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A Brief Overview of China’s ETS Pilots: Deconstruction and Assessment of Guangdong’s Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading Mechanism

by Daiqing Zhao Wenjun Wang Zhigang Luo

This book systematically introduces readers to the framework of China’s ETS pilots, exploring their design and operating process, the current state of the carbon market, and various barriers encountered. To do so, it deconstructs the Guangdong ETS, which is the largest and most representative of China’s seven ETS pilots. The book subsequently describes and evaluates all seven pilots in terms of their efficiency, macro and micro effects, the method involved in the DEA model, the CGE model, and cost-benefit analysis. In turn, in the assessment section it demonstrates how some ETS pilots have failed to control carbon emissions due to inordinately high emissions quotas issued by the local government etc. Further, it argues that ETS should focus on those industries with large emissions and high mitigating potential for the time being, and then gradually expand the scale of its coverage.As China’s national ETS is slated for launch on the basis of the lessons learned from the ETS pilots, the book offers a timely and valuable resource for all those who want to understand and forecast the development of China’s ETS. It includes a wealth of descriptions and explanations of Chinese government policies involving carbon emissions control, making it a unique resource.

A Brief Prehistory of the Theory of the Firm (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics)

by Paul Walker

The theory of the firm did not exist, in any serious manner, until around 1970. Only then did the current theory of the firm literature begin to emerge, based largely upon the work of Ronald Coase and to a lesser degree Frank Knight. It was work by Armen Alchian, Robert Crawford, Harold Demsetz, Michael Jensen, Benjamin Klein, William Meckling and Oliver Williamson, among others, that drove the upswing in interest in the firm among mainstream economists. This accessible book provides a valuable overview of the ‘prehistory’ of the firm. Spanning an impressive timeline, it delves into Antiquity, the Medieval era, the pre-classical economics period and the 19th and 20th centuries. Next, the book traces the theoretical contributions from pre-classical, classical and neoclassical economics. It will be illuminating reading for students and researchers of the history of economic thought, industrial organization, microeconomic theory and business history.

A Brief Prehistory of the Theory of the Firm (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics)

by Paul Walker

The theory of the firm did not exist, in any serious manner, until around 1970. Only then did the current theory of the firm literature begin to emerge, based largely upon the work of Ronald Coase and to a lesser degree Frank Knight. It was work by Armen Alchian, Robert Crawford, Harold Demsetz, Michael Jensen, Benjamin Klein, William Meckling and Oliver Williamson, among others, that drove the upswing in interest in the firm among mainstream economists. This accessible book provides a valuable overview of the ‘prehistory’ of the firm. Spanning an impressive timeline, it delves into Antiquity, the Medieval era, the pre-classical economics period and the 19th and 20th centuries. Next, the book traces the theoretical contributions from pre-classical, classical and neoclassical economics. It will be illuminating reading for students and researchers of the history of economic thought, industrial organization, microeconomic theory and business history.

Briefcase on Company Law (Briefcase Series)

by MIchael Ottley

The Briefcase series is designed specifically with the time-pressed student in mind. It provides concise case summaries within each subject area of an undergraduate law degree, accompanied by relevant legislation. A handy reference tool, the book assists the reader to commit the content of each subject to memory. This title covers the four main areas of company law: the constitution, formation and personality of a company; corporate governance; corporate finance; and insolvency and company charges. The second edition has been updated to include recent important cases, including the House of Lords decision in Johnson v Gore Wood - (minority shareholder action) Phillips v Brewin Dolphin Bell Lawrie Ltd - (transactions at an undervalue) O'Neill v Phillips - (unfair prejudicial conduct) Williams v Natural Life Health Foods Ltd - (liability in negligence) the Privy Council decision in Agnew v Commissioner of Inland Revenue - (company charges).

Briefcase on Company Law (Briefcase Series)

by MIchael Ottley

The Briefcase series is designed specifically with the time-pressed student in mind. It provides concise case summaries within each subject area of an undergraduate law degree, accompanied by relevant legislation. A handy reference tool, the book assists the reader to commit the content of each subject to memory. This title covers the four main areas of company law: the constitution, formation and personality of a company; corporate governance; corporate finance; and insolvency and company charges. The second edition has been updated to include recent important cases, including the House of Lords decision in Johnson v Gore Wood - (minority shareholder action) Phillips v Brewin Dolphin Bell Lawrie Ltd - (transactions at an undervalue) O'Neill v Phillips - (unfair prejudicial conduct) Williams v Natural Life Health Foods Ltd - (liability in negligence) the Privy Council decision in Agnew v Commissioner of Inland Revenue - (company charges).

Briefe eines Bankdirektors an Seinen Sohn

by Reinhold Sellien

Briefing Your Architect

by Frank Salisbury

This book sets out the essential activities and inter-relationships involving the client organization and multi-disciplinary design team as they progress through each phase of the job. It guides the client through the preliminary steps needed to start up work; seeking out and appraising a site, studying the feasibility of all ideas and proposals, and showing how to work with all architects and specialist consultants. The tasks to be performed by both architect and client, as well as consultants, are clearly set out, together with appropriate methods of working together until the building design drawings are completed. The book is arranged so that the information relevant to each stage of work can be checked as the project develops. Detailed sequential activity tables and checklists are included for this purpose.This key publication fulfils a vital need for clients who will be enabled to progress the building project more efficiently with the guidance provided. Frank Salisbury is a practising architect and lecturer in architecture for the University of Wales Associate College at Wrexham. He designed many important public buildings during his career with Cheshire County Council's Department of Architecture and as Assistant County Architect, led architectural and multidisciplinary teams in the realization of a great many high quality building projects.

Briefing Your Architect

by Frank Salisbury

This book sets out the essential activities and inter-relationships involving the client organization and multi-disciplinary design team as they progress through each phase of the job. It guides the client through the preliminary steps needed to start up work; seeking out and appraising a site, studying the feasibility of all ideas and proposals, and showing how to work with all architects and specialist consultants. The tasks to be performed by both architect and client, as well as consultants, are clearly set out, together with appropriate methods of working together until the building design drawings are completed. The book is arranged so that the information relevant to each stage of work can be checked as the project develops. Detailed sequential activity tables and checklists are included for this purpose.This key publication fulfils a vital need for clients who will be enabled to progress the building project more efficiently with the guidance provided. Frank Salisbury is a practising architect and lecturer in architecture for the University of Wales Associate College at Wrexham. He designed many important public buildings during his career with Cheshire County Council's Department of Architecture and as Assistant County Architect, led architectural and multidisciplinary teams in the realization of a great many high quality building projects.

Briefpoststrategien in Europa: Handlungsoptionen europäischer Briefpostgesellschaften im zunehmend dynamischen Wettbewerb (Edition KWV)

by Karsten Schwarz

Der europäische Briefmarkt befindet sich im Umbruch: Nachdem über Jahrhunderte hinweg die staatlich garantierten Postmonopole ein profitables Auskommen sicherten, steht die Zukunft im Zeichen der Liberalisierung. Gleichzeitig sehen sich die Postgesellschaften mit einer zunehmenden Bedrohung durch elektronische Kommunikationsmedien konfrontiert – allen voran Internet und E-Mail. Diese doppelseitige Bedrohung führt zu Handlungsdruck auf die etablierten Gesellschaften sowie zur Frage nach der „richtigen“ strategischen Ausrichtung.Das Buch dient der wissenschaftlich fundierten Beantwortung dieser Fragestellung. Es zeigt detailliert auf, welche Bedrohungen, aber auch welche Chancen sich für die europäischen Postgesellschaften aus den gegenwärtig beobachtbaren Marktveränderungen ergeben. Dabei werden konkrete strategische Gestaltungsempfehlungen auf Basis des Konfigurationsansatzes sowie ein neues Modell des Übergangs zwischen diesen Konfigurationen entwickelt. Es wird deutlich, dass gerade die kleineren Postgesellschaften vor immensen Herausforderungen stehen, im zukünftigen Wettbewerb zu bestehen: Ihnen bleiben breit angelegte Expansionsmöglichkeiten verwehrt. Auf Seiten der großen Gesellschaften wird von einer deutlichen Ausweitung internationaler Expansionsaktivitäten ausgegangen, an deren Ende ein Margenverfall auf breiter Front unausweichlich scheint.Das Buch wendet sich an Dozenten und Studenten der Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit den Schwerpunkten Logistik, Supply Chain Management und Unternehmensführung sowie an interessierte Führungskräfte der Logistikbranche.

Briefwechsel 1945–1968

by K. Jaspers K.H. Bauer

Bright Marketing for Small Business (Startups Ser.)

by Robert Craven

Look at your business through the eyes of your customer.Why should people bother to buy from you when they can buy from the competition? How can your marketing reach out to your customers? And what makes your business different from the rest?As a small business owner these are questions you will have to be able to answer confidently and assertively to make your business a success. You probably won't be the person marketing the product, but you are the person who best understands your business and your sales proposition and you need to ensure your marketing activity is aligned to your business plan. Bright Marketing for Small Business understands this and gives company owners and directors confidence to implement a hooked up marketing plan from research to sales. Author Robert Craven helps you pinpoint: * Who you want to be communicating with (your target audience) * What method of communication is most suitable (email, letter, phone call, Twitter?) * What your message should be (your sales proposition) Remember, in today's increasingly competitive marketplaces, people have a choice. They can buy from the 'me too' mediocrity or they can buy from the market leaders. Whether you trade locally, regionally, nationally or internationally, Bright Marketing for Small Business helps you look at your business through the eyes of your customer and put yourself ahead of the competition.Robert Craven has an extensive and practical experience of business marketing and currently the managing director of the Directors' Centre, Robert writes in an informal style which makes Bright Marketing both practical and inspiring.

Bright Modernity: Color, Commerce, and Consumer Culture (Worlds of Consumption)

by Mark Stoneman

Color is a visible technology that invisibly connects so many puzzling aspects of modern Western consumer societies—research and development, making and selling, predicting fashion trends, and more. Building on Regina Lee Blaszczyk’s go-to history of the “color revolution” in the United States, this book explores further transatlantic and multidisciplinary dimensions of the topic. Covering history from the mid nineteenth century into the immediate past, it examines the relationship between color, commerce, and consumer societies in unfamiliar settings and in the company of new kinds of experts. Readers will learn about the early dye industry, the dynamic nomenclature for color, and efforts to standardize, understand, and educate the public about color. Readers will also encounter early food coloring, new consumer goods, technical and business innovations in print and on the silver screen, the interrelationship between gender and color, and color forecasting in the fashion industry.

Bright Sparks: How Creativity and Innovation Can Ignite Business Success

by John Tusa

An enlightening insight into how creative and innovative leaders and their teams can find success, even in the most difficult circumstances.One of the biggest challenges of business leadership is recognising new opportunities and implementing them effectively. Too often, leaders fall back upon the status quo, relying upon tried and tested methods that may lead to good results but will never have the same impact as a bold new strategy. In Bright Sparks, John Tusa explores situations where pioneering leaders in various sectors have overcome challenges to deliver inspired, imaginative and bold initiatives that make a huge impact upon business and society. Through these aspirational stories of leadership, from sectors such as journalism, tech, politics and the arts, John explores the full journey of innovation and how it can lead to significant results.This is an inspirational read for any business leader interested in how to turn their boldest ideas into reality and how, in the process, professional cultures can be enhanced, revitalised and transformed.

Bright Sparks: How Creativity and Innovation Can Ignite Business Success

by John Tusa

An enlightening insight into how creative and innovative leaders and their teams can find success, even in the most difficult circumstances.One of the biggest challenges of business leadership is recognising new opportunities and implementing them effectively. Too often, leaders fall back upon the status quo, relying upon tried and tested methods that may lead to good results but will never have the same impact as a bold new strategy. In Bright Sparks, John Tusa explores situations where pioneering leaders in various sectors have overcome challenges to deliver inspired, imaginative and bold initiatives that make a huge impact upon business and society. Through these aspirational stories of leadership, from sectors such as journalism, tech, politics and the arts, John explores the full journey of innovation and how it can lead to significant results.This is an inspirational read for any business leader interested in how to turn their boldest ideas into reality and how, in the process, professional cultures can be enhanced, revitalised and transformed.

A Brighter Future: Improving the Standard of Living Now and for the Next Generation

by Richard P. Holt Daphne Greenwood

As the United States continues its slow climb out of the Great Recession, it is important to focus on new directions to improve the standard of living in America. This book explores what is behind a faltering standard of living in the United States since the early 1980s and what can be done to restore it. The book is uniquely valuable in going beyond mainstream thinking about how to restore prosperity. Economics has traditionally equated economic growth (increases in per capita income) with improvements in quality of life and the standard of living. This book questions that assumption. The different chapters in the book show the standard of living as being more than income, to include many non-market aspects such as access to public goods (roads, clean air and water, schools, parks, and museums), intangible aspects of quality of life such as equity and a sense of community, and broadly based economic opportunities. This means that improving the standard of living is a multi-dimensional challenge rather than one of solely increasing aggregate demand, productivity, or GDP. This book embodies a pluralistic approach and draws on the expertise of a wide array of thinkers. The intended audience is for various courses offered in economics, sociology, political science, public policy programs, and in environmental and ecological studies.

A Brighter Future: Improving the Standard of Living Now and for the Next Generation

by Richard P. Holt Daphne Greenwood

As the United States continues its slow climb out of the Great Recession, it is important to focus on new directions to improve the standard of living in America. This book explores what is behind a faltering standard of living in the United States since the early 1980s and what can be done to restore it. The book is uniquely valuable in going beyond mainstream thinking about how to restore prosperity. Economics has traditionally equated economic growth (increases in per capita income) with improvements in quality of life and the standard of living. This book questions that assumption. The different chapters in the book show the standard of living as being more than income, to include many non-market aspects such as access to public goods (roads, clean air and water, schools, parks, and museums), intangible aspects of quality of life such as equity and a sense of community, and broadly based economic opportunities. This means that improving the standard of living is a multi-dimensional challenge rather than one of solely increasing aggregate demand, productivity, or GDP. This book embodies a pluralistic approach and draws on the expertise of a wide array of thinkers. The intended audience is for various courses offered in economics, sociology, political science, public policy programs, and in environmental and ecological studies.

Brillante Businessmodelle im Finanzwesen: Pioniere für ein verlässliches Bank- und Versicherungswesen

by Jeroen Kemperman Jeroen Geelhoed Jennifer Op'T Hoog

Dieses Buch stellt mit Hilfe von 20 Fallstudien brillante Geschäftsmodelle für Banken, Versicherungen und Fondsgesellschaften vor. Diese Beispiele (Visa, Raiffeisen u. a.) stellen anschaulich dar, wie sich die Institute zukunfts- und konkurrenzfähig bei der Erfüllung der finanziellen Grundbedürfnisse aufstellen. Im Einzelnen sind dies: Zahlungsverkehr, Finanzierungen, Investments sowie die Absicherung von Alltags- und Spezialrisiken. Leitlinie für die vorgestellten Geschäftsmodelle ist die Schaffung eines Mehrwerts für alle Beteiligten: für Kunden, Mitarbeiter, Anteilseigner und Gesellschaft.

Brilliant Answers to Tough Interview Questions (Brilliant Business)

by Susan Hodgson

What does it take to really shine in any interview? Learn how to recognise your strengths and play to them, how to deal with your weak spots and avoid panic and clichéd answers. Discover the art of turning every question to your advantage and learn the secrets behind a brilliant answer, so you will always know the right thing to say. With over 200 of the most commonly-asked questions and ideal answers, this is the book that will make sure that you are ready to handle anything an interviewer throws at you. BRILLIANT OUTCOMES Learn how to turn any question to your advantage Feel prepared and in control – no matter what questions are asked Be ready and able to show your strengths

Brilliant Answers to Tough Interview Questions: Smart Answers To Whatever They Can Throw At You (Brilliant Business)

by Susan Hodgson

What does it take to really shine in any interview? Learn how to recognise your strengths and play to them, how to deal with your weak spots and avoid panic and clichéd answers. Discover the art of turning every question to your advantage and learn the secrets behind a brilliant answer, so you will always know the right thing to say. With over 200 of the most commonly-asked questions and ideal answers, this is the book that will make sure that you are ready to handle anything an interviewer throws at you. BRILLIANT OUTCOMES Learn how to turn any question to your advantage Feel prepared and in control – no matter what questions are asked Be ready and able to show your strengths The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

Brilliant Book-keeping: How to keep your business efficient and cost-effective (Brilliant Business)

by Martin Quinn

Successful financial management starts with effective book-keeping. Whether you run a business, are self-employed, or simply want to get to grips with your personal finances, Brilliant Book-keeping will ensure your accounts are as efficient and profitable as they should be. Thisbook will show you how to keep accurate and complete financial records. You'll never fear a tax audit again! Packed with practical, step-by-step advice to guarantee your accounts will always be in great shape.

Brilliant Book-keeping: How to keep your business efficient and cost-effective (Brilliant Business)

by Martin Quinn

Successful financial management starts with effective book-keeping. Whether you run a business, are self-employed, or simply want to get to grips with your personal finances, Brilliant Book-keeping will ensure your accounts are as efficient and profitable as they should be. Thisbook will show you how to keep accurate and complete financial records. You'll never fear a tax audit again! Packed with practical, step-by-step advice to guarantee your accounts will always be in great shape.

Brilliant Budgets and Forecasts: Your Practical Guide to Preparing and Presenting Financial Information (Brilliant Business)

by Malcolm Secrett

Writing spreadsheets, budgets and forecasts is an important part of many managers roles, but do you need help in understanding and presenting the information in a clear and concise way? This step-by-step guide shows you the advantages and potentials of using spreadsheets. After reading this book you'll be able to master company accounts; understand balance sheets, profit and loss accounts and cash flow systems; and learn to analyse and monitor your company's financial performance.BRILLIANT OUTCOMES: How to save time and gain control of your business. Ability to understand, analyse and present financial information in a clear and concise way.BRILLIANT FEATURES: Up-to-date examples and spreadsheets. On-line downloads of examples and spreadsheet models New 234mm X 156mm format to make

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