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Online-Assessment: Grundlagen und Anwendung von Online-Tests in der Unternehmenspraxis

by Heinke Steiner

Immer mehr Unternehmen nutzen Online-Assessments, um Potenziale von Bewerbern oder Mitarbeitern via Internet zu testen. Online-Tests sind effizient und mittlerweile auch für mittelständische Unternehmen erschwinglich - doch sie haben auch ihre Grenzen. In diesem Buch zeigen erfahrene Personaler, was bei der Planung und dem Einsatz zu beachten ist und in welchen konkreten Bereichen Online-Tests sinnvoll eingesetzt werden können: Von der Vorselektion und dem Personalmarketing, über die Personalauswahl und -entwicklung, bis hin zu besonderen Einsatzgebieten wie Karriereberatung und Erfassung interkultureller Kompetenzen. Diese Darstellung wird eingerahmt von wissenschaftlichen und technischen Grundlagen sowie einem Überblick über neueste Entwicklungen und Trends. Fallbeispiele aus führenden Unternehmen, Checklisten zu Erfolgskriterien sowie eine kommentierte Übersicht über Anbieter von Online-Tests machen dieses Buch zu einem unverzichtbaren Leitfaden für alle, die Online-Assessments einsetzen möchten, aber auch für jene, die sich einen ersten Überblick über die Thematik verschaffen wollen.

Online Anti-Semitism in Turkey

by T. Nefes

This is the first study that examines online anti-Semitism in Turkey. Nefes surveys important historical events concerning Turkish-Jewry and analyses people's online expressions about Adolf Hitler in the most popular forum website in Turkey, Ek?i Sözlük.

Online Activism in the Middle East: Political Power and Authoritarian Governments from Egypt to Kuwait

by Jon Nordenson

Does the internet facilitate social and political change, or even democratization, in the Middle East? Despite existing research on this subject, there is still no consensus on the importance of social media and online platforms, or on how we are to understand their influence. This book provides empirical analysis of the day-to-day use of online platforms by activists in Egypt and Kuwait. The research evaluates the importance of online platforms for effecting change and establishes a specific framework for doing so. Egypt and Kuwait were chosen because, since the mid-2000s, they have been the most prominent Arab countries in terms of online and offline activism. In the context of Kuwait, Jon Nordenson examines the oppositional youth groups who fought for a constitutional, democratic monarchy in the emirate. In Egypt, focus surrounds the groups and organizations working against sexual violence and sexual harassment. Online Activism in the Middle East shows how and why online platforms are used by activists and identifies the crucial features of successful online campaigns.Egypt and Kuwait are revealed to be authoritarian contexts but where the challenges and possibilities faced by activists are quite different. The comparative nature of this research therefore exposes the context-specific usage of online platforms, separating this from the more general features of online activism. Nordenson demonstrates the power of online activism to create an essential 'counterpublic' that can challenge an authoritarian state and enable excluded groups to fight in ways that are far more difficult to suppress than a demonstration.

Ongoing Mobility Trajectories: Lived Experiences of Global Migration

by Rosie Roberts

This book explores the complex category of the ‘skilled migrant,’ drawing on multi-sited narrative interviews with migrants who have all lived in Australia at some point in their lives (as an origin and/or destination). Developing the more nuanced concept of the ‘mobile settler’, it shows how becoming a skilled migrant is not just a political and economic determination of knowledge and human capital but a complex negotiation of contexts – immigration contexts, social locations, qualifications and skills, as well as personal ties. Belying the simple binaries of official visa categories, these diverse contexts of migrant experience are central to the ways migrants construct their personal histories and negotiate their shifting attachments to home and belonging over time and space. By highlighting how migrants imagine their own complex social, cultural, national, professional and linguistic identities and pathways, this book extends the agent-centred approaches to global mobility and transnationalism that have emerged in cultural studies and social and cultural geography in recent years, according greater recognition to the individualised, local and lived experiences of global migration and thus engaging more deeply with global concerns about increased mobility and the challenges it represents.

Ongoing Advancements in Philosophy of Mathematics Education

by Maria Aparecida Viggiani Bicudo Bronislaw Czarnocha Maurício Rosa Małgorzata Marciniak

Ongoing Advancements in Philosophy of Mathematics Education approaches the philosophy of mathematics education in a forward movement, analyzing, reflecting, and proposing significant contemporary themes in the field of mathematics education. The theme that gives life to the book is philosophy of mathematics education understood as arising from the intertwining between philosophy of mathematics and philosophy of education which, through constant analytical and reflective work regarding teaching and learning practices in mathematics, is materialized in its own discipline, philosophy of mathematics education. This is the field of investigation of the chapters in the book. The chapters are written by an international cohort of authors, from a variety of countries, regions, and continents. Some of these authors work with philosophical and psychological foundations traditionally accepted by Western civilization. Others expose theoretical foundations based on a new vision and comprising innovative approaches to historical and present-day issues in educational philosophy. The final third of the book is devoted to these unique and innovative research stances towards important and change resistant societal topics such as racism, technology gaps, or the promotion of creativity in the field of mathematics education.

Oneida Roulette: Irokesische Landrückforderungen im inter- und intra-ethnischen Beziehungsgefüge (Edition Centaurus - Sozioökonomische Prozesse in Asien, Afrika und Lateinamerika)

by Harry Schüler

Harry Schüler erörtert in diesem Buch die Interdependenz von Landrückforderungen, Spielkasinos und Identität. Er zeigt auf, dass es überwiegend illegale Verträge waren, die zum Verlust irokesischen Landes führten. Die Land-Geschichte der Oneida ist voll von weißen Tricks, widersprüchlichen Gesetzen, gebrochenen Verträgen sowie einer ‚teile-und-herrsche-Politik‘ des Staates New York. Mittels von ihm zu genehmigender indianischer Kasinos spielte er die legalen Landansprüche der Irokesen gegeneinander aus. In diesem Glücksspiel honorierten letztendlich Bundesgerichte die bösgläubige Politik New Yorks, in dem sie mit kontroversen Entscheidungen ein Ende aller indianischer Landrückforderungen bewirkten.​

One Way Ticket: Migration and Female Labour (Routledge Library Editions: Immigration and Migration #18)

by Annie Phizacklea

One Way Ticket (1983) examines the ‘hidden armies’ of migrant women workers who have since the 1950s fulfilled a demand for low-skilled, low paid and insecure work in both the formal and informal economies of Western Europe. It presents a new focus for the examination of labour migration and of the specific character of female employment. It looks at the relationship between motherhood, waged work and ethnicity; the position of a second generation of black women workers; and the oppression and exploitation of migrant women by their male counterparts through the creation of ‘ethnic’ economies.

One Way Ticket: Migration and Female Labour (Routledge Library Editions: Immigration and Migration #18)

by Annie Phizacklea

One Way Ticket (1983) examines the ‘hidden armies’ of migrant women workers who have since the 1950s fulfilled a demand for low-skilled, low paid and insecure work in both the formal and informal economies of Western Europe. It presents a new focus for the examination of labour migration and of the specific character of female employment. It looks at the relationship between motherhood, waged work and ethnicity; the position of a second generation of black women workers; and the oppression and exploitation of migrant women by their male counterparts through the creation of ‘ethnic’ economies.

The One-Way Street of Integration: Fair Housing and the Pursuit of Racial Justice in American Cities

by Edward G. Goetz

The One-Way Street of Integration examines two contrasting housing policy approaches to achieving racial justice. Integration initiatives and community development efforts have been for decades contrasting means of achieving racial equity through housing policy. Goetz traces the tensions involved in housing integration and policy to show why he doesn't see the solution to racial injustice as the government moving poor and nonwhite people out of their communities. The One-Way Street of Integration critiques fair housing integration policies for targeting settlement patterns while ignoring underlying racism and issues of economic and political power. Goetz challenges liberal orthodoxy, determining that the standard efforts toward integration are unlikely to lead to racial equity or racial justice in American cities. In fact, in this pursuit it is the community development movement rather that has the greatest potential for connecting to social change and social justice efforts.

One Team on All Levels: Stories from Toyota Team Members, Second Edition

by Tim Turner Constantine H. Sheldon John J. D'Azzo Constantine H. Houpis Stuart N. Sheldon

Written by actual Toyota team members, One Team on All Levels: Stories from Toyota Team Members, Second Edition is not another technical explanation of the Toyota Production System (TPS). Rather, it illustrates the culture it creates. The stories, told by employees from various levels of the organization, illustrate how Toyota‘s presence in Kentuck

One Team on All Levels: Stories from Toyota Team Members, Second Edition

by Tim Turner Constantine H. Sheldon John J. D'Azzo Constantine H. Houpis Stuart N. Sheldon

Written by actual Toyota team members, One Team on All Levels: Stories from Toyota Team Members, Second Edition is not another technical explanation of the Toyota Production System (TPS). Rather, it illustrates the culture it creates. The stories, told by employees from various levels of the organization, illustrate how Toyota‘s presence in Kentuck

One Second Ahead: Enhance Your Performance at Work with Mindfulness

by Rasmus Hougaard Jacqueline Carter Gillian Coutts

Researchers have found that the accelerated pace of modern office life is taking its toll on productivity, employee engagement, creativity and well-being. Faced with a relentless flood of information and distractions, our brains try to process everything at once increasing our stress, decreasing our effectiveness and negatively impacting our performance. Ironically, we have become too overworked, unfocused, and busy to stop and ask ourselves the most important question: What can we do to break the cycle of being constantly under pressure, always-on, overloaded with information and in environments filled with distractions? Do we need to accept this as the new workplace reality and continue to survive rather than thrive in modern day work environments? Thankfully, the answer is no. In their new book, ONE SECOND AHEAD: Enhance Your Performance at Work with Mindfulness (Palgrave Macmillan; November 2015), Rasmus Hougaard, Jacqueline Carter, and Gillian Coutts demonstrate that it is possible to train the brain to respond differently to today's constant pressures and distraction. All it takes is one second. They propose that we need to learn to work differently so we are more focused, calm and have less clutter in our mind so we can better manage our time and attention. What if we could hit the 'pause' button on our day, step back, and meet challenges with a sense of clarity and purpose? And what if there was a way not just of 'getting things done,' but ensuring that what does get done are the right things to do? Based on a program in corporate mindfulness designed by Hougaard and the partners of The Potential Project, One Second Ahead provides practical tools and techniques as well as real-world examples and lessons from organizations that have implemented mindfulness on a large scale. Thoroughly tested in a diverse range of industries, this program has resulted in measurable increases in productivity, effectiveness, and job satisfaction. With the new mindset proposed in One Second Ahead, readers will be able to put an end to ineffective multitasking, unproductive meetings, poor communication, and other unhealthy workplace behaviors by applying mindfulness to every day work life. All too often, we think that being mindful requires engaging in a special activity like meditation or yoga. Sure, these activities are beneficial and important to train the mind, but there are many simple things we can do to be mindful all day long. One Second Ahead is a handbook for more mindful work that offers: Practical, easy to apply, tools and techniques to enhance performance and effectiveness in day to day work activities such as meetings, emails, communication, planning, creativity and more Real-world stories of how mindfulness changed the workdays of leaders and front line employees Tips for cultivating mental strategies and routines that can reduce clutter, increase focus, and rewire your brain to enhance presence, patience, kindness and other valuable mind states Simple yet detailed step-by-step instructions for a more systematic approach to mindfulness training to enhance focus and awareness Guidelines for a 10-minute-per-day mindfulness program that can reshape your life both at work and at home; A reproducible planning worksheet and further resources in the Appendix. One Second Ahead can transform daily work life by helping individuals and teams realize more of their potential through greater focus and awareness. The tools and techniques in this book can transform individual and organizational performance one mind at a time.

One Quarter of the Nation: Immigration and the Transformation of America

by Nancy Foner

An in-depth look at the many ways immigration has redefined modern AmericaThe impact of immigrants over the past half century has become so much a part of everyday life in the United States that we sometimes fail to see it. This deeply researched book by one of America’s leading immigration scholars tells the story of how immigrants are fundamentally changing this country.An astonishing number of immigrants and their children—nearly eighty-six million people—now live in the United States. Together, they have transformed the American experience in profound and far-reaching ways that go to the heart of the country’s identity and institutions.Unprecedented in scope, One Quarter of the Nation traces how immigration has reconfigured America’s racial order—and, importantly, how Americans perceive race—and played a pivotal role in reshaping electoral politics and party alignments. It discusses how immigrants have rejuvenated our urban centers as well as some far-flung rural communities, and examines how they have strengthened the economy, fueling the growth of old industries and spurring the formation of new ones. This wide-ranging book demonstrates how immigration has touched virtually every facet of American culture, from the music we dance to and the food we eat to the films we watch and books we read.One Quarter of the Nation opens a new chapter in our understanding of immigration. While many books look at how America changed immigrants, this one examines how they changed America. It reminds us that immigration has long been a part of American society, and shows how immigrants and their families continue to redefine who we are as a nation.

One Quarter of the Nation: Immigration and the Transformation of America

by Nancy Foner

An in-depth look at the many ways immigration has redefined modern AmericaThe impact of immigrants over the past half century has become so much a part of everyday life in the United States that we sometimes fail to see it. This deeply researched book by one of America’s leading immigration scholars tells the story of how immigrants are fundamentally changing this country.An astonishing number of immigrants and their children—nearly eighty-six million people—now live in the United States. Together, they have transformed the American experience in profound and far-reaching ways that go to the heart of the country’s identity and institutions.Unprecedented in scope, One Quarter of the Nation traces how immigration has reconfigured America’s racial order—and, importantly, how Americans perceive race—and played a pivotal role in reshaping electoral politics and party alignments. It discusses how immigrants have rejuvenated our urban centers as well as some far-flung rural communities, and examines how they have strengthened the economy, fueling the growth of old industries and spurring the formation of new ones. This wide-ranging book demonstrates how immigration has touched virtually every facet of American culture, from the music we dance to and the food we eat to the films we watch and books we read.One Quarter of the Nation opens a new chapter in our understanding of immigration. While many books look at how America changed immigrants, this one examines how they changed America. It reminds us that immigration has long been a part of American society, and shows how immigrants and their families continue to redefine who we are as a nation.

One-Piece Flow vs. Batching: A Guide to Understanding How Continuous Flow Maximizes Productivity and Customer Value

by Charles Protzman Joe McNamara Dan Protzman

Although batching often appears more efficient than one-piece flow for individual tasks, the practice creates waste for other parts of the organization that more than offset its perceived benefits. A silent productivity killer, batching is an extremely difficult mindset to overcome and, as a result, numerous Lean initiatives have been destroyed by

One-Piece Flow vs. Batching: A Guide to Understanding How Continuous Flow Maximizes Productivity and Customer Value

by Charles Protzman Joe McNamara Dan Protzman

Although batching often appears more efficient than one-piece flow for individual tasks, the practice creates waste for other parts of the organization that more than offset its perceived benefits. A silent productivity killer, batching is an extremely difficult mindset to overcome and, as a result, numerous Lean initiatives have been destroyed by

One of the Boys: Masculinity, Homophobia, and Modern Manhood

by David Plummer

One of the Boys: Masculinity, Homophobia, and Modern Manhood takes a fresh look at the formation of modern male sexual identities. You will find that homophobia is not only widespread, but that it takes diverse forms and has far-reaching behavioral and social consequences. The new concept of “homophobic passage,” which is part of the development of all young men, will enlighten you as to the proposed “causes” of homosexuality and heterosexuality. One of the Boys will help you discover how the passage of young males from childhood to adulthood plays an important role in formation of the modern adult male self in gay and straight men. As a result, this knowledge will allow you to offer relevant services to clients who are struggling with societal stereotypes and identity issues. From this informative book, you will discover how homophobia plays a role in the increase in violence experienced by gay men and lesbians in our culture today. To help you offer improved services, One of the Boys discusses why homophobia is widespread, takes diverse forms, and has far-reaching behavioral and social consequences by: examining the school playground and its many effects on children’s peer groups to discover how profoundly names like “crybaby” and “poofter” can impact a child’s development learning that children often cannot escape harmful labels and stereotypes at home and realizing how it impacts a child’s developing sense of self discovering the media’s influence on role models and realizing the important role television and magazines play in providing information about homosexuality and homophobia realizing the heavy pressure homophobia exerts on men and how it shapes their relationships with women and other men, how emotionally close they allow themselves to get to people, how affectionate they are, and with whom they have sexual relations Through One of the Boys, you will gain valuable insight into the masculinity of the men interviewed and how it was shaped in order for you to develop a greater understanding of men and the many influences of society as a whole. This unique study investigates the development of homophobia and the meanings and significances people associate with it to help you understand how and where homophobia originates in our society.

One of the Boys: Masculinity, Homophobia, and Modern Manhood

by David Plummer

One of the Boys: Masculinity, Homophobia, and Modern Manhood takes a fresh look at the formation of modern male sexual identities. You will find that homophobia is not only widespread, but that it takes diverse forms and has far-reaching behavioral and social consequences. The new concept of “homophobic passage,” which is part of the development of all young men, will enlighten you as to the proposed “causes” of homosexuality and heterosexuality. One of the Boys will help you discover how the passage of young males from childhood to adulthood plays an important role in formation of the modern adult male self in gay and straight men. As a result, this knowledge will allow you to offer relevant services to clients who are struggling with societal stereotypes and identity issues. From this informative book, you will discover how homophobia plays a role in the increase in violence experienced by gay men and lesbians in our culture today. To help you offer improved services, One of the Boys discusses why homophobia is widespread, takes diverse forms, and has far-reaching behavioral and social consequences by: examining the school playground and its many effects on children’s peer groups to discover how profoundly names like “crybaby” and “poofter” can impact a child’s development learning that children often cannot escape harmful labels and stereotypes at home and realizing how it impacts a child’s developing sense of self discovering the media’s influence on role models and realizing the important role television and magazines play in providing information about homosexuality and homophobia realizing the heavy pressure homophobia exerts on men and how it shapes their relationships with women and other men, how emotionally close they allow themselves to get to people, how affectionate they are, and with whom they have sexual relations Through One of the Boys, you will gain valuable insight into the masculinity of the men interviewed and how it was shaped in order for you to develop a greater understanding of men and the many influences of society as a whole. This unique study investigates the development of homophobia and the meanings and significances people associate with it to help you understand how and where homophobia originates in our society.

One Night in America: Robert Kennedy, Cesar Chavez, and the Dream of Dignity

by Steven W. Bender

"Courageous." -Ilan Stavans, author of Spanglish: The Making of a New American Language Robert Kennedy and Cesar Chavez came from opposite sides of the tracks of race and class that still divide Americans. Both optimists, Kennedy and Chavez shared a common vision of equality. They united in the 1960s to crusade for the rights of migrant farm workers. Farm workers faded from public consciousness following Kennedy's assassination and Chavez's early passing. Yet the work of Kennedy and Chavez continues to reverberate in America today. Bender chronicles their warm friendship and embraces their bold political vision for making the American dream a reality for all. Although many books discuss Kennedy or Chavez individually, this is the first book to capture their multifaceted relationship and its relevance to mainstream U.S. politics and Latino/a politics today. Bender examines their shared legacy and its continuing influence on political issues including immigration, education, war, poverty, and religion. Mapping a new political path for Mexican Americans and the poor of all backgrounds, this book argues that there is still time to prove Kennedy and Chavez right.

One Night in America: Robert Kennedy, Cesar Chavez, and the Dream of Dignity

by Steven W. Bender

"Courageous." -Ilan Stavans, author of Spanglish: The Making of a New American Language Robert Kennedy and Cesar Chavez came from opposite sides of the tracks of race and class that still divide Americans. Both optimists, Kennedy and Chavez shared a common vision of equality. They united in the 1960s to crusade for the rights of migrant farm workers. Farm workers faded from public consciousness following Kennedy's assassination and Chavez's early passing. Yet the work of Kennedy and Chavez continues to reverberate in America today. Bender chronicles their warm friendship and embraces their bold political vision for making the American dream a reality for all. Although many books discuss Kennedy or Chavez individually, this is the first book to capture their multifaceted relationship and its relevance to mainstream U.S. politics and Latino/a politics today. Bender examines their shared legacy and its continuing influence on political issues including immigration, education, war, poverty, and religion. Mapping a new political path for Mexican Americans and the poor of all backgrounds, this book argues that there is still time to prove Kennedy and Chavez right.

One Nation, Underprivileged: Why American Poverty Affects Us All

by Mark Robert Rank

Despite its enormous wealth, the United States leads the industrialized world in poverty. One Nation, Underprivileged unravels this disturbing paradox by offering a unique and radically different understanding of American poverty. It debunks many of our most common myths about the poor, while at the same time provides a powerful new framework for addressing this enormous social and economic problem. Mark Robert Rank vividly shows that the fundamental causes of poverty are to be found in our economic structure and political policy failures, rather than individual shortcomings or attitudes. He establishes for the first time that a significant percentage of Americans will experience poverty during their adult lifetimes, and firmly demonstrates that poverty is an issue of vital national concern. Ultimately, Rank provides us with a new paradigm for understanding poverty, and outlines an innovative set of strategies that will reduce American poverty. One Nation, Underprivileged represents a profound starting point for rekindling a national focus upon America's most vexing social and economic problem.

One Nation, Underprivileged: Why American Poverty Affects Us All

by Mark Robert Rank

Despite its enormous wealth, the United States leads the industrialized world in poverty. One Nation, Underprivileged unravels this disturbing paradox by offering a unique and radically different understanding of American poverty. It debunks many of our most common myths about the poor, while at the same time provides a powerful new framework for addressing this enormous social and economic problem. Mark Robert Rank vividly shows that the fundamental causes of poverty are to be found in our economic structure and political policy failures, rather than individual shortcomings or attitudes. He establishes for the first time that a significant percentage of Americans will experience poverty during their adult lifetimes, and firmly demonstrates that poverty is an issue of vital national concern. Ultimately, Rank provides us with a new paradigm for understanding poverty, and outlines an innovative set of strategies that will reduce American poverty. One Nation, Underprivileged represents a profound starting point for rekindling a national focus upon America's most vexing social and economic problem.

One Nation, Two Realities: Dueling Facts in American Democracy

by Morgan Marietta David C. Barker

The deep divides that define politics in the United States are not restricted to policy or even cultural differences anymore. Americans no longer agree on basic questions of fact. Is climate change real? Does racism still determine who gets ahead? Is sexual orientation innate? Do immigration and free trade help or hurt the economy? Does gun control reduce violence? Are false convictions common? Employing several years of original survey data and experiments, Marietta and Barker reach a number of enlightening and provocative conclusions: dueling fact perceptions are not so much a product of hyper-partisanship or media propaganda as they are of simple value differences and deepening distrust of authorities. These duels foster social contempt, even in the workplace, and they warp the electorate. The educated -- on both the right and the left -- carry the biggest guns and are the quickest to draw. And finally, fact-checking and other proposed remedies don't seem to holster too many weapons; they can even add bullets to the chamber. Marietta and Barker's pessimistic conclusions will challenge idealistic reformers.

One Nation, Two Realities: Dueling Facts in American Democracy

by Morgan Marietta David C. Barker

The deep divides that define politics in the United States are not restricted to policy or even cultural differences anymore. Americans no longer agree on basic questions of fact. Is climate change real? Does racism still determine who gets ahead? Is sexual orientation innate? Do immigration and free trade help or hurt the economy? Does gun control reduce violence? Are false convictions common? Employing several years of original survey data and experiments, Marietta and Barker reach a number of enlightening and provocative conclusions: dueling fact perceptions are not so much a product of hyper-partisanship or media propaganda as they are of simple value differences and deepening distrust of authorities. These duels foster social contempt, even in the workplace, and they warp the electorate. The educated -- on both the right and the left -- carry the biggest guns and are the quickest to draw. And finally, fact-checking and other proposed remedies don't seem to holster too many weapons; they can even add bullets to the chamber. Marietta and Barker's pessimistic conclusions will challenge idealistic reformers.

One Mission: How Leaders Build A Team Of Teams

by Chris Fussell Charles Goodyear

In One Mission, former Navy SEAL Chris Fussell draws on his extensive experience of high-pressure team work to show how organizations can apply lessons from the field to successfully transform their way of doing business – becoming flatter, quicker, and much more collaborative across departments and divisions. 'Chris Fussell is one of the most dynamic thinkers of our day. His ideas and his perspectives have challenged many of my own assumptions and pushed me to think bigger. I’m smarter because of Chris Fussell. Read this book!'Simon Sinek, bestselling author of Start With WhyWhilst sharing his own military experience, Fussell explores examples of transition in companies ranging from industry titans like Intuit and Under Armour to small businesses, which have all adopted the ‘Team of Teams’ model in order to unite everyone around single compelling mission. The result is a ‘shared consciousness’ that drives consistently better results with less friction and inter-group rivalry.One Mission is a practical handbook for any leader looking to evolve their workforce into a highly mobile and effective unit and inspire their teams to look beyond their narrow field of vision to understand – and effectively contribute to – the organization’s one true mission.The steps of transition include:· Achieving strategic alignment: communicating organizational priorities down the chain of command.· Determining operating rhythm: organizing regular company catch up and feedback sessions.· Setting up communication and decision-making processes: developing a hybrid decision-making structure to empower and inspire every person on the team.· Shifting leadership behaviour: ensuring successful transition with radical humility by starting with the leader and continuing down the chain of command.

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