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Las 15 Leyes Indispensables Del Crecimiento: Vívalas y alcance su potencial

by John C. Maxwell

LAS 15 LEYES INDISPENSABLES DEL CRECIMIENTO John Maxwell lleva más de cincuenta años apasionado por el desarrollo personal. Ahora, por primera vez, comparte todo lo que ha cosechado acerca del autodesarrollo, para que usted tenga las mayores posibilidades de llegar a ser la persona que fue diseñada a ser cuando se creó. De la manera que solo él puede comunicar, John enseña:· La Ley del Espejo: Usted debe ver el valor que tiene en sí mismo para darse mayor valor.· La Ley de la Conciencia: Usted debe conocerse a sí mismo para poder crecer.· La Ley del Modelo: Es difícil superarse cuando usted no tiene a quien seguir sino a usted mismo.· La Ley de la Banda Elástica: El crecimiento se detiene cuando usted pierde la tensión entre donde está y donde podría estar.· La Ley de la Contribución: Desarrollarse a sí mismo lo capacita para desarrollar a otros.Este tercer libro de la serie Leyes de John Maxwell (después de Las 21 leyes irrefutables del liderazgo, con ventas de dos millones de ejemplares, y de Las 17 leyes incuestionables del trabajo en equipo, con un millón de ventas), lo ayudará a convertirse en un aprendiz de por vida, cuyo potencial aumenta continuamente y nunca se "agota."

The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth (10th Anniversary Edition): Live Them and Reach Your Potential

by John C. Maxwell

In this inspiring guide to successful leadership, New York Times bestselling author John C. Maxwell shares his tried and true principles for maximum personal growth. Are there actually tried and true principles that are always certain to help a person grow? John Maxwell says the answer is yes. He has been passionate about personal development for over 50 years, and in the 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, he teaches everything he has gleaned about what it takes to reach our potential. In his trademark style, Maxwell covers: The Law of the Mirror: You Must See Value in Yourself to Add Value to YourselfThe Law of Awareness: You Must Know Yourself to Grow YourselfThe Law of Modeling: It's Hard to Improve When You Have No One But Yourself to FollowThe Law of the Rubber Band: Growth Stops When You Lose the Tension Between Where You are and Where You Could BeThe Law of Contribution: Developing Yourself Enables You to Develop OthersThis 10th anniversary edition comes with an updated foreword from John Maxwell. The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth will help you become a lifelong learner whose potential keeps increasing so you can lead others with passion and get results.

The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth: Live Them and Reach Your Potential

by John C. Maxwell

Are there tried and true principles that are always certain to help a person grow? John Maxwell says the answer is yes. He has been passionate about personal development for over fifty years, and for the first time, he teaches everything he has gleaned about what it takes to reach our potential. In the way that only he can communicate, John teaches . . . The Law of the Mirror: You Must See Value in Yourself to Add Value to Yourself The Law of Awareness: You Must Know Yourself to Grow Yourself The Law of Modeling: It's Hard to Improve When You Have No One But Yourself to Follow The Law of the Rubber Band: Growth Stops When You Lose the Tension Between Where You are and Where You Could Be The Law of Contribution: Developing Yourself Enables You to Develop OthersThis third book in John Maxwell's Laws series (following the 2-million seller The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership and The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork) will help you become a lifelong learner whose potential keeps increasing and never gets "used up."

14 Keys to Lasting Love: How to Have the Marriage You've Always Wanted

by Kim Kimberling

Discover the 14 secrets to a lasting and loving marriage.In this fresh, insightful marriage book, Dr. Kim talks directly to couples, showing you that marriage isn't just meant to make you happy but to make you holy. Over the years, through his ministry, he's conducted countless couples surveys. He knows what you struggle with and what areas of marriage scare you. He knows what you want and what you don't want. By looking at 14 major areas of marriage, Dr. Kim shows couples how to stay on the right track. Through chapters on empathy, personal health, conflict behavior, talking, intimacy, sex, and more, you'll learn how to have the happy, connected marriage you've dreamed of.This book will change your marriage, and it will most certainly change you. If you want to know God and love more deeply in this life, 14 KEYS TO LASTING LOVE will show you how to do that.

14,000 Things to Be Happy About.: Newly Revised and Updated

by Barbara Ann Kipfer

With more than 1.5 million copies in print, 14,000 Things to Be Happy About is the iconic impulse gift book that celebrates all the little things that make life worth living. Now it is even more of a mood-altering pick-me-up, with the use of cheerful watercolors throughout plus redesigned pages, all of which give this new edition a fresh, joyous feeling. At the heart, though, is its unique list of thousands of items, places, thoughts, and moments that make us happy. No opinions, no explanations, no asides or footnotes. It&’s mesmerizing. And as an antidote to the all-too-many things to be unhappy about, it could not be more welcome. a sweet tooth twirling a baton driving as you wish your kids would artistic license an express lane reaching a compromise ripe peaches on a summer's eve dinner rolls playing in autumn leaves A unique way to unplug, relax, reminisce, practice gratitude, and change your mood to an upbeat and happy one!

13 Things Mentally Strong Women Don't Do: Own Your Power, Channel Your Confidence, and Find Your Authentic Voice

by Amy Morin

The emergence of the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements have awakened society and encouraged women to find their voice and claim back their power. Contending with a host of difficult issues that demand psychological strength - in this crucial book, prominent psychotherapist and licensed clinical social worker Amy Morin gives women the techniques to build mental muscle in 13 steps.Delving into critical issues like sexism, social media, social comparison, and social pressure, Amy offers thoughtful, intelligent advice, practical tips, and specific strategies; combining them with her personal experiences, stories from former patients, and both well-known and untold examples from women from across industries and pop culture. Throughout, she explores the areas women - and society at large - must focus on to become (and remain) mentally strong.Amy reveals that healthy, mentally tough women don't insist on perfection; they don't compare themselves to other people; they don't see vulnerability as a weakness; they don't let self-doubt stop them from reaching their goals. Insightful, grounded, and extremely timely, 13 THINGS MENTALLY STRONG WOMEN DON'T DO can help every woman flourish - and Amy will take readers on this journey with her, every step of the way.

13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do: Take Back Your Power, Embrace Change, Face Your Fears And Train Your Brain For Happiness And Success

by Amy Morin

The ultimate guide to mastering your mental strength with revolutionary new strategies that work of everyone.

The 12 Week Mind Workout: Focused Training for Mental Strength and Balance

by Wouter de Jong

Although not all of us do it all the time, we all know the things we need to do to take care of our body - hit the gym or the running track and eat our greens. But are we so clear on what to do if it is our mental rather than physical condition that needs attention? This amazingly practical book will take your mind to the gym and show you how, in 12 weeks, to live more mindfully, rid yourself of worry, clear your head, strive for happiness and get more done. The book is structured exactly like a progressive exercise program; every week (or chapter) starts with a 'warm-up' - a theoretical part - followed by a concrete training and concluding with a 'cool down '. In between, the reader receives useful tips, examples, directions and concerns, coupled with inspiring quotes. The reader chooses the level of daily exercise, from 'light' to intensive, with a free audio track providing the accompaniment.You have 12 weeks to improve your outlook, habits and happiness - starting now.

12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos

by Jordan B. Peterson

Jordan Peterson's work as a clinical psychologist has reshaped the modern understanding of personality, and now he has become one of the world's most popular public thinkers, with his lectures on topics ranging from the Bible to romantic relationships drawing tens of millions of viewers. In an era of polarizing politics, echo chambers and trigger warnings, his startling message about the value of personal responsibility and the dangers of ideology has resonated around the world.In this book, he combines ancient wisdom with decades of experience to provide twelve profound and challenging principles for how to live a meaningful life, from setting your house in order before criticising others to comparing yourself to who you were yesterday, not someone else today. Gripping, thought-provoking and deeply rewarding, 12 Rules for Life offers an antidote to the chaos in our lives: eternal truths applied to our modern problems.

12 Essential Abilities Of Extraordinary People

by Virender Kapoor

Extraordinary people aren't just born fully formed. They don't just emerge out of slogans and rhetoric. They work towards making a positive, palpable change. These people are what they are because they wanted to be what they are.This book isn't about changing the way you dress or learning to master punctuality – it's about serious life altering traits which dig deep into your DNA to turn you around as a person. These traits – which Gandhi, Lincoln, Helen Keller, Tendulkar, Tata or Eisenhower had – are viewed as god's gift. Just because we're not born with them, it doesn't mean we can't learn to become that way. If you want to become an effective person, regardless of where you stand in life's continuum – a college student, a working professional, an entrepreneur or a CEO- this book is for you. It will be you mentor; explaining, demonstrating and guiding you through each of this trait which make great people. If you want to work on yourself – go for it.

12 Birds to Save Your Life: Nature's Lessons in Happiness

by Charlie Corbett

Find solace, hope and happiness through 12 fascinating birds whose song is never far away - if only we know where to look . . .'A lyrical and life-affirming book that teaches us as much about birds as it does ourselves - a balm for the soul' Raynor Winn, author of The Salt Path'Charlie has opened my eyes to the constant joy of the sights and sounds of the birds that surround us. It is a book that really will save lives' Dr Richard Shepherd, author of Unnatural Causes_________Can you recognise the cheerful chirrups of the house sparrow? A song thrush singing out at winter's darkest hour? Or the beautiful haunting call of the curlew?At a time of great anxiety and uncertainty, while coping with the untimely death of his mother, Charlie Corbett realised his perspective on life was slipping. In a moment of despair, he found himself lying on the side of a hill in the rain, alone with his thoughts.Suddenly he hears the song of a skylark - that soaring, tinkling, joyous sound echoing through the air above - and he is transported away from his dark thoughts. Grounded by the beauty of nature, perspective dawns. No longer the leading role in his own private melodrama, merely a bit part in nature's great epic.Through twelve characterful birds, Charlie shows us there is joy to be found if we know where to look, and how to listen. From solitary skylarks to squabbling sparrows, he explores the place of these birds in our history, culture and landscape, noting what they look like and where you're most likely to meet them.By reconnecting with the wildlife all around him and learning to move with the rhythms of the natural world, Charlie discovered nature's powerful ability to heal.In this life-affirming and joyful guide to the birds living all around us, it might just heal you too.

The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure

by Grant Cardone

Achieve "Massive Action" results and accomplish your business dreams! While most people operate with only three degrees of action-no action, retreat, or normal action-if you're after big goals, you don't want to settle for the ordinary. To reach the next level, you must understand the coveted 4th degree of action. This 4th degree, also know as the 10 X Rule, is that level of action that guarantees companies and individuals realize their goals and dreams. The 10 X Rule unveils the principle of "Massive Action," allowing you to blast through business clichŽs and risk-aversion while taking concrete steps to reach your dreams. It also demonstrates why people get stuck in the first three actions and how to move into making the 10X Rule a discipline. Find out exactly where to start, what to do, and how to follow up each action you take with more action to achieve Massive Action results. Learn the "Estimation of Effort" calculation to ensure you exceed your targets Make the Fourth Degree a way of life and defy mediocrity Discover the time management myth Get the exact reasons why people fail and others succeed Know the exact formula to solve problems Extreme success is by definition outside the realm of normal action. Instead of behaving like everybody else and settling for average results, take Massive Action with The 10 X Rule, remove luck and chance from your business equation, and lock in massive success.

The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure

by Grant Cardone

Achieve "Massive Action" results and accomplish your business dreams! While most people operate with only three degrees of action-no action, retreat, or normal action-if you're after big goals, you don't want to settle for the ordinary. To reach the next level, you must understand the coveted 4th degree of action. This 4th degree, also know as the 10 X Rule, is that level of action that guarantees companies and individuals realize their goals and dreams. The 10 X Rule unveils the principle of "Massive Action," allowing you to blast through business clichŽs and risk-aversion while taking concrete steps to reach your dreams. It also demonstrates why people get stuck in the first three actions and how to move into making the 10X Rule a discipline. Find out exactly where to start, what to do, and how to follow up each action you take with more action to achieve Massive Action results. Learn the "Estimation of Effort" calculation to ensure you exceed your targets Make the Fourth Degree a way of life and defy mediocrity Discover the time management myth Get the exact reasons why people fail and others succeed Know the exact formula to solve problems Extreme success is by definition outside the realm of normal action. Instead of behaving like everybody else and settling for average results, take Massive Action with The 10 X Rule, remove luck and chance from your business equation, and lock in massive success.

101 Ways to Improve Your Mind: A Guide to Wising Up and Getting Smart

by Rachel Walker

Whether you want to improve your memory, think more clearly or stave off ageing, 101 Ways to Improve Your Mind will provide you with the tips and tricks to keep your grey matter in top condition and put the spring back into your mental step.It's never too late to boost your brainpower and make the most of your mind. With this light-hearted and pithy, yet effective, handbook, you will learn to think more clearly, organize your mental chaos and keep your brain quick, sharp and youthful.With tips and advice on how to improve your general health, modify your diet and adjust your lifestyle, it's not all about the brain. This simple and practical advice is an essential part of a healthy life and will improve all aspects of your daily habits.Clever tips are included such as: learning a foreign language helps to protect the brain against the onset of age-related diseases; saunas can increase your cardiovascular strength and improve blood supply to the brain; laughter stimulates the brain, thus enhancing our learning abilities.

101 Tips to Help Your Anxious Child: Ways to Help Your Child Overcome Their Fears and Worries

by Poppy O'Neill

As a parent it can often be difficult to know how best to support your child when they become fearful and worried. This guide offers ways to help you to help your child articulate how they are feeling and offers effective coping strategies and simple lifestyle tweaks to manage anxiety by building their resilience and self-confidence for life.

101 Tiny Changes to Brighten Your World

by Ailbhe Malone

101 Tiny Changes to Brighten Your World is a book of uplifting tips on how to look after yourself and your world, from your personal relationships, to your working space and relationships, to society and the environment at large. In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it can be all too easy to lose sight of what really matters to us, and to take others and our world for granted. Focusing on tiny changes, Ailbhe Malone encourages us to take it step by step – with ideas to nurture our friendships, reduce plastic waste and make ethical choices, and improve our online spaces and our broader social environment. Simple practical tips combine with fun illustrations to create a treasure trove of inspiration, positive encouragement and optimism.

101 Tiny Changes to Brighten Your Day

by Ailbhe Malone

This book believes that you're worth looking after — even when you don't. 101 Tiny Changes to Brighten Your Day is a friendly book of tips on how to look after yourself and your mental health, in an age where we too often forget to pause and take a breath. For anyone with anxiety issues, those who struggle to prioritise their own mental health over catching up on emails and social media, or those looking for a bit of encouragement, these small tips will help you shine again. With small actions, you can make a big improvement to your well-being – whether it’s making your phone a source of positivity instead of stress, engaging in habits that make you feel healthier and more positive, or preparing for darker days. Ailbhe Malone’s simple tips combine with witty illustrations from Naoise Dolan to create a resource you’ll dip into whenever you need a helping hand. A totem for your bedside table, backpack, or to give to a friend in need, this book believes that you’re worth looking after, even when you don’t.

101 Things to Do While You Self-Isolate: Tips to Help You Stay Happy and Healthy

by Lucy Lane

In these uncertain times, it can be hard to know what to do, but help is at hand with this uplifting guide to keeping positive and staying connected and safe. It’s crammed with mood-boosting activities, creative ways to get inspired, mindful exercises to maintain health and well-being, and tips to soothe away your stress and make you feel good.

101 Learning and Development Tools: Essential Techniques for Creating, Delivering and Managing Effective Training

by Kenneth Fee

101 Learning and Development Tools is your practical guide to all the most up-to-date training techniques, organized around the classic learning and development cycle. Whether you need a quick, ready solution or some guidance on where to go for in-depth information, this is your essential reference guide. It picks up from where you are in the process of managing learning, and helps you place it in a broader context. Each chapter is a mini guide to each tool with: a description of the tool analysis resources needed cost implications cross-references to help you identify alternative or related tools for further study or investigation101 Learning and Development Tools is the indispensable, all-in-one-volume reference book for both professionals in the field and students learning about the subject.

101 Learning and Development Tools: Essential Techniques for Creating, Delivering and Managing Effective Training

by Kenneth Fee

101 Learning and Development Tools is your practical guide to all the most up-to-date training techniques, organized around the classic learning and development cycle. Whether you need a quick, ready solution or some guidance on where to go for in-depth information, this is your essential reference guide. It picks up from where you are in the process of managing learning, and helps you place it in a broader context. Each chapter is a mini guide to each tool with: a description of the tool analysis resources needed cost implications cross-references to help you identify alternative or related tools for further study or investigation101 Learning and Development Tools is the indispensable, all-in-one-volume reference book for both professionals in the field and students learning about the subject.

101 Kinky Things Even You Can Do

by Kate Sloan

An accessible and fun guide to kinky practices for everyoneEverything you wanted to know about kinky practices is covered in this highly entertaining and readable book. Known for her bold, witty prose on all matters related to the bedroom, Kate Sloan makes this an accessible subject for anyone curious about new ways to spice up their sex lives. Whether you are looking for ideas, clarification, or just an enjoyable read, there is plenty here to keep you intrigued. The text is accompanied by helpful tips and illustrations.

The 101 Greatest Business Principles of All Time

by Leslie Pockell Adrienne Avila

From practical advice on how to handle oneself to romantic ideals on how to lead, great business principles that helped some of the most influential and powerful people in the world achieve great success are detailed in this book.

101 Days to Make a Change: Daily Strategies To Move From Knowing To Being

by Roy Leighton Emma Kilbey Kristina Bill

101 Days To Make a Change is a constructive and compassionate companion that will help get you back in the driving seat of your life - in just over three months. Its expansive ideology is grounded by an achievable process with a realistic timeframe to help chart progress and acknowledge results. This programme will give you rigorous tools in order to truly understand what makes you who you are, so you can plan for your best future, both personally and professionally. You'll be led by clear and practical steps to uncover your drives and motivation and identify your attitude to learning and change. Armed with these valuable insights your confidence will increase and your stress levels will be reduced while you develop new skills and start achieving firm goals.

101 Career Myths Debunked: The Ultimate Career Planning Workbook

by Elizabeth L. Campbell

What if everything you know about careers is false? Bombarded by toxic misinformation about unemployment and failing career prospects, job hunters are often halted by fear. 101 Career Myths Debunked is essential reading for college students, job hunters, and career changers to discover the myths holding them back and reveal the surprising truths and practical steps that will set them on the path to career success.Written by a counseling psychologist and career psychology expert, 101 Career Myths Debunked is your personal career coach and ultimate planning guide. This easy-to-use workbook will show you how to boost your confidence and build a life you love. It walks you through the entire career development process and helps you deal successfully with everything you need to consider. You’ll learn practical new ways to move forward from your present uncertainty into a promising future.

101 Career Myths Debunked: The Ultimate Career Planning Workbook

by Elizabeth L. Campbell

What if everything you know about careers is false? Bombarded by toxic misinformation about unemployment and failing career prospects, job hunters are often halted by fear. 101 Career Myths Debunked is essential reading for college students, job hunters, and career changers to discover the myths holding them back and reveal the surprising truths and practical steps that will set them on the path to career success.Written by a counseling psychologist and career psychology expert, 101 Career Myths Debunked is your personal career coach and ultimate planning guide. This easy-to-use workbook will show you how to boost your confidence and build a life you love. It walks you through the entire career development process and helps you deal successfully with everything you need to consider. You’ll learn practical new ways to move forward from your present uncertainty into a promising future.

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