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Masters of the Maze (Prologue Science Fiction Ser.)

by Avram Davidson

The Maze was, is, and will be. When the magnablock exploded into infinity, the Maze was formed. "There was light" - and the light shone upon the Maze. Coeval and coexistent, neither of the same substance nor the same essence; having the attributes, the incidents, the accidents of neither terrene nor contra-terrene matter, the Maze is both immanent and transcendent of both. It traverses space, it transects time. Ancient of years, the worlds form around it...Generation after generation, generation before generation, north and south and up and down, the early and the latter rains, and the great red slow-rolling sun of the End of Days, have seen, see, and have yet to see the Masters of the Maze at their work. They explore, they plot their courses, they watch. Perhaps this above all. They watch. They guard.

Mutiny in Space (Prologue Science Fiction Ser.)

by Avram Davidson

Marooned on an unknown planet, the Persephone's officers moved warily through the forest. They had escaped the mutineers, but they knew there was danger ahead ... but what was it?The answer came in a howl of fury and a charge by grotesque armed figures - an army of death-dealing women!Avram Davidson, noted for his classic science-fiction short stories, tells a rousing tale of adventure in space and on an incredible planet.

Or All the Seas with Oysters

by Avram Davidson

Supposing you were Dr. Morris Goldpepper, D.D.S., kidnapped and brought to a strange new planet, condemned to fashion sets of false teeth for its toothless inhabitants?Supposing you owned a bicycle repair shop and the bicycles began to take on a strange new life of their own?Supposing you found an antique telephone in a curiosity shop, dialed a number and were connected with George Washington?Can you imagine the results? Only Avram Davidson can, and he convincingly transports you to a world where past and future intermingle, where weird creatures and events rub shoulders with everyday reality.

The Other Nineteenth Century: A Collection Of Long-out-of-print Stories From One Of The Greatest Fantasists Of The Twentieth Century

by Avram Davidson

Avram Davidson was widely regarded as one of the most outstanding authors of short fantasy fiction in our time. This collection comprises his distinctive historical fantasies - tales of strange Mitteleurpoas, of magic in Victorian England and on the American frontier. Here are "The Lineaments of Gratified Desire", "Traveller from an Antique Land", and "What Strange Stars and Skies"; here are dragons, cameras, and "The Singular Incident of the Dog on the Beach". Witty, whimsical, dark, and strange, these tales of times and places that almost were will leave even the most jaded readers amazed. No one has ever written like Avram Davidson, before or since.

Peregrine: Primus (Peregrine #1)

by Avram Davidson

Peregrine was the illigitimate son of the king of Sapodilla, which, as every schoolboy knows, was the last pagan kingdom in the world to resist Christianity. Cast out of Sapodilla as required by law when he reached his majority, Peregrine sallied forth into the Dark Ages with his page Dafty and the rather time-worn sorcerer Appledore to find his fortune. What he found instead was: dragons, whores, Huns, Roman legions, emperors, and a delightful collection of mysteries and adventures...

Peregrine: Secundus

by Avram Davidson

Peregrine, bastard son of King Paladrine, thought he had trouble when he was transformed by a sorcerer into a falcon. In fact, his real troubles began when the prepubescent Princess Ruby changed him back into...well, almost a prince. A bastard. Whereupon he found himself dragged off by a dyspeptic dragon, smooched by a sphinx, wooed by the weefolk and finally appointed Sub-Imperial-sub-Legate, which is still not quote a prince, but somewhat more elegant than a bastard...

The Phoenix and the Mirror: Book One Of The Vergil Magus Series (FANTASY MASTERWORKS)

by Avram Davidson

Legend has it that Virgil, author of The Aeneid, was more than a mere poet. Legend has it that he was an adventurer, an alchemist - a magus. Driven to do the bidding of Queen Cornelia of Carsus, who has taken hostage part of his soul, Vergil embarks upon an attempt to create a virgin speculum - a magic mirror - so that Cornelia can locate her kidnapped daughter. Virgil's quest to assemble this artefact takes him across the ancient world to encounter powers and prophecies, gods and monsters - all the myths and legends of a time that never was. The time of Virgil Magus.

The Redward Edward Papers

by Avram Davidson

This collection of works includes the novella The Redward Edward Papers, along with five short stories.Delicatessen was painted in faded, faded, ornate letters on the store window, and a battered metal sign advertised a well-known soft drink. Edward had never been in the place before, but the instant he entered he recognized it as an archetype. Such places are always owned by men named Hans or Ernest and have splintery wooden floors which are swept an average of once every quarter of an hour. They smell very strongly of vinegar and have very little on display in the way of wares - on top of the glass display case, a large pickle jar, usually almost empty, inside the case a small piece of cheese, a small end of roast beef and a small end of ham, perhaps one knackwurst, a pint of salad, and some rye bread. In that part of the establishment referred to by Ernest or Hans as The Back is the beer, the soft drinks, the stove on which the coffee is made To Go. One winces at the small resources on or out of which Erny is obliged to sustain life, one goes on wincing for ten, twenty, thirty years, wondering if Erny is ever going to be able to make enough money to afford a large piece of roast beef, an entire ham, or a whole rye bread. And then one day Erny isn't there any more and one learns that he has retired and moved to Florida where, in partnership with his brother-in-law, a retired plumbing contractor from New Brunswick or Queens, he now owns and operates three motels, a liquor license, a restaurant, and an all-night grocery. Never again will one hear Erny's inimitable conversation, to wit:"What can I do for you?"...The odor of vinegar was very sharp. The man behind the counter had scant hair around his head and abundant flesh around his jaws. "You are the Grand Logothete", said Edward. This time, so sharp and so strong the odor of vinegar that he never smelled the mandragore at all, even after he went blind and before he lost consciousness...

Rogue Dragon: The Sequel To The Kar-chee Reign (Gateway Essentials #2)

by Avram Davidson

Jon-Joras had come to Earth simply to oversee arrangements for a dragon hunt to amuse the king. These hunts were as much pageantry as sport - the dragons, brought to Earth centuries before as pets of an alien race, were powerful but slow-witted. But suddenly the dragons had become dangerous - quick, deceptive, a menace to the nobles who hunted them. And Jon-Joras found himself caught in the middle of an uprising that could shake the powers that ruled the star-worlds.

Rork! (Prologue Science Fiction Ser.)

by Avram Davidson

Ran Loman wanted only to be left alone, to get away from it all. That's why he volunteered for duty on Pia 2, the most remote, isolated world in the Galaxy. The problem on Pia 2 was redwing, a plant used throughout the galaxy as a medical fixative. Redwing grew ony on Pia 2. And lately, less and less was being harvested. Lomar's assignment was simple: find out why, and do something about it. Station Officer Tan Carlo Harb tried to warn him the job might not be quite as simple as it sounded. But Lomar had to find out for himself about the strange inhabitants of Pia 2 - the Tocks, the Tame ones and the Wild ones, and the mysterious, legendary "rorks" that everyone feared. A murder and kidnapping that sent Lomar and a Wild Tock woman across an uncharted rork continent on their own taught Lomar rather more than he bargained for . . .

Strange Seas and Shores

by Avram Davidson

A collection of some of the best short story work from the Hugo and World Fantasy Award winning author.This short story collection contains: Sacheverell; Take Wooden Indians; The Vat; The Tail Tied Kings; Paramount Ulj; A Bottle Full of Kismet; The Goobers; Dr Morris Goldpepper Returns; The Certificate; Ogre in the Vly; Apres Nous; Climacteric; Yo Ho and Up; The Sixty Third Street Station; The House the Blakeneys Built; The Power of Every Root; and The Sources of the Nile.

Ursus of Ultima Thule (Wildside Discovery Ser.)

by Avram Davidson

Swarthy, hairy, ostracized by others of his tribe, Arnten set off to lead a life of proud and lonely independence in his primitive world of Thule - Ultima Thule - where men huddled in animal skins against the arctic cold, and used crude clubs and spears to kill the giant prehistoric animals that roamed the land.But Arnten - 'The Bear' - was quicker of body and sharper of mind than his fellow men, and he had a special destiny: a path beset with mortal dangers and evil witchery which he must overcome, to save himself, his world, his woman, and to conquer the evil one whom they called 'The Wolf'.Rich with weird beauty, mystery, and magic - by one of the most highly acclaimed masters of epic fantasy

Vergil in Averno: Book Two Of The Vergil Magus Series (Prologue Fantasy Ser.)

by Avram Davidson

Inspired by medieval legends about the poet Vergil, who was revered not only as the author of the Aeneid but also as a powerful necromancer, Davidson embarked on his Vergil Magus series in the '60s with the intriguing novel The Phoenix and the Mirror. In this sequel, Vergil answers a magical summons from Averno, both the wealthiest and the filthiest of cities. The magnates there are worried about the waning and shifting of the natural fires that have fueled their industries and fouled their air. The bare skeleton of plot is fleshed out with an eccentric, wide-ranging series of digressions, reminiscences, dreams and cabalistic glosses, all in a rich, baroque, rhetorical style.

What Strange Stars and Skies

by Avram Davidson

A creature from space who watched too many American TV programs... A backwoods man who spoke an unearthly language... And the most singular events which occurred in the hovel on the alley off of Eye Street... You'll read about all of them, and many more, in this fascinating collection of stories by Hugo Award-winner Avram Davidson, one of the most original and accomplished writers of modern-day science fiction.

After Earth: A Perfect Beast (After Earth Ser.)

by Peter David

Experience a novelization unlike any other. From Peter David, the veteran sci-fi author, this is the complete, never-before-seen chronicle of an extraordinary family who’ve been across the galaxy and back. RAIGE RUNS IN THE FAMILYGeneral Cypher Raige comes from a family of heroes. Since humanity’s exodus from the Earth a thousand years ago and the subsequent onslaught from a mysterious alien force, the Raiges have been instrumental in mankind’s survival.For Cypher’s thirteen-year-old son, Kitai, tagging along with his legendary father is the adventure of a lifetime. But when an asteroid collides with their craft, they make a crash landing that leaves Cypher seriously – and perhaps fatally – wounded.With his father’s life on the line, Kitai must venture out into the strange, hostile terrain of a new world that seems eerily familiar: Earth.

After Earth: A Perfect Beast (After Earth Ser.)

by Peter David

Experience a novelization unlike any other. From Peter David, the veteran sci-fi author, this is the complete, never-before-seen chronicle of an extraordinary family who’ve been across the galaxy and back. RAIGE RUNS IN THE FAMILYGeneral Cypher Raige comes from a family of heroes. Since humanity’s exodus from the Earth a thousand years ago and the subsequent onslaught from a mysterious alien force, the Raiges have been instrumental in mankind’s survival.For Cypher’s thirteen-year-old son, Kitai, tagging along with his legendary father is the adventure of a lifetime. But when an asteroid collides with their craft, they make a crash landing that leaves Cypher seriously – and perhaps fatally – wounded.With his father’s life on the line, Kitai must venture out into the strange, hostile terrain of a new world that seems eerily familiar: Earth.

Birthright - After Earth (Short Story): Ghost Stories

by Peter David

On a distant planet called Nova Prime, the United Ranger Corps defends the galaxy’s remaining humans from an alien race known as the Skrel and their genetically engineered predators, the Ursa. But when one Ranger discovers the secret to destroying the enemy, she faces a decision no one should have to make. Ghost Stories: Birthright is the third of six ebook short stories that lead up to the events of After Earth, the epic science fiction adventure film directed by M. Night Shyamalan and starring Jaden Smith and Will Smith.After watching her husband die in a horrible accident, Mallory McGuiness has only one option: keep working. Rangers have duties. Responsibilities. Mallory is justthat – an ordinary Ranger – until she vanquishes one of the nearly invincible Ursaand realises she is much, much more. Unfortunately, the power to save the human race from extinction comes riddled with questions, conflicts, and no guarantees, only impossible choices. Frustrated by her suddenly tame assignments, Mallory considers jumping the chain of command, taking her grievance directly to Commanding General Cypher Raige. But she stifles the impulse long enough to tangle with destiny on a desert mission where nothing’s supposed to go wrong . . . and everything does.

Fable: The Balverine Order (ebook)

by Peter David

The tie-in novel to the new edition of the multi-million bestselling Fantasy computer gameFable is a first person role-playing game set in the city realm of Albion. The city is full of riches and poverty, magic works but industry is coming. The royal family who run the city have a dark past and its secrets rule the present. Past versions of the game have been set in, loosely, medieval and renaissance times. The new version, launched to coincide with the book, takes the city into the industrial revolution, launching a war between industry and magic.The game is unique for the richness of the created universe and for the way the actions of the character are reflected in its appearance and the responses of NPCs to it: if you eat a lot you become fat, if you get into a lot of fights you get scarred and people become wary of you. The interaction of player and game, the richness of the world, makes the franchise unusually appropriate for a tie-in novel and the novel includes an interactive element.

Hunted - After Earth (Short Story): Ghost Stories

by Peter David

On a distant planet called Nova Prime, the United Ranger Corps defends the galaxy’s remaining humans from an alien race known as the Skrel and their genetically engineered predators, the Ursa. But one ordinary man may have just found the key to humanity’s last stand: a secret weapon hidden deep within his own psyche. Ghost Stories: Hunted is the first of six ebook short stories that lead up to the events of After Earth, the epic science fiction adventure film directed by M. Night Shyamalan and starring Jaden Smith and Will Smith.For all his charm, looks, and skills on the holographic battlefield, Daniel Silver has been drifting through life in Nova Prime City. After proposing to his girlfriend and getting rejected in the cruelest way possible, Daniel has no choice but to accept an altogether different kind of proposition. Sigmund Ryerson, an eccentric energy magnate, has asked him to lead a civilian expedition to take down an Ursa, the flesh-eating beast that Daniel has only ever faced in simulations. The excursion could get them all killed, if a patrolling Ranger doesn’t arrest them first. But when Daniel’s death-wish nearly comes true, a twist of fate leads him to make a discovery that will change his life – and life on Nova Prime.

Would You Rather? Halloween: A super silly this-or-that choosing game! (Would You Rather? #1)

by Donna David

A super silly this-or-that choosing book – the perfect Halloween treat for little monsters everywhere!Would you rather have eight legs to scurry through the night?Or would you rather spread your wings and take a midnight flight?Spider or bat? Skeleton or monster? Cute cat or wily werewolf? Get ready to play Would You Rather: Halloween! In this laugh-out-loud rhyming picture book, preschool readers are given a fun choice on each page, with bouncy read-aloud text, bright, colourful illustrations and loads to spot along the way.Would You Rather? Halloween by Donna David and Eamonn O'Neill is packed full of spooky fun, plus an amazing fold-out game at the end and reading tips for grown-ups.

The Blood Gift (The Blood Gift Duology #2)

by N. E. Davenport


The Blood Trials (The Blood Gift Duology #1)

by N. E. Davenport

Blending fantasy and science fiction, N.E. Davenport’s fast-paced, action-packed debut kicks off a duology on loyalty and rebellion, in which a young Black woman must survive deadly trials in a racist and misogynistic society to become an elite warrior. Perfect for fans of RED RISING and AURORA RISING

Night School: Number 4 in series (Night School #4)

by C. J. Daugherty

Finding refuge at a secret location in the south of France, Allie almost convinces herself she's safe - until Nathaniel's guards attack. Then she's on the run again, and forced to return to the one place she can truly call home: Cimmeria Academy.But when she arrives, she barely recognises it. Tensions are on a knife edge. Now most of the students have deserted the school, the teachers can't be trusted and guards are in charge. Worse, Nathaniel is close - very close - to getting everything he wants.Desperate to do something - anything! - to stop him, Allie agrees to accompany Lucinda on a dangerous late-night mission. But in doing so, is she putting her friends' lives at risk?Carter and Sylvain are both ready to fight by her side - and prove their love. Allie knows she must make up her mind once and for all about who she really wants. No one will wait for ever. The time for indecision is over. Everything is at stake and winner takes all...'Night School is dramatic and full of great characters, the perfect blend of suspense and romance.' Sophie McKenzie

Night School: Number 5 in series (Night School #5)

by C. J. Daugherty

The spy is gone but the cost has been high - the rebels at Cimmeria Academy have lost their leader and Carter West is missing. Nathaniel can taste victory. But Allie and the other survivors aren't done yet. First they have to get Carter back. Then they plan to make Nathaniel pay.

Night School: Number 2 in series (Night School #2)

by C. J. Daugherty

In the last year, Allie's survived three arrests, two breakups and one family breakdown. The only bright point has been her new life at Cimmeria Academy. It's the one place she's felt she belongs. And the fact that it's brought the dreamy Carter West into her life hasn't hurt. . .But far from being a safe haven, the cloistered walls of Cimmeria are proving more dangerous than Allie could've imagined. The students, and faculty, are under threat and Allie's family - from her mysterious grandma to her runaway brother - are at the centre of the storm.Allie is going to have to choose between protecting her family and trusting her friends. But secrets have a way of ripping even the strongest relationships apart . . .'Night School is dramatic and full of great characters, the perfect blend of suspense and romance.' Sophie McKenzie

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