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Saddle Club Book 10: Saddle Club Bindup 5 (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #Bk. 5)

by Bonnie Bryant

The three members of The Saddle Club -- Carole, Stevie, and Lisa -- are delighted when they get a chance to go to Moose Hill, a sleep-over riding camp in the hills of Virginia. It promises to be two wonderful weeks of riding, meeting new horse-crazy friends, and competing in a genuine horse show. Best of all, the camp has plenty of stable hands to do the heavy chores. It's going to be a real vacation!When the arrive at Moose Hill, the girls are in for some surprises: their groom isn't doing his job, and their cabin mates are snobs who care more about winning the horse show than making friends. Even Stevie's new boyfriend is convinced that he's the best rider around. Then a sudden an emergency at camp tests everyone's courage and results in some unexpected friendships -- adding up to an end-of-the-summer adventure the girls will never forget.

Saddle Club Book 11: Saddle Club Bindup 6 (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #Bk. 6)

by Bonnie Bryant

Max, the owner of Pine Hollow Stables, has decided to start a Pony Club, and Stevie, Carole and Lisa are overjoyed. The Pony Club covers everything from horse care to stable management, and it’s a great chance for the Saddle Club girls to get horse wise. Carole just wishes her usually wonderful father hadn’t volunteered to help out. He doesn’t know the first thing about horses – or how big a responsibility it is to take care of them. That’s something spoiled Veronica diAngelo doesn’t understand either. She’s getting another horse and the girls are angry. None of them, especially Carole, can forget that Veronica’s carelessness killed her first horse. But Lisa’s worries that Carole and Stevie are jealous, as well. How in the world can she tell them that she’s getting a horse, too? Will Lisa have to choose between her dream come true and her best friends? It all comes to a head when Veronica’s reckless behavior puts a young colt’s life in danger – and the Saddle Club to pull together to save a precious life!

Saddle Club Book 12: Saddle Club Bindup 6 (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #Bk. 6)

by Bonnie Bryant

Carole, Stevie and Lisa can’t believe their luck when they get another chance to visit their good friend Kate Devine at her family’s ranch. The Bar None. It’s a perfect time to visit, since the annual rodeo has come to town. Eli Grimes, who works at The Bar None, will be in the rodeo, and the girls can’t wait to watch him compete.But the girls hear some bad news when they arrive. The Bar None has lost a lot of business to a flashy new ranch closer to town. The Devines may not be able to keep their ranch running much longer. That’s when The Saddle Club – including new member Christine Lonetree – comes up with a plan to help. They’ll enter the rodeo’s barrel-racing contest and carry off the cash prize! Can Christine, Kate, Stevie, Carole, and Lisa pull out all the stops and win big for The Bar None?

Saddle Club Book 13: Saddle Club Bindup 07 (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #Bk. 7)

by Bonnie Bryant-Hiller

Stevie and Lisa can’t wait for the holidays to begin. But the Christmas season just hasn’t been the same for Carole since her mother died. When the local veterinarian takes her on as a temporary assistant, Carole’s mood slowly brightens. With so much to do she can’t stay sad for long. By the night of Pine Hollow’s Starlight Ride, Carole’s in the Christmas spirit. She’s even looking forward to leading the stable’s traditional moonlit procession through the woods on Christmas Eve. But the real highlight of her Christmas is still to come: Carole doesn’t even suspect the wonderful surprise her father and horse-crazy friends have in store for her!

Saddle Club Book 14: Saddle Club Bindup 07 (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #Bk. 7)

by Bonnie Bryant-Hiller

Ever since they formed the Saddle Club, Stevie, Carole and Lisa have been inseparable. So they’re all feeling a little sad at the thought of not being together over the Christmas holidays. But while Lisa is riding along the beautiful beaches of sunny San Marco, Stevie will be combing the shopping mall for the perfect New Year’s Eve dress. And Carole will be training Starlight, the gorgeous bay gelding she was given for Christmas.But no one’s holiday goes smoothly, especially Lisa’s. On her first day at San Marco stables, she takes an embarrassing fall, just like a beginner! And that’s not the worst of it: the volcanic terrain and tricky footing of the tiny island can be confusing for horses – and lethal for their riders. Just as Lisa’s confidence in her riding plummets to an all-time low, a dangerous mishap will put all her riding skills to the ultimate test… and have her missing her Saddle Club friends like crazy!

Saddle Club Book 15: Team Play (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #Vol. 8)

by Bonnie Bryant-Hiller

A riding team from Italy is coming to Pine Hollow, and Stevie volunteers to entertain them during their visit. It’s a job that stuck-up Veronica diAngelo wanted for herself, and now Veronica is determined that Stevie will pay!Suddenly, with the big weekend approaching, Stevie finds out that someone has “volunteered” her to organize the annual school fair, to run the Children’s Hospital Festival, and to debate for election as class president. They all take place on the same day- just when her Bar None Ranch friends, Kate and Christine, and the Italian riding team are due to visit! Can one person do four things at once? With the help of her Saddle Club friends and a lot of imagination, Stevie is determined to try. The result will be the greatest event ever… or the biggest disaster of all time!

Saddle Club Book 16: Horse Games (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #Vol. 8)

by Bonnie Bryant-Hiller

Stevie is excited about a great new sport – polocrosse. When she learns that the Horse Wise Pony Club will be playing against her boyfriend’s team, she’s thrilled. Now she’ll finally have the chance to show him what a good rider she is! Her best friends, Carole and Lisa, are enthusiastic about anything to do with horses, but they don’t share Stevie’s fierce drive to win. Carole would rather spend time with her new friend Marie, who was injured in an accident. Marie needs help, and Carole knows that horses are the answer. Is she can interest Marie in riding again, she’ll be on the road to recovery.When Stevie sprains her ankle, her determination is as strong as ever. Carole and Lisa thought she was a terror as a player, but they can’t believe what she’s like as a coach! Her competitive spirit is starting to threaten their friendship. What will it take to get the Saddle Club team spirit back again?

Saddle Club Book 17: Horsenapped!

by Bonnie Bryant-Hiller

Stevie, Carole and Lisa are best friends and horse-crazy members of the Saddle Club. The three are looking forward to the Combined Training Event at Pine Hollow stables where all riders compete in dressage, cross-country and show-jumping. It’s a horse lover’s dream!When snooty Veronica blames her bad performance on her horse Garnet and storms out of the ring, Carole follows, fearing Veronica’s threat to give away her horse. But horse and rider have disappeared!Later, when Lisa finds $10,000 ransom note in the stall, the reality becomes all too clear: Veronica and Garnet have been kidnapped!Who would have thought that the Saddle Club would ever feel sorry for Veronica? The girls resolve to catch the horsenappers and soon find themselves in a daring escape that puts all their horse-riding skills to the test.

Saddle Club Book 18: Saddle Club Bindup 09 (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #No. 9)

by Bonnie Bryant-Hiller

Carole, Stevie and Lisa are thrilled when they get a call from their friend Kate from The Bar None Ranch. Kate has an offer for them: would the girls like to go on a pack trip in the mountains? The answer is an enthusiastic yes! When they meet the other riders, they couldn’t be happier. Lisa feels instantly drawn to Seth, while his fun-loving sister Amy seems to be a perfect pal for Stevie. Another boy, John, is as serious and horse wise as Carole. The group hits it off immediately.But first impressions can be deceiving. Amy isn’t just high spirited and impulsive; she’s downright reckless. As her behaviour gets more outrageous and dangerous Seth tries to cover for her, which puts Lisa in the middle. Can the girls work out what to do about Amy before her next wild stunt threatens all their lives?

Saddle Club Book 19: Saddle Club Bindup 10 (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #No. 10)

by Bonnie Bryant

Lisa, Carole and Stevie can’t believe their luck: Skye Ransom, the teen idol the Saddle Club met on their trip to New York City, is about to star on a new movie – and he wants the girls to help him with his riding! It’s a dream come true, especially when the director casts Lisa in a small part. But then Lisa discovers how lonely the life of a star can be, and Carole and Stevie realize how much they need their best friend’s help with plans for Carole’s father’s birthday. Will the Saddle Club manage to arrange a big birthday celebration and help Skye overcome his fear of horses?

Saddle Club Book 20: Saddle Club Bindup 10 (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #No. 10)

by Bonnie Bryant

Saddle up for some more great riding with the girls of Pine Hollow!Stevie's friend Dinah has invited her to go sugaring in Vermont! She is ready for riding and is determined to help Dinah win the sugar off competition. The winning team gets the first pick of horses for the summer. All is well until Dinah gets hurt, and she makes Stevie promise not to tell...

Saddle Club Book 21: Race Horse (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #No. 35)

by Bonnie Bryant

When Carole discovers that her horse Starlight has a slight injury, she’s disappointed at having to spend the next two weeks without a mount. But Judy, a local veterinarian, has an idea: Carole can spend her time with dozens of horses, helping Judy out after school and at the weekends. Carole jumps at the chance, especially since among Judy’s ‘patients’ are some magnificent racehorses. What could be more exciting than working with a stable full of beautiful thoroughbreds?But Carole soon learns that caring for racehorses isn’t all fun. During a race, a horse named Prancer is badly injured, and she’ll never compete again. When Prancer’s owner immediately decides to sell her, Carole is horrified. Can she and the rest of The Saddle Clun find a new home for the beautiful racehorse?

Saddle Club Book 22: Saddle Club Bindup 11 (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #Vol. 11)

by Bonnie Bryant

The Saddle Club girls are in for some real excitement when Stevie’s boyfriend Phil invites them – along with a few other kids from their Pony Club – to participate in a genuine fox hunt. Stevie, Lisa and Carole can’t wait for the event to begin, especially when they find out that no harm will come to the fox. But first, to give everyone a chance to learn the ropes, there’s a mock hunt in Pine Hollow Stables. As the most devious of the bunch, Stevie is chosen to play the fox. On the day of the hunt, she finds she isn’t the only one who’s devious… when her prank-playing brothers get involved in the chase!

Saddle Club Book 23: Saddle Club Bindup 12 (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #Vol. 12)

by Bonnie Bryant

When Mrs. Reg, the manager of Pine Hollow Stables, goes away for a few days, The Saddle Club is determined to pitch in and keep things running smoothly. Lisa, Carole and Stevie decide they know everything there is to know about horses, so they’ll have no problem managing a stable for a few days… right? Wrong! Instead it seems that every time the girls try to help, disaster quickly follows. More paint winds up on one of the horses than on the stable; several riders don’t get quite the ride that they expect; and Mrs. Reg’s paperwork is in utter chaos. Soon the members of The Saddle Club are wondering if being horse crazy is enough to manage a stable, after all!

Saddle Club Book 24: Ghost Rider

by Bonnie Bryant

When Lisa, Carole and Stevie head west to the Bar None Ranch, they have a great time planning a Halloween party with their friends Kate and John, a Native American boy who works on the ranch. The Saddle Club is also thrilled when they get the chance to see a herd of wild horses, including the beautiful grey stallion that Kate wants to adopt. Then John tells the girls a mysterious Indian legend about a grey stallion, and warns Kate to keep her distance from the one in the herd. Is John just playing a Halloween trick or is Kate about to ride into danger? The Saddle Club is about to find out!

Saddle Club Book 25: Saddle Club Bindup 13 (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #No. 13)

by Bonnie Bryant

The Saddle Club can hardly wait for the horse show in two weeks! Each member of the horse-crazy club has her own personal goal for the show – especially Lisa, who plans to ride the beautiful racehorse, Prancer, even though no-one else thinks the horse is ready to compete. She is especially determined to do better than snobby Veronica diAngelo, who is convinced that she will win all the blue ribbons.But on the day of the show, there are surprises in store for each member of The Saddle Club – and fro Veronica – and each girl ends up learning about a whole other side of competition!

Saddle Club Book 26: Saddle Club Bindup 13 (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #No. 13)

by Bonnie Bryant

When Carole finds out that she’s going to Florida for a winter holiday, she’s thrilled. She’ll miss her horse, Starlight, but she knows that Stevie and Lisa, her best friends in The Saddle Club, will take good care of him while she’s away. And her cousin Sheila has made plans for several fun activities, including a day at a popular theme park, a big family reunion and, best of all, the chance to ride along Florida’s beautiful sandy beaches. But Carole’s ride along the sunny coastline turns out to be much more exciting – and frightening – than she ever imagined…

Saddle Club Book 27: Saddle Club Bindup 14 (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #No. 14)

by Bonnie Bryant

Saddle up for more great riding with the girls of Pine Hollow!Sorting through old riding clothes doesn't seem much fun for the three members of the Saddle Club, but then Lisa, Carole and Stevie have the idea of using the clothes to stage a mock wedding for the handsome new stallion at Pine Hollow Stables. And what better day for it than April Fools' Day?

Saddle Club Book 28: Saddle Club Bindup 14 (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #No. 14)

by Bonnie Bryant

Saddle up for some more great riding from the girls of Pine Hollow!No one knows more about horses than Stevie, Carole and Lisa. Or do they? The Saddle Club's knowledge of horses is going to be tested at the next Horse Wise meeting. Among the girls' rivals will be Stevie and Carole's boyfriends, Phil Marsten and Cam Nelson, and it's the opportunity Stevie and Carole have been waiting for to show off for the boys, But when The Saddle Cub starts cramming for the big day, the girls find there's something very odd about their study sheet. It's got all the information they could have wanted - and more...

Saddle Club Book 3: Horse Sense And Horse Power (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #Vol. 2)

by Bonnie Bryant

Stevie Lake, Carole Hanson, and Lisa Atwood are the best of friends and charter members of the Saddle Club, bonded together by their love of horses. But now the Saddle Club is in trouble! Stevie has been picked by Max, the owner of Pine Hollow Stables, to plan some games for its upcoming horse show. And Carole is busy helping the vet care for Delilah, the mare who is soon to give birth to a foal sired by Cobalt, Carole's beloved stallion. Neither of them seem to have any time for Lisa, who's been drawing up an elaborate constitution for the club, including rules for meeting attendance. Lisa is getting tired of being the only one at club meetings! Unless the threesome decide to stick together, there won't be any Saddle Club and no fun at Pine Hollow Stables. And isn't that what the Saddle Club is all about?

Saddle Club Book 4: Horse Sense And Horse Power (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #Vol. 2)

by Bonnie Bryant

The members of the Saddle Club - Stevie Lake, Carole Hanson, and Lisa Atwood - are buzzing with excitement. For weeks, they've been planning Pine Hollow Stables' gymkhana, a day of games and races for young riders. As the day draws near, Carole introduces the other girls to her new friend, Kate Devine. Carole begins to teach Kate the basics of riding, only to find out that Kate is much more experienced than she's letting on - she's a championship rider! Kate might become the fourth member of the Saddle Club...if she doesn't give up riding first. Stevie's got a problem of her own when her older brother Chad suddenly decides to start riding at Pine Hollow. But there's an even bigger surprise in store - he's got a crush on a member of the Saddle Club!

Saddle Club Book 5: Saddle Club Bindup 3 (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #No. 3)

by Bonnie Bryant

Carole, Stevie, and Lisa, the three members of the Saddle Club, are totally devoted to horses - and to each other. But for Carole, it seems as if there's not much she can count on except riding and the friendship of the Saddle Club. Ever since her mother died, Carole has urged her dad to go out on dates. But now she's afraid that he's getting serious about a woman whom she isn't ready to think of as a stepmother. Meanwhile, Carole's getting the last thing she needs: unwanted attention from a boy. Scott will do anything - even muck out the stables - to get near her. And Stevie and Lisa aren't much help. They're busy modelling for a riding catalogue - and finding out that modelling's not all it's cracked up to be!

Saddle Club Book 6: Saddle Club Bindup 3 (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #No. 3)

by Bonnie Bryant

The founders of the Saddle Club - Stevie Lake, Carole Hanson, and Lisa Atwood - gear up for the adventure of their lives when their friend Kate Devine invites them to her family's dude ranch. They will have a whole week of cowboy-style riding, plus the fun of making Kate a club member. But when they arrive, the girls soon realize there's more to the West than Hollywood shoot outs and colourful costumes. To show a cowhand that they're not just "dumb dudes", they pitch in with chores and help on a cattle round-up, where Stevie has a run-in with a dangerous rattlesnake. Another sour note for Stevie: it's her birthday and no one seems to care. Little does she known her Saddle Club friends have a top-secret surprise in the works!

Saddle Club Book 7: Horse Play

by Bonnie Bryant

Stevie, Carole and Lisa - founders of the Saddle Club - would do anything to help a friend in need. And now it looks as if they're going to get their chance when Stevie overhears a disturbing conversation between Max, Pine Hollow's owner, and a mysterious caller. Is their riding instructor really in serious financial trouble? Stevie can't be sure, but when Veronica, a snobby girl whose father is president of the local bank, starts looking even more smug than usual, the girls fear the worst. Determined to help bail out Max, the Saddle Club is soon drumming up new business and arranging a riding demonstration - starring themselves!

Saddle Club Book 8: Saddle Club Bindup 4 (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #No. 4)

by Bonnie Bryant

Stevie, Carole and Lisa are thrilled when they get the chance to attend the American Horse Show in New York City with Mrs. Reg and their teacher Max. Not only is it the most important horse show in the country, but Max's ex-student Dorothy DeSoto is going to compete, and the girls are invited backstage. They have fun exploring Greenwich Village, where Lisa gets a sophisticated new haircut, and also go riding in Central Park. Lisa finds herself coming to the rescue of an inexperienced rider - who turns out to be their all-time favourite teen heart-throb, Skye Ransom! Skye is practising for a scene in his new movie where he has to ride a horse...and he's terrified. Can the Saddle Club teach him to ride before the cameras start rolling?

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