of molecular biology and biophysicsDescribes the principal methods used to study channelopathiesConsiders single classes of ion channels with summaries of the physiological role, subunit composition, molecular structure and chromosomal location, plus the relationship between channel structure and functionLooks at those diseases associated with defective channel structures and regulation, including mutations affecting channel function and to what extent this change in channel function can account for the clinical phenotype

The Irish Protestant Churches in the Twentieth Century

by Alan Megahey

This book is unique in recording the history of all the Protestant churches in Ireland in the twentieth century, though with particular focus on the two largest - the Presbyterian and the Church of Ireland. It examines the changes and chances in those churches during a turbulent period in Irish history, relating their development to the wider social and political context. Their structures and beliefs are examined, and their influence both in Ireland and overseas is assessed.

Island, Ocean and Deep-Sea Biology: Proceedings of the 34th European Marine Biology Symposium, held in Ponta Delgada (Azores), Portugal, 13–17 September 1999 (Developments in Hydrobiology #152)

by M. B. Jones J. M. N. Azevedo A. I. Neto A. C. Costa A. M. Frias Martins

The 34th European Marine Biology Symposium was held in Ponta Delgada, The Azores, between 13th and 17th September 1999. It was organised by the University of the Azores in association with the Municipal Museum of Funchal (Madeira), and the Plymouth Environment Research Centre (University of Plymouth, UK). The selected topics, dictated by the position of the Azores in the Atlantic Ocean, were: `Ecology and Evolution on Island Shores', `The Open Ocean', and `The Deep Ocean'. Each topic was introduced by a recognised expert of international reputation and these keynote reviews provide authoritative summaries of the current status of these very important topics in marine biology. The 35 papers which make up this volume bring new ideas and concepts relating to the functioning of marine systems extending from the intertidal, through the pelagic realm down to the deep sea. The book covers many aspects of the biology of marine organisms and will have wide interest to all those interested in the life of the world's oceans.

ISO Surveys of a Dusty Universe: Proceedings of a Ringberg Workshop Held at Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, Germany, 8-12 November 1999 (Lecture Notes in Physics #548)

by D. Lemke M. Stickel K. Wilke

Many of the ISO observers who assembled for this workshop at Ringberg c- tle met for the third time in the Bavarian Alps. At two previous meetings in 1989 and 1990 surveys were only a minor topic. At that time we were excited by the discoveries of the IRAS survey mission and wanted to follow it up with pointed observations using an observatory telescope equipped with versatile instruments. With the rapid development of detector arrays and stimulated by ISO’s Observing Time Allocation Committee, however, surveys eventually became an issue for the upcoming mission. In a review paper on “Infrared S- veys - the Golden Age of Exploration” given at an IAU meeting in 1996, Chas Beichman already mentioned that there are ISO surveys. They were at the bottom of his hit list, while the winners were future space missions (Planck, SIRTF, etc. ) and ground-based surveys in preparation (Sloan, 2MASS, DE- NIS, etc. ). He organized his table according to the relative explorable volume, calculated from the solid angle covered on the sky and the maximum distance derived from the detection sensitivity. Clearly, with this ?gure of merit, ISO, as a pointed observatory, is rated low. Applying the classical de?nition of a survey, i. e. to search in as large a volume as possible for new or rare objects and/or study large numbers of objects of various classes in order to obtain statistical properties, ISO was indeed limited.

Issues of Fault Diagnosis for Dynamic Systems

by Ron J. Patton Paul M. Frank Robert N. Clark

Since the time our first book Fault Diagnosis in Dynamic Systems: The­ ory and Applications was published in 1989 by Prentice Hall, there has been a surge in interest in research and applications into reliable methods for diag­ nosing faults in complex systems. The first book sold more than 1,200 copies and has become the main text in fault diagnosis for dynamic systems. This book will follow on this excellent record by focusing on some of the advances in this subject, by introducing new concepts in research and new application topics. The work cannot provide an exhaustive discussion of all the recent research in fault diagnosis for dynamic systems, but nevertheless serves to sample some of the major issues. It has been valuable once again to have the co-operation of experts throughout the world working in industry, gov­ emment establishments and academic institutions in writing the individual chapters. Sometimes dynamical systems have associated numerical models available in state space or in frequency domain format. When model infor­ mation is available, the quantitative model-based approach to fault diagnosis can be taken, using the mathematical model to generate analytically redun­ dant alternatives to the measured signals. When this approach is used, it becomes important to try to understand the limitations of the mathematical models i. e. , the extent to which model parameter variations occur and the effect of changing the systems point of operation.

IUTAM-IASS Symposium on Deployable Structures: Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium held in Cambridge, U.K., 6–9 September 1998 (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications #80)

by Sergio Pellegrino Simon D. Guest

This collection presents 49 contributions by engineers, architects, biologists, and applied mathematicians interested in deployable structures. Aerospace structures are currently at the leading edge, and this is reflected by a larger number of contributions covering the full spectrum of concepts, simulations, testing, and working systems.

IUTAM Symposium on Developments in Geophysical Turbulence (Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications #58)

by Robert M. Kerr Yoshifumi Kimura

This symposium continues a long tradition for IUGGjIUTAM symposia going back to "Fundamental Problems in Thrbulence and their Relation to Geophysics" Marseille, 1961. The five topics that were emphasized were: turbulence modeling, statistics of small scales and coherent structures, con­ vective turbulence, stratified turbulence, and historical developments. The objective was to consider the ubiquitous nature of turbulence in a variety of geophysical problems and related flows. Some history of the contribu­ tions of NCAR and its alumni were discussed, including those of Jackson R Herring, who has been a central figure at NCAR since 1972. To the original topics we added rotation, which appeared in many places. This includes rotating stratified turbulence, rotating convective turbulence, horizontal rotation that appears in flows over terrain and the role of small­ scale vorticity in many flows. These complicated flows have recently begun to be simulated by several groups from around the world and this meeting provided them with an excellent forum for exchanging results, plus inter­ actions with those doing more fundamental work on rotating stratified and convective flows. New work on double diffusive convection was given in two presentations. The history of Large Eddy Simulations was presented and several new approaches to this field were given. This meeting also spawned some interesting interactions between observational side and how to inter­ pret the observations with modeling and simulations around the theme of particle dispersion in these flows.

IUTAM Symposium on Nonlinear Waves in Multi-Phase Flow: Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium held in Notre Dame, U.S.A., 7–9 July 1999 (Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications #57)

by H. C. Chang

The active field of multi-phase flow has undergone fundamental changes in the last decade. Many salient complex interfacial dynamics of such flows are now understood at a basic level with precise mathematical and quantitative characterization. This is quite a departure from the traditional empirical approach. At an IUTAM Symposium at Notre Dame, in 1999, some of the leading researchers in the field gathered to review the progress thus far and to contemplate future directions. Their reports are summarized in this Proceedings. Topics covered include solitary wave dynamics on viscous film flows, sheet formation and drop entrainment in stratified flow, wetting and dewetting dynamics, self-similar drop formation dynamics, waves in bubbly and suspension flow, and bubble dynamics. It is a unique and essential reference for applied mathematicians, physicists, research engineers, and graduate students to keep abreast of the latest theoretical and numerical developments that promise to transform multi-phase flow research.

IUTAM Symposium on Segregation in Granular Flows: Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium held in Cape May, NJ, U.S.A. June 5–10, 1999 (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications #81)

by Anthony D. Rosato Denis L. Blackmore

Segregation is a pervasive phenomenon whereby a flowing granular mass consisting of particles with diverse physical properties becomes spatially inhomogeneous. In the industrial sector that deals with the handling and processing of bulk solids, this non-uniformity is highly undesirable since blend homogeneity is generally a stringent requirement of most products. In the arena of geophysical flows, segregation can enhance the destructive capabilities of natural events such as avalanches and landslides. During the last 15 years, these issues have provided motivation and fostered collaborations between the communities of mathematicians, engineers, industrial researchers, and physicists to develop predictive models of segregation by integrating the perspectives and approaches of each. The collection of unique papers brings to light many of the perplexing scientific and technical issues in our current understanding of this complex phenomenon. It addresses advances in experiment, computational modeling and theory. This volume is one of the very few books devoted entirely to problems of segregation of particulate solids.

Japan's Quest For A Permanent Security Council Seat: A Matter of Pride or Justice? (St Antony's Series)

by NA NA

Japan has consistently been pursuing the goal of a permanent UN Security Council seat for 30 years. This book investigates the motives for this ambition, and how it has been pursued domestically and internationally. It is therefore a study of the interior workings of the Japanese Foreign Ministry as well as of the country's underdeveloped multilateral diplomacy.

Jenseits der Öko-Nische (Themenhefte Schwerpunktprogramm Umwelt)

by Alex Villiger Arnt Meyer Rolf Wüstenhagen

Auf vielen Märkten haben heute umweltverträgliche Produkte zwar eine ``Öko-Nische`` erobert, eine Diffusion in den Massenmarkt kann jedoch erst an wenigen Einzelbeispielen beobachtet werden. Dabei ist der Nischenstatus von Öko-Produkten keinesfalls eine unabänderliche Tatsache, sondern durch ein Zusammenwirken von innovativem Marketing und förderlichen Rahmenbedingungen durchaus überwindbar. Dies belegen die Autoren, indem sie zunächst einen konzeptionellen Rahmen entwickeln, der zur Analyse der heutigen Öko-Nischen sowie für die Erkundung von Marktsegmenten und Unternehmensstrategien jenseits der Nische dient, und diesen exemplarisch auf die Lebensmittel-, Bekleidungs- und Elektrizitätsbranche anwenden.

Journey to Diverse Microbial Worlds: Adaptation to Exotic Environments (Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology #2)

by Joseph Seckbach

In this Journey to Microbial Worlds we present the diversity of microorganisms, from the state of fossil microbes in Archaean age rocks to the possibilities of extraterrestrial life. This volume discusses the extremophiles living in harsh environments (from our anthropocentric point) and describes them in considerable detail. Some chapters also review topics such as symbiosis, bacterial luminescence, methanogens, and petroleum-grown cells. The final chapters of this book shed new light on astrobiology and speculate on extremophiles as candidates for extraterrestrial life. All chapters are updated to the latest research level.

Just Six Numbers: The Deep Forces That Shape The Universe (Science Masters Ser.)

by Martin Rees

The genesis of the universe elegantly explained in a simple theory based on just six numbers by one of the world's most renowned astrophysicists

Kiln-Drying of Lumber (Springer Series in Wood Science)

by R.B. Keey T.A.G. Langrish J.C.F. Walker

At present, no single book adequately covers a basic understanding of wood book satisfies the need for such a work. It describes drying in practice. This the fundamental basis of kiln-drying technology, to enable forest companies to imFrove their drying operations as high-quality timbers become scarcer and of yesteryear can no longer be tolerated. Adaptive the wasteful practices is no longer good enough. Innovations change based on past experience of the material being dried and the processes require a sound understanding of drying. Newer techniques, such as the use of ultrahigh temperature sea­ soning and superheated steam under vacuum, require an even greater depth of physical understanding for these methods to be used effectively and economically. book provides a description of modern ideas about wood structure, This moisture movement and stress development, from which models of the drying process are developed to give the kiln operator important information about the course of drying under specified conditions, and thus a means is compared with practice wherever for rational process improvement. Theory possible.

Klausurtraining Hydrochemische Berechnungen

by Eckhard Worch

Anhand ausgewählter Klausuraufgaben führt der Text in die Grundlagen und Methoden der hydrochemischen Berechnungen ein. Studierende aller wasserfachlichen und umweltwissenschaftlichen Studiengänge und Vertiefungsrichtungen, in denen das Lehrgebiet Hydrochemie Bestandteil der Ausbildung ist, erhalten hierdurch eine optimale Vorbereitung auf Klausuren und Prüfungen.

Klausurtraining Technische Mechanik: Ein Leitfaden für Studienanfänger des Ingenieurwesens

by Heinzjoachim Franeck

Das Buch soll Studierenden an Universitäten und Fachhochschulen bei der Vorbereitung auf Klausuren im Fach Technische Mechanik helfen, den richtigen und effektivsten Weg bei der Lösung von Prüfungsaufgaben zu finden. Dazu werden typische Aufgaben leichten und mittleren Schwierigkeitsgrades jeweils in Teilprobleme zerlegt und diese zunächst ausführlich bearbeitet, nach Möglichkeit auf verschiedenen Wegen und mit zahlreichen Lösungshinweisen. Eine kritische Interpretation der Resultate ergänzt die Lösung. Jedes Kapitel enthält auch Mechanik-Aufgaben mit der Darstellung eines "idealen" Lösungsweges.

Klimaschutz als sozialer Prozess: Erfolgsfaktoren für die Umsetzung auf kommunaler Ebene (Technik, Wirtschaft und Politik #44)

by Ulla Böde Edelgard Gruber

Das Buch betrachtet Energiespar- und Klimaschutzaktivitäten vor allem unter psychosozialen Gesichtspunkten. Es leistet damit einen Beitrag zum Lernprozess im Klimaschutz. Dabei wird besonders die Rolle von Kooperation, Partizipation und Motivation untersucht. Ein interdisziplinäres Forschungsteam hat hierzu in Zusammenarbeit mit Akteuren vor Ort (Klimaschutzkoordinatoren, Energieberatern, Bürgerinnen und Bürgern, u.a.) Umsetzungsprozesse begleitet und evaluiert sowie Erkenntnisse zur Weiterentwicklung von Prozess- und Interaktionsverständnis herangezogen. Im Rahmen eines Transfer-Kolloquiums wurden die wichtigsten Ergebnisse mit Forschern und Praktikern diskutiert und deren Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen gehört. Das Buch dokumentiert die Forschungsergebnisse und enthält ergänzende Expertenbeiträge.

Klinische MR-Bildgebung: Eine praktische Anleitung

by P. Reimer P. Parizel F. A. Stichnoth

MRT ist als die führende Schnittbildtechnik mit einem breitgefächerten Anwendungsspektrum in der klinischen Praxis fest etabliert. Dieses Buch legt den Schwerpunkt auf die Behandlung routinediagnostischer Fragen, die mehr als 90 % des Praxisalltags ausmachen. Anliegen der Autoren ist es, dem Leser praktische Hilfestellung bei der Bewältigung der vielfältigen klinischen Aufgaben zu bieten und Möglichkeiten zur Steigerung von Effizienz und Kosteneffektivität aufzuzeigen. Ein großes Kapitel ist der MRT in der Pädiatrie gewidmet. Klinische MR-Bildgebung wendet sich sowohl an den Anfänger, der an neue Sequenzen und Untersuchungsprotokolle herangeführt wird, als auch an den erfahrenen Praktiker, der eine Fülle von Anregungen zur Optimierung der Arbeitsabläufe erhält.

Knowledge Creation: A Source of Value

by NA NA

The creation and management of knowledge has become a central concern to business and management, both as a source of value and as an opportunity to achieve and sustain competitive advantage. This new book brings together leading thinkers in the area of knowledge and innovation management in a state of the art collection of studies in this field.

Knowledge Intensive Computer Aided Design: IFIP TC5 WG5.2 Third Workshop on Knowledge Intensive CAD December 1–4, 1998, Tokyo, Japan (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology #33)

by Susan Finger Tetsuo Tomiyama Martti Mäntylä

This state-of-the-art book explores the concept of knowledge-intensive CAD systems. The topics covered range from ontology to knowledge representation, making it essential reading for researchers, engineers, and technical managers involved in the development of advanced applications for knowledge management, engineering design, and manufacturing.

Knowledge, Language and Logic: Questions for Quine (Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science #210)

by A. Orenstein P. Kotatko

Quine is one of the twentieth century's most important and influential philosophers. The essays in this collection are by some of the leading figures in their fields and they touch on the most recent turnings in Quine's work. The book also features an essay by Quine himself, and his replies to each of the papers. Questions are raised concerning Quine's views on knowledge: observation, holism, truth, naturalized epistemology; about language: meaning, the indeterminacy of translation, conjecture; and about the philosophy of logic: ontology, singular terms, vagueness, identity, and intensional contexts. Given Quine's preeminent position, this book must be of interest to students of philosophy in general, Quine aficionados, and most particularly to those working in the areas of epistemology, ontology, philosophies of language, of logic, and of science.

Kosovo: Humanitäre Intervention und kooperative Sicherheit in Europa

by Joachim Krause

Das Buch beschäftigt sich mit der NATO-Intervention vom Frühjahr 1999 im Kosovo. Es enthält Analysen, die die politische Handhabung des Konflikts, die militärische Leistung der NATO-Operation sowie die Reaktionen der verschiedenen internationalen und nationalen Organisationen auf die Flüchtlingskatastrophe behandeln. Es beleuchtet die Haltung der wichtigen politischen Akteure (USA, Russland, Deutschland) und fragt nach der Zukunft des Kosovo. Ein Schwerpunkt ist die Frage, ob es angesichts der politischen Umstände Alternativen gab, welche Stärken und Schwächen die Militäroperation der NATO aufwies und wie die internationale Staatenwelt auf die vollständige Vertreibung der albanischen Bevölkerung durch Serbien reagierte. Welche Schlussfolgerungen sind für die deutsche, die amerikanische und für die russische Politik zu ziehen und welche Aufgaben kommen auf die Europäische Union zu?

Kreativität (Heidelberger Jahrbücher #44)

by Rainer M. Holm-Hadulla

Kryptogamen 1: Cyanobakterien Algen Pilze Flechten Praktikum und Lehrbuch

by Karl Esser

Die Neuauflage dieser erfolgreichen Einführung in die Kryptogamen-Kunde bietet wieder die bewährte Kombination aus Lehrbuchtext und Übungsanleitungen. In der Verknüpfung von theoretischem und technisch-methodischem Teil wird dem Lernenden eine moderne Übersicht über die Morphologie, Anatomie und Fortpflanzung der Blaualgen, Algen, Pilze und Flechten gegeben, wobei im praktischen Teil die Kryptogamen in der Reihenfolge ihrer taxonomischen Einordung behandelt werden. Das Buch wendet sich nicht nur an Studenten und Hochschullehrer sondern auch an Lehrer der gymnasialen Oberstufe.

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