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Triangulation: Eine Einführung (Qualitative Sozialforschung)

by Uwe Flick

Das Buch führt anhand konkreter Vorgehensweisen in die Diskussion und Praxis der Triangulation ein. Es zeichnet Ursprung und Geschichte des Konzepts sowie kritische Diskussionen nach. Triangulation sollte sich nicht in der reinen Verbindung von Methoden erschöpfen. Erst in der Verknüpfung deren theoretischer Hintergründe entfaltet sie ihr Potential. An praktischen Beispielen wird die Triangulation verschiedener qualitativer und von qualitativen mit quantitativen Methoden dargestellt. Ausgewählte Studien mit diesen Formen werden vorgestellt, um die Beurteilung des Nutzens und des Aufwandes von Triangulation zu erleichtern. Praktische Durchführungsprobleme von Triangulationsstudien werden als Leitfaden für Studierende behandelt. Die Bedeutung von Triangulation als Kriterium qualitativer Forschung, in der Verallgemeinerung und als Mittel der Erkenntnis wird an ihrer Verwendung in den unterschiedlichen Schritten des Forschungsprozesses verdeutlicht.

Triangulation: Eine Einführung (Qualitative Sozialforschung)

by Uwe Flick

Das Buch führt anhand konkreter Vorgehensweisen in die Diskussion und Praxis der Triangulation ein. Es zeichnet Ursprung und Geschichte des Konzepts sowie kritische Diskussionen nach. Triangulation sollte sich nicht in der reinen Verbindung von Methoden erschöpfen. Erst in der Verknüpfung deren theoretischer Hintergründe entfaltet sie ihr Potential. An praktischen Beispielen wird die Triangulation verschiedener qualitativer und von qualitativen mit quantitativen Methoden dargestellt. Ausgewählte Studien mit diesen Formen werden vorgestellt, um die Beurteilung des Nutzens und des Aufwandes von Triangulation zu erleichtern.

Triangulation: Eine Einführung (Qualitative Sozialforschung #12)

by Uwe Flick

Das Buch führt anhand konkreter Vorgehensweisen in die Diskussion und Praxis der Triangulation ein. Es zeichnet Ursprung und Geschichte des Konzepts sowie kritische Diskussionen nach. Triangulation sollte sich nicht in der reinen Verbindung von Methoden erschöpfen. Erst in der Verknüpfung deren theoretischer Hintergründe entfaltet sie ihr Potential. An praktischen Beispielen wird die Triangulation verschiedener qualitativer und von qualitativen mit quantitativen Methoden dargestellt. Ausgewählte Studien mit diesen Formen werden vorgestellt, um die Beurteilung des Nutzens und des Aufwandes von Triangulation zu erleichtern. Praktische Durchführungsprobleme von Triangulationsstudien werden als Leitfaden für Studierende behandelt. Die Bedeutung von Triangulation als Kriterium qualitativer Forschung, in der Verallgemeinerung und als Mittel der Erkenntnis wird an ihrer Verwendung in den unterschiedlichen Schritten des Forschungsprozesses verdeutlicht.

Triangulating Methodological Approaches in Corpus Linguistic Research (Routledge Advances in Corpus Linguistics)

by Paul Baker Jesse Egbert

Contemporary corpus linguists use a wide variety of methods to study discourse patterns. This volume provides a systematic comparison of various methodological approaches in corpus linguistics through a series of parallel empirical studies that use a single corpus dataset to answer the same overarching research question. Ten contributing experts each use a different method to address the same broadly framed research question: In what ways does language use in online Q+A forum responses differ across four world English varieties (India, Philippines, United Kingdom, and United States)? Contributions will be based on analysis of the same 400,000 word corpus from online Q+A forums, and contributors employ methodologies including corpus-based discourse analysis, audience perceptions, Multi-Dimensional analysis, pragmatic analysis, and keyword analysis. In their introductory and concluding chapters, the volume editors compare and contrast the findings from each method and assess the degree to which ‘triangulating’ multiple approaches may provide a more nuanced understanding of a research question, with the aim of identifying a set of complementary approaches which could arguably take into account analytical blind spots. Baker and Egbert also consider the importance of issues such as researcher subjectivity, type of annotation, the limitations and affordances of different corpus tools, the relative strengths of qualitative and quantitative approaches, and the value of considering data or information beyond the corpus. Rather than attempting to find the ‘best’ approach, the focus of the volume is on how different corpus linguistic methodologies may complement one another, and raises suggestions for further methodological studies which use triangulation to enrich corpus-related research.

Triangulating Methodological Approaches in Corpus Linguistic Research (Routledge Advances in Corpus Linguistics)

by Paul Baker Jesse Egbert

Contemporary corpus linguists use a wide variety of methods to study discourse patterns. This volume provides a systematic comparison of various methodological approaches in corpus linguistics through a series of parallel empirical studies that use a single corpus dataset to answer the same overarching research question. Ten contributing experts each use a different method to address the same broadly framed research question: In what ways does language use in online Q+A forum responses differ across four world English varieties (India, Philippines, United Kingdom, and United States)? Contributions will be based on analysis of the same 400,000 word corpus from online Q+A forums, and contributors employ methodologies including corpus-based discourse analysis, audience perceptions, Multi-Dimensional analysis, pragmatic analysis, and keyword analysis. In their introductory and concluding chapters, the volume editors compare and contrast the findings from each method and assess the degree to which ‘triangulating’ multiple approaches may provide a more nuanced understanding of a research question, with the aim of identifying a set of complementary approaches which could arguably take into account analytical blind spots. Baker and Egbert also consider the importance of issues such as researcher subjectivity, type of annotation, the limitations and affordances of different corpus tools, the relative strengths of qualitative and quantitative approaches, and the value of considering data or information beyond the corpus. Rather than attempting to find the ‘best’ approach, the focus of the volume is on how different corpus linguistic methodologies may complement one another, and raises suggestions for further methodological studies which use triangulation to enrich corpus-related research.

Trials of Europeanization: Turkish Political Culture and the European Union

by I. Grigoriadis

This book provides a comprehensive evaluation of the impact of improving EU-Turkey relations on Turkish political culture. It also comprises a succinct overview of Turkey's most reaching reform process since Ataturk.

The Trials of Academe: The New Era of Campus Litigation

by Amy Gajda

Once upon a time, virtually no one in the academy thought to sue over campus disputes, and, if they dared, judges bounced the case on grounds that it was no business of the courts. Tenure decisions, grading curves, course content, and committee assignments were the stuff of faculty meetings, not lawsuits. Not so today. As Amy Gajda shows in this witty yet troubling book, litigation is now common on campus, and perhaps even more commonly feared. Professors sue each other for defamation based on assertions in research articles or tenure review letters; students sue professors for breach of contract when an F prevents them from graduating; professors threaten to sue students for unfairly criticizing their teaching. Gajda’s lively account introduces the new duo driving the changes: the litigious academic who sees academic prerogative as a matter of legal entitlement and the skeptical judge who is increasingly willing to set aside decades of academic deference to pronounce campus rights and responsibilities. This turn to the courts is changing campus life, eroding traditional notions of academic autonomy and confidentiality, and encouraging courts to micromanage course content, admissions standards, exam policies, graduation requirements, and peer review. This book explores the origins and causes of the litigation trend, its implications for academic freedom, and what lawyers, judges, and academics themselves can do to limit the potential damage.

Trials of Abu Ghraib: An Expert Witness Account of Shame and Honor

by S. G. Mestrovic

'Offers a front row seat at the courts martial of those accused in America's notorious prison abuse scandal.' -Adam Zagorin, senior correspondent, Time Magazine 'A must-read for all those committed to restoring a sense of honor to our country and the Armed Forces of the United States following the national embarrassment of Abu Ghraib. The unlawful directives and policies issued by the senior civilian leaders in the Department of Defense, and their flawed strategy that took our nation to war, set the conditions for abuse that would have disastrous consequences on the war in Iraq and the future of the Middle East. Amazingly, as of this writing, senior leaders have yet to be held accountable. Read this book, become better informed, and energize your elected officials to do the right thing.' -Major General John Batiste, U.S. Army (Retired) S. G. Mestrovic's story of three principal trials-those of convicted soldiers Lynndie England, Javal Davis, and Sabrina Harman-stands among the most poignant trial narratives ever told. During the trials Mestrovic, an expert witness on behalf of the three soldiers, had access to documents and records unavailable to the press and the public. He reveals the evidence, some suppressed from testimony, that the abuse at Abu Ghraib is part of a widespread pattern of abuse, imported from Guantanamo, that made its way to Afghanistan and Iraq.

Trials of Abu Ghraib: An Expert Witness Account of Shame and Honor

by S. G. Mestrovic

'Offers a front row seat at the courts martial of those accused in America's notorious prison abuse scandal.' -Adam Zagorin, senior correspondent, Time Magazine 'A must-read for all those committed to restoring a sense of honor to our country and the Armed Forces of the United States following the national embarrassment of Abu Ghraib. The unlawful directives and policies issued by the senior civilian leaders in the Department of Defense, and their flawed strategy that took our nation to war, set the conditions for abuse that would have disastrous consequences on the war in Iraq and the future of the Middle East. Amazingly, as of this writing, senior leaders have yet to be held accountable. Read this book, become better informed, and energize your elected officials to do the right thing.' -Major General John Batiste, U.S. Army (Retired) S. G. Mestrovic's story of three principal trials-those of convicted soldiers Lynndie England, Javal Davis, and Sabrina Harman-stands among the most poignant trial narratives ever told. During the trials Mestrovic, an expert witness on behalf of the three soldiers, had access to documents and records unavailable to the press and the public. He reveals the evidence, some suppressed from testimony, that the abuse at Abu Ghraib is part of a widespread pattern of abuse, imported from Guantanamo, that made its way to Afghanistan and Iraq.

The Trespasser's Companion

by Nick Hayes

The Trespasser's Companion is a rallying cry for greater public access to nature and a gently seditious guide to how to get it: by trespassing. We may be excluded from the majority of our land, no less than 92% in England, but bestselling nature writer and trespasser Nick Hayes shows how we can reclaim our lost connection. By engaging with the land through craft and learning and by caring for it, our relationship with the countryside will be better for us, and better for nature.Interwoven are testimonials from expert contributors – farmers and landworkers, activists and authors - each with deeply personal stories of what a connection to nature means for them. With exquisite woodcut illustrations throughout, this is both a love letter to nature and a call to action.

The Trespasser's Companion

by Nick Hayes

The Trespasser's Companion is a short, celebratory and urgent book about the land and our access to it. It is a call to adventure, a love letter to nature and, because in England we are excluded from 94% of the land, a gently seditious guide to trespass. With brilliant immediacy Nick Hayes shows how we can reclaim our lost connection to the land. From how to play in nature to how to leave no trace, this is an inspiring handbook to take out in your pocket. The book also features a host of passionate and expert environmental contributors including Robert Macfarlane and Guy Shrubsole.This Companion echoes the travel guides of yesteryear with beautiful woodcuts integrated throughout. This is a beautiful nature giftbook with a very modern edge.

Trennungsmanagement in Unternehmen: Trennungsprozesse in Führung und Personalwesen fair und transparent gestalten (essentials)

by Karin Wurth

Karin Wurth wendet sich in diesem essential an Führungskräfte und Personalverantwortliche, die aktiv in Trennungsprozesse in Unternehmen eingebunden sind und den Umgang damit als Teil einer guten Unternehmensführung begreifen. Die Autorin zeigt, dass sich ein wertschätzender, transparenter Umgang mit den beteiligten Anspruchsgruppen in Trennungsprozessen lohnt. Ein professioneller Trennungsprozess mit dem eigentlichen Trennungsgespräch im Zentrum bildet die praktische Basis aller Maßnahmen, deren Steuerung als Trennungsmanagement bezeichnet wird. Sie erläutert, wie die Unternehmenskultur durch faires Verhalten in schwierigen Situationen gestärkt wird.

Trennung und Scheidung bei Familien mit Migrationshintergrund: Junge Migrantenfamilien mit türkischer Herkunft in der Vor- und Nachscheidungsphase

by Meryem Bayrak

Dieses Buch geht den Fragen nach, wie die Familiensituation vor der Eheschließung bis hin zum Eheverlauf und anschließendem Trennungs- und Scheidungsprozess bei türkischen Migrationsfamilien durchlebt wird. Mittels problemzentrierter Interviews wurden 20 Frauen und Männer, die getrennt oder geschieden waren, befragt. In der Untersuchung werden subjektive Deutungen des Trennungs- und Scheidungsprozesses wie auch die Auseinandersetzungen mit den Scheidungsfolgen aufgedeckt. Diese Analyse bezieht erstmalig Männer mit türkischem Migrationshintergrund im Trennungs- und Scheidungsprozess ein.

Trends und Determinanten sozialer Probleme in reichen Ländern: Eine Zeitreihenanalyse über drei Dekaden (BestMasters)

by Marcus Gercke

In diesem Open-Access-Buch wird untersucht, warum sich wohlhabende Gesellschaften merklich im Ausmaß sozialer Probleme wie z. B. Kriminalität oder mangelnde Wahlbeteiligung unterscheiden. In einer makrosoziologischen Untersuchung von 40 wohlhabenden Ländern über den Zeitraum 1990 bis 2020 werden neben der im Forschungsfeld dominierenden Spirit-Level-Theorie, welche auf Einkommensungleichheit fokussiert, vier alternative Erklärungsansätze herangezogen: Wohlstand, ethnische Fraktionalisierung, soziales Misstrauen und das gesellschaftliche Werteklima. In den Ergebnissen der Quer- und Längsschnittanalysen zeigt sich kein Beleg für einen zentralen Erklärungsmechanismus. Vielmehr beeinflussen verschiedene Determinanten bestimmte soziale Probleme unterschiedlich stark, wobei sich Unterschiede im Wohlstandsniveau als stärkster Prädiktor herausstellen. Die Studie zeigt somit, dass die Gestaltung einer guten Gesellschaft nicht allein eine Frage der Einkommensverteilung ist.

Trends in Youth Development: Visions, Realities and Challenges (International Series in Outreach Scholarship #6)

by Peter L. Benson and Karen Johnson Pittman

MOVING THE YOUTH DEVELOPMENT MESSAGE: TURNING A VAGUE IDEA INTO A MORAL IMPERATIVE Peter L. Benson and Karen Pittman THE CONTAGION OF AN IDEA In the past fifteen years, countless programs, agencies, funding initiatives, profes­ sionals, and volunteers have embraced the term "youth development. " Linked more by shared passion than by formal membership or credentials, these people and places have contributed to a wave of energy and activity not unlike that of a social movement, with a multitude of people "on the ground" connecting to a set of ideas that give sustenance, support, and value to increasingly innovative efforts to build competent, successful, and healthy youth. There are several particularly interesting dimensions to this movement. First, the youth development idea has the potential to draw people and organizations to­ gether across many sectors. Conferences and initiatives using youth development language attract increasingly eclectic audiences, bringing together national youth organizations, schools, city, county, and state agencies, police and juvenile jus­ tice workers, clergy, and committed citizens. Perhaps embedded in the youth de­ velopment idea is a philosophy or a "way" that has created an intellectual and/or spiritual home for actors across many settings. However this happens, it is clear that one of the powerful social consequences of the youth development idea is a connecting of the dots-the weaving within and across city, county, state, and of a tapestry of new relationships.

Trends in Tourist Behavior: New Products and Experiences from Europe (Tourism, Hospitality & Event Management)

by Andrés Artal-Tur Metin Kozak Nazmi Kozak

This book examines both how tourist behavior is being shaped by the new tourism products and segments that are appearing on the European market and how the tourist experience influences post-trip evaluation of destinations and of tourism and hospitality businesses. On this basis, practical implications and recommendations are highlighted that will help destination management organizations to improve the performance of their destinations and particular businesses. The first part of the book explores visitor engagement with a range of new products relating to sports activities and events, city tourism, wine tourism, and youth tourism. In the second part, the focus is primarily on the ways in which tourist experiences influence subsequent trip recommendations, revisiting attitudes, and reviewing behavior on social media. Other topics to be addressed include the factors affecting tourism expenditure on accommodation in World Heritage Cities and the impacts of experience on the motivation of participants in recreational sports tourism events. The book will be of interest for researchers, industry professionals, under- and postgraduate students, and others who wish to learn about new trends in tourist behavior and emerging tourism products.

Trends in Sustainable Smart Cities and Territories (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #732)

by Luis Fernando Castillo Ossa Gustavo Isaza Óscar Cardona Omar Danilo Castrillón Juan Manuel Corchado Rodriguez Fernando De la Prieta Pintado

This book presents the latest scientific and technical advances in the fields of Smart Cities and Smart Territories. It shows outcomes of 2nd Sustainable Smart Cities and Territories International Conference in Manizales (Colombia) on June 21–23, 2023. The concept of smart cities, which emerged in the early 2000s, attempts to solve these challenges by implementing information and communication technologies. The initial concept of smart cities focused on the modernization of megacities.

Trends im Umweltbewusstsein: Umweltgerechtigkeit, Lebensqualität und persönliches Engagement

by Udo Kuckartz Anke Rheingans-Heintze

Die Umweltkatastrophen des Jahres 2005 haben deutlich vor Augen geführt, dass das Thema "Umweltschutz", insbesondere "Klimaschutz", aktueller denn je ist. Das Buch beleuchtet die aktuellen Trends im Umweltbewusstsein, untersucht Einflussfaktoren und fragt nach der Bereitschaft der Bevölkerung, sich für eine nachhaltige Umweltpolitik zu engagieren. Schwerpunkt der Studie ist eine kritische Sicht auf die heutigen Vorstellungen von Lebensqualität. Was macht in Deutschland Lebensqualität aus? Wie möchte man leben und wohnen? In welchem Spannungsverhältnis stehen diese Vorstellungen zum Leitbild der Nachhaltigen Entwicklung?

Trends and Prospects in Metacognition Research across the Life Span: A Tribute to Anastasia Efklides

by Despina Moraitou Panayiota Metallidou

This volume brings together trends and their prospects to understand the complexity of metacognitive phenomena, with emphasis on the interactions of metacognition with affect. It discusses the three perspectives in understanding these interactions: the possible mechanisms underlying them, the manifestation of interactions of metacognition with affect in self- and co-regulation in social and educational contexts, and changes during development in young children and older adults. This volume is a tribute to Professor Emerita Anastasia Efklides, who was among the pioneers to investigate and argue the importance of the interactions between metacognition and affect. It serves as a dedication to her contribution in the widening of the scope of research in metacognition and self-regulated learning.

Trends and Determinants of Healthy Aging in China

by Yi Zeng Jiehua Lu Xiaoyan Lei Xiaoming Shi

This book studies healthy aging in China based on analyses of the datasets of eight waves of longitudinal survey in 1998-2018 with worldwide largest sample of oldest-old. It consists of four parts. The first part reports the 6th, 7th, and 8th surveys of “Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey” (CLHLS), with the largest sample of oldest-old aged 80+ in the world and comparable sample of young-old aged 65–79, trends and characteristics of physical health and mental health of older adults in China based on analyses of the CLHLS datasets. The second part focuses on analyses and discussions of the influencing factors of healthy aging from perspectives of families, socioeconomics and community environments. The third part reports studies on the gender and age differences in main chronic diseases’ prevalence rates, inflammation, anti-oxidation, trace elements, effects of the nutritional dietary structure and the environmental selenium on health among the older adults. The fourth part focuses on the analyses and discussions of policy recommendations to face the serious challenges of the population aging in China and the database of the eight waves of CLHLS from 1998 to 2018, which are available free of charge to scholars, practitioners and general public for scientific research and socioeconomic planning. This book is easy to read and to understand by researchers and the general public, and no special professional background is required.

Trends and Applications in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: PAKDD 2021 Workshops, WSPA, MLMEIN, SDPRA, DARAI, and AI4EPT, Delhi, India, May 11, 2021 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12705)

by Manish Gupta Ganesh Ramakrishnan

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of five workshops that were held in conjunction with the 25th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, PAKDD 2021, in Delhi, India, in May 2021. The 17 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 39 submissions.. The five workshops were as follows: Workshop on Smart and Precise Agriculture (WSPA 2021) PAKDD 2021 Workshop on Machine Learning for Measurement Informatics (MLMEIN 2021) The First Workshop and Shared Task on Scope Detection of the Peer Review Articles (SDPRA 2021) The First International Workshop on Data Assessment and Readiness for AI (DARAI 2021) The First International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Enterprise Process Transformation (AI4EPT 2021)

Trends and Applications in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: PAKDD 2020 Workshops, DSFN, GII, BDM, LDRC and LBD, Singapore, May 11–14, 2020, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12237)

by Wei Lu Kenny Q. Zhu

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-workshop proceedings of the workshops that were held in conjunction with the 24th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, PAKDD 2020, in Singapore, Singapore, in May 2020. The 17 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 50 submissions. The five workshops were as follows: · First International Workshop on Literature-Based Discovery (LBD 2020) · Workshop on Data Science for Fake News (DSFN 2020)· Learning Data Representation for Clustering (LDRC 2020)· Ninth Workshop on Biologically Inspired Techniques for Data Mining (BDM· 2020)· First Pacific Asia Workshop on Game Intelligence & Informatics (GII 2020)

The Trend Towards the European Deregulation of Professions and its Impact on Portugal Under Crisis

by Raquel Rego

For the first time, European professional deregulation is the focus of reflection by social scientists. This book explores how professional associations act as pressure groups and highlights the democratic regime that is prevailing and the potential convergence problems that Europe may face.

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