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Showing 99,826 through 99,850 of 100,000 results

Telecommunications Research Resources: An Annotated Guide

by James K. Bracken Christopher H. Sterling

As the telecommunication and information field expands and becomes more varied, so do publications about these technologies and industries. This book is a first attempt to provide a general guide to that wealth of English-language publications -- both books and periodicals -- on all aspects of telecommunication. It is a comprehensive, evaluative sourcebook for telecommunications research in the United States that brings together a topically-arranged, cross-referenced, and indexed volume in one place. The information provided is only available by consulting a succession of different directories, guides, bibliographies, yearbooks, and other resources. On the one hand, it is a directory that describes in detail the major entities that comprise the American telecommunication research infrastructure including federal and state government offices and agencies, and private, public, and corporate research institutions. On the other hand, it is a bibliography that identifies and assesses the most important and useful reference and critical resources about U.S. telecommunication history, technology, industry and economics, social applications and impacts, plus policy, law and regulations, and role in the global telecommunication marketplace. No existing guide covers all of these aspects in the depth and detail of this volume.

Telematik im Straßenverkehr: Initiativen und Gestaltungskonzepte

by Günter Müller Georg Hohlweg

In diesem Buch wird das auch öffentlich stark beachtete Themengebiet der Verkehrstelematik von Experten verschiedener Fachrichtungen aufgearbeitet. Dieser interdisziplinäre Ansatz wurde bewußt gewählt, um ein möglichst breites Meinungsbild aufzuzeigen und zur Objektivierung des Themas beizutragen. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die Handlungsoptionen und Potentiale der Telematik zur Entlastung der Verkehrsnetze. Aktuelle Technologien werden vorgestellt und in Feldversuchen auf ihre möglichen Lösungsbeiträge untersucht. Dieser Sammelband stellt aktuelle Ansätze der Verkehrstelematik dar mit dem Ziel, in Politik, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft zu einer objektiveren Diskussion beizutragen.

Test Methods for Explosives (Shock Wave and High Pressure Phenomena)

by Muhamed Suceska

It seems that there is no book that treats the measurement of the physical pa­ rameters of explosives as its only subject, although limited information is avail­ able in a number of books. Therefore, I have tried to bridge this gap in the lit­ erature with this book. A large number of various physical parameters have to be determined ex­ perimentally in order to test or characterise an explosive. Various physical principles have been applied for such measurements. Accordingly, a large number of different experimental methods exist, as well as various testing appa­ ratuses and procedures. On the other hand, great progress has been made recently in the study of detonation phenomena. New measuring techniques can assess extremely short processes to below nanoseconds scale. They make it possible to determine im­ portant parameters in detonation physics. I have made a great attempt to cover the available literature data on the subject. Because it would be a highly demanding task to include in a single volume all the methods that are in use by various testing agencies, I have tried to give primarily the principles for determination of individual physical pa­ rameters of explosives by different measuring methods as well as data treatment procedures.

Testability Concepts for Digital ICs: The Macro Test Approach (Frontiers in Electronic Testing #3)

by F.P.M. Beenker R.G. Bennetts A.P. Thijssen

Preface Testing Integrated Circuits for manufacturing defects includes four basic disciplines. First of all an understanding of the origin and behaviour of defects. Secondly, knowledge of IC design and IC design styles. Thirdly, knowledge of how to create a test program for an IC which is targeted on detecting these defects, and finally, understanding of the hardware, Automatic Test Equipment, to run the test on. All four items have to be treated, managed, and to a great extent integrated before the term 'IC quality' gets a certain meaning and a test a certain measurable value. The contents of this book reflects our activities on testability concepts for complex digital ICs as performed at Philips Research Laboratories in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Based on the statements above, we have worked along a long­ term plan, which was based on four pillars. 1. The definition of a test methodology suitable for 'future' IC design styles, 2. capable of handling improved defect models, 3. supported by software tools, and 4. providing an easy link to Automatic Test Equipment. The reasoning we have followed was continuously focused on IC qUality. Quality expressed in terms of the ability of delivering a customer a device with no residual manufacturing defects. Bad devices should not escape a test. The basis of IC quality is a thorough understanding of defects and defect models.

Teubner-Taschenbuch der Mathematik: Teil II

by Günter Grosche Viktor Ziegler Eberhard Zeidler Dorothea Ziegler

Mit dem "TEUBNER-TASCHENBUCH der Mathematik· Teil II" liegt eine völlig neube­ arbeitete und wesentlich erweiterte Auflage der bisherigen "Ergänzenden Kapitel zum Taschenbuch der Mathematik von I. N. Bronstein und K. A. Semendjajew" vor, die 1990 in sechster Auflage im Verlag B. G. Teubner in Leipzig erschienen sind. Der "Bronstein", das unentbehrliche Nachschlagewerk für Generationen von Studenten, Lehrern und Praktikern, wurde 1957 von V. Ziegler aus dem Russischen übersetzt und erstmals 1958 in deutscher Sprache - erweitert um die Abschnitte "Variationsrechnung" und "Integralgleichungen" -im Verlag B. G. Teubner in Leipzig veröffentlicht. Unter der Herausgabe von G. Grosche und V. Ziegler erschien 1979 in enger Abstim­ mung mit den Autoren der ursprünglichen Fassung die 19. , völlig überarbeitete Auflage als Gemeinschaftsausgabe der Verlage Nauka und Teubner. In diese Leipziger Neubear­ beitung wurden neue Teilgebiete aufgenommen, wie Grundbegriffe der mathematischen Logik, Maßtheorie und Lebesgue-Stieltjes-Integral, Tensorrechnung, lineare Optimierung, nichtlineare Optimierung, dynamische Optimierung, Graphentheorie, Spieltheorie, Nu­ merik und Funktionalanalysis. Manche Abschnitte mußten erheblich erweitert werden, z. B. Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung, mathematische Statistik, Fourier-Analyse und Laplace­ Transformation. Da bei dieser Zielstellung der Umfang des Werkes nicht annähernd in den Grenzen des ursprünglichen Taschenbuches gehalten werden konnte, die Handlichkeit aber möglichst erhalten bleiben sollte, kamen Verfasser der ursprünglichen und Herausgeber der neuen Fassung zu dem Entschluß, die weiterführenden Kapitel 8 bis 11 herauszulösen und in einem Ergänzungsband zusammenzufassen.

Theoretical, Experimental, and Numerical Contributions to the Mechanics of Fluids and Solids: A collection of papers in honor of Paul M. Naghdi

by James Casey Marcel J. Crochet

This special issue of ZAMP is published to honor Paul M. Naghdi for his contributions to mechanics over the last forty years and more. It is offered in celebration of his long, productive career in continuum mechan­ ics; a career which has been marked by a passion for the intrinsic beauty of the subject, an uncompromising adherence to academic standards, and an untiring devotion to our profession. Originally, this issue was planned in celebration of Naghdi's 70th birthday, which occurred on 29 March 1994. But, as the papers were being prepared for the press, it became evident that the illness from which Professor Naghdi had been suffering during recent months was extremely serious. On 26 May 1994, a reception took place in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Berkeley, at which Naghdi received The Berkeley Citation (which is given in lieu of an honorary degree) and where he was also presented with the Table of Contents of the present collection. Subse­ quently, he had the opportunity to read the papers in manuscript form. He was very touched that his colleagues had chosen to honor him with their fine contributions. The knowledge that he was held in such high esteem by his fellow scientists brought a special pleasure and consolation to him in his last weeks. On Saturday evening, 9 July 1994, Paul Naghdi succumbed to the lung cancer which he had so courageously endured.

Theoretische Informatik: Grundlagen und praktische Anwendungen

by Werner Brecht

Dieses Lehrbuch bietet in handlichem Format und zu attraktivem Ladenpreis allen Studenten an Fach- und sonstigen Hochschulen eine anwendungsorientierte Sicht der Theoretischen Informatik. Es eignet sich in hervorragender Weise für die gängigen Lehrveranstaltungen, in denen die Grundzüge der Theoretischen Informatik vermittelt werden, wie auch dafür, das Selbststudium zu unterstützen. Es richtet sich dabei sowohl an Informatiker wie auch an Ingenieure und Praktiker, die sich mit den grundlegenden Gehalten der Informatik vertraut machen wollen.

Theory and Application of Laser Chemical Vapor Deposition (Lasers, Photonics, and Electro-Optics)

by J. Mazumder Aravinda Kar

In this monograph, the authors offer a comprehensive examination of the latest research on Laser Chemical Vapor Deposition (LCVD). Chapters explore the physics of LCVD as well as the principles of a wide range of related phenomena-including laser-matter interactions, heat transfer, fluid flow, chemical kinetics, and adsorption. With this reference, researchers will discover how to apply these principles to developing theories about various types of LCVD processes; gain greater insight into the basic mechanisms of LCVD; and obtain the ability to design and control an LCVD system.

Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators: Proceedings of RoManSy 10: The Tenth CISM-IFToMM Symposium (CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences #361)

by A. Morecki G. Bianchi K. Jaworek

The CISM-IFToMM Symposia have played a dynamic role in the development of the theory and practice of robotics. The proceedings of the Tenth Symposia present a world view to date of the state-of-the-art, including a unique record of the results achieved in central and eastern Europe.

Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Fluids

by G. F. Rogers Y. R. Mayhew

The fifth edition has been issued to incorporate two new tables - Data of Refrigerant 134a and a table containing for selected substances, molar enthalpies and molar Gibbs functions of formation, Equilibirum constants of formation, as well as molar heat capacities and absolute entropies.

Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Fluids

by G. F. Rogers Y. R. Mayhew

The fifth edition has been issued to incorporate two new tables - Data of Refrigerant 134a and a table containing for selected substances, molar enthalpies and molar Gibbs functions of formation, Equilibirum constants of formation, as well as molar heat capacities and absolute entropies.

Thermodynamik: Die Grundgesetze der Energie- und Stoffumwandlungen (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Klaus Lucas

Dieses moderne Lehrbuch der Thermodynamik bietet eine integrierte Darstellung der gemeinsamen Grundgesetze der Energie- und Stoffumwandlungen. Es betont die Rolle der Thermodynamik als systemanalytische Methode und führt in die Grundlagen der Energie-, Verfahrens- und Umwelttechnik ein. Das Buch eignet sich zum Gebrauch neben den Vorlesungen, ist aber auch zum Selbststudium und als Nachschlagewerk für den Ingenieur in der Praxis gedacht.

Tools for Making Acute Risk Decisions: With Chemical Process Safety Applications

by CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety)

The complexity of today's risk decisions is well known. Beyond cost and risk there are many other factors contributing to these decisions, including type of risk (such as human injury or fatality), the economic impact on the local community, profitability, availability of capital, alternatives for reducing or eliminating the risk, costs of implementing alternatives, codes, standards, regulation, and good industry practice. This book presents a large range of decision aids for risk analysts and decision makers in industry so that vital decisions can be made in a more consistent, logical, and rigorous manner. Though primarily aimed at the process industry, this book can be used by anyone who makes similar decisions in other industries, including those in management science.

Total Materials Management: Achieving Maximum Profits Through Materials/Logistics Operations (Competitve Manufacturing Series)

by John M. Amos Eugene L. Magad

Reflecting the enhance role of materials/logistics management in today's competitive business environment, this new edition provides a fundamental understanding of the subject and its fuction in all sectors of the economy. It examines the vital area of customer service and shows how to implement a world class, integrated materials/logistics system that control activities starting with the supplier, through the company operation, and concluding with the satisfied customer. Thoroughly revised and updated, the Second Edition features new chapters on Just-In-Time and automation. Additional discussions include achieving world class competitiveness, ISO 9000 and organizational trends. Theoretical and practical examples of materials/logistics management are integrated with numerous real-life examples. This Second Edition of Total Materials Management presents accessible approaches for enhancing materials management/logistics, enabling personnel in purchasing, warehousing, physical distribution, materials handling, inventory control and production control to capitalize on vast opportunities for savings. This book is also an important resource for students in courses on materials/logistics management.

Toward A Competitive Telecommunication Industry: Selected Papers From the 1994 Telecommunications Policy Research Conference (LEA Telecommunications Series)

by Gerald W. Brock

Providing an authoritative perspective on the best current research regarding telecommunication policy, this book is based on the 22nd Annual Telecommunications Policy Research Conference. The papers focus on the critical policy issues created by increasing competition in the industry. The book contains a careful analysis of local competition and interconnection, international competition, universal service issues, the Internet and emerging new methods of communication, and the first amendment problems created by changing telecommunication technology. It brings together -- in a convenient form -- a wide range of important scholarship on telecommunication policy that otherwise would require extensive research into a variety of journals, government filings, and unpublished papers.

Toward A Competitive Telecommunication Industry: Selected Papers From the 1994 Telecommunications Policy Research Conference (LEA Telecommunications Series)

by Gerald W. Brock

Providing an authoritative perspective on the best current research regarding telecommunication policy, this book is based on the 22nd Annual Telecommunications Policy Research Conference. The papers focus on the critical policy issues created by increasing competition in the industry. The book contains a careful analysis of local competition and interconnection, international competition, universal service issues, the Internet and emerging new methods of communication, and the first amendment problems created by changing telecommunication technology. It brings together -- in a convenient form -- a wide range of important scholarship on telecommunication policy that otherwise would require extensive research into a variety of journals, government filings, and unpublished papers.

Towards a New Map of Automobile Manufacturing in Europe?: New Production Concepts and Spatial Restructuring

by A. Amin S. Conti P. Dicken A. Enriette J. Ferrao Ray Hudson A. Malmberg D. Sadler J. Savary Eike W. Schamp M. Vale

This book is the product of four years of collaborative work within the framework of the European Science Foundation's Regional and Urban Restructuring in Europe (RURE) programme. With one exception, all of the chapters have been prepared by participants in RURE - the exception being that commissioned from Conti and Enrietti on Fiat and Italy to provide a fuller coverage of changes in the main automobile producing companies and countries of Europe. A - perhaps the - central theme around which the RURE programme was conceived is that the restructuring of the production system lies at the heart of the changing map of Europe. Equally, it continues to be the case that the automobile industry lies at the cutting edge of the search for viable new models of production. Some eighty years ago the automobile industry occupied a pivotal position in the transition from craft to mass production - indeed "Fordism" came to denote not just a particular micro-economic model of production organisation in the factory but a macro-scale model of economic development, characterized by a particular pattern of relations between mass production, mass consumption and national state regulation. From the late 1960s, however, it became increasingly clear that Fordism as a macro-scale model of advanced capitalist development was reaching its limits.

Toxicology in Transition: Proceedings of the 1994 EUROTOX Congress Meeting Held in Basel, Switzerland, August 21–24, 1994 (Archives of Toxicology #17)

by Gisela H. Degen Jürg P. Seiler Philip Bentley

The volume contains the main papers presented at the 1994 EUROTOX Congress, Basel, Switzerland, August 21-24, 1994. Toxicology has become a less descriptive science because more importance has been placed on the mechanisms underlying toxic effects. This is reflected in symposia and workshops devoted to species differences in organ toxicity, receptor-mediated toxicity and stereochemical effects of xenobiotics. Recent progress in the fields of immunotoxicology, ecotoxicology, and neurotoxicology is highlighted and documented together with the present discussion on harmonized regulatory guidelines.

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