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Bürgerliches Recht: Eine Einführung in das Zivilrecht und die Grundzüge des Zivilprozessrechts (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Thomas Zerres

Eine Vielzahl von Praxis-Beispielen und einprägsame Illustrationen machen in einschlägiger Erläuterung vertraut mit den ersten drei Büchern des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches sowie den Grundzügen der Zivilprozessordnung. Studierende profitieren von dem Buch in doppelter Hinsicht: bei der Einarbeitung in das Bürgerliche Recht zu Studienbeginn und bei der Wiederholung vor dem Examen bzw. vor einer Prüfung. Die 5. Auflage ist umfassend überarbeitet und um weitere prüfungsrelevante Aspekte erweitert worden.

Bürgerliches Recht: Eine Einführung in das Zivilrecht und die Grundzüge des Zivilprozessrechts (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Thomas Zerres

Eine Vielzahl von Beispielen aus der Praxis und einprägsame Illustrationen machen in einschlägiger Erläuterung vertraut mit den ersten drei Büchern des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches sowie den Grundzügen der Zivilprozessordnung. Den Studenten an Universitäten, Fachhochschulen, Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsakademien sowie Industrie- und Handelskammern bietet sich eine doppelt wertvolle Hilfe: Zur Einarbeitung in das Bürgerliche Recht bei Studienbeginn und vor dem Examen bzw. vor einer Prüfung zur Wiederholung. Das Buch basiert auf Erfahrungen des Autors aus seiner Lehrtätigkeit. Die nun vorliegende vierte Auflage ist umfassend überarbeitet und - vor allem bedingt durch das Schuldrechtsmodernisierungsgesetz und die Zivilprozessreform - aktualisiert.

Bürgerliches Recht: Allgemeiner Teil, Schuldrecht, Sachenrecht, Zivilprozessrecht (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Thomas Zerres

Die nun vorliegende vollständig überarbeitete und aktualisierte zehnte Auflage des bewährten Lehrbuches deckt die wesentlichen Inhalte des zivilrechtlichen Lehrstoffes ab. Es werden in kompakter Form der Allgemeine Teil des BGB, das (Allgemeine und Besondere) Schuldrecht sowie das Sachenrecht dargestellt. Vervollständigt wird dieses Buch mit einem abschließenden Kapitel zum Zivilprozessrecht. Geschult werden das Verständnis für die Strukturen und Zusammenhänge im Bürgerlichen Recht und das Verständnis für die Verbindungen mit dem Zivilprozessrecht. Eine Vielzahl von Beispielen aus der Praxis, einprägsame Illustrationen, zahlreiche Schemata und Fälle mit Lösungsvorschlägen ermöglichen damit gleichzeitig auch ein anwendungsorientiertes bzw. fallorientiertes Lernen. Seine inhaltliche Kompaktheit macht es so zu einem idealen studienbegleitenden Lehrbuch für Studierende an Universitäten, Hochschulen, Berufsakademien und anderen Bildungseinrichtungen.

Bürgerliches Recht 3: Fall · Systematik · Lösung · Schuldrecht · Besonderer Teil. Kauf und Tausch · Schenkung · Miete und Pacht · Leihe · Verwahrung · Darlehen · Bürgschaft · Dienst- und Werkvertrag

by Walter Söhnlein

Dieser dritte Band der Lernbuch-Reihe behandelt den zweiten Teil des zweiten Buches des BGB, das sich mit dem "Recht der Schuldverhältnisse" befaßt. Das Gesetz gibt in den §§ 433 bis 883 eine umfangreiche Zusammenstellung von Vor­ schriften über "einzelne Schuldverhältnisse". Sie stehen nicht unter einem ge­ meinsamen Gedanken, sondern beziehen sich auf recht unterschiedliche Sach­ verhalte. Eine Gruppe umfaßt die Regelung von typischen Verträgen, die - wie z. B. Kauf, Miete, Werkvertrag - eine große Rolle im praktischen Leben spielen. Eine andere Gruppe regelt gesetzliche Schuldverhältnisse, bei denen auch ohne oder gegen den Willen der Beteiligten gegenseitige Ansprüche entstehen, wie z. B. bei der ungerechtfertigten Bereicherung oder den unerlaubten Handlungen. Der Zweck der hier zu behandelnden Rechtsgeschäfte ist mannigfaltig und kann nicht auf einen Nenner gebracht werden. Sie dienen dem Austausch von Waren und Dienstleistungen ebenso wie der Sicherung von Forderungen (z. B. Bürg­ schaft) oder dem Versprechen einer Leistung (z. B. Schuldversprechen). Die überwiegende Zahl von Vorschriften enthält kein zwingendes Recht, son­ dern erlaubt es den Parteien gemäß dem Grundsatz der Vertragsfreiheit, Rege­ lungen nach ihren Bedürfnissen zu verabreden. Das Gesetz will nur Anhalts­ punkte für eine mögliche Gestaltung des Vertrages geben und vor allem für den Fall, daß die Parteien - wie so oft - keine klare Regelung getroffen haben, eine Lösung für entstehende Streitigkeiten bieten.

Buried Treasure: Discovering and Implementing the Value of Corporate Social Responsibility

by Caleb Wall

With business under unprecedented pressure from a range of stakeholders to engage in corporate social responsibility (CSR), those working in dirty industries, developing countries and the extractive sector are finding themselves exposed to great strategic risks. Many of these companies are endeavouring to practise CSR and sustainability, but lack the knowledge to do so convincingly. Much of what has been published to date tells companies they must "do" CSR, without explaining how best to implement CSR-related policies and why this is very much in the corporate interest. Buried Treasure sets out in a series of case studies from different industries around the world a clear demonstration of how it is possible to create "shared value" for companies, communities and other stakeholders by putting CSR at the core of the business model.In implementing CSR, companies need to look beyond philanthropy, delving deeper to find the "buried treasure" of shared value creation. This is much more than finding the simple "win–win" solutions. It is about companies engaging seriously in the challenges they face in their operations and finding competitive advantage from working with stakeholders to solve these common problems. This is not easy - but where companies have done it well they have found new corporate opportunities and enhanced brand value.Buried Treasure presents a series of steps, each accompanied by an in-depth case study, to demonstrate how different companies have managed to uncover the value of CSR. They include: Anglo-American's "Zimele" programme of enterprise development in its coal and platinum mining areas in South Africa; Montana Exploradora, showing how community co-monitoring of the environment has helped build trust for a gold mine in Guatemala; Gildan, a leading sportswear manufacturer, demonstrating how garment manufacture in Honduras created meaningful local opportunities; Scandic Hotels, which has used environmental stewardship and "omtanke" to create comparative advantage in a competitive industry; and Turner Broadcasting, using corporate core competences in partnership with an NGO to leverage staff skills, enhancing public perception and staff retention.This short and accessible book will be an invaluable aid to managers and students searching for clear proof of the advantages of corporate social responsibility for business and its many stakeholders and for guidance in how to action best-practice policies.

Buried Treasure: Discovering and Implementing the Value of Corporate Social Responsibility

by Caleb Wall

With business under unprecedented pressure from a range of stakeholders to engage in corporate social responsibility (CSR), those working in dirty industries, developing countries and the extractive sector are finding themselves exposed to great strategic risks. Many of these companies are endeavouring to practise CSR and sustainability, but lack the knowledge to do so convincingly. Much of what has been published to date tells companies they must "do" CSR, without explaining how best to implement CSR-related policies and why this is very much in the corporate interest. Buried Treasure sets out in a series of case studies from different industries around the world a clear demonstration of how it is possible to create "shared value" for companies, communities and other stakeholders by putting CSR at the core of the business model.In implementing CSR, companies need to look beyond philanthropy, delving deeper to find the "buried treasure" of shared value creation. This is much more than finding the simple "win–win" solutions. It is about companies engaging seriously in the challenges they face in their operations and finding competitive advantage from working with stakeholders to solve these common problems. This is not easy - but where companies have done it well they have found new corporate opportunities and enhanced brand value.Buried Treasure presents a series of steps, each accompanied by an in-depth case study, to demonstrate how different companies have managed to uncover the value of CSR. They include: Anglo-American's "Zimele" programme of enterprise development in its coal and platinum mining areas in South Africa; Montana Exploradora, showing how community co-monitoring of the environment has helped build trust for a gold mine in Guatemala; Gildan, a leading sportswear manufacturer, demonstrating how garment manufacture in Honduras created meaningful local opportunities; Scandic Hotels, which has used environmental stewardship and "omtanke" to create comparative advantage in a competitive industry; and Turner Broadcasting, using corporate core competences in partnership with an NGO to leverage staff skills, enhancing public perception and staff retention.This short and accessible book will be an invaluable aid to managers and students searching for clear proof of the advantages of corporate social responsibility for business and its many stakeholders and for guidance in how to action best-practice policies.

Burma: The Challenge of Change in a Divided Society (St Antony's Series)

by Peter Carey

An up-to-date collection of essays by leading academics and Burma specialists covering some of the key economic, ethnic, political and social problems which currently confront Burma. The book is divided into four parts: Politics and Constitution Making, Foreign Policy, Views from the Periphery, and the Challenges of Development. Peter Carey's introduction provides a useful historical background, and assesses the political prospects for Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy following her 1995 release.

Burma’s Constitution

by Maung Maung

This is an attempt to study and interpret the Constitution of the Union of Burma which has now passed its tenth year. A constitution read outside the context of constitutional history is incomplete, and I have, therefore, tried to trace the developments which culminated in the constitution; then study its important features with reference, where necessary, to the background in which they took shape and form; and, while studying how the constitution has been working, touch lightly on contemporary events and trends. It is a vast canvas I am trying to cover and what I am able to draw on it would inevitably be sketchy. But I do not write as a historian whose focus is on detail in a narrow area. Rather, having dug and gathered the facts, I trace their sweep in history. The details I willingly and happily leave to the historians, hoping only that my study will be of some use to them, if only as a target for their learned criticism. Some of the events and people I describe are still too near, and a clear perspective is therefore difficult. What is nearest appears biggest, and I often find it tempting to see and accept that Burma's history as a new independent nation began with the students' strike of 1936 or the resistance movement during the Second World War.

Burma’s Constitution

by Maung Maung

In his former work, Burma in the Family oj Nations, Dr. Maung Maung has already gained an international reputation as a student of public affairs in Burma; in this new book he earns fresh laurels. It is mainly in two parts. In Part I he traces the genesis of the Constitution and in Part II he explains it. The first part outlines the constitutional progress of Burma under British rule, the changes under Dr. Ba Maw during the Japanese occupation, and further developments until the attainment of independence by the Anti­ Fascist People's Freedom League. Nowhere else can one find such a clear and comprehensive account of the political evolution of Burma since 1931, doubly significant by the Saya San rebellion and the birth of the Thakin movement; its value is enhanced by the reproduction of three documents not otherwise readily accessible: the interim Constitution under the Japanese; the Panglong Agreement, in which the Hill Peoples undertook to co-operate in framing the Constitution for the Union of Burma; and the original draft Constitution which the AFPFL published in May 1947 for consideration by the Constituent Assembly.

Burn: How Grit, Innovation, and a Dash of Luck Ignited a Multi-Million Dollar Success Story

by Mei Xu

Learn the fascinating story of one of America’s most successful entrepreneurs The American Dream continues to resonate with immigrants from around the world. Millions of people hope to come to the United States to build a better life for themselves and their families, often by creating and growing new ventures and companies. While not everyone succeeds, many do. Mei Xu is one of those successes. In Burn, entrepreneur and international business­woman Mei Xu tells her story of ingenuity, determination, and luck. Spanning three decades, from 1991 when she arrived at Washington’s Dulles Airport, to today, Xu’s story is one of stunning success. She built a multi-million dollar company, met and counseled thousands of entrepreneurs and businesspeople, and even advised President of the United States Barack Obama on the topic of job creation. In Burn, you’ll learn: About the creation of Mei Xu’s international lifestyle business and the success stories of other female leaders who triumphed over adversity to achieve their dreams Why the American Dream is still within your grasp, and how to reach for it How creators like Xu think differently about innovation and how you can harness her insights to build something new and exciting for yourself Burn explains how Xu’s embrace of design-driven entrepreneurship and thoughtful manufacturing powered her growth and prosperity in a truly international company. Design leadership remains vital to a robust and global economy. Burn will inspire you to follow your vision and have an impact on the world around you. Perfect for anyone seeking an engrossing and inspirational tale of success, Burn belongs on the bookshelves of professionals and entrepreneurs everywhere.

Burn: How Grit, Innovation, and a Dash of Luck Ignited a Multi-Million Dollar Success Story

by Mei Xu

Learn the fascinating story of one of America’s most successful entrepreneurs The American Dream continues to resonate with immigrants from around the world. Millions of people hope to come to the United States to build a better life for themselves and their families, often by creating and growing new ventures and companies. While not everyone succeeds, many do. Mei Xu is one of those successes. In Burn, entrepreneur and international business­woman Mei Xu tells her story of ingenuity, determination, and luck. Spanning three decades, from 1991 when she arrived at Washington’s Dulles Airport, to today, Xu’s story is one of stunning success. She built a multi-million dollar company, met and counseled thousands of entrepreneurs and businesspeople, and even advised President of the United States Barack Obama on the topic of job creation. In Burn, you’ll learn: About the creation of Mei Xu’s international lifestyle business and the success stories of other female leaders who triumphed over adversity to achieve their dreams Why the American Dream is still within your grasp, and how to reach for it How creators like Xu think differently about innovation and how you can harness her insights to build something new and exciting for yourself Burn explains how Xu’s embrace of design-driven entrepreneurship and thoughtful manufacturing powered her growth and prosperity in a truly international company. Design leadership remains vital to a robust and global economy. Burn will inspire you to follow your vision and have an impact on the world around you. Perfect for anyone seeking an engrossing and inspirational tale of success, Burn belongs on the bookshelves of professionals and entrepreneurs everywhere.

Burn Book

by Kara Swisher

From award-winning journalist Kara Swisher comes a witty, scathing, but fair accounting of the tech industry and its founders who wanted to change the world but broke it instead.While tech titans bragged they would 'move fast and break things', Kara Swisher was moving faster and breaking news. Covering the explosion of the digital sector in the early 1990s, she developed a long track record of digging up and reporting the truth of this new world order. Her consistent scoops drove one CEO to accuse her of "listening in the heating ducts" and for Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg to once say: 'It is a constant joke in the Valley when people write memos for them to say, "I hope Kara never sees this."'Burn Book is part memoir, part history and, most of all, a necessary recounting of tech's most powerful players. This is the inside story we've all been waiting for of modern Silicon Valley and the biggest boom in wealth creation in the history of the world.While still in college, Swisher got her start at The Washington Post, where she became one of the few people in journalism interested in the emerging field of tech. She was among the first to recognize the potential of the internet, accurately predicting that 'everything that could be digitized, would be digitized.' She went on to work for The Wall Story Journal, joining with Walt Mossberg to start the groundbreaking AllThingsD conference, as well as pioneering online tech sites.It's only a slight exaggeration to say Swisher has interviewed everyone. Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Bob Iger, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Meg Whitman, Peter Thiel, and Mark Zuckerberg are just a few who Swisher made sweat-figuratively and, in one famous case, literally.Despite the damage she chronicles, Swisher remains optimistic about tech's potential to help solve problems and not just create them. She calls upon the industry to make better, more thoughtful choices, even as a new set of powerful AI tools are poised to change the world yet again. At its heart, this book is a love story to, for, and about tech from someone who knows it better than anyone.Burn Book includes soaring tales of innovation and brilliant entrepreneurs, as well as Silicon Valley's much more complex history of striving, success, and failure. The book details how the commercial internet came into being and how, for all it has given the world, it now sits at the center of global power, creating a clear and present danger to humanity.

Burn The Business Plan: What Great Entrepreneurs Really Do

by Carl J. Schramm

How would you like to get business startup advice straight from the man who co-founded Global Entrepreneurship Week and StartUp America? Well now you can. Carl Schramm, the man described by The Economist as 'The Evangelist of Entrepreneurship', has written a myth-busting guide packed with tools and techniques to help you get your big idea off the ground. Carl believes that entrepreneurship has been completely misrepresented by the media, business books, university programmes and MBA courses. He believes that the perception of what it takes to start a business no longer matches the reality - which is bad news for everyone because it stops great ideas coming to life. Burn the Business Plan punctures the myth of the cool, tech-savvy 20-something entrepreneur with nothing to lose and venture capital to burn, showing that most people who start businesses are juggling careers and mortgages just like you. Burn the Business Plan is written to encourage you to get started. It demystifies the entrepreneurial process portrayed on television shows like Dragon's Den. It doesn't rely on largely irrelevant stories of overvalued tech startups, nor does it build on the largely mistaken narrative of a linear path from cold start to great success that is the essence of business planning, as taught in universities. This is the guide to starting and running a business that will actually work for the rest of us.Burn the Business Plan is for regular people who just want practical, real-world advice on how to start and run a successful business. It shows you how to avoid the common mistakes and what you need to do to put your enterprise on track for success.

Burn Out: The Endgame for Fossil Fuels

by Dieter Helm

An energy revolution is under way with far-reaching consequences for nations, companies, and the way we address climate change Low oil prices are sending shockwaves through the global economy, and longtime industry observer Dieter Helm explains how this and other shifts are the harbingers of a coming energy revolution and how the fossil fuel age will come to an end. Surveying recent surges in technological innovations, Helm’s provocative new book documents how the global move toward the internet-of-things will inexorably reduce the demand for oil, gas, and renewables—and prove more effective than current efforts to avert climate change. Oil companies and energy utilities must begin to adapt their existing business models or face future irrelevancy. Oil-exporting nations, particularly in the Middle East, will be negatively impacted, whereas the United States and European countries that are investing in new technologies may find themselves leaders in the geopolitical game. Timely and controversial, this book concludes by offering advice on what governments and businesses can and should do now to prepare for a radically different energy future.

Burning Our Money: How Government wastes our cash and what we can do about it

by Mike Denham

Britain is in the midst of a fierce battle over government spending. With debts mounting rapidly, the ?700 billion annual bill is no longer sustainable. But cuts face a wall of opposition, with dire warnings that they will ravage our society: hospital waiting lists will grow, schools will close and the poor will tumble into a new Dickensian abyss. Yet much of what the government currently spends is wasted, and public sector performance is often woeful. In Burning Our Money, Mike Denham casts a critical eye over the services we receive for our hard-earned cash, and finds them radically - often shockingly - wanting. For all the media insistence that the NHS is 'the envy of the world', it stacks up poorly against European healthcare systems. For all our apparently soaring exam grades, our children significantly underperform their future competitors in China, Korea and elsewhere. And for all our hand-wringing about abolishing poverty, our huge welfare system actually damages many of the poor it's supposed to help. Drawing on extensive research and up-to-the-minute reporting, Burning Our Money comprehensively debunks the myth that more public spending means better public services, and shows how we can - and must - get more for less.

Burning the Suit: Fighting Back Against the Aftershock of Redundancy

by Andrew Taylor

For most people, a fear of redundancy hangs over them like a dark cloud. In Andrew Taylor's case, it was a sudden, brutal push in the back. Building on his contribution to the Aftershock series on dealing with redundancy in The Sunday Times and his own personal experiences, Burning the Suit shows how it can be used as an opportunity to take control of your life. This is for anyone who is looking for more in life than a 9-5 job, featuring: Disaster or Opportunity? What am I going to do? Taking stock, taking control, and taking a new opportunity Outplacement agencies, counsellors, and career coaches Selling yourself Being your own boss Networking Making it happen

Burnout: Von Betroffenen lernen!

by Peter Buchenau Manfred Nelting

Die Leser des Buches werden von 13 Burnout-betroffenen Menschen in ihre Lebenserzählungen mitgenommen. Diese Erzählungen konnten sie alle erst jetzt aus der rückwärtigen Perspektive aufschreiben, obwohl bei allen so etwas wie eine Ahnung der Zusammenhänge während des Burnout-Prozesses anklang. Zu schmerzlich wäre es gewesen, sich einzugestehen, dass die eingeschlagene Richtung nicht stimmt bzw. den jeweiligen Alltag nicht schaffen zu können, da wir in einem Burnout-Prozess unserer Gesellschaft meist die Deutungshoheit lassen: Du bist zu schwach, Du bist ein Versager, andere schaffen das, das musst Du auch schaffen, denk dran, was Du dafür investiert hast!‘ Doch im Nachhinein haben sich alle erlaubt, selbst zu deuten, was sie erlebt haben, und bezeichnen die Erfahrung im Burnout als entscheidend wichtiges Erleben in ihrem Leben hin zu einem wesensnäheren Alltag. Die Retroperspektive erlaubt es allen den Prozess als wichtige Richtungsänderung und Reifung zu sehen und doch hätten alle sehr gerne ihren Burnout-Prozess frühzeitiger verlassen, hätten sie gewusst wie. Alle haben aber auch verstanden und dargestellt, warum es bei ihnen zum Burnout kommen ‚musste‘. Von Betroffenen lernen heißt also auch die Frage zu beantworten, inwieweit sich ein Burnout-Prozess frühzeitig bemerken lässt und ob es bewährte Exit-Strategien dafür gibt. Des weiteren kommt die Frage auf, ob es eine Burnout-Prävention geben kann. Dieses Buch gibt daher 13 persönliche Antworten.

Burnout als Chance: Kräfte mobilisieren für Beruf und Privatleben

by Gerd Datené

Wenn Sie die ersten Anzeichen des "Burnout-Syndroms" rechtzeitig erkennen und ihm mit gezielten (Vorbeuge-) Maßnahmen begegnen, werden Sie Ihre persönliche Leistungslatte immer höher legen können, ohne zu unterliegen. Das Buch enthält konkrete Anleitungen für eine "Anti-Burnout-Strategie".

Burnout als Chance: Kräfte mobilisieren für Beruf und Privatleben

by Wolfgang Siemers

Der "Newcomer" fühlt sich dank reichlich Theorie fit für den Berufsalltag. Doch in der Praxis läuft nichts wie gelernt. Per Briefwechsel mit einem "alten Hasen" zeigt der Autor, wie die Theorie dennoch flexibel und abgewandelt auf die Praxis übertragen werden kann.

Burnout For Dummies

by Eva M. Selhub

Your essential guide to beating burnout and finding fulfillment Chronic, unmanaged stress—at work, at home, or in other areas of life—can lead to burnout. Burnout For Dummies shows you the way toward understanding and overcoming this all-to-common condition of modern life. Many of us find ourselves living in a state of constant resignation, which sucks the joy out of life and can be detrimental to our physical health. The tips and exercises in this book can help you minimize stress, become more resilient and create a happier, healthier, and more satisfying life. Mindfulness and resilience guru Dr. Eva Selhub offers a science-based plan that you can use to destress, build inner resources and coping skills, and start enjoying life (and work) again. Listen to guided meditations that you can do anytime, anywhere to help cultivate mindfulness and manage your stress Discover tips for reconnecting to the joy that you felt before burnout took over Overcome the heavy burden of burnout and learn how you can find a pace for your life that feeds, rather than depletes you Find true fulfillment in your work and obligations with proven techniques for loving yourself and your life Burnout For Dummies is the essential guide for anyone feeling overwhelmed, overworked, stressed out, run-down, and ready to make a change.

Burnout For Dummies

by Eva M. Selhub

Your essential guide to beating burnout and finding fulfillment Chronic, unmanaged stress—at work, at home, or in other areas of life—can lead to burnout. Burnout For Dummies shows you the way toward understanding and overcoming this all-to-common condition of modern life. Many of us find ourselves living in a state of constant resignation, which sucks the joy out of life and can be detrimental to our physical health. The tips and exercises in this book can help you minimize stress, become more resilient and create a happier, healthier, and more satisfying life. Mindfulness and resilience guru Dr. Eva Selhub offers a science-based plan that you can use to destress, build inner resources and coping skills, and start enjoying life (and work) again. Listen to guided meditations that you can do anytime, anywhere to help cultivate mindfulness and manage your stress Discover tips for reconnecting to the joy that you felt before burnout took over Overcome the heavy burden of burnout and learn how you can find a pace for your life that feeds, rather than depletes you Find true fulfillment in your work and obligations with proven techniques for loving yourself and your life Burnout For Dummies is the essential guide for anyone feeling overwhelmed, overworked, stressed out, run-down, and ready to make a change.

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