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Showing 75,501 through 75,525 of 75,983 results

A Theory of the Classical Novel (Routledge Library Editions: The Nineteenth-Century Novel)

by Everett Knight

First published in 1969, this book asserts that two concepts, structure and praxis, make it impractical for scholars to ignore the necessity of a theory of the novel — with the term ‘classical novel’ used to cover western fiction. The author argues that the novel is fundamentally an ‘enterprise’ — an aspect of the praxis of a particular social class — and that the ways of orthodox scholarship are also a praxis. The investigator must enquire into the nature of their questions as those traditionally put to literature are inspired by ‘irrelevant’ nineteenth century positivism. In the author’s view the book is necessarily a theory of the classical novel and a manifesto for the student movement.

Water, Earth, and Man: A Synthesis of Hydrology, Geomorphology, and Socio-Economic Geography (Routledge Revivals)

by R. J. Chorley

First published in 1969, Water, Earth, and Man, was written to demonstrate the advantages of adopting a unified view of the earth and social sciences. The book considers the connection between an understanding of physical environments and an understanding of social environments. It explores the hydrologic cycle and highlights the significance of the relationship between natural environments and the activities of humankind, drawing together physical and human geography to produce a highly detailed study.

Water, Earth, and Man: A Synthesis of Hydrology, Geomorphology, and Socio-Economic Geography (Routledge Revivals)

by Richard J. Chorley

First published in 1969, Water, Earth, and Man, was written to demonstrate the advantages of adopting a unified view of the earth and social sciences. The book considers the connection between an understanding of physical environments and an understanding of social environments. It explores the hydrologic cycle and highlights the significance of the relationship between natural environments and the activities of humankind, drawing together physical and human geography to produce a highly detailed study.

American Sociology: Perspectives, Problems, Methods

by Talcott Parsons

This volume provides a welcome opportunity to piece together at least a partial picture of the state of a rapidly growing and changing discipline in the social science area.

Authority in Social Casework: The Commonwealth and International Library: Social Work Division

by Robert Foren Royston Bailey

Authority in Social Casework

Canadian Society: Sociological Perspectives

by Na Na

Census Reports: Abstract of the Answers and Returns, Parish Registers (Routledge Revivals)

by John Rickman

Census Reports 1801.

The Changing English Language

by Brian Foster

Culture, Industrialisation and Education (Routledge Revivals)

by G. H. Bantock

First published in 1968, Culture, Industrialisation and Education explores the cultural values that underlie the content of educational provisions and the way in which industrialisation and the mass communication characteristic of advanced technology have affected what is offered in schools. The book puts forward the argument that the traditional curriculum, with its emphasis on cognitive and intellectual processes, is in many cases irrelevant to the needs of children whose futures are in occupations that do not centre on academic pursuits. It highlights the distinct lack of provision for these children at a time when a fuller and longer secondary education is being attempted for the whole population. Culture, Industrialisation and Education will appeal to those with an interest in the history and sociology of education.

Culture, Industrialisation and Education (Routledge Revivals)

by G. H. Bantock

First published in 1968, Culture, Industrialisation and Education explores the cultural values that underlie the content of educational provisions and the way in which industrialisation and the mass communication characteristic of advanced technology have affected what is offered in schools. The book puts forward the argument that the traditional curriculum, with its emphasis on cognitive and intellectual processes, is in many cases irrelevant to the needs of children whose futures are in occupations that do not centre on academic pursuits. It highlights the distinct lack of provision for these children at a time when a fuller and longer secondary education is being attempted for the whole population. Culture, Industrialisation and Education will appeal to those with an interest in the history and sociology of education.

Demographic Analysis (Routledge Revivals)

by Bernard Benjamin

First published in 1968, Demographic Analysis was written to provide a comprehensive account of demographic methods for those with a need to understand population movements. The book provides an introduction to some of the key tools used by demographers and the principal sources of population data. Beginning with an overview of the scope, content and use of the population census, it then examines methods for measuring births, deaths, and migration before setting out the methodology for determining the contributions of these elements to population change and estimating past or future changes. The book also explores sickness as a population characteristic and a way of better understanding mortality variations.

Demographic Analysis (Routledge Revivals)

by Bernard Benjamin

First published in 1968, Demographic Analysis was written to provide a comprehensive account of demographic methods for those with a need to understand population movements. The book provides an introduction to some of the key tools used by demographers and the principal sources of population data. Beginning with an overview of the scope, content and use of the population census, it then examines methods for measuring births, deaths, and migration before setting out the methodology for determining the contributions of these elements to population change and estimating past or future changes. The book also explores sickness as a population characteristic and a way of better understanding mortality variations.

Deviancy: The Psychology of Being Different

by Jonathan L. Freedman Anthony N. Doob

Deviancy: The Psychology of Being Different discusses the effects of deviancy on behavior. The book describes the effect of deviancy per se, in no reference to any particular deviant characteristic. The authors explain the methods they used in this study, as well as some checks made on the study to insure accuracy. Deviants prefer to associate with others of their kind due to fear of rejection, and they tended not to reveal their deviancy. The authors also discuss how deviants and non-deviants react and treat each other, and the degree of aggression that will be shown to a member of either group when some "fault" is assigned. They also note that 1) non-deviants choose deviants for punishment but not for reward and 2) deviants choose others like them for reward but not for punishment. The authors also show that as regards to a change in attitude, deviants are no different from non-deviants in this aspect. They also report other findings such as conformity (deviants conform less compared to non-deviants), attitude change (no effect), and compliance (depends on the circumstances). The text can prove useful for psychologists, counselors, educators, ministers, and social workers.

Essays in the Theory of Society (Ralf Dahrendorf on Class & Society #2)

by Ralf Dahrendorf

Originally published in 1968, these ten essays by one of Europe’s leading sociological theorists deal with important issues on the borderline between sociology and social philosophy and demonstrate the author’s deep insight into history and political analysis. The author maintains that the structures of power in which the political process takes place not only originate change and give it direction, but also produce the fertile conflicts that give expression to the fundamental uncertainty of human existence. Through an examination of various concepts inherent in this dynamic process – power, resistance, conflict, change, freedom, uncertainty – a coherent theory of society emerges.

Essays in the Theory of Society (Ralf Dahrendorf on Class & Society #2)

by Ralf Dahrendorf

Originally published in 1968, these ten essays by one of Europe’s leading sociological theorists deal with important issues on the borderline between sociology and social philosophy and demonstrate the author’s deep insight into history and political analysis. The author maintains that the structures of power in which the political process takes place not only originate change and give it direction, but also produce the fertile conflicts that give expression to the fundamental uncertainty of human existence. Through an examination of various concepts inherent in this dynamic process – power, resistance, conflict, change, freedom, uncertainty – a coherent theory of society emerges.

Fascism in Europe (Routledge Library Editions: Racism and Fascism)

by S. J. Woolf

What was fascism, why did it gain support between the wars, and could it happen again? This collection of essays, published in 1981, by leading authorities on the subject, offers a comprehensive study of European fascism, with a detailed analysis of its roots, its extraordinary strength between the two world wars, and its prospects in modern Europe. The essays discuss the economic, political and social conditions out of which individual fascist movements arose, the crucial problem of why a few fascist parties succeeded but most failed. The essays on Italy, Germany and Spain examine the continuities and contradictions between the fascist movements in opposition and the fascist regimes in power. The introductory and conclusive essays are concerned with the overall problem of the historical nature of the fascist phenomenon, but all the papers address themselves directly to this theme, testing the generalizations made by social scientists against the historical experiences of individual countries. Besides Italy and Germany, which harboured the major fascist movements, the countries discussed range from those with traditional parliamentary democracies – such as England, France, Belgium and Norway – to the new states which emerged from the collapse of the central European empires, such as Austria, Hungary, Romania and Poland. Originally published in 1968 under the title European Fascism, this survey acquired a worldwide reputation for its excellent and wide-ranging account of the history, role and functions of fascism in Europe. The present edition contains six new or wholly re-written essays and three substantially revised ones.

Fascism in Europe (Routledge Library Editions: Racism and Fascism)

by S. J. Woolf

What was fascism, why did it gain support between the wars, and could it happen again? This collection of essays, published in 1981, by leading authorities on the subject, offers a comprehensive study of European fascism, with a detailed analysis of its roots, its extraordinary strength between the two world wars, and its prospects in modern Europe. The essays discuss the economic, political and social conditions out of which individual fascist movements arose, the crucial problem of why a few fascist parties succeeded but most failed. The essays on Italy, Germany and Spain examine the continuities and contradictions between the fascist movements in opposition and the fascist regimes in power. The introductory and conclusive essays are concerned with the overall problem of the historical nature of the fascist phenomenon, but all the papers address themselves directly to this theme, testing the generalizations made by social scientists against the historical experiences of individual countries. Besides Italy and Germany, which harboured the major fascist movements, the countries discussed range from those with traditional parliamentary democracies – such as England, France, Belgium and Norway – to the new states which emerged from the collapse of the central European empires, such as Austria, Hungary, Romania and Poland. Originally published in 1968 under the title European Fascism, this survey acquired a worldwide reputation for its excellent and wide-ranging account of the history, role and functions of fascism in Europe. The present edition contains six new or wholly re-written essays and three substantially revised ones.

Homo Sociologicus (Ralf Dahrendorf on Class & Society #3)

by Ralf Dahrendorf

First published in English as part of the Essays in the Theory of Society, this volume reissues the stand-alone Homo Sociologicus for which the author wrote a new introduction when it was originally published in 1973. The controversial book deals with the history, significance and limits of the category of social role and discusses the dilemma posed by homo sociologicus. The author shows that for society and sociology, socialization invariably means depersonalization, the yielding up of man’s absolute individuality and liberty to the constraint and generality of social roles. This volume includes the essay, Sociology and Human Nature, written as a postscript to Homo Sociologicus.

Homo Sociologicus (Ralf Dahrendorf on Class & Society #3)

by Ralf Dahrendorf

First published in English as part of the Essays in the Theory of Society, this volume reissues the stand-alone Homo Sociologicus for which the author wrote a new introduction when it was originally published in 1973. The controversial book deals with the history, significance and limits of the category of social role and discusses the dilemma posed by homo sociologicus. The author shows that for society and sociology, socialization invariably means depersonalization, the yielding up of man’s absolute individuality and liberty to the constraint and generality of social roles. This volume includes the essay, Sociology and Human Nature, written as a postscript to Homo Sociologicus.

The Human Context

by Paul A. Senft

Learning Begins at Home: A Study of a Junior School and its Parents (Routledge Revivals)

by Michael Young Patrick McGeeney

First published in 1968, Learning Begins at Home records an attempt by two researchers to initiate and assess an innovation in a school in a working-class neighbourhood. The influence of parents upon children’s achievement is a platitude of education. The vital question is whether schools can become centres for education for adults as well as children, influencing the parents directly, and the children indirectly through the parents. The research reported in this book suggests that it would be worthwhile for teachers to give more of their time to cooperation with parents. This book will be of interest to students of education and sociology.

Learning Begins at Home: A Study of a Junior School and its Parents (Routledge Revivals)

by Michael Young Patrick McGeeney

First published in 1968, Learning Begins at Home records an attempt by two researchers to initiate and assess an innovation in a school in a working-class neighbourhood. The influence of parents upon children’s achievement is a platitude of education. The vital question is whether schools can become centres for education for adults as well as children, influencing the parents directly, and the children indirectly through the parents. The research reported in this book suggests that it would be worthwhile for teachers to give more of their time to cooperation with parents. This book will be of interest to students of education and sociology.

Legal problems arising from the United Nations military operations in the Congo

by R. Simmonds

Few episodes in recent history have aroused as much controversy as the United Nations military operations in the Congo. This controversy has no simple, straight-forward, and uniform explanation. Part of the explanation is to be found in the successes and failure of the operation itself; part in its labyrinthine international ramifications. But the most important explanation lies in its significance as a precedent. The ability of the Organization to take "collective measures" to maintain law and order within the territory of a Member State, albeit as a means of preserving international peace, was demonstrated, challenged and criticized. So much has been reported of the details and so varied has been the commentary that only the most intrepid spirit would venture something more with which to detain interested parties. The present study does not pretend to uncover new data so as to complete or correct the his­ torical record; it attempts, rather, to reflect on what has already been brought out and, against that background of factual knowledge, to indi­ cate and examine the legal problems involved. In so doing, it has been necessary to be ruthless in deciding what are central issues and in re­ jecting what is often interesting but probably peripheral.

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Showing 75,501 through 75,525 of 75,983 results