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Showing 75,326 through 75,350 of 75,986 results

Adult Education: The Legislative and Policy Environment

by SérgioHaddad

The studies contained in this volume present a sampling of policy and legislation relating to adult learning in various parts of the world. They were produced in the context of a more complete survey, under the auspices of the UNESCO Institute for Education (VIE) in cooperation with the University of Florence, which sought to identify tendencies in this field over the past few years. The international research project, under which these national studies were made, was developed under the direction of Paul Belanger, Director of UIE, and Paolo Federighi, Professor at the University of Florence. An international publication by the two project directors, due to appear at the beginning of 1997, will report on the findings of the project, which involves 26 countries. The contributions presented here reflect a broad geographical spectrum as well as a wide range of policy models. From an analysis of these studies, it is apparent that this is a field in which there has been much innovation and which encompasses markedly varying approaches in response to different national conditions.

Adressatinnen und Adressaten der Sozialen Arbeit: Eine Einführung (Basiswissen Soziale Arbeit #3)

by Gunther Graßhoff

Das Lehrbuch bietet einen kompakten Überblick von Wissen über Adressat_innen der Sozialen Arbeit. Unterschiedliche Konzepte werden vorgestellt und in ihrem theoretischen Hintergrund diskutiert. Mit Fallbeispielen und zusätzlichen Materialien wird eine systematische Ordnung der Sozialen Arbeit und ihrer Adressaten_innen entwickelt. Unter Berücksichtigung des Lebenslaufs und der Biographie, Geschlecht und Migration, orientiert an Lebenslagen und sozialen Problemen, führt das Buch Studierende in die strukturellen Anforderungen bei der Arbeit mit Menschen im System der Sozialen Arbeit ein. Herausforderungen einer sozialpädagogischen Adressatenforschung werden aufgezeigt und praktische Lösungen beschrieben.

Adorno und Bourdieu: Ein Theorievergleich

by Martin Proißl

In Adornos Kritischer Theorie der Gesellschaft und Bourdieus Soziologischer Theorie der Praxis wird das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen der Wirkungs- und Beharrungsmacht bestehender sozialer Strukturen und der Handlungsmacht sozialer Akteure unterschiedlich ausgetragen. Beide Theorien stimmen darin überein, dass soziale Ungleichheit, Macht und Herrschaft, von den Subjekten internalisiert bzw. inkorporiert und infolge dessen selbsttätig reproduziert werden. In der Frage, ob es aus diesem circulus vitiosus von objektiven Macht- und Herrschaftsstrukturen und deren subjektiver Reproduktion vermittels Sozialcharakter und Habitus ein Entkommen gibt, unterscheiden sie sich grundsätzlich. Martin Proißl zeichnet die beiden einflussreichen soziologischen Theorien detailgenau nach. Er folgt der Fragestellung, wie in ihnen das Verhältnis von Determination und Freiheit jeweils bestimmt wurde und ermöglicht dadurch eine begründete Einschätzung ihres emanzipatorischen Potenzials.

Adorno Und Andere: Soziologische Exkurse Zu Kunst Und Literatur (Kulturen Der Gesellschaft Ser. #59)

by Walther Müller-Jentsch

Der Soziologe und Kunsttheoretiker Theodor W. Adorno hat mit seinen Aufsätzen und Büchern den Diskurs über die künstlerische Produktion in der Moderne maßgeblich mitgeprägt. Walther Müller-Jentsch führt mit seinen Analysen ins Zentrum des ausgreifenden kunstsoziologischen Denkens Adornos ein - und im weiteren Kontext ins Kunstverständnis ihm verwandter Meisterdenker wie Max Weber, Pierre Bourdieu und Herbert Marcuse. Mit seinen weiteren Überlegungen zur Kunst als Profession und als Medium der Kritik ergänzt er die kaleidoskopische Sicht auf das moderne Kunstsystem mit Einsichten aus Literatur- und Kunstsoziologie, Ästhetik und Kunstgeschichte.

Adorno on Popular Culture (International Library of Sociology)

by Robert W. Witkin

Robert W. Witkin unpacks Adorno's notoriously difficult critique of popular culture in an engaging and accessible style, looking first at the development of the overarching theories of authority, commodification and negative dialectics. He then goes on to consider Adorno's writing on specific aspects of popular culture such as radio, film and popular music.

Adorno on Popular Culture (International Library of Sociology)

by Robert W. Witkin

Robert W. Witkin unpacks Adorno's notoriously difficult critique of popular culture in an engaging and accessible style, looking first at the development of the overarching theories of authority, commodification and negative dialectics. He then goes on to consider Adorno's writing on specific aspects of popular culture such as radio, film and popular music.

Adorno on Music (International Library of Sociology)

by Robert W. Witkin

Adorno is one of the leading cultural thinkers of the twentieth century. This is the first detailed account of Adorno's texts on music from a sociological perspective. In clear, non-technical language, Robert Witkin guides the reader through the complexities of Adorno's argument about the link between music and morality and between musical works and social structure. It was largely through these works Adorno established the right of the arts to be acknowledged as a moral and critical force in the development of a modern society. By recovering them for non-musicologists, Witkin adds immeasurably to our appreciation of this giant of twentieth-century thought.

Adorno on Music (International Library of Sociology)

by Robert W. Witkin

Adorno is one of the leading cultural thinkers of the twentieth century. This is the first detailed account of Adorno's texts on music from a sociological perspective. In clear, non-technical language, Robert Witkin guides the reader through the complexities of Adorno's argument about the link between music and morality and between musical works and social structure. It was largely through these works Adorno established the right of the arts to be acknowledged as a moral and critical force in the development of a modern society. By recovering them for non-musicologists, Witkin adds immeasurably to our appreciation of this giant of twentieth-century thought.

Adorno, Culture and Feminism: SAGE Publications (PDF)

by Dr Maggie O'Neill

Adorno, Culture and Feminism brings Adorno's work and feminism together, and explores how feminism can both harness and develop Adorno's ideas. The picture that emerges displays how gendered relations and cultural practices and texts operate today, and the relevance of critical theory for contemporary feminisms. Adorno's work on the scale of inequality and repression in the administered society is presented as matching the feminist understanding of the unequal balance of power between the sexes. This volume shows how Adorno's central concepts - commodification, authenticity, the culture industry, Kulturkritik, negative dialectics, non-identity thinking and authoritarian personality - can be used productively and purposefully in feminist thinking.

Adornment, Masquerade and African Femininity (Pan-African Psychologies)

by Ismahan Soukeyna Diop

This book draws on a unique theoretical framework informed by clinical case studies, Fanonian and Lacanian psychoanalysis, and decolonial feminism, to examine the concept of adornment in African cultures. The book discusses the construction of aesthetic feminine ideals and the evolution of such ideals within the history of colonization, decolonization and globalization. Through the analysis of adornments including accessories, hairstyle, clothes and fabric, the author demonstrates how they can reflect social status, and also addresses its symbolic function in rituals. At the level of the individual, it draws on clinical case studies to examine the Lacanian theory of adornment and masquerade of femininity, and the extent to which this echoes ambivalent attitudes towards women in society at large. In doing so it provides a nuanced analysis which reveals how body adornment can be a paradoxical demonstration of both strength and weakness. Building on the author’s previous work in this area, this book offers an important contribution to current debates in psychoanalysis, cultural studies, critical race theory and decolonial feminism.

Adoptive Parenthood in Hong Kong (Routledge Revivals Ser.)

by Grace Po-Chee Ko

This title was first published in 2001. A systematic study of non-relative adoption in Hong Kong. It examines the changing profile of non-relative adoption between 1987 and 1993, from the author's analysis of 486 case files. Characteristics of the adoptive parents, adopted children and their birth parents are presented in descriptive statistics. Three predictors of adoption stresses are identified. Adjustment in adoption and threat to parental entitlement were positively related to adoption stress; parental education was negatively related to it. Apart from being more stressful, Chinese adopters were found to be significantly different from non-Chinese for having a lower level of acknowledgement of difference. They are more worrisome over the relationship with birth parents, are less ready to reveal adoption, have better adoptive parent-child relationship, and possess higher levels of personal qualities. The findings of the study suggest that a post-legal adoption service is urgently needed.

Adoptive Parenthood in Hong Kong (Routledge Revivals Ser.)

by Grace Po-Chee Ko

This title was first published in 2001. A systematic study of non-relative adoption in Hong Kong. It examines the changing profile of non-relative adoption between 1987 and 1993, from the author's analysis of 486 case files. Characteristics of the adoptive parents, adopted children and their birth parents are presented in descriptive statistics. Three predictors of adoption stresses are identified. Adjustment in adoption and threat to parental entitlement were positively related to adoption stress; parental education was negatively related to it. Apart from being more stressful, Chinese adopters were found to be significantly different from non-Chinese for having a lower level of acknowledgement of difference. They are more worrisome over the relationship with birth parents, are less ready to reveal adoption, have better adoptive parent-child relationship, and possess higher levels of personal qualities. The findings of the study suggest that a post-legal adoption service is urgently needed.

Adoption, Race, and Identity: From Infancy to Young Adulthood

by William Laufer

Adoption, Race, and Identity is a long-range study of the impact of interracial adoption on those adopted and their families. Initiated in 1972, it was continued in 1979, 1984, and 1991. Cumulatively, these four phases trace the subjects from early childhood into young adulthood. This is the only extended study of this controversial subject.Simon and Altstein provide a broad perspective of the impact of transracial adoption and include profiles of the families involved in the study. They explore and compare the experiences of both the parents and the children. They identify families whose adoption experiences were problematic and those whose experiences were positive. Finally, the study looks at the insights the experience of transracial adoption brought to the adoptive parents and what advice they would pass on to future parents adopting children from different racial backgrounds. They include the reflections of those adopted included in the 1972 first phase, who are now adults themselves.This second edition includes a new concluding chapter that updates the fourth and last phase of the study. The authors were able to locate 88 of the 96 families who participated in the 1984 study. Bringing together all four phases of this twenty-year study into one volume gives the reader a richer and deeper understanding of what the experience of transracial adoption has meant for the parents, the adoptees, and children born into the families studied. This landmark work, will be of compelling interest to social workers, policy makers, and professionals and families involved on all sides of interracial adoption.

Adoption, Race, and Identity: From Infancy to Young Adulthood

by Rita Simon

Adoption, Race, and Identity is a long-range study of the impact of interracial adoption on those adopted and their families. Initiated in 1972, it was continued in 1979, 1984, and 1991. Cumulatively, these four phases trace the subjects from early childhood into young adulthood. This is the only extended study of this controversial subject.Simon and Altstein provide a broad perspective of the impact of transracial adoption and include profiles of the families involved in the study. They explore and compare the experiences of both the parents and the children. They identify families whose adoption experiences were problematic and those whose experiences were positive. Finally, the study looks at the insights the experience of transracial adoption brought to the adoptive parents and what advice they would pass on to future parents adopting children from different racial backgrounds. They include the reflections of those adopted included in the 1972 first phase, who are now adults themselves.This second edition includes a new concluding chapter that updates the fourth and last phase of the study. The authors were able to locate 88 of the 96 families who participated in the 1984 study. Bringing together all four phases of this twenty-year study into one volume gives the reader a richer and deeper understanding of what the experience of transracial adoption has meant for the parents, the adoptees, and children born into the families studied. This landmark work, will be of compelling interest to social workers, policy makers, and professionals and families involved on all sides of interracial adoption.

Adoption of LMS in Higher Educational Institutions of the Middle East (Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation)

by Rashid A. Khan Hassan Qudrat-Ullah

This book discusses the adoption of learning management systems (LMS) in higher education institutions. It presents influential predictors that may impact instructors’ behavioral intention to adopt learning management systems in the context of Arab culture, as well as a unique model of technology acceptance that draws on and combines previous technology adoption models (i.e., a modified unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model – UTAUT2). Moreover, this study extends the UTAUT2 model by including Hofstede’s (1980) cultural dimensions, and technology awareness as the moderators of the model. It also describes the explanatory technique approach used to collect quantitative data from the instructors at higher education institutions in Saudi Arabia and were analyzed with structural equation modeling using SPSS/Amos software. The findings revealed that facilitating conditions were the strongest predictor of behavioral intention to adopt an LMS, followed by performance expectancy and hedonic motivation, technology awareness, and cultural dimensions exerted a moderating influence on instructors’ behavioral intention to use LMS in their teaching. By including new constructs, this becomes the first study of its kind exploring instructors’ use of LMS in Higher Educational Institutions of Saudi Arabia and other countries of the Middle East. It offers practical insights for a broad range of researchers and professionals at higher education institutions and serves as a reference guide for designers of learning management systems (e.g., blackboard systems), policymakers, and the Ministry of Education staff.

Adoption in the Digital Age: Opportunities and Challenges for the 21st Century

by Julie Samuels

Adoption in the Digital Age explores the transformation of adoption due to social and digital media technologies. The most prolific of these changes can be seen within contact arrangements, particularly those that are not managed by an intermediary, between adopted minors and their biological kin. Within this shift, it becomes clear that this often-breached contact arrangement lends itself towards discussions about further openness within adoption. At the same time these technologies continue to document the way adopted individuals and their biological kin feel about themselves and each other. It is for these reasons that the Internet remains both a promise and threat. Samuels explores this in detail, highlighting that what it means to be adopted continues to evolve in the context of networked media cultures. Combining both theoretical discussions with the human experience of adoption, Adoption in the Digital Age will be of interest to students and scholars across a range of disciplines, including sociology, social work and cultural studies, as well as practitioners working with adoptive families and other members of the adoption triad connected and disconnected by adoption.

Adoption in the Digital Age: Opportunities and Challenges for the 21st Century

by Julie Samuels

Adoption in the Digital Age explores the transformation of adoption due to social and digital media technologies. The most prolific of these changes can be seen within contact arrangements, particularly those that are not managed by an intermediary, between adopted minors and their biological kin. Within this shift, it becomes clear that this often-breached contact arrangement lends itself towards discussions about further openness within adoption. At the same time these technologies continue to document the way adopted individuals and their biological kin feel about themselves and each other. It is for these reasons that the Internet remains both a promise and threat. Samuels explores this in detail, highlighting that what it means to be adopted continues to evolve in the context of networked media cultures. Combining both theoretical discussions with the human experience of adoption, Adoption in the Digital Age will be of interest to students and scholars across a range of disciplines, including sociology, social work and cultural studies, as well as practitioners working with adoptive families and other members of the adoption triad connected and disconnected by adoption.

Adoption in America: Historical Perspectives

by E. Wayne Carp

"Includes research on adoption documents rarely open to historians . . . an important addition to the literature on adoption." ---Choice "Sheds new light on the roots of this complex and fascinating institution." ---Library Journal "Well-written and accessible . . . showcases the wide-ranging scholarship underway on the history of adoption." ---Adoptive Families "[T]his volume is a significant contribution to the literature and can serve as a catalyst for further research." ---Social Service Review Adoption affects an estimated 60 percent of Americans, but despite its pervasiveness, this social institution has been little examined and poorly understood. Adoption in America gathers essays on the history of adoptions and orphanages in the United States. Offering provocative interpretations of a variety of issues, including antebellum adoption and orphanages; changing conceptions of adoption in late-nineteenth-century novels; Progressive Era reform and adoptive mothers; the politics of "matching" adoptive parents with children; the radical effect of World War II on adoption practices; religion and the reform of adoption; and the construction of birth mother and adoptee identities, the essays in Adoption in America will be debated for many years to come.

Adoption, Family and the Paradox of Origins: A Foucauldian History (Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Family and Intimate Life)

by S. Sales

It is now over 20 years since 'open adoption' was first introduced, but it remains a controversial and contested part of social work practice. This innovative and far ranging book sets out to understand why the practice of keeping adopted children in touch with their kinship origins is still so questioned in contemporary adoption work. Written by an experienced practitioner in the field, this book applies, for the first time, Foucauldian methodology to analyze and understand adoption social work, making it essential reading for a wide audience in the social sciences.

Adoption, Emotion, and Identity: An Ethnopsychological Perspective on Kinship and Person in a Micronesian Society (Person, Space and Memory in the Contemporary Pacific #8)

by Manuel Rauchholz

Exploring adoption in the Pacific, this book goes beyond the commonplace structural-functional analysis of adoption as a positive “transaction in parenthood.” It examines the effects it has on adoptees’ inner sense of self, their conflicted emotional lives, and familial relationships that are affected by a personal sense of rejection and not belonging. This account is theoretically rooted in ethnopsychology, based on field work conducted across multiple research sites in the Chuuk Lagoon, its neighboring Chuukic-speaking atolls, and persons from neighboring Micronesian island communities.

Adoption, Emotion, and Identity: An Ethnopsychological Perspective on Kinship and Person in a Micronesian Society (Person, Space and Memory in the Contemporary Pacific #8)

by Manuel Rauchholz

Exploring adoption in the Pacific, this book goes beyond the commonplace structural-functional analysis of adoption as a positive “transaction in parenthood.” It examines the effects it has on adoptees’ inner sense of self, their conflicted emotional lives, and familial relationships that are affected by a personal sense of rejection and not belonging. This account is theoretically rooted in ethnopsychology, based on field work conducted across multiple research sites in the Chuuk Lagoon, its neighboring Chuukic-speaking atolls, and persons from neighboring Micronesian island communities.

The Adoption and Effect of Artificial Intelligence on Human Resources Management (Emerald Studies in Finance, Insurance, And Risk Management #7, Part B)

by Pallavi Tyagi, Naveen Chilamkurti, Simon Grima, Kiran Sood and Balamurugan Balusamy

Emerald Studies In Finance, Insurance, And Risk Management 7 explores how AI and Automation enhance the basic functions of human resource management. The traditional framework of Human Resource Management (HRM) primarily consists of four functions: Human Resource Planning, Recruitment and Selection, Training and Development and Performance Management Systems which help businesses in hiring, motivating and retaining employees. The introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has changed all of these aspects. This second volume in The Adoption and Effect of Artificial Intelligence on Human Resources Management Series reflects upon: the accuracy of using AI to nominate candidates; the change readiness of employees; impacts and challenges on HRM practices; effects on upskilling; and the effects of the pandemic; concluding with an overall state of industry trends. This book is ideal for HR managers, senior managers, researchers, and students planning a career in this field.

The Adoption and Effect of Artificial Intelligence on Human Resources Management (Emerald Studies in Finance, Insurance, And Risk Management #7, Part A)

by Pallavi Tyagi, Naveen Chilamkurti, Simon Grima, Kiran Sood, Balamurugan Balusamy

Emerald Studies In Finance, Insurance, And Risk Management 7 explores how AI and Automation enhance the basic functions of human resource management. The traditional framework of Human Resource Management (HRM) primarily consists of four functions: Human Resource Planning, Recruitment and Selection, Training and Development and Performance Management Systems which help businesses in hiring, motivating and retaining employees. The introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has changed all of these aspects. The Adoption and Effect of Artificial Intelligence on Human Resources Management Series sets out a blended approach towards different functions of HRM and AI, reflecting upon: HR data privacy; data security; diversity and inclusion using AI; and sustainable AI-HR practices. This book is ideal for HR managers, senior managers, researchers, and students planning a career in this field.

The Adoption and Effect of Artificial Intelligence on Human Resources Management (Emerald Studies in Finance, Insurance, And Risk Management #7, Part B)

by Pallavi Tyagi Naveen Chilamkurti Simon Grima Kiran Sood B. Balamurugan

Emerald Studies In Finance, Insurance, And Risk Management 7 explores how AI and Automation enhance the basic functions of human resource management. The traditional framework of Human Resource Management (HRM) primarily consists of four functions: Human Resource Planning, Recruitment and Selection, Training and Development and Performance Management Systems which help businesses in hiring, motivating and retaining employees. The introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has changed all of these aspects. This second volume in The Adoption and Effect of Artificial Intelligence on Human Resources Management Series reflects upon: the accuracy of using AI to nominate candidates; the change readiness of employees; impacts and challenges on HRM practices; effects on upskilling; and the effects of the pandemic; concluding with an overall state of industry trends. This book is ideal for HR managers, senior managers, researchers, and students planning a career in this field.

The Adoption and Effect of Artificial Intelligence on Human Resources Management (Emerald Studies in Finance, Insurance, And Risk Management #7, Part A)

by Pallavi Tyagi Naveen Chilamkurti Simon Grima Kiran Sood B. Balamurugan

Emerald Studies In Finance, Insurance, And Risk Management 7 explores how AI and Automation enhance the basic functions of human resource management. The traditional framework of Human Resource Management (HRM) primarily consists of four functions: Human Resource Planning, Recruitment and Selection, Training and Development and Performance Management Systems which help businesses in hiring, motivating and retaining employees. The introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has changed all of these aspects. The Adoption and Effect of Artificial Intelligence on Human Resources Management Series sets out a blended approach towards different functions of HRM and AI, reflecting upon: HR data privacy; data security; diversity and inclusion using AI; and sustainable AI-HR practices. This book is ideal for HR managers, senior managers, researchers, and students planning a career in this field.

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