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Showing 75,951 through 75,975 of 76,061 results

40th Anniversary of Studies in Symbolic Interaction (Studies in Symbolic Interaction #40)

by Norman K. Denzin

To mark 40 volumes of Studies in Symbolic Interaction, this volume includes a special introduction from Series Editor, Norman K. Denzin. This 40th volume advances critical discourse on several fronts at the same time, including a report from the First Contemporary Ethnography Across the Disciplines hui, Waikato, New Zealand; New Empirical Studies by D. Coates, J. Johnson, D. Altheide, C. J. Schneider and D. Trotter, R. J. Berger, C. Corroto, J. Flad, and R. Quinney, and B. Jarrett (respectively): new religious movements, the California School of Symbolic Interaction, Terrorism and the National Security University, the 2011 Vancouver Riot, The Terrains of Medical Diagnosis and Treatment, and mediation processes. In a separate section to highlight the diverse and challenging aspects of symbolic interactionism; Ryan Turner asks if animals have selves? Michael Katovich and Robert Young and Carol Thompson use Turners article as a springboard for insightful commentary on the selves of other animals and the selves of humans.

40 lessons to get children thinking: Philosophical Thought Adventures Across The Curriculum

by Peter Worley

This is the type of book many teachers will keep on their desk and use the exercises very regularly; for me it is up there with Geoff Petty's 'Evidence-Based Teaching' and Paul Ginnis's 'The Teacher's Toolkit' as an essential resource. Worley is an excellent clear writer, who communicates very complex ideas very well.†? Francis Gilbert [], teacher, teacher trainer and author of ' I'm a Teacher, Get Me Out of Here'Inspire your class to think more deeply about curriculum subjects and get them actively taking part in exciting philosophy experiments today!This new book by bestselling author and founder of The Philosophy Foundation Peter Worley is a collection of practical lesson and activity plans to use in the primary classroom to get children thinking philosophically and creatively around different curriculum areas. The sessions - called thought adventures - use thought experiments, stories and poems to get children discussing and understanding topics more deeply. Each session is explained step-by-step, with everything you need to 'do' and 'say' spelled out, and all the equipment you need listed with instructions on how to set up each session. You can implement the sessions in the classroom either as a complete lesson or as an activity within another lesson. All the sessions are tried and tested by Peter and his colleagues at The Philosophy Foundation who work with primary schools on a regular basis.

40 Jahre Islamischer Religionsunterricht in Österreich: Islamische Bildung im europäischen Kontext (Wiener Beiträge zur Islamforschung)

by Tamara Nili-Freudenschuß Ednan Aslan

Österreich war eines der ersten westeuropäischen Länder, das den Islam als Körperschaft öffentlichen Rechts anerkannt hat. Diese historische Anerkennung geht zurück auf die lange, facettenreiche Geschichte des Islam in Österreich und erfüllte den Muslim*innen in Österreich einen lang gehegten Wunsch, welcher auch in vielen anderen europäischen Ländern besteht. Seit 40 Jahren ermöglicht diese Anerkennung den Muslim*innen, den Islam als ordentliches Unterrichtsfach an öffentlichen Schulen zu unterrichten. Die Erkenntnisse aus dieser langjährigen Erfahrung im Bereich des islamischen Religionsunterrichts sind von großer Bedeutung für andere europäische Staaten, die sich ebenfalls um die Integration des islamischen Religionsunterrichts in das öffentliche Schulwesen bemühen. Der Band bietet einen umfassenden Überblick aus religionspädagogischer und -didaktischer, gesellschafts- und bildungspolitischer, rechtlicher und empirischer Perspektive. Er beleuchtet die 40-jährige Geschichte des islamischen Religionsunterrichts in Österreich und zeigt auf, welchen Beitrag religiöse Bildung zur Integration muslimischer Kinder in die Gesellschaft leisten kann.

4 Steps: To a Happier, Healthier You. The inspirational food and fitness guide from TV's Tess Daly

by Tess Daly

With over 40 delicious, healthy recipes alongside simple stretches, exercises and wellbeing tips, 4 Steps shows that you don't need lots of time or money to make every day that little bit healthier and a lot more fabulous. 'These are the small changes that make a big difference when it comes to putting your wellbeing first.' For the very first time, model, presenter and mum of two Tess Daly shares her take on simple ways to look and feel amazing, whether you're 17 or 70.Eat: Gut-friendly advice and 40 easy family-friendly recipesBreathe: Expert practices to unlock the healing power of breathMove: Exercises and stretches to help you stay energised and flexibleSleep: Ways to help you get that vital rest to recharge you, ready for each dayWith accessible lifestyle hacks and expert advice, alongside simple recipes that are both healthy and delicious, this book is your one-stop shop for better wellbeing every day.

The 4-Hour Work Week: Escape the 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join the New Rich

by Timothy Ferriss

A new, updated and expanded edition of this New York Times bestseller on how to reconstruct your life so it's not all about work Forget the old concept of retirement and the rest of the deferred-life plan - there is no need to wait and every reason not to, especially in unpredictable economic times. Whether your dream is escaping the rat race, experiencing high-end world travel, earning a monthly five-figure income with zero management, or just living more and working less, this book is the blueprint. This step-by step guide to luxury lifestyle design teaches: * How Tim went from $40,000 dollars per year and 80 hours per week to $40,000 per MONTH and 4 hours per week * How to outsource your life to overseas virtual assistants for $5 per hour and do whatever you want * How blue-chip escape artists travel the world without quitting their jobs * How to eliminate 50% of your work in 48 hours using the principles of a forgotten Italian economist * How to trade a long-haul career for short work bursts and frequent 'mini-retirements'. This new updated and expanded edition includes: More than 50 practical tips and case studies from readers (including families) who have doubled their income, overcome common sticking points, and reinvented themselves using the original book as a starting point * Real-world templates you can copy for eliminating email, negotiating with bosses and clients, or getting a private chef for less than £5 a meal * How lifestyle design principles can be suited to unpredictable economic times * The latest tools and tricks, as well as high-tech shortcuts, for living like a diplomat or millionaire without being either.

The 4 Day Week: How the Flexible Work Revolution Can Increase Productivity, Profitability and Well-being, and Create a Sustainable Future

by Andrew Barnes

In The 4 Day Week, entrepreneur and business innovator Andrew Barnes makes the case for the four-day week as the answer to many of the ills of the 21st-century global economy. Barnes conducted an experiment in his own business, the New Zealand trust company Perpetual Guardian, and asked his staff to design a four-day week that would permit them to meet their existing productivity requirements on the same salary but with a 20% cut in work hours. The outcomes of this trial, which no business leader had previously attempted on these terms, were stunning. People were happier and healthier, more engaged in their personal lives, and more focused and productive in the office. The world of work has seen a dramatic shift in recent times: the former security and benefits associated with permanent employment are being displaced by the less stable gig economy. Barnes explains the dangers of a focus on flexibility at the expense of hard-won worker protections, and argues that with the four-day week, we can have the best of all worlds: optimal productivity, work-life balance, worker benefits and, at long last, a solution to pervasive economic inequities such as the gender pay gap and lack of diversity in business and governance. The 4 Day Week is a practical, how-to guide for business leaders and employees alike that is applicable to nearly every industry. Using qualitative and quantitative data from research gathered through the Perpetual Guardian trial and other sources by the University of Auckland and Auckland University of Technology, the book presents a step-by-step approach to preparing businesses for productivity-focused flexibility, from the necessary cultural conditions to the often complex legislative considerations. The story of Perpetual Guardian's unprecedented work experiment has made headlines around the world and stormed social media, reaching a global audience in more than seventy countries. A mix of trenchant analysis, personal observation and actionable advice, The 4 Day Week is an essential guide for leaders and workers seeking to make a change for the better in their work world.

3rd International Conference on Science and Technology Education 2022: Selected Contributions of STE 2022 (Proceedings in Engineering Mechanics)

by Lucas F. M. da Silva António J. M. Ferreira

This volume of the series Proceedings in Engineering Mechanics - Research, Technology and Education provides selected papers presented at the 3rd International Conference on Science and Technology Education, held in Porto, Portugal, October 6-7, 2022. From the various topics covered at this conference, individual contributions have been selected for this book. These contributions focus on learning mechanisms, learning systems and assessment. The book presents the latest trends, new methods and ideas in science and technology education. An essential resource for lecturers and tutors working in this field.

3D-Kino: Studien zur Rezeption und Akzeptanz (Film, Fernsehen, Medienkultur)

by Claudia Wegener Jesko Jockenhövel Mariann Gibbon

Dreidimensionales Kino ist im Trend: Internationale Filmfestivals eröffenen mit 3D-Filmen, große Filmproduktionen werden immer häufiger auch oder ausschließlich dreidimensional umgesetzt, Gerätehersteller versuchen, den 3D-Markt im Bereich des Home-Entertainments zu erschließen. Das Buch nimmt die Perspektive des Publikums in den Blick und setzt sich mit dem Phänomen empirisch auseinander

360°-Videos in der empirischen Sozialforschung: Ein interdisziplinärer Überblick zum Einsatz von 360°-Videos in Forschung und Lehre

by Julian Windscheid Bernadette Gold

Mit dem vorliegenden Buch wird der Versuch unternommen, eine interdisziplinäre Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema 360°-Videos in Forschung und Lehre aus Sicht verschiedener sozialwissenschaftlicher Disziplinen anzuregen. Es bietet Informationen zur Erstellung von 360°-Videos, zu deren Einsatz in Forschung und Lehre sowie beispielhafte Lehr-Lern-Szenarien mit 360°-Videos in der Hochschuldidaktik. Die Videografie gilt in weiten Teilen der empirischen Sozialforschung als vielversprechendes Mittel der Datengewinnung und erfreut sich auch in der universitären Lehre zunehmender Beliebtheit. Die Anwendung von und der Umgang mit 360°-Videos ist in dieser Diskussion bislang jedoch erst ansatzweise thematisiert worden. Dabei kann diese Technologie einen immensen Fortschritt für die wissenschaftliche Forschung und Lehre bedeuten: Der Bildausschnitt kann frei gewählt werden und mittels einer VR-Brille können die Beobachtenden das Geschehen sogar „hautnah“ miterleben. Gleichzeitig stellen 360°-Videos Forschende und Lehrende vor neue Herausforderungen. Diese beginnen bereits bei der Produktion des Materials und resultieren in der Frage, wie diese Art von Video sinnvoll und nachvollziehbar wissenschaftlich verwendet werden kann.

360°-Beurteilung und Persönlichkeitstest in der Führungsbeurteilung: Zur Vorhersage von Führungserfolg und -potenzial

by Stefanie Puckett

Stefanie Puckett untersucht, ob die Prognose von Führungserfolg über eine 360°-Beurteilung durch die Einbeziehung von Persönlichkeitseigenschaften der Führungskraft verbessert werden kann. Die 360°-Beurteilung ermöglicht es, verschiedene Perspektiven aus dem Umfeld der Führungskraft in deren Beurteilung miteinzubeziehen, beschränkt sich jedoch auf verhaltensbasierte Variablen. Die zentrale Frage lautet: Kann Führungsbeurteilung über eine kombinierte Anwendung verhaltens- und eigenschaftsbasierter Variablen optimiert werden?

33 Day War: Israel's War on Hezbollah in Lebanon and Its Consequences

by Gilbert Achcar Michel Warschawski

This book assesses the causes and consequences of the impact on the recent Middle East war. The authors describe the popular basis of Hezbollah in Lebanon among the Shiites, but also its relation to the country's other religious communities and political forces. They analyze the regional roles of Syria, Iran, and Hamas as well as the politics of the United States and Europe. The authors dissect the strategic and political background behind recent actions taken by Israel; the impact of Israel's incursion into Lebanon and effects on Lebanon's population -- and the consequences of the war on Israel polity and society.

33 Day War: Israel's War on Hezbollah in Lebanon and Its Consequences

by Gilbert Achcar Michel Warschawski

This book assesses the causes and consequences of the impact on the recent Middle East war. The authors describe the popular basis of Hezbollah in Lebanon among the Shiites, but also its relation to the country's other religious communities and political forces. They analyze the regional roles of Syria, Iran, and Hamas as well as the politics of the United States and Europe. The authors dissect the strategic and political background behind recent actions taken by Israel; the impact of Israel's incursion into Lebanon and effects on Lebanon's population -- and the consequences of the war on Israel polity and society.

30 Years of Change for Children (PDF)

by Gillian Pugh

How well have children fared in the UK in the thirty years since the National Children's Bureau was established in 1963. How has family life changed? What have been the main social and demographic changes? Has the welfare state continued to provide education, health care and social welfare for all children? These and other questions are considered as the authors reflect on the main changes in legislation, on key messages from research and on whether developments in practice have reflected these research findings.

30-Minute Website Marketing: A Step By Step Guide

by Lee Wilson

Everyday businesses of all sizes are generating a fraction of the potential website return on investment (ROI) and broader marketing value for their business. The largest part of this opportunity wastage comes from overlooked marketing potential, plus an inability to take immediate action based on competing time demands and budget restraints. 30-Minute Website Marketing: A Step By Step Guide utilizes over 15 years of website marketing experience and digital expertise to empower businesses to identify and act on untapped website success. With all actions taking 30 minutes or less, companies can work towards improving the results gained from their website marketing efforts, and by adhering to the practical steps in this book, businesses can be confident that those 30 minutes provide the returns on resource investment needed. Through this guide, Lee Wilson delivers impactful, instant value to the broader marketing and targeted website marketing field, with practical help, direction, and expert step-by-step advice for marketing professionals, business owners, entrepreneurs, and start-up organisations.

30-Minute Website Marketing: A Step By Step Guide

by Lee Wilson

Everyday businesses of all sizes are generating a fraction of the potential website return on investment (ROI) and broader marketing value for their business. The largest part of this opportunity wastage comes from overlooked marketing potential, plus an inability to take immediate action based on competing time demands and budget restraints. 30-Minute Website Marketing: A Step By Step Guide utilizes over 15 years of website marketing experience and digital expertise to empower businesses to identify and act on untapped website success. With all actions taking 30 minutes or less, companies can work towards improving the results gained from their website marketing efforts, and by adhering to the practical steps in this book, businesses can be confident that those 30 minutes provide the returns on resource investment needed. Through this guide, Lee Wilson delivers impactful, instant value to the broader marketing and targeted website marketing field, with practical help, direction, and expert step-by-step advice for marketing professionals, business owners, entrepreneurs, and start-up organisations.

The 2nd Language of Leadership

by Michael P. Quirk Patricia M. Fandt

This book focuses on the behavioral and personality areas that can be used to strengthen one's skills and to make wise decisions about when and how to lead. It was written for the working professional who wants to learn what he or she can do by working with their personality to become more satisfied with and masterful in their leadership roles. Good leaders have learned to succeed over time by acquiring the needed range of personal skills, much like one learns a second language. Geared for entry and mid-term leaders, this book is an empirically based training guide to acquire knowledge and implement a plan to help increase one's leadership skills. Within the framework of 10 chapters, this book: * promotes a shared recognition of the role that personality plays in leadership by reviewing a case study of representative leadership situation that both identifies familiar personal struggles and organizational changes; * offers a way of thinking about how personality in general and the Big 5 in particular fills in the gaps and connects the pieces when it comes to how people become effective leaders; * illustrates how--within the Big 5 framework--to use the 2nd language approach to leverage natural personality strengths and manage weaknesses in an effort to build greater leadership effectiveness; * makes available 2nd language tools including effective intervention strategies and goal setting techniques based on enabling philosophies to understand what makes this approach accessible and practical to use; and * reassures that most leadership failures are reversible and that through using the 2nd language approach, these inevitable and sometimes necessary setbacks afford clarity about how to use your style to the best advantage.

The 2nd Language of Leadership

by Michael P. Quirk Patricia M. Fandt

This book focuses on the behavioral and personality areas that can be used to strengthen one's skills and to make wise decisions about when and how to lead. It was written for the working professional who wants to learn what he or she can do by working with their personality to become more satisfied with and masterful in their leadership roles. Good leaders have learned to succeed over time by acquiring the needed range of personal skills, much like one learns a second language. Geared for entry and mid-term leaders, this book is an empirically based training guide to acquire knowledge and implement a plan to help increase one's leadership skills. Within the framework of 10 chapters, this book: * promotes a shared recognition of the role that personality plays in leadership by reviewing a case study of representative leadership situation that both identifies familiar personal struggles and organizational changes; * offers a way of thinking about how personality in general and the Big 5 in particular fills in the gaps and connects the pieces when it comes to how people become effective leaders; * illustrates how--within the Big 5 framework--to use the 2nd language approach to leverage natural personality strengths and manage weaknesses in an effort to build greater leadership effectiveness; * makes available 2nd language tools including effective intervention strategies and goal setting techniques based on enabling philosophies to understand what makes this approach accessible and practical to use; and * reassures that most leadership failures are reversible and that through using the 2nd language approach, these inevitable and sometimes necessary setbacks afford clarity about how to use your style to the best advantage.

The 2nd International Workshop on Learning Technology for Education in Cloud (Springer Proceedings in Complexity)

by Lorna Uden Yu-Hui Tao Hsin-Chang Yang I-Hsien Ting

Proceedings from the 2013 LTEC conference in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. The papers examine diverse aspects of Learning Technology for Education in Cloud environments, including social, technical and infrastructure implications. Also addressed is the question of how cloud computing can be used to design applications to support real time on demand learning using technologies. The workshop proceedings provide opportunities for delegates to discuss the latest research in TEL (Technology Enhanced Learning) and its impacts for learners and institutions, using cloud technologies.

27. Kongreß der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie. Gesellschaften im Umbruch: Sektionen und Arbeitsgruppen

by Heinz Sahner Stefan Schwendtner

Der 27. Kongreß der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS) fand vom 3. bis 7. April 1995 unter dem Thema "Gesellschaften im Umbruch" in Halle an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg statt. Nach dem Willen des Vorstandes der DGS sollte dieser Kongreß einige Neuerungen aufweisen. So wurden die Plenarthemen in einem call for papers ausgeschrieben und die Referenten in einem nachvollziehbaren Verfahren ausgewählt. Vor allem aber sollte der Kon­ greß "schlanker" werden - weniger Ad-hoc- und Plenarveranstaltungen. Vergleicht man die Zah­ len mit denen des letzten Kongresses in Düsseldorf, so dürfte das auch gelungen sein. Statt 120 Veranstaltungen gab es nur 80 (die Postersessions nicht mitgerechnet) und statt knapp 600 Refe­ rate gab es lediglich ca 380. Die Vorträge aus den Plenen und die Abendvorträge erscheinen im Kongreßband I, der von Lars Clausen herausgegeben wird. Der Kongreßband 11 wurde gegenüber seinen Vorläufern neu konzipiert. Statt alle Vorträge aus den Sektionen, Arbeitsgruppen und Ad-hoc-Gruppen auf knappem Raum (je drei Seiten, 10 000 Zeichen) zu publizieren, hat man sich dazu entschlossen, lediglich die Vorträge der Sektionen und Arbeitsgruppen aufzunehmen. Jeder Sektion bzw. Ar­ beitsgruppe standen dreißig Seiten zur Verfügung. Falls die eine oder andere Sektion weniger Seiten belegt hat, liegt das daran, daß nicht alle Referenten geliefert haben, und nicht daran, daß wir irgendwen benachteiligt hätten. Im Schnitt steht damit für jeden Beitrag mehr Raum zur Verfügung. Die Hoffnung ist, damit die Beiträge aufzuwerten. Den bisherigen Lego-Häppchen kam doch nicht die ihnen gebührende Aufmerksamkeit zu.

25 Myths about Bullying and Cyberbullying

by Elizabeth K. Englander

Learn the truth about bullying in the 21st century: what to look for, and how to cope with the social problems facing today’s kids. Whether dealing with bullying issues or worrying that they might occur, parents are faced with more challenges than ever before. In the age of the internet and social media, traditional approaches to bullying haven’t kept pace with new realities, and new problems like cyberbullying have emerged. Parents searching for ways to prevent or cope with bullying are flooded by a deluge of advice, opinions, and strategies—often conflicting or, even worse, potentially harmful. 25 Myths about Bullying and Cyberbullying helps parents understand the causes and consequences of bullying, determine if something is truly a problem, and effectively deal with problems when they arise. This practical guide enables parents to appreciate how modern digital environments impact a young person’s communication and relationships, recognize the most prevalent types of psychological bullying and cyberbullying, and know when and how to intervene. The author dispels common myths related to the confronting of bullies, victims seeking revenge on bullies, keeping kids off their phones and computers to prevent cyberbullying, the links between bullying and suicide, and many others. Backed by the most recent work in bullying and cyberbullying research, this book helps parents: Understand what causes, prevents, and stops bullying and cyberbullying Tell the difference between bullying issues and normal ‘growing pains’ Recognize the signs and effects of psychological bullying Know when intervening is helpful, and when it can be destructive Reduce social anxieties and the potential for bullying issues in children and young adults 25 Myths about Bullying and Cyberbullying is an important resource for parents of school-age children and young adults, as well as staff in educational environments.

25 Myths about Bullying and Cyberbullying

by Elizabeth K. Englander

Learn the truth about bullying in the 21st century: what to look for, and how to cope with the social problems facing today’s kids. Whether dealing with bullying issues or worrying that they might occur, parents are faced with more challenges than ever before. In the age of the internet and social media, traditional approaches to bullying haven’t kept pace with new realities, and new problems like cyberbullying have emerged. Parents searching for ways to prevent or cope with bullying are flooded by a deluge of advice, opinions, and strategies—often conflicting or, even worse, potentially harmful. 25 Myths about Bullying and Cyberbullying helps parents understand the causes and consequences of bullying, determine if something is truly a problem, and effectively deal with problems when they arise. This practical guide enables parents to appreciate how modern digital environments impact a young person’s communication and relationships, recognize the most prevalent types of psychological bullying and cyberbullying, and know when and how to intervene. The author dispels common myths related to the confronting of bullies, victims seeking revenge on bullies, keeping kids off their phones and computers to prevent cyberbullying, the links between bullying and suicide, and many others. Backed by the most recent work in bullying and cyberbullying research, this book helps parents: Understand what causes, prevents, and stops bullying and cyberbullying Tell the difference between bullying issues and normal ‘growing pains’ Recognize the signs and effects of psychological bullying Know when intervening is helpful, and when it can be destructive Reduce social anxieties and the potential for bullying issues in children and young adults 25 Myths about Bullying and Cyberbullying is an important resource for parents of school-age children and young adults, as well as staff in educational environments.

25 Essential Skills for the Successful Behavior Analyst: From Graduate School to Chief Executive Officer

by Jon Bailey Mary Burch

This second edition of Bailey and Burch’s best-selling 25 Essential Skills for the Successful Behavior Analyst is an invaluable guide to the professional skills required in the rapidly growing field of applied behavior analysis. The demands on professional behavior analysts, BCBAs and BCBA-Ds, are constantly increasing such that several new skills are required to keep up with new developments. Each chapter has been thoroughly updated and seven new chapters address recognizing the need to understand client advocacy, cultural responsiveness, and the movement toward diversity, equity, and inclusion in the field. The authors present five basic skills and strategy areas which each behavior analyst need to acquire: essential professional skills, basic behavioral repertoire, applying behavioral knowledge, vital work habits, and advanced skills. This book is organized around those five areas, with a total of 25 specific skills presented within those topics.

25 Essential Skills for the Successful Behavior Analyst: From Graduate School to Chief Executive Officer

by Jon Bailey Mary Burch

This second edition of Bailey and Burch’s best-selling 25 Essential Skills for the Successful Behavior Analyst is an invaluable guide to the professional skills required in the rapidly growing field of applied behavior analysis. The demands on professional behavior analysts, BCBAs and BCBA-Ds, are constantly increasing such that several new skills are required to keep up with new developments. Each chapter has been thoroughly updated and seven new chapters address recognizing the need to understand client advocacy, cultural responsiveness, and the movement toward diversity, equity, and inclusion in the field. The authors present five basic skills and strategy areas which each behavior analyst need to acquire: essential professional skills, basic behavioral repertoire, applying behavioral knowledge, vital work habits, and advanced skills. This book is organized around those five areas, with a total of 25 specific skills presented within those topics.

22. Deutscher Soziologentag 1984: Sektions- und Ad-hoc-Gruppen

by Hans-Werner Franz

Der 22. Deutsche Soziologentag fand vom 9. bis 12. Oktober 1984 in Dortmund statt. Sein Thema lautete: "Soziologie und gesellschaftliche Entwicklung". Der vorliegende Band dokumentiert die Arbeit der Sektionen und der Ad-hoc-Gruppen. "Sektionen" sind innerhalb der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie langfristig institutionali­ sierte Arbeitszusammenhänge, die sich mit jeweiligen "Bereichssoziologien" beschäftigen. "Ad­ hoc-Gruppen" sind von einem oder mehreren Interessenten zu einem bestimmten Thema initi­ ierte Arbeitskreise, die zunächst nur im Rahmen eines Soziologentages stattfinden, u.U. aber auch danach noch weiter zusammenarbeiten und eventuell auf einem folgenden Soziologentag wieder vertreten sind. Die Referenten der Sektionen und Ad-hoc-Gruppen wurden vom Herausgeber gebeten, maximal fünfseitige Kurzfassungen ihrer Beiträge anzufertigen. Ich danke allen Autoren, daß sie es ermöglicht haben, eine nahezu vollständige Dokumentation der Sektions- und Ad-hoc­ Gruppen-Arbeit des Soziologentages vorzulegen. Der Band gibt zugleich einen Eindruck von der Vielfalt und Bandbreite der gegenwärtigen soziologischen Arbeit in der Bundesrepublik Deutsch­ land, wobei die Beiträge aus Nachbarländern eine Bereicherung darstellen. Danken muß ich den Autoren auch für ihr Verständnis, wenn ich aufgrund der großen Fülle von Beiträgen und des damit verbundenen Umstandes, alles setzen lassen zu müssen, in etlichen Fällen rigide um Einhaltung des vorgegebenen Umfanglimits nachsuchen mußte. In einigen Fällen konnte ich die überschreitung des Limits dulden, weil andere Beiträge ausfielen oder aufgrund von Absprachen unter den Autoren entsprechend gekürzt wurden. Daß die an­ nähernd 1.400 Seiten Manuskrfpt gesetzt werden konnten, wurde durch einen Zuschuß der Stadt Dortmund ermöglicht, für den ich auch an dieser Stelle danken möchte.

21st Century Workforces and Workplaces: The Challenges and Opportunities for Future Work Practices and Labour Markets

by Stephen Bevan Ian Brinkley Cary Cooper Zofia Bajorek

What does the future of work look like? Every day, workplace decisions are made that directly impact and change the workforce of tomorrow. From the way we are managed to the rewards we receive, all aspects of our work life are determined by the changing dynamics of the workplace. Recent concerns about globalisation, productivity and the introduction of new technologies have raised questions about the future of the workforce and job security. But are these concerns really justified? 21st Century Workforces and Workplaces charts, explains and analyses the past five years, which has seen the rewriting of much of what we thought we knew about employment and how workplaces respond to pressure. The book also outlines what hasn't changed and, in doing so, distinguishes myth from reality.Stephen Bevan, Ian Brinkley, Zofia Bajorek and Cary L. Cooper combine their considerable expertise to discuss the critical questions for any member of any workplace, including:· Are permanent, long-term jobs a thing of the past?· Does work have to be a 'place'?· How will future managers be selected, educated and developed?· What is the future for trade unions? · Beyond pay, how will rewards evolve to incentivise workers alongside responsible capitalism?· Are we seeing the end of retirement? This book takes what we know and projects how the future labour market will develop. 21st Century Workforces and Workplaces asks what sort of work environments we want to see in 2025 and what we can do today to help bring about the necessary changes.

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