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The Business Ethics Workshop v 1.0

by James Brusseau

On a good day in the business ethics classroom discussion charges forward; students have read the assigned case study, they’re engaged by the conflict and want to work through it. Then, there’s a bad day: students didn’t bother to do the reading and the hour sags listlessly. The key to going the first way is case studies that students want to read, and The Business Ethics Workshop by James Brusseau provides them with reality and engagement. Reality: No stilted and contrived stories about Steve Smith and Jane Jones. Excerpts from blogs and newspapers bring the weight—and provocation—of the world as it’s actually happening to the classroom.

The Business Ethics Workshop v 1.0

by James Brusseau

On a good day in the business ethics classroom discussion charges forward; students have read the assigned case study, they're engaged by the conflict and want to work through it. Then, there's a bad day: students didn't bother to do the reading and the hour sags listlessly. The key to going the first way is case studies that students want to read, and The Business Ethics Workshop by James Brusseau provides them with reality and engagement. Reality: No stilted and contrived stories about Steve Smith and Jane Jones. Excerpts from blogs and newspapers bring the weight--and provocation--of the world as it's actually happening to the classroom.

Business Ethik 3.0: Die neue integrale Ethik aus der Sicht eines CEOs

by Erhard Meyer-Galow

Prof. Dr. Erhard Meyer-Galow will mit seiner integralen Business Ethik 3.0 zu einem dringend nötigen Umdenken und Handeln anregen. Dabei geht es ihm nicht um Schadensbegrenzung und Kompromisslösungen. Er packt das Problem an der Wurzel, wo es jeden von uns betrifft, nämlich einer zunehmenden Ichbesessenheit, die weder nötig noch tolerierbar ist. Ursache dieser Fehlverhaltensweisen ist hauptsächlich die Angst vor dem Versagen. Daraus resultiert ein Mangel an Achtsamkeit, Mitgefühl, Empathie, Kongruenz und Zuverlässigkeit.Ein erfahrener CEO spricht Klartext über den Mangel an Moral in unserer Wirtschaft und legt ein Konzept für eine neue tragfähige Ethik vor, das über alle bisherigen Versuche hinausgeht. Die International Humanistic Management Association hat Prof. Dr. Erhard Meyer-Galow für sein Buch Business Ethics 3.0-The New Integral Ethics from the Perspective of a CEO als Finalist des Book Awards 2018 (Practice) ausgezeichnet.

Business-Etikette in Europa: Stilsicher auftreten, Umgangsformen beherrschen

by Gerhard Uhl Elke Uhl-Vetter

Europa mit seinen vielfältigen und spezifischen Kulturstandards ist wirtschaftlich einer der größten Handelspartner der Welt. Viele internationale Unternehmen sind bereits auf europäischem Boden aktiv oder möchten auf diesem Markt präsent sein. Die damit verbundenen Anforderungen an die persönlichen interkulturellen Handlungskompetenzen sind stark gestiegen und wachsen immer noch. Dieses Buch ist an der Geschäftswirklichkeit internationaler Fach- und Führungskräfte ausgerichtet. Es gibt aktuelle Handlungsempfehlungen und zeigt die Veränderungen sowie Hintergründe des interkulturellen Verhaltens auf dem europäischen Parkett auf. Durch die zahlreichen und intensiven Expertenbefragungen profitieren die Leser auch in der dritten, durchgesehenen Auflage von den Erfahrungen hochrangiger Wirtschaftsprofis. Dargestellt werden Umgangsformen bei den wichtigsten Handelspartnern Deutschlands: Frankreich, Großbritannien, Italien, Niederlande, Österreich, Polen, Russland, Schweden, Schweiz, Spanien, Türkei und Tschechische Republik.

Business-Etikette in Europa: Stilsicher auftreten, Umgangsformen beherrschen

by Gerhard Uhl Elke Uhl-Vetter

Dieser Ratgeber bietet viel Wissenswertes über die Umgangsformen bei den wichtigsten Handelspartnern Deutschlands: Frankreich, Großbritannien, Italien, Niederlande, Österreich, Polen, Russland, Schweden, Schweiz, Spanien und die Tschechische Republik. Ein überzeugender Reisebegleiter für Manager, die im Geschäftsleben sicher auftreten und Fettnäpfchen möglichst aus dem Weg gehen wollen.

Business-Etikette in Europa: Stilsicher auftreten, Umgangsformen beherrschen

by Gerhard Uhl Elke Uhl-Vetter

Die Autoren betonen besonders die Unterschiede zu Deutschland und nennen viele Beispiele. Mit vielen nützlichen Tipps, um auf internationalem Parkett zu reüssieren. Für die 2. Auflage wurden einige Aktualisierungen und Ergänzungen vorgenommen; ganz neu ist ein Kapitel über den immer wichtiger werdenden Handelspartner Türkei.

Business Etiquette For Dummies

by Sue Fox

Make no mistake, etiquette is as important in business as it is in everyday life — it’s also a lot more complicated. From email and phone communications to personal interviews to adapting to corporate and international cultural differences, Business Etiquette For Dummies, 2nd Edition, keeps you on your best behavior in any business situation. This friendly, authoritative guide shows you how to develop good etiquette on the job and navigate today’s diverse and complex business environment with great success. You’ll get savvy tips for dressing the part, making polite conversation, minding your manners at meetings and meals, behaving at off-site events, handling ethical dilemmas, and conducting international business. You’ll find out how to behave gracefully during tense negotiations, improve your communication skills, and overcome all sorts of work-related challenges. Discover how to: Make a great first impression Meet and greet with ease Be a good company representative Practice proper online etiquette Adapt to the changing rules of etiquette Deal with difficult personalities without losing your cool Become a well-mannered traveler Develop good relationships with your peers, staff, and superiors Give compliments and offer criticism Respect physical, racial, ethnic, and gender differences at work Learn the difference between “casual Friday” and sloppy Saturday Develop cubicle courtesy Avoid conversational faux pas Business etiquette is as important to your success as doing your job well. Read Business Etiquette For Dummies, 2nd Edition, and make no mistake.

Business Etiquette For Dummies

by Sue Fox

Make no mistake, etiquette is as important in business as it is in everyday life — it’s also a lot more complicated. From email and phone communications to personal interviews to adapting to corporate and international cultural differences, Business Etiquette For Dummies, 2nd Edition, keeps you on your best behavior in any business situation. This friendly, authoritative guide shows you how to develop good etiquette on the job and navigate today’s diverse and complex business environment with great success. You’ll get savvy tips for dressing the part, making polite conversation, minding your manners at meetings and meals, behaving at off-site events, handling ethical dilemmas, and conducting international business. You’ll find out how to behave gracefully during tense negotiations, improve your communication skills, and overcome all sorts of work-related challenges. Discover how to: Make a great first impression Meet and greet with ease Be a good company representative Practice proper online etiquette Adapt to the changing rules of etiquette Deal with difficult personalities without losing your cool Become a well-mannered traveler Develop good relationships with your peers, staff, and superiors Give compliments and offer criticism Respect physical, racial, ethnic, and gender differences at work Learn the difference between “casual Friday” and sloppy Saturday Develop cubicle courtesy Avoid conversational faux pas Business etiquette is as important to your success as doing your job well. Read Business Etiquette For Dummies, 2nd Edition, and make no mistake.

Business Events

by Rob Davidson

The dynamic and fast-expanding business events sector plays a vital role in the professional lives of hundreds of millions of people worldwide by providing settings in which they can meet for the purposes of negotiation, deliberation, motivation, the dissemination of knowledge, and the celebration of their greatest career-related achievements. This book provides a sound practical and theoretical context for the study of this subject by covering, in depth, all categories of business-related events including corporate meetings, association conferences, political events, incentive travel, exhibitions, corporate hospitality, awards ceremonies and SMERF (social, military, educational, religious and fraternal) gatherings. This new edition has been extensively revised and updated to reflect recent developments in business events, including: Five new chapters on business events destination marketing, knowledge, sustainability, ethics and technology New ‘It’s my job’ voice boxes offering practical insights from people employed in the business events industry A wide range of new case studies illustrating business events throughout the world, including emerging business events destinations such as Russia and the Middle East Written in an accessible yet analytical manner, Business Events is essential reading for all students of events, tourism and hospitality management.

Business Events (Events Management Ser.)

by Rob Davidson

The dynamic and fast-expanding business events sector plays a vital role in the professional lives of hundreds of millions of people worldwide by providing settings in which they can meet for the purposes of negotiation, deliberation, motivation, the dissemination of knowledge, and the celebration of their greatest career-related achievements. This book provides a sound practical and theoretical context for the study of this subject by covering, in depth, all categories of business-related events including corporate meetings, association conferences, political events, incentive travel, exhibitions, corporate hospitality, awards ceremonies and SMERF (social, military, educational, religious and fraternal) gatherings. This new edition has been extensively revised and updated to reflect recent developments in business events, including: Five new chapters on business events destination marketing, knowledge, sustainability, ethics and technology New ‘It’s my job’ voice boxes offering practical insights from people employed in the business events industry A wide range of new case studies illustrating business events throughout the world, including emerging business events destinations such as Russia and the Middle East Written in an accessible yet analytical manner, Business Events is essential reading for all students of events, tourism and hospitality management.

Business Excellence: Die Vielfalt erfolgreich managen (essentials)

by Louis Klein

In diesem essential bringt Louis Klein die Praxis der gängigen betrieblichen Erfolgsmodelle von Business Excellence in einer instrumentellen Gesamtperspektive zusammen. Dabei zeigt sich, wie vieles schon vorhanden ist und nur darauf wartet, angepackt zu werden, aber auch, dass es nach wie vor blinde Flecken gibt, vor allem, wenn es um den Menschen geht.

Business Excellence: Exceeding Your Customers' Expectations Each Time, All the Time

by Suresh Patel

An organization seeking to sustain and continually improve its competitive performance over many years must have a strategy – a Business Excellence Strategy.This book guides and illustrates the strategic journey to excellence, from major initiatives through everyday improvement programs, and helps the reader achieve of important strategic objectives and goals. This business excellence program will unite employees, internal and external customers, and suppliers through a common set of goals. It will help your organization improve at a pace that will outperform the competition and will elevate your company's reputation and marketshare.

Business Excellence: Exceeding Your Customers' Expectations Each Time, All the Time

by Suresh Patel

An organization seeking to sustain and continually improve its competitive performance over many years must have a strategy – a Business Excellence Strategy.This book guides and illustrates the strategic journey to excellence, from major initiatives through everyday improvement programs, and helps the reader achieve of important strategic objectives and goals. This business excellence program will unite employees, internal and external customers, and suppliers through a common set of goals. It will help your organization improve at a pace that will outperform the competition and will elevate your company's reputation and marketshare.

Business Excellence effizient und verständlich: Praxisrelevantes Wissen in 24 Schritten (XKnow-how für das Management)

by Ronald Schnetzer Michael Soukup

Business Excellence durch Prozessmanagement! Das Buch gibt prägnant Erfahrungen aus der Praxis und Forschung wieder und beschreibt, wie vorzugehen ist. In 24 Schritten wird anschaulich und kompakt Punkt für Punkt präsentiert.

Business Excellence in Produktion und Logistik: Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Walter Habenicht

by Wolf Wenger Martin Josef Geiger Andreas Kleine

In diesem Band beschreiben rund 20 ExpertInnen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis aktuelle Entwicklungsperspektiven in Themenfeldern aus Produktion und Logistik. Sie zeigen, welche Konzepte im Mittelpunkt der zugehörigen wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Forschung stehen und beschreiben ihre Umsetzung.

Business Excellence in technologieorientierten Unternehmen

by Christian Marxt Fredrik Hacklin

Während der vergangenen Jahrzehnte hat Fritz Fahrni erfolgreich als Unternehmer wie auch als Professor an der ETH Zürich und der Universität St. Gallen gewirkt. Der Fokus seiner Arbeit lag im Bereich Business Excellence. Bereits als Unternehmer hat er das EFQM-Modell aktiv mitgestaltet und es als Wissenschaftler vor allem in Bezug auf technologieorientierte Unternehmen präzisiert. In dieser Festschrift aus Anlass der Emeritierung von Fritz Fahrni greifen Kollegen und Wegbegleiter aktuelle Fragestellungen rund um das Thema Business Excellence auf.

Business Exit Planning: Options, Value Enhancement, and Transaction Management for Business Owners (Wiley Finance #9)

by Les Nemethy

The most viable exit strategies for owners of mid-sized companies For many business owners, cashing out of a business is a lifelong dream. For some, exiting a business can be a nightmare. Business Exit Planning: Options, Value Enhancement, and Transaction Management for Business Owners provides a comprehensive view of what every business owner needs to know to plan and execute a business exit. The book Includes 30 relevant mini-case studies on business exit planning and transaction management, as well as a glossary of frequently used technical terms Details options for those owners who no longer want to be active in the business, as well as for those who want to remain invested Covers a wide range of topics related to business exit planning and transaction management, including IPO, MBO, refinancing, ESOPs, building an exit team, business plan and valuation, due diligence, and estate planning Regardless of whether a business owner seeks an immediate exit or a staged exit over time, Business Exit Planning provides a comprehensive strategy and road map to define exit-related objectives.

Business Exit Planning: Options, Value Enhancement, and Transaction Management for Business Owners (Wiley Finance #9)

by Les Nemethy

The most viable exit strategies for owners of mid-sized companies For many business owners, cashing out of a business is a lifelong dream. For some, exiting a business can be a nightmare. Business Exit Planning: Options, Value Enhancement, and Transaction Management for Business Owners provides a comprehensive view of what every business owner needs to know to plan and execute a business exit. The book Includes 30 relevant mini-case studies on business exit planning and transaction management, as well as a glossary of frequently used technical terms Details options for those owners who no longer want to be active in the business, as well as for those who want to remain invested Covers a wide range of topics related to business exit planning and transaction management, including IPO, MBO, refinancing, ESOPs, building an exit team, business plan and valuation, due diligence, and estate planning Regardless of whether a business owner seeks an immediate exit or a staged exit over time, Business Exit Planning provides a comprehensive strategy and road map to define exit-related objectives.

Business Expectations: Are You Using Technology to its Fullest?

by Bryan Bergeron Jeffrey Blander

A practical roadmap for developing successful e-business strategic plans E-Business Expectations provides a critical review of the process of evolving a product or service from prototype to practical technology. Written by renown expert on technology issues, this book provides business executives and managers with tools they can use to position their product or service to best satisfy their customer's needs. It guides readers from unrealistic to realistic expectations of what a firm's technology can bring to its e-business strategy. This book provides managers with a solid foundation for creating realistic technological expectations for their e-business in terms of repeatability, scalability, operating environment, resource requirements, and compatibility issues. Bryan P. Bergeron (Brookline, MA) has over thirty years' experience designing and working with computers and electronics. He teaches technology and business at Harvard Medical School and MIT and is Editor in Chief of e.MD, Technical Editor of Postgraduate Medicine, among others. Dr. Bergeron is President of Archetype Technologies, Inc., a technology consulting firm.

Business Experimentation: A Practical Guide for Driving Innovation and Performance in Your Business

by Jules Goddard Rob James

Business experimentation can not only create measurable value for organizations, it can provide the inspiration to break with the habits of the past by dealing with challenges and exploiting opportunities. This book is a step-by-step, practical guide to the six-stage business experiment process, from understanding the problem or opportunity to creating a hypothesis, planning the experiment and analysing the findings. It explores the top design criteria for successful and impactful business experiments and includes valuable case studies covering problem solving, performance improvement and strategic innovation. To support the process, Business Experimentation also includes downloadable, editable templates, worksheets and activities for use in ideation and planning sessions. This business experiment methodology can be used to support a one-off initiative or to underpin desired behaviours as part of a wider organizational change programme, as experimentation encourages people to be bold, take risks and seek new ways of doing things. Based on programmes the authors have run with a variety of leading organizations and with astonishing results, this practical guide provides businesses with the confidence to get started with experimentation and the tools to succeed.

Business Explained

by Stephen Barnes

Business Explained is an innovative new text for first year undergraduates on Business and Management courses. It offers a comprehensive introduction and overview of the issues and principles of Business and Management, and explores the interrelationship or all areas of business in an accessible and informative way.

Business Exposed: The naked truth about what really goes on in the world of business (Financial Times Series)

by Freek Vermeulen

Cutting edge, pithy and provocative, this is a no-holds barred analysis of business today that will entertain and appal you in equal measure. This entertaining expose of the business world, reveals the scandals, quirks, counter-intuitive behaviour and downright silliness that make up business today. Based on rigorous research and verifiable facts, combining revelation, story-telling and analysis, this book will defy anyone to read it and not emerge better-informed about the reality of business today. From the collective inertia of middle management to the cowardly reluctance of CEOs to stand out from the crowd, from the soap opera of working with consultants to the mystery of why top executives’ salaries bear no resemblance to the performance of their firms, Business Exposed will entertain and appal you in equal measure. The author is widely recognised as a new and emerging business guru, speaking of him in 2009, the Financial Times said: “The London Business School associate professor is a rising star and his pithy observations are both accessible and authoritative.”

Business Express: Build a successful and effective working relationship with your boss (Business Express)

by Mike Clayton

If you need to be in the know in no time at all, Business Express will get you from beginner to brilliant in the blink of an eye. This fast, focused and carefully crafted eBook will help you pick up all the essential knowledge you need to know about managing updwards, all in the shortest possible time. Learn just when you need to or well in advance; read it at your desk or on the move; dip in and out or start from scratch - it’s all up to you. But however you use it, you’ll quickly feel more confident, competent and better equipped to make things happen and keep moving ahead. - Save time – it’s quick and easy to read - Get smart – just the essential knowledge you need - Feel good – watch your confidence grow Business Express – know how in no time! It'll only take about 30 minutes for you to get up to speed on one of these other great Business Express subjects too. Seach by title, download your copies and start knowing more in no time: Managing Your Time Productively Developing Your Influencing Skills Delegating Effectively Managing Upwards Successfully Persuasive Communication Leading Your Team Through Change Making Effective Decisions Managing Performance and Appraisals Managing Difficult Situations and Discussions Negotiating With Confidence Writing Compelling Reports and Proposals Presenting With Confidence How to be Assertive Effective Mentoring Coaching Effectively Managing Productive Meetings Motivating Your Team Embracing Diversity Within Your Team Effective Problem Solving Interviewing With Confidence

Business Express: Develop a simple and practical process for delegating successfully (Business Express)

by Mike Clayton

If you need to be in the know in no time at all, Business Express will get you from beginner to brilliant in the blink of an eye. This fast, focused and carefully crafted eBook will help you pick up all the essential knowledge you need to know about delegation, all in the shortest possible time. Learn just when you need to or well in advance; read it at your desk or on the move; dip in and out or start from scratch - it’s all up to you. But however you use it, you’ll quickly feel more confident, competent and better equipped to make things happen and keep moving ahead. - Save time – it’s quick and easy to read - Get smart – just the essential knowledge you need - Feel good – watch your confidence grow Business Express – know how in no time! It'll only take about 30 minutes for you to get up to speed on one of these other great Business Express subjects too. Seach by title, download your copies and start knowing more in no time: Managing Your Time Productively Developing Your Influencing Skills Delegating Effectively Managing Upwards Successfully Persuasive Communication Leading Your Team Through Change Making Effective Decisions Managing Performance and Appraisals Managing Difficult Situations and Discussions Negotiating With Confidence Writing Compelling Reports and Proposals Presenting With Confidence How to be Assertive Effective Mentoring Coaching Effectively Managing Productive Meetings Motivating Your Team Embracing Diversity Within Your Team Effective Problem Solving Interviewing With Confidence

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