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Zielgruppe Kind: Kindliche Lebenswelt und Werbeinszenierungen

by Dieter Baacke Uwe Sander Ralf Vollbrecht Sven Kommer

Werbung, nicht nur Fernsehwerbung, durchdringt zunehmend die Lebenswelt der Kinder. Der Band stellt die Ergebnisse eines Forschungsprojekts vor, das Wissen über Werbung und den Umgang mit Werbebotschaften sowie das Werbeangebot von Fernsehen, Druckmedien und Radio untersucht hat. Die breitangelegte empirische Untersuchung, durchgeführt von den Universitäten Bielefeld und Halle/Saale, verbindet die Analyse von Werbespots unterschiedlicher Medien mit der (methodisch-phantasiereichen) Rezeptionsanalyse von Kindern. Die zahlreichen und differenzierten Ergebnisse führen zu einer Gesamtschau der Bedeutung und Entwicklung von Werbeangeboten in der Kinderkultur.

Zielführende Kommunikation zwischen Agentur und Kunde: Erfolgreiche und effiziente Zusammenarbeit im Team

by Klaus Pawlowski Peter Pawlowski

In diesem Buch erfahren Agenturen und ihre Auftraggeber, wie sie in allen Stufen der Zusammenarbeit effizient, zielführend und vor allem gemeinsam als Team erfolgreich sein können. Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg: eine lückenlose, klare und authentische Kommunikation aller Beteiligten. Beginnend beim Kennenlerngespräch, über das weichenstellende Briefing bis hin zu Vertragsverhandlungen und Konfliktgesprächen – die Autoren erläutern, wie man unnötigen Reibungsverlusten aus dem Weg geht, Missverständnissen vorbeugt und Frustration sowie Fehleinschätzungen verhindert.Ein Buch, gleichermaßen theoretisch fundiert wie auch direkt im Arbeitsalltag anwendbar: mit den wichtigsten Modellen zu Kommunikation und Gesprächsführung, zahlreichen Beispielen, Beispieldialogen und Inspirationen, die die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Partnern in neuem Licht erscheinen lässt.

Ziel: Deutsche Auswanderer in Kanada

by Peter Hessel

Kanada ist schon seit Jahrhunderten ein Einwandererland. Außer den indigenen Völkern sind alle Bewohner des zweitgrößten Landes der Erde Einwanderer oder deren Nachkommen. Dazu gehören heute ca. 3,5 Millionen Menschen deutscher Herkunft. Dieses Buch beschreibt eine staatlich organisierte Migration von etwa 12 000 Deutschen aus Pommern und anderen preußischen Ostprovinzen sowie aus Mecklenburg, die schon um Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts stattfand. Heute sind allein im Bezirk Renfrew 20 % der Bevölkerung Nachfahren dieser deutschen Siedler.

Zie je mij?: Over het zien, horen en voelen van de impact van huiselijk geweld en kindermishandeling

by Hameeda Lakho Jeroen Wapenaar

Trauma’s die ontstaan door huiselijk geweld en kindermishandeling laten levenslang sporen na, bij alle vormen, van partnergeweld en kindermishandeling tot verwaarlozing, fysiek en emotioneel geweld. Ook jarenlange therapie laat het trauma niet verdwijnen. Wat wél mogelijk is: iemand die te maken heeft (gehad) met huiselijk geweld of kindermishandeling helpen zijn of haar littekens, zichtbaar of onzichtbaar, te omarmen. Pas dan zal diegene zichzelf kunnen helen. Veiligheid en vertrouwen bieden is daarvoor cruciaal en daar komt veel meer bij kijken dan vaak wordt gedacht. De verhalen van de twaalf voormalige slachtoffers en plegers die in dit boek hun moed tonen laten zien wat voor echte verbinding nodig is. Ook leren zij de lezer bijvoorbeeld: ·        Hoe intergenerationele patronen doorwerken ·        Welke gespreksvaardigheden wanneer nodig zijn ·        Hoe moeilijk het is bij je gevoel te komen als je jarenlang vernederd bent Naast voormalige slachtoffers en plegers geven ook in trauma gespecialiseerde professionals hierover adviezen, bedoeld voor alle hulpverleners die met geweld te maken kunnen krijgen; sociaal werkers, psychiaters, psychologen, huisartsen, verpleegkundigen en verzorgenden. Bovenal is dit boek bedoeld als inspiratie om de hele mens te kunnen zien, met al zijn of haar angst, eenzaamheid, woede en verdriet, én alle talenten en veerkracht. Hameeda Lakho is expert en inhoudsdeskundige, auteur en sociaal ondernemer. Ze is werkzaam als adviseur en projectleider in uiteenlopende projecten in zorg en veiligheidssector. Daarnaast biedt zij als herstelcoach ondersteuning, coaching en begeleiding aan slachtoffers. Jeroen Wapenaar is wetenschapsjournalist en schreef diverse boeken over palliatieve zorg en dementie. 

Zhouyi: A New Translation with Commentary of the Book of Changes (Durham East Asia Series)

by Richard Rutt

Modern research has revealed the Book of Changes to be a royal divination manual of the Zhou state (500100 BC). This new translation synthesizes the results of modern study, presenting the work in its historical context. The first book to render original Chinese rhymes into rhymed English.

Zhouyi: A New Translation with Commentary of the Book of Changes (Durham East Asia Series)

by Richard Rutt

Modern research has revealed the Book of Changes to be a royal divination manual of the Zhou state (500100 BC). This new translation synthesizes the results of modern study, presenting the work in its historical context. The first book to render original Chinese rhymes into rhymed English.

Zhong and Zhongyong in Confucian Classics (Key Concepts in Chinese Thought and Culture)

by Chunqing Li

This Key Concept pivot explores the trajectory of the semantic generation and evolution of two core concepts of ancient Chinese Confucianism, ‘Zhong’ (middle) and ‘Zhongyong’ (golden mean). In the pre-Qin period, Confucius advocated ‘middle line’ and ‘golden mean’ as the highest standards for gentlemanly behaviour and culture. In The Doctrine of the Mean the Confucian classic of the late Warring States Period, ‘middle’ obtained the ontological meaning of ‘great fundamental virtues of the world’, due to the influence of Taoism and Yinyang School. It became not only the norm of human behaviours, but also the law governing the operation of heaven and earth. Since then, idealist Confucian scholars of the Song and Ming dynasties have developed the meaning of ‘middle’ from the perspective of the relationships between heaven and man, a fundamental norm of Confucian ethics.

Zero Zero Zero: Look At Cocaine And All You See Is Powder. Look Through Cocaine And You See The World (Penguin History American Life Ser.)

by Roberto Saviano

From the international bestselling auhor of Gomorrah, this searing exposé of dirty money and the drug trade reveals how they are at the heart of our lives, our economy, and our world.'The most important book of the year ... Here it is, laid bare: cartel as corporation, corporation as cartel; cocaine as pure capitalism ... Saviano realises the brutal truth: that to understand narco-traffic is to understand the modern world ... it is revolutionary' Ed Vulliamy, Observer 'A dense, dazzling, dizzying narrative about the terrifying violence of the cocaine trade, but also the vast, unassailable reach of it' Rose George, Independent 'A tremendously gripping work of reportage' Ian Thomson, Evening Standard'Italy's bravest investigative writer ... must-read nonfiction' GQ'Impassioned, remarkable' Misha Glenny, Financial Times'After reading Saviano, it becomes impossible to see Italy, and the global market, in the same way again' The New York Times

Zero Waste Management Technologies

by Rouf Ahmad Bhat Gowhar Hamid Dar Younis Ahmad Hajam

This volume highlights cutting-edge research on Zero waste management and the associated effects of waste on the environment. Predominantly, it focuses on the challenges of dealing with the amassed production of waste and the cumulative impact of increasing waste on the biosphere. Different sections of this book focus on the comprehensive overview of the technological advancements driving the Zero Waste movement. Furthermore, it explores innovations in waste reduction, recycling, and repurposing, from a global perspective, examining the diverse cultural, social, and economic factors influencing the adoption of zero waste strategies worldwide. In addition, it discusses the challenges, and opportunities inherent in promoting a unified global effort toward sustainable resource management. Discover the latest breakthroughs in waste reduction, recycling, and resource optimization. This essential guide empowers you to implement practical, innovative solutions for a greener future. Whether abusiness owner, environmental enthusiast, or simply curious about sustainable living, this book is a roadmap to a cleaner and healthier planet.

Zero tolerance policing (Researching Criminal Justice series)

by Maurice Punch

What is policing about and who defines it? This book examines these key issues by exploring the notion of zero tolerance and its application in different settings. Following its introduction in New York, and the seemingly dramatic reduction in crime, zero tolerance policing was taken up in a number of other countries, including the UK and the Netherlands. This book examines that process. It argues that this policy was, in fact, nothing more than a return to old-style, crime control policing. While it did foster the swift analysis of crime patterns and more assertive policing of public places, it could lean towards repression and demonising of certain groups. Examining the EEE Examining the EEEExamining the negative response of leading police officers and the policy's debatable impact on crime, the author concludes that zero tolerance in the UK and Netherlands was more of a populist political and media creation than a coherent policy. This book is far more than an authoritative analysis of zero tolerance. It is a valuable source for entering the debate about the big picture in policing which many stakeholders now wish to see. The approachable style of this book makes it ideal for students, academics, police practitioners and the lay reader to enter that debate.

Zero Degrees: Geographies of the Prime Meridian

by Charles W. Withers

Charles Withers explains how the choice of Greenwich to mark 0° longitude solved problems of global measurement that had engaged geographers, astronomers, and mariners since ancient times. This history is a testament to the power of maps, the challenges of global measurement, and the role of scientific authority in creating the modern world.

Zero Degrees: Geographies of the Prime Meridian

by Charles W. Withers

Charles Withers explains how the choice of Greenwich to mark 0° longitude solved problems of global measurement that had engaged geographers, astronomers, and mariners since ancient times. This history is a testament to the power of maps, the challenges of global measurement, and the role of scientific authority in creating the modern world.

Zero Comments: Blogging and Critical Internet Culture (Kultur- Und Medientheorie Ser.)

by Geert Lovink

In Zero Comments, internationally renowned media theorist and 'net critic' Geert Lovink revitalizes worn out concepts about the Internet and interrogates the latest hype surrounding blogs and social network sites. In this third volume of his studies into critical Internet culture, following the influential Dark Fiber and My First Recession, Lovink develops a 'general theory of blogging.' He unpacks the ways that blogs exhibit a 'nihilist impulse' to empty out established meaning structures. Blogs, Lovink argues, are bringing about the decay of traditional broadcast media, and they are driven by an in-crowd dynamic in which social ranking is a primary concern. The lowest rung of the new Internet hierarchy are those blogs and sites that receive no user feedback or 'zero comments'. Zero Comments also explores other important changes to Internet culture, as well, including the silent globalization of the Net in which the West is no longer the main influence behind new media culture, as countries like India, China and Brazil expand their influence and looks forward to speculate on the Net impact of organized networks, free cooperation and distributed aesthetics.

Zero Comments: Blogging and Critical Internet Culture

by Geert Lovink

In Zero Comments, internationally renowned media theorist and 'net critic' Geert Lovink revitalizes worn out concepts about the Internet and interrogates the latest hype surrounding blogs and social network sites. In this third volume of his studies into critical Internet culture, following the influential Dark Fiber and My First Recession, Lovink develops a 'general theory of blogging.' He unpacks the ways that blogs exhibit a 'nihilist impulse' to empty out established meaning structures. Blogs, Lovink argues, are bringing about the decay of traditional broadcast media, and they are driven by an in-crowd dynamic in which social ranking is a primary concern. The lowest rung of the new Internet hierarchy are those blogs and sites that receive no user feedback or 'zero comments'. Zero Comments also explores other important changes to Internet culture, as well, including the silent globalization of the Net in which the West is no longer the main influence behind new media culture, as countries like India, China and Brazil expand their influence and looks forward to speculate on the Net impact of organized networks, free cooperation and distributed aesthetics.

Zerfall oder Wandel der Kultur?: Eine kultursoziologische Interpretation des deutschen Films

by Andrea Schuster

Ist die moderne Gesellschaft wirklich von einem kulturellen Zerfall bedroht, oder sollte nicht vielmehr von einem kulturellen Wandel gesprochen werden? Unter dieser Fragestellung untersucht die Autorin die Entwicklung des deutschen Films von seinen Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart.

Zeppelin Nights: London in the First World War

by Jerry White

A Guardian Best Book of the Year 201411pm, Tuesday 4 August 1914: with the declaration of war London becomes one of the greatest killing machines in human history. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers pass through the capital on their way to the front; wounded men are brought back to be treated in London’s hospitals; and millions of shells are produced in its factories. The war changes London life for ever. Women escape the drudgery of domestic service to work as munitionettes. Full employment puts money into the pockets of the London poor for the first time. Self-appointed moral guardians seize the chance to clamp down on drink, frivolous entertainment and licentious behaviour. As the war drags on, gloom often descends on the capital. And at night London is plunged into darkness for fear of German bombers and Zeppelins that continue to raid the city. Yet despite daily casualty lists, food shortages and enemy bombing, Londoners are determined to get on with their lives and flock to cinemas and theatres, dance halls and shebeens, firmly resolved not to let Germans or puritans spoil their enjoyment. Peopled with patriots and pacifists, clergymen and thieves, bluestockings and prostitutes, Jerry White’s magnificent panorama reveals a struggling yet flourishing city.

Zentrale Filmografie Politische Bildung: Band VI: 1990. B: Katalog

Zengi and the Muslim Response to the Crusades: The politics of Jihad (Routledge Studies in the History of Iran and Turkey)

by Taef El-Azhari

Zengi gained his legacy as the precursor to Saladin. While Zengi captured Edessa, Saladin would capture Jerusalem, and both leaders fought to establish their own realms. However, Zengi cannot be fully understood without an examination of his other policies and warfare and an appreciation of his Turkmen background, all of which influenced his fight against the Crusades. Zengi and the Muslim Response to the Crusades: The politics of Jihad, provides a full and rich picture of Zengi’s career: his personality and motives; his power and ambition; his background and his foundation of a dynasty and its contribution, along with other dynasties, to a wider, deeper Turkification of the Middle East; his tools and methods; his vision, calamities and achievements; and how he was perceived by his contemporaries and modern scholars. Examining primary Muslim and non-Muslim sources, this book’s extensive translations of original source material provides new insight into the complexities of Zengi’s rule, and the politics of jihad that he led and orchestrated during the Crusades. Providing deeper understanding of Islamic history through a close examination of one of its key figures, this book will be a valuable resource for students and scholars interested in Muslim history and the Crusades in general.

Zengi and the Muslim Response to the Crusades: The politics of Jihad (Routledge Studies in the History of Iran and Turkey)

by Taef El-Azhari

Zengi gained his legacy as the precursor to Saladin. While Zengi captured Edessa, Saladin would capture Jerusalem, and both leaders fought to establish their own realms. However, Zengi cannot be fully understood without an examination of his other policies and warfare and an appreciation of his Turkmen background, all of which influenced his fight against the Crusades. Zengi and the Muslim Response to the Crusades: The politics of Jihad, provides a full and rich picture of Zengi’s career: his personality and motives; his power and ambition; his background and his foundation of a dynasty and its contribution, along with other dynasties, to a wider, deeper Turkification of the Middle East; his tools and methods; his vision, calamities and achievements; and how he was perceived by his contemporaries and modern scholars. Examining primary Muslim and non-Muslim sources, this book’s extensive translations of original source material provides new insight into the complexities of Zengi’s rule, and the politics of jihad that he led and orchestrated during the Crusades. Providing deeper understanding of Islamic history through a close examination of one of its key figures, this book will be a valuable resource for students and scholars interested in Muslim history and the Crusades in general.

Zen War Stories (Routledge Critical Studies in Buddhism)

by Brian Victoria

Following the critically acclaimed Zen at War (1997), Brian Victoria explores the intimate relationship between Japanese institutional Buddhism and militarism during the Second World War.Victoria reveals for the first time, through examination of the wartime writings of the Japanese military itself, that the Zen school's view of life and death was deliberately incorporated into the military's programme of 'spiritual education' in order to develop a fanatical military spirit in both soldiers and civilians. Furthermore, that D. T. Suzuki, the most famous exponent of Zen in the West, is shown to have been a wartime proponent of this Zen-inspired viewpoint which enabled Japanese soldiers to leave for the battlefield already resigned to death. Victoria takes us onto the naval battlefield in the company of warrior-monk and Rinzai Zen Master Nakajima Genjô. We view the war in China through the eyes of a Buddhist military chaplain. The book also examines the relationship to Buddhism of Japan's seven Class-A war criminals who were hung by the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal in 1948.A highly controversial study, this book will be of interest, first and foremost, to students of Zen as well as all those studying the history of this period, not to mention anyone concerned with the perennial question of the 'proper' relationship between religion and the state.

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