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Schimmelpfennig: Plays One (Oberon Modern Playwrights)

by David Tushingham Roland Schimmelpfennig

Roland Schimmelpfennig is the most performed contemporary German playwright. This collection demonstrates the breadth and formal innovation of his writing. The Animal Kingdom depicts the unremitting battle for human survival in a merciless environment: the theatre. Peggy Pickit Sees the Face of God has been likened to a post-colonial Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf. Here two doctors who have returned from Africa reveal the true cost of their failure to combat a terrible and frightening disease. Idomeneus is a narrative play written for a large chorus which re-tells the classical Idomeneus myth in contemporary terms; a fractured, mythic tidal wave, brought to life with astounding theatricality by an ensemble of storytellers. A small narrative piece, The Four Points of the Compass is an urban fable of crossed destinies and uncanny coincidences and a compelling contemporary tale of lust for life and the fragility of existence.

Schizoanalytic Ventures at the End of the World: Film, Video, Art, and Pedagogical Challenges (Palgrave Studies in Educational Futures)

by jan jagodzinski

This book provides a thorough application of theoretical ideas from Deleuze and Guattari to a series of examples drawn from contemporary film and new media arts. Chapters demonstrate examples of how to do schizoanalysis in philosophically informed cinema studies, new media, and arts based education. Schizoanalysis, as proposed by Deleuze and Guattari in distinction to Lacanian psychoanalysis, provides an imaginary basis to address the precarity of the contemporary world order: from the growing populism with its authoritarian fascist tendencies to the growing concerns regarding climate change within the Anthropocene. Part I of this book initiates this understanding through cinematic examples. Part II calls for a schizoanalytic pedagogical imagination, which is needed to provide insight into the structures of desire as they circulate in media, especially videogames, and the tensions between analogue and digital technological manifestations. Such pedagogy enables an understanding of the ‘new materialism’ where nonhuman and inhuman (AI) agencies are taken into account. To this end schizoanalytic pedagogy calls for a ‘new earth’ of transformed values and relationships.

Schlock Value: Hollywood at Its Worst

by Richard Roeper

A hilarious collection of essays, riffs, and lists that celebrate the insanity of Hollywood--for anyone who loves the movies.Richard Roeper, like the rest of us, adores the movies. In this uproarious, off-beat book, he gives us a whole new set of critical lenses for assessing the movies and the people and the industry that make them. With his characteristic acerbic wit, he weaves short essays with lists that work together to explain where Hollywood succeeds--and where it so often frustrates, disappoints, and fails us. But while Roeper devotes most of the book to mockery and ridicule, this book is, in the end, a love letter to film.Some of the essays and lists included in Schlock Value: Comical statistical breakdowns, including career batting averages of actors Reviews of Hollywood finances, including budgets, salaries, and ticket prices A proposed moratorium on pet projects, e.g., Kevin Costner's The Postman or John Travolta's Battlefield Earth The age differences between Woody Allen and his various leading ladies Actors appearing around the world in television commercials, including a list of the biggest stars that do overseas commercials--and the products they pushSchlock Value is the perfect book for anyone who loves grumbling and complaining about the movies--but still can't help spending their weekends and evenings in front of the screen.

Schlüsselwerke der Medienwissenschaft

by Ivo Ritzer

Der Band stellt ausgewählte Positionen und zentrale Ideen im disziplinären Rahmen der Medienwissenschaft vor. Schwerpunkte liegen auf medienphilosophischen Ansätzen und einer kulturtheoretischen Perspektive, die sich vor einem dezidiert geisteswissenschaftlichen Horizont konturiert. Dabei versteht der Band sich nicht nur als Handbuch und Nachschlagewerk für Studierende wie Lehrende, er soll vielmehr auch einen eigenen Beitrag zur medienwissenschaftlichen Theoriebildung leisten.

Schlüsselwerke der Stadtforschung

by Frank Eckardt

Mit diesem Band sollen wichtige Texte der Stadtforschung einem breiten Publikum vorgestellt werden, das sich für heutige und zukünftige Fragen der Stadtentwicklung interessiert. Es werden vor allem Texte aus den Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften vorgestellt, die in den letzten zwei Jahrzenten in den stadtbezogenen Diskursen eine große Rolle gespielt haben und die unser Denken über die Stadt maßgeblich beeinflusst haben. Die Schlüsselwerke der Stadtforschungermöglichen den Lesern einen Einblick in die verschiedenen Themen, theoretischen Ansätze und Forschungskontroversen, die in der aktuellen Diskussion um das Leben in der Stadt wichtig erscheinen. Damit soll somit sowohl der professionellen Auseinandersetzung als auch der interessierten Öffentlichkeit insgesamt ein transdisziplinärer Einblick in die Komplexität der urbanen Gesellschaft ermöglicht werden.

Schmucks (Oberon Modern Playwrights)

by Roy Smiles

Schmucks was first staged at Battersea Arts Centre in 1992 with William Marsh as Lenny Bruce and David Mayberry as Groucho Marx. It was revised and reworked under the sponsorship of director Terry Johnson at the National Theatre workshops in 2000. It was re-staged at The Wilma Theatre in Philadelphia in 2009.A struggling comic Joe Klein mourning another failed night at comedy finds himself in the middle of the New York blackout of 1965. Two comedy greats Lenny Bruce and Groucho Marx find themselves in the same diner. Groucho has got old and jaded. Lenny is fighting for the right to free speech and a longtime heroin addiction. As they wait out the dark they struggle for the comedic soul of young Joe. While Joe falls for the damaged but feisty waitress Mary.

The Scholar as Human: Research and Teaching for Public Impact (Publicly Engaged Scholars: Identities, Purposes, Practices)

The Scholar as Human brings together faculty from a wide range of disciplines—history; art; Africana, American, and Latinx studies; literature, law, performance and media arts, development sociology, anthropology, and Science and Technology Studies—to focus on how scholarship is informed, enlivened, deepened, and made more meaningful by each scholar's sense of identity, purpose, and place in the world. Designed to help model new paths for publicly-engaged humanities, the contributions to this groundbreaking volume are guided by one overarching question: How can scholars practice a more human scholarship?Recognizing that colleges and universities must be more responsive to the needs of both their students and surrounding communities, the essays in The Scholar as Human carve out new space for public scholars and practitioners whose rigor and passion are equally important forces in their work. Challenging the approach to research and teaching of earlier generations that valorized disinterestedness, each contributor here demonstrates how they have energized their own scholarship and its reception among their students and in the wider world through a deeper engagement with their own life stories and humanity.Contributors: Anna Sims Bartel, Debra A. Castillo, Ella Diaz, Carolina Osorio Gil, Christine Henseler, Caitlin Kane, Shawn McDaniel, A. T. Miller, Scott J. Peters, Bobby J. Smith II, José Ragas, Riché Richardson, Gerald Torres, Matthew Velasco, Sara WarnerThanks to generous funding from Cornell University, the ebook editions of this book are available as Open Access volumes from Cornell Open ( and other repositories.

Schonberg and Kandinsky: An Historic Encounter (Contemporary Music Studies)

by Konrad Boehmer

First Published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Schonberg and Kandinsky: An Historic Encounter (Contemporary Music Studies)

by Konrad Boehmer

First Published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.


Arnold Schönberg war als Komponist und Künstlerpersönlichkeit gleichermaßen einflussreich und umstritten. Seine musikalischen Werke, seine Unterrichtstätigkeit und sein theoretisches Werk begründeten die „Neue Musik“ des 20. Jahrhunderts, seine Schriften – von der tagesaktuellen Polemik bis zur theologischen Reflexion – spiegeln die intellektuelle Entwicklung einer ganzen Epoche, seine bis heute kontrovers beurteilte Malerei ist ein faszinierender Nebenpfad des österreichischen Expressionismus. Zum 150. Geburtstag erscheint eine umfassende Bestandsaufnahme dieses Jahrhundertwerks – mit aktuellen Forschungsergebnissen, analytischen und essayistischen Beiträgen, ausführlicher Chronik und Werkregistern. Schönbergs „Lebenswelten“ – mit Schauplätzen u.a. in Wien, Berlin und Los Angeles – bieten den Hintergrund detaillierter Einzelbesprechungen der Kompositionen – von Verklärte Nacht bis zu Ein Überlebender aus Warschau. Im systematischen Durchgang kommen – neben den Schriften und bildnerischen Werken – grundlegende Fragen der musikalischen Poetik oder der Aufführungslehre zur Sprache. Ein eigener Hauptabschnitt gilt der epochalen Wirkung dieses Œuvres: von den Anfängen der Wiener Schule bis zur aktuellen Rezeption im 21. Jahrhundert.


Arnold Schönberg war als Komponist und Künstlerpersönlichkeit gleichermaßen einflussreich und umstritten. Seine musikalischen Werke, seine Unterrichtstätigkeit und sein theoretisches Werk begründeten die „Neue Musik“ des 20. Jahrhunderts, seine Schriften – von der tagesaktuellen Polemik bis zur theologischen Reflexion – spiegeln die intellektuelle Entwicklung einer ganzen Epoche, seine bis heute kontrovers beurteilte Malerei ist ein faszinierender Nebenpfad des österreichischen Expressionismus. Zum 150. Geburtstag erscheint eine umfassende Bestandsaufnahme dieses Jahrhundertwerks – mit aktuellen Forschungsergebnissen, analytischen und essayistischen Beiträgen, ausführlicher Chronik und Werkregistern. Schönbergs „Lebenswelten“ – mit Schauplätzen u.a. in Wien, Berlin und Los Angeles – bieten den Hintergrund detaillierter Einzelbesprechungen der Kompositionen – von Verklärte Nacht bis zu Ein Überlebender aus Warschau. Im systematischen Durchgang kommen – neben denSchriften und bildnerischen Werken – grundlegende Fragen der musikalischen Poetik oder der Aufführungslehre zur Sprache. Ein eigener Hauptabschnitt gilt der epochalen Wirkung dieses Œuvres: von den Anfängen der Wiener Schule bis zur aktuellen Rezeption im 21. Jahrhundert.

School Buildings Rehabilitation: Indoor Environmental Quality and Enclosure Optimization (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Ricardo M.S.F. Almeida Vasco Peixoto de Freitas João M.P.Q. Delgado

This book discusses the effect of different school building rehabilitation strategies on the classrooms’ indoor environmental quality (IEQ) and presents a multi-objective methodology for school building enclosure optimization combining artificial neural networks and lifecycle costs. The special features of this book are that it (a) presents the state-of-the-art in school building rehabilitation, (b) covers the IEQ assessment of several school buildings, including non-rehabilitated and rehabilitated according to different strategies; and (c) proposes a multi-objective optimization procedure.The rehabilitation of a school building should be regarded as a procedure combining a number of (sometimes conflicting) variables and objectives, including energy, IEQ and costs (initial, operational and maintenance), in the search for an “optimum solution.” The main benefit of the book is that it discusses the main topics related to school building rehabilitation, presents results of the IEQ assessment on 9 school buildings and launches a discussion on how the “in-use” performance of schools is key to understanding how designed performance is actually experienced. It maps the most commonly used multi-objective algorithms and artificial neural network architectures and proposes a methodology for combining these numerical tools with dynamic building simulations and lifecycle cost analysis to optimize school building enclosures. This methodology will be of value to scientists and engineers alike, while also addressing a variety of related disciplines, such as civil and mechanical engineering, architecture and mathematics.

School Design Together

by Pamela Woolner

The time is ripe for interdisciplinary, collaborative approaches to school design. Whatever the current funding limitations, we still need to think about how we design, organise and use space in schools for learning and teaching. This edited book ensures that we don’t start from ground zero in terms of good design. Including chapters from researchers and practitioners in architecture and education, it assesses, describes and illustrates how education and environment can be mutually supportive. The centrality of participation and collaboration between architects, educators and school users holds these diverse contributions together. The book embodies the practice as well as the principle of interdisciplinary working. Organised in two parts, this volume considers how schools are designed and used with chapters looks at current and past school environments in the UK, US and Europe. It then questions how the learning environment can be improved through participatory design processes with contributors from design and education backgrounds offering both theoretical understanding and practical ideas. Written without subject-specific jargon or assumptions, it can be used by readers from either an architectural or educational background, bridging the on-going communication gap between education and design professionals. Design and education professionals alike will appreciate the: • practical information which shows how to change or improve a learning environment • focus on evidence-based research • case studies and chapter topics including schools from across the primary and secondary sectors.

School Design Together

by Pamela Woolner

The time is ripe for interdisciplinary, collaborative approaches to school design. Whatever the current funding limitations, we still need to think about how we design, organise and use space in schools for learning and teaching. This edited book ensures that we don’t start from ground zero in terms of good design. Including chapters from researchers and practitioners in architecture and education, it assesses, describes and illustrates how education and environment can be mutually supportive. The centrality of participation and collaboration between architects, educators and school users holds these diverse contributions together. The book embodies the practice as well as the principle of interdisciplinary working. Organised in two parts, this volume considers how schools are designed and used with chapters looks at current and past school environments in the UK, US and Europe. It then questions how the learning environment can be improved through participatory design processes with contributors from design and education backgrounds offering both theoretical understanding and practical ideas. Written without subject-specific jargon or assumptions, it can be used by readers from either an architectural or educational background, bridging the on-going communication gap between education and design professionals. Design and education professionals alike will appreciate the: • practical information which shows how to change or improve a learning environment • focus on evidence-based research • case studies and chapter topics including schools from across the primary and secondary sectors.

The School of Photography: Beginner's Guide

by Marc Newton

The School of Photography: Beginner's Guide will take the beginner photographer to an advanced level in no time and fill any gaps in photography knowledge that may be holding you back from reaching your full potential. You'll be able to use your camera confidently in all the manual modes and apply the knowledge gained to any situation. The book will make you feel completely confident and ensure your shots stack up against any professional-looking photography.It's for people who want to take photography more seriously and will suit beginners, keen enthusiasts or anyone looking to make photography their profession. This book will put an end to any confusion, while giving you accurate and thorough knowledge in photography.Topics covered include:- Camera kits and equipment- Working in manual settings- Composition- Apertures and depth of field- Shutter speeds- Night photography

School Spaces for Student Wellbeing and Learning: Insights from Research and Practice

by Hilary Hughes Jill Franz Jill Willis

This book introduces a new wellbeing dimension to the theory and practice of learning space design for early childhood and school contexts. It highlights vital, yet generally overlooked relationships between the learning environment and student learning and wellbeing, and reveals the potential of participatory, values-based design approaches to create learning spaces that respond to contemporary learners’ needs. Focusing on three main themes it explores conceptual understandings of learning spaces and wellbeing; students’ lived experience and needs of learning spaces; and the development of a new theory and its practical application to the design of learning spaces that enhance student wellbeing. It examines these complex and interwoven topics through various theoretical lenses and provides an extensive, current literature review that connects learning environment design and learner wellbeing in a wide range of educational settings from early years to secondary school. Offering transferable approaches and a new theoretical model of wellbeing as flourishing to support the design of innovative learning environments, this book is of interest to researchers, tertiary educators and students in the education and design fields, as well as school administrators and facility managers, teachers, architects and designers.

Schooling New Media: Music, Language, and Technology in Children's Culture

by Tyler Bickford

Popular music and digital media are constantly entwined in elementary and middle-school children's talk, interactions, and relationships, and offer powerful cultural resources to children in their everyday struggles over institutionalized language, literacy, and expression in school. In Schooling New Media, author Tyler Bickford considers how digital music technologies are incorporated into children's expressive culture, their friendships, and their negotiations with adults about the place of language, music, and media in school. Schooling New Media is a groundbreaking study of children's music and media consumption practices, examining how transformations in music technologies influence the way children, their peers, and adults relate to one another. Based on long-term ethnographic research with a community of schoolchildren in Vermont, Bickford focuses on portable digital music devices - i.e. MP3 players - to reveal their key role in mediating intimate, face-to-face relationships and structuring children's interactions both with music and with each other. Schooling New Media provides an important ethnographic and theoretical intervention into ethnomusicology, childhood studies, and music education, emphasizing the importance-and yet under-appreciation-of interpersonal interactions and institutions like schools as sites of musical activity. Bickford explores how headphones facilitate these school-centered interactions, as groups of children share their earbuds with friends and listen to music together while participating in the dense overlap of talk, touch, and gesture of their peer groups. He argues that children treat MP3 players more like toys than technology, and that these devices expand the repertoires of childhood communicative practices such as passing notes and whispering-all means of interacting with friends beyond the reach of adults. These connections afforded by digital music listening enable children to directly challenge the language and literacy goals of classroom teachers. Bickford's Schooling New Media is unique in its intensive ethnographic attention to everyday sites of musical consumption and performance, and offers a sophisticated conceptual approach for understanding the problems and possibilities of children's uses of new media in schools.

Schooling New Media: Music, Language, and Technology in Children's Culture

by Tyler Bickford

Popular music and digital media are constantly entwined in elementary and middle-school children's talk, interactions, and relationships, and offer powerful cultural resources to children in their everyday struggles over institutionalized language, literacy, and expression in school. In Schooling New Media, author Tyler Bickford considers how digital music technologies are incorporated into children's expressive culture, their friendships, and their negotiations with adults about the place of language, music, and media in school. Schooling New Media is a groundbreaking study of children's music and media consumption practices, examining how transformations in music technologies influence the way children, their peers, and adults relate to one another. Based on long-term ethnographic research with a community of schoolchildren in Vermont, Bickford focuses on portable digital music devices - i.e. MP3 players - to reveal their key role in mediating intimate, face-to-face relationships and structuring children's interactions both with music and with each other. Schooling New Media provides an important ethnographic and theoretical intervention into ethnomusicology, childhood studies, and music education, emphasizing the importance-and yet under-appreciation-of interpersonal interactions and institutions like schools as sites of musical activity. Bickford explores how headphones facilitate these school-centered interactions, as groups of children share their earbuds with friends and listen to music together while participating in the dense overlap of talk, touch, and gesture of their peer groups. He argues that children treat MP3 players more like toys than technology, and that these devices expand the repertoires of childhood communicative practices such as passing notes and whispering-all means of interacting with friends beyond the reach of adults. These connections afforded by digital music listening enable children to directly challenge the language and literacy goals of classroom teachers. Bickford's Schooling New Media is unique in its intensive ethnographic attention to everyday sites of musical consumption and performance, and offers a sophisticated conceptual approach for understanding the problems and possibilities of children's uses of new media in schools.

Schools and Cultural Citizenship: Arts Education for Life

by Pat Thomson Christine Hall

‘Why study the arts at school?’ This book offers a fresh perspective on this question. Informed by rigorous research, the book argues that the arts help young people to develop key skills, knowledge and practices that support them to become both critical appreciative audiences and socially engaged cultural producers. Drawing on a three-year study in partnership with the Royal Shakespeare Company and Tate, Cultural Citizenship sets out an ecological model for cultural citizenship that goes beyond the classroom, including families, the media and popular culture. The authors introduce new, interrelated concepts to change how we consider arts education. Chapters provide fresh insights, guidance and practical recommendations for educators, including: An introduction to the Tracking Arts Learning and Engagement research Detailed case studies featuring arts rich schools and arts-broker teachers Immersive professional development for teachers and the benefits of partnerships with arts organisations An ecological model for cultural citizenship Focusing on the ways in which cultural citizenship can be taught and learnt, this is an essential read for arts educators, education staff in arts organisations, researchers, postgraduate students, arts education activists and policy makers.

Schools and Cultural Citizenship: Arts Education for Life

by Pat Thomson Christine Hall

‘Why study the arts at school?’ This book offers a fresh perspective on this question. Informed by rigorous research, the book argues that the arts help young people to develop key skills, knowledge and practices that support them to become both critical appreciative audiences and socially engaged cultural producers. Drawing on a three-year study in partnership with the Royal Shakespeare Company and Tate, Cultural Citizenship sets out an ecological model for cultural citizenship that goes beyond the classroom, including families, the media and popular culture. The authors introduce new, interrelated concepts to change how we consider arts education. Chapters provide fresh insights, guidance and practical recommendations for educators, including: An introduction to the Tracking Arts Learning and Engagement research Detailed case studies featuring arts rich schools and arts-broker teachers Immersive professional development for teachers and the benefits of partnerships with arts organisations An ecological model for cultural citizenship Focusing on the ways in which cultural citizenship can be taught and learnt, this is an essential read for arts educators, education staff in arts organisations, researchers, postgraduate students, arts education activists and policy makers.

Schools and Kindergartens: A Design Manual (Design Manuals)

by Mark Dudek

The importance of education in a global economy is undisputed, and in the wake of international assessment studies schools and kindergartens have become the focus of considerable public interest. As a new generation of educational environments are designed and built, this Design Manual helps architects to grasp the underlying educational theories and how they can be realized in built form, so that the building fulfils its role as a 3-dimensional curriculum plan. Over 80 international case studies covering all school types are examined and explained in the context of varying national and cultural education approaches. Among the key themes analyzed are the impact of modern communication technology, acoustic and lighting design, sustainability, internal circulation and outdoor spaces, renovation and adaptation to changing requirements.

Schools and Urban Revitalization: Rethinking Institutions and Community Development (Community Development Research and Practice Series)

by Kelly L. Patterson Robert Mark Silverman

New research in community development shows that institutions matter. Where the private sector disinvests from the inner city, public and nonprofit institutions step in and provide engines to economic revitalization and promote greater equity in society. Schools and Urban Revitalization collects emerging research in this field, with special interest in new school-neighborhood partnerships that lead today’s most vibrant policy responses to urban blight.

Schools and Urban Revitalization: Rethinking Institutions and Community Development (Community Development Research and Practice Series)

by Kelly L. Patterson Robert Mark Silverman

New research in community development shows that institutions matter. Where the private sector disinvests from the inner city, public and nonprofit institutions step in and provide engines to economic revitalization and promote greater equity in society. Schools and Urban Revitalization collects emerging research in this field, with special interest in new school-neighborhood partnerships that lead today’s most vibrant policy responses to urban blight.

Schools for the Future: Design Proposals from Architectural Psychology

by Rotraut Walden

Drawing on the perspectives of architectural psychology, set against the historical development of school building in the United States, Japan and Germany, the authors’ vision is to create places where we would want to relive our own school days. The book takes the position that user design, control of stress factors and control of communication (privacy, retreats) should be allowed to modify the original architectural design to flexibly accommodate future changing requirements. The development and application of criteria for assessing functional, aesthetic, social-physical, ecological, organizational and economical aspects to various parts of the school complex call for a common language for the design process. The appendix presents 24 innovative schools from countries in five continents.

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