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Forschungsfeld Gastronomie: Grundlagen – Einstellungen – Konsumenten (Forschung und Praxis an der FHWien der WKW)

by Klaus-Peter Fritz Daniela Wagner

Im vorliegenden Buch wird das noch junge Forschungsfeld Gastronomie beleuchtet. Eingangs wird das Forschungsfeld eingegrenzt und definiert. Darauf aufbauend werden innovative Forschungsprojekte im Bereich Gastronomie vorgestellt. So werden beispielsweise die kulinarischen Grundeinstellungen von Gästen der Wiener Gastronomie analysiert oder die Umsetzung von Nachhaltigkeit in Großküchen diskutiert. Weitere Beiträge beschäftigen sich mit der Abgrenzung von Gastronomie und Culinary Tourism sowie dem praxisorientierten Einsatz von Forschungsergebnissen in der Gastronomie.

Nature-Based Tourism in Mallorca’s Natural Areas: The Benefits of Tourism for Natural Areas (BestMasters)

by Luisa Wolter

Luisa Wolter examines the travel motivations and interests of natural park visitors to Mallorca with a special focus on sustainable tourism development. The data for the study were collected from tourists in the two natural parks s’ Albufera and Llevant in the North of Mallorca. Based on the results of the analysis, natural area managers can develop new products and marketing strategies that address their very own visitors, contribute to the sustainable development of their region, and influence the visitors’ views and behaviors by raising environmental awareness.

Reisebriefe aus Palästina

by H. Soden

Tourism and Hospitality Development Between China and EU

by Guojun Zeng

Tourism and hospitality industry is facing a substantial amount of opportunities and challenges due to the globalization. The Third International Conference on Tourism and Hospitality between China and Spain (ICTCHS) provides a unique global forum for academics, thought leaders and key industry practitioners from diverse backgrounds and interests to meet, discuss and debate critical issues that will affect the future direction of tourism and hospitality research and practice.

Trends and Issues in Global Tourism 2012 (Trends and Issues in Global Tourism)

by Roland Conrady Martin Buck

This book offers insights into important trends and future scenarios in the global tourism and travel industry. Besides the general topics (aviation and hospitality industry, destination management, marketing, and distribution management) it analyses current challenges and impacts resulting especially from developments in social media, corporate social responsibility and eco-mobility. Sustainability in the global tourism sector and particularly eco-mobility is one of the top themes to-be and therefore a focus of this book. Among the contributors to the book are well-known notabilities from institutions such as the UNWTO and top executives of various segments of the tourism and travel industry. The articles are based on presentations and panel discussions presented at the world´s largest tourism convention, the ITB Berlin Convention.

Trends and Issues in Global Tourism 2011 (Trends and Issues in Global Tourism)

by Roland Conrady Martin Buck

This book provides insights into important trends and future scenarios in the global tourism and travel industry. It analyses today’s challenges in the aviation and hospitality industry, in destination management, and in marketing and distribution management. New empirical data on general travel behaviour and the latest consumer trends are also presented. The contributors to this book are well-known individuals from important tourism, travel and consulting firms (e.g. BCD Travel, Öger Tours, Booz and Company, GfK, IPK International) and researchers from universities in Switzerland, United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Germany. In addition institutes specializing in future research highlight important travel trends. Corporate social responsibility is one of the top themes to-be and therefore a focus of this book, offering insights into the concept of CSR, empirical data on consumer requests, corporate strategy issues and financial investment implications.

Social Web im Tourismus: Strategien - Konzepte - Einsatzfelder

by Daniel Amersdorffer Florian Bauhuber Roman Egger Jens Oellrich

Ziel der Autoren ist es, Mechanismen und Prinzipien des Social Webs im Tourismus aufzuzeigen. Neben den theoretischen Grundlagen erläutern sie die praktischen Anwendungen und illustrieren das Thema anhand vieler Best-Practice-Beispiele. Leser erfahren, welche Bedeutung das Social Web und seine grundlegenden Mechanismen haben, so dass Internet-Aktivitäten besser geplant und an neue Entwicklungen angepasst werden können. Für Akteure in der Tourismusbranche, aber auch Wissenschaftler, die einen Einstieg in die touristische Praxis des Social Web suchen.

Trends and Issues in Global Tourism 2010 (Trends and Issues in Global Tourism)

by Roland Conrady Martin Buck

This book offers insights into important trends and future scenarios in the global tourism and travel industry and analyses current challenges in the aviation and hospitality industry, destination management and general travel behaviour. Well-known notabilities share their points of view. For example, Norbert Walter, chief economist of the Deutsche Bank, writes about the financial crisis and its impact on the tourism industry. Top executives of international operating airlines like C. Karlitekin (Turkish Airlines), J. Hunold (Air Berlin) and E. Sims (Air New Zealand) have much to say about the future of airlines and aviation management. Corporate Social Responsibility is one of the top themes to-be and therefore a focus of this book, offering the perspective of the UN Foundation and the social inclusion concept of RUHR.2010, European Capital of Culture. The articles are based on presentations and panel discussions presented at the world´s largest tourism congress, the ITB Berlin Convention.

Trends and Issues in Global Tourism 2009 (Trends and Issues in Global Tourism)

by Roland Conrady Martin Buck

As other industries, the global travel and tourism industry has been facing immense challenges and highly visible upheaval since the beginning of the new millennium. The International Tourism Exchange ITB Berlin, the world’s leading travel trade show, aims at pinpointing the most important challenges, identifying the trends and offering a platform to solve pressing problems. The ITB Convention Market Trends & Innovations has developed into a centre of excellence and a driving force for the global travel and tourism industry, generating a much needed information platform. This compilation unites the highlights of the convention in articles prepared by renowned professionals and scientists from the industry. Readers may benefit from this comprehensive vision of the developments that are shaping the structure of the global tourism industry today and in the future. This book is indispensable for tourism and travel professionals as well as for academics and students anal- ing current global tourism and travel trends.

Trends and Issues in Global Tourism 2008 (Trends and Issues in Global Tourism)

by Roland Conrady Martin Buck

This book offers insight into important trends in the global travel and tourism industry and analyzes developments in the aviation and hospitality industry and destination management. The most recent developments in marketing and sales as well as in travel technology and business travel are of key importance for managing travel and tourism companies. The articles are based on presentations and panel discussions presented at the world´s largest tourism convention, the ITB Convention Market Trends & Innovations.

Trends and Issues in Global Tourism 2007 (Trends and Issues in Global Tourism)

by Roland Conrady Martin Buck

This book offers insight into important trends in the global travel and tourism industry and analyzes developments in the aviation and hospitality industry, destination management and general travel behavior. The articles are based on presentations and panel discussions presented at the world's largest tourism convention, the ITB Convention Market Trends and Innovations.

Reise-Sprachführer Japanisch für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Eriko Sato

Mit diesem Büchlein sind Sie für die nächste Reise nach Japan gerüstet. Ob Sie in Tokio in einer Shopping Mall einkaufen, in Kyoto in einer Bar Sushi bestellen oder in Osaka über das Wetter plaudern: Hier finden Sie die passenden Sätze für die jeweilige Situation. Ganz nebenbei erfahren Sie das Wichtigste über die japanische Grammatik und bekommen viele Tipps für die richtige Aussprache.

Niederländisch für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Margreet Kwakernaak

"Niederländisch für Dummies" bietet einen leichten Einstieg in die niederländische Sprache. Nach einer Einführung in die sprachlichen Besonderheiten, die Aussprache und die Grammatik wird es auch schon praktisch: Jedes Kapitel beschäftigt sich mit einer Alltagssituation. Sie lernen, wie Sie sich auf Niederländisch vorstellen, im Restaurant Essen bestellen oder ein Hotelzimmer reservieren. Ganz nebenbei erhalten Sie viele Informationen zu Alltag und Kultur in den Niederlanden. Am Ende jedes Kapitels gibt es eine kleine Übung, mit der Sie Ihre neu erworbenen Sprachkenntnisse prüfen können.

Cultural and Creative Industries: A Path To Entrepreneurship And Innovation (Innovation, Technology, and Knowledge Management)

by Marta Peris-Ortiz Mayer Rainiero Cabrera-Flores Arturo Serrano-Santoyo

This book examines the ways in which cultural and creative industries can drive entrepreneurship, innovation, sustainability and overall regional development. It will address such issues as (1) the technical (tangible) components of creative and cultural industries in relation to innovation; (2) the intangible components of creative and cultural industries in relation to services provided; (3) the relationship between tangible and intangible components and economic and social innovation; and (4) the ways in which creative and cultural industries effect and influence regional sustainability and development.Cultural and creative industries and the creative economy as a whole have been increasingly prevalent in research literature because of their role in driving economic and social development. Cultural and creative industries also enable other forms of entrepreneurship and innovation beyond the traditional, technology-based focus of innovation, thereby enhancing regional growth and development through these channels. The contributions presented in this book discuss the main issues, challenges, opportunities and trends of cultural and creative industries through conceptual analysis and cases studies from different world regions. Featuring research from industries such as art, health care, beer and wine and education, this book provides researchers, academics, professionals and policy makers with a detailed examination of the development and potential of cultural and creative industries in regional and global economies.

Traveller Vulnerability in the Context of Travel and Tourism Contracts: A Comparison Of Brazilian And Eu Law

by Maria Goretti Sanches Lima

The book highlights the link between consumers and travellers, identifying the meaning of vulnerability in Brazil and the EU. It also covers different types of contracts for tourism and travel services, including online booking processes. Only after 2015, as a result of the directive on package travel and linked travel arrangements, did the EU begin viewing travellers as consumers in the sense of Union Consumer Law; conversely, in Brazil, the traveller has no legal status whatsoever and is considered solely a consumer. As the traveller is implicitly a consumer he/she is subject to vulnerability. However, the definition of vulnerability differs considerably between Brazil and the EU: while in Brazil it is a principle stemming from the Consumer Defence Code, covering all consumers, in the EU vulnerability is not an established principle. In the EU, although the average consumer is assumed to be reasonably well informed, observant and circumspect, they are also recognised as the weaker party in the contract. That recognition does not fit with the notion of "confident consumer". Vulnerable consumers in the EU are those whose individual characteristics, such as their age, physical or mental infirmity, or credulity, make them particularly susceptible to unfair commercial practices. Conversely, in Brazil these consumers are seen as being hyper-vulnerable, rather than solely vulnerable. In this context, travellers are in a weaker position than regular consumers buying goods or services, because they are outside of their domicile or jurisdiction for a brief or extended period of time. This book examines two types of traveller vulnerability that make travellers, particularly international ones, a special type of consumers: 1. External and 2. Legal (jurisdiction). Travellers’ vulnerability mainly stems from consumers travelling to different markets and different cultures. As such, they are subject to different laws that require special global attention. While both the EU and Brazilian system have their respective advantages and disadvantages, the goal of both must be to further increase protection for travellers, including business travellers. In consumer societies, the traveller is indeed a consumer by logical causation and hence a “special consumer”.

Adventure and Society

by Simon Beames Chris Mackie Matthew Atencio

This undergraduate textbook provides a broad overview of the ways in which ‘adventurous practices’ influence, and are influenced by, the world around them. The concept of adventure is one that is too often tackled within subject silos of philosophy, education, tourism, or leisure. While much of the analysis is strong, there is little cross-pollination between disciplines. Adventure & Society pulls together the threads of these discourses into one coherent treatment of the term ‘adventure’ and the role that it plays in human social life of the 21st century. It explores how these practices can be considered more deeply through theoretical discourses of capitalism, identity construction, technology and social media, risk-taking, personal development, equalities, and sustainability. As such, the book speaks to a broad audience of undergraduate and postgraduate students across diverse subject areas, and aims to be an accessible starting point for deeper inquiry.

Questioning the Assessment of Research Impact: Illusions, Myths and Marginal Sectors (Palgrave Critical University Studies)

by Rhodri Thomas

This book provides the first comprehensive assessment of non-academic research impact in relation to a marginal field of study, namely tourism studies. Informed by interviews with key informants, ethnographic reflections on the author’s extensive work with trade and professional associations, and various secondary data, it paints a picture of inevitable research policy failure. This conclusion is justified by reference to ill-founded official conceptualisations of practitioner and organisational behaviour, and the orientation and quality of tourism research. The author calls for a more serious consideration of research-informed teaching as a means of creating knowledge flows from universities. Research with greater social and economic impact might then be achievable. This radical assessment will be of interest and value to policy makers, university research managers and tourism scholars.

Questioning the Assessment of Research Impact: Illusions, Myths and Marginal Sectors (Palgrave Critical University Studies)

by Rhodri Thomas

This book provides the first comprehensive assessment of non-academic research impact in relation to a marginal field of study, namely tourism studies. Informed by interviews with key informants, ethnographic reflections on the author’s extensive work with trade and professional associations, and various secondary data, it paints a picture of inevitable research policy failure. This conclusion is justified by reference to ill-founded official conceptualisations of practitioner and organisational behaviour, and the orientation and quality of tourism research. The author calls for a more serious consideration of research-informed teaching as a means of creating knowledge flows from universities. Research with greater social and economic impact might then be achievable. This radical assessment will be of interest and value to policy makers, university research managers and tourism scholars.

Yellow Tourism: Crime and Corruption in the Holiday Sector (Tourism, Hospitality & Event Management)

by Alexis Papathanassis Stavros Katsios Nicoleta Ramona Dinu

This book presents the latest research and novel case studies on crime and corruption in the tourism and hospitality industry. It approaches tourism as both a globalised business impacting the livelihood of millions of people, and a highly challenging field of action for national legislators and law enforcement agencies. The global nature and ubiquity of tourism, as well as the core elements of the holiday experience - such as interactions with unknown environments and places, a care-free mind-set, novelty-seeking behaviour and anonymity - render it highly susceptible to victimisation, crime and corruption. Accordingly, the book addresses a comprehensive set of emerging issues, including: conflict and fraud during holidays; criminal and negligence offences at tourists’ expense; exploitation and mistreatment of service workers; deterioration of heritage, cultural and natural resources; and securitisation of tourism.

Feasible Management of Archaeological Heritage Sites Open to Tourism

by Douglas C. Comer Annemarie Willems

Archaeological sites opened to the public, and especially those highly photogenic sites that have achieved iconic status, are often major tourist attractions. By opening an archaeological site to tourism, threats and opportunities will emerge.The threats are to the archaeological record, the pre-historic or historic materials in context at the site that can provide facts about human history and the human relationship to the environment. The opportunities are to share what can be learned at archaeological sites and how it can be learned. The latter is important because doing so can build a public constituency for archaeology that appreciates and will support the potential of archaeology to contribute to conversations about contemporary issues, such as the root causes and possible solutions to conflict among humans and the social implications of environmental degradation. In this volume we will consider factors that render effective management of archaeological sites open to the public feasible, and therefore sustainable. We approach this in two ways: The first is by presenting some promising ways to assess and enhance the feasibility of establishing effective management. Assessing feasibility involves examining tourism potential, which must consider the demographic sectors from which visitors to the site are drawn or might be in the future, identifying preservation issues associated with hosting visitors from the various demographic sectors, and the possibility and means by which local communities might be engaged in identifying issues and generating long-term support for effective management. The second part of the book will provide brief case studies of places and ways in which the feasibility of sustainable management has been improved.

Greater Kenyir Landscapes: Social Development and Environmental Sustainability: From Ridge to Reef

by Mohd Tajuddin Abdullah Aqilah Mohammad Mohamed Nor Zalipah Muhamad Safiih Lola

This book contains research findings from three major study areas, natural sciences, social sciences, and public policy and management. The focus area extends over geographical zones ranging from mountainous area of Mount Gagau in the Taman Negara National Park, down to the coastal islands of Bidong, Redang and Perhentian on the eastern coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Chapters on natural sciences examine the physicochemical characteristics of water, physiological and ecological constraints to geological and climatological aspects. The social science and management chapters observe the rich ethno-heritage of local communities and how they interact and develop as a culture, and public policy for sustainable management. Viewpoints from political science, history, sociology, economics, anthropology and management science are also taken into account. This book is intended for researchers and graduate students to create an understanding of the rich heritage, while policy makers plan for future generations. Readers will benefit from this book by studying the gaps in the current knowledge and move to develop further research to understand the unexplored forest canopies and the dynamics of the changing Greater Kenyir landscapes.

Best Practices in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management: A Quality of Life Perspective (Applying Quality of Life Research)

by Ana María Campón-Cerro José Manuel Hernández-Mogollón José Antonio Folgado-Fernández

This volume analyses the positive effects that tourism generates on resident’s quality of life, and how this influences tourists’ quality of life as they enjoy an enriching experience in the destination they visit. It provides significant theoretical and empirical contributions, as well as, case studies related to quality of life in hospitality and tourism marketing and management. This volume is the result of the effort that many researchers from all over the world have done to spread some new light on this outstanding research line and add knowledge on the relationship between tourism and quality of life of both residents and tourists. This last is highlighted as a fundamental factor to take into account for the development of new tourism practices. This volume is a true reference for researchers, students and professionals working in tourism marketing and management.

The Future of Tourism: Innovation and Sustainability

by Chris Cooper Eduardo Fayos-Solà

This book presents the foundations for the future of tourism in a structured and detailed format. The who-is-who of tourism intelligence has collaborated to present a definitive blueprint for tourism reflecting the role of science, market institutions, and governance in its innovation and sustainability. The book adopts a comprehensive approach, exploring recent research and the latest developments in practice to inform the reader about instruments and actions that can shape a successful future for tourism. Broad in scope, the book incorporates the perspectives of leading tourism academics, as well as the views of tourism entrepreneurs, destination managers, government officials, and civil leaders. The book is divided into three parts, the first of which addresses the scientific facets of innovation, analyzing the challenges and opportunities that technology provides for organic and disruptive developments in tourism, which will shape its future. In turn, the second part examines socio-cultural paradigms – with a view to dismantling traditional barriers to innovation. It also explores the role of heritage and the ethics of inclusiveness as drivers for sustainable tourism. The third part investigates new ways and means in governance and policy making for tourism. It introduces advances such as strategic positioning, symbiotic partnerships, and innovative management, and closes by presenting governance frameworks for an inclusive and sustainable future of tourism.

Caring and Sharing: 2016 ALECTOR Conference, Istanbul, Turkey (Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics)

by Valentina Vasile

This proceedings volume explores the socio-economic dimension of the heritage sector from a broad, interdisciplinary perspective. Featuring contributions from the 2016 ALECTOR International Conference held in Istanbul, Turkey, this book presents current theoretical and empirical research related to such topics as: R&D and ICT in tourism; heritage products and services; climate change; finance and tourism; cultural communication; anthropological cultural heritage; and heritage management. Collectively, the papers presented in this book provides methodologies, strategies and applications to measure the socio-economic dimension of the heritage sector and also good practices in the heritage sector that drive regional, cultural and economic development and sustainability. The EU Neighbourhood Info Centre (ENPI) Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) Black Sea project “Collaborative Networks of Multilevel Actors to Advance Quality Standards for Heritage Tourism at Cross Border Level”, or ALECTOR, focuses on different types of heritage assets as a means to invest in human capital and tourism innovation in order to achieve socio-economic development and cooperation with social partners in the Black Sea region. Featuring collaborations from Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova Ukraine, Georgia and Turkey, the project proposes a cognitive and educational framework for using a region’s assets, which would guide final beneficiaries (regions, communities, SMEs) to identify, signify, valorize and manage their natural and cultural resources, in order to use heritage potential as a vehicle for tourism. Presenting case studies of successful initiatives, the enclosed papers are divided into two parts: • Part I: Economics of Heritage features innovative research results on the heritage and tourism topics from countries such as Bulgaria, Croatia, Russia, and Romania • Part II: Best Practices features best practices, experiences, and promotion plans for cultural heritage through tourism from countries such as Bulgaria, Republic of Moldova, Turkey, Russia, and Romania

Coastal Scenery: Evaluation and Management (Coastal Research Library #26)

by Nelson Rangel-Buitrago

This book describes an easy to apply methodology to determine the scenic value of a coast. As one of the most critical aspects of beach user choice, the determination of coastal area scenic quality is of primordial importance. This book is, therefore, an extremely useful tool for any coastal lovers, being them users, teachers, researchers, or managers.In particular, this work is the first book to present a semi-quantitative analysis of coastal scenery based on more than 4,000 interviews about people’s desired coastal imaginary. Twenty-six parameters can be used to identify any coastal scene, which have then been sub-divided into five attribute categories, weighted and subjected to fuzzy logic mathematics to obtain a decision number (D). This number D represents the coastal scenery at that point, and Five D classes are then presented (from I-excellent, to V-poor). Heritage areas, like National Parks should lie in Class I, which infers top scenic quality.Over a time span of a decade or so, the authors of this book have assessed more than 900 global locations using the technique given in this book. One of the main aims of this method is to point out how scenic areas may be improved by judicious intervention relating to parameters, mainly anthropogenic, chosen for assessment.The content of this book opens perspectives for analysis of the potential for coastal tourism development in natural areas and for landscape quality improvement in current coastal tourist developed areas. “In a very comprehensive way, this book reviews the main concepts about coastal scenery and through the vast global work experience of the authors, presents different methodologies, as well as introducing a novel methodology, using parameter weightings and fuzzy logic mathematics.”Carlos Pereira da Silva, CICS.NOVA, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal “Our lives will be greatly enriched by finding beauty, but we can use help in defining the many ways beauty can be manifested. This book can help us by informing us of the ways landscapes can be viewed and described from many viewpoints to place our own understanding in better perspective.”Karl Nordstrom, Geography Department, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA “How do we define and quantify a coast’s scenic value? This is the book. It begins by defining coastal scenery, then reviews the approaches to quantifying it, followed by a new fuzzy logic approach and examples. It finishes with a chapter on how to manage these attractive landscapes, many of which are being overrun and ruined by development. This is a must read for researchers who wish to evaluate and managers who wish to maintain this valuable yet intangible coastal resource.”Andrew Short, Coastal Studies Unit, Sydney University, Australia

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