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Trauma und Traumafolgestörung: In Medien, Management und Öffentlichkeit

by Markus J. Pausch Sven J. Matten

Dieses Buch bietet Lösungsansätze zur Angstbewältigung sowie bezüglich psychologischer Traumata und posttraumatischer Belastungsstörung mit besonderem Fokus auf die Zielgruppe exponierter Personen, die in Management, Medien oder allgemein in der Öffentlichkeit tätig sind und dadurch einer besonders starken Beobachtung und Bewertung durch ihr Umfeld ausgesetzt sind. Wie damit konstruktiv umgegangen werden kann und dies vielleicht sogar als Wettbewerbsvorteil genutzt sowie überwunden und persönliches Glück wiedererlangt werden kann, erläutert und unterstützt das vorliegende Werk.

Trauma und Sozialisation: Zu den Auswirkungen von Flüchtlingserfahrungen auf die nachfolgende Generation

by Abdulillah Polat

Abdulillah Polat untersucht Prozesse der Identitätsfindung und der Suche nach Anerkennung von Jugendlichen in Flüchtlingsfamilien. Dabei stellt er die Frage nach den Auswirkungen traumatischer Erlebnisse der Eltern auf die Sozialisation der nachfolgenden Generation. In seiner empirischen Untersuchung am Beispiel kurdischer Familien in Deutschland verwendet der Autor die Methode der biografischen Fallrekonstruktion, um die vielfältigen und intergenerationalen Auswirkungen von Traumata und beobachtete Bewältigungsmöglichkeiten darzustellen. Die Sozialisationsbedingungen der porträtierten Jugendlichen werden durch die frühe Übernahme von Verantwortung für die psychisch hoch belastete Familie erschwert, hinzu kommen soziale Benachteiligungen. Für die Betroffenen bestehen somit schon im Jugendalter hohe Anforderungen, die oft zu Überforderung führen.

Trauma und Blockaden im Coaching: Modelle, ihre Anwendung und Fallbeispiele

by Alexander Riechers Radim Ress

Blockaden, die mit Coaching gelöst werden sollen, sind häufig die Folge traumatischer Erfahrungen eines Menschen oder seiner Vorfahren. Anhand bildhafter Modelle erschließt sich dem Leser die vielschichtige Seelenlandschaft sowie deren Gesetzmäßigkeiten. Das Buch entschlüsselt Traumata als Grundbauelemente der Seele und folgt ihnen zu ihren Ursprüngen zurück: den Existenziellen Grenzerfahrungen und ihrem gemeinsamen Nenner, der seelischen Spaltung. Diese wirkt aus dem Unbewussten auf alle Lebensbereiche und ist mit dem Bewusstsein arbeitenden herkömmlichen Methoden daher nicht erreichbar. Der hier vorgestellte integrative Ansatz stellt Mittel und Wege zur Verfügung, die die Möglichkeiten von Coaching wesentlich erweitern.

Trauma und biografische Arbeit: Eine biografieanalytische Studie anhand erzählter Lebensgeschichten komplex traumatisierter Erwachsener (Sozialwissenschaftliche Gesundheitsforschung)

by Christin Schörmann

Im Rahmen dieser Studie wird rekonstruiert, wie Erwachsene, die infolge wiederholter Erlebnisse personaler Gewalt Traumata durch andere Menschen erfahren haben, ihre Lebensgeschichten biografisch bearbeiten. Zum zweiten wird untersucht, wie Handlungsmöglichkeiten und Handlungsbegrenzungen dabei bedeutsam werden. Wie die Ergebnisse zeigen, verhindert das fragmentierte biografische Erzählen der Biograf*innen ihre Erzähl- und Handlungsfähigkeit nicht. Ungeachtet entmächtigender, das Mitteilen erschwerender Gewalterlebnisse bietet ihre brüchige Erzählweise vielmehr die Möglichkeit, sich selbst als handlungsfähige*r Akteur*in zu präsentieren. Vor diesem Hintergrund erweist sich die dekonstruierende Selbstthematisierung als eine Form biografischer Bearbeitung, die Erzähl- und Handlungsfähigkeit ermöglicht.

Trauma, Stress, and Resilience Among Sexual Minority Women: Rising Like the Phoenix

by Kimberly Balsam

Prevent victimization of sexual minority women by raising your awareness level! Trauma, Stress, and Resilience Among Sexual Minority Women: Rising Like the Phoenix is the first resource to examine trauma, violence, and stress as experienced by lesbian and bisexual women. You&’ll gain a better understanding of the stressors that these women experience, including the cultural/social trauma of living with homophobia and heterosexism as well as the individual traumas of verbal, physical, and sexual abuse. This book contains never-before-seen data that investigates the prevalence, impact, and meaning of traumatic experiences in the lives of sexual minority women. In Trauma, Stress, and Resilience Among Sexual Minority Women, top researchers use direct quotes and case examples to illustrate and personalize the emotional strain these women endure. Furthermore, they address constructive individual and community responses that promote resilience and healing. The information and strategies contained in this book will help sexual minority women, as well as the practitioners who serve them, understand and heal from the impact of individual and cultural trauma. This book will increase your knowledge of: developmental issues facing lesbian and bisexual youths the impact of sexual abuse history on the "coming out" process ethnic/racial differences in trauma among lesbian and bisexual women the prevalence and impact of traumatic experience among HIV+ lesbian and bisexual women the unique stressors facing African-American lesbians-and how they cope organized religion&’s approaches to homosexuality and how this impacts lesbian and bisexual women Trauma, Stress, and Resilience Among Sexual Minority Women also shows how data on same-sex domestic violence and hate crimes can be gathered and used as a tool for social and political advocacy, bringing about positive changes that can improve the lives of many lesbian and bisexual women. This book is insightful reading for mental health, health, and social service professionals working with lesbian and bisexual clients or patients, and activists and individuals who work for organizations that serve the gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender communities.

Trauma, Stress, and Resilience Among Sexual Minority Women: Rising Like the Phoenix

by Kimberly Balsam

Prevent victimization of sexual minority women by raising your awareness level! Trauma, Stress, and Resilience Among Sexual Minority Women: Rising Like the Phoenix is the first resource to examine trauma, violence, and stress as experienced by lesbian and bisexual women. You&’ll gain a better understanding of the stressors that these women experience, including the cultural/social trauma of living with homophobia and heterosexism as well as the individual traumas of verbal, physical, and sexual abuse. This book contains never-before-seen data that investigates the prevalence, impact, and meaning of traumatic experiences in the lives of sexual minority women. In Trauma, Stress, and Resilience Among Sexual Minority Women, top researchers use direct quotes and case examples to illustrate and personalize the emotional strain these women endure. Furthermore, they address constructive individual and community responses that promote resilience and healing. The information and strategies contained in this book will help sexual minority women, as well as the practitioners who serve them, understand and heal from the impact of individual and cultural trauma. This book will increase your knowledge of: developmental issues facing lesbian and bisexual youths the impact of sexual abuse history on the "coming out" process ethnic/racial differences in trauma among lesbian and bisexual women the prevalence and impact of traumatic experience among HIV+ lesbian and bisexual women the unique stressors facing African-American lesbians-and how they cope organized religion&’s approaches to homosexuality and how this impacts lesbian and bisexual women Trauma, Stress, and Resilience Among Sexual Minority Women also shows how data on same-sex domestic violence and hate crimes can be gathered and used as a tool for social and political advocacy, bringing about positive changes that can improve the lives of many lesbian and bisexual women. This book is insightful reading for mental health, health, and social service professionals working with lesbian and bisexual clients or patients, and activists and individuals who work for organizations that serve the gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender communities.

Trauma-sensitivity and Peacebuilding: Considering the Case of South Sudanese Refugees in Kakuma Refugee Camp (The Anthropocene: Politik—Economics—Society—Science #12)

by Lydia Wanja Gitau

This book identifies a gap in peacebuilding theory and practice in terms of sensitivity to trauma and its impact on the survivors of war and other mass violence. The research focuses on the traumatic experiences and perceptions of peace of South Sudanese refugees in Kakuma Refugee Camp in Northwestern Kenya. It further explores the possibilities for peacebuilding identified in these perceptions. A lack of sensitivity to the trauma experienced by the survivors of conflict and mass violence leads to interventions that are at best removed from, and at worst detrimental to the welfare of the survivors. Interventions that take into consideration the complex and multifaceted ways in which the survivors experience and respond to the traumatic events, encourage capacities for resilience in the survivors, engage the creative arts in peacebuilding, and emphasise the centrality of community and relationships, are seen to assist the survivors in recovery from trauma and to facilitate peacebuilding.• Diverse anecdotes and real life stories from the research participants.• The journey as a recurring motif throughout the book, weaved in a clear, easy to read style of writing.

Trauma-Responsive Organisations: The Trauma Ecology Model (Emerald Points)

by Daryl Mahon

Practitioners, organisations and policy makers in health and social care settings are increasingly recognising the need for trauma-informed approaches in organisational settings, with morbidity and financial burdens being of growing concern. Servant leadership has a unique focus on emotional healing, service to others as the first priority, in addition to the growth, well-being and personal and professional development of key stakeholders. Mahon provides a ‘how to’ approach to the systematic implementation of the Trauma Ecology Model for those working in both trauma specific, and non-specific organisations. He goes beyond the idea of trauma-informed care principles only, and seeks to incorporate trauma responsiveness at all levels, including leadership, supervision, treatment, through an implementation framework. Unique to this approach is the focus on servant leadership, the first of its kind. Servant leadership is used as the foundation to operationalize several of the six principles of trauma-informed care, making organizations a safer and healthier environment for employees and service users.

Trauma-Responsive Organisations: The Trauma Ecology Model (Emerald Points)

by Daryl Mahon

Practitioners, organisations and policy makers in health and social care settings are increasingly recognising the need for trauma-informed approaches in organisational settings, with morbidity and financial burdens being of growing concern. Servant leadership has a unique focus on emotional healing, service to others as the first priority, in addition to the growth, well-being and personal and professional development of key stakeholders. Mahon provides a ‘how to’ approach to the systematic implementation of the Trauma Ecology Model for those working in both trauma specific, and non-specific organisations. He goes beyond the idea of trauma-informed care principles only, and seeks to incorporate trauma responsiveness at all levels, including leadership, supervision, treatment, through an implementation framework. Unique to this approach is the focus on servant leadership, the first of its kind. Servant leadership is used as the foundation to operationalize several of the six principles of trauma-informed care, making organizations a safer and healthier environment for employees and service users.

Trauma Practice in the Wake of September 11, 2001

by Steven N Gold Jan Faust

Trauma practitioners and educators: are you ready to meet the challenges of the aftermath of terrorist attacks?Trauma Practice in the Wake of September 11, 2001 will show you how frontline trauma practitioners responded to the crisis of the terrorist attacks. In keeping with Haworth’s mission to provide practitioners and educators with timely information on the assessment and treatment of trauma, this essential book responds to the traumatic impact of the events of September 11th, 2001 and their implications for trauma practice. In Trauma Practice in the Wake of September 11, 2001, you’ll hear from the leaders of the Green Cross--one of the most prominent organizations providing psychological disaster response services--on their experience in the World Trade Center disaster, and read about the treatment of a client who was in the first WTC bombing in 1993. You'll also find revealing interviews with an Israeli psychologist and a Palestinian psychiatrist who focus on the impact of terrorism on their citizens. Trauma Practice in the Wake of September 11, 2001 is your key to state-of-the-art information on: the psychology of terrorism the traumatic impact of terrorism on those directly affected the traumatic impact of terrorism on the general population ways to help children, adolescents, and adults cope with the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on America how to deal with “compassion fatigue” (emotional depletion among helping professionals working with traumatized populations) traumatologists’response to rescue workers and victims in New York CityThe catastrophic events of September 11th have and will continue to raise special challenges for those of us in the field of trauma practice. By publishing this book and the ones to follow, we hope to assist trauma practitioners and educators in effectively meeting these continuing challenges.

Trauma Practice in the Wake of September 11, 2001

by Steven N Gold Jan Faust

Trauma practitioners and educators: are you ready to meet the challenges of the aftermath of terrorist attacks?Trauma Practice in the Wake of September 11, 2001 will show you how frontline trauma practitioners responded to the crisis of the terrorist attacks. In keeping with Haworth’s mission to provide practitioners and educators with timely information on the assessment and treatment of trauma, this essential book responds to the traumatic impact of the events of September 11th, 2001 and their implications for trauma practice. In Trauma Practice in the Wake of September 11, 2001, you’ll hear from the leaders of the Green Cross--one of the most prominent organizations providing psychological disaster response services--on their experience in the World Trade Center disaster, and read about the treatment of a client who was in the first WTC bombing in 1993. You'll also find revealing interviews with an Israeli psychologist and a Palestinian psychiatrist who focus on the impact of terrorism on their citizens. Trauma Practice in the Wake of September 11, 2001 is your key to state-of-the-art information on: the psychology of terrorism the traumatic impact of terrorism on those directly affected the traumatic impact of terrorism on the general population ways to help children, adolescents, and adults cope with the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on America how to deal with “compassion fatigue” (emotional depletion among helping professionals working with traumatized populations) traumatologists’response to rescue workers and victims in New York CityThe catastrophic events of September 11th have and will continue to raise special challenges for those of us in the field of trauma practice. By publishing this book and the ones to follow, we hope to assist trauma practitioners and educators in effectively meeting these continuing challenges.

Trauma, Postmodernism and the Aftermath of World War II

by P. Crosthwaite

The first sustained study of the relationship between Anglo-American postmodernist fiction and the Second World War, Crosthwaite demonstrates that postmodernism has not abandoned history but has rather reformulated it in terms of trauma that is traceable, time and again, to the catastrophes of the 1940s.

The Trauma of Racism: Exploring the Systems and People Fear Built

by Alisha Moreland-Capuia

This book provides in-depth analysis of the historical, philosophical, anthropological, political and neurobiological reinforcements of fear and the role of fear-on-fear interactions in the construction and maintenance of systems. This text will help systems appreciate the profound, pervasive and deleterious role fear has played in the establishment of laws, policies and practices, and explore what systems can do to reduce fear and prioritize safety and healing. Right now we are dealing with hard truths: human suffering runs deep and is universal; trauma is ubiquitous and widespread; racism is real and has profound psychological, physical, political, social and economic implications; and the world is hurting and needs healing. Many are curious about where and when healing will commence, who will facilitate it and what it will look and feel like. Healing comes in this order: safety, truth and then reconciliation. When we know better, we can (or should) certainly do better. This book offers a framework for how to effectively begin to deconstruct systemic fear, prioritize safety, reduce needless suffering and move toward optimal healing and sustained change.

Trauma-Informed Research in Sport, Exercise, and Health: Qualitative Methods (Qualitative Research in Sport and Physical Activity)

by Kerry R. McGannon Jenny McMahon

This is the first book to examine trauma research in the context of sport, exercise, and health. It outlines evidence-based, trauma-informed research practices, which qualitative researchers can use when conducting trauma research to prevent causing further harm to participants while maintaining a strengths-based approach.Featuring the trauma research of leading qualitative sport, exercise, and health researchers from around the world, each chapter showcases the contributors’ trauma research and participant context, followed by the ‘what, why, and how’ of trauma-informed research practices that were implemented. This book includes work from a wide range of contexts, including gender-based violence in sport and coaching, abuse in sport, the aftermath of abuse and violence, physical activity after spinal cord injury, trauma and limb amputation, trauma and homelessness, trauma and autistic adults, and sport for care-experienced youth. It provides researchers interested in working with populations affected by trauma with a qualitative research resource to build on, and highlights new directions in conducting trauma-informed research.This is important reading for any researcher with an interest in trauma not only in sport, exercise, and health research but also in qualitative research contexts more broadly. It is a valuable resource for anyone working in athlete welfare, sport and exercise psychology, youth sport, sport development, physical activity and health, disability, gender, safeguarding, or social work.

Trauma-Informed Research in Sport, Exercise, and Health: Qualitative Methods (Qualitative Research in Sport and Physical Activity)

by Kerry R. McGannon Jenny McMahon

This is the first book to examine trauma research in the context of sport, exercise, and health. It outlines evidence-based, trauma-informed research practices, which qualitative researchers can use when conducting trauma research to prevent causing further harm to participants while maintaining a strengths-based approach.Featuring the trauma research of leading qualitative sport, exercise, and health researchers from around the world, each chapter showcases the contributors’ trauma research and participant context, followed by the ‘what, why, and how’ of trauma-informed research practices that were implemented. This book includes work from a wide range of contexts, including gender-based violence in sport and coaching, abuse in sport, the aftermath of abuse and violence, physical activity after spinal cord injury, trauma and limb amputation, trauma and homelessness, trauma and autistic adults, and sport for care-experienced youth. It provides researchers interested in working with populations affected by trauma with a qualitative research resource to build on, and highlights new directions in conducting trauma-informed research.This is important reading for any researcher with an interest in trauma not only in sport, exercise, and health research but also in qualitative research contexts more broadly. It is a valuable resource for anyone working in athlete welfare, sport and exercise psychology, youth sport, sport development, physical activity and health, disability, gender, safeguarding, or social work.

Trauma, Ethics and the Political Beyond PTSD: The Dislocations of the Real

by G. Bistoen

The contemporary psychiatric approach to trauma, encapsulated in the diagnostic category of PTSD, has been criticized for its neglect of the political dimensions involved in the etiology and treatment of trauma. By means of a philosophical and psychoanalytical analysis, the depoliticizing potential of the biomedical approach is tied to a more general 'ethical crisis' in post-traditional societies. Via the work of Lacan, Žižek and Badiou on the act and the event, this book constructs a conceptual framework that revives the ethical and political dimensions of trauma recovery.

Trauma-Centered Group Psychotherapy for Women: A Clinician's Manual

by Hadar Lubin David Read Johnson

Learn effective PTSD group treatment The awareness of psychological trauma has grown exponentially in the past decade, and clinicians in many areas have increasingly found themselves confronted with the need to provide trauma-related services to clients. Still, there remains a serious lack of manuals that guide clinicians using group therapy to treat posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Trauma-Centered Group Psychotherapy for Women: A Clinician’s Manual is the important, “how-to” resource that fills this void with a successful theory-based, field-tested model of group therapy for traumatized women. Concise and full of clinical examples, this helpful text includes a session-by-session guide for clinicians and a workbook for clients. Comprehensive and practical, Trauma-Centered Group Psychotherapy for Women: A Clinician’s Manual not only describes the theory, method, and rationale for this effective treatment, but also offers a complete, step-by-step clinician’s manual and client workbook to help implement the model and establish effective practice. Explained in-depth are unique methods such as the use of testimonial and ceremonial structures to heighten the therapeutic impact and case examples of individual client histories and progress through treatment. In addition, appendices detailing a treatment contract and a script for a trauma program “Graduation Ceremony” are also included. Chapters in Trauma-Centered Group Psychotherapy for Women cover: concepts of group therapy with traumatized populations developmental theory of trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder usefulness and challenges of various formats of group therapy session-by-session instructions for clinicians session-by-session workbook for clients guidance in handling difficult treatment and clinical situations group therapy procedures and rules managing traumatic re-enactments empirical support for TCGP and much more!With a detailed bibliography and numerous diagrams, charts, and tables for visualizing information, Trauma-Centered Group Psychotherapy for Women is an ideal resource for mental health clinicians of all types, graduate students and educators, state mental health commissions and agencies, libraries, hospitals, and clinics.

Trauma-Centered Group Psychotherapy for Women: A Clinician's Manual

by Hadar Lubin David Read Johnson

Learn effective PTSD group treatment The awareness of psychological trauma has grown exponentially in the past decade, and clinicians in many areas have increasingly found themselves confronted with the need to provide trauma-related services to clients. Still, there remains a serious lack of manuals that guide clinicians using group therapy to treat posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Trauma-Centered Group Psychotherapy for Women: A Clinician’s Manual is the important, “how-to” resource that fills this void with a successful theory-based, field-tested model of group therapy for traumatized women. Concise and full of clinical examples, this helpful text includes a session-by-session guide for clinicians and a workbook for clients. Comprehensive and practical, Trauma-Centered Group Psychotherapy for Women: A Clinician’s Manual not only describes the theory, method, and rationale for this effective treatment, but also offers a complete, step-by-step clinician’s manual and client workbook to help implement the model and establish effective practice. Explained in-depth are unique methods such as the use of testimonial and ceremonial structures to heighten the therapeutic impact and case examples of individual client histories and progress through treatment. In addition, appendices detailing a treatment contract and a script for a trauma program “Graduation Ceremony” are also included. Chapters in Trauma-Centered Group Psychotherapy for Women cover: concepts of group therapy with traumatized populations developmental theory of trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder usefulness and challenges of various formats of group therapy session-by-session instructions for clinicians session-by-session workbook for clients guidance in handling difficult treatment and clinical situations group therapy procedures and rules managing traumatic re-enactments empirical support for TCGP and much more!With a detailed bibliography and numerous diagrams, charts, and tables for visualizing information, Trauma-Centered Group Psychotherapy for Women is an ideal resource for mental health clinicians of all types, graduate students and educators, state mental health commissions and agencies, libraries, hospitals, and clinics.

Trauma and Trauma Consequence Disorder: In Media, Management and Public

by Markus J. Pausch Sven J. Matten

This companion offers solutions for coping with anxiety as well as psychological trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder with a special focus on the target group of exposed persons who are active in management, the media or in the public in general and are thus exposed to particularly strong observation and evaluation by their environment. This work explains and supports how this can be dealt with constructively and perhaps even used as a competitive advantage as well as overcome fears and regain personal happiness.

Trauma and Serious Mental Illness

by Steven N. Gold John D. Elhai

An exploration of the newfound connections between mental illness and trauma For decades, the idea that serious mental illnesses (SMIs) are almost exclusively biologically-based and must be treated pharmacologically has been commonplace in psychology literature. As a result, many mental health professionals have stopped listening to their clients, categorizing their symptoms as manifestations of neurologically-based disturbed thinking. Trauma and Serious Mental Illness is the groundbreaking series of works that challenge this standard view and provides a comprehensive introduction to the emerging perspective of SMIs as trauma-based. This unique collection illustrates how different psychotherapy approaches can lead to reduced symptomatology, decreased psychological distress, and improved functioning in individuals living with SMIs. Each extensively-referenced chapter in Trauma and Serious Mental Illness offers mental health workers a forward-looking theoretical inquiry, empirical study, or critical treatise providing compelling counter evidence to challenge the widespread belief that SMIs are not reactions to the extreme and extremely disturbing circumstances embodied by psychological trauma. In addition to the etiological application, this revealing text proposes ways to incorporate this cutting-edge approach toward treatment options as well. Contributors to Trauma and Serious Mental Illness suggest that: childhood trauma is related to psychotic disorders dissociation can be confounded with psychotic symptoms auditory hallucinations can be diagnostic of dissociation rather than psychosis psychosis is related to the quality of family of origin environment and to age of onset of childhood abuse bipolar and trauma-related disorders sometimes overlap individuals with SMIs suffer related trauma even in treatment facilities and much more!Trauma and Serious Mental Illness is an eye-opening resource for mental health professionals, psychologists, counselors, psychiatrists, social workers, trauma workers, and educators and students in these disciplines.

Trauma and Serious Mental Illness

by Steven N. Gold Jon D. Elhai

An exploration of the newfound connections between mental illness and trauma For decades, the idea that serious mental illnesses (SMIs) are almost exclusively biologically-based and must be treated pharmacologically has been commonplace in psychology literature. As a result, many mental health professionals have stopped listening to their clients, categorizing their symptoms as manifestations of neurologically-based disturbed thinking. Trauma and Serious Mental Illness is the groundbreaking series of works that challenge this standard view and provides a comprehensive introduction to the emerging perspective of SMIs as trauma-based. This unique collection illustrates how different psychotherapy approaches can lead to reduced symptomatology, decreased psychological distress, and improved functioning in individuals living with SMIs. Each extensively-referenced chapter in Trauma and Serious Mental Illness offers mental health workers a forward-looking theoretical inquiry, empirical study, or critical treatise providing compelling counter evidence to challenge the widespread belief that SMIs are not reactions to the extreme and extremely disturbing circumstances embodied by psychological trauma. In addition to the etiological application, this revealing text proposes ways to incorporate this cutting-edge approach toward treatment options as well. Contributors to Trauma and Serious Mental Illness suggest that: childhood trauma is related to psychotic disorders dissociation can be confounded with psychotic symptoms auditory hallucinations can be diagnostic of dissociation rather than psychosis psychosis is related to the quality of family of origin environment and to age of onset of childhood abuse bipolar and trauma-related disorders sometimes overlap individuals with SMIs suffer related trauma even in treatment facilities and much more!Trauma and Serious Mental Illness is an eye-opening resource for mental health professionals, psychologists, counselors, psychiatrists, social workers, trauma workers, and educators and students in these disciplines.

Trauma and Resilience in Contemporary Australian Policing: Is PTS Inevitable for First Responders?

by Andrew Paterson

This book examines how fifty police officers in South Australia keep well and “bounce back” from duty-related traumatic experience in the absence of practical, accessible and timely organisational support. It investigates mechanisms police officers presently use to “normalise” their duty-related traumatic experiences to preserve the delicate professional balance between “coping” and “psychic numbing” and avoid the much publicised perils of a PTSD diagnosis, while being appropriately responsive to colleagues, victims and survivors in their daily work environment. By revealing how police officers manage trauma—outside of the expectations of mental health professionals, union representatives and police leadership—innovative approaches and recommendations are offered to support first responders in moving from assumptions of post-traumatic stress and through post-traumatic growth. The book considers recent advances in post-traumatic growth and resilience theory and reinterprets exposure in a positive context, as well as preventative experiences in Australia and internationally.

Trauma and Resilience Among Displaced Populations: A Sociocultural Exploration

by Gail Theisen-Womersley

This open access book provides an enriched understanding of historical, collective, cultural, and identity-related trauma, emphasising the social and political location of human subjects. It therefore presents a socio-ecological perspective on trauma, rather than viewing displaced individuals as traumatised “passive victims”. The vastness of the phenomenon of trauma among displaced populations has led it to become a critical and timely area of inquiry, and this book is an important addition to the literature. It gives an overview of theoretical frameworks related to trauma and migration—exploring factors of risk and resilience, prevalence rates of PTSD, and conceptualisations of trauma beyond psychiatric diagnoses; conceptualises experiences of trauma from a sociocultural perspective (including collective trauma, collective aspirations, and collective resilience); and provides applications for professionals working with displaced populations in complex institutional, legal, and humanitarian settings. It includes case studies based on the author’s own 10-year experience working in emergency contexts with displaced populations in 11 countries across the world. This book presents unique data collected by the author herself, including interviews with survivors of ISIS attacks, with an asylum seeker in Switzerland who set himself alight in protest against asylum procedures, and women from the Murle tribe affected by the conflict in South Sudan who experienced an episode of mass fainting spells. This is an important resource for academics and professionals working in the field of trauma studies and with traumatised groups and individuals.

Trauma and Public Memory (Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies)

by Jane Goodall Christopher Lee

This collection explores the ways in which traumatic experience becomes a part of public memory. It explores the premise that traumatic events are realities; they happen in the world, not in the fantasy life of individuals or in the narrative frames of our televisions and cinemas.

Trauma and Motherhood in Contemporary Literature and Culture

by Laura Lazzari Nathalie Ségeral

Trauma and Motherhood in Contemporary Literature and Culture repositions motherhood studies through the lens of trauma theory by exploring new challenges surrounding conception, pregnancy, and postpartum experiences. Chapters investigate nine case studies of motherhood trauma and recovery in literature and culture from the last twenty years by exploring their emotional consequences through the lens of trauma, resilience, and “working through” theories. Contributions engage with a transnational corpus drawn from the five continents and span topics as rarely discussed as pregnancy denial, surrogacy, voluntary or involuntary childlessness, racism and motherhood, carceral mothering practices, surrogacy, IVF, artificial wombs, and mothering through war, genocide, and migration. Accompanied by an online creative supplement, this volume deals with silenced aspects of embodied motherhood while enhancing a better understanding of the cathartic effects of storytelling.

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